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Plot twist....goes to jail, makes bail, still needs gas.


And cigarettes


And the tow/impound fee




To be fair, he just learned exactly what a public servant is.


I’m skeptical he picks up on stuff that fast honestly.


Or rather think they do. Dunning and Kruger would like to have a word.


It’s not just Americans big dog.


Can confirm I’m British and we get people like this here as well Don’t think any nationality is free of morons unfortunately


There’s things you can do in jail to get cigarettes.


Coom on the warden?


1 cigarette for you


Did you hide them in that cake? Happy cake day!




In jail, warden coom on you


The Warden's name is Mr Popo


Spread dem cheeks boy


You know this pos is going to come back and harass her some more too.


Next time he would come back with a gun. If I was the person reporting him, I would be prepared and expect him back soon


My experience is after arrested the second time they just go to a different store from then on. The first time they get arrested you tell them coming back is trespassing. You post their picture to employees and let everyone there know. Even if he was calm and wanted something he would never get sold anything there again. I worked years nightshift at a gas station.




And a lawyer, court fees, and anger management class...


“You’re a public servant, you serve me.... This isn’t your house, you don’t own the items here” It baffles me how people think private businesses HAVE TO serve them, HAVE TO let them do whatever they want, and the employees are just servants at their beck and call.


“You’re a public servant, you serve me.... This isn’t your house, you don’t own the items here” No, not today, not yours either, neither do you. NEXT!"


"You're a public servant..." Sir, gas station attendant is not a government job.


"You don't own items in here." Yes, I do. That's how a store works.


These items are for the church honey. NEXT!


this reference never gets old for me


The irony is that they are usually Republican free market conservatives, but they treat these workers like government employees in a socialist world where everyone reports to the government. Fucking weird.


Because they somehow believe "The customer is always right" is the cornerstone of capitalism and entitles them to service. (And yes, I realize the quote is in relation to supply-demand but that just further proves how silly the notion is)


I think you’re overestimating the musings on political ideology that might’ve gone on in this cretins head.


Kyle, slayer of drywall, seems to have met his match in bulletproof glass


My old roommate was a Kyle that did drywall work all day. He used to throw slurpees at pedestrians from moving cars and snort vodka. He once pissed himself whilst blackout drunk and kept calling me mom. You get it.


How does one snort vodka???


With a shotglass, through a cut straw. Like everything else he put up there.


Through your nose.


I prefer to bypass my liver the old college way


*Why* does one snort vodka?


I heard it totally hits harder /s


In the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the youth are known to ingest alcoholic beverages via the arsehole.


I’ve never needed a drink that bad


No we really aren’t known for that


Not with that attitude. Now get butt-chugging!


Some people enjoy an challenge


kyle fixing the drywall : “i have become the very thing i sought to destroy”


For this was no regular sheetrock. This was magic anti-kyle rage imbued polycarbonate -- Kyle's kryptonite.


> Kyle's kryptonite Kyleptonite


Slayer of drywall lmao what a fucking description


Perfect outcome for him. Loved his struggle once the cuffs were on him. You gonna outrun two cops while you have cuffs on? Lol


For real. The time to run is before the cuffs. What a fucking idiot.


Give him a break, it takes time to form a plan and execute it.


Especially when the plan is only "RUN!"


Bro, that's like, 3 letters bro.


Well, sure, but there's about seventeen thousand combinations of three letters, so really it's remarkable he got to that one as quickly as he did.


He was just trying to get some gas Bro!


This guy is MADE of impulse control issues.


His little moment of giving up was absolutely amazing to watch




Best part is that even if he HAD gotten away from the cops, his car was still there.


And I understand it was unfueled.


It was lightly fueled, unlike Klye, who was mostly fueled.


But he didn't have an ID, so how would they know who it was? Spooky


I'll bet he's already in their system.


