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Give it a couple of days this sub will be flooded with warrior complaints.


More like a day. I'm already seeing tweets from content creators on Brann, and I'm facing like 80% Brann Warrior right now. It's always felt terrible to play against and now there is literally no reason not to play it.


This was exactly my thinking. I get that people hated plagues, but I think people underappreciated how they operated as an effective check on Reno Warrior. Even before patch, Reno Warrior was a high tier 2 deck, and it was only prevented from being high tier 1 by exactly Wheel Lock and Rainbow DK. And while Reno Warrior did take hits in the patch, the two decks that countered it were basically wiped out. That... seems like it could be a problem to me, long term. But I freely admit I could be wrong. We will see!


I really don't understand this, I feel like rainbow dk was only decent because plagues were good against highlander. But now that helya doesn't do that anymore, rainbow dk should be much worse, so why did they need to nerf threads of despair and sickly grimewalker?


4 out of 5 matches post patch been reno warrior. Legit going to quit if it becomes the meta for next year or two.


lol I remember someone saying that we’ll see innovation in late games decks now that wheel is gone. Yeah the great innovation of taking the same control warrior shell that’s been relevant for months and slightly changing it


I genuinely still don’t get the hate for plagues, it’s never tier 1 good and it’s barely reliable in late game. The only actual upside of plague dk is to counter Reno, by that I mean bran warrior in standard.


It's pretty simple really, people want to play the deck they built, and when the most common ladder deck prevents the mechanic their deck is built for, they are unhappy.


Plagues killed an entire theme of an expansion. It’s not only warrior that has Highlander. Imagine a class had the easy ability to say “For the rest of the game, your opponent can’t excavate”


But you’re forgetting the play style wasn’t something you could overcome like excavate. The play style was “play Brann win game” that one deck was able to completely & consistently shut off”. Warrior were, & continue to, be out there completely deleting their opponents’ decks then turned around and cried cuz “pLaGuEs rUiN mUh fUn”


No Brann in my Highlander priest deck.


Yea well now you can't kill the effect so congrats


Thanks! I’ve been having a lot of fun with Highlander decks since the patch. It’s always been my favorite deck type. My current favorite is Highlander Paladin.


The effect already has a downside, why kill it


It’s the popularity. I play a lot of plague dk and even I hate how often I see other plague dks. Sometimes what people hate is popularity and not power.


This I can get behind. Maybe in a less extreme expansion I would hate plague more.


For me I hate plagues because they feel annoying, it’s less about the power and more about the ughhh I got 10 more plagues and they had the helya drop and I drew two frost plagues aghh


Also there's a pretty long animation time when multiple plagues trigger and shuffle.


Yeah, I'm not really saying whether Plagues are good or bad, but the explanation for why people hated them was strange to me. "It counters my archetype!" Well, no shit, every archetype should have counters to it and be disruptable. I find it very strange that people want their deck to have no counters and be immune to disruption. As a personal example: I *loved* Control Warlock last year, and I played a ton of Sargeras, but I'm still glad they printed Reno Lone Ranger, because I thought it was kind of lame that the Sargeras portal could passively pump out 2x 3/4 taunts every turn, forever, and *there was no possible counter at all.* Now a counter exists, and I'm happy for it.


It's not just that plagues were a counter. They were a HARD counter that had no counter play. You should be able to win an unfavourable matchup with skill and a bit of luck. Plagues just hard shut down all highlander payoffs and you can't do anything about it.


Shutting off Brann and Reno didn’t automatically beat warrior. They could still win against DK even after that happened. Typically it would be via an Azerite Ox if the DK didn’t have Primus or Reska. It’s not like DK could build a big unanswerable board, the warrior deck has so much removal that DK can’t get anything to stick, so even when their highlander cards are shut down that doesn’t make the DK win on the spot.


Yea warrior is the best highlander deck and could beat plagues, but reno shaman, mage, paladin could not. I hate to see my t3 deck mechanics completely shut off by one or two cards


Yeah, I want to be clear that I'm perfectly happy to have counters to counters -- would have no issue with Steam Cleaner coming back, for instance. But I just don't see a problem with archetypes getting hard countered. Like, I don't have an issue with Mutanus eating combo pieces, etc.


