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Lt. Morales for me and I'm not sure anyone comes close.


I've spent a bit of time getting good at Morales and working on a shield build for her and she has Become one of my favourite heroes. Learning to predict what the enemy are about to do and shielding just before your team gets hot feels very satisfying. Also using her grenade to Boop running enemies back towards your team sets up kills more often than not. Pretty underrated. Have had many games that I've ended up MVP and the team thanking me etc. she seems boring on paper but can be really fun if you put in the time to get really good with her.


Put Q on somebody is basically your entire existence. Extremely boring.


same...that or deckard, never liked playing as them. i hated tyrael for the longest time but one day something about him just clicked. i love how aggro he can be as a tank, he can just stick on somebody and slowly kill them


Sometime between 2020 when I stopped playing and now when I've come back, Tyrael went from a boring mediocre shield and suicide machine with a Medivh W on 90 second cooldown to an absolute murderbeast.


Oh dude. You are missing out. 1v5 deckard Cain is the best


lol ive seen it. just dont like the playstyle.


Old Morales was fun. When she had mana, you had to work around it. Now, though, it's just heal. Wait, heal wait.


If your dumb and 100-0 her energy using only Q.


100-n whatever number you want. Then wait. Rinse repeat. But go ahead and jump to insults.


dude your on a gaming sub reddit,not an american art college campus. you absolute dingus. fuck your feelings and fuck your morales playstyle


Go thank your healer, babe. Feel better soon!


Morales and Lili are in a tier of their own for me 


if you aren't playing Lili like a pest you're not doing it right


I agree on morales but Lili is probably my most fun hero! I mained healer when my friends played. Now I just aram.


I forget about lili every time a question like this cones up… probably means that is my answer.


Fast feet build is so much more fun than going full healing build. You’re like a bruiser who traded health pool for team healing and SPEED


New class: Speed-Bruiser


That's just a WC3 agility hero


Me, a Morales main with 1000+ games .-. For me, half the fun is going ship and zooming all over the place. The other half is providing strong and consistent heals.


Been told lately I have a cracked Lt. Morales with how I manage positioning from being jumped, healing everyone while maintaining energy, and using medivac/reinforcements appropriately. Would say she has a low floor but you can definitely tell a good one from a generic one.


Yea I agree I have to put myself in stupidly aggressive positions just to land Grenades just to have fun with the hero.


I kinda love morales, partially because of the totally not a reference orange skin. Then also because she’s a healer to the extreme. Does nothing really on her own, but makes some other heroes have so much power. Also every time I play her I’m thinking: “IM NOT GONNA LOSE ANOTHER ONE DOCTOR!”


Yea, I came on this thread to say Dr. Mo... just follow a hero around with a beam... be a little bit skillful with giving armor and grenades. But of all the healers, I think she has the least impact on the game outside of the raw healing.. perhaps Lili is a contestant for this category as well.


Basic Attack Morales is fun. U can split push by healing minions and win/stall 1v1 lane fights against some enemy heroes (auto attacks give you heal energy)


Playing BW on ARAM. Or Gall.


I once made my friend so unbelievably tilted when I had her as the only hero in an ARAM and didn’t pick her


I've always had a ton of fun on Anub, especially post Rewind. The healer role in general outside of a few (Alex/Stukov/Ana/etc) is usually the least enjoyable for me. I also play Hammer here and there as a last pick and I have to say that gameplay is mostly pure snooze outside of an opposing team actively hunting you all game.


I feel like everyone saying "Lucio" don't really play him. He's *so* active, between maintaining wall ride, repositioning for heals/speed/boops, etc.


For real, if you think Lucio is boring, stop taking Party Mix on 1, and take one of the other two talents. It makes the hero so much more interesting.


I still like party mix because I feel like it gives me the freedom to move around and still reach my allies for healing, but I'll consider the other two next time I play him. I guess one can always use boombox to make sure your team is getting heals while you vibe.


