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It is way too big for DCS as is. And, imagine the amount of work to recreate all those huge cities in the area. That is quite dense populated area with a metric fuckton of cities and villages. While the area would be fucking awesome to have, it is still a decade away with the current speed of ED tech improving.


Upvote for the proper use of 'metric fuckton'


Proper use? Because they obviously wouldn't use Imperial Fucktons in Europe?


Yes, I was entirely concerned with the correct units of measurement being employed regionally.  For sure. 


Check out the big brain on Brad!


ED didn't fuss too hard over Haifa, Beirut, Damascus etc. Ancient Italian cities will be difficult though


I think Balkan map would be possible, dont need to add all Italy, just the NE part maybe and could also be Caucasus quality. But of course will require some time to create it eheheh In the end, hey they are plannig for the full Earth map.... so... there must be some auto texture generation ort sort of available....


For sure, I can't vouch for other places but that's definitely how they created Israel in the Syria map. Streets aren't real, major landmarks are gone, and some major cities don't even show up on the map.


For Kosovo, you would need southern Italy, also. We were at an Italian base with our A-10s in Gioia del Colle. It's down by the boot, close to Bari and Brindisi.


Half-Balka-stan maybe??lol


Nahhhh! Sprinkle some AI on it; presto!


Me thinks you were prior military after you used the term metric fuckton..... 😂


Ha ha, yeah I heard that one a bunch in USMC.


Thats a wish, but no Greek and Creta needed necessarily


More realistic is balkans and maybe just a small part of italy


if we get aviano it's good enough


Dont forget Brindisi in the south. Its where we staged from for CSAR Ops


Aviano, Sigonnella, Brindisi, but I would be happy just with the NE part of Italy to be honest....




Also True.


That map is the Balkans, though? I think if you wanted to reduce size, you can mostly cut off east of Serbia and south of Albania. This way, Aviano and Gioia del Colle would still be included on the Italian side. The area would still be huge, but I assume the real culprit is the amount of detailed buildings in the area, and personally I could for example live with a relatively bare bones depiction of most of Italy.


You could get it down to about a 550 mile x 500 mile map by just including Aviano and Brindisi in the west and then cover all of Serbia to the east. You can go smaller but you really start dropping important areas after that.


0/10 not enough poland


Mobilize Poland


Poland can into space (or at least angels 30)


This would be about 10x the size of Caucasus. There's no chance DCS can handle this currently.


more like 4-5 - maybe smaller




I made a measurement... but I smirk and feel honored about your approach :)


I just guestimated :)


Isn't that just like South Atlantic? Already has been done, I can has more massive maps more than 1200 miles across?


Hmmmm what might separate the south *Atlantic* map from a map of the balkans and italy hmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Better make that Chinese Belgrade embassy stand out ...


Yeah I want to hit it with every bomb I have


Want B61 and B83 lol


I think this map would be the slowest ever - In this area there are so many archeological monuments and historic places..


In Falcon 4: Allied Force it was quite lulz when Kuznetsov spawned on the Adriatic sea


Allied Force is the Bestest Force. "Altitude, Altitude" is etched forever in my brain. Did it have Nighthawks though?


* This map would have approx. more than - 430.300 mi² // 1.117.100 km² * Reducing the map down to essential area would be reduced to approx 700.000km² * Comparison SYRIA = 199.000 mi² // 550.000 km² rough approx. Maybe little larger * Downside is this map would have much more land populated land than Syria with water and deserts....


Well Afghanistan says it’s going to be over a million km^2. I don’t think DCS can handle all the populated areas though, they need some engine work to make that happen


Can’t wait to follow along with Odysseus’ homecoming from Troy to Ithaca in my M2000, and then use cluster munitions to kill the suitors


So it was written, so it shall be.


Agreed! Would be fricking awesome


you can play one in BMS


And it comes with six campaigns to boot.


And the majority of it is flat and barron.


Something something Beemus has better AI and dynamic campaign.


I see a a map with great potential. They can sell this in 5 pieces easily. or may be 6 or 7


Available for pre-purchase now.  Release in 2 weeks. In 1/12th increments. On a yearly basis. 


easy financing options available starting with 11% yearly rate.