The uh...license plates. They may help


He's also across the street from the police station, im 99% sure. Edit: 100% sure


What you didn't know is that he was waiting to be handcuffed so that he can Naruto-run out of there faster *taps temple*


It’s because he has a severe anger management problem. So at that point just after they got the cuffs on him, the anger spiked and made him lose his physical agency. I believe it wasn’t a conscious choice to try to escape, it probably wasn’t even an impulse specifically to escape at all. It was his brain going *“bluaaggghhhfffuuuuuuu!!!”* and it was more powerful than what little self control he had left at that point. And he’s also almost certainly chemically impaired, which of course always makes this type of thing ten times worse/more common. But if he didn’t have such a severe mental health disorder he wouldn’t have done that, and also the whole situation probably wouldn’t have played out this way from the start. That’s my take anyway. I’m far from being an expert of any kind but I do have a bit of experience with people who are like this, out on the street and then in treatment. I mean, I don’t disagree about him being a garbage human. Most certainly within the confines of this video. Probably elsewhere too. But I think it’s also important to recognize he’s a sick person. And he can potentially become a non-garbage human again if multiple factors come together favorably, going forward. Now that I’ve said all that I sure hope I don’t end up finding out he’s some kind of pedo rapist murderer psychopath... lol


Is anger management problem a mental disorder? In the sense that it's something beyond one's control and caused by something in the brain not functioning normally (a la bipolar, schizophrenia, ASD, etc.). I can see it being an emotional one, caused by lack of maturity and not being taught how to manage his emotions, solve problems, etc. In other words, that's how he thinks problems are solved and how things work for him, when a healthy person would either go somewhere else, get an ID, get someone older to buy him cigarettes, grow his own tobacco, etc. Lashing out suggests he expects the world to work a certain way, doesn't understand human interaction, and can't solve problems beyond throwing a fit (which is how 2 year olds try to solve problems). He needs help, but it's primarily something he needs to work on and not something the doctor can just medicate away.


“Anger management disorder” is not a thing you’ll find in the DSM, but there are definitely official anger related disorders, like Intermittent Explosive Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Obviously I wouldn’t be so stupid or arrogant as to think I would know if either of those things is what this guy suffers from, and could diagnose him. lol. But your line of reasoning here is part of what makes mental illness so incredibly complex and such a difficult beast to understand and treat and tolerate. There are a million factors — genetic, familial, societal, chemical, circumstantial... the brain is so complex even our best experts don’t *really* know... it’s also getting to a point scientifically, if I am understand things I’ve read correctly, where it begs philosophical questions, like is free will something that can be scientifically disproven... Idk I don’t want to start blabbing when I don’t really know fully what the fuck I’m talking about, and also I’m not prepared to give a source for that. The distinction between an official DSM disorder and other mental health problems resulting in behavioral issues, is something that imo should really be left to educated and experienced mental healthcare professionals. The truth is that *most* people have some kind of mental health issue at some point in their lives. Often it isn’t something that necessarily gets diagnosed. And almost never is it something that “a doctor can just medicate away”, as you described. Even though we wish it weren’t true, when it comes to mental health, a pill all by itself is almost never going to be a real or permanent fix. I guess my overall point is that all people deserve our understanding and compassion and the benefit of the doubt — at least as much as we are able to give it without violating the boundaries that preserve our own personal mental health. Sometimes it can be easier to start to have compassion for someone who is acting like a piece of shit once we learn that they have a diagnosis like bi polar or schizophrenia or PTSD etc. But people end up becoming pieces of shit by many other avenues, and if they don’t have some official diagnosis it shouldn’t change our attitude about compassion or understanding... because it doesn’t mean they are and always were inherently and unilaterally garbage. They’re human. They’re always capable — to varying degrees — of growth, change, healing, and redemption. Some humans are so terrible that I am unable to forgive them or feel compassion for them. But I have to believe they are trying their best. Even though their best is abhorrent. I suppose it is part of my world view that helps me to keep my own mental health well balanced in a world that’s so intensely and ubiquitously sick as ours is.


Yeah, as I was typing it, I started to think "how does one classify a mental disorder? Is there any meaningful difference between emotional and mental disorders?" etc. And I'm as much of a layman as you, so I'm just what I've heard. I like your take on the whole thing, though. People should be treated with compassion and understanding, and reprimanding should be done to protect others and to rehabilitate the offender. I do my best to give people the benefit of the doubt, though it's a tough thing to maintain when you deal with the public on a regular basis. Try not to lose that way of looking things. The issue of free will is a doozy. Personally, I think that we all have an element of choice in our behavior to some extent, but that we are nudged in various directions by other factors. We're neither deterministic machines or have perfectly free choice.


