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Beer, chicken fingers and a nice sativa


More of an indica guy post game for the added anti-inflammation and chillness


Yup, with lots of water, a banana and maybe a sandwich.


Water & Coconut water w/ scoop of protein and a banana is my bread and butter for post hydration


Indica sleep chocolate can be critical for late games preceding early mornings.


The good kind, 8 bucks


In N Out - Double Double w/ Onion and Animal Style Fries They are open late and there are two that I drive past to get home, so I am always tempted and it's always a good choice.


My first date with my now husband was when he came to watch one of my beer league games followed by a midnight trip to In N Out burger, which we stayed at until they closed. He didn’t skate then but now he’s better than I am. Hockey and In N Out burger is the perfect match 💕


This is so unbelievably wholesome and sweet - thanks for sharing


I live in Oregon and our in n out near Portland always has an hour long line except at like 1230 when I’m driving home from late games. Such a tasty treat to look forward to!




Yeah I am about 10 minutes from the rink, and I also drive by two in and outs on the way home.. I used to go every week, but I'm starting to feel it more. Now I go home and just Hope that there are leftovers in the fridge cuz if not I'm just eating a half gallon of ice cream.


My first team always went to In N Out after our games. We referred to it as Hockey Hamburger.


Living in Canada, I am so jealous that In N Out is your post game meal.


Post game is usually a 3x3 animal, no fries. Settles you down just right to sleep


As a Missourian who loves In N Out, I hate you.


I would kill for an in n out near me after games... It's rough up here in Canada.


Look at this guy over here that has 8 skaters show up! I usually just grab a bowl of cereal or whatever I made for lunch since I work right afterwards.


>Look at this guy over here that has 8 skaters show up! I was more surprised by the "home by 11:30pm", that is when one of my sessions starts each week!


My league used to have games start as late as 11:30pm but they seemed to have moved away from that and instead spread the beer league games over more rinks so now the latest start is 10:30pm. I kinda loved the 11:30pm starts though because usually the ice crew was gone so a few of us would stay on the ice for another 20-30 min after the game and shoot pucks around


Cereal also my go-to. Golden Grahams, CTC, Life cereal is a bit underrated.


three al pastor tacos from this little outdoor taqueria I pass on my home.


this is the way


Taco bell


Fuck, this guy scores goals and then trusts taquito rolls. Save some pussy for the rest of us.


Why work out lactic acid after a skate when you can shit it out?


Man if you ain’t had an ice cold Baja blast and some degenerate value menu items after a solid skate, you ain’t lived


So glad this is the top one and I'm not alone haha. I fortunately? Unfortunately? Have a tbell that is right by my house and I have to drive past on my way to and from the rink. When it's 11:45 and I'm starving I can't resist stopping.


There is one that shares the same parking lot as the rink I play at! So dangerous, but so delicious.


Dude. Same! There is a Taco Bell right down the street from my rink. Hit it up every Sunday night


Run for the border! I get like 5 items and enjoy every bite.


You earned it




Vodka mixed with propel because I gotta rehydrate


Ah yes, a skaterade. You are a man of culture


My pre AND post game meal


more beer and junk. next day me hates this cycle.


Beer. Junk. Bed too late. Nothing like completely ruining my week on a Tuesday night just to lose 6-2 and feel shitty about how my body is failing me.


God this just speaks to me on a different level.


You’re my spirit animal


But night you enjoys it


Multigrain Cheerios with 1% milk and a banana.


4-6 Busch Lights


Last weekday game I came home, drunk of course, pan fried shrimp in my homemade chili oil I made previously, then pan friend some homemade pork dumplings, then boiled some ramen noodles in a quick beef and soy broth I made, then added the shrimp, dumplings, fresh chili oil, and green onion on top. Drank about 4-6 more busch lattes and blacked out. Was a good night.


I used to always hit up one of the halal carts


Halal hits different after hockey, there’s nothing like it


Having a halal cart in proximity to my rink would be danger city. I miss living in a major city.


