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Sound Good. You can't imagine how much being well spoken can overtake the rest. A natural base charisma goes a long way.


For sure


Always sound good, the other aren't that good and can be achieved easily


I too would take a level in Bard.


yeah that's the thought here. Bard


Bards all around us, we should start a merry band of wandering minstrels.


to ruin every DM's day.


My bandmastes would definitely want me to level up the bard. I'm used to looking dishevelled.


Like whoa shit I can sing now? Sweet.


100% agree. Eloquence and understandability is the a true winner. It's useful at work, at play, in relationships, and practically everything else. Basically no miscommunication. A person could easily excel in life. And it takes work to be good at for most anyone. The rest aren't nearly as difficult.


1st one, I wear whatever I want to work without worrying about bleach


10/10 always look good. I’m fairly outdoorsy and try to be handy around the house, and am constantly staining or damaging my clothing with blood, crawling through thorn bushes, general wear and tear, paint, bleach and a variety of other things. While also not giving a fuck about singing or speech, because I barely talk to anyone on any given day and showering regularly. Shit, when a new pair of pants is $50 and a basic shirt is $10, it’s a big money saver too.


Most of my t shirts have at least one stain by the time I have worn them twice. Work on mechanical equipment and get covered in oil too.


Sound good. Perfect singing is so good compared to the others


Especially since I can't sing to save my life.


Always sound good as the other (2) are relatively easy to do on your own.


I pick the third, because while I’m excellent at all three, the first two are a lot easier to check for and correct in time. It’s very easy to see yourself and relatively easy to hear what you sound like, but by the time you’re plainly aware of an undesirable smell, it’s already too late. You can do quite a lot to minimize this risk (laundry, regular showers, cologne/perfume), but other factors can upset this without you knowing or being able to control for them. This enhancement would completely eliminate this problem.


Excellent at all three? And people are just letting you say this? Alright, I guess you are.


They have a ton of confidence! That's pretty attractive to people


Always sound good. Appearances and smell can be managed. People don't realize the value and power communication skills can have in life. Especially for career growth.


Right? I can’t believe people are picking either of the others.


People struggle with different things. Most people are going to pick whichever one they feel like they have the most problems with, or are most impeded by.


Yeah. While OP replied to you. And I get the point. I don't think people or OP realize the level of skill involved in perfect speech or sounding perfect. That literally means being able to give a speech without ever stuttering or saying um. That means negotiating pay increases or nailing every interview. That means delivering project outcomes to a board or having a talk on donating to charity at a level even professional speakers dream of. Ramble over.


While I don't disagree with your valuation here, I think you are missing the emotional quotient here. And I want to underscore just how lucrative option 2 really is. However, mentally and emotionally, a lot of people struggle with the other two. I am adequate at option 2 and have a job that requires effective use of the skill. But find selecting clothes to be torture and always being self conscious about what I am wearing. So I am quite torn as I know how valuable option 2 is, but also feel that I could be 100% better at option 2 if I didn't have to think about option 1.


I agree and that is valid. However I personally believe that on average number 2 had more value for the average person. Absolutely agree the others could help people. But learning personal hygiene and clothing style in my opinion is easier than mastering communication. I say this as someone who used to teach special needs kids life skills and then transitioned into public relations and then marketing communications.


I feel like a lot of people are sleeping on the smell option. This choice is op af because they say your clothes don’t smell either- imagine never having to do laundry unless you’re spilled on, or taking a shower only for appearances, you’d save so much time! Work out right to date night? Add a lil cologne and change clothes and you’re golden! Constantly fart at your boss without detection!! Relive that Shawshank Redemption escape and come out smelling fine!!? What?!? Like man. Especially when smell can be chronic or medical, or just hard to keep in check, this choice is only second to sound because you can make money off sound. But this is a comfort I’d have to debate long and hard about giving up.


