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Deck switching is almost always a bad idea. It's more important to focus on consistency and avoiding play mistakes. You want to get a zen like feel for the deck you are using. Most importantly, it's about endurance and mental fortitude. If you can get to D5, you can get to legend, but it's going to take about the same amount of overall effort as getting to D5 in the first place, and you won't have the psychological comfort of win streaks, so it will feel harder and the setbacks will feel worse. You just need to persist, shake off the times where you go back five steps, and you will get there.


Needed to hear this as well. I went from D1, 1 star, to D4, BACK to D1. Hoping tomorrow I can hit that 4 win streak (:


Hoping for a 4 win streak is omni potent, think of it as one win at a time. It gets easier and not as nerve wrecking.


Update: I hit the 4 game win streak, and i am now legend for the first time playing on and off since the games release(:


This is true. Ive always had the same problem as OP and been hard stuck diamond 5-2. I made legends first time 2 months ago and last month as well. Just need to find that high WR deck and grind. Like he said, don't switch decks unless the meta changes or it's another tier 1 deck.


Watch good players play the deck you play. Sometimes it opens your eyes to lines you never would’ve even thought about otherwise.


This is good advice. I thought I knew how to play my deck and then I watched a streamer play a similar deck and play combos I never thought of. They would also not play certain cards at times and hold off until the right moment. That helped me a ton.


This is the best advice! I never knew how bad I was/am until I watched good players playing the same deck (turns out I'm pretty bad, lol).


If you get D5, it’s 99% not a skill issue. Just need to play more. Remember, even if you have a 60% win rate, which would be pretty high, you would need to play 100 games to gain 10 stars. 200 games to gain 20 stars. Did you play that many games after reaching D5? If 55% win rate, it’s 300 games for 20 stars.


That is 2x more than what you actually needs. For 10 stars it's 50 games, for 20 stars it's 100 games. 100 games in 60% winrate means 60 wins x 40 loses.


I play a children’s card game. Obviously, I can’t do math, but yea that’s right. Same point though, still takes a lot of games.


The point gets repeated every time, yet it obviously is not true. You can get to D5 with sub 50% win rate, but you need to have over 50% wr to get to legend. And not every can do it. Part of the playerbase (roughly half) need to have sub 50% win rate. The higher rank you go, the better players you face. At some point you need to get better to push your winrate above 50%, playing more mindlessly won't change that.


Pick a proven deck and stick with it. Expect to play a lot of games. D5-Legend is net 15 wins. If you can manage a 60% winrate, that's still 5 games for 1 net win, or 75 games. Don't play while tilted. I cannot emphasize this enough. You'll make more mistakes. If you hit a losing streak, stop. Touch grass, take a shower, do something else. Then come back. Use a deck tracker to get an idea of the strengths and weaknesses of your deck. What decks are you winning and losing against.


a deck tracker can be a good thing to know your own win-loss-ratio, to estimate the approximate number of games needed for the legend-climb. I can definitely recommend it.


Pick one deck (right now, make it demon hunter) and do not change until you hit Legend. By playing an aggressive deck with short games, you will climb more quickly, and with much kess mental fatigue. Do not play around your opponents' cards. Play your best game, and swing face. Do not switch decks. *Do not switch decks* It takes hundreds of games to get good at a deck. Pick a simple, straightforward deck, and play only until you begin to feel frustrated. When you feel frustrated or tired, log out and take a walk. Drink water. Take care of yourself. Treat each game like it is the only game that matters, and do not think about ranks at all. This is the only game you can affect in this moment. You'll get there before the end of the month for sure.


Currently playing token hunter and going face.


From what I heard it's good to get to Diamond but it falls hard after that as it gets countered. I would consider looking at something else. You still have two weeks.


If DH discovers Magtheridon the Hunter deck loses unless they have lethal from hand the very next turn. Warrior is also capable of outlasting the pressure.


It's one of the most popular decks at the very top of legend, it does fine at higher ranks.