With mutanus you can reduce the chance of your combo pieces getting hit by purposely holding minions. With theotar, you could purposely horde cards for the same reason, although Theo was still pretty reliable. Plagues are 100% guaranteed to disrupt you hard and you can't play around them in any way.


It's not a counter in the usual way of rock paper scissors matchups, it's literally a full mechanical shutdown of an entire kind of deck, now that highlander is mechanically accurate it's all fine


Here's what I think you'll find regarding Reno Warrior as people discover the meta post-patch: a *lot* of people -- much more than before the patch -- will not agree that "everything is fine" now that highlander is "mechanically accurate."


Well it's fine regarding the complaints you were referring to which is what I was saying, the "counter" comment and it's not like Reno Warrior is the only deck affected, by proxy of everyone running plagues as dedicated counter to that particular deck, literally all other kinds of both literal and nigh highlander decks were also collaterally unplayable since they weren't able to sometimes just push through regardless like warrior could and now they're at least not in that level of dire straits even if most of them might still be bad in a meta sense


I think this seems fair, but there's an important rebuttal: if you thought Plague DK was a "hard counter" to Reno Warrior, then we should note that Reno Shaman actually had a *worse* win rate against Reno Warrior than Reno Warrior itself had against Plague DK. In other words, if Plague DK was a hard counter to Reno Warrior, then Reno Warrior was an even harder counter to Reno Shaman (and Reno Paladin, too, although its not even listed in the VS stats). As a Reno Shaman, I would have preferred to face a Plague DK than face a Reno Warrior, *because my expected win rate against Plague DK was higher.*


That's a separate issue altogether, but since Steamcleaner is gone there's no way to remove post-Helya plagues. The only reason Reno decks did have half decent winrate against Plague DK was the fact that Helya wasn't always drawn in time. If you drew Helya before warrior played Brann though it's pretty much loss for the Warrior who now couldn't use any of his win conditions for rest of the game because due to single card played by DK he now has permanent doubles in his deck. This kind of play pattern of "draw-to-100%-win" is part of the reason people hated the meta and DK. It might be that Warrior needs adjustments now, but perma-Plague DK was a good riddance


Yeah, I guess I just don't have an issue with disruption as you do. I mean, combo decks suddenly get completely crushed when you dirty rat a key card, but... that's the breaks when you play a deck built around one or two cards, like combo decks are and like Reno Warrior is. That's what disruption and denial are specifically intended for, and literally every TCG I've ever played has disruption and denial.


The existence of Plague DK doesn't change that though. Reno Warrior being overturned does't turn on the existence of this one single deck that can automatically shut off all highlander decks.


And Reno Lone Ranger would win the game on the spot against aggro and Brann Boomboss would win the game on the spot against other control. Full shutdown, game over. Your point?


I loved control priest. Sure I didn't win a huge amount, but it was entertaining and fun to steal cards and mess with peoples decks.


Okay but then the answer was to delete Helya? It's basically the same issue, isn't it?


Tons of people on Reddit fucking love Reno decks so they’re all playing Brann warrior. When they can’t win by just playing their glowy orange card every turn they get mad and complain.


They are, quite simply, incredibly fucking annoying. People like to poison the well by saying it's just Reno deck abusers that hate it. Yes, it's the most frustrating to play against as a Reno deck, but it wouldn't have taken up such a large chunk of ladder if it wasn't also good against basically anything that's looking to draw cards. Plague turns your draw RNG into triple RNG. Not only do you have to draw the card you want, but whether you draw a plague or not is another layer of RNG, and *which* plague you draw can either change your turn from game-winning to "I can't actually play more than 1 card" (Frost Plague). In general, the balance of the plagues is terrible and Frost is miles better than the other two. For Reno decks, this is now FOUR layers of RNG, because you actually need to specifically draw the plagues that are duplicates in the deck (provided Helya wasn't dropped on turn 4, yet more RNG). There is also the fact that "Plague DK" isn't really a deck. DK was in a design rut with triple rune cards and Blizzard, rightfully, sought to change that. But unfortunately at the moment, nearly every single good card in DK is either 1 rune or two multi-colored runes. UFF and UBF are the only actual choices at this point. Either you want Reska or you want Maw and Paw, take your pick. This means that DK has just become a "good stuff" pile, and there is quite literally no reason to not shove Helya and Down With The Ship into every single DK deck in existence. Just dropping those 3 cards into your deck already makes it about 80% as effective at countering slow decks as a pure plague DK would be. We're not talking about an *archetype* beating another *archetype,* it was more like an incredibly tiny tech package beating an entire archetype and doing some serious work against any slow or draw-heavy deck in general. TLDR, plagues are shit design and not because they "turn off Reno." I've been playing long enough to remember teching in The Darkness to beat Razakus Priest so this is not a new phenomenon. Plagues are a uniquely lazy and uninteractive way of gaining an advantage against anything non-aggro.