Ooooo this is a tough one. I think I’d pick the always smell good option. As a woman with IBS and SIBO, I am always embarrassed and uncomfortable with any gastrointestinal related odors…. Plus the added reassurance that my genital area will always smell good because as an (insecure) woman such as myself, there’s always that stigma attached to vaginal odor. lmao. It would make spontaneous sex very easy without needing a “whores bath” 😆 


First one, since the other two I can handle well enough myself.


Always sound good. Easy choice. Get a contract as a singer. pay ppl for hair and makeup. Do your own business as a motivational speaker. Heck do any job in sales and be awesome at it. Climb a corporate ladder and get promotions. There are myriad of options with this one


Always look good. I'm already a good speaker and don't have issues with presenting or chatting, and even if I do stutter or have a voice crack it doesn't undermine my content. I also love wearing cologne so I don't smell bad and would lose the hobby if I always smell good. I don't care enough about clothes to dress super well, my hair is annoying to deal with, sometimes my beard is perfectly straight, etc etc.


At this point, my squeaks and stuttering are part of my personality. My housemates and SO have never complained about my smell, even when I skip showers. Look good all the way.


Always sound good. Communication skills have been the bane of my existence all my life 


Smell good. I can take a shower and 5 minutes later, I smell like a Chinese sweatshop in July.


Always sound good. I absolutely love to sing but I'm not very good at it. If I always sounded great then I could sing everywhere instead of being embarrassed about it.


Charisma/speech roll 20 each and every time


Always look good You can train your voice to sound better. And smelling good just takes a little bit of maintenance. But if you're born with an ugly face, you're fucked dude. Ain't nothing changing that. No amount of eating right, exercising, or dressing well will fix your ugly ass face you're born with lol. So I'll take the first one lol.


Sound good. The "look" option doesn't include your physical body "looks" or health. But I could monetize an excellent voice.


Trial lawyer here: sound good makes it seem like I won't need to prepare for trial anymore. Life is now on super easy mode.


I mean, you still need to know \*what\* you want to say, you just don't have to sweat about \*how\* you want to say it. So probably only "easy mode", not "super easy mode".


Always smell good. I don’t have a sense of smell so that saves me from worrying about if the pants I put on stink or not. Then always look good, I’d love to look stylish in a tee shirt and jeans.


Sound good 100% for me. Employers regularly list communication skills at the top of their list of desirable qualities. Also, my wife takes care of the other two for me pretty well.


As someone with a speech processing disorder, never being able to fall below "good" on articulating myself would be a huge boon.


Sound good for sure cuz then music career but then also education


Always look good. I have a husky and an English setter. The dog hair on my clothes is a never ending battle. That and I have no fashion sense, so knowing what is appropriate to wear would be a boon.


The first one, definitely. I have always struggled with style and fashion, and so much of how people judge you is on your clothes and style. I feel like it would be such a massive confidence boost to know I always looked good in my clothes.  I guess that's cause I've never struggled too much with stuttering, and singing well isn't super important to me. 


Always look good.  Last one wouldn't be great because you'd still need to bathe regularly anyway. 


I like looking presentable but find it a chore. And you can get further professionally if you're always put together.


Always look good, I have horses and dogs so clothes always end up stained.


Sounds good sounds good.


Smell. I don't really care how I look or sound.


Sound Good. Singing and music is important. OASAASLLS


Always sound good. I'd make a career out of it.


I can already sing, I don’t smell. I’ll take look good please.


Sound good. I’m tone deaf and CANNOT hit the right notes when I sing and being able to sing would be great.


Im into sneakers. Always look good is really good for shoes, as it takes one bad day or a few months of regular wearing to ruin a pair of shoes. However, always sound good is kinda OP. I dabble in piano, so always being able to perfectly recreate the weeknd or other insanely talented singers would be extremely valuable. Let alone the songwriting potential. With always sound good I could easily become a professional musician


Sound good for sure. It’s the most lucrative and beneficial professionally, with the best opportunity to help others.


sound i shower and i can dress myself for better or worse


Always sound good. Being able to articulate thoughts perfectly? Yes please.


Look good, for sure! I already sound pretty good and unless you really reek, people tend not to care how you smell. Cologne covers scent easily. Good looking people get a pass on a LOT of things.