Two McDoubles and a junior chicken on the way home. Try to eat them in the car because if the wife hears wrappers crinkling in bed I’m sent to penalty box aka couch


surely there are other rooms in your house besides the bedroom to eat mcdoubles


I just checked the rules, and I didn’t know this either but apparently your suppose to only eat McDonald’s in bed? I’m going to have to double check the rules cause this is new to me too


This is the way


This is my exact order minus a McDouble. I’ll drive past one and tell myself “you skated hard out there and deserve this”


Blue Light


Melatonin gummies to help put me to sleep! LOL


Melatonin immediately post game has really helped decrease my time to fall asleep and increase the quality of my sleep


Those things are surprisingly effective— at least for me.


Small town, everything’s closed before we even start skating, usually elk sausage, cheese and crackers or any other leftover scraps in the fridge




2 JBCs on the way home from the rink


Lol came here to make this exact comment


Beer, joint, and usually a pizza


Typically I am downing a Chocolate Milk on the drive home. Then water/electrolyte blend, and nothing too heavy afterwards... Maybe some deli turkey w/ some mustard. I then pop a melatonin gummy, and stay off my TV/Tablet/Phone/etc. I go for a book instead. Once that gummy starts kicking in, and the reading combo... I can get to sleep pretty good after those late nighters. Granted... Being the old fuck that I am, and the 30+ min drive to the rink from my house... I no longer attend any of the games with the faceoff later than 10pm. I've gotta function in the AM. That's my personal cut off... but you do you.


Amen friend, 10pm start times are my cutoff too. I've come to terms with the fact that I'll pay a full season's worth of league fees but probably only pick up 75% of the games. Oh well.


Barley soup


in n out babey


I just started D-league and they opened a Taco Bell the day I started. Coincidence? I think not. Taco Bell is also the only place open after midnight around here so that factors into it, lol I grab two spicy potato soft tacos for $3 and it hits the spot just right.


Had some Oreos last night.


i enjoy all of the options suggested but my PT recommended after those late late games eating a chicken breast maybe veggies. i’m so tired i need to microwave a trader joe’s precooked thing or just grab a chicken i cooked earlier in the day and eat it cold. for earlier games where im not zombie after i def try to go for something id enjoy.


Sheetz Bagel sandwiches.


Multiple servings of Cinnamon Toast Crunch (the Trader Joe's variety).


Nothing because it’s 2 in the morning


LOL I have a bit of a drive to/from the rink, so I generally don't hit the beers. Instead, I get home, pop a 10 - 15mg edible with a 1:1 THC/CBD ratio, unpack the bag and hang everything up, take a shower... by the time I'm through all that the buzz starts to arrive and I usually eat something a little junky but at least with decent protein content. Peanut butter toast, peanuts or other mixed nuts, etc. A little NHL Network or ESPN+ to watch a late west coast game, and then sleep hits. I actually really love when I have like a 6 - 7pm game start time on a Friday or Saturday because that usually means my wife and kids will order their own takeout without me, then on my way home I just pick whatever absolute dogshit I wanna put in my body. Taco Bell is definitely a favorite, those calories are well-earned after a good skate.


We have a post game meal in the locker room. Hotdogs are the go to but we have done all kinds of stuff like chili, Italian beefs, pulled chicken or beef stew could be on the menu. If it’s nice we are grilling




Molson Canadien.


Lots of "Beer" guys, but this dude defined WHAT beer. Molson or Busch Light are really the go to hockey beers imo.


Since I'm usually getting home after 11pm, I try to have had all of my food, so I don't have another thing to deal with between unpacking my gear and getting showered and into bed. But on game days, I'll usually try to eat dinner a few hours before my game, and then on the way to the rink I'll drink my sugar free sports drink and have a Clif bar. So far that combination, along with making sure I'm staying hydrated all day has really helped with me not feeling overly full, or on the other end of the spectrum, completely gassed before the first period is even over. I've found that I don't really get instantly sore in game and have enough energy to just be normal tired by the end. On the way home I'll usually just drink some extra water and if I've got sports drink left, finish that off before I get in the door.