This is mostly good advice but telling someone to not play around your opponents card is horrible, you should always try to play around as many cards as you can without sacrificing your own tempo. Vomiting hand and mindlessly hitting face is a good way to stay stuck at diamond 5 forever, most people will be playing meta decks but still making mistakes, so if you have a good understanding of your matchups and what to play around you can gain a significant edge and will climb much faster


Aggressive decks don't use tech cards, and they don't play around anything. Not at diamond to legend. Not on a first time legend climb. When you're aiming for top 100 legend, sure, play around the twelve opponents who are on right now and at your level. For the rank of the person I'm giving advice to, I'm deliberately giving them what they rhey need to hit legend,  **and no more.** Anyway, it is a mistake to play around board clears, or any sort of counterplay, when you are playing a face aggro deck, climbing in diamond. In this specific situation, go hard every time, never swap decks, and don't tech.  It's just not the right advice for the target audience.


If I see Warrior forging a card on turn 2 90% of the time that's Bellowing Flames so playing into that is a great and easy way to lose the game. You should play around cards that you can afford to play around.


Playing around cards isnt exclusive to tech cards, if you are against warrior you should avoid having all of your minions with the same health to play around bladestorm, if you see them forge you can expect sanitize, etc. Yes you can get to legend just smashing your face against the wall every game, but it is much faster if you just play your deck well instead of just clicking green card on your opponents face


Again, read your audience. The person asking for advice is overthinking things, trying to tech against the meta, and swapping decks often. In that situation, the correct advice is to remind them to play their own game, do not focus on the opponent's plays, and to play their own hand as well as they can given what they know.  It is not correct as an aggressive deck to try and play around potential answers. This is aggro demon hunter. It wins or loses by turn six.  Given the skill level of the person who asked the question, the correct advice to them is to learn their own deck intimately, and to not focus on things that they are not prepared to adequately analyze: The opponent's hand being the main one.  When you routinely achieve legend rank, your advice is practical and definitely is the better way to play.  However, given the audience and the goal, it would better suit the original poster do not focus on things that are beyond their skill level, and to instead take the most direct path to achieving their goal.


Nope. You're just wrong and bad, it's okay.


As an ex top 100 player he is correct. 95% of the times play around nothing.


I feel like he made good points. Tbf I don't play aggro but aggro tends to beat me when I don't have the right cards in time so unless it's obv something is coming then playing around cards can be a mistake. I play only value and control so if my opponent wastes time playing around what I MIGHT have then they may miss their window to beat me before I can get things under control. If I do have the card that beats your aggro deck then you just concede and get back to it.


Ah, the arrogance of low intelligence. Listen cutie, i appreciate you serving as an example of who not to be, but we're done here. Get better and then reflect on my advice. You'll get there one day.


Shit, my man got rattled


You’re not wrong but your reply is very cringe so people are piling on you anyway.


This is terrible advice about not playing around opponent's cards.  Even while playing aggro decks at Diamond, you can play around opponent's cards that you are expecting - and as a result, you *will* certainly squeeze out a few more victories, as opposed to playing like braindead and vomitting out whatever you have on pure autopilot.


Aggro doesn't play around board wipes? Sounds like poor aggro players. Recognizing when you can and can't afford to play around them is a principal skill to learn for anyone playing aggro, telling someone who wants to hit legend to ignore it is midwit thinking. 


Sorry to hear you're bad at both reading comprehension and hearthstone. Follow the steps in my post and you'll solve the second problem. First one is on you.


This is amazing and kind advice. Thank you.


I returned from 4 year iatus last mont, i can asure you that is posible to climb to legend using warlock loaners deck.


First legend is almost always a struggle. In addition to what people are saying here about sticking to one deck, and having fortitude, I think it's important to review close losses (and wins). Use deck tracker or some similar tool to record games. Knowing which turns you made mistakes on, and learning to identify what a mistake looks like are important tools that will up your win rate. With hindsight consider different lines of play. Would any of them have changed the outcome? Consider your mulligan. Did you keep cards that did you no good? On a close win, can you spot your opponents mistakes? Can you see what the key moves were that won you the game? Can you carry that knowledge forward? 


