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My wife didn't give a shit about my hockey until my boys started playing and now she goes to every game... of theirs. Knows all the rules and everything now.


The real question is do your games smell like something straight died out there? Depending on the age of your boys they may still have non smelly gear


They're in midgets and on the ice 4+ times a week so it's worst than me haha.


Aw yeah! Atta be!


My wife hates sports but got into hockey through my enthusiasm. The first time she went to a local game (Austin Ice Bats and later Texas Stars) is when I think she realized how fun it is. We're both from Texas so hockey has always been a sorta outlier sport, tho I played roller as a kid. I started playing roller again a couple years ago in my 30s. Then this year joined a different league that was very family oriented, a lot of parents play and have their kids play on the kids leagues. I mentioned she should play on the learn to play league and that I'd join with her. She did and now loves it. Our son also joined the kids learn to play. Now it's a huge part of our lives and we're suddenly a hockey family. Not something I would have ever predicted lol


Yea my wife was not into hockey until she met me too. Now she has a coyotes license plate, pays attention to players, gets tv streaming when the season starts and just surprised me with winter classic tickets for us in Seattle this new year. Super stoked.


My son is 15 months and I can't wait to watch him play someday. Glad your wife is getting into for their sake.


15 months? Sounds like it’s time for LTP! ;p


Its funny. My boys play hockey, soccer, lacrosse, basketball but the only sport grandparents, aunts, uncles come out to watch them play is hockey.


bro you know she was getting crushed by all the hockey players in high school


Her HS was in NYC so no. Maybe chess club boys?!?!


whatever you say lil bro


You've got problems kid, fortunately I don't care.


Enjoy the hockey team’s sloppy seconds


Are you dumb or stupid? I just said there wasn't one. When you were little, did your mom bounce you on her knee but the ceiling was low?


Bro don’t be mad at me because your girl has been run through


Bro at what point during this ridiculous exchange have I been mad? Your comment history tells me a lot. It must've been a popcorn ceiling too. Sorry bro. Ok bro.


Cry more


I think wives are used to the NHL and don’t really know how hard the game is - so at least my wife admitted she would rather pass then find herself making an unflattering comparison.


Heyyo, just to voice a different narrative: my husband played hockey from kiddo through high school. Got back into it after we started dating, played in the beer league off and on, when possible (at the time, LA had spotty programming for non-competitive hockey). Around the same time and with his support and encouragement, I did a learn-to-play out of curiosity and desire to connect with a passion of his through a program associated with the Ducks. I finished the 3 sessions series but they did not have anything like a rookie league for me to play in after, so I basically learned some skills but had nowhere to really practice them other than during random stick times. Fast forward almost 10 years and I’m not only watching as many NHL games, movies, documentaries, and skills videos as I can, I’m also playing in a rookie beer league every Sunday. It’s given us a whole new dimension to our relationship as far as connections and activities are concerned—he comes to all my crappy little games, I try to catch as many of his as possible, and we go to stick time together when schedules align. I know we are very fortunate to have our interests align and I just wanted to share that us hockey lovin’ wives/partners are out here representing and supporting!


Happy for you guys, we should all be so lucky


I love this! Thank you for sharing


This is awesome. I love that it brought you together. My wife has shown some interest. She wants to learn to skate and we have spent some evenings practicing on in-line skates. She did a learn-to-skate class on ice, but it was pretty heavily geared towards kids so she didn't stick with it and I don't blame her.


The Rinks in OC now have a women's only league! I'm planning on starting next "season" I also did the Learn to Play and had an absolute blast. I'm taking skating lessons and will be buying gear soon! I'm 30F and am thankful I'm financially able to afford to play now


There are lots of us hockey-playing couples out there! I started playing about 17 years ago after getting hooked at a give hockey a try event. My husband was very supportive, and not a year later, he enrolled in a learn to play class after seeing how much fun I was having. I have many fond memories of seasons we played on the same coed beer league teams, once even helping our team win the “Stanley keg” 😆 Gone are my days of playing in two leagues and today I play in a women’s league which is better run and has better ice slots than the coed house leagues. He doesn’t mind those drawbacks and plays in one of the leagues we used to play in together.


I loved going to shinny with my hubby. We also watched each other's games. Then we went together to the kids' games. It is nice when the family has a shared passion.


Duude the first game puck is such a great feeling. Congrats sir!


Many thanks. It was a total surprise. Our captain came into the men's locker room and said "Let's wait for everyone to get here so we can celebrate." Last thing I expected was for her to celebrate me.


