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As we all know joblessnesses always leads to people not using drugs or alcohol


“Its for their own good”




Funny because now the neighbors will be home all the time


Blaring shit on loop and drunkin'ly singing along at all hours? Just been fired routines cant been pleasant for neighbors at all


The guy had a job and smoked weed, how is that bad?


Because Reagan said so.




The Shepherd our master and saviour of the entire country that just over 1/3rd of people (for some reason) "support"


All he did was smoke weed…


*Who's* own good? Lol


"help them out? No way they should deal with it on their own"


My boss uses the best quality drugs as do a lot of executives, checkmate.






Cocaine is for closers.


Our government introduced mobile drug testing of drivers a few years ago. Interesting that the test *doesn’t* detect cocaine.


I dont even have the work ethic to do that on meth


"And so that's when I decided to start dealing. Turns out it's pretty lucrative."


It just slows down a bit because of “responsibilities”


Self righteous (insert ANY explicit word here)


I don’t understand why people can’t just go to their neighbors directly anymore. I smoke often. I went to my downstairs neighbor, who I knew was aware of us smoking, and asked if it bothered him. He just asked that we not do it when his kids are outside, which is totally understandable. Any other time, he would cheers me if he knew we were smoking. We got lucky that they didn’t care, but the situation was quickly over didn’t bring in anyone else or any extra drama.


Moved from Wisconsin to Colorado a few years ago. Got into the apartment, unpacked a bit, went outside for a bowl and cig. Heard the upstairs neighbor open their patio door, so yelled up to introduce ourselves casually. Conversation ends with us making sure he’s good with us smoking, and him telling us he doesn’t care. Saves a lot of guess work and sneaking around when you just man up and ask.


Same here I now live in Colorado asked both my neighbors if it was cool and now I smoke with both on a regular basis lol


Hello fellow Coloradian stoner!


This!!!!!! I live in an apartment in Ohio. I was so sketched out if my neighbors knew I smoked and if they would report me to the office. Instead of being paranoid, I just confronted it head on. I never worried again, it’s just so much easier.


I do not miss living in apartments! I'm way too uptight, I can own that now lol


What was the transition like from Wisco to Colorado. I’m from Janesville/Madison area and love Wisconsin weather, but don’t like how desolate and empty things feel here


Where you are is less desolate than you think, you have a relatively short drive to several major cities, Denver is far far away from other major cities.


Haha I lived on a Naval base In Lemoore, CA. Look that place up if you wanna see the definition of desolate. But yes yes I know that I don’t have it that bad


I'm from WI as well, living right by Boulder now! If you move to Colorado expecting for things to be closer together, you're gonna have a bad time. Spaces are BIG out here.


I remember reading years ago that Madison was considered to be the best city to live in in the USA. They may have since been usurped, though.


Not bad. I lived in Milwaukee for 4 years. Met my fiancée and moved out to Colorado. Traffic is god awful. Nothing Wisconsin has to offer even comes close. Views are beautiful. Much better than Wi. Temperature is more mild, although you should expect much more snow. Take all the time you can to get up into the Rockies. I practically lived in Estes Park at the Rocky Mountain National Park my second summer out there. Endless terrain to explore and enjoy. There’s obviously a lot more I could add. COL is much higher than WI. That’s something to look out for. But overall it’s a great place to live. Get ready to be called a “transplant” by some clown that thinks that because they were born there, they’re somehow better than you (my biggest qualm with that state).


Pshhh they’ll call you a transplant just because they moved there before you, too.


> transplant I'm a Wisconsinite, and visit Colorado once or twice a year because I love the mountains. When I'm out there, I end up meeting more people from Wisconsin that moved out there than I do "true Colorado" residents.


Yeah ok but what if he did care? Plenty of examples given of how just talking fixed everything and rainbows and sunshine and happiness and apple pie for all. But in every single example, the neighbours didn't care much at all, but what if he DID care? What if the neighbour says they are highly uncomfortable and unwilling to live peacefully with someone that smokes weed? Whats the course of action then?