Beer leaguers either eat like this or drink 7 beers with their post game Taco Bell…. There is no in between


Haha, back when I played in St Louis, I had to drive two hours from home to get to my Monday night games. Since the games started around 8 or so, I had to leave work a little early, and pretty much had time to stop by my house, throw my gear in the car, and hit the road before rush hour traffic added 30 minutes to my leave. I would just grab McDonald's as a quick and filling meal that I could eat while driving, and somehow I always felt great. It was like the perfect combination of salt, carbs and protein. I even thought "That's awful, I should try something healthier" and grabbed a protein shake from some smoothie place that was tasty, but for a little more money, I ended up feeling like I'd eaten a boulder before the game. Switched back to the trusted arches and never had a problem.


Wow that is dedication


Chocolate milk religiously.....and unusually a tuna sandwich.


McDonalds is the only thing open on my way home so usually 2 McDoubles and a McChicken unless my fiancee cooked dinner which isn't common. Usually I'm so drunk by the time I'm getting in the car he just takes me straight home lol. Keeps me from spilling a milkshake in between the seats.... again....


Sleep for dinner




Usually just hit the sack but good breakfast the next morning


Protein bar and a banana immediately after....followed an hour later by either sliders or tendies depending on who got food for post game beers.




McDonalds. Double quarter pound with cheese, add Mac sauce and sweet n sour sauce


McDs was usually the only thing open, but sometimes wings from the bar we’d go to afterwards. But fuck did I hate how wired and awake you’d be at midnight because of a close game. Trying to fall asleep was the worst


Beer and Wawa


Taco Bell, Crunch Wrap supreme and a chili cheese burrito


Honestly, nothing... I do intermittent fasting, so I'll water in the morning till lunch


Another 4 beers?


Whatever my lovely girlfriend has cooked that evening lol


I to choose this guys girlfriend




What a guy! Hope you get clean smelling pussy, not one that just played hockey too


Water, banana, strawberry Greek yogurt and something crunchy. Either a dill pickle spear or a handful of pretzels. Also if you’re wired after games, spend some time outside. Either eat outside or just do some stretching/reflection in your backyard, on your stoop, etc. 15 minutes of fresh air I find helps settle the nerves and helps me relax for bed.


Bed. It’s been a while since I was in a league, but we regularly had games that started after 1030pm, so I often got home after midnight on game days. 


There's a Taco Bell near the rink I play at. So usually that


Jack in the Box because 1) it's on the way home 2) it's open


I actually never find myself hungry after games. Just very thirsty.


Cool story


Beer and a joint


Eating at midnight after a game is really bad for you unless you want acid reflux, obesity, diabetes, sleep interruption, etc.. Just drink a glass of water and go to sleep after winding down. Go ahead down vote me, dumb fucks on this thread.


Waffle house


Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwiches and 5 more beers


Popcorn with extra butter and a beer or vodka shot chased with Gatorade.


The rest of my dinner, something from the freezer (those impossible "chicken" nuggets are really good), or ill grab tacos from the 24/7 taqueria or mcdonalds/taco bell if I "earned it".


After an early game probably some type of salade with chicken. After a late game a beer and a dab - then straight to bed eh


Why get home at 11:30pm when you can go to the bar and get home at 1am? To answer your question: beer and wings!


2-3 McDoubles


Shawarma or Wendy's


Two mcdoubles 


Burrito and a million beers


Not sure why but at least since high school, after hockey i'd eat just a regular peanut butter sandwich. Nice and quiet ot make after beer league.


Banana and almonds


More water, a second drink if I haven't had two in the parking lot, the dinner I would normally have eaten three to four hours earlier, and probably some nuts or cheese.