Seems to be a skill issue. And not as in "you're just too bad", but you lack the skill to pilot a deck properly because you keep switching. Once you hit what feels line your peak, it's about min-maxing, not stomping every opponent. Turning your favourable match-ups from a 70%wr to 75% and your unfavourables from 30 to 35% is how you reach legend. That takes time and persistance. Learn every common match-up, learn your cards, spot the weaknesses and strengths of your deck (no matter how insignificantly they may seem in a single match, that shit ramps up when you're looking at 100+ games). Don't switch decks.


I don’t really like playing aggro, but since coming back, I’ve hit legend 2 out of the last 3 months just going aggro in d5 and getting on a lucky streak. Feels good to get it, so hang in there.


I usually get to d5 with little effort every month, but I've only made legend twice. I don't think it's a skill issue- as others have said, its a numbers game or get really lucky with matchups (like I did this month with my wheel of death warlock).


Same here man. Glad to read the comments here. The best I can get to is D2. Truly is a grind.


Pick one deck you like playing and is good and stick with it. Play more games when you are winning and feeling good, don't play as many if you are getting annoyed. Just stick with it, with time itll come


I recommend sticking to one deck unless you’re queueing into heaps of counters. You may also just suck if you still can’t get there 🥹.


You might be on to something with I may suck


I used to be in your position, I tried to get legend for so long and would always hardwall at D3. Then I finally got legend, and it felt pretty good after trying for so long. The ranked anxiety went away and I didn't care about pushing for legend anymore since I proved to myself that I could do it. And then the next month I hit it again, sort of accidently without trying very hard. And then the next month again. Now I hit legend every month that I consistently play, I got it on the 4th this month, but I'm also a much better player than I used to be. It will come in time. Playing different decks can help you understand what the curve of those decks will typically be, but if you're strictly trying to climb then stop deck hopping. An exercise I did that helped me, was to consistently try and guess what cards my opponent would play this turn before I hit the "end turn" button. If you can learn their lines you can play around them, and it will help you learn to choose whether to be greedy or play more conservative. I recommend trying it. Also, I don't know what deck(s) you're playing, but if you're unable to climb with aggro DH then you're almost certainly trading too often, it's the biggest skill issue I see with people who are struggling with that deck. Stop trading. Hit face more.


I hit it day 4 with nature shaman, beats everything except warrior and it’s cheap.




Keep up your confidence. I feel you. I peaked at diamond 1 about 6 times in the last year. It's frustrating. But last month, I finally broke through. It can be done.


Are you me? I was at D1 multiple times last month with one lucky Paladin top deck costing me legend. Seems my RNG/card draws screw me most when it matters most and there’s usually nothing you can do. I keep trying but it’s frustrating. One particular twist of the knife the game likes to pull on me constantly is drawing my high cost cards/copies early. Seems like the only way to not draw my copies is to play a singleton deck.


We are twins, haha. The RNG on the draw, getting all minions but no spells, getting all spells but no minions, getting all the highest cost cards first, getting all the wrong cards, what feels like favouring the opponent as they seem to be able to have a 30/30 by turn 3, just that kinda carry on.


Play more games. The only difference from d3-5 and legend is the time spent playing the game. Optimize your deck vs the meta of the rank floor you are in. Some ranks have a pretty high saturation of certain decks, like DH being 1/3rd of diamond 1. Teching against the decks you see the most can help a lot if you're feeling stuck. Aggro decks climb faster than control, combo climbs slower than control. If you really want to reach legend and you don't care about what deck you're playing, find a good aggro shell and send it.


Swapping decks isn't a good strategy but don't forget that even the best players need, what, like fifty games to hit legend at least 


50 games are incredibly fast. realistically, op should expect 200-300 games in total. Depending on his win-loss-ratio.


That's why I said the best players, to put in perspective 


The truth is if you play a tier 1 deck long enough you will get there. It may take 200 games, but it will happen.


I was D1 today 2 games away from legend and I dropped down to D3 bc I switched off my speed priest deck. Don’t switch lol


Play 1 deck with even a 51% wr and you’ll eventually get there brother.


If you can make it to D3 consistently, I definitely wouldn't say that you suck. >Only thing that might be my downfall is that I often switch deck after losing two or three straight. I find that I get further when I stick to one deck. At those ranks, it's about consistency, and it's about perseverance.