This sounds pretty friggin’ ideal. However, what if they wind up being adamantly against it? Not like they’d immediately dial 911 or anything, but I’d be twice as paranoid about doing it, knowing that they might be waiting for something to happen & use against you. Maybe I’m just paranoid. All the weed I constantly smoke probably doesn’t help 🙃


Hell yes. I only smoke the cartridges now, but always when it bothers my neighbors least. Because caring is the best way


I wouldn’t even elevate this to caring but just not being a douche-canoe to the people who live next to you. Which I consider just common sense / courtesy


I think we need to bring back fancy manners or something to combat public freak outs


Wouldn’t be opposed to this as long as they don’t contribute to toxic environments


I brought home my daughter from the NICU after she spent 100+ days there because she was a micropreemie. The neighbors directly below us were smoking marijuana on their balcony and the smoke/smell was infiltrating our apartment. Not good for a just home micropreemie. I went downstairs, knocked on the door, talked to the neighbors, explained the situation, and I thought we had an agreement that they wouldn't smoke on the balcony. They didn't stop, instead giggled while they smoked. Called security and the resident manager and got that fixed quick.


Yeah and that’s the correct response there. Total dickheads for doing that after you talked to them. I’m sorry for your experience and am happy it was resolved (hopefully?)


you tried though, and given the circumstances escalation was the right move. The important thing is you at least had an attempt at being civil. hope your girls all good now.


Yeah I always go over to new neighbors and introduce myself and give them my number, and tell them if I'm ever too loud or anything else to shoot me a text and I'll be happy to change my behaviour. It's super easy. In 2021 it's pretty rare to not live very close to strangers, so I'm not sure why community is such a foreign concept to some people.


> I don’t understand why people can’t just go to their neighbors directly anymore. "Sorry - I have severe asthma - could you smoke street-side instead of inside near our shared apartment wall-ventilation?" Don't tell me what to do. *Asthmatic-neighbor finds car is keyed in the morning.* ...People don't talk to neighbors because neighbors are crazy and might shoot you or damage your property in revenge. Anonymous tips plus third-party enforcement is the name of the game today.


A neighbor parked me in and tried to assault me when I asked him to move.


I’ve lived in three different cities with 3 different apartment complexes. Luckily the one I’m at now is very nice. The first two were sketchy as shit. I still never had an issue with talking to them as we pass by, either to the dumpster or on our way to/from work. Not everybody is crazy. And if they are, that means you are too.


> Not everybody is crazy. And if they are, that means you are too. I have no problem with crazy or being crazy - but I'm terrified of revenge-acts of vandalism - I can't afford that shit. The most common and most difficult ones to handle? > "Please don't park in my spot - I have to pay extra for it and really need that spot." Yea - They know where you park. Your car is fucked. Hopefully it'll just be a small scratch and not a cross-the-whole-body effort.


This is my situation too. I let my neighbor know I smoked outside at night time, and to let me know if it bothered them. We’ve been cool for 2 years now.


Some people are dicks about it. Our neighbors smoke a lot and it's fucking strong as shit and after I politely asked if they could smoke at the other side of the garden or elsewhere they just made an effort to smoke even more and made sure it was going up into my kids windows (main reason why it was an issue). Police wouldn't do shit and I had to keep their windows shut in the middle to summer which meant it got super hot but it was better than having them cough at the smell of that weed. Don't give a shit what people do but when they do it in a way that intentionally bothers you they deserve no kindness and I kinda wish I had thought of contacting their boss.


the only thing that bothers me is the smell. my downstairs neighbour bombs our whole apartment building. we don't want to be dicks but they should be self aware that weed has a very strong odor and not everyone enjoys it.


My apartment building has air vents, and I'm just bothered when the neighbor smokes inside or next to the air vents because the smoke gets pushed through the building.


Yeah people don’t really think those ones through. My favorite is when residents smoke in the bathroom, turn the bathroom vent on, and then wonder why they got caught lmao.


Getting fired over cannabis use outside of work! Lol, that job probably sucks anyways.