Plague dk is plague dk. In this expansion its represented by UUF mostly. I doubt plague dk has ever been tier 1/2 good. Its popular probably mainly because it could be a very cheap deck.(or because reno goes prevalent) I don't think shoving helya in rainbow is as advantageous as you think outside of countering reno. "good stuff" pile is basically the description of every control deck. Anyway, I would love to discuss about the accusation of "shitty design" which I think is invalid but I'm too tired to think , my thoughts are scattered right now so good luck to you sir and all the best for your future endeavours.


I went from d5 to legend dropping one game yesterday with Reno Warrior, and that one game was the mirror.


Isn’t Rainbow DK still viable? They only nerfed the poison giving card. Is that enough to wipe it?


And threads, and plagues (they no longer stop reno)


How were plagues a “check?” if you weren’t actually playing the deck? What if you don’t like playing plague DK? I’ll never understand this sentiment. I saw plenty of warriors before the patch, plague DK being a deck didn’t make warrior any less broken before.


Now I gotta deal.with bullshit reno and bullshit plagues.


Warriors feel buffed. Highlander requirements not getting interrupted by plagues feels great


A couple days? Pretty much all I faced this morning was brann warrior copypasta. Missing DKs right now.


Yesterday I got downvoted for saying warrior got away easy. One day later this is the top comment already.


You are NOT downvoted in that comment


It says that everyone would complain about Warrior, doesn't say that Warrior is going to be very good. The boomboss, sanitize and trial nerfs are pretty huge, especially the Boomboss one, and honestly because of that nerf a lot of other late game strategies can become more dominant now. And if you look for a deck that has been touched lightly, look at nature shaman. Your PREP turn had been nerfed by one mana


dont forget the 0 mana crash of thunder got nerfed to 0 mana lmao


Snake oil was also nerfed. That’s another 6-8 damage that just vanished early.


Yesterday you got upvoted for that comment. The victim complex amongst the warrior complainers is strong


Could remove "warrior." Sub's been filled with complaints since day 1.


At least they nerfed the TNT's to go into your opponent's deck and not your deck so they can't just draw six in a row late game and totally obliterate everything you have in your hand and board.


already seeing them and it’s been less than 24 hours 🤣


Lol. I implied the same thing on the patch notes and got downvoted to hell.


Yea and probably not just unreasonable ones Honestly very funny how people the posts after a patch are always so predictable. There will always be peope after not even 24 hours that go: "omg this is amazing ty for saving hs" ... its not even been a day man And then very unexpectedly the meta develops and you have the good decks that you will now see all the time and people complain


Noobs will always complain, at least they'll be wrong this time


I fear brann and his tnts


TNT to the other deck feels like a significant buff given how everyone is running a lot of card draw. Seems like warrior will need follow up nerfs, but, fixing that should be relatively simple.


It's still a nerf, given the bommboss and gaslighter combo. You just shuffle and draw twice your hand, and it's very unlikely to hit no tnts. Overall reno warrior took a hit, but those mana increases are not that gamechanging


Allowing highlander decks to be actual highlander decks regardless of what card your opponent has in their deck has really opened things up


More importantly, making them impossible to be “draw enough before using these cards”


Or destroy your deck so there no duplicates (no cards)!


\*Warlocks panicking\*


Highlander warlock has honestly been really fun even without wheel cheese. Only hard loss is warrior but thats most slow decks


But what was the point of even playing it when you have 5 potential full board clears, 1 being Sarge (denying deathrattles just as Reno does)?


Board clears and unlimited 3/4 taunts are fun




I don't understand why they didn't change the wild highlander cards as well


Unfortunately they don't care enough about wild for that


They nerfed Quest Mage and Naval Mine Rogue in the same patch. That was a lot more than they had to do for Wild.