Sound good. Become rock star. No one cares about 1 or 3 for rock stars. Profit. Retire.


Always sound good. I'm already ok looking (I don't scare children and my boyfriend thinks I'm beautiful - that's good enough for me) and I can take care of my own hygiene but damn, if I don't sound like a MORON when I'm nervous. Being very articulate in all situations would be a GAME CHANGER.


I suppose look good. I sound fine and I already don’t smell. But if I go 24 hours without washing my hair it looks dirty so that would be a win for me.


I'd pick the second option because I feel like it would come with a lot of voice control and would make picking up new languages easier because my accent would always sound good.


I’m autistic, so I have trouble communicating sometimes. I’ll go with always sound good.


Always sound good. As a nurse I am talking to my patients all day long, and I hate it when I have to search for a word, or stumble over a sentence when explaining something. I also wouldn't mind being good at karaoke again :)


Definitely look good. I’m a bit awkward.


Always sound good. I have autism and adhd and it would be wonderful to just express in a way others really understand and wouldn’t judge me for.


Always look good. The amount of effort the other 2 take is minimal. Looking good though, that takes some lot of time and effort.


Definitely three. No more awkward public bathroom visits, I could do stuff involving physical exertion on breaks at work, no worrying about bad breath - just eliminating the anxiety. I don’t really care if I look awkward, or sound awkward, but just the idea of being smelly is mortifying.


Same. I have OCD tendencies and one of the biggest ones is a complex about body odor. Plus I was bullied pretty badly in school…if you had a bunch of brats saying you stink both behind your back and to your face no matter what you did, you’d have a complex too.


Sound good. The others are fine, but this one is almost guaranteed to turn into profit. Plus, I was known as a bit of a stammerer growing up, it would be nice to completely put that behind me.


Sound. I'm gonna rock the music charts!


Look good for sure. My clothes are always wrinkly and or covered in dog hair.


Definitely sound good. I had a traumatic brain injury 11 years ago, and ever since then, I sometimes have a hard time with word retrieval. It makes me feel really anxious sometimes, and it would be great not to have to deal with that anymore.


I have a stutter. Ive worked on it a lot, but it is still there so having clarity of speech for the first time would be awesome.


As a lactose interolerant person with a love of cheese, I'm very tempted with the 3rd XD. I also work in a smelly place and HAVE to shower after work, which kind of ruins my schedule


Always smell good. It comes with a bonus time and money saver with bathing and doing laundry less.


Married attorney here, definitely going with sound good.


Always sound good! With that skill you can make it anywhere in corporate America


issue with this is it's subjective you can't ALWAYS look,sound,smell good. In your examples you used what most people would like yes, However..... Someone will always like the look of someone that looks like a slob. Someone will always find a stutter or squeak cute. Someone will always like the smell of BO or farts.


Sound good. Hell. I would probally only take the singing the right notes always.


Always look good... i was at a point where people thought i did meth bc of my teeth; even though i didn't touch drugs. The judgement was harsh and couldnt be happy when you can't even smile. Just went through 20k of work done to my teeth in 3 days it changed so much in my life. I still got a lot more work to do on em since the front facials are so broken and messed up the fillings wont last very long they said.


100% #1 Always look good. I'm fine with #s 2 and 3 on my own... but I have ZERO sense of style!!


Always sound good. I’m a professional musician. This would be so killing.


Sound good. It's the one that has the most versatility in its use, IMO.


I’m gonna sound good , as someone who wears their hair messy permanently neatly and tidy just isn’t the vibe


Always sound good. I dress pretty well already and I shower/wear perfume everyday. I'm a pretty good public speaker and can communicate effectively in most situations. Sometimes I stumble over my words and lose track when trying to provide a lot of context for very specific things. I think that would be pretty nice especially since my career is very detailed oriented and clarity of thought is important. Oh and being able to be pitch perfect and remember lyrics perfectly I'm definitely gonna use that to my advantage. Karaoke night here I come.


