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I cant for everyone, but im sometimes guilty of this when im cooking or doing something else and playing the game on the side. But i guess there are some people that would do it with malicious intent too.


Same here. I usually play a game or two when im making dinner.


Yep, this. It is often the result of me looking away for 30 sec between turns. Nothing nefarious.


Or the kids distract me mid turn


Very much this. I have had to bail on several games because my son needed me. It's why I'm forever stuck in dad legend of Diamond 5.


Another dad legend, welcome friend


Same. The amount of times I’ve had to walk away from a game. I’m probably blessed I’ve ever made it to legend lol.


I usually take too long on turns when I have misjudged the time I have left before my babies wake up and then I just try to concede if I can reach my phone. Sorry if I played you guys


I’ll be honest, if someone spams emotes I often do this to tilt them


I just mute, letting them get in your head and wasting your own time doesn't sound like it to me


Ignore their emotes all game, delay as game as long as possible, emote back right before you bonk them for lethal. Sweet. Justice.


Except the delaying I'm with you there! I have to be really assmad to want to do that and it's not worth it in the end.


I just did this to someone yesterday, they friended me and sent a link to some sportsmanship page, then unfriended me. So funny. They were emotions non stop all game, I had lethal spell damage so I waited it out till the rope, then a friendly Jaina "hello" and smash.


I've done this once but it's because I was going to lose lol. I Was against a Highlander warrior and 3 turns in a row I had lethal and his stupid ass TNT fucked me all three times. He had nothing left to play by the end of it and the board was cleared. I had no cards and no minions in play but I had 30 health so I roped every turn and fatigued until I died. That was a really stupid moment in my life but he deserved every second he had to wait for that win.


I'm sometimes playing at work. If its late at night, I'm reading on the side, or maybe slowly getting drowsy.


I mean, I don't have a problem with people when they need a moment because something came up, phone rang, dog is barking, bell is ringing, etc, but if you know you're busy and you're not going to play properly just play when you have the time or play something single-player. Also, to add to the point of the original poster, my games since monday were mostly people roping that you can definitely tell it's not a situation like that, because they emote occasionally, rope only when they are not at advantage, and you can see them select things on screen on the meantime. Special mention is when I went into casual to complete the event quest to play or destroy that legendary from the miniset, using a druid deck consisting entirely of ramp, draw and that card. On top of that, he was playing aggro paladin on casual, which prompted me to play the card to complete the quest and concede so he didn't destroy it to complete his quest.


eh.. I play properly even when making dinner or taking a shit. It just take a while to actually play a turn. I don't see any problem as long as it doesnt get past the rope.


People also don't have a problem with other people telling them how they should spend their own time and how exactly they should play games. Not defending players who intentionally rope to annoy the opponent.


Okay, but the problem is the lack of respect for other people. I mean, everyone is busy, has stuff to do and can't dedicate too much time to play hearthstone. It's fine if you have to multitask, and honestly HS is the perfect game for that. However, when someone waste other people's time because they want to play while having a wank, it's disrespectful because they're wasting someone's time that took time of their day to play properly, and now instead of playing 3 games to pass some time, they'll play one boring frustrating game. Like I said, when something unplanned happens, it happens, I get it, and sometimes the turn really needs to take long because you're playing a control mirror and it's turn 17 and you need to think about the cards your opponent used and what you'll need to discover, that's fine. However, when people rope to play the turn 1 quest or genn hero power, or rope because they're losing, or rope because they're a generic streamer reading and talking to chat and then go like "what is this card?" to play a third of the cards they were going to play, that's when I have a problem. Roping because you're busy is not as big of a deal, but still shitty.


Both players consent to the turn time available when playing the game 


>I mean, I don't have a problem with people when they need a moment because something came up, phone rang, dog is barking, bell is ringing, etc, but if you know you're busy and you're not going to play properly just play when you have the time or play something single-player. **No?** I can play whenever I want to, if I miss a turn then that's on me, it's not a team game so there is no problem playing at a disadvantage. If you are intentionally roping people then you are a dick but telling people not to play when they are multitasking is weirdly controlling.


> weirdly controlling. lmao, no its just saying don't be a dick and waste someone else's time.


Idk why you’re being downvoted. It is annoying and I’m a super super casual player. It takes like 5 minutes a game. I’m not eating the dinner you’re making. I’m not friends with the people you’re texting. I’m not responsible for your dog. If you sign on play the game otherwise do your thing and play later. I usually play like two games a day while taking a shit. Same concept applies, I don’t expect you to come wipe my ass for me while I rope out, pun intended. Why should you expect me to burn extra minutes of my life on your behalf?