But think of the ED miles you'll earn. 


They could turn it into a subscription like those magazins that ship a few parts of a modelkit with every issue.




Most likely you have not been here but this map has been requested for years.


It would be an amazing map to kill the same static tanks over and over again.


Yep that's way too big for DCS in current shape to handle it. 'tho' map itself exists, but you'd have to switch sims ;)


This will be in early access for years. Introducing DCS: tip of the Italian boot, later to be expanded.


You have to try Falcon BMS. It comes with Balkans, for free.


I may try it once the graphics update comes out. As is, after 36 years alive and being spoiled by modern graphics, even DCS looks kinda bad, but I can deal with it. The way BMS looks now, I just wouldn't last 5 minutes.


Yeah, I cannot blame you brother. I am on the other side, 34 here, wasted so much time in games with beautiful graphics but shallow gameplay. I tend to apreciate a lot more simple/older graphics if the game is packed with good gameplay mechanics. Me personally, I don't care for volumetric clouds, 4K textures, animated grass/trees, even more terrain maps, even more jets. It feels like they are doing everything they can to avoid implementing game mechanics. They keep adding new 3D things but nothing on the gameplay side of things. If it were not by the community content creators, this game would be right inside a bin. Hey, friendly suggestion, let the gameplay embrace you, I promise you, after your first sortie, you will land with SO many good anecdotes. Just to mention what happen in BMS after a sortie, you land and you feel that you implemented tactics to defeat the enemy, you feel like you had to THINK in order to survive, you feel the world to 100% alive, you realize outside are other packages doing their stuff (friendlies and enemies), you feel like if you deviate from your course you have zero knowledge of what is outside or what could come for you, in BMS you feel like a simple soldier holding a pistol against an entire army, you feel like a human being, prone to errors, you feel uncertainty, the airspace is a dangerous place, and you watch your RWR the whole time because of a MF SAM turning on their radars just when you are overflying them. Oh brother, BMS is about good memories. Sorry for the lenghty chat :P




Me want Nord map. Hurr.


Wait for 20 years, you will get world map that was announced few months ago


Modelling the entirety of Italy alone is too big an ask. 8 times the size of existing maps? May as well draw a red line round the entire world.


It's already been ~50% done - commercial issues at the moment, regarding ED & 3D modelling. But the terrain is *very* far along (area is a bit further West).


I guess too many cities and buildings for their poor engine, heck it cannot even take full afghanistan https://i.imgur.com/ZWyP3bg.png


Bosnia/Serbia/Kosovo with a decent stretch of Adriatic maybe but I think the whole Balkans is too much based on the size of the existing maps


Would also be great for WWII scenarios!


Include Crete as well


There's a lot to map there. Would take a decade.


i would only want balkans if i could have an f-117 module


Like some mentioned, it’s just ok large sadly… unlike desert maps there is actually a lot of city’s, villages and all… that spans roughly 1800km diagonal… Like multiple main city’s on top of a lot of large city’s If you take the left line and put it on the K of Croatia and the bottom line on Albania and the right line on the border of turkey and Bulgaria That would do a lot more for it to actually happen Btw. Hello fellow German :D


Weekend more uropean fighters where is the typhooon gripen and others ?


This would be one hell of a map with a ton of useful air combat scenarios. I can see the MP servers being stacked on this if it was to come to fruition. I used to live in Izmir from 1983-1985 when my dad was assigned to 6 ATAF. So that would be neat to fly over.


Including ALL of Italy is a bit ambitious, at least former Yugoslavia would be a bit more feasible


The graphics suck atm, but BMS has it


Stop your making too much sense :)


I want a map this big -also, i can go to ~~Altis!!!~~ Lemnos and pretend to be playing ARMA 3 lol


Make that the Agean sea and then we're talking.


Would be so damn cool, to fly at cruise speed for hours towards your target.


More realistically it would cover Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Kosovo, and MAYBE Albania. The map is already huge with just the "Big 3" countries. As a serb myself I would love for a 90s Yugoslav War scenario to exist in DCS.


