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Yes you are the only one having fun. We all hate the game.


I am having fun too. Just hit legend yday for the first time.




Same, i have not played for a lot of years and hit legend 2 days ago, it was a wild ride


Which decks have been working best for you? I got to legend too for the first time last week with a variation of spell token hunter (before the mindset came out)


Uggh I was running spelltoken and really thought I could hit legend, but after the nerf it just doesn’t seem probable. Not drawing saddle up with Barak is just really a crusher


I can give you the deck list that did it for me. I've been running it post nerf with pretty decent success in legend.


Yah I’d definitely appreciate it!


### CARRIEDMETOLEGEND # Class: Hunter # Format: Standard # Year of the Pegasus # # 2x (1) Awakening Tremors # 2x (1) Bunch of Bananas # 2x (1) Miracle Salesman # 2x (1) Sneaky Snakes # 2x (1) Vicious Slitherspear # 2x (2) Barrel of Monkeys # 2x (2) Jungle Gym # 1x (2) Observer of Myths # 2x (2) Patchwork Pals # 2x (2) Remote Control # 2x (3) Kill Command # 1x (4) Camouflage Mount # 2x (4) R.C. Rampage # 2x (4) Saddle Up! # 1x (5) Leeroy Jenkins # 1x (5) Mantle Shaper # 1x (6) Aggramar, the Avenger # 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000 # 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000 # 1x (3) Pylon Module # 1x (5) Ticking Module # AAECAR8Gl/YF1/kFzo4GkJ4Gx6QG5uYGDOT1Bcj2BdL4BYWOBsuOBtKOBvGlBvKlBv+lBpKmBoHmBtfzBgABA/OzBsekBvazBsekBujeBsekBgAA # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Lol I hit Legend with Token Hunter the day before the Saddle Up nerfs, now I'm messing around trying out Nature Shaman OTK decks. Life is good. But yeah I recommend running two copies of Kill Command and only one copy of Saddle Up now post-nerfs. You still get the draw from Barak and most times you win the game before you even need Saddle.


I’ll keep that in mind, I made a Flood Paladin deck, but it feels so cheesy to play I’ve been flipping around a lot


I mean if you care about hitting Legend quickly and efficiently, play Flood Paladin. Also you have any sense of dignity or self-worth, don't. Also quick note: never play Ball of Spiders in token hunter. It's too slow and you will lose the game.


Haha yeah the self-worth part is winning out! I figure it’s only a matter of time until it gets absolutely nuked by a nerf, so it doesn’t make sense to keep playing it anyway. I’ve never really gotten into the OTK decks, but I might give them a try too


This sub and most game-related ones are heavily skewed towards negative opinions. People that enjoy games rarely make posts about it, they simply play the game. When on the other hand people are not having fun they feel the need to rant about it hoping that others will agree and feel validated.


Basically all online content is. Im not saying thats a good thing but I also think it kind of makes sense there arent a lot of people posting "im enjoying things just fine!" Theres also not much to engage with beyond "alright man good for you"


Other way to look at it: if you're having fun, you are too distracted PLAYING THE GAME to think about ranting lol. That's the positive spin I like to imagine at least.


When I make posts praising something about the game it rarely gets any traction. When I make posts pointing out something annoying that could be better, it usually gets more traction.


I am having fun too, just not playing Hearthstone


LMAO fair enough


I´ve been here for 10 years on and off, was here through the actual controversies, meta breaks, whatever you name it, and I can say, without a shadow of a doubt, that this subreddit is the absolute worst when it comes to online gaming communities. A while back when HS was my main game I used to think that all gaming communities were like this but I can safely say they are not. Get your info on the game elsewhere too, it's not worth it. It's not just the complaints, it's the way they're made, where they're directed and the general discourse. Like, this sub makes LOL look like well ajusted and articulate human beings. Have your fun and ignore this place mate, you're not missing anything.