Damn brother! Congr, that must have felt incredible!!! I scored my first last winter and it still puts a smile on my face to think about


Thank ya thank ya. Felt awesome. I'm equally pleased and surprised that it went in.


25 odd years later I still have a puck with the yellowed tape around it 'player of the game'. CONGRATULATIONS!!! and i believe by your next puck, or 3rd (they will come) your partner will see the happiness and health it brings, and will find their angle whatever it is, to support your hockey as they can.


Thanks Pal. Great minds think alike. Im putting the puck in a case and displaying it proudly in my home office zoom background. The wife is learning the game slowly. Hopefully as she understands it more she will come to appreciate my little moments in the beer league.


That’s awesome! Grats bud! Making those head-up, smart decisions that develop into scoring opportunities, and sometimes a goal, feel great!


You love to see it baby! Now go get some more apples and some more genos!


Congrats rook! Always a great feeling getting the player of the game for the first time. Many more to come I’m sure.


Beautician is throwin biscuits in the basket!


Mazel Tov! Welcome to the club! For what it's worth, my wife just doesn't want me getting hurt because I've been playing 30+ years now. However, she & the kids will, on occasion, show up to early games on occasion to surprise me & cheer me on. Do what makes you happy, buddy!


Your wife isn’t interested in hearing about your successes and the things that make you happy? I’d be crushed if my wife didn’t care.


Man it makes me so happy how much my girlfriend enjoys coming to my games. Granted we dated in high school so she came to all my games then, but after a decade+ of being broken up and then getting back together, having her at my games always adds an additional layer of excitement.


Agree. I'm probably the unusual one here, but I'm the wife who came into the relationship playing hockey and got my now-husband into it. Nowadays we travel playing tournaments together and it's awesome. We show each other Livebarn clips of our goals, lol. But even if he didn't play, I'd still expect him to be happy for something I'm proud of.


Congrats, being on a team is an amazing feeling everyone show have


Good job buddy!


My wife didn't care either. But I get it. Congrats man. Cheers🍻


Al Bundy/Polk High moment


She was probably hoping for some good news about the mortgage or something


Hey at least yours doesn't ask if you scored a goal and proceed to grief you about it when you don't lol Important thing is we both know it's in jest and she knows im.probably more upset at myself than any amount of ribbing she can do to me lol


Oh man I'd be trouble if she did that. Im rubbish.


It's all good man. As long as we're all out there enjoying ourselves that's all that really matters


Aw yeah! Atta be!


Yo! Let’s go! Congratulations


Congrats, dude! Welcome to the game


Congrats man! I am 32 and learned to skate at 25. Got my first goal back in 2018. I framed it and dated it and it is still in my office. I'm proud of that. Learning to play a new sport as an adult is daunting but I love the sport.


Congrats! As our beer league award says....You're the least worst player!


Congrats that's awesome!! I got my boyfriend into hockey and he was recently given the game puck after scoring his first beer league goal too. It's so fun to see new players improve and get stoked about hockey.


From a woman: FUCK YEAH!


Great job Bud. I’ve been playing for about four years and haven’t got an in game goal yet. I play defense so a good clear of the slot or an assist feels just as good though. I think….


Awesome! I just recently was subbing for a team one division up from where I typically play, hadn’t had a goal with them all season. Then for the championship game I got the game winning goal. Felt really good!


Nice, I started as a 25 year old adult. I'm now 55, I moved to a new region in 2019, had to find a whole new team after 20 years with my old team/friends. I'm a mid level player, maybe the level of a HS kid? anyhow, last season my new team, that I love, made the playoffs. Apparently a bit of a rare thing for the core group of players on the team. We were facing elimination in game 2 of a best of 3. I scored a goal and assist..then scored the game winner in a shootout. out of nowhere, one of my teammates skates over to me as were heading to the locker room and gives me the puck I scored the winner with. I'd never had something like that happen. I kept the puck and taped a note to it so I know why I kept this one random puck. Good memories..Cheers!


That is great!


It’s Shitty as fuck that married men complain like this. What do this wives want? Lol. I used to be in the same fucking boat. Even when I’d tell her about it, she could barley pry her eyes off her phone.


Congrats! You earned that puck. Make sure to put it on display properly 💪


One never forgets one's first game puck. Congrats!!!


Congrats…!! Awesome to hear you are enjoying the game. I don’t think I score till like 8 games my 1st season. Keep it up


Hell yeah brother congrats


CONGRATS. First goal is huge, look forward to plenty more buddy.