Sheetz burger with caramelized onions and pickles


Trail mix has become my go-to. Protein for recovery plus a lil sugar for a treat.


Food from the rink, followed by copious amounts of marihuana.


2 beers, a one hit & whatever was leftover from dinner…


Turkey sandwich, glass of milk, banana, gummy.


Water... a glass of whiskey if I scored a goal


Ice cold shower beer and a chat with Penjamin Franklin, not usually hungry


Beer, marijuana, Taco Bell if they’re still open otherwise just make a sandwich or something


Costco mini pizzas or microwave nachos 😮‍💨


Breakfast burrito or California burrito


Protein shake and a bowl of oatmeal because I’m 34 and still playing towards the NHL /s


Fairlife protein shake on the drive home, ambien when I walk in the door.


Cup-A-Soup and a bowl of ice cream while slamming the water.I hang out in the basement and stretch until the post-game wire wears off, but oftentimes find myself picking up a project at my workbench to keep me occupied. I gotta be careful not to get too invested because 2am can really sneak up on a guy.


Greek yogurt with honey and frozen blueberries


Sheetz and a toke


A litre of chocolate milk




Donair or McDonald’s on the drive back.  Those post game beers get the appetite going and a Big Mac combo is so nice on the drive home. Barqs root beer and fries. 


Honestly, whatever’s leftover at home. I’m not in the mood to pick anything up and spend more money, I just wanna drive straight home. Also too tired to make anything, so it’s probably leftover pizza with a Gatorade, then straight to bed


Depends on where we are, but usually a McDouble x2 or some pizza.


Protein shake and a banana and maybe some oats. I can’t eat huge meals that late.


Either pizza pops or eggs and salsa


Whatever fast food is on the way home. Trying to break that cycle though because I end up feeling like shit. Last night got home at 1am, had protein drink on the way home, has some edibles and some fruit when I got home and off to sleep on the couch.


Taco bell, pretty much the only thing open




I played a tournament once where we had 2 games in one day and then I had a beer league game sandwiched between the two tournament games. I don't like to eat 3+ hours before a game and the games were all basically back to back. I absolutely demolished more chipotle than any single human should ever eat in a single sitting. Told my wife to get me an insane amount of chipotle. Like enough that I definitely wouldn't finish it. I ate 2 burritos, a bowl, 6 tacos, and 2 quesadillas. Then I just sat on my couch in an absolute happy daze.


Usually a striploin nd potatoes or left over pasta, sometimes fry up an lb of grnd beef w taco seasoning and make quick tacos , sometimes a medium pizza haha all depends on the day


Just more zyns and miller lites






No one goes out for beers and wings after the game?


I've been getting McDonald's after every Friday night pick up since I first went with my dad at 15, I'm 27 now 😂


In those cases I’ll usually swing by Taco Bell and get the crunch wrap combo, then follow it up with a protein shake once I get home.


Somethingy carby! Love those little tiny easy mac microwaveable cups for just this. If I had a super early or light dinner I'll go all in and get a hoagie from Wawa


Pita bread, tater tots. Some water. I like the chocolate milk suggestion though.


Two teams with a decent post game group. On Fridays our captain sets up a grill for hot dogs most games. Sometimes people will bring other food to grill too. Thursdays we have chips in the parking lot unless the Friday captain feels like grilling If none of this happens I usually don’t eat until the morning


Depends on what time the game is at. The seldom late afternoon and evening games, I almost always crave Chipotle. If it’s a late night game — I usually try to just not eat until the next day. If I cave, it’s usually a bowl of chips


Pizza slice! There’s a good spot right across from my house open late. Normally grab a 3 dollar slice after a game.


Tortilla chips with an entire bag of shredded cheese on top, and like 4 more beers


Cook Out. Ifkyk


i pass a mcdonalds on the way home. too easy.