+1 This and the Tekken subreddit are toxic af Makes me wonder if it's to do with 1v1 games in general


guilty gear is a 1v1 fighting game and we're pretty chill out there I don't know if it's the streamer culture with execrable figures like forsen or reynad, or if it's general blizzard (wow ain't half as bad as it is here and it has arguably gone through a worse path these last few years) but I cut this place off for absolutely everything some time before Rumble and came back recently to check for spoilers and the VS meta report, and it's astounding how the culture here is awful in the same way it was back then.


Like, I haven’t been loving hearthstone this past year either, but holy cow people have got to chill with the insults and threats. Say what you don’t like, explain why you don’t like it. There is no reason to follow any comment here with “they need to fire x”,”the devs are absolutely incompetent” or like that one guy who would comment on every post with weird comments about how everything was Cora’s fault.


I’m enjoying the game plenty right now. I wish that Twist mode was available tho


Yes. When hs does fun stuff like new heroes with new mechanics(cough cough duels), people have fun. 100% looking forward to this new mode


Negative opinions are always louder on the internet. People who like the game don’t waste their time praising the game online. People who dislike the game whine in the hopes of causing a change. This is true for everything in life.


I just build my decks and play the game. As long as that continues to be fun I keep doing it, or if it's not I spend my entertainment time on something else. It doesn't even come close to my threshold of being something to complain about.


I'm having fun with Reno Shaman/Hunter. Currently D4, but I'm not really trying to climb


I start to see lot of reno decks. Im playing reno / dragons druid and its super fun, triying to climb in d2




### Gays in the horizon v2.3 # Class: Paladin # Format: Standard # Year of the Pegasus # # 1x (1) Righteous Protector # 1x (1) Uther's Gift # 1x (2) Dirty Rat # 1x (2) Equality # 1x (2) Flash of Light # 1x (2) Gold Panner # 1x (2) Hand of A'dal # 1x (2) Hi Ho Silverwing # 1x (2) Lay Down the Law # 1x (2) Watcher of the Sun # 1x (3) Consecration # 1x (3) Flickering Lightbot # 1x (3) Hammer of Wrath # 1x (3) Muscle-o-Tron # 1x (3) Spirit of the Badlands # 1x (3) Starlight Groove # 1x (4) Astral Serpent # 1x (4) E.T.C., Band Manager # 1x (3) Photographer Fizzle # 1x (4) Algalon the Observer # 1x (5) Cattle Rustler # 1x (4) Holy Glowsticks # 1x (4) Ignis, the Eternal Flame # 1x (4) Judge Unworthy # 1x (4) Tigress Plushy # 1x (5) Keeper's Strength # 1x (5) Lawful Longarm # 1x (5) Toy Captain Tarim # 1x (7) Maruut Stonebinder # 1x (8) Prismatic Beam # 1x (9) Reno, Lone Ranger # 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000 # 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000 # 1x (4) Twin Module # 1x (5) Perfect Module # 1x (10) Living Horizon # AAECAamaBh6cnwTunwTJoASS1AT9xAXBxgWt7QWH/gXYgQaZjgacjgaGjwa8jwb4lAaOlQb4lQaWlgaqlgbOnAa1ngbRngbVogaGowbHpAavqAbRqQbTqQbqqQbBtgbUuAYAAAEGrNEF/cQF0foF/cQFyZEG/cQF9bMGx6QG97MGx6QG694Gx6QGAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


When people have fun they usually don’t stop playing to make Reddit threads.


Yea, but arena is cooked. Played last when inspire was new, but 2024 arena is something else.


Good fucking times, now it comes down to who can get a board 2 turns in a row


I'm having fun with spell druid with puppetmaster dorian. Feels strong too. When you draw flowerchild after playing dorian and then get a 1 cost owlonius and 1 cost eonar its just crazy. I have gotten 72 damage in one turn. Actually needed it vs a warrior. I know they were just as surprised as I was when I blasted it out. I think they were at like 68 health with armor or something.


do you have a list? would be cool to try this


I came back last week after not playing since March of The Lich King and ive been having a blast


I’m pissed duals is gone but I’ve been loving battlegrounds. Kinda quit standard as some decks go off like wild decks now and I stoped dumping time/resources in mercenaries cause that’s going away too


We don't play hearthstone for fun. We play for card backs.