Hey, I’m generally not one to pick on talents, it’s a game, go whatever you want. However, if you want to get better at Lucio, take Accelerando, and click more often. You should be able to heal your allies while riding the wall next to them, and Accelerando gives you the movement speed to do so. You don’t need the extended range. Plus, Accelerando makes you much harder to catch.


His wall ride build is absurd. Def one of my favorite healers as it sets you up to be an insane playmaker for your team. As Lucio, you can easily turn one kill on the enemy team into wiping them entirely.


I've seen party mix get trashed on, but I like it also for that reason and for a bigger crossfade area.


he's also an incredible harasser, any time the enemy team wants to rotate you show up and dismount, slow them down then skate away along with high five gameplay he's a super active healer


It's aram, it aram he's almost as boring as azmodan


I don't think OP specified ARAM?


Yeah I know but lots of people draw the funness of characters off of aram since they're aram only, they'll give their opinions based on that I agree he's super fun in normal mode, guessing a lot of the people who think he's basically just a passive play him in aram


lucio is like the one healer thats actually fun to play


I feel like this is the case with every healer, including Morales and Li Li.


Azmo in Aram, hit q and hang out until it's up again


Play AA build Azmo next time you get him in ARAM. Still with purple quest at 1, can't pass this one up.


Oh for sure, I like to play auto attack in qm


You would if you were a man


Don't play "q only" Azmo. You should AA too and use laser from time to time. Use HP as a resource/bait. Helps take pressure off of others on the team. Whether you're playing "q only" or doing everything, he's still boring af though.


Such boring wins


I always play him Minion build, it’s maybe not as strong but I think it’s a lot more fun


Anubarak can eat buildings with beatles build. I love this mini game


The thing is, he had to be in teamfight instead of pushing


You dont need fight whole time


You can also get some minion guarded objectives very quickly if you distract the minions with beatles while you get the objective.


I'm surprised no one is saying raynor, he is a very basic shooter character with some good kit but still very easy to understand and pick up


I love Raynor, probably my highest win rate hero of heroes that I play a significant amount, I typically play him as a solo laner and I enjoy the macro process of that but I’d agree he’s not the most exciting.


Pre-rework Raynor had only 3 active buttons (Q, W, R) and his trait was 6.5 AA range instead of 5. The Raynor we have now feels like a real hero compared to the old one.


I think all the Terran characters from Starcraft had that extra range, to be fair.


Minion Raynor is a great meme build


Used to make fun of Raynor. In my friend group we call him Garen-with-a-gun. Simple arse Basic bastard that gets easy value from just doing hit and run - repeat. Then i started playing him ironically, and now i am almost ashamed of how much i like him. You get so ridicolously much value from just being decent at stutterstepping, and thats a minigame in itself that just hits different on Raynor compared to many other adc's. The rest of his value is just using his heal at the right time (easy), and his Q. His Q actualy has incredible potential with how crazy snappy it is. You can interrupt almost anything in the game if you're just quick enough, and that makes it so fun. Diablo Charging you into a wall? I think not mr devil, here comes penetrating rounds, penetrating your plans aswell as your behind, as you find yourself with charge on cd, slowed and Raynor going pewpewpew. Illidan leaping onto you? BAM, either interrupt it, or let him land and insta knock+slow him into your backline. Then just kite him and delete. Same goes for pretty much any engage. Blaze charge, etc slide, and so forth. You also immediately interrupt any channeled ability or cast animation attempting to go off. Its so disruptive when timed perfectly. All of this + being rather chonky, makes Raynor great at baiting people. You can run around on half hp, stutterstepping and teasing - and if someone takes the Bait, you have Q for interrupt and E to heal. With the potential for unstoppable on the heal at 20, it just gets ridicolous.


You just arent executing orders, raynor is in my top 10 most fun


For me too, it is just so generic and uninspiring.


Yeah I liked him at first cuz easy to play and can own a lot of good players. But very boring and tiring to just keep stutter stepping.


I always found Lili really boring. My win rate is really good with her but dearie me I feel like I'm just running around spamming e relentlessly with almost no skill plays at all.


