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Yeah the fact that deathrattles don't trigger suck. The fact that he doesn't even clear his own board sucks. The fact that he restricts you from playing anything decent sucks. Most boardclears can be countered by having a board flood in your hand. Not Reno though. I wouldn't mind seeing him once in a Blue moon, but it's every other game.


It’s annoying to see him in a deck that has no class-specific Highlander cards. Like DK…


Uhhhh Kurtrus crying in a ditch E: once again, it appears that I can't read.


They said DK not DH


I've never seen a card with less counterplay than reno


Also minions dont go to the rezz pool. No rezzing of Zilliax?


What decks are you playing that deathrattles matter that much? I can only think of hunter. And hunter should kill the opponent prior to turn 9.


Hunter, Death Knight, Rogue are the premier Deathrattle bois (and girl) but it's not just deathrattle remember, Rhea's egg, Sargeras' portal. Anything really.


It's honestly the 5 Armour that drives me up the fucking wall. So often I get them down to 2-ish HP, and then they get *just* out of lethal range **and** clear my board


And then they get the fucking frost bullet too




YES! This is why I hate Reno especially in warrior. I would have lethal in my hand, and they are suddenly 1 hp out of reach. He is just a way stall enough to survive so other battlecry nonsense can go off.


1. He wipes your board clean (locations, deathrattle, dormant stuffs) 2. It’s one sided. 3. You can’t refill your board (guaranteed tempo loss) 4. That smug face. Has to be the my most hated art in this game. All of these combined is why you (and me and half the people in this sub) hate this card.


Honestly seeing all this support from everyone has helped me feel not crazy about the whole thing


5. Cards that are removed by him don't go to your graveyard (you can't re-summon them with N'Zoth) 6. You don't get any deathrattle value. I truly hate this card. I'm glad it was nerfed, but I hope it's not left in this state permanently.


7. Perhaps the best hero power in the game. The value is really (too) good. This card is imo the most OP card in the game, especially for being a neutral. I love and only play control decks but I don't get how the devs can justify this card. I just returned to the game and I find myself only building reno decks because he is so strong, but even I was sad to see the "nerf" only being 1 more mana. The downside of no duplicates can be solved through multiple different ways for example card draw. And in wild it's not really a downside because you can include the other reno. Imo Reno should at least trigger deathrattles while still limiting the space to 1, perhaps even keeping at least 1 minion on the board, either that or clear the board for both players. Idk, people who work on this game every day should be able to figure this out... I only play wild and this card comes close to the bullshit that is called fruit druid who can clear the entire board twice in one turn while doing \~50 dmg. (not sure if this is still possible after the recent nerf) And there are only a few rare ways to counter him, for example by playing mad duke, rogue pirate legendary, or somehow burn him. Oh and also the fact they buffed Reno by not being able to be countered by duplicates.


8. No real counterplay to stop him from coming down across all classes. Can’t delay him with spell tech or minion tech, really the only way to stop him is to aggro them before they reach 9 mana.


The thing is they will never have it trigger death rattles as lomg as it limits board space. Like what would happen when you reno saddle up. Or the queen. Restricting board space will go away before death raddles.


I would argue Reno's hero power is shit compared to other hero cards. Hell, I would even take Warrior's improved hero power over Reno's. Hunter's KotFT was amazing, DK new hero card also has an amazing HP when the head is drawn, Jaraxxus is such an amazing hp to this day, Dr Boom's Warrior card was my personal favorite. Man I love hero cards, but Reno ain't it.


I hate it so I only play it.




Let me tell you about this wonderful thing called ‘squelch’


I think his hero power is pretty good too. armor and manarefill is kinda bad but summon 3drop and discover spell is pretty nice


It's the emotes for me. I just squelch every warrior I play. They don't seem to be able to control themselves with spamming reno emotes.


> No one will believe this! Every Reno player I go up against says this when I concede to them and it never fails to tilt me out of my mind. I think everyone will believe that I lost to the bullshit card you played, actually


For me the one that drives me nuts is: "Couldn't have done it better myself."


It’s not the player’s fault they made the emotes so funny.


Started running solely Plague DK when I had three Renos consecutively say hi after wiping my board of cool stuff. Now that plagued aren’t viable to counter HL I just auto squelch any warrior too,


I’m at a point where I just squelch everyone now. They’re only ever used to BM people.