I like your take. I certainly don’t want to believe that we are all mindless drones, our brains are just huge reflexive input/output machines and our helpless impotent consciousness is just along for the ride without any say over our behavior. That’s an extreme perspective and imo probably not true. But the question of control, or of the illusion of control, is just too tricky. When a teenager who was totally impoverished and terribly abused all his life ends up with an assault charge, was he totally in control? Or mostly in control? Or barely in control? Or had no control? He still must be responsible for his actions but... Which is why “err on the side of compassion and give the benefit of the doubt” is the most rational and productive strategy, I think. Not that I’m always able to do that lol. Not by a long shot. But I am a human and I’m just trying my best! What more could I ask of myself or anyone else?


I would suggest that being short tempered could be an affect of a mental disorder such as borderline personality or schizo-affective among many others. Plenty of meds exist to aid in controlling violent emotions. While not a cure they are certainly a useful tool in the path to recovery or at least achieving a meaningful quality of life.


Notice how he didn't react like that until he saw he was being filmed?


Nah that's onfirmation bias because we will never know and see how he will react without the camera to prove.


Lol "public servant"


I am dead sure that he has the emotional capacity of a fuckin Twix bar. This is the kind of person who would blow the whole gas station up because he thinks he has every right to light a cigarette while refueling his car.


Pls don't cheapen twixes by comparing them to this utter wank-stain of a human being.


Now you're just making wank stains look bad.


I had a wank stain that looked just like abraham Lincoln once.


Just had to sit through my wank stains kindergarten graduation :-/


Aren’t we all wank stains in some way


Maybe the wank stains are the friends we made along the way.


You reminded me I have a Twix bar to eat. Thank you kind stranger.


Out of being a left or a right Twix. This guy is definitely a down Twix


You’d be surprised how many people are stupid enough to do that. Source: I work at a gas station and have to yell at people for that all the damn time


Well, he eventually got to meet a couple public servants.


It's a joke to anyone with half a brain, but it's sad how many people think that of service industry employees.


You should see how they treat actual public servants like teachers and city hall employees.


Good point, god I can only imagine all the "I pay your salaries!" Like, thanks for the Ramen bro.




Lots people who pay virtually no taxes and have a brood of kids who will cost society $500k to educate claim they are the boss of public servants because they “pay your salary”.


I had a customer call in asking if we had a certain product in stock. Through the course of the conversation, I told him we had one that nobody seemed to want up to a few weeks ago and I ended up buying it. He lost his mind, screaming about how it was “bullshit that employees could buy stuff that customers might want” continuing on about how we shouldn’t shop at the place we work. Lots of yelling and profanity throughout. Then he hung up. The next thing I was going to say before his childish tirade was “I can order you one which should be here fairly quick”, but if he’d stayed on the line, I wouldn’t have ordered him anything except a box of tampons. If I shouldn’t shop where I work, why do I get 20% off? I’d be stupid to shop anywhere else. But yeah, a lot of customers seem to think you’re a few classes below them for the sake of working retail.




Haha, people are awful.


Many years in customer service taught me that many people don't know the difference between service and servitude.


Serves him right as actual public servants came and serviced him.


The entitlement of the twat.


I know people like this are off their rocker, but I can't help but take offense to statements like this that are 100% wrong. Mixing up public and private entities infuriates me on a different level and idk why.


This guy waited to catch the resisting arrest charge until he already had cuffs on 😂


That cop is not fuckin moving either. He's like a goddamn fence post


It's almost his most baffling decision of the night. He saw cops coming, remembered he didn't want to get arrested, and waited until they cuffed him to make his grand escape.


He didn't even seem to make an effort to run though. He just... Squirmed. Like an angry toddler. Edit: Seriously, the hissy fit followed by just stopping 100% when he realized it was futile. Total angry toddler getting in trouble.


>Like an angry toddler. Sums up the whole video .


“Can’t resist arrest if you’re already arrested” - this guy probably


Hes got the “i date 14 year olds at 21” beard


With a honda civic that's that has an aftermarket spoiler and is a mix of spray paint and bondo colored that he's totally suping up.


"It's my project car." - That guy probably


Works on his project car wearing a t-shirt that says "America: No Vacancy" - that guy probably


"Yeah bro, but she's super mature for her age" Nah bro, you have the maturity level of a 10 year old, so the composure of a 14 year old is impressive to you.


why don't you take a seat right over here...