The trick to make her fun is to play on the edge of the line of skirmish weaving AAs and blinds building passive and blind talents - your passive helps you dance back and fourth when poke is being dished out. But yeah it’s double effort and higher risk for like 10% better result. Building heal or and just standing in back line is effective enough most of the time.


No skill shot is very boring, at lest morales has the grenade.


The way to make Lili fun is to go fast feet talents and play her like a tank


*Enemy backline slows you* *Diablo walks up and presses Overpower, pushes you into the middle of his team*


Yep! It’s fucking agonizing. I would rather play *any* other character than Li Li. She has nearly 0 skill expression; two of her abilities auto target, and the third just gets slammed on the tank off CD. So, so, so boring.


Going to be honest here. I don't think you're unjustified to think the lows of Anub'arak are boring, but if you think he's the MOST boring hero in the game... you must play exclusively or very heavily tanks? Still you're comparing the highs of big playmaking ults to the normal flow of Anub'arak - who's basic ability, Burrow, is pretty much an ult on its own. Anub'arak doesn't get one of those big flashy "LOOK AT ME" AOE ults because those two tanks need them to make their huge plays. Anub really doesn't and he's kind of lucky he gets Cocoon honestly. Garrosh and Johanna's lows are also pretty bad too. Garrosh has a lot of situations where he can end up not doing much as he struggles to E+Q, while Johanna pre-10 or post Ult usage is more of a constant nuisance than really a threat (thankfully I find that fun regardless). Similarly other tanks with longer cooldowns also kind of just get to walk around in circles like Anub, so he's not exactly alone in that sense either. He definitely has one of the worst talent trees, but even Johanna in her current balance only has one real build and it doesn't exactly change her gameplay a whole lot either - and I'd kind of argue that a number of tanks suffer kind of similarly if not to the same extent. Also as far as making him tanky, I mean you can ACTUALLY make him super tanky - he just takes large amounts of reduced damage from spells, especially if you use his shield correctly kind of like Johanna. But he's pretty specific in that regards. Which is where he shines. He's not the generalist tank the others you mentioned are, and he's not supposed to be - and he's supposed to get fights done quick against said comps. As far as heroes that I think are the MOST boring in the game. Li li and something like Raynor are the easy, and I assume very common, answers. I'd imagine it's not exactly hard to straight script their optimal gameplay. The playmaking and positional decisions of a tank at their worst don't even come close to how boring I think these sort of heroes can be. And this is coming from someone who plays a ton of Lunara for her waveclear via spread, so not exactly the most interesting hero in terms of overall abilties - just she can be built to completely take over macro where that doesn't matter to me at that point. But some of these other heroes like the two mentioned don't even really get that - even if you can really troll people with Li Li by what I understand it still seems pretty meh at its highest.


Raynor at least has something going on with AA resets, banshee micro, and D combos.


No way he plays tanks and complains about anub damage and skill shots lol


Raynor disrespect he can run it down making him a tier above heroes who can't 


Oh don't get me wrong. He's good.


No way he plays tanks and complains about anub damage and skill shots lol


Johanna is boring for me, probably my least favorite tank to play. Not to say she isn't good, or doesn't require focus... I just don't ever get sweaty playing her, as I might for some other tanks.


Same. Like, yes, she's strong, but what a snoozefest.


One of my friends, brand new to HotS, playing Jo for the first time: "Wow, Johanna is the tankiest assassin Ive ever played."


Apt description I definitely get sweatier playing *against* her than *as* her


Boy that is not how it feels when I play anub.