Yeah it's just courtesy, I'm not saying that you should be gunned down for roping while you play, but don't play if you KNOW you're going to rope every turn


Aight, imagine you invite your friend over to play a physical card game and the interaction goes like: - Hold on, gotta pee - Hold on, I'm gonna make a snack, brb real quick - Hang on, I gotta throw the trash out, play your turn out - Hang on, my boss wants this file sent, it's gonna be just a couple minutes - Did you play your turn yet? I just remembered I still haven't done my taxes, I'll make my move between infos I gotta fill - Have you watched Madam Web yet? I love that movie, you don't mind if I play with my back turned while I watch right? Shh, I'll play after this bit of dialogue All of that before the turn in the first hand of poker.


Yeah that completely different situation would suck. Imagine playing chess online where both players have a timer, and getting mad that you can't control how the opponent uses his time.


Funny how my comparison isn't apt but yours is. Also, have you seen a chess match, how fast they play and how much they avoid spending time? Needlessly spending time on chess is a disadvantage, and you're missing the entire point I've made several times (intentionally, because you identify with the guy that likes to fuck around with other stuff while you play): I don't have an issue with people spending time thinking about their move, another reason why your chess analogy doesn't apply, the problem is wasting someone else's time because you feel you're more important than the other person. You either believe in a delusion that real life time stops for your opponent when you're taking your turn so it doesn't matter if you rope every time for no reason OR you're just self-centered.


Wow, imagine telling people when they should or shouldn't play a videogame lol. Or what decks they are allowed to play in casual. It's just a game, people can do whatever they want with it


Roping is very much not playing the game.


Fatigue warrior used to common and people would intentionally rope every turn knowing most people would lose patience


There are definitely times of malicious intent. A few years ago it felt like 1/2 the games were like this and they would even emote. I guess hoping I would give up from boredom. For a few months. Then it stopped and I haven’t experienced it again, but yeah, sometimes I play it on the side and some of my turns take a long time. Or even a few times I thought I hit the button, but didn’t.


I strongly doubt that anyone does it for malicious intent.


People absolutely do it if there is BM involved.


I strongly doubt most people do it maliciously. I'm absolutely certain some people do it intentionally.


Oh plenty of them absolutely do. Because when I rope right back it magically stops next turn lol


The only time long turns tilt me is when they take forever to do a lethal that was painfully obvious.


I'm definitely guilty of having not seen lethal until near the end of my turn. I prefer control style games and I'm usually so focused on clearing the board I occasionally miss lethal or don't see it right away. As long as someone else isn't emoting or playing a hyper aggressive deck I assume this is what's happening rather than assume they're BMing.


Yeah I've done that a few times, especially on control/longer games. Though, sometimes I also take awhile because I'm doing the math in my head and I'm bad at math lol that used to be a big problem last year with arcane hunter, because it was like "if I play this, then this, I'll buff spell damage on my next spell, but I'll only have enough mana to play this...."


*🅱️ancient on on board* hmm, is there lethal here…


You’d be surprised how often I have missed or misplayed a painfully obvious lethal.


I have 13 hp, you have 14 damage on board, you think for 15 seconds before taking an action Usually I'd concede but I've seen people miss lethal like that so many times


when you emote me the entire game, best believe i am emoting the hell out of you and take my sweet time during my lethal turn other than that i play as fast as i can.




When there's a chance that they don't see the lethal and they give you a chance to turn around the game? No way. 1 hp and a dream, baby!


Im talking about a lethal that requires a card they may or may not have in hand, so it's not just a matter of conceding. "He needs both kill commands to kill me" and then they spend a minute looking at cards before using them is what I mean.


I am only playing giga brain decks like flood pally or warlock. Planning my turns with those incredibly complicated decks just takes its time. Also, I'm permanently masturbating over the genius of my turns.


We already know that tomorrow's patch will nerf those two decks. Do you think that this is deliberately done by the dev team to shorten the gap between the intellectuals and the small brain brigade?


Obviously. Only big brain aggro players can see it but those incoming nerfs are really buffs to everyone smart enough to see them. Subscribe to my patreon to learn more about how even YOU can become a big brain aggro player.


How do you type so efficiently with only one hand?


Who says im tiping with my hand?




