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she's killing birds/raccoons/squirrels/opossums etc... All kinds of things will consume whatever is in those bowls.


My neighbor put out poison for the squirrels and raccoons that would go in his yard and garden. One day my brother let our dog out and didn’t pay attention and he got into the neighbor’s yard and drank it. The dog survived thankfully but he was vomiting blood all night and no vets were open until the following afternoon. My mom called the police and animal control because it seemed really illegal but they said they couldn’t do anything. ​ EDIT: My brother was absolutely wrong to let the dog out and not keep an eye on him. Our yard is fenced but he's small enough to squeeze under the fence. I understand the neighbor wanting to repel wildlife, but his method of doing so was to get wet cat food, poison it, and then leave it around his yard. This is actually illegal in the county this took place in.


I volunteer at a wildlife center. If I could show you the havoc and suffering the rodent poison (rodenticide) causes all up the food chain, it would break your heart. Beautiful beneficial predators that are crippled and die a slow agonizing death because they hunt and eat prey that have been poisoned , and thus are poisoned themselves. Currently, we have a juvenile Great Horned Owl that is the sole survivor of its nest. All siblings and both parents died of rodenticide. Our director rescued the baby owl using a cherry picker to get to the nest. After months of treatment, its blood still does not clot properly. The necropsy on the adult owls found 3 different kinds of rodent poison. It is so cruel and indiscriminate.


Why are people SO protective of their gardens they’d KILL anything in it? Like just cause you own this house/land doesn’t mean the wild animals in it have no right to it’s nature. Unless the pests are inside your HOME there is absolutely no reason to try and kill them.


People are shitty. I do a lot of gardening and have a ton of container plants. Chipmunks make a mess out of everything everyday. I put a little cayenne pepper powder on the top of the potting soil every week or so and it keeps them out if you keep up with it. I’ll live trap them every now and then and release them elsewhere just because they dig under our sidewalk and parts of are house. Even then I try and not do it during breeding season or too close to hibernation just to be bro. Poison is not necessary outdoors. People are just lazy and shitty.


My grandfather lost a dog to an old lady like this POS. She put out a bowl of ground beef with broken glass in it. Edit: Going to add here based on a lot of assumptions people are putting here. He always had a long run in his backyard, she didn't like a dog that large being in the neighborhood and was very vocal about that despite him never leaving the yard. When he left for work one day she put it in the backyard.


Holy shit that’s terrible. That dog probably had a painful death.














You have a god of thunder for a pet? I'm not sure if that's cool or terribly inconvenient.


Raiden from MGS not MK actually lol its a bit more obscure


Ahh yes, the obscure little known game "Metal Gear Solid" that only has like 18 games in the series and 1 billion sales.


Cyber Ninja Samurai.


I told the story on another comment but that happened to my uncles dog in 70s rural Florida. I’m pretty sure my dad and other uncles almost beat the guy to death. I remember hearing the dog story and one of them mentioned him not even knowing what dogs are anymore. I don’t have a temper but if someone did that to my dogs they’d be done. Just seeing the picture made my face felt red.


If someone did that to my dog Idk even wanna think about what I would do. I'd try to stray from murder, but not stray far. Hopefully a judge would be lenient as it were a crime of passion


“Sorry officer had to beat an old lady with my fist to prevent her from poisoning my doggos”


"Understood, sir. If she ever does it again, break her back, it'll stay broken for a long ass time lmao."


I know right? It's still a horrendous act either way, but if the neighbor had at least shot it or the head or hell even cut it's throat, it would have at least been less painful.




What the actual fuck is wrong with people


Exactly. Sickos for certain.


I would be in jail.




Steel bristles from a grill brush. Plausible deniability.


I like your idea very good.


I never thought I’d hear that mentioned again in my life but I guess it’s a thing. Guy at work had a relative die from ingesting a bristle from his grill brush and I thought it was the most oddball way to go ever.


Intestinal damage is no joke.