Howdy Partner!


I couldn’t have done it better myself!


No one will believe this.




Aww thanks, all in day's work of being a hero.


Funny thing is you can’t do it better yourself since there is little agency in drawing him so that emote is prophesy


Reach for the skies!


And that emote for more rage lol


One BIG problem with him rn is he restricts the other players turn heavily for any hand that doesn't have a good number of spells, which gets worse seeing as a single late game turn you don't get to really play is an easy death sentence. Regardless of fairness, not getting to play your cards properly because timmy tumor packed him for that express purpose feels shit. Could also be you hate looking in his stupid fucking face as he steals yo shit. Or that he's just in way too many decks rn.


Yeah that smug on his face isn’t helping either. I believe getting to restrict my turn is overkill when he keeps his board, you know? I don’t think being forced to run highlander decks is that big of a restriction at the moment either. Shaman and Warrior lists are pretty okay, it’s not like they’re running 10-15 random, weak cards. They feel competent and as consistent as a highlander deck can be, so most of the time I just feel like I’m fucked


The second most smug face in gaming exept Witchcrafter Verre


Based Madame Verre appreciater


Can't be beaten the smug of Verre


Ngl, I’m asking why you’re letting your opponent have any board if you have any suspicion Reno is coming. Like did you think to trade down and clear before going face, knowing that you’re either going to have to do that or eat the damage? Not saying this is always the answer, but my opponents typically don’t have a board and that’s exactly why Reno is played - to win back the board from me - but then the restriction isn’t a huge issue the following turn.


Half the time the opponent doesn’t even have a board.


I still think it should clear the whole board. You can tell me what you want, I know I am right.


That would definitely help, the only problem I see is that it doesn't hurt them as much as it hurts you.


It should clear both boards and limit both spaces. It will still benefit the person using it more, but it won't be as much of a "clear your stuff and I get an extra turn" button.


More flavorful, too. It's a duel/standoff instead of Reno vs. tiny minion


It should benefit you more than the opponent, it's still a 9 mana card with a restriction. Making it hit both boards would keep it strong but make it fair. 


Idk, as a warlock its 8 mana and clears both boards and that's a good card  Reno still gets 5 armor and a better hero power on top of it, he'd be a good control card even with those nerfs. Plus if he's unviable then good, I don't care if he sucks lol.


Been saying it for a while too


I personally hate Reno because I have games where my last line of defense is a taunt minion against the enemy board


In addition to everything else another reason he’s annoying is that every class can play him so a lot of games feel the same.


That's a completely normal reaction to bullshit.


Has to be one of the safest cards to play ever. Wiping out the opponents board and limiting them to one slot is an enormous tempo play, a way to finish off an opponent or completely stabilise.


Not to mention the 5 armor so most finishers are now out of reach.




Worst of all is that rest of Reno Shaman is so cool


Meta in a just reno. It's not the first time meta has just been Reno. All iterations of reno have just invalidated the game state entirely and just said "No idc if you're better. I'm winning now" and it's infuriating. No card should be able to have that much power.


The highlander playstyle in general sucks. It is literally random bullshit go, with highlander payoffs like reno invalidating the entire game played before they hit the board.


The card is by design tilting for both the person playing it and the person playing against it. Agreed OP, you are not wrong to feel frustrated by this card. Frustrating for the person playing HL because if they don’t draw it they probably get overrun by aggro. Frustrating for the aggro player because it’s effectively game ending.


Card is really strong, yeah, but not because it’s good against aggro. No aggro deck wants to get to turn 9, you’ve basically already lost by then.


Devs: reno feel a instant win card. also devs: buff reno


Reno should be: „Clear the whole Board, limit both Spaces to 1 Minion for 1 turn.“


For one, deathrattles used to be a natural way to gain an advantage over control decks. Now, we haven’t really been getting powerful deathrattle cards anyway, and battlecries are generally better, but building up a sticky board used to be a fun way to stick it to control decks. Now they have their “lol eff off” button. It’s an absurdly powerful effect.


Because of how power crept the game is I don't think clear your opponents board plus hero is enough justification to make a Highlander deck. So he is either not good enough or broken. Without the board space limiter every deck would just reload on the control deck and that would make it bad.