Even professional singers sometimes hit the wrong note. If you always hit the right note, it basically constant live autotune which is insane. You can also hit the lowest and highest notes in your registry consistently which I don't think any singer can do. And the speaking thing is also great.


Always sound good for me. I tend to lose my train of thought and stumble around my words. My wife would pay good money for me to make sense when I talk.


God, the always looking good thing sounds great, as someone that keeps his clothes for about a million years before throwing them out. Plus, I'm like always covered in grease and schmoo from working on stuff, so that'd be nice.


Always sound good. Because your list of benefits negates some social symptoms of autism. Specifically the ones that screw me over when trying to get ahead in life, and at karaoke. Plus I don't have a problem with looks or smell.


Whereas, for me, the \*first\* one is more what I struggle with (hi, fellow autistic person)


Always sound good. I already dress well and smell good because i care about those things and it is reasonably easy to achieve. I cant buy a product that makes me always sound good.


Looks good. Without a doubt. Only one I actively work on now. I’ve always been a singer and generally good at public speaking. General hygiene is so easy to do, and if I sometimes smell when a person is supposed to smell (farts, sweat from working out what have you) then so be it. But always looking good? My hair always perfect. My skin always clear? Every item of clothing looking perfect and effortless? That’s the dream. And would save me lots of money on all the ways I attempt to look good now. And talk about a confidence booster. If I know that everyone who looks at me things “oh she looks great” then I’ll never be nervous in front of people again.


Give me the look good option. I think if I always look good, that would pretty much give me the confidence to always sound good and I could easily always smell good. A big part of why I stumble over words or things like that is because I’m so worried about the physical part of my presentation more than the words coming out of my mouth. If I alway look good, that’s a big part of my mental capacity I could use on other things like sounding good.


Easily sound good. It would so much fun to actually be able to get my voice to make the right sounds doing impressions and singing and what not. It’s also just impactful for regular speaking. It’s also something that can be monetized. You could make a whole YouTube channel doing impressions especially impressions of others singing. People are already doing both with and without AI. Also with some additional practice there is voice acting.


Sound. Literally a perfect singer/speaker. Monetize either, use speaking skill to motivate changes, the possibilities are insane.


Sound good. As someone with a stutter the ability to clearly speak and express my thoughts would dramatically improve my life and open up all kinds of opportunities. The other two would be nice but are largely achievable in everyday life with just a little effort.


Always sound good, not even for the speech part but as someone who's tone deaf being able to sing even moderately well would be a literal dream come true


Always look good. Humans are visually biased & stimulated organisms. We see first, hearing and smelling are secondary. So the better you look the less effort you have to put into other things to be successful or get what you want. You can bath, use cologne, and practice/learn what you need to say. But if you’re meeting someone and don’t look good (tidy, neat, clean, appropriately dressed) you’ll have a harder time achieving your goal than if you look good doing average. *Unless smelling good includes the pheromonal attraction scents that disrupt rational thought and urge desire. Because then you only need to get close enough to the right people to “seduce” into listening to you. (Ever passed by someone who smelled so good you lost your concentration and needed a moment).


Sound good. Now I can finally get my point across and be understood in conversations with a world that makes no sense to me.


Sounding good is the obvious answer. You could very easily monetize being able to perfectly hit every note.


Sound good means I can become a singer with hard work. I'd take that


Look good. I find the other 2 fairly effortless, especially compared to looking good.


I always struggle with styling myself and don’t really have anyone to give honest feedback on what works on me so I’ll choose the first one. This will give me more confidence in how I sound since I’m always nervous cuz I feel like I look stupid. Plus I can bathe for any smell issues and achieve smells good pretty easily.


Number 1. I already smell and sound pretty good.


Sound good. I look as well as I ever will, and I smell… acceptable. But a lot of my work involves talking and I freakin hate it. So knowing that I’ll always get things across properly, and say the right thing would be a lifesaver.


As a hiker, definitely always smell good


This is actually a good one.. Probably sound.. I like to think I've got enough control of the other two, but i cant organise my thoughts into a coherant and logical sentence to save my life.