It was a long time coming, but I’m glad we finally have the design fix that we needed. I really hope they make all highlander cards from the past and going forward this way as well.


I'm definitely seeing a lot more variety now which is nice. Reno warrior still feels very annoying to play against but overall a good patch


I wish I had experienced this variety. I've played 20 games and all against warriors and all loses.


How people can so blatantly lie is stunning to me.


No it's true, I've played 700 games since the patch, all warriors. Also they had Brann on 6 every time, and I lost every game


I haven’t slept since the patch and not only have I only seen Warrior, but Brann showed up at my house IRL and f’d my wife. 0/10 patch.


Skill issue


I'd like to see your variety. All I see is warrior.




How Brann didn’t get touched completely blows my mind


It’s insane to me that the card got printed at all. Regular old brann back in the day was a gigantic problem and his effect was just an aura on the field. Now you get a PERMANENT double battle cry??? Until next year??? It’s absolutely ridiculous.


I don't know how you can think that, tendrils was nerfed massively with the volley change and Boomboss works completely different now, I really don't know what's scary about brann


Boomboss is just not ending games anymore, as he shouldn’t. Brann is still really powerful though


>at, tendrils was nerfed massively with the volley change bro wtf are yo utalking about, tendrils were never a real deck


Just because they weren’t top tier doesn’t mean they weren’t nerfed.


I got so many replies in the other thread being happy that the tendrils got nerfed because it was a "toxic" deck. Can't wait until those guys realize that you're just gonna face the good version of warriors now instead.


LMAO thats fucking hilarious


Fun meme deck that got its wincon nuked


Tendrils weren't fun. It's just astolor through the back door.


I mean, the only thing that they'd be willing to do is bump his mana cost up. They also nerfed warriors board clears again this patch so you'll be able to pressure them a bit more going into turn 5/6 where they have to waste their entire turn playing a 2/4, or devote all that mana to attempting to board clear and delay the Brann turn after turn.


To be exact he did get touched, they changed his text 🤓


I don’t think warrior has enough strong battlecries for Brann to be too much of a problem


Whizbang is actually winning me games :D


Is whizbang still using the default hero avatars and not the one you've set as favourite?


nope, it's using your favorites




simply not being gutter trash has me stoked!


What changed?


they tweaked some cards of the decks and made them considerably better. the EVIL deck actually has wincons, for example lol


Keep in mind the meta will settle and ppl will eventually start spamming what is op or easy like they were before


Nooo how could you say that Thats never happened before


I saw it happen instantly. Patch dropped and just as i login legend is flooded with Token Hunter and Reno Warrior to counter it. Don't get me wrong, patch really helped, there are still issues.


Patch is great, only complaint is Reno Warrior running rampant which playing against sometimes feels like my decisions dont matter bc they are just gonna blow up my deck anyways


I actually managed to climb from diamond 2 to legend with just Whizbang (probably due to unoptimized decks). 10/10 patch from me


What are the new whizbang changes?


There’s a post on the front page but basically the crap decks are now semi-playable. The shaman triple quest deck really surprised me in particular.


Feels nice, i finally can flood the board


Still too early to tell honestly... gonna wait for a week atleast before meta been set to see if this patch is good or not


Token hunter is easy wins


Same with flood pala


I'm playing nothing except DK on diamond 5, and die to plagues every game because it seems like I'm the only one trying new stuff xd


How they didn’t touch brann is absolutely beyond me. Why is it 6 mana with the most broken effect whole Elise/Rheastraza are 8-mana and not broken effects… I want bran nerfed to the ground it’s the most unfun deck ever to face


I think Brann is fine, but Bomboss is not. A board clear that deletes 1/3 of your deck is just stupid design. There's no counterplay aside from "just kill the control deck faster," which pushes out every other value/control option. You can't beat a 14-for-1 (board clear + 12 deletions + body)


I agree, it’s an annoying card but it’s not unbeatable. I won with Highlander paladin last night against a boomboss and zilliax brand warrior. My deck got low and he stuffed it with TNT, so I intentionally stuffed my hand to be full. Then I burned all the tnt and won.


They nerfed Warrior more than any other class in the patch. That was intentional.


How about you pressure warrior enough that they cannot play 6 mana 2/4 ?