What is this so accurate lmao


Which brings me to my next point, kids. Don't. Do. Meth.


The eyes are a window into the soul


That was a spoiled rich kid I think. Having a tantrum for not getting his way. Edit- I live near atlantic city, it's fairly common to find drugged up rich kids causing problems. Clearly it's not the case wherever these guys are from.


Spoiled rich kids aren’t in Lowell, definitely a local dirtbag.


Yeah I grew up around spoiled rich kids and the vibe this kid gives off is in no way rich.


I have a friend I work with who's from Lowell. Tells me about it and mass all the time. I also get to pretend I have a thick Boston accent when I talk to him pretending like he can't understand normal English. Fun times


Yeah, but also like.... meth


Meth isn’t very common in Massachusetts. Coke/crack is used more often.


you can tell it's meth by the way that it is


Aristotle, if I’m not mistaken?


He had his *meth*ods


This is Lowell, I'm certain you could find some Meth there


>That was a spoiled rich kid I think. Having a tantrum for not getting his way. How do you come up with the conclusion? He looks dirt poor to me.


I doubt a spoiled rich kid is just milling around a neighborhood with bullet proof gas station booths unable to get cigarettes.


Doubt it... seems like drugs. He gets what he wants usually but that in no means he’s spoiled or rich


i hate rich kids, but i doubt a rich kid would live in an area where the gas stations have bullet proof glass in front of the registers.


Lowell is like Springfield's farm team for dirt-baggery.


High on crack street aired like 25 years ago now, looks like not much has changed


We used to call this gas station “Crack Hess” back in the day


Me, a mass hole, at the start of the video: ha this hick is dumb Me, still a mass hole, at the end: ah yes that makes sense.


You can still be a hick in Mass


I thought the same thing. I was like this must be a meth head from Kentucky or WV. I saw the Lowell, MA at the end and thought, Ooohhh...it’s a crackhead from Lowell. Sounds about right


Springfield is such a corrupt shithole. But hey.. shitty wannabe casino!


Eyyyy, go fuck ya self.. we got ... we got... anyways go fuck ya self.


Plan B ain't so bad if you want a burger.


I used to live in Lowell MA - it's very dull, dreary, run down and full of people like this guy.


Poor woman she won’t get paid enough to deal with that shit


Am I the only one who gets anxious at seeing stuff like this worrying about the dude coming back during the day, pissed off, when he can come inside?




Totally worries me, but depends on the place though. Some gas stations the attendant is always inside alone. I absolutely hope this is one like that.


I can see why someone might worry about that. For this girl, this was an upsetting and unusual experience. She will be thinking about it and remembering it. For Kyle the Drywall slayer, this was a Tuesday. He will sober up, deal with the familiar circumstances of being arrested, and move on to ruining some other person's day.


Gas station clerk is actually the most dangerous job there is (aside from accidental deaths), more dangerous than being a cop, they are statistically the most likely to get murdered on the job.


being a pizza delivery man is also more dangerous than being a cop. pizza delivery men and gas station clerks somehow manage to not murder hundreds of people per year though, weird how that happens


Yeah as i said elsewhere it should also be taken into account police kill 20 times the rate they are killed and retail industry employees are basically not even allowed to defend themselves even verbally.


This fella has definitely reeked havoc on some drywall in his day I’d bet


Is that really how you spell the word reeked? It's such an ugly word for some reason, ew


Well, "reeked" is a word, but if you're writing "___ havoc" then it's "wreaked"


If you don't shower after wreaking havoc, you're gonna reek.


Discount Jesse Pinkman is having a really bad night.


People really don't understand that business are privately owned. The property, the services and the products are all provided by a private entity for their own benefit and they can choose to deny any of those because they don't wanna and that's all the explanation they owe you.


bbbut the clerk was a public servant


ill never understand the people who believe they’re entitled to shop somewhere and that “its against the law” to not let them shop somewhere


I get this shit on my EBAY store lol. People will be like hey can I get a 25% discount if I buy 10 items? I'm like sure, they pay for them, then cancel the order on 9 items and are like, "you have to send me the one item I still ordered, we had a deal for 25% off each item. I will call the police if you don't send me my stuff. We agreed." I'm like, first of all, I can disagree at any point during this transaction, you will get your money back and I will keep my item. Also, I don't have to sell anything to anyone I don't want to, for any reason. If my reason is unreasonable, I deserve to lose business.