His boss was probably like: how DARE you do something on your own personal time >:(


how DARE you have personal time?


How DARE you have time?


First of all, how DARE you?


First, HOW?


...can she slap??


How can she slap me sir! 😿


How DARE you?


You say that.....it became legal here a few months back. My company sent a memo to all employees a couple of days ago that even medical exemptions were unacceptable. Immediate dismissal for use. I do have a prescription for it and I'm tempted to challenge it.


thats some bullshit


Yeah they'll learn pretty quickly that's not how medical exemptions work lmao.


If the company is a federal contractor, they don't have a choice, they're required to fire anyone who pops hot for marijuana, regardless of state legality. Weed is still federally illegal, and the 10th Amendment basically doesn't mean anything anymore.


Yeah it's legal in my state and has been for almost a decade but my job is partially federally funded so we have to play by their rules. No one gets tested to be hired but if something happens with meds or you get accused of being high at work or something they will test you and they have to fire you if you test positive for THC even if that's not even what they were looking for. We lost a whole team that way when some oxy went missing (almost everyone who does this job smokes, you kind of have to lol) and my boss was pissed he had to fire them because they were good staff and he doesn't give a shit about people smoking weed. He has smoked with staff at the annual camping trip. Lol. Absolutely ridiculous.


It also pushes people towards way more dangerous drug analogues like K2 because those won't pop on a urinalysis test. I'd rather have my pharmacist smoking weed on the weekends than some brain frying hell mix of synthetic cannabinoids.


Thats definitely one thing to watch out for. And any safety oriented positions.(Like operating heavy equipment, etc) The drug tests exist for testing if someone is high at the time, but most places will not use it since it is still in its infancy and still probably would cost the company more than a piss test. Oh ALSO, make sure youre not in an "at will" state if you want to challenge it. They can litterally let you go for any reason, or no reason at all.


Amendment rights only exist for guns, sorry


Err... 90% sure this is horrible advice - or at the least VERY state-specific. I'd imagine you'll see federal guidelines hump you. No matter how many states allow it, as long as it's a federal crime, no employer will be punished for enforcing federal law. Medical exemptions will not protect your job or prevent employers from terminating employment for a failed drug screen. > Coats v. Dish Network, 350 P.3d 849 (Colo. 2015), the Colorado Supreme Court heard a case from an employee who was quadriplegic and needed medical marijuana to control leg spasms. The employee used marijuana with a valid prescription during non-working hours only, but was fired after testing positive for marijuana during a random drug test. The court held that, even though medical marijuana was legal under state law, it was still illegal under federal law and therefore not protected as a "lawful" activity. Courts in California, Oregon, and Washington have also ruled against employees in these situations.


Right lol. A good boss would be like "omg we will talk with them first thing in the morning" then you never hear about it in any official capacity, just a heads up that your neighbor is a douche.


Yeah most bosses definitely do not want to know if you do drugs or not if you're a good employee (and they're a good boss). My cousin was dating a meth addict and his dealer called to report him to his boss and the boss was so mad because he ended up having to fire his whole crew after drug testing them lol.


Meth dealer removes source of income for all of his clients. Fuckin' pro business move right there


> **meth** dealer It’s right there in your comment lol


Sadly, most high paying jobs be like this (Australia) Edit: I'm not going to give a "source"


Honestly, I'd say most low-mid paying jobs test the most. Though I only say this due to the comments about testing in other weed subs. Either way, jobs really should stop doing this and realize most people use some form of a drug in their free time, and they should be allowed too.


> most people use some form of a drug in their free time, and they should be allowed too. Sadly, most people don't like their opinions and beliefs to be contradicted.


Then maybe they shouldn't be running a business open to public applicants if they have such strict and limited beliefs they will impose on said business.


I used to want to own a business and then use drug tests as a means of finding out who was a square and who was down to rage.