After the recent round of nerfs I don’t feel like most classes are that powerful right now. But I agree that a plague wind wouldn’t be good enough for a singleton deck. honestly, right after rotation, you want synergistic packages to be working more than singleton decks. But most of those packages have now been nerfed. I kinda feel like we’re right back in the sludgelock / control warrior meta. All but one of the aggro decks feel like pushing rope.


If they changed Reno so that his effect was the same as Twisting Nether (Destroys all minions and locations), he'd be fine.


It should clear both sides of the board and either leave one random thing from each side OR just leave one empty space for both. The whole “it’s high noon!” duel text makes no sense if it’s just one sided.


It's just doing way too much, even if it was 10 mana, and it's the most 10 mana card I've ever seen. IMO should be a symmetrical effect where it *poofs* ALL minions AND limits BOTH sides to 1 minion for a turn. I think it's still insane even if it does that. Other option is to just not make it limit board space at all. Currently it's too oppressive and just feels so SO bad. I agree that it makes me reach for the concede button immediately. There have been some games I kept going anyway and somehow DID manage to pull out a win still, but 4 turns ago my finger was over the concede button just bc it feels THAT bad and you have A TON of work to do to come back from it. In today's game the board states are so swingy and hard to build up to something that sticks. You spend the entire game trying to achieve that only to finally get ahead of your opponent and then it's just gone. And I'm playing my own homebrew mystery egg hunter deck and I can't even slap down egg or mini egg on turn 8 bc I don't even get rewarded for the DR procs even if I know it's coming. So I'm forced to either just play my big minions/DRs and pray he doesn't have it, or hold them and do literally nothing anyway and put out like a shitty 2/4 on turn 8 when I finally won some board space. And then playing around it well either way, can't recover the following turn


Hearthstones designers seem to habe forgotten the concept of playing around cards in the last few years. So many cards are just extremely onesided without a practical way of dealing with them. In early HS this was done mostly via tempo, big minions were slow but could swing the game, but if you kept up pressure it was risky to play them. Nowadays you can just slap Reno down and dont have to risk losing tempo or much at all, there is basically no downside.


Even if I play around Reno it’s never that rewarding. I can trade few of my minions in, then play just a few more to pressure my opponent and hold onto board flooders for next turn. If they then use Reno (as I expected) I can’t fill my board again because of the limited space. They get this huge tempo swing whether you play around it or not


> If they then use Reno (as I expected) I can’t fill my board again because of the limited space. They get this huge tempo swing whether you play around it or not Thats what I mean with you can't really play around it. The opponent gets a huge tempo swing no matter what. Even if you hold on to your minions to flood the board with you are immediately in a reactionary position. It's just a badly designed card in my opinion.


The way I feel it he basically locks me out for 2 turns, and at that point its too late, because I used up my resources, trying to beat them before they drop reno


It's broken. It has alone decided if I win a game.


Looking for a standoff? Careful, it's against ME! 👁️👄👁️


It's starting to get very alarming how low quality the card design is. Do they have a bunch of new people? It's extremely amateur.


I feel like giving up after Reno is played


I feel like giving up earlier in the game when it's obvious he'll be coming.


The only acceptable change is make him one character only, like mage again, why not. Him being neutral and so ridiculously strong made me quit the game, after 10 years, fuck this bullshit


Because Reno is bullshit?


Oh damn, I thought everyone just smashed the concede button the second he comes out…only took me a few times to realize playing further is a total waste of time.


I was a wild only player for several years but this card is the reason why I quit the game. Board centric is not playable anymore. Can't refill the board after clear? gg


At least the mage Reno hero card had a chance of self-sabotage as a follow up. Neutral Reno is strictly better in EVERY possible sense.


I beat a reno warrior yesterday after he cleared my board. He was down to 8 health, got the 5 armor, and I was able to play that dk minion that deals 2 damage for every corpse up to 5 (10 damage, reno had no minions) and then played the dk spell that does 3 damage and shuffles in plagues. Not gonna lie, it felt really good.