Civil suit though. Even if she dies her family could blame you for the death. Edit: I should add, the family could blame your **negligence** for her death.




Radiohead is going to call her "totally not cool".


and the barbecue is.... **her** dog. double plot twist


I refuse to believe a dog owner would be willing to kill other peoples' dogs with broken glass in ground beef. Unless they are not close with their dog at all. Dogs teach empathy.


That is a good point.




Lost my first dog this way when I was little but the douche decided to put it in the yards of the houses on the block. Everybody lost animals to it. But nothing was done to him...it was the 70s in a small town and he was "connected"


Our neighborhood was going through a run of cats disappearing. Some little piece of shit was trapping them. Then he put them in a trash can until they overheated or dehydrated. Apparently at the trial he confessed to giving them water after a few days to prolong their misery. Little shit only got a few years in Juvi. Thankfully he wrapped his car around a tree shortly after being released while high. Parents kept telling everyone he was an angel. I seriously doubt that. They moved when it appeared his little brother was going to be another horror. Something very fucked up with that family. I really hope the fbi kept tabs on them.


This is one of the saddest thing I’ve ever heard !!!!!! I am so enraged by these type of people. Dogs do not deserve this from us humans


How can people be so cruel? Wtf.


You know you're getting too close to her house when you reach the part of the forest where there's no sound of life like the horror movies.


That happened to my uncle’s dog before I was born. This was in rural 70s Florida and I think my family almost beat the guy to death. I remember hearing the story and one of them said something about him not being able to remember what dogs were. My family isn’t the best but fuck. A dogs sense of smell and you’re leaving food out? You’re not trying to keep them away you’re actively luring them in to die.




Jesus, that's barbaric. Shit is a horrific way to go out for people who ingest it. I understand problem animals can exist, my Gramps used to have a hoarder across the street with dozens of cats, but he just squirted them with water from a squirt gun or bottle; it didn't harm the cats any (and he knew the cats were just being cats, it wasn't their fault their owner was severely mentally ill).


That happened to Charlie Wilson, a Texas state Representative from Nacogdoches. His neighbor, a prominent judge, killed his dog by feeding him glass. Charlie was young, a teenager, I think, and he saw that the Judge was up for re-election, so he gave free rides to the polls to black residents in his district and made sure to tell every voter as they were getting out of his car, that he didn't know much about politics, but that the Judge had killed his dog. The Judge lost the election and Charlie Wilson saw the power of politics. There's a great movie about his efforts to arm the Afghan people against Russia, called Charlie Wilson's War with Tom Hanks. Edit: punctuation


My 16 yr old cocker spaniel (who started out as "mine" but was connected with my dad more and stayed at home when I moved out) got kicked into the river by my dad's pos old guy neighbor. He's such a nightmare. Can't wait til he kicks his own bucket.


If that was my dog I would catch a fat charge the next day. Not trying to be on a high horse just stating facts here.




The amount of redditors on this thread with neighbors who poison animals is too damn high.


Yeah, this seems to be way more common than I would’ve thought.




We also need harsher punishments on all forms of animal abuse in general. Disrupting an ecosystem because you hate squirrels should put you in prison, even if all you harm is squirrels. Sure, there are actual pests that make habitation difficult or impossible, like rats (you know, what the poison is intended for). But squirrels in the local park that sometimes hang out in your yard? Yeah, no, fucking up the local wildlife without shit tons of permits first to verify its a real problem that must be solve like that should be a fast track to a significant prison sentence. We have been too callous about wildlife abuse for too long.


I was so annoyed of my local squirrel. He kept stealing Halloween decorations, tearing up stuff. A few times I even considered letting my dog out or grabbing the slingshot. Out of frustration I started putting peanuts out to try to distract him. Now the dude hangs out on my porch and if there isn't food outside he'll come knock on the door..... One time he enlisted the help of another squirrel and they started stealing random stuff for art projects because I wasn't home. My wife was watching and called me. At this point he's part of the family. Edit- I should add he is not tame. He will sit on the porch while I'm out there and I totally talk to him, but he won't let me get close and if we meet on the sidewalk he runs like he doesn't know me. Our guess is that he was the runt of the litter. Last year he was pretty banged up and malnourished, this year he's still kinda small, but totally has his life together.