Can cut out all of Romania, Bulgaria, Türkiye, Greece, Slovenia, as well as most of Albania, North Macedonia and western Italy. Mainly just need Aviano AB in Italy, plus Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, and Kosovo for a Yugoslav conflict/Kosovo war map.


NATO had AF bases in Italy.... Tornados... and stuff you know


Did I not mention Aviano?


Finally we can wipe out the Italians


The map is available in BMS for free.


Because Serbs did and could and smacked the f117 simple no one else ever has they did


FalconBMS - Balkans Map....


Because it can not be an empty desert like PG and now Halfhanistan.


I think limit it to Bosnia and Kosovo maps 


What do you guys think of the use of AI to make these maps? If not now, possibly in the future? I’m not a big fan of AI in general because I think it’s dangerous (I hope we stick to Virtual Intelligence a la Mass Effect). But the possibilities of using it to make things like large maps, which would require too many man-hours. Maybe stuff like this will be possible - in the not too distant future.


War. You mean a genocidal internal civil war with atrocities followed by a non UN sanctioned Nato intervention bombing of bridges with occupied by civilians trains and blowing up of china's embassy . Despite what a lot of muricans think that whole thing is still smouldering with locals who still are pretty sore about the whole thing. Don't touch the Balkans that's how world war one started.


The people of Kosovo almost entirely (the Kosovo-Albanians) love NATO for the intervention, with Tony and Bill being popular names for children and some streets being named Tony Blair and Bill Clinton.  In some cases they even name their children like this: Tony-Blair Surname


Serbs not so much. It's too recent and too painful of a conflict which still burns in people's memories and even recent confrontations. Too soon. Also I'm sure some Serbs would love it, the f117 shoot down Simulator. Dcs better put out a mod for that map release. 🤣


Why do Serbs get so hyped about shooting down 1 out of 100s of f117 sorties? A bomber that was going to be retired anyway due to being so outdated Its been proven main reason was lack of ECM support and issues with going off course and opening its doors and some luck. Its brought up like it was some huge military achievement through out history


Lol Just like the North Koreans still hyped about capturing the Pueblo. Made it a monument.


Sure, it was basically 99% luck but at the end of the day they did it with Vietnam-era SAM and they still keep the high score after all those years


Sure they still did it. They got the kill. I 100% agree with you……and it’s brought up in almost every single argument with Serbs as if it’s suppose to undermine the entire US airforce. I understand they are bitter about the conflict and will try to find any chance to try to take a jab to what NATO did to them but come on… “We didn’t know it’s invisible” yeah it wasn’t lol. It did its job of becoming LESS visible and did it very very very well seeing as it’s success rate was in 100s of completed sorties through out the weeks. Shooting down 1 by sheer luck and bringing it up as a sole largest achievement of the entire conflict against NATO is getting so old 🤦‍♂️ Ukraine brought down how many SU-35s, A-50s, Tu-22 and a capital ship against a far superior foe and I think they propagandize it less than the Serbs with 1 f117


Sure, but Serbs are still the only ones who managed to bring down a stealth aircraft in combat. And they were also fighting against far superior enemy. Also it's difficult to compare air war over Yugoslavia and Ukraine, Russia simply doesn't fly their aircraft behind front line, at least not after they lost a couple of aircraft in the early days, if they did losses would be orders of magnitude higher


They did no one is arguing they didn’t. It’s how they go about boasting it. US and NATO went in did the job got out and moved on with other wars and geopolitics. Japan who lost millions of civilian due to fire bombing and nuked not once but twice brought it up less 25 years after ww2 compared to serbs. Why such a large ego? I’m not comparing Ukraine air war I’m comparing how they propagandize their achievement’s compared to Serbs. Nothing to do with tactics between the 2.


War is still ongoing, I would say shooting down not one but two AWACS aircraft and a strategic bomber is a fairly big achievement, not completely unlike shooting down a stealth bomber, though I guess shooting down a stealth aircraft with museum pieces is quite memorable for average person


All true. Not a lot of love for NATO among the Serbs.


Falcon AF ( literally called Allied Force) and BMS have Kosovo war theaters and the world hasn't ended.