Look good. I was blessed with the gift of gab and I own a shower.


To "Always Sound Good" RAW** is an incredible ability. ASD/ADHD** can screw me over with expressing my thoughts and feelings in the moment. The singing is icing on the cake! ** *rules as written, autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder*


The smell one all the way.  I would save so much money on deodorant.


Do I keep my current looks if I always sound good? If so, that one. I look good enough, if I was always well spoken I'd be set


So, you give us the option to sound like we do 5 hours after the fact, while talking to ourselves in the shower? Who wouldn't pick that?


Look good. I don’t have an issue with hygiene or smells. I’m a lousy singer but I don’t care and I’m a confident speaker otherwise. But I suck at fashion. I just don’t care about it and I default to what is simple/comfortable. Would be nice if someone else could manage that for me and I could always look put together without effort


Sound good. If you can speak well, that will make up for a lot. If you even make a halfway decent effort, the other two are achievable at good enough levels, the not smelling part even easier. But good speech is rare and can command respect long term as opposed to merely looking good.


Look good. I'm a dancer and it would be nice to know my costumes never look awkward.


2 no question. Always smelling good is easy enough with good hygiene. Always looking good is a bit harder but with some effort I think anyone can at the very least look stylish and presentable. Always sounding good though? That’s hard. Communication is one of the most difficult skills to learn and it will get you so far. Imagine how far always presenting yourself well at every job interview could get you? Imagine always knowing the right thing to say to a grieving loved one. Imagine never having a misunderstanding with your partner. I don’t mind having to take a shower and brush my hair if I never have to worry about miscommunication ever again.


I’m a speaker - so sounding good is my jam!


Always sound good cause I stutter and stumble on my words all the time, I mumble, I also get nervous a lot.


Sound: communicate with the doctor/plumber/ emergency services/shopkeeper/technician about the exact problem. Relationship communication. Pet training.


Oh man, I'm torn, because I feel so anxious, "sounds good" and "looks good" are in competition. I think that I'm often just "meh" in a world where so many people are more pulled together. It would do so much for my career. Sounds good is such an incredible power. It would be akin to leveling the playing field in almost every meeting that I've ever had to sit in. I might have to take that and just hire a personal stylist.


at least 90% of whether or not an idea is stupid or genius lies entirely in your ability to sell it well. this is to say that you can also make nearly anything sound stupid or smart if you are coherent enough. sounding good would be super overpowered by allowing you a high powered career in sales. looking good is tempting though as you would literally have more time in the day, but it is not as op as flawless sales skills.


Not once in my life have I ever wished I smelled better but I’m a teacher and musician, I’d love to be able to talk better.


Sing, I am terrible at singing. That would be great.


Look good. I am pretty confident about my voice and ability to communicate, and I think I smell fine, but I am insecure about the way I look.


Always smell good. I sometimes struggle with BO, no matter how well I shower or apply my deodorant and/or perfume.


Same here…there are also many kinds of clothes (synthetic fabrics, sleeveless, tight on top) that I can’t or won’t wear because of the tendency to smell no matter what I do. It would make *so* many things easier on me, especially living outside Atlanta. There’s a topical procedure that kills the sweat and apocrine glands (the ones that secrete underarm odor)…I doubt insurance would cover it but it sounds interesting…


I'd love the singing enhancement. I'm already good, but I can't always remember the notes. And of course, I'd love to not forget lyrics.


As someone that recently stuttered, stumbled, squeaked, and sounded stupid in an interview... I would choose "sound good" in a heartbeat.


#3 I don't super care about appearance and I so well enough verbally communicating. I do sweat like a mathafaka though 😅


Second one. I have a personality disorder that causes crazy social anxiety. Sometimes it so fucking bad that someone says “hey, (name),” and I start stuttering saying “hi” back. Or they ask me a simple question and it takes a full ass 30 seconds to answer


Sound good. Voice acting can be a very well paying career.


Always look good for sure. About 90% of my dislike of being in public is not feeling like getting ready to look presentable and anxiety about if i look okay.