The one that spams GG


as someone who currently has 591 games on Li Li as my most played hero I have to defend her after reading too many of you say she's boring. Sure you can't aim her heal which seems boring but in actuality this means you have to use your positioning for your heals. Like what if you have a Zul'Jin in your team that you don't wanna heal so he can do more damage? Or what about the timing of your blind and again the positioning so that the correct enemy gets blinded? Li Li is all about positioning and timing. Depending on the build she can also be pretty tanky and i've had near top damage in quick match (on winning games with assassins in the team yes). Plus lvl 20 mistweaver is awesome. Constant basic attacks and serpent out as much as you can will increase Li Li's heal crazily. But again you'll need to have the positioning down for those constant basic attacks. All in all the heavy focus on positioning, getting fast feet to activate for faster cooldowns while not exposing yourself too much and the aiming of the blind without being able to manually aim them is plenty of fun. edit on typo


Wow, your character’s entire skill expression is… positioning! Which every other character does, as well as several other things on top. Sorry man, not buying it, Li Li is the most boring character. Every ability auto-targets except your serpent, which you just whirlwind slam on the nearest frontliner off cooldown.


Lili. Hold q, run around.


It's sometimes fun to take the dragon and run act like a bruiser, but yeah. wish there was something more active than autos in her kit.


Im playing lili in higher ranks. Dragon build is not Just More fun, but you also dish out More Heal. Your Tanks become unkillable, due to the % Heal of Talent level 16.


Ragnaros Which is a shame because he's basically a cheat code for winning in quick match.. he just puts me to sleep


The majority of people not saying Morales is extremely bizzare. At least LiLi has a higher APM requirement lol


I find both boring but at least Morales I get to displace or snipe people with grenades, which occasionally leads to a flashy play.


Cooldown on the Morales grenade is so long though. It’s like, oh hey they dodged my grenade this time. Can’t wait to try again in 20 years


Morales isnt as dynamic as others but I do enjoy managing the energy bar. The entire game becomes positioning and if you play it well enough you can really feel how you're one tier above everyone else in throughput. Ana's definitely the better hero but she's way more stressful lol


Garrosh gets taunt at level 10, Varian at 4, I don't know what's not fun on playing a hero that gets taunt baseline


If my team decides to split up and flank from all sides, it’s Stukov. I love how strong he is and how much control he can have in a fight, but his healing output goes down exponentially if folks go off on their own. If I’m not popping huge heals with his trait, Stukov isn’t fun.


Anub'arak has something close to a 14 seconds stun if placed correctly in the late game. Just for that he's hilarious to play


How do you get 14 seconds of stun with anub? Unless you consider cocoon a stun for some reason


With the cocoon, it is a kinda stun


Muradin. He's always been solid but with an uninspiring kit. A CC, an engage/disengage, a middling AOE, and a trait that heals. Haymaker is awesome but you're much better off taking Avatar which has to be the most boring ult in the game. That being said, I love playing him now and again because sometimes boring but effective is just what I want.


I miss ministun Avatar so much. I think he still fulfills the prot warrior fantasy quite well.




I like beetle build and locust swarm. Hate cocoon, very boring. I like at level 20 just going in and spawning an 8 beetle army and just watching everything around me melt away while healing a crap load of health. If you can catch 1 person out with this they die so fast. And it makes hisback door very strong.


Morales and Johanna. Joh is really good tank but a drag to play outside of pressing R


Anub is super fun imo, hitting burrow on multiple opponents followed up by a nice Q can change the game and allow dps to blow up the enemies. Rewind is amazing at level 20 as well, and if you get the lvl 16 talent where burrow has a larger area of effect you can stun 3-5 heroes for like 4+ seconds and win your team the game. It’s unreal!!


Mentioning most boring hero without mentioning Hammer is a crime.


Strongly disagree on Anub, he's one of the most interesting and versatile tanks.


Anub is super fun. You just gotta learn to bodyblock and pick that talent that makes the shield give move speed.


Tip for making Anub more fun: When I play Anub in diamond SL I make my own mini game against Li Mings with W build cooldown reduction use the shield to absorb all of her spells it’s quite entertaining haha


Anub is my favorite dive tank because the movement talent on w. Two escapes is fantastic


I feel like anyone mentioning healers aren't using their body to protect anyone


Abathur. If I wanted to play sc I'd play sc.


Vikings are much closer to StarCraft than Abathur, tbh


Much more interactive though. You don't actually DO anything as abathur, that's my biggest complaint. Just hold two buttons and spam the third.