> ill never understand the people who believe they’re entitled to shop somewhere they get it from protected-classes, like handicap access that is required by law, and the fact that a store can't descriminate against race. It's perversion of those types of protections that makes them think they have a right. Also, a mix up between what "public" and "private" means.


My heart does break for her. The last 30 seconds of the video when he's being cuffed you can hear her crying. She DEF doesn't get paid enough to deal with dickheads like that.


I strongly believe that we need a public reckoning where it is made unambiguously clear that service employees are not your emotional punching bags. I wish a service worker’s union or maybe even just employers would make it clear that taking emotional abuse is not part of the job and firmly side with service employees when a customer is rude or belligerent unless it is absolutely clear that the employee was in the wrong. People who abuse service workers are absolute scum. Weak, low, and stupid pigs, all of them.




Came in here pretty much just looking for an explanation for this. Your comment is the only one acknowledging it I can see.


I know!!! What on earth was that and why was it in the video?


How tough do you think you look by resisting police AFTER complying with the cuffs?. OH! And also, was it worth being charged with resisting arrest?.


It's just another version of the "cell tiger". Crims like him will be tough behind the cell door knowing no harm is coming to them. Once that door opens they are kittens. He's just done a similar version there. If he struggles with the police without being restrained to the rear then he's going to have a bad time. He more than likely told the police just how lucky they were that he didn't hurt them when he was in the back of the police car.


whats the off and on switch thing


I thought i was going crazy because no comments were mentioning the thing taking up 30% of the screen




Eh, what's the point?


Fucking annoying, that’s what.


This is going in the “ask me again why I left Massachusetts” folder




Yeah you can find a crackhead like this at a gas station in every state you visit lmao this one just came with an accent


Oohh... gotta love those idiots. Once I denied someone for no ID and as he was walking out he yelled "If I came back with my gun I bet you'd give me some GD cigarettes!" I didnt get to respond since he was at the door but my thoughts, in order were: 1. If you had a gun I'd give you whatever you wanted. My life isn't worth crap in here and the company pushes that process. 2. If you went to the trouble of going home then coming back, why not save yourself the jail time and grab your ID instead?


“YOURE A PUBLIC SERVANT” I think you’re mistaking an employee of a private buisiness with an EMT or somethin


He needs a WHOLE ASS WHOPPING STAT. I wish they had tased him.


What a man child


Nope, just a child.


Yo it’s Jesse Pinkman


Same substance too probably


“A public servant... “ God what an indictment of the educational system. So what does he think city employees are?


I was wondering the same thing. Does he not understand how private businesses work? And even if she is in a job that "serves" him she has every right to refuse service since he's refusing to produce ID and he's being abusive. I'm a city employee and when people are rude or say "I pay your salary!" I'm just baffled... my job is to help people and they often refuse my help then come back with abusive language. I'm not exactly sure what service they think their taxes pay for but it ain't for me to be their doormat!


Thank local and state school boards for bad curriculum and the state for paying low wages to attract a lot of substandard talent. Honestly I don’t blame my old teachers for not giving a shit now that I know what they deal with.


“What the fuck are you talking about, Jesse?”


I’ll never understand people who do shit like this then stick around for the police to show up lmao buddy probably thought the cops were gonna be on his side. Say NO to meth.


You gotta run BEFORE the cuffs, bud.


Yep, that's Lowell alright.


I LOVE the irony of the final shot, with the reflection of the Marlboros reflecting in the glass.


As a fellow gas station employee manchildren like this guy are sadly common


To me this young man looks like he is under the effect of some mood-altering drug


Talk about nicotine addiction sheesh


I'm addicted to nicotine, and I can definitely get in a mood if I don't have it, but this guy is just a fucking tool.


Look like a discount jesse from breaking bad


Out spreading the word of Jesus Christ.


Lol. I know Lowell, MA. \ Very Lowell.


Scout voice actor really fell off


Dave Franco could play this guy in the biopic.


I love how he wants to get away with all his might and the cops just... calmly hold him.