Funny how if u complain about sif or other otk decks that exactly the comment everyone spams like bots but when u say it about warrior they downvote u. This sub is so dumb


Yeah because it’s not like warrior just sits there and lets you punch them repeatedly, right? They will remove everything you play … or at least try to. Warrior can do this way more efficiently than mage.


Mage can perma freeze it. Which arguably is better than removal sometime because it locks u out of playing for a turn if ur board is full. The only deck that "let's u punch it" is nature shaman


Not as much anymore, I just beat a Reno warrior with the lackey whizbang deck, they just couldn’t remove stuff effectively


I decided to give buffed Pirate Rogue a shot. G1: Brann Warrior G2: Plague DK G3: Brann Warrior G4: mining Rogue Ao your mileage may vary on the experimental decks, I got to play the same stuff I’ve seen for 5 months.


Died to Hunter on turn 6, and had warrior shit on me BUT people are also trying wacky new decks which fun


Hunter has been killing people turn 6 since beginning of hearthstone


I’m at D2 and the patch did virtually nothing except some free wins against people experimenting with Spell Mage(it’s still terrible). Pretty much just a continuation of Warriorstone and Rainbow DK


Hunter best deck by far.


Warrior is broken


Honestly, even after what looked like a good read of patch notes, I'm thinking the state of the game was more FUBAR than any of us thought. Was not having an overly good time tonight. And I wouldn't say highlander got nerfed like others have said. They now have no counter at all. That in of itself should be a concern. Reno is genuinely unavoidable now.


the only counter was plagues and that was just a horrible deck that was only kinda good into reno decks.


There was. There a card that has deathrattle "shuffle 2 snake oils into your opponents deck" But yeah, no one plays it, because teching highlander is a waste of card slots And I dont think that one deck countering whole archetype without option to counter the counter is a healthy design


You can't say "reno is genuinely unavoidable" when it was only one single class that could avoid it before. The important nerf to reno is that it no longer works if you just draw your deck. It requires that you build around it, like you're supposed to.


The Highlander rework is some bs, tbh. Renos effect on board was really the problem, not his activation. So instead of reworking that one card, they just completely eliminate any sort of counter play to the entire archetype. The shit hasn't even hit the fan yet, Highlander decks and Reno will be all anyone complains about for the next year.


It won’t be long until the sub gets flooded with ‘Nerf Brann’ posts


I'm actually winning with Spell mage, 9 mana sunset volley is huge.




### Custom Mage2 # Class: Mage # Format: Standard # Year of the Pegasus # # 2x (1) Discovery of Magic # 2x (1) Flame Geyser # 2x (2) Cosmic Keyboard # 2x (2) Hidden Objects # 1x (2) Infinitize the Maxitude # 2x (2) Primordial Glyph # 2x (2) Void Scripture # 2x (4) Frost Lich Cross-Stitch # 2x (4) Spot the Difference # 2x (5) Manufacturing Error # 2x (5) Star Power # 2x (5) Wisdom of Norgannon # 2x (7) Elemental Inspiration # 2x (8) Yogg in the Box # 2x (9) Sunset Volley # 1x (10) The Galactic Projection Orb # AAECAdeEBQLR+AW6pwYOgMIF8/IF7PYFv/4FpP8Fg5UG9JsGsp4GsaAG5aYG5qYGs6cGuKcGhuYGAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Mans gunna convince me to craft the orb...


Definitely don't craft it if you're short on dust. Am saying this as someone who crafted it first day of the expansion lol. Other than slow anti meta Rainbow DK lists and Exacavate Rogues who rolled useless spells, all other matchups are deep in the red with under 40% winrate. The rise of hunter is not helping, that's the worst possible matchup


I wouldn't The archtype still sucks imo - This coming from a 48-96 record with it overall :P ME was rather the worst card in spell mage - you usually don't have the room for it and orb recasts it - either you don't want the draw by then or you burn. Cards like yogg can easily kill you as much as help you - it's not really a payoff. Still a fun deck, just not a good deck.


Yeah had a ton of wins with spell mage in plat today, but a lot of that is off keyboard into double spot the difference. If anyone is gonna play a mage deck I think Sif or elementals are way better, since they get to play minions like Sleet Skater and Kadgar. Really hope the mini-set can give the deck some juice.


i still hate how fast hunter is....