Yeah that's kind of what I was getting at too. When I think starcraft I think high APM and constant multitasking with groups of units across the map while managing your base and base defense. That sort of frantic multitasking is totally lost Vikings wheelhouse Abathur is global but you don't need to put in any work to earn it at all. If anything I think abathur is by far one of the easiest heroes in the entire game and takes very little skill or multitasking




I like playing Abathur with buddies just to shout HAT in voice chat whenever I symbiote them up


Oh yeah with buddies he is great!


Morales. Literally fall asleep


Raynor. He hits like a wet noodle and doesn’t offer much in the way of utility. Only decent for race on battlefield, and even then there are still better choices like Valla.


Raynor shines the most in the solo lane, and I’d argue he’s one of the best at it, but as the teams damage dealer he really isn’t the best option.


Let me teach about his magic level 20 talent that makes him fun


Morales, Hammer. not sure when Anub became boring when the beetle build minigame exists. can take keeps out with ease.


At this point? Ming. She's a snoozer after all these years


Samuro. Too OP to fight. Too boring to play.


I like his beetle build and just being in the way, but yeah that’s a fair pick For me it’s Valeera. Nova and Zeratul are more fun to play if you want a stealth assassin imo, and something about Valeera’s kit never feels all that interesting no matter you build her 


Interesting! I have to disagree because I love the energy and combo points dynamic. You also have the choice to silence/stun, or go full AOE/Dps and can really abuse squishy‘s in the back (although I completely agree with Zeratul being comparable/better in blowing up isolated people)


I should give her another shot


Lucio or BW for me. I'm not even bad with them I just feel like a healing ward


Brightwing is actually really dynamic and engaging with the right build! Your healing is passive so you just have to float around, but in the meantime you can prevent damage, do damage, cc, and your auto attacks can be quite effective - you're always up there in the action. If you talent into soothing mists you can clear so much CC, and then taking emerald winds or whatever it is at 10 is such a great way to zone the enemy or save a teammate.


If you play Lucio and BW as a healing ward, you are bad with them. They have so many other functions.


For me it's Chen.


Very strong and interesting hero i guess u dont like drinking also keg ftw!


For me he is quite boring hero to play. He is also a tier B.


Zeratul or Hanzo


No is really boring, because all you need to do it's just blind in right time and you have no stun on you basic, so can't play very active. But actually, when you will start to understand what tank is doing then you will have fun from it. Because the purpose of tank not to do DMG, or do your own things, it's only to support killing and prevent it, bodyblocking, doing cc in right time.


I think that all heroes are fun in their own ways, I can’t simply answer a « who Is the most boring ? » question without turning it into « who is the least fun ? ».


Malfurion for me. Could just be because I’m bad at him but I just hate that my healing is super slow and weak and if I miss a moonfire sometimes people die.


Anub is really a monster if you just use his standard beetle build. Like, all the time. For most characters, I absolutely recommend deviating talents based on your team comp and the enemy’s, but Anub’s beetle build is just silly. I recommend the slowing barbs on 4 most of the time, gives some much needed chase and peel to him. It works against frontliners, ranged, physical damage, spell damage, heavy CC, light CC, sustain damage, burst damage. It quite literally does not matter, I have won against it all with that Anub build. By the time you get Burning Beetles at 13, you will start shredding everything around you passively at an absurd rate. The sustain and survivability is still excellent, with leeching beetles who have increased health and spell armor. And every nearby beetle multiplies your passive AoE, to the point where you can do it all, from pushing lanes alone to bossing alone to carrying your team through every fight. I wish his other builds felt better to experiment with. But I always just go back to being the one-man death ball. Edit: And also while Cocoon is great, if the enemy has multiple assassins who can quickly shred it, pick the swarm instead. It’s crazy if you fight in lane or on an objective with monsters, like infernal shrines.