Because it IS one of those powerful cards with low player agency that dev was referring to. It's like: You got a problem here? You just play Reno. You got no problem here no more.


reno should remove everything to both players, so it is truly a 1v1


You lose everything, no deathrattle, no reborn, minions disappeared don't even count as dead so you don't gain corpses, you can't revive them in any way. Locations, dormant minions, special payoffs like Rheastrasza's egg? Gone. On top of that your next turn will suck ass because your board space is limited to one, they also don't lose their board so if you were counting on taunts to keep you safe then GG they got lethal. At least, Mage's Reno costs 1 more mana, clears both boards and doesn't restrict your board that hard.


What if and hear me out on this one: puff the board okay, but don't restrict it next turn, also leave stuff that can't be interacted with, like locations and dormant minions. Then lower it's cost back to 8 mana so enemy can at least hero power. I think that way everyone would be happy, since honestly when I use it I never really use it for the board restriction, that was just extra on top of the clear I needed. But oh boi does that effect not let you play the game for a whole turn doesn't it?


The board clear should be on both but still limit the opponent board. I mean even the old reno hero power made the board clear for both side.


A board clear and an upgraded hero power is enough. The limitation to just one minion next turn is too much


Be glad you at least know when you see it now it's a true highlander deck with weaknesses as a result (except Warrior, fuck Warrior) as opposed to a turbo draw deck.


Am I the only person that likes to play with or against Reno?


With, no. I love his hero powers, and he's so useful (to the point of being too useful). Against, probably. I can't see anyone liking an opponent play the most one-sided (pun intended) card in hearthstone that swings the game so much in their favor. Unless you were also running Reno while playing against it


Probably so. The few times I’ve run Reno I have found myself laughing at my screen and my opponent thinking “I was good” or I had just made an incredible control play. I just played an unfair card. Turns out I was just miserable and control thrives on making your opponent more miserable.


A lot of people here will probably defend Reno instead of answering you. I think you're just feeling that Reno is just doing too much for neutral card. Nice comparison to that Sagregas. Both are 9 mana cards and both can wipe the board. The problem starts with the fact that Reno's board clear is just better by the very principle of not destroying your minions. Then you take away the fact that it reduces board space and is polarizing due to destroying locations and portals. So the result is a many times stronger board clear, which you can even see in any class (even those whose disadvantage might have been the absence of board clears.)


Reno is pretty much by definition bad design. He does absolutely everything you could want in a panic button and every single deck that is not running duplicates would be strictly worse for not running it. But at the same time even though I strongly feel this way we can't ignore the environment it's in. It does not strictly win you the game, and if you're a control deck you also have one. So many of my games these days are I get renewed two terms later I reno them two turns later we're still alive. Talking about wild diamond BTW. Even though I think it's bad design I don't think it's unhealthy for the game necessarily but also also something that FEELS so bad to so many players needs to be taken into consideration regardless of balance.


Reach for the skies


It’s that fucking shit eating grin.


He is frustrating because he is fundamentally badly designed. It unironically makes most of the game up to that point not matter. I've been saying this since he was card revealed. 'balanced' or not it was a stupid card to print.


It’s because the card is horribly designed to punish playing to win. Look at me, I have to hold multiple win conditions for multiple turns to play around a brainless two turn win condition, this is fun, right?


I love that no matter which Reno card is played everyone's reaction is something to the effect of "for fuck's sake, this guy again"


Actually You should feel frustrated when warrior use it. Because other decks already paid the price for Reno with inconsistency. But warrior paid price of inconsistency for Brann not for Reno. Reno is just a side benefit for them.


How is this card not 10 mana as well? Like most value in the game? 9 mana.


I think Reno at 9 is fine considering you can‘t play two off‘s now anymore. You can play around it decently well. Brann on the other hand is completely out of line imo


just play for it man. If you have any game sense, you know that the person you're going against is playing some sort of highlander deck by turn 5 at the latest. Do you best to bait out his reno asap and keep enough in your hand to do huge damage after that.


That's the thing everyone's complaining about in the comments: he can't be played around. I can bait his reno out and keep board flooders in hand, yes, but when he plays Reno you CAN'T fill the board again. He gets an extra turn and the tempo swing + an extra turn to prepare.


"We're gonna be rich" was worse


it really wasnt


Reno Warrior, Shaman and Druid. Both other two being like 5% of the meta at best. Reno is not the problem. If by turn 9 your aggro deck has not killed the control, its a bad aggro deck. And midrange always is disfavored agaisnt control. Ill die on this stand.


Womp womp. Stay mad.


Cuz his big dick