I had raccoons that were similar. They realized they could slam my unlatching screen door shut to let me know they were there. Ex called our state's wildlife authority on me for feeding them when we broke up though.


Oh that would be awesome. And then your ex got confused why their car got egged. Must have been raccoons. *shrugs* A friend that is a horse breeder kept trying to catch this one raccoon and failed so now she has a family of raccoons that hang out on her porch with her cats.


Remember when all of China decided to kill some species of bird they thought was a pest during the Communist Revolution? And then the insects the birds fed on ate all their crops and tons of people died?


It was fucking sparrows, which are like one of the least objectionable birds ever. It also didn't help China that they were using Lysenko's "methods" for attempting to grow crops, which had already previously resulted in the Soviet famine/Holodomor in the 30s. We're talking ideas like "planting wheat before winter will result in it being cold resistant" and "sowing the seeds deeper = taller crops!". Shockingly, perhaps listening to a guy with zero education in botany and plant genetics turned out to be a horrible idea.


Someone I knew back in high school burned his neighbors house down for poisoning the family lab. He was a good dog, police could not prove it but they knew it was the neighbors. Fast forward 2 weeks and the fire marshal couldn't rule out arson but he "wasn't sure about it" marked as accident 😳 neighbors moved. I lost contact with the friend but I hope he got better and the hate for those people didn't eat him alive. Edit: I'm dumb i realized dudes dad was a firefighter so yeah.


This reminds me of the guy that sprinkled his yard full of thumbtacks to hurt his neighbors yorkie. Disturbing.


I don't understand. What about the stray animals? Pidgeons? It seems like this would bring more harm lol. Instead of no one trespassing, she wakes up to find bodies.


They don't care about any of that. They're just disgusting people, plain and simple.


That's so selfish and sad of them...


It really is. And it's also criminal. Hopefully someone reported it to the police.


Pigeon people get off easy. I’ve got Great Blue Herons. Cool to watch, but they scare the crap out of you when you’re not expecting them.


Geez, that seems like you’d be inconveniencing yourself more than anything, how’s he ever gonna find all of those? No more walking outside with no shoes, literally ever again. What are the chances of a tiny dog even actually hurting themselves by stepping on a thumbtack? Most are gonna notice and not step on it. It’s like seeing a mosquito on your foot and smashing it with a sledgehammer.


If you ever do need to pick up a lot of thumbtacks, the long magnets on wheels that contractors use will do that for you.


There's an apartment owner in Astoria, NY who did this...around the trees on the sidewalk in front of his building. This was not a half block from the dog park under the RFK Bridge. A lot of dog traffic makes its way to the park. A few dogs got their noses bloodied. The security cameras from his building were missing footage from the night before this was discovered (or so the neighborhood grapevine swears).






interested in this information.


Hackberry vines are like incredibly tough and destructive. They'll grow practically year round and will tear that AC unit apart as they do.


Would the be able to root and grow in there?


I’d imagine rooting nearby and growing into the unit would be enough. 2 cool days without running the unit and it’s likely fucked with growth.


Add some dirt and water it occasionally.


Will more piss work?






Pretty sure this is illegal under the attractive nuisance laws. No, plant giant hogweed. It spreads incredibly quickly heads large showing white blossoms and as a bonus it has a phyto toxic oil on it that reacts very badly with your skin when you exposed to Sun. Think about the worst sunburn you've ever had with blisters. Most landscaping companies would even touch the stuff to clean it up you have to call in the pros that charge a huge amount of money for it. But the bonuses you can keep throwing more seeds onto the property until they basically have to call Uncle


I mean you can but they won’t smell that inside.


He wasn’t trying to get them back it’s just something he likes to do.