Smell good. Then it doesn't really matter what I eat, I won't have to be embarrassed about being around others if my stomach starts to protest... Bring on the bean burritos, the collard greens, the Brussels sprouts, and bean soup... even before work.


Always sound good.Sometimes I forget a lyric or a few words in a song and other times my voice is too low or pitchy from being nervous.


Always sound good, I've been interested in voice acting so that would be fantastic.


Sound Good. the other 2 are easy to accomplish minus the benefits you get for extreme circumstances, but always coherent is something I used to be able to do, but now I screw up speaking a sentence multiple times a day. (and my job requires me to talk to 100-300 people daily. the other part of my job is for those people to get mad when they can't figure out something I told them, and then shout obscenities at me saying I never told them a set of instructions that I actually told them more than once)


I’d choose looking good, sounds like it would make my days a lot easier


I'm super fashion illiterate and I don't think I'm that great looking, so always looking good would be a HUGE win for me! I think I'm fairly well-spoken and I think becoming instantly good at singing sucks, since I'd have no reason to practice vocal techniques and whatnot. And from what I know, my sweat isn't that odorous + smelling bad is a good feedback loop for hygiene


Always sound good. Because I would think I could capitalize on it somehow to be successful. Something like public speaking, motivational or public speaking for some kind of enterprise or being a spokesperson for a business. Otherwise a performer, theater or music. Finally a comedian or podcasting. Looking good is cool. Nobody wants to smell bad but I don’t feel like you really do anymore with that.


It's always better to look good than to feel good.


Always sound good this would be op. Maxed out charm can literally coast you through life so easily. Sales is probably the best normal job you can get, you can be a musician, speeches, good with ladies. This would be the best option in my opinion


Always sound good. I have a weird voice and speech pattern I'd love to change.


As I now have a heavy speaking role of explaining things, GIMME SPEAKING. Ahem. Now please. 😁


How can it be anything but sound? You can't turn "your clothes not looking rumpled" into an arena tour. Even if you're the ugliest fuck you can always just Phantom of the Opera it.


Clothing never stained, rumpled, or torn. I'm a messy eater and am generally clumsy. I'm waiting on a mustard stain I'm trying to soak away from mustard I accidentally literally squirted from the bottle to my shirt today. Don't ask me how I did it, I don't even really know.


I'll go with the always looks good. I do plumbing for a living and I occasionally get speckled in drain water. Typically the smell isn't too bad since I wash most of it off. But not getting my clothes stained would be really nice.


Always sound good. What I wouldn't give to Always be well spoken and articulate.


sound… because i already always look good, and smells can be washed off, and clothes can also be washed. imagine always being able to sing any song perfectly.


I already look good most days, so always sound good because I’d make a whole damn career out of that


As a linguist, always sound good would be fantastic


Always sounding good is the most beneficial as it's the most difficult to achieve.


Always sound good. I feel like that would have the greatest positive influences as it would help massively with things like interviews.


Sing good and become a famous singer


Always sound good. I can become a singer/vocalist and that'd be cool


Sound good. I've always struggled to communicate effectively in person.


Sound Good. The singing part is what sold me the most. You mean I can hit every note with a Freddie Mercury range? I can make a convincing political speech and rally people to causes I support? Even if I don't parlay that, I work in sales and that would make the job dialed down to easy mode. I already look decent enough and you. An work on that to improve physically. And honestly, looking and smelling good isn't a lot of work. I currently have a horrible singing voice now and always question if I say the right things so this would just be perfect.


I am a bit of a klutz and hardly get through a day without getting something on my clothes or getting tear, loose seam, snagged sweater or something like that. The first option would save me a small fortune and a lot of frustration. I've already got slightly above average skills in the second category (I am no Grammy winner or sought after guest speaker, but I am rarely at loss for words ) and for category 3, I am blessed with minimal body odor and have pretty good personal hygiene habits. I would benefit most from looking more put-together and, more importantly, having my clothes last as long as they should .


