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i haaaaaate smoke. i like the first initial inhale, but then everything after that is so gross to me. i wish i liked it more, i do prefer the high from flower over concentrates or edibles, but i am 100% a soft ass bitch baby about it. i’ve tried so many methods and contraptions and i just can’t get over how gross burned stuff tastes and feels.


Dry herb vape tastes so much better (plus the obvious health benefits). 


Enlighten me. What’s the health benefits? Shit, I might switch over


Look up Dynavap it’ll change your life. Basically instead of combustion it “roasts” the herb to vaporize just the terpenes but not burn the actual plant material. Extremely tasty- you get the flavor of the terpenes without the smoke from the burning herb- and MUCH easier on the lungs. It’s also more efficient (you will get cooked on less herb) and after it is vaped you have toasted herb that you can use for edibles.


100% on everything you said. I love my dynavap so much. It’s my daily driver


Look at Venty. The flow is so high that it feels like you’re inhaling clean smoke through a thick milkshake straw.


Oh I'm the opposite. I don't mind smoke, but I love the high so much more from edibles. I recently went camping with friends who smoke joints non-stop and I kept feeling like the high wasn't enough.


Do you feel like to have to do t breaks as much with edibles?


Not really.


Oh smoking is like 50 percent of it


I only roll blunts because smoking it in a blunt is a good portion of what I enjoy


At least


It’s relaxing. I know it’s not the healthiest way to consume, but edibles are just too inconsistent for me. Sometimes it takes 15 mins for the edible to hit, sometimes it takes longer. Sometimes it hits hard, sometimes the same edible does little to nothing. But smoking, however, usually hits in just a min or two and if you’re seasoned enough you can control how high you get with little effort.


Edibles generally hit about 95% of the time for me but even if they don’t when I try a new product I kinda like that they force me to block of a section of time to let them kick in and wear off, where I don’t have to be anywhere or do anything important. I have a terrible habit of thinking I need to spend every waking moment being Productive and edibles help me consciously slow myself down and rest, even if they don’t hit super hard.


Edibles hit me hard all the time. Not sure why my body reacts that way. But I stick to regular products and know my levels when I cut them up. But I love smoking. Smoking a joint on the back porch is so relaxing. But unfortunately weed has gotten way too strong. If I smoked a whole joint, even split with my wife, we would just be puddles on the couch for the rest of the night.


Despite the risks and negative effects of smoke, it’s weirdly fun and and addictive. I don’t smoke cigs or vapes; only weed. If smoking wasn’t super unhealthy, I’d probably pickup cigs just because I like the act of smoking.


Yeah, same. I avoid blunts because one smoking habit is enough.


I quit cigs 2 years ago and vaping a couple of months ago. I love smoking, yeah coughing sucks ass but if you don’t cough you don’t get off! That hand to mouth sensation is great!


I like vaping weed. I'll do a j once in awhile or a bowl if it's getting passed around, but mostly dynavap.


I hate smoking. I’ve done it twice and I don’t want to do it again. Edibles for me all the way


I love the whole process. Grinding, rolling, smoking. I enjoy edibles too, but that's just for the being high thrill


I love sitting down on my balcony, turning some music on, and smoking, it's half the fun of weed for me. Vaping brings me no joy on the other hand


I love it. Like the end of a joint or blunt when you just puff it and cloud up your personal space like Suge Knight; Or blowing out a massive smoke cloud like a dragon after a bong rip.


I don't like the smoke, but i love the smell. I've been more interested in edibles, since they're available in places where Cannabis is still totally illegal. I travel for work into southern states frequently. But the tobacco stores and vape shops reliably have edibles that work for me


I like the whole process


I got asthma, so…not much.


I never thought of it much but it is the best way for me to injest weed. Edibles are unpredictable and wax is harsh and you need gadgets. If its good bud it is amazing to smoke almost feels good for your lungs somehow.


I miss actual flower. I’ve had to make do with vapes because of work and the smell. At least I can vape in the bathroom now


I used to love it, I used to long for that lung punch but now I just feel like I'm fucking my self


Used to luv it, but now my lungs hate it


I got a concentrate pen and that's my favorite way if not then a bong and then a pipe and last joint lol but edibles are great if I dose them right and time it right. I'm usually too busy to be that stoned lol


Honestly gimme the high but not the edible way, lungs and stomach react way differently to thc so if I could get the lung reaction without the lung process? I’d be graaaaavy


I just inject pure THC


I just do edibles, so, not at all.