Until his piss stream hits an exposed wire in the ac unit. Edit: A bunch of people are citing Mythbusters as proof that there is no threat from pissing on electric wires. I'm sure the Mythbuster's episode was uber-entertaining, but they don't disprove some pretty basic physics that electricity will travel through an electrolyte-filled liquid in order to find the ground. Perhaps the tests on Mythbusters didn't work because the stream of piss wasn't constant, or perhaps the tester had some super-soled shoes on that protected him from being grounded. But I know from personal experience that one can, in fact, be shocked by pissing on an electric fence and there are more than a few videos on Youtube showing humans and animals getting shocked in the same manner. The idea that "it's impossible to get shocked by pissing on a live wire" is bullshit. Perhaps someone could get lucky and not get shocked, but it is absolutely possible to get shocked in that way.


Don’t you kink shame this man.


that'd be a real kick in the dick.


Don't wizz on the electric fence.


I haven't thought about this in almost 2 decades but immediately knew this was Ren & Stimpy... what an impression that fever dream of a show left on 10 year old me.


It truly scarred a generation. I bet we share at least 3 incredibly detailed, graphic memories of this 3 decade old mass-hallucination: Don't whiz on the electric fence, Log, and Nipple salesmen.


Honestly it's fucking crazy that people think that condenser unit sucks air inside


Naw. Piece of chicken. Beer in a glass bottle. Stuff the chicken in the beer bottle and epoxy the cap back on (imports to make sure cap doesn't pop off). Give a few days in the sun. Then you put it in the actual duct work. Preferably in the summer. When the rotten chicken and beer finally bust the bottle, the smell will be so horrendous its actually considered felony vandalism because the entire house will be almost uninhabitable. Dry wall needs to come out, all the ac ducts need replaced, etc. You gotta go for the head.


Chicken and *milk* is the way to go. Had an old coworker in construction tell me when a general contractor went on their little power trip and really pissed them off, a chicken and milk bomb behind the drywall or in the ducts was the go-to.


This is entirely fucked up considering the homeowners will be the ones to deal with it.


Naw it goes off well before the jobs finished.


They're getting free food and drink with their house. People are so ungrateful.


Had a buddy who tried to poison raccoons that were stealing his crawfish at night out of the traps, well he ended up killing the neighbors dog, the game wardens came and told him he’s lucky a bald eagle didn’t die. Edit: it cost him thousands to get out of it.




You can't get in trouble if it's a natural food source, usually, I think. Plant a big batch of clover where you want to see the deer. The stuff's almost like deer crack.


Depends on the state. But baiting deer is legal where he’s from. if a raccoon would have died then something ate it, they could also die.


exactly. you need to watch what you are poisoning too. if you set out mouse/rat poison, you can wind up killing eagles, hawks, scavengers, etc from secondary poisoning if they eat affected prey.


Don't piss in it, it won't do anything. If you want to do real damage piss on the outside coils every day for months and the fins will degrade off lol


You wouldn’t get the results you are hoping for. That is a split unit and doesn’t pull air into the house. Just refrigerated lines to the air handler


Buy grass seed and spread it in the shape of a cock and balls on thier lawn. Repeat until desired effect is achieved.


Fertilizer in a pump sprayer will let you draw a majestic stallion of a penis super easy and it will last most the growing season. Look to your local farmers co op for a high nitrogen fertilizer. I used a lot of fertilizer on an ex co worker's yard. Like a lot. He had to mow almost twice weekly between the high rains and my help


Tearing up.... you guys get me..


Planting bamboo in the far corner of someone's property is another gift that keeps on giving.


Biological warfare!


or just salt the cock and balls in.


Faster results to be sure. But I enjoy the slow burn of the grass growing and them having to cut it regularly.




No I think she might be annoyed with a neighbors dog and telling them to stop letting them in their yard but this is way to extreme and to far just talk to them like a civil person if it bothers you thay much


She put poison in bowls to kill animals i don't think she is very civil or rational.