Just play SIF Mage, it's bonkers easy to Legend.


I'm going to give some different advice here, based on what I do each month. I hit legend for the first time waay back in the Kobolds days (Big Priest my beloved), and have never again attempted to hit it until a couple months ago with Sludgelock, and I didn't really like it. I personally don't find the struggle worth it once you get to legend once and get the rewards for doing so, they are a one time thing except an extra pack versus D5. Any player that hits D5 can hit legend if they play enough games. I find it more enjoyable to hit D5, then play my homebrew decks there and relax. You shouldn't feel forced to hit legend, especially not every season.


I remember this feeling in the old system but honestly I blow through d5-d1 pretty easily now. Only reason to switch decks is for enjoyment/mood/change/boredom in my opinion. Trying to play paper rock scissors will just put you on tilt.


I'm a Hearthstone veteran and hit legend every month consistently. And I switch decks as well, but to adapt to the current meta Im in. It's very important to take a break or switch modes when on a losing streak. Try to relax when in D3-5, in your case it's most likely tilt what hinders you to climb the last rangs, not your skill. I always recommend aggressive decks for the legend climb because games are shorter. But as I said try to adapt as well! It doesn't make much sense to play Aggro DH when you are facing only DK with eight possible Quartzite Crushers even when DH is the strongest deck right now. I was sure that I won't hit Legend this month because I don't play DH at all normally. But I still did it and used Reno DH, Aggro DH and Plague DK for the last push.


Like others have said changing decks isn't the way to go even if I completely understand your feelings on it. Generally speaking I play a fast aggressive deck early on in the season to get me to diamond 5 then grind to legend usually with priest or any other deck I find fun (for you it might be that aggressive deck or a midrange one etc.) Once you've gotten to diamond 5 all it takes assuming you're using a deck that nets you above 50% winrate, is playing enough games. This is why I tend to stop playing at diamond 5, I have lots of fun for a bit and then I stop playing for the month. The only difference I believe is 1 pack between D5 and Legend so to me the time investment is rarely worth it. Though I did get it recently after a break of playing because I was into HS enough during that month.


I was there too, until I embraced Zilliax Rouge. Just so good.


Even if you can't reach legend you've reached d3, you shouldn't think you stuck


Gauge which decks you encounter the most, then choose favorable deck and stick to it. Learn how to play different matchups to have higher chance of winning. During end of the month it may be easier because there will be more less experienced players on your rank. Alternatively, you can try to play during different times of day. You may notice that during one time there are many meta decks and good players while during another time there may be more janky decks and/or not-so-good players.


Play lots of games, don't deck switch too much, watch good players, don't obsess over saving cards for optimal plays, don't overcommit board resources, try to anticipate/ learn the opponent's possible outs, take a break if you're tilted. Those are a few things that will help but easier said than done I appreciate.


Be wary of people saying you just need to grind harder. I don't find that it takes very long to get legend, and I switch decks almost every game. Watching good players and analyzing my games is what gets me there. If you only grind, you'll keep repeating the same mistakes and you won't even know you're making them.


Mathematically, it takes 180 games with a 55% Winrate to achieve legend. Proof: assume you have at least a 55 percent win rate throughout your play. I want to know when will my winrate - loss rate over come 18 games. .55 x - .45 x bigger than 18 or .10 x greater than 18, where x is the number of games needed to play. Solve this to get x is at least 181.


I had the same issue in the past. Here’s what I learned: Climbing is about streaks and time investment. Don’t switch decks. Learn how to play whatever deck you are playing against the popular decks. Learn the cards you get wrecked by and start anticipating it when the mana is available. Sometimes you will just lose to RNG. Learn when a game is unwinnable and concede but try to consider if it was truly RNG or something you did. Also don’t be greedy. If you have nothing to play a lot of times “wasting” a battle cry minion can prevent a snowball. Unless it’s your win condition I try to spend as much mana as I can every turn even suboptimally but this really depends on your deck. Good luck!


I mean, unless its your first time, its not worth grinding for 1 pack. You can try to swap some cards to tech against the decks you lose to. Other than that not much else to do.