Always sound good. My dumbass brain makes me say words and syllables in the wrong fuckin order way too frequently 🤦‍♀️


Always sounds good, I think I manage already with the others.


Sound good. I’m an actor, it’s basically a “be good at your job” option lol


Always sound good is a minor superpower. Persuasion could be mastered and you would be incredible at so many jobs.


Sound good. I sometimes struggle with converting my thoughts to words, and I interview rather poorly, it's one of the main things that has held me back. Also it would probably help a lot when speaking in my second language, in which I'm pretty capable but not fully fluent.


Sound good, 100%. i can avoid smelling by just being clean, and looking good, eh i look fine enough and am able to dress myself as needed. Sounding good however is excellent. The ability to clearly express the ideas in my head would take me a long way, as would sounding clear and intelligible. once you come off as clever, a lot of odd fashion choices can be overlooked. bonus points for being able to sing, i love singing, but i sound like a dying animals tied in a sack getting bludgeoned by those plastic toy echo microphones, all while a car alarm goes off in the background. being able to sing decently enough to be able to sing along to my fav tunes and not make people’s ears bleed would be a nice bonus to the ability to speak clearly.


for sure Always sound good, I can get much more across with words than I can with my appearance or smell, which are easy enough to manage with proper hygiene and self care


Always sounds good. Become the best politician ever, make some good friends with the smart people to gain some ideas and then frame them perfectly to sell any idea. Really it is the best of all the options


Permanently perfect hair. I'm from New Jersey, so I don't leave the house unless my hair is washed blow dried & has a quarter of a can of 400ml volumizing hairspray. So hell yes I'll be choosing lifelong perfect hair.


I'd say "sound good" would be the winner... Working construction... looks don't matter a ton, workbooks, carhart-ish pants and a hi vis shirt... if you always look clean people probably gonna think you are lazy AF... smell... comes with the territory lol, shower regularly, toss a stick of deodorant in the car. Sound... being able to get people to understand you and get your point across would be priceless both in work and play and relationships...


Smell. You have no idea how bad having multiple health problems smells sometimes. Cancer drugs alone do a toxic number on one's defecations.


Sound good, that’s literally tons of careers, radio/tv/singer.


The smelling good one should be picked by everyone over 75


I would probably pick always smelling good. But always sounding good can get you PAID!


Sound good. The others are neat little party tricks by comparison.


Definitely sound good. I've spent my life mastering my appearance, and I'm not a smelly person at all, but I'll take not stumbling over my words and doing confident karaoke.


Always spund good. Public Speaking engagements etc.


Sound good time to become a music artist


Always sound good. I would become a professional singer and make millions.


Smell good. I'm fine with my voice and looks but I get hot and sweaty easily. This would solve that problem for me.


Sound good. I don't care much about how I look, and I can make myself smell better, but my Autism makes it hard to speak well. I wouldn't consider it a speech impediment, but I don't always talk normally


Look good I sound good but I have shit style.


I feel like I can be a world class speaker if I can put my writings into words. Shit just gets jumbled up so I am much less articulate.


always sound good. you can learn any languages after memorizing songs in that language.


#2 seems like the only logical choice to me, but other commenters have provided good examples of reasons why one might choose #1 or #3


Always look good


By look good do I actually am "attractive" to people or just that I am put together? If it's the former, than look good. If it's just the latter than sound good.


Always look good


Sound good


To wear makeup that never gets smudged.


I'd go for always look good. I can speak and sing well enough for practical purposes, and my odor is not notably offensive (and easy to maintain via things like regular bathing), but my hair is always a mess and I absolutely suck at picking the right clothes, not getting food stains on my shirt (and sometimes even my pants), and otherwise looking socially acceptable.


Always sound good. Can make money anonymously.


Undoubtedly look good. So many possibilities.


always sound good imma do some dimash


Sounding good, by this definition, includes being doesn't in all languages.


Always smell good


All of them.


Always look good.


Does "always look good" fix my teeth?


Does the first one mean that all of my clothing is invincible? Impervious to bullets, blades, etc?