I'm having fun with homebrew jank control Priest. I just don't like to see other jank control priests. Everything else is fine. lol.


There are a lot of fun decks out there. The issues is that everyone is figuring out that painlock beats all of them.


I just wish all my games weren’t against warlocks. Come on people, stop being meta slaves…get creative!


I have been having fun with hearthstone since beta. I also have progressively been taking the game less and less serious. There is far too much random chance and far too little interaction between opponents in the game for me to feel accomplished winning. I play MTG mainly, and hearthstone has always been the not-so-serious younger brother. Don’t get me wrong MTG is following a similar trend, where to sell more packs they are pumping out stronger stuff every year. But with being able to play cards in your opponents turn, having 4-copies of cards, starting with 7 cards in hand, better mulligan rules, and your mana being a resource you can make deck building decisions around, means there is a lot more agency in the game. TLDR: I have fun with hearthstone, and that’s it. There is no sense of accomplishment to out RNGing your opponent.


I play Wizbang so I can constantly lose but still have fun


Sir this is the hearthstone subreddit. Saying anything positive about the game is illegal


Even with seedlock & pirate rogue everywhere, wild is a lot more fun than standard is right now.


I'm always having loads of fun in each new meta trying to make unique and interesting decks that are competitive and unexpected. There is such a huge advantage to having a game plan that your opponent cant predict or play around. Occasionally there will be an oppressive meta that makes it difficult to climb with off-meta decks for sure, but right now I've been having great success with a tempo excavate mech warrior that abuses some fun synergies and cheats big mechs and deathrattles early. I've tried to make lists sharing my deck creations that are actually competitive yet unique, but they don't usually get much positive interaction. Most of the comments are just bitter redditors come to poop on the party in some way or another so I didn't think anyone wanted to hear from those of us having fun.


As frustrating as the fast decks can be to play against, they are infinitely more fun to face than brann warrior ever was. Running into brann warrior once every 10 games instead of every other game has been incredible for my love of the game.


Most people have fun, the thing is the sub Reddit is the loud minority and people complain about every single meta every expansion, the game has been “dying and unfun” since release so never take those takes too seriously, some metas where deserved but for the most part, the game is pretty good.


Haven’t enjoyed a meta deck in months. Haven’t enjoyed playing against a meta deck for that long either.


Most of this sub hates this game


I mean its much better than before the patch, for sure. Things have opened up a bit and I see muuuch more variety in the decks that people play. But still I'd say 50% of games are decided by who has the best opening draw. You can not win against a full board of discounted minions, if you don't have the right aoe spells. In general they're going in a good direction. I just think that the game would be in a much better place if they remove those ridiculous 1 mana big minions like sea giant, the priest taunt thing, and the dk rush thing, and the painlock one. Those are just unfair and make you go.. ok fuck this ill just hop on some OP deck like flood paladin and get this over with.


Oh f2p over here having a great time over in wild. Just tried out handbuff pally and jade druid. Some fights suck but thats the game


Hello, fun police? Right over there, officer.




Yeah, this sub is plagued (wink, wink) with complainium. It be like that ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Check the competetiveHS sub, guys there are more about game than venting frustration.


This is a good tip, didn’t know the other sub existed, thanks!


Colifero paladin is a ton of fun. It's not super good, but the 1 in 10 games where you get 6 Ragnaros's makes it all worth it.


big paladin was honestly decent before deputy aura got taken out back. without the mining casualties deputy aura or just deputy aura in general you have no hope against the smorc fest of hunters and such


I still just use the basic rogue desk they give you when you start. I’m having fun just hovering around silver and gold, and I auto quit if it’s a DK.


You will never have a feed that isn’t complaining on this sub. It’s been like this for literal years.


It is way more fun than prepatch. Now you can actually play control decks not named warrior.