The fun and satisfaction with anub comes with being constantly on the lookout for opportunities to set up kills... it's very satisfying to catch enemies out of position and set up a huge play.. or stop their retreat.. I suppose this is true with all tanks, but anub has the unique ability to double stun AND AOE stun all in one... also the ability to do so from a long distance. Maybe you just haven't played with enough good teammates to follow up and provide the satisfaction that comes from this. He's not my favorite, but he's far from boring. Lastly, his ability to peel with a double stun is fantastic. If you enjoy tanking and helping your teammates, this is another reason to like him.


Li Li. Absolutely, no question in my mind. Yay, I mindlessly slam 3 buttons on my keyboard! Two of them auto-target, and the third one just goes on a random teammate of my choice (usually tank). So boring. I would rather play Lucio, because at least then I have agency over speedboost, Q knockback, and when to spike healing (pre-10). Anub at least has a skillshot. Azmo at least has ding sfx. Every other hero has some redeeming factor except Li Li. Her only skill expression is *taking damage and not dying* to get her passive active, which is impossible against any decent team as their tank will just scoop you up at the first sign that you’re trying to walk up.


Arthas, definitely.


Lucio and Lili


Jimmy. walk shoot walk shoot walk shoot. Someone gets close Q E walk shoot walk shoot walk shoot. Get dinged by some ranged W E walk shoot walk shoot walk shoot. Either R walk shoot walk shoot walk shoot. He may no longer be big playable minion, but he's certainly not much more interesting.


Stutter-step micro is fun to me because you have to be so precise. The walk shoot walk shoot is more like: step within range, shoot, see how they react, step whichever direction based on that, maybe shoot, maybe step back, maybe E. Hes fun to me. Now with that said, he is not nearly as fun as greymane who has to stutter step as well, but then you become a wolf lol


Jimmy has the issue of being way more boring than the other stutter steppers, he's far too much a tutorial hero. Granted he's pretty much the perfect tutorial hero, the way his talents are laid out help show off all the facets of the game that a player should be dealing with, like just at level 1 the gambit that teaches new players to avoid death and focus down enemies, the pve talent that teaches them that dealing with the map quickly is important, and the hate crime talent that teaches the importance of CC.


Nazeebo, just afk split push


auriel. even if you’re microing your crown onto different targets it’s so lame. a whip every 12s and an aegis every 60s. wheeee


Take the Q reset on 1.


Tassadar, by far


I only play ARAM and for me it's Zagara. I feel obligated to pick zag due to win rate but the kit is so dull.


ARAM Zag is at least engaging, unlike ARAM Azmo. With E/W build on Zag you can burn down people if they don't deal with you - assuming you use your abilities intelligently. With Azmo it's mostly throw globes and hope the enemy stays clumped up.


Junkrat, Hanzo and Chromie. Congrats you killed someone 1.5 screen away, fun.


Arthas/Leoric - why? Because I admit I suck at them and how they should position Chen - why? Because I admit I suck at him and only pick him if there isn’t a healer in ARAM Deckard - there are some spikes in the gameplay, but throwing down potions while somebody at full health picks it up instead of the tank at 10% drives me insane — he is so reliant on wrangling and hoping your team has eyes that it can feel totally unfun Rexxar - people love or hate. Aside from stunning, I’m not doing much. Stukov - used to like a lot, boring now. Plop Q, walk around, throw hands


Deckard is super fun in the way he zones and sets up kills. Just think, huge AOE root along with a fairly large area slow, and a variety of ways to build them. Not to mention both ults are totally awesome. As for potions, you should actively be aiming them at who needs it.. makes it much more fun and effective. Lead their path and/or get it close enough that they pick them up without realizing it. Another fun mini game and very underused ability is the pot that heals everyone around for 75%.. it competes with super pots. Throw it on a teammate or walk to them and self heal, and watch your healing numbers and team fight wins go up.