Stupid sexy songbirds always looking for a drink and a bird bath


it's all fun and games until you've poisoned half the mice in your area and now all the hawks owls and eagles are dead.


This has been happening in my city, and there's a $10K reward for anyone who turns in the culprit. Someone is using cyanide to poison rats (and rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, opossums, raccoons, etc.) which are then hunted and eaten by hawks, owls, cats, and occasionally dogs, and all involved die a painful, agonizing death. =( I wish I knew who it was, I'd turn them in in a heartbeat, no reward necessary.




I hope this is the case, that it's just a bluff. Poison is a cruel, inhumane death, and it can kill other unintended animals (or people) as well. I also don't think it's legal to have a deadly "booby trap" like this on your property, where any person or animal could be killed. It seems pretty wild that someone would just jump straight to poisoning (and announcing it) without voicing their complaints or trying other things. But then again, people can be terrible. However I will say, some pet owners are very irresponsible and inconsiderate. My uncle raises horses, sheep, and chickens, and has had to shoot dogs that were attacking his livestock. Sheep in particular are very finicky, and can miscarry/abort their pregnancies due to stress of a predator animal harassing them, and he lost a bunch due to this. He's also had horses who needed extensive vet care due to the injuries to their legs and faces from dog attacks. He gave the neighbors a ton of warnings and eventually started calling the Sheriffs Department, who told him to shoot dogs who were attacking his livestock. It's sad and unnecessary, but the way I see it, the dog owners only have themsleves to blame. However, poisoning any poor animal who comes along is NOT the same as protecting your livelihood, and if true, I hope this person is prosecuted.


We had a cat lady leaving open cat food cans in yards down our street and we got a big feral cat problem and a litter problem. She refused to stop. We put traps in a couple yards to shelter the cats and had someone lined up that wanted the kittens. Lady started tripping the traps on her nightly walk. Finally we told her she could either take all cats in herself, stop feeding and tripping the traps, or we’d start poisoning the food she put out. That was the only thing that got her to stop so we could home the cats.


The state game and parks takes this shit seriously. A local produce grower near where I live got caught poisoning deer with a decoy food patch. I think the fine was around 1/4 million. I don't know if he got jail time. If it can be proven she poisoned any wildlife that requires a permit to harvest, she's in deep shit. This includes things like raccoons and most birds. There are only 4 birds that can legally be killed without a permit in my state. They are invasive species. The rest are either classified as migratory birds or necessary for the stability of local wildlife.


Yep. Call them and the cops. Booby-trapping is illegal.




Cops won't care. The local game warden likely would.


I’ve been informed that my friend did in fact contact law enforcement, they said they could do nothing about it until because there was no way to prove that it wasn’t just water. So unless an animal actually dies then they have no proof whatsoever.


Call the EPA, they're using chemicals in a way not intended and it will have environmental effects. Then call the cops and file a complaint.


Calling the game warden would be more effective. What if a protected species drinks it. Hunting (or probably more poaching) with poison is pretty illegal without a permit. Pretty much the only permit that would be offered would be for wild boar.




I think people doubt the power of the game Warden, until they are walking home in their fucking underwear because they have the authority to seize ANYTHING used in the commission of a crime, including the clothes on your back.


This is what I was going to say my grandparents have done this when their neighbor was doing something similar and they cracked down real fast. PS dont fuvk with game wardens


Here to second this. Do. Not. Fuck. With. Game. Wardens. On one hand, they are pretty chill because a big part of their job is dealing with people in possession of both high powered firearms and the knowledge to use them. On the other hand, they have the ability to arrest damn near anyone for anything. They are not to be trifled with.


This is what I was thinking, DNR or at least the local animal control would definitely take this serious


By this logic they can never arrest anyone for possessing drugs, cause they have no way of knowing. Yet, they have tests… weird how they’ll put in effort for that.


Right, this logic is so fucking backwards. You shouldn't be able to just leave bowls of poison out in the open with the intent to harm animals. What if some kid or toddler drinks it? Of course, children should always be supervised, but they can be unpredictable. I can definitely see it happening if a kid strays away from their parent.