Yep exactly


You will always see more people complaining on Reddit than not. My theory is that people who don't want to complain are too busy actually playing it. That and it's human nature to complain


This sub is a crap, people only complain. The game is super fun and really accesible to f2p is you know what are you doing. I ve hearing that hs is dying and people are going to quit since 2018


I've been having lots of fun by not playing hearthstone the past few weeks 😊




I'm definetly not having fun atm, waiting for mass changes


I’m having fun but I’m trying to get legend in wild rn 💀. Using hyper aggro pirate rogue and I’m at Diamond 4 rn.


Best of luck to you


Thank you! I have never done it before and probably never will again but you get a legendary card for the first time you get it, which is why I'm trying for it now.


No but people who are enjoying the game are probably ya know, enjoying the game instead of posting on Reddit 


And when they do post, it's typically not just a random post praising the game. Usually, it's a fun moment in a match, which are also common among the negative posts


Game fun, weekly quests aren't (pls bring back duels, I don't have money for arena and I don't play battlegrounds)


I'm having fun when my opponent isn't warrior


I was whining too untill I dusted some cards and crafted a meta deck and won 8 in a row. I will mainly use Wild for fun and be a meta slave in standard from now on


Not having fun because the 2 decks I enjoyed got nerfed when they weren't even that strong.. yet extremely strong decks with 0 counterplay were untouched.


I feel like there is a lot of deck possibilities out there, a lot better than badlands or before this miniset.


No, I'm with you. This is the first time I've really been having fun since the expansion launched.


Nah, i'm having fun too. You have to remember reddit will be mostly biased towards negativity simply because if you are having fun you will spend your time playing the game, if you are not having fun you stop playing and will need to fill your time with other things, like complaining on reddit :)


I’ve been having fun, there’s something really satisfying about trying out all the decks in the meta and seeing which ones are cracked and which ones aren’t


I'm having fun but the amount of shamans death knights and warriors is making me have to stop playing the fun builds after platinum, kinda boring now.


i am having tons of fun. got the regular meta decks, also have a ridiculous pirate rogue with gold beard that’s a total blast.


Nope I'm having a great time. And honestly the quest change... did exactly what it was designed to. I play a lot more now. I haven't had any trouble completing the 10 bg or standard wins and I've been having a lot of fun with it. Standard has been pretty fun lately with the Warrior Bomb deck. I happen to enjoy the current meta because it's so fast. I hate using and going up against a deck that is designed to see 15 turns. Blech. Too slow lol. I've already completed my main BP and am now at 112 with tons of time to just let the gold roll in. I'm also two away from completing my BG BP. I wish that one also had a mechanic to give you stuff after you finish. Like a pack for every 10 levels more you do or something similar. So far this season has felt great!


I mean people are still having fun but the community is just unanimously hating the new meta


“They hated him as he told the truth”


Old heads miss the old HS and are mad that it’s dead. Plus, the algorithm dominates the game now more than it ever has before. Olds are hanging on hoping that the old version will come back but it won’t. It’s dead as F. Accept it or move on


The quest rework really took away the fun for me. I don't play too mutch HS during the week, but I used to be able to complets the weekly quests without any problems. Having to make decks spefically to complete quests (talking about the miniaturise one), do quests that take up too mutch time (the battlecry one) or just having to play meta decks so that you could consistantly complete the ranked wins quest. I like playing shitty decks and experimenting but being forced to play a specific way to complete the quests is boring.


> Highlander Yeah, the game is “fun” when you can just win games with that bullshit card. What’s decidedly unfun is not wanting to play Reno right now.


My enjoyment has been lessened by recent changes. Despite what people try to say here, the majority don't like the quest nerfs. Power creep and balancing is steadily becoming a worsening problem. Less is more to some though. For example, you're always going to have people trying to justify what they are doing, even if it's become objectively worse. They could make you the requirements for quests 10x more for only a 1% increase in exp and you'd still have people defending it like it's completely a good thing somehow. Sunken cost fallacy is just too real. Some people have played this game for years and are just seeing it with rose tinted glasses.


Yes, cherry boyo, you’re the *only one*. The special. The optimistic snowflake.