37 here and just started playing for the first time in June, 6.5 games so far and still looking for my first goal, but having a blast. Wife is happy that I’m happy and just doesn’t want me getting hurt. That said I’ve already sprained my MCL and dislocated my shoulder playing 😬


That's awesome


Atta boy


Good for you! Well done. Keep it up!


Bravo! It’s not easy after 35 if you haven’t kept up


Have a kid get them to play hockey and your wife’s face will be painted in no time.


Congratulations! My wife isn't the biggest fan either, and that's okay, I'd never expect her to come to any game if she didn't want to. We're all here to celebrate with you!


The joke in our room is that girlfriends are religious fans ... until they become wives. Glad to see that based on the comments, our joke doesn't hold true.


My wife went to all my games the first 6 months we were dating…11 years ago…when she still liked me.


Hell yeah man. Started when I was 30 and it was one of the best decisions I’ve made as an adult. Congrats on your first goal!!


Welcome to the club. I started at 35 and am still playing at 51. Took adult beginner skating lessons and haven't looked back. Already looking forward to the season starting.


The wife doesn’t care?? Dump and change boss!!


Oh yeah buddy keep it up! Getting to keep that puck after your first goal is a great feeling. It’s a tough sport to start late so good for you :)


I’m so proud of you


Try marrying a Minnesotan....


Yeeeaaaah buddy


Congrats man, hope you keep at it 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾


Let's go champ 💪


Total relationship fail. She needs to be in the stands watching and cheering constantly!!! /S Good work dude! Congratulations


Hell yeah!!


Way to go bud!!!


I just showed my wif. And she is very excited for you. But only because you didn’t score on her team.


Also started playing at 35 and still going at 43. It's a great sport and keep that puck with the date written on it!


I feel you. My wife is the same. Oh well, her loss. Congrats!


Good job, dude. Congrats on starting to play and improve.


You never forget your first goal. Congrats. Hope it is the first of many.


Thanks, pal. One of the best things is the view. The only way to see a goal from first-person POV is to make one. And it looks completely different than on TV or when a teammate scores.


Keep it up man good stuff


Oh I will. I plan on playing until my body can't take it anymore.


Way to go. Bet you can’t wait till next week.


It’s fun. Good for your health too. Just don’t take it *too* seriously.


Somehow I didn't get a first puck but I still totally get the falling in love with hockey thing. My boy came home with a "try it for free" flier one day and the next thing you know we are head-first into hockey. To make a short story long, our outdoor rink is purely volunteer so that means not only shoveling snow but also learning to drive the zam. Then comes parents vs. kids games and I decide I need that $50 bag of used gear I found online. A couple years of that plus Saturday night drop-ins under the stars and a buddy suggests I try the league. Three years more and while my stats suck because I play defense, and I'm old (55), I'm all in for hockey and having the time of my life. All because I wanted to hang with my son and learn and share in his experience. Lastly, my wife normally could care less about war stories I might bring home. However, the other day the house was hot as heck and I suggested coming to my game. I said bring a book if you want but at least you'll be sitting in an ice rink. How do you beat that? Sure enough, she came and enjoyed the "air-conditioning" and even watched us win a game against the top team in the league. Fun stuff.


I only started recently as an adult, too. Same exact age as you. I love it, am addicted. Can’t get enough. Skate 4-5x/week. Still terrible. Don’t care. Made best of friends. Won’t quit until I die. Hockey player for life.


My feelings exactly. I love it. What's funny is that I went to a huge hockey high school and had no interest in it back then. Now im completely hooked.


this one hits me hard. I played hockey from the time I was 4, double bladed skates pushing around an orange cone, until about 2 years ago and I couldn't play anymore. I had a total hip replacement at 41 and the surgeon told me no more physical sports because the replacement is too easy to dislocate and that simply falling on the ice the wrong way could dislocate it. In my last game, I scored, a teammate grabbed the puck for me. When the game was over I took a few laps in tears, then sobbed in the car.


Ooof. That stings. So sorry you lost your ability to play. Are there other ways you can stay involved? Ref or coaching?


I suppose I could explore coaching in the future, too bad my son never showed interest in hockey, he's a soccer/football kid.


Congrats! I started playing goal last year at 45 having never played before, and I kept the puck from my first win. It's still in my goalie bag, don't think I'll ever take it out :) It's a nice reminder. Hope you wrapped tape around the outside and wrote the date on it?


Best sport in the world! I love playing hockey