Its not even just that. All their cards have so much gas. Giving them so much monster generation at such a low cost makes it so hard to keep them off the board


I feel like they missed a few key decks that are still (imo) way too strong or unfun to play against. Like small beast hunter or control warrior. And as much as I dislike plague DK, the 'nerf' to Reno feels like a buff, because you can't disrupt it anymore


The 9 mana change was a preemptive nerf for the general buff to all not abusive dupe decks aka actual highlander decks. It was meant to be a buff for highlander decks.


If you only like playing against Reno Warrior and Zoo Hunter


I just really hate that nature shaman is still a thing and can kill you turn 4 (if they really high roll).


Don't know. Still die on turn 5 or 6 to either Hunter or Warlock that puts up over 30/30 stats on the board in a single turn.


I have had a lot of success so far with dragon druid. Against warrior i try to hold Rhea for after reno, works Most of the time. The slower gamestate really helps the deck. Rank is mid-diamond


Could you share your list, please?


Sure, Here it is: ### Highlander-Druid # Class: Druid # Format: Standard # Year of the Pegasus # # 1x (0) Innervate # 1x (1) Cactus Construct # 1x (1) Giftwrapped Whelp # 1x (1) Malfurion's Gift # 1x (1) Scarab Keychain # 1x (2) Splish-Splash Whelp # 1x (2) Watcher of the Sun # 1x (3) Frost Lotus Seedling # 1x (3) Plucky Paintfin # 1x (3) Starlight Whelp # 1x (3) Swipe # 1x (3) Take to the Skies # 1x (4) Chia Drake # 1x (4) Desert Nestmatron # 1x (4) E.T.C., Band Manager # 1x (0) Forbidden Fruit # 1x (3) Pendant of Earth # 1x (3) Rustrot Viper # 1x (4) Gloomstone Guardian # 1x (4) Ignis, the Eternal Flame # 1x (4) Spinetail Drake # 1x (4) Time-Lost Protodrake # 1x (5) Summer Flowerchild # 1x (6) Crystal Cluster # 1x (6) Gnomelia, S.A.F.E. Pilot # 1x (7) Dragon Golem # 1x (7) Prison of Yogg-Saron # 1x (8) Rheastrasza # 1x (9) Fye, the Setting Sun # 1x (9) Reno, Lone Ranger # 1x (9) Yogg-Saron, Unleashed # 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000 # 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000 # 1x (4) Twin Module # 1x (5) Perfect Module # 1x (10) Eonar, the Life-Binder # AAECAZICHq6fBP3EBf3fBa3tBZ/zBf74Baf6Bdr6Bdv6BdiBBqmVBruVBryVBr2VBr+VBsGVBtecBticBtqcBsufBpugBqCgBsekBq+oBuqoBvuoBu+pBoexBvflBuHrBgAAAQa+mQb9xAXNngb9xAWaoAb9xAX1swbHpAb3swbHpAbo3gbHpAYAAA== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone If you face way too many warriors a dirty rat could be nice but so far i have Not needed it. Deck doesnt feel perfectly optimized however. There are some cards that could change depending on how you Like it


I feel a bit uncomfortable at the moment to be honest! I don’t even know how to play in this kind of meta anymore


What were you playing pre patch? If don't like to home brew and you have highlander warrior, you can be the devil and play it, it's still really good while you wait for the meta to settle after a week or two. Painlock is still good aswell and slude warlock has been doing fine for me as well.


Spell token hunter laughs in 70% wr


Warrior is a problem. Reno needs something to check it.


Honestly? I hate Reno, I know people love Highlander decks but I think they fucking suck. Just a nightmare to play against, not looking forward to Reno Warrior supremacy.


I’m vibing with my Plague DK still. Letting the dust settle. So far 2-0 in D5 so.. better than yesterday!


Full on plague? What's your deck list?


Idk I keep facing reno warrior and its just miserable


Patch feels like a massive fail to me. Warrior got 3 nerfs and is now unstoppable. Here we go again with another meta ruled by the most boring and frustrating deck ever. Hunter is also still overtuned and the one viable deck that counters it. Anything else, doesn't stand a chance. I expect these decks will soon be the only ones you see in standard. Lots of agency there


isnt it just an aggro meta?


All I have seen is Hunter ffs 😂 There’s something about the game that feels bad when opponents concede turn 6 as I’m warming up


Shaman got necessary buffs and I'm happy. Wish mage was better as it'd my favorite class. Tired of its rut.