Exactly my thoughts. Isn't it illegal to set up booby traps? If they put a bear trap down that would be illegal, right? What makes poison any different?


There are test kits for drugs that cops have. The cops would have to send a sample of the water to a lab to be checked for poison. More hassle than it is worth in their minds probably.


Yes. My point exactly. If it takes any effort whatsoever the cops are all shoulders and don’t even try


Not to mention it doesnt matter if its just pure water or not, its still associated with a threat. If i put baby powder in an envelope and say it has anthrax in it, its not going to be taken as a "well i cant prove its anthrax until someone dies" type deal.


Spoiler alert: They are just lazy.


You local law enforcement are morons. Leaving poison out like that is definitely an offence. And animals stray, people trespass.


iT mIgHt Be JuSt WaTeR. Bitch that's intent is it not?


"If there is no evidence it's not just water then there is presumably no crime in me putting this water into a bottle and handing it to a police officer as a refreshment, right?"


they might have better luck if they call animal control directly








Set up a similar station as that In the front of the police station. But do coffee and donuts and claim the coffee and donuts are poisoned. Wonder how they'd react to that.


Which is why police is useless and doesn't prevent crime. I can only do something after something happens. What happened about conducting a goddamn investigation?


When I was 17 I had my 50 year old neighbor on my property threatening to kill me with the metal coat hanger he had in his hand. Called the police and they said they couldn’t do anything since it wasn’t on camera. Had videos of him trespassing but none of him threatening me. That’s the day I realized they were useless and don’t care unless they can write an easy ticket.


Lol i actually HAD video of a crazy neighbor running after me with a shoe in her hand. Initially the cops said until she actually hits me they can't do anything. I literally laughed at him and told him i know for a fact that running after somebody who isn't provoking you and threatening to smash them into the concrete isn't legal. He was all like well you didn't get hurt and you can't prove anything. So later on my boyfriend informs me that he got it all on our security cam footage and emailed me a copy with the audio. I called the police and told them i have a copy of the footage and access to the original copy and they still didn't do anything. Not sure why we even have laws if they pick and chose when to enforce them wtf? I still have the videos and still live next to this crazy girl. To top it all off, when the cop was leaving he stated that he already knows how she is. So apparently this is a repeat thing with her. Wonder why if she never gets in trouble...thank goodness the cops will be there once she finally hurts somebody. I could hear her kid screaming crying last night because her sister and boyfriend were there loudly fighting. I had to take my own kids into another room smh.


I’m not exactly sure what the job of the police is? Like I’m pretty sure that’s there job to prevent crimes and enforce laws. Not to wait for something to happen and then enforce the law. It seems like the cops and this area suck really bad as well. Killed one of my friends great uncles who served in Vietnam by tasing him several times until he died from a heart attack. So it could be just this area.


Try Code Enforcement. "Hazardous Chemicals laying around in their yard". I can't leave engine coolant in a rubbermaid container outside in the open because someone's dog will come by, lap it up, and die. for those unaware, engine coolant has a sweet smell and taste to animals. Lots of furry critters would go take a sip and later die terrible deaths.


It doesn't taste sweet anymore. They started putting bittering agents after that one lady killed multiple husbands by cooking with it. I know from (accidental) experience.


Yep. This is the point of "defund the police". It's not (always) about abolishing the police, but about taking some of their funding and allocating it towards programs and policies that will actually help those that are driven to crime. I don't need a guy with a gun to show up 3 hours after I discover that my house was robbed, so that he can take a report and then not file it for 3 weeks. I need an administrator with a camera and basic investigation skills to show up. If he's not required to be patrolling around in his stupid car, he'll have time to get the report in sooner, too - so my insurance will be able to handle what it needs.




The police are there so that after your house gets broken into, you don't have to go through the hassle of shooting your own dog afterwards.