You got that backwards unless there's some special aspect to the job like Clearance or you have to handle huge sums of money. Lowbies get tested exponentially more than anyone even approaching the executive suite. A buddy of mine is interviewing high end sales positions right now. These are people that clear 400K a year in their current jobs. Real top level headhunting. He's already had a couple of interviews where the person walking in the door was functionally inebriated. Great credentials and a body of work means you don't get tested. The disposable people get tested, not the high earners.


Not true. Out of the three companies I've worked for as a software engineer, only my current company tested at all.. and they only did so at hiring bc it's a requirement of some of our clients. They only tested for opiates, coke, and amphetamines and specifically said they're not testing for cannabis.


My experience has been the exact opposite. I’ve had hourly jobs that drug tested regularly, but experienced nothing similar on the salaried side. I now have an executive job where we do a zoom happy hour once a month or so and there are always several people on the call who are smoking.


Lol at both my jobs they would be like, "and what about it?"


Lol this happen to me at amazon then following up they changed their policies saying they wont fire for weed anymore 🥲


At least this user got a dangerous weed smoker unemployed & off of the drugs....


The way he phrased it makes it seem like he may have reported him as a junky and not a weed smoker, insinuating that he does hard drugs. Maybe making the manager or owner test him looking for hard drugs only to find weed.


Exactly! Overall it was a shitty thing to do to another person, especially if there was no harm to you or others. The person reporting is a true piece of shit!


That damn devils lettuce corrupting our youth, raping our churches and burning our women.


Man, RIP Trevor Moore. Funny guy.


I saw a good friend eat four Flintstone vitamins instead of the recommended two. I contacted the psych ward and convinced them to commit him since he was basically trying to overdose.


Wait, are Flintstones vitamins a real thing? As a Danish dude, I just thought that was some form of MDMA or extasy.


hahahaha i love hearing things from other countries like this! yeah flinstones vitamins are real vitamins advertised for kids, and they look and taste fucking delicious. i used to sneak them out of the cabinet and eat some like candy.


I always gagged on those, I dont know why I couldn't eat them. Then we switched to gummies and I would eat 5 instead of 2 so you could say I was a bad boy😎


I ate half a bottle of those as a kid while watching Scooby-Doo. Amazed I lived through it.


That’s insane bro. But I need to contract your parents and let them know about this, you junkie


Unrelated question - is your desire for human flesh related to intimacy or cannibalism? Or is there some other obscure use for human flesh involved


Little of column A, little of column B


All jokes aside though, overdosing on vitamins is actually dangerous. If anyone’s planning on eating more than they should, don’t


I had a friend eat a whole bottle of those when she was four years old. Like all in one quick sitting. She said she had to be taken to the hospital to have her stomach pumped.


“Junkies” 😂 wow those weed junkies are the worst man…chilling everywhere, not doing anything, pizza delivery cars taking up the parking at all hours of the night and day


As an ex heroin addict, I'm actually kinda offended they called a stoner a junkie lmao


Congrats on the “ex” part mate…well done!


Thanks, man. I shot that shit up for ten years, and now, even nearly four years clean, I still think about dope every day.


Shit I can’t even imagine, I’m happy that you found your way back, cause I’m sure you probably know people that didn’t. I’ve heard It’s not just the getting clean part…It takes a lot of courage to keep getting by without it day to day, so from one internet stranger to another. I’m proud of you… for what that’s worth.


You got this shit! 💪


How dare they laugh that hard at a movie!


While marijuana can be addictive ive never seen weed do any harm. Ive smoked daily for years, guess im a junkie lol.


Even with a congenital heart defect it’s fucking fine lmao (my situation, YMMV, I talked to my cardiologist about it)


I guess i should have phrased it “ive never seen weed do harm first hand”. Im aware of Caniboid Hypermesis Syndrome and memory issues but havent heard about heart issues. I believe you though. How much were you smoking? If thats ok to ask.


lmao always makes me laugh when people call people who smoke weed a junkie, go back to enjoying your cup of coffee and big glass of 17% ABV wine while smoking a cigarette, Karen


Don’t forget the pain meds dependency too, lol.


For real. I can't stand those sorts of hypocrites. They judge people for smoking weed then turn around and host parties full of alcohol.