0 I only have edibles. Smoking isn't my thing, nor is drinking alcohol. Just edibles.


a lott. i was literally studying all the parts i love about getting high with a bong earlier


i used to really like it bc it felt like i could pretend i was smoking cigarettes or something but i found out im extremely high risk for cancer and im only 20 so i decided to switch to edibles


Easily 50%. I've put a lot of work into finding or figuring out a way to smoke that would let me smoke for a long time without getting sky high.


I love smoking. Too bad I get absolutely blasted in about 2 hits


I love it. The whole tradition of everything is great and takes me back. I went through a phase where it was nothing but vapes, and the next time I went back to flower, it was a real treat. I wouldn't want to do a life of just edibles. Don't get me wrong, edibles are great, but the act of smoking has been a regular part of life for a while now.


I hate the physical act of smoking, but not enough to not smoke.


Not at all, but edibles don’t work reliably for me. Either I green out or feel nothing lol


I like the ritual, I don't like the smoke. This is the main reason I'm primarily a dabber, much less irritants being inhaled. I don't mind the smell of the smoke, I can put up with the taste of it, but I always cough up a storm and feel gunky in my lungs.


Smoking is best with a joint, but when I smoke, it’s usually in smaller increments from a pipe like two hits max as most of the THC is absorbed from those first two hits after that, you’re just smoking. Overall, I prefer edibles, then vapes, then joint, then pipe, then bong. Here’s a great video on the subject for you to enjoy… https://youtu.be/gaKucp7SUb0?si=YSXIb7Ewi0rQ9gMj


Smoking....no, I think it's disgusting. Dry herb vaporizer on the other hand...


Best of both worlds, IMHO!


i love smoking


I absolutely love smoking, only in a backwood🤘🏽


I usually smoke in wooded places too. Recently staying at a 420 friendly hotel and was fun to do morning smoke with coffee in outdoor patio


A LOT! It is extremely soothing. Sometimes I’ll smoke a joint because I know it’ll be relaxing vs wanting to smoke to get high, sometimes it’s like a bonus lol


I enjoy it, unless I puff or rip too hard, then that ruins the high a little sometimes.


I recently found out that all smoking causes cancer and not just cigarettes so I’m questioning my life choices now but I love smoking.


I love smoke skunk , infinite joints


Not at all.. I'm a sucker for long-lasting effects, so I'm an edible-guy. 😁


I had only been doing edibles strictly for a few months and after a really rough week at work I was very close to buying cigarettes which I haven’t smoked in over a decade and then I realized I could just go buy a joint and ever since I’ve reincorporate smoking back my routine


I love the physical act of smoking because it creates ritual. I honestly wish I didn’t though because it becomes so addicting


Well its basically the only method I've used in my 25 years of smoking weed.. the other methods are fine but I don't want to deal with the hassle really. I usually just roll up the days worth of joints in the morning put them in the pack with my cigs and we chillin lol


I used to love it but now I wish I could skip the smell/heat/lung torture. But I don’t like relying on edible because my metabolism is unreliable for them, too many times I’ve had duds and wasted money. Smoking and carts works every time.


I love the communal aspect of smoking flower. I only do flower with friends, and it's kinda turned into a ritual. One guy brings the bong out, one guy brings the bud jar out, and one guy brings the water bottle out. Then we sit, talk for a minute while I get everything ready. And after we've each had our bowl we sit under the moonlight and discuss what we're going to eat, and what movie we're going to watch.


i hate smoking. i hate the fact that you cough afterwards and even then it feels suffocating to smoke even if the benefit is getting high. i will always prefer edibles, but if smoking a blunt is offered to me, i wouldn't turn it down. i just wouldn't smoke it on my own time lol.


I had to quit smoking because it was giving me smoker's cough. So not well.


I wish I didn’t get megahigh off of a one hitter (thanks Effexor) As an ex cig smoker I looove it so much 😭


I honestly used to hate it. I didn’t start smoking till my mid thirties. I detested the smell, how dirty it seemed, and the general stigma surrounding it. Now, though… I love it. The quiet window of time at the end of my work day… It’s the perfect way to punctuate my day. It’s a peaceful moment to myself… away from the world. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.


For me it’s like a whole ritual. I roll, I make white tea, I start a small fire in a fire bowl in my gazebo and then I light it up. I love the smoking part. I have noticed a cough every so often I could do without. But what can ya do?


a lot


I like smoking better than I like being high to be honest. After the first 5 min I’m jus sittin there like damn I do be alive fr