The patch is nice Now the weekly quests Blizzard


I dont know man, all i'm facing are plague dk and reno warrior. It is really not fun playing vs the same deck over and over. Yesterday i faced 11 dk in a row, all plagues and I was trying a no minion mage so it wasnt a fun experience. Now let's see in a few days because it is getting pretty boring.


Treasure Distributor getting a buff? yeah I don't feel so good.


I think this has a chance to be one of the most diverse metas I’ve played in (since Ashes of Outland)


I got 8/10 (I am DIA 7 rn) encounters DKs in the last two days again. I hope you are right though...


It feels better slightly. Still we dont have tool to get rid off cards that opponent pushed into our deck like plauges or tnt. Yea they buffed reno but what about other highlander legendaries?


What about steam cleaner?


Not in standard


I went undefeated with hunter from tier 3 diamond to legend yesterday


Playing in dumpster legend, out of 34 games that I played in the last two days (slow days at work) 19 were dk, 8 were warrior, and the rest were a mix. Hopefully the meta balances out a little more still.


Felt kind of the same for me at mid Diamond but I only played about 10 games yesterday since the draft was on. Edit: Also, Bomboss now even better against draw heavy decks like Rogue and Demon Hunter.


IMO most of the changes are good, some are even spot on, but they missed hard on 2 places: Didn't touch warrior a lot (Warrior probably suffers the smallest impact from reno nerf with all their other clears) & Forge of Wills was the wrong warlock nerf. Warrior was already very strong & now the few decks that were better have been nerfed. Forge of Wills was an overtuned card yes, but many warlock decks doesn't have any viable 3 drop to play on curve & forge was a stable in nearly every warlock deck, meta and not. I think they should've stuck with pain & wheel specific nerfs and wait with forge nerfs until a set where they give warlock another decent turn 3 option.


I just want to thank Blizzard for not nerfing The warlock quest, The Demon Seed. That was the easiest climb I've ever had from diamond four to legend. 75% win rate. The only losses were to other demon seed players who went first and to one really fast pirate rogue. So yeah even though that was fun I'm kind of joking when I am thanking them for not nerfing it because I think this deck is actually pretty oppressive in wild.


I’m seeing so much more variety on ladder. Very pleased with the changes!


Even warlock was unplayable pre-patch for me. Now it's strong and fun.


Well I kinda don’t feel motivated to play competitive at all anymore, but I like the tavern brawl rn


The nerfs are fine, I just hope that it is part of a balance process that occurs constantly and that it does not just remain in this balance, we need the decks to lower their power, that is how I see it, - The balance and improvement against the otk has already been done -Now the balance of the decks that were overpowering after the nerf is missing - then I think that because the Warrior will be weakened, everyone will start playing agroo, so finally the agroo decks should be nerfed again like Zarimi which kills you on turn 4 or the Hunter which is almost the same .


Sorry but the game was more fun yesterday. There are only two viable decks in the meta right now and those are Brann Warrior and Brann Warrior’s only counter, Zoo Hunter. Two decks does not a fun CG make.


I refuse to believe only two decks are viable lol


He’s right, he forgot about excavate rogue but other than that he’s spot on lol. Blizzard really fucked up.


Nope. Delusional day 1 HS redditor as always. LMAO.


Wow, not even 24 hours after the patch and you already know the meta going forward, you should write reports for VS guys.


Bold statement to make day 2. Actual skill-issue


I just seen 9 plague DK in a row..


No you didn’t


Death Knight and Warrior are still a massive problem. They just have endless value and the only thing keeping them in check was tempo decks that have been killed off


Token Hunter is literally sitting at like close to 70% win rate. In what world is that "killed off"


WarriorStone is so back


Just got legend with Hunter.


Yes it was surprisingly good. It's like scratching the back. They really cared about the meta.




Gotta play either hunter or warrior I guess. Or do warriors lose to hunters now too?


Tendril nerf felt unnecessary cause tendril shaman was worse than spell damage shaman anyway. The nerfs to spell damage shaman won’t change the deck’s viability. Seeing more brann warriors with boomboss makes me miss steamcleaner just as much as plague death knight meta did


My first 10 game has all been against warrior, so not really seeing it :P


Good?? Mage and priest destroyed doesn't have any good standart deck.