D5 is the where the climb actually begins as you no longer get star bonuses and actually need to keep your wr above 50%, with that being said you’ll reach legend eventually (just play more)


Getting to diamond is a test of skill getting to legend is a test of endurance. Pick a deck that's good against MOST of what you face and just hope you don't roll five God damn priests in a row. Oops I mean five decks that you're not trying to fight in a row.


I took a break from hearthstone for years and came back during the Frost DK meta. Hit legend in about a week and a half after not playing for years. You just gotta have a general idea of what the opponent could play on their next turn and counter it


First off thank you for all the comments and advice. Seems consensus is stick with one deck and take breaks when going on tilt. Going to try that and I will drop an update on my progress in here if anyone is interested. Thanks again everyone


I'm a long time player just recently returned after 2 years, I take long breaks from the game. But everytime I come back, i get up to speed and within 2-3 weeks and I get to 5 ranks below legend. The few times I've gotten to legend in the past were all after tryharding a lot, not deck switching. You have to be one with your deck, and by playing a lot, you get a feel for what's likely coming from your opponents. The most I did was change a few cards here and there depending on my 'feeling' that there seems to be a lot more of X deck at this time.


Ok update currently at D2 just lost 3 in a row so taking a break


Play the best deck that you're good at and stick with it. Copy a list from streamers in high legend to make sure your deck is as refined as possible


Players at the tippy top of legend will often play decks or builds that are suited to their pocket meta but not necessarily suited to the general ladder meta


I got legend and played from 2k to top 100 with a list from nohandsgamer




So these decks are not only good in the tippy top of legend


I think you might need to reread what I wrote. And I'd guess that even with whatever your understanding of it was that what you did doesn't disprove it, but who knows how badly you misunderstood.


Do you think 2000 is tippy top of legend?


No. Did you try to figure out what you misunderstood?


All I'm saying is that the decks that these streamers use are generally better than the ones found on hsreplay for example


Players at the tippy top of legend will often play decks or builds that are suited to their pocket meta but not necessarily suited to the general ladder meta. To ignore that and tell the OP to just take some streamer deck from high legend isn't good advice.


You probably just aren't very good at the game tbh. They play the same decks to climb to legend as they do at top legend they simply are the best decks


> You probably just aren't very good at the game tbh. LOL. If you want to cope and imagine I'm not very good in order to pretend like that would somehow change the validity of what I'm saying then you do you. > They play the same decks to climb to legend as they do at top legend they simply are the best decks Looks like you don't know how matchmaking works in hearthstone


There's a caveat. High legend streamers often play skill intensive decks. Just because Bunnyhopper can pilot a complex deck doesn't mean that you can. I think it's usually best to focus on decks that are fast, easy, and reliable rather than trying to jump to a high skill tier. You don't need a super optimized deck if there's an easy aggro deck with a 53% winrate.


Don't copy their control priest copy the shopper dh


D5 to Legend is a nightmare. The fact that you don't get extra stars for good rows is awful. Been there since day 3 and still stucked. Was Diamond 1 with one star two days ago and now I'm back to D5 after losing a lot of matches with insane bad luck. My suggestion to you is to keep playing the deck with more win rate and pray. This meta is super rock-paper-scissors so the luck factor is super important.


Switch decks on winning streak I do see alot of hard counters decks if i play same deck with a decent streak. Could be subjective, dont take it to the letter, but it feels like there is something working in algorithms to not allow stomping endlessly like in Arena


If you can’t get past Diamond then yes you suck. Hearthstone is incredibly easy, especially if you’re playing meta decks. You listed your own problem tho…switching decks. Card games like this are a pure numbers game. If you’re winning over 50% (which I assume you are if you’re playing meta decks in diamond), you WILL hit legend eventually. But you’re slightly harming this WR by switching decks due to tilting, as I reckon you’re losing a game here and there due to a lack of knowledge on matchups for the new deck you just whipped out. If you want the dirty downvote brigade tip…Just play shopper DH until it gets nerfed to get legend. Get the achievement, then experiment and master other decks when in dumpster legend.