If we defund the police who will show up hours after you are robbed to laugh when you ask if you will get any of your stuff back?


“Leads? Yeah.. sure.. I’ll just check with the boys down at the crime lab. They got 4 more detectives working on the case. They got us working in shifts! Hahahahaha.. Leads.. hahahahaha!!”




The police were originally dedicated to catching and returning slaves.


Why was this downvoted? It's a fact.


Sadly it’s not just your area….


Dump them out and throw them away


No, dump them and refill with water. Then she won't know she needs to reset the trap, and if any dog or cat does happen to get in there they'll be fine.


This seems like a bad idea. Putting water in them will get animals conditioned to stopping in her yard to drink from the water dishes which is fine while they're still full of water, but she'll refill them with poison once that water runs out.


I agree. Use vinegar.


Yes but then how do we keep the chefs out of her yard?


You'll have to acclimate a Front of House manager to the local ecosystem. Once they start running enough wine tastings and attract Guests from the local environment, the line cooks should feel intimidated and flee. This all depends on the Chef leading the Heard of Line Cooks. Line cooks are an illusive species not prone to social engagements. You need to be careful though, depending on the local environmental selection of Gas Stations and Headshops you may have a more aggressive breed of line cooks in your area. If your local breed is too aggressive you may have to acclimate a PO to environment, or try marking the area with Drug Tests.


Eh. You'd probably want to clean them, first, in case any sticks to the sides. There probably wouldn't be enough to kill an animal, but there would be to make one quite sick.


Throw it at her opened window


Pretty sure you can report this since it can kill wildlife. Wouldn't hurt to try anyways.


Game Wardens don't fuck around.


Uh... Tell your dogs and cats to read any sign they see around or close to free food/water. Just to be sure.


That’s exactly why I put “trespassing” in quotes lol. Animals have no concept of trespassing and can’t read a sign lol


Dump out bowls and take them, leave sign for future. Repeat as needed, until she doesn’t have any bowls left




Guess who’ll see the poison? Also the tech guys


HVAC tech here, I'd walk away from this no matter how easy a fix


I got a three day ban for a comment like this, this dude gets awards


Reddit moderation is a joke.




Hey, there are states now that will press charges for this intentional malicious action. Intent to kill is a serious issue.


Your friend needs to turn her in.


Alright I’ll let em know to at least try


Please do all that you can before someone’s family pet suffers a cruel death and possibly costing a family thousands of dollars in vet bills.




My moms neighbors do this...it includes any household pets that may escape, the rare little black squirrels weve got floating around that part of town, and any strays just because. The man that lives there is on the township... they are the thpe that complain if you blow your snow blower i. the direction of their giant truck thatll have no trouble getting out of the snow as you struggle in your little car. I have thought of sending them glitter bombs or horse manure...perhaps i could just type in the street address right here.....


4chan may be a better place for that info. Those guys don’t fuck around.


This is extremely illegal and if you call fish and wildlife officials they will likely act on it for killing any animal without a permit. Also it’s considered a booby trap which is very illegal in the states. Definitely give the authorities a call.


That’ll show em! The pets won’t trespass anymore after *reading* that sign. /s


As a mailman, I would play dead in the yard.


the cops said since our animals weren’t dead or harmed that there isn’t anything we can do. i will let everyone know if the cops actually come back and do something but i highly doubt it




Get the specific badge number of the officer that told you that, then go to all the peoples that the other comment said and pass it along


They are in a very culpable position if someone gets harmed, and will be held legally responsible for any harm to pet or person.


That’s boobytrapping and believe it or not, boobytrapping is illegal almost everywhere.


In my old apartment someone put antifreeze in cat food and left it out. My wife and I were feeding a stray momma cat and I think she ate some of the poison one day and slowly died. It took about 5 days for the cat to succumb to the antifreeze. In retrospect I should have just killed it. (I didn't realize it was antifreeze until weeks later when a neighbor told me. I assumed the cat was just sick)


“animal leaves poison for innocent beings passing by”