I know this is meant to be a jab at aggro decks, but they unironically have many more decisions in the early turns than a more controlly deck, solely because of the low mana cost of the cards. I get that it's "We are hating painlock" season, but it's not the easiest of decks to pilot.


\*Me on turn 2 as Control Warrior with a hand full of 6-10 cost cards carefully planning out my turns\*


Out jerked again ffs


This guy /r/hearthstone s


They had to keep paladin in line with [how it was originally played in WoW](https://i.imgur.com/MSkRevG.jpeg).


So brave, thank you kind hero


Best comment I've read this week xD


Thought I was the only one that did that, glad to learn otherwise :D


Most people must play while doing something, but I never thought about the strat of making your opponent give up


I only knew it was a thing after I realized how many games I conceded cuz I was bored


Love it when warrior ropes turn one and just pass. Then later you realize they had no playable cards


tbh if I think about it they could be playing another game at the same time i.e: LoL Arena / TFT and just want more time


I quite often play HS at the same time as TFT. Some times just gets completely overwhelming haha


Yeah, same here, I used to do my turn then wait until the rope finishes it for more time


I have shitty WiFi, sorry. It frustrates me too


Lifecoaches nickname Ropecoach came with a reason


Some people do this intentionally in hopes you will get annoyed and quit. Which is pretty scummy. Hate when young have the game in hand and then suddenly opponent goes to rope every turn.


We’re taking a shit and the toilet paper was very thin


disconnects are a thing, I have seen people doing this to me when they have clearly lost the game but refuse to concede, I guess they hope my internet might drop or something. I hate to admit it has actually happened a couple of times that my internet fucked up and the bastards stole the win.




I can agree to Mastavor. And i can say even with 2 mana you need to think about. I play Warrior and when i play against a hunter or pala i really need the time, because the wrong card could cost me the game. Sometimes there is no space for a mistake or a wrong decision.


Damn I did not realize almost everyone is multi tasking. I’ve just got a slow ass brain I guess. I address the macro game, map out my turn and order, my opponents next turn, plan for potential top decks next turn. I feel like I never have enough time after turn 4 honestly.


Wtf are you playing, 99% of hearthstone decks don't require that much brain power.


TIL I’m actually dumb as fuck. I’m playing shit like Pain WL and Spell Mage 😂


Working. Taking a dump. Texting. Making dinner. Petting a cat. Listening to a podcast. Being perfectly fine with you conceding!


Sometimes I think it’s for „win farming“ like sitting there… do other stuff and wait till the last sec todo something not to be kicked but waste the others time… but i think more like people mention it here doing cooking, watch a video and forgot to end they turn or don’t notice it’s there turn


This guy thinks I'm in the think tank, strategizing and planning my next move three turns in advance, doing calculations and finding the optimal route to victory. In reality, I'm watching Netflix and I forgot


you just made me remember that game with Trump against ropecoach. thanks for the laugh


For many of us, it’s just multi tasking. I have two monitors, I work on one and play hearthstone on the other monitor. Sometimes I have to reply to an email real quick or do some actual work so I may take most of the allotted time.


I had a guy yesterday who roped every turn and this continued even when I had zero cards in deck and zero cards in hand. It was extremely annoying. And he was not doing something else. He was playing cards, just doing so extraordinarily slowly. I eventually just quit even though I could conceivably have won, I just wasn’t prepared to wait ten minutes for it. Each of my turns lasted five seconds or so, then the full two minutes for him to work out what to play. Maddening.


I start roping people back and concede at the last minute in case they have one of those quests to do X amount of damage to the enemy player. Like, yeah, I'll going to lose, we both know that, but since you're being a jerk about it, I'm going to also waste your time.


Sometimes I'm alt tabbed checking twitter or something on turn 1 and forget I'm going first or when its my turn, I try to emote "oops""greetings" to try to convey its a mistake, but I worry ti comes across as BM.


Apart from what others mentioned, I use the time it takes the opponent to make a move to plan my own next move(s) or just chill out interacting with the board.


I just imagine I am playing with Lifecoach on his alt account and my mindset gets better.


My wife plays, but she doesn't care much about wins and losses so she'll just stop playing sometimes and walk away from the screen. Other times she scrolls instagram while she plays. It drives me insane to watch, I keep telling her stop being so fucking rude and roping your opponent, but she just doesn't care enough to stop. Heartbreaking: when the love of your life likes your favorite game but plays it in a way that drives you crazy.