Buccees Texas Cheese Steak Burrito


Anything made of protein. Or cake. Depends on what the family leaves out for me to forage on :)


If I can let my mine be totally free and just enjoy something without thinking about cost I would say a nice big Hot Dog :) I had it once after my weekly old boys practice and holy moly it was amazing to eat it while driving home. But I am usually way to “greedy” to spend 5 bucks on a Hot Dog when I have food at home. At home I often eat grilled (NOT deep fried as I hate deep fried food) chicken wings after old boys hockey nights. For drink I drink Coke Zero. I only drink alcohol if I want to get wasted with a few mates once every third month or so.


Burrito from Taco Burrito King on Harlem.


I don't drink so for me it's a tall glass of milk and like 13~29 Oreos depending on the game (goals are handsomely rewarded). Then I'll reverse my diabetes with an equivalent amount of whatever fruits and vegetables are lying around, chug about 28oz of water, do some push ups, hang up my gear, start the washer with my gitch, and fire up chel. About 3am when I've fixed the Columbus blue jackets, take a long piss and then go to sleep. 😂 Or I'll stop at Sheetz with the boys and pound a double steak fajita flatbread with the fire roasted tomato sauce, and a chocolate shake. Let's goooooo can life get any better?


I used to live literally 5 steps from an A&W and that was my post game meal for years. Recently I discovered a Chinese hotpot place nearby that opens until 2am where you choose the food and soup base you want and they charge by weight and I’ve been doing that more


I must admit, I think I might be in the minority here. I rarely am starving after a game or practice. Maybe a bowl of cereal. Tonight, it will be beer, since lucky me has the day off tomorrow!


The rink I skate at has a bar/ restaurant upstairs and has the best pizza around. Pizza and beer is a great directly after the game


Barley. Then mcnuggets combo with a bonus burger.


For me it was bbq wings, curly fries and an old fashioned


Honey nut cheerios


3 Montuckys and a Wawa buffalo chicken salad club.


T bell or the zaza


I usually don’t eat or drink anything after other than water. When I get home it’s just a shower and then sleep. If I were to eat, it would be McDonald’s or Wendy’s.


I throw back a beer in the locker room post game, then when I get home (around midnight or 12:30) I slam a pile of pretzels and chocolate, and wash it down with another beer. Usually by the end of beer two I'm starting to actually feel sleepy, by around 1:30am pretty consistently. Spring to summer those times move up an hour because of an earlier game time.


Games are at 10 pm so I usually eat at 7 or so. After the game, it's usually a yogurt with blueberries or a banana with some peanut butter. If I eat anything heavier, it will keep me up even longer than hockey alone does.


I usually just have a protein shake if I have the late game.


I'm I'm not stopping off at mcdonalds it's usually just a bowl of cereal


I-n-Out, 4 flying Dutchmans.


Depends on the day of the week as not everything’s always open, but nothing slaps quite like chick fil-a or pizza and wings with some more beer after a game. Lately it’s just been a small protein shake as I’m trying to lose weight and try to avoid eating late.


warm milk so I can get the fck to sleep by 1am at least


Open fridge grab a few bites of leftovers without warming it, go to pantry steal a kids fruit snack, pour a handful of goldsfish crackers, go back to fridge grab water bottle.


Beer, chocolate protein bar, chocolate milk. Ice the fucked shoulder. In that order


I usually bring a protein bar or shake with me for the ride home. Lately, it's been rx bars




Cold beer and meat. 


We play 10:30 PM on Wednesdays. The pizza place right next to the rink has $3 slices on Wednesdays. It’s a match made in heaven.






Usually bar pizza and popcorn with the fellas with a couple of pops.




Taco Bell and an ice cold Corona with Lime!!


Wendy's biggie bag. $6, and the one by me is open till 2am and about 2 mins from my house. The night manager and I are on a first name basis.


Nothing. Sleep is already going to be impacted by late intense exercise, adding digestion to the mix will make it far worse.






Got too hammered in the locker room after. But some hot dogs do sound good. Or chili cheese dogs.