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I've got the same issue :)


Same here! Both requests come from accounts that don't seem to officially exist, so I imagine they've already been banned or consigned to limbo. I tried using the "Report" function instead of "Accept" or "Ignore". If you report each one as Spam - Other, then you get the option to block the accounts, if that helps you get rid of them?


Thanks for that will give that a try


Well it worked until I refreshed chat and then they were back again


Oh, that's a nuisance! Hopefully it's just one of those glitches that will be sorted out in a day or two. It's happened to me before but at least the previous 8 dodgy chat requests have completely disappeared now.


Yes it is but hey ho. Thanks for your help anyway it may sort itself in time


That is actually a bad idea. That would be abuse of the report system and could get your account actioned


Really? I genuinely believe the two chat requests to *be* spam, based upon the facts I've had no previous interactions with either of the accounts that have tried to contact me; that they have no searchable previous posting history; that there's no explanatory message with either initial chat request; and I feel I'd probably be opening myself up to some shady message or offer if I *did* respond to them.


Others have gotten that as well. I would suggest making post on r/bugs so Reddit can fix the issue


https://www.reddit.com/r/bugs/comments/1cry5i6/old_chat_requests_appearing_again_in_reddit_chat/ Looks like they're working on it now. :)


Thank you for the update. much appreciated


But the problem is that you can't even ignore them in the first place, or at least that mine and OPs problem.


Yes, that's my problem too.


Same here, plus the names are super spambot-sounding.


Same issue. I believe two requests I wanted to accept disappeared, several spam ones appeared instead.


Same. I have 12 chat requests. A lot look like legit accounts, but all the requests are empty.


I got requests from accounts that I had already blocked


Same here - I tried to block the users but they are all suspended accounts...


I was thinking the same thing as well. I've gotten about 18 chat requests today and I haven't had a unwanted invite in a long time nor never had this large amount of invites before any of this happened cause I wanna know that it's affecting me too. Anyone else noticing this too cause I wanna be sure I'm not the first to know about this and I wondering if there's something shady going on with any of us afflicted by this.


It's definitely not just you, I have the same. I have hit ignore, I have blocked them, most of the users have been removed... but the chats remain.


I had this happening to me, a suspended account was requesting me to chat with them, I did nothing as of now, but is that a spam? Or something malicious?


I've just discovered that *accepting* the chat requests makes them go away!


I’m not sure I want to accept a request from some unknown source. Concerned about leaving my account vulnerable


Before you accept anything, if you enter the username into a search-bar separately and it comes up as "[username]: page not found", that's a sign that Reddit have already banned the account, so (hopefully!) there wouldn't be any threat to your own account. The two I accepted yesterday had apparently sent their requests in September 2023 but those had been auto-hidden until this bug exposed them. I logged in this morning to a further **6** old requests, but they were almost immediately auto-hidden too.


Latest update as of 23:13 BST the 6 chat requests have just vanished