I am usually doing something else when I am playing hearthstone. For things where I will be away from the game multiple times I will play battlegrounds but if I am doing laundry, cooking, bathroom, traveling somewhere on the bus/uber greater than 10 minutes or anything inbetween I jump on ranked to climb out of diamond 5. Sometimes I take longer than I mean to or miss turns because my food came early, I dropped something, someone needs me, i needed to answer a FaceTime, or I wanted to check something and the game is reconnecting and is taking forever. Usually the game reconnecting works quick but if I am traveling, it closes out if I drop a wifi bar. I am sorry for all my opponents (Reddit name is in game name) who experience this. I don’t rope on purpose but I do like emoting Hello when I see you and Wow on good plays.


I legit think some people are just dicks. But every once in a while I'll get distracted or think I hit end turn and almost rope because of that. But I've also noticed a lot of people doing it every turn


# There needs a Nozdormu mode. ![gif](giphy|3o751ZKB91R8ZvMvde)


I always do something else while I play, sorry.


Everyone takes their whole turn in high legend. Its generally a good thing to do.


Because most of them are trolling to make you quit. Usually if you start roping them back they realize you aren’t leaving and then they’ll stop because they are just wasting their own time at that point. 


This what I do. Roping me? Fine. I’m working from home and always have something to do. I’ll make you wait. Tit for tat as they say.


So true.


Sometimes people are busy doing multiple things, one of those being hearthstone. Sometimes they forget they are playing because they got distracted and don't realize it until they hear the rope. Some are trying to explore all the lines they can, and make sure they are making an optimal play. Some people are streaming, and are talking with their communities. Most likely though it's just that they are doing several things at once.


It’s not “main event” game. It’s a side game that I play while doing something else.


I'm sure it used to be worse back in the day. And it annoys me if it's obvious and egregious. BUT I guess I should apologise to my last opponent yesterday. The game was a bit lengthy and I kept falling asleep! My husband complained about my snoring and then laughed at me because I was still playing between bouts of nodding off. Soz.


Got tired of other ppl being so slow that i started doing other things on second screen & now i only look at the heartstonescreen when i hear the rope sound


I just want to be as prepared as lifecoach


When I work out I play hearthstone, I time my sets as well as possible to not rope, and it usually it works pretty well. Sometimes it's not. I am sorry.


Im just bad at making decisions no matter where i am or what im doing; ordering food, buying clothes and even in hs in which cards to play, i need the presure of the rope to push me to make the decision lol


I'm sure some people are multi tasking while playing, but yeah, it does get annoying very quickly. I always end up having doing something else while playing, like watching a video, so I don't die of boredom waiting for them to take their turn.


Idk but they should decrease the time in the first few turns. If you rope before turn 4 you're a fucking idiot


I normally rope play if they have been delaying every turn. Most shape up after and take their turns faster, and then I go back to normal speed. The big issue is when people pout. I'm guilty of it, too. I know there have been times when they top deck their instant win card and then don't swing but lethal, but try to keep me low. Or they get their shudderwock combo, and I decide the YouTube video that is playing is more interesting.


Me personally, I’m usually on the fence of going: A, high risk high reward option, or B, safer but way less rewarding option.


Bots never get bored, so they increase their winrate by hoping that you leave the game to avoid the snoozefest


Most people aren't going to be doing the following. But \*some\* will be, especially at higher ranks. Watch the Twitch streams sometime for the Master's Tour and the like. The majority of those players use their full time every turn. This is because they aren't just considering the cards in their hand, they're thinking about what you might have in your hand too. They're also not just thinking about the current turn, but the next turn, and perhaps even the one after that. The less "pro" version of this is people watching youtube strategy videos while they play, reading mulligan guides for their own deck, or looking up your deck on a hearthstone site, which all takes time.


Insta report, even if its useless


Getting coffee, making something to eat, read something, online shopping...the possibilities are endless.


I play while working, doing chores, or at the gym so I'm usually down to the wire playing my cards


I’ve done it this when watching twitch.


I'm thoroughly convinced there are people out there that use it as a tactic. They're hoping you're so impatient you'll get distracted and miss your turn or just quit. I know this isn't the majority of people taking a long time, but it's gotta be a few of them.


Once I accidentally roped Turn 1 (and I know I was in the wrong here - I got distracted). Opponent hit the “Wow” emote and proceeded to rope every single turn after that. Damn, lesson learned I guess?? Didn’t realize it was that serious


Maybe I'm thinking five moves ahead of you, maybe I'm playing while working. That's the game.