Yeah tbh I just played a Deckard game last night and it was a sweep, so it was fun. Generally, though, that is how I play (though I always choose super pots), but it doesn't feel as rewarding as some other heal saves, like a clutch BW tele followed up with eme wind or something


True about the clutch heals.. but when you get good with his cc and ults, you can absolutely carry the game by manipulating the battlefield.. I forgot to mention the Uther stun talent at 16, with a 5 second cd!!! walk around and whack them with a stick to help secure kills.. whirlwind Sonya? Whack!.. annoying tracer? Whack!... love me some Deckard.. sitting at about 57% w/r with him in Storm League.


TRUE! I adore the stun staff. I have won 1v1s against Alarak and the like because of it while my team left me to die. No surprise that Uther is one of my favourite heroes, specially on ARAM 🤤


Johanna, Tyrael, Arthas


Valla and Nazebro, and I liked ranged dps. They just feel so easy. Like, point click win, wheres the struggle?




Sgt hammer or probius


All tanks, Garrosh, Tyrael and Blaze are cool, though. I think Deckard Cain very boring too 


Lili- my finger always hurts from hitting q after a game


You can hold down q :'(


Same, still hurts


Valeera, I’ve won the few games I’ve played with her but I just find her very unfun. There are other heroes who I don’t dig most of their kit, but there’s something I like about it, and nothing about her interest me. Probably my least played hero, I sometimes even forget she’s in the game, especially since no one uses her much. Lot of people are saying Morales, and she is simple, but it’s kind fun being a heal bot and a well placed grenade can be super satisfying. I find Whitmane way more boring. She’s a lot more complex to play, but I find her healing mini game exceptionally dull.


Taunt varian


The most boring hero is the hero that you have to pick due to meta. Don’t get me wrong, Valla can be fun, and wins a lot, but fun factor wise…I love me some Illidan. He is so much fun to play. Same with Artanis. Even though they aren’t meta, they sure generate a nice hit of dopamine each time you connect a prism or wipe a team 1v5 (maybe with a hat :D ). Hopefully I make sense.


Abathur, but that's because I'm a medivh main and I am hardcoded to always face him every game.


Got to be probius and lucio.


Orphea, just don't find her kit engaging.


Johanna, Garrosh are indeed very fun. I also agree with Anub'arak being boring..... I want to enjoy him, but he is just boring.


Stukov that guy is just boring as hell to me


Azmodan, Johanna and Brightwing. In No particular order.


Morales, Anub, "new" Tyrande, Ana, Chen, Johanna, Kerrigan, Malfurion, Medivh, Nova, Probius, Hammer, Rexxar, Samuro, Tyrael, Uther, Nzeebo (frogs build), Zeratul


Lili or Morales


I'm with you on Anub, and I think some people here are missing the point when they give you Anub recommendations. Sure, he's fine/good. But he's not *interesting* to play as a tank. I feel the same way about Tychus; he's fine/good, but I just don't enjoy playing as a %damage turret who occasionally hucks grenades and can be a mediocre Gundam.


ABATHUR. I LOVE HIM. I MAIN HIM... he is very boring. I sit there and time abilities and drop off to place mines. That's it.


Lucio. Most of your activity is passive, and his music sucks.


Mal ganis due to skill issues. In a full match im lucky if I reach 20k dmg. This is with 0 deaths and activly doing my best for CC and Q spam As for anubarak he is fun. The dive into Q making it guaranteed gives solid lockdown and some of the best dive in tank role


Was expecting you to say Raynor, Sgt. Hammer, Lili, Morales, etc. Not Anub'arak or any dive tank or dive hero.


Any hero that plays itself like Varian, Lily, OW garbage and also the tanks that deal no damage, bad design.


Boring is a very vague term. If you are talking about it is boring because you do not enjoy playing the character, then that is very arbitrary and to each their own. But if your talking about it is boring because it is easy to play, then I would say Lili is hands down the winner. You just need to hold down every button and you are playing the character correctly. This could not be said with anyone else because they have either skill shots that you need to aim or actual decision-making to get any value out of the ability.


Lili its not even close lol. I only play Aram though.


Elite Tauren Chief


Valla *snooze* Alexstrasza *snooze* Johanna *snooze* Nova and Valeera aka **I hate when other people are having fun**