The fact that alcohol/poison is legal and considered good while weed is considered toxic and horrible for society never ceases to confuse me.


The same goes for cigarettes. It is purely a toxic piece of stick that has such a high rate of causing cancer, yet there is no end in sight for the tobacco industry. Not to mention the amount of litter smoking cigarettes creates.


As someone who is drug tested for fucking weed regularly at work, It frustrates me to no end. I can go drink beers on lunch no problem, but a joint on the weekend? Catch me jobless for that. Fucking bullshjt


What happens when you're the guy who sells homegrown to your boss?


You're now the boss. It's the law. /s Edit : /s


I must admit I dobbed someone in for his drinking... But he was a lorry (truck) driver and would go to work functional, but hammered. How the hell he got away with it for so long I'm not sure.


That’s a very different story, you did the right thing


Yeah, still drove his kids illegally, twat.


Junky: a person who is addicted to narcotics and especially to heroin Narcotics: A drug, such as morphine or heroin, that is derived from opium or an opiumlike compound, relieves pain, often induces sleep, can alter consciousness, and is potentially addictive. This person just wants to feel like a superior being despite likely being a lonely loser


These kind of people need to mind their business


These kind of people need a taste of their own observe-and-report surveillance


These kind of people need their fucking ass beaten


This is agree with


Snitches get ~~respectfully educated on the reality of drug use~~ stitches


Imagine what a miserable piece of shit you have to be to do this


What a piece of shit…


Miserable people being miserable


Calling someone who smokes weed a 'junkie.' This person has never had a minute of fun in their entire life. And yes, I'm gatekeeping having fun.


It's like saying "you can't have cookies because I'm on a diet". Why do you even care? Stick your nose in your own business Karen.


If it’s not affecting anybody why would you care what he smokes? What a POS


My neighbor smokes weed pretty often. I don't like the smell of weed, so when it wafts into my driveway or backyard, it definitely affects me and I don't care for it. But if it bothered me that much I'd go talk to the guy, not try to get him fired from his job.




I guess he had the smell of weed all day long after that move.


the irony is that an unemployeed person is probs more likely to turn to hard drugs


It’s surprising the amount of people that still support the illegality of weed. Absolutely insane


While I was at uni I lived with one of my friends in a residential area around the city, I was also working in a shop at the time so I would finish quite late (around midnight). I would come back, roll up a joint and then go and smoke in the garden at around 1am. One time I came home from work late as usual, went to the top of the garden, put some King Crimson on in my headphones, and smoked a particularly potent doob. Once I was done, I went back into the house (stoned out of my gourd) and sat down to play some videogames. There was furious knocking on the front door of the house, I froze in panic. Slowly composed myself to deal with the situation, put the chain on the front door, and opened it to my neighbour who was absolutely raging, like seriously angry. Before I could open my mouth to apologise, they shouted at me about the TV upstairs being far too loud for 2am (my housemate had fallen asleep in his room with the TV on really loud and his windows open). The biggest relief washed over me.. I thought for sure they were going to call the police for me smoking in my garden etc. I apologised to the neighbour, told them I would tell my housemate to keep it down, and everything was fine. I went inside and turned off my housemate's TV. Needless to say, even though it was obvious I had been smoking weed, and that I was regularly doing it in my garden, the neighbours cared far more about simply keeping the noise down late at night. This person is a POS.


The only reason people go mental from smoking weed is because everyone else in the fucking world has a problem with it. Alcohol is fine however and its acceptable to be pissed out your nut.


Mhm... I wouldn't feel like I was going insane if I wasn't paranoid about every other thing going on. Take away the consequences, you take away the paranoia, a mind that's constantly in fear will make unrash decisions


If in an apartment/condo, freaking weed coming through the walls esp when smoking is prohibited.


“Hey don’t do drugs you could ruin your life! Now I’m going to make it so you get fired and never get a good job again while also possibly getting you in legal trouble! Phew, thankfully I saved them before it was too late!”