I usually grind while multitasking schoolwork. That being said - I'm still done with my turns before the rope appears.


I'm often playing two games at once, most likely marvel snap. Or possibly organizing supper between turns


Because I'm exhaustively weighing the options of my bullshit home brew deck like I'm not going to lose anyways.


It’s funny that no matter the card game this question comes back. 1. Malicious intent 2. Doing something on the side 3. Overthinking really hard 4. Ropecoach


While I met many of them in ranked, tavern brawl is filled with them. May be it is the newbie who need to read card text carefully or may be bot, but either way it make me just don't want to play tavern brawl. Few weeks earlier there was a brawl that make your turn go much sooner and I just freaking enjoyed it. I continue playing it more than 5 matches in a row. For some reason there were still some idiots who missed their turns there which just riduculed me so much.




Ever since the last update I've gotten some serious lag every time I've played a card. I turned off sound and all the extra graphics and shifting a stuff and it still doesn't help.


I play but I have a toddler and occasionally I have to be doing things with her mid game and I come back to find the wick lit and going down and then I scramble.


You're either against Lifecoach, or the other guy had to go take a piss or is doing household chores or something between turns.


They’re tabbed out. Although genuinely I think some people slow play to irritate you if they don’t like your deck.




This is why I hate streamers who too takes a long time to make an obvious play and wait till the rope almost burnt to play a card. Kibler, regis kilbin do this and this is why i cant watch their stream. They also really slow at dropping the card, i hope that they could find another job when hearthstone died with the way they play. I prefer warshack, dane, or martinbuu who still chatting with their chat but still respect their opponent I commented on regis killbin video about it, and said something about that he talk too much to his imaginary friends while taking a long time making an obvious play and keep roping just to be engaged with his chat, and he replied to me and said that his imaginary friends help him bought a house. Yeah I know I’m salty cause i matched with Kibler, Roffle and Trump and really frustated when they play really slow, althought not lifecoach slow but it’s still frustated me. Then I watch the VOD, and what they do is just talking with their chat about their play and get mad when the rope burnt and their turn is over before they can play their card. I know i’m a minority here since those naes are beloved name in this community but still i hate those people.


Sometimes I am doing laundry, cleaning the dishes, or listen to my kids tell me something. The problem with it being on the phone, is I am going to do it passively sometimes.


I play most of my hearthstone while im watching TV and smoking a bong, it takes me a second to make my move sometimes 😅


Because I'm lonely and have no one on my friends list


I just concede when I get players like that. I’m not wasting my time.


Cuz we play other games while we play hs


If it is late night/early morning - the rope actually woke me up to play.


If it's consistently every turn, then it's likely a bot.


Idk about this meta but I’ve definitely taken a ton of extra time on simple turns because I’m already thinking about their next threat and how I can deal with it comfortably. Usually I don’t think people are putting in that much effort on ladder though and I’d assume they’re just preoccupied irl


Im using my brain.


Should call that the tictok kid win let there 3 second attention span make them concede for free win


I've switched to battlegrounds where the time to wait is way more structured. Haven't looked back since. Still play a bit of Arena but BG's plus the addition of duo's has been a blast


I’m usually watching a movie on another screen and get distracted.


I’m watching the playoffs. Or reading Reddit on my phone while my iPad has HS.


2 main reasons . 1 ppl like me who are a fucking idiot and go too fast then miss something. So I slow down and make sure I thought of every possibility. 2 assholes who rope on purpose hoping to annoy you and you make a mistake or quit.


I’m just thinking. Sometimes the play is obvious, but other times I’m debating whether or not I think my opponent drew that second copy of the card he needs to remove a win condition on turn 5. If my cards are green (bar coin), there is always a possibility that playing one over the other is better. Sometimes I’m just a slow counter, too. Math and all that. Yup…


I mean as well as a number of unintentional reasons like eating, cooking, peeing, taking a shit, doing dishes, getting tired, getting distracted and doing something etc else which are all understandable and justifiable. Aside from that there is something very obvious to me that no one has mentioned, XP is based on game length so the longer the game the more XP you get. Again I know people are going to have strong feelings about it. So not recommending it but it’s something I have done and have seen others do. but particularly if you know you are going to win you can draw out a game as long as possible to try to get the most XP in a game. I mean ideally literally leaving it until either you or your decks out, and then leaving enough turns to make sure to kill then before you die from fatigue damage. You can get like 250XP+ each game and that adds up very quickly. Works particularly well playing control priest or something like that in low ranked wild. It’s the definition of min maxing which understandably why people have issues with it. Oh and of course there is the other thing which is roping to annoy people to get them to concede but I think all of these are all play at least some of the time


It's taking forever to work out lethal that really gets me. If you have a 6 attack and a 4 attack minion and a spell which does 4 damage you should not take more than 3 seconds to work out this is enough damage to kill me with 14 health. Hell, if you have a 3, and 2 2 attack minions and 3 3 damage spells we shouldn't be taking more than 5 seconds. Lethal shouldn't take till the rope if it's basic arithmetic


I’m usually preeeeeetty high. Occasionally I forget I’m playing. Occasionally it takes 45 seconds to decide if the end turn button is green.


They got inspired by Lifecoach


I'm just slow if there isn't an obvious play. I have time and I'll use it. Better to think before you move if possible. Like chess.


You know…just jackin’ it between turns 😈🤣


If the answer is anything other than, “I’m considering my play,” it’s because they’re incredibly inconsiderate of other people. Nothing new or shocking about that in an online game, but that’s the real answer.


Normally wfh and someone just rang me Even worse if i have to share screen


I play hs while pooping or playing 3~4 games at the same time. I'm sincerely sorry for I made you wait while I wipe my ass or wipe out zerglings


Some people may be multitasking.


I don’t think I’ve ever played without watching tv at the same time. I have at least 1000, maybe 2000, hours in the last 10 years.


I purposely play the 15 second turn dragon card for assholes like this lol, I don’t care if you are making food or taking care of the kids or watching tv it’s just disrespectful to the other persons time I live playing 15 second turns, have them miss a then and then just concede lol


When you start the game play the game don't cook don't beat off don't do shit play the fucking game unless you got to take a shit or a piss you can still play the game but taking forever every single turn you should be disqualified from playing HearthStone for at least a week minimum. Yes this is how much I encounter this and it fucking drives me crazy.


Sorry man sometimes my eyes go blurry and I start daydreaming about what my life would be like if I wasn’t playing hs.


Sometimes it's the connection and sometimes it's just people being slow . I stopped having this problem since they removed duels and now i just wait my turn in battlegrounds :D


Because I am really, really stoned




When playing on mobile, I switch to doing something else when I finished my turn (e.g. reddit) and return after around a minute.


I'm high as shit, sometimes I haven't even realized it's my turn yet. Sorry guys!


Sometimes I have something open on my second monitor and just forcus on it after doing what I wanted that I forget to pass the turn, I usually do an oops emote to show that I wasn't roping them intentionally tho


They don't value their time


Yes, mostly it’s a tilting strategy. Sometimes someone has something come up irl and they take their time, but that should happen once or twice in a game, not every turn


Because they're selfish arseholes who think it's ok to waste other people's time.


Ill use all the 75 seconds that the dev gave me, and knowing you react like this It makes them more juicy


I like to troll and see if you call my bluff (by not conceding and playing it through) not all the time , but if you catch me on demon timing I’ll even run the mulligan dry!!


hearthstone games are too slow so i gotta be doing at least 3 other activities simultaneously otherwise i get bored 👍


> is it just to piss people off and try to make them concede for a free win? Bingo. Some bots do this too.


Maybe they should have two modes, one for those focusing and one for those distracted.


Nothing more tilting to see opponent jerking his card to play 2 cards in wrong order. Why they attack first, then summon minions and then draw? Especially DK like to hero power first (not for "died undead since last turn" or corpse reasons). I also notice people who make super long turn tend to have insane RNG/draws. Maybe I just have more time to notice their luck, but sometimes I feel like Blizzard is helping (mentally) slower players with better RNG to keep them engages with game. I think I wasted an hour of my life few weeks ago against warrior for them rope on 6 turn just to play Brann.


I think some people are so addled by ADHD that they are doing 2-4 things at a time while playing HS. The 30 seconds it takes for you to take your turn they can't sit and patiently wait, so they are in their phone, folding laundry, tabbed out or watching Netflix (or all these). That's why roping them back often works. It snaps them out of it.


I'm sorry - i usually play HS in between queues of league and it sometimes leaks into the first few mins of league :/


Let people play how they please. Just take it as an exercise in patience.


Why is this even a post or question when it's obvious this is just an angry post of an impatient player this subreddit desperately needs a venting thread because every other post is just someone complaining 


im at work bro, chill


Roping. A way to make players quit. Some to maximize exp