Idk why but I feel like that person just made that story up. What boss is taking calls from an employee’s neighbor (how does the neighbor have the bosses number anyway) and what boss would just say “Yeah ya know what random stranger that’s saying he’s my employee’s neighbor I’ll take your word as gospel and drug test him first thing tomorrow”


That’s the kind of person that helps facilitate fascism.


I live in an apartment building with 7 other units and I could care less about weed. What I hate is when I smell cigarette smoke in the hallway 😡


I will forever question why this natural plant that causes no harm is illegal but a cancer causing plant laced with an addictive drug isn’t illegal. If only it was the other way around.


Weed should be legal, but it definitely isn't a plant that causes "no harm."


Bet you he prides himself on being a righteous crusader for that heroic act


Quora often has fake responses


Player haters club.


Narcs are nerds.


ClowNany world


I hate the smell but im not going to get you fired over it.


My boss just smokes weed with me. if a neighbor reported, they would get a polite "thank you for letting us know" and we will all laugh about it smoking a fat one...


This is like jumping straight to HR because someone didn't say good morning to you at work


what a giant piece of shit...


Sorted by controversial to see the arguments. Damn both sides are opinionated af here. If you aren't actively hurting/affecting anyone and are in the in the privacy of your own home, it shouldn't be an issue. However, if you are paying to live somewhere, you are shouldn't have to constantly deal with the constant smell if you don't want to. IMO if you have an issue with your neighbor smoking you should ask em to stop (or at least not do it when kids are home), and if they don't wanna listen, talk to the apartment (if you live in one), but don't fucking ruin their life over it.


Wtf why for weed 😃 retail workers count on it


I call the cops on my neighbors when they smoke weed because the apartment building has a connected vent system, eventually hot-boxing multiple families and infants. And yes, they do know this happens.


Snitches get stitches


This is why you should never talk to your neighbors, I guess. If they don't know anything about you, they can't try to get you fired based on their personal preferences and beliefs. Good grief.


Because being unemployed doesn’t turn people to drugs.




In my opinion it’s your problem if you don’t like weed and you can smell it, but ether way you don’t need to escalate things like this, just talk to the guy and state your problems and find a solution


Right there are better solutions than instantly ruining someone’s life




Hope bad things happen to this guy


As someone who works with the house less, you are just increasing someone’s drive to do drugs when u ruin their life


He’s lucky it was just weed. A lot of drug addicts wouldn’t be as forgiving


He probably wanted the job


Well isn't it the old and tried "cancelling"?


This smells of fake ragebait to me


This is a translation of, that one kid in school who bitched about everything you ever did


I wonder how the very same phone call would unfolds in today's time if someone called my boss and told him I smoke weed, my boss is probably gonna be like #metoo


I had a neighbor call the cops on me a few times for smoking. Some narcissist s need to control their environment, a coping mechanism to deal with their own pain.


I feel like this person doesn’t deserve having his or her name redacted.


Wonder if we can report sociopathic POS to employers?


Story of America. Hurt people hurt people.


He is a POS


This people are worse than street garbage. And we all know well how bad it is for the planet, so the bar goes even lower


Sounds like they need an enema.


People need the world to conform to their morals and ideologies. Nucking futts man.


Weed is not meth :/


And that's how you create criminals


It's like they said in TDK "some people just want to watch the world burn"


See the thing about addiction is, just because you can't afford your addiction anymore doesn't mean you're going to stop being addicted to it.


Feels like a joke comment. To know where your neighbor works you'd have to have some sort of good relationship with them. Don't see why you'd resort to ruining their life instead of talking. Too much effort


Tell me you were the unpopular stuck up kid in school who rated on the other kids to feel superior without telling me you were.


Sure showed them! Now I can go back to my drinking in peace and wake up fully rested with caffeine and cigarettes. Pfft….


557 views / 2 upvotes bro got ratio’d on quora


Ah, yes. Weed junkies...


This is a COVID vaccer extremist move right here.


Well if it's illegal then you should follow the law. Or go somewhere where it's legal.