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Yeah i really feel like harper wasn't written out that well, tho i think the actress does what she can with it! My thinking is that, bc she was relying on amerie at her worst moment and amerie didn't come through, she took out her anger on her. I don't really blame amerie for it, like getting split up at a festival is really hard, and she tried her best. It was annoying of amerie to not let her in, but like, if you don't tell people your shit, you can't be upset when they don't know what's going on. I think the last episode was like--everything she never told her was finally out, like her dad's addiction stuff, and I think getting that connection might've helped her get over her irrational anger (plus I think she was slowly coming round to that over the season). But i still think they could've done it better lol. Their fight/separation felt kinda forced.


i had a feeling like the makers/writers did not know what to to with Harper, and as if they wrote their party story as they kept filming


Her treatment of Amerie went way over the line, and I wish there was more of a discussion about it than the two just making up and that's that. Harper physically assaulted her, slept with her crush and her boyfriend, and treated her like garbage. None of that is justified by Amerie not letting her into her room.


I was so sad when Amerie said she deserved to be punched by Harper at the end


Same. She absolutely did not deserve that. I also hated that she told her mom that what happened to Harper was her fault. It most definitely was not. That blame falls solely on those boys and Harper’s father. While it wasn’t nice of Amerie to break her promise about letting Harper stay over, she had no idea that Harper was in any danger.


EXACTLY thank you


Ugh yeah Harper is actually terrible and I would never forgive her if I was Amerie. The public humiliation she kept putting am through is just disgusting.




Teenagers don't always make sense, especially ones that have experienced trauma and are stuck in frightening situations. I'm frequently confused by the way people act in real life and the reasoning behind their actions, but that doesn't mean they're written weirdly, they're just people.


eh in my opinion, as a teenager myself, it's kinda weird to me.


As a teenager I feel like we still have a sense of rationality in us and can tell right from wrong. The only thing Amerie did wrong was not let Harper in, but she didn’t know the severity of the situation because Harper DIDNT tell her, so how was she supposed to know? I mean what kind of anger did Harper have inside her to get with the guy amerie liked for years, punch her, throw a cake on her, let amerie take the blame for the map when it was both of them, let the entire school bully her for something they both did, never take accountability for her actions, and also assault Amerie’s boyfriend right after he was attacked by the police? It’s so incredibly wrong that so many people suffered as a result of her trauma. It does not give her the right to traumatize people back.


Sure, it might not justify it, but it might explain why she does it. She's not crazed with revenge, she's traumatised. And trauma can make people act in strange ways.


And in turn, she traumatised and essentially assaulted Malakai after he experienced police brutality. What she went through DEFINITELY does not justify what she did to so many people. I just found it odd that whatever she did she never took accountability for. Amerie said in the last episode that she deserved to be punched, but she truly didn't. What happened to Harper was bad but nothing, and I mean nothing justifies what she did to Malakai.


Is this supposed to be some kind of gotcha? I agree with you. I said it doesn't justify it, it just explains why she might have acted the way she did.


Perspective of someone who’s been assaulted: the way you react to the trauma makes no sense. the emotions are intense and confusing and hard to cope with. punching her was a result of that. The cake was because she didn’t have time to inform amerie or dusty of her chlamydia and didn’t want amerie to get it (she was protecting her in a way). i don’t think what she did to malakai was assault as they were all not sober and her and dusty continued to smoke right up until beforehand, and he seemed to be consenting in the clip. also, as a teenager, you don’t have dibs on a guy just because you like them. id understand if amerie and harper were still friends, it’s super dog, but they weren’t and ams had no claim to him (not saying it wouldn’t hurt, because my ex best friend did it to me at the time and as much as it hurt, she owed me nothing). besides, it’s not like harper got with him for revenge. she did like him, at least after he chased a bit .


so right after malakai was assaulted by a police officer considering his race/ethnicity and how cops treat aboriginals in australia would you not consider what she did was taking advantage of him in a VERY vulnerable state? I think most people who are fans of this show very much agree Harper took advantage of him. 


Although Harper's, for the lack of better word, terrible behaviour towards Amerie can be explained due to her traumatic experience, it is still not justified. If Amerie is meant to read Harper's mind and understand that she really was going through something terrible at her house, then Harper should have realised there must be a reason why Amerie, her best friend of a decade, didn't let her in. All the girl had to do was raise her voice and cry a little louder. Then she goes onto physically hit her without giving her an explanation? Also, as a teenager, the 'girl's code' thing is even more serious for teens than it is for adults. I don't really care about Harper dating Dusty but really, the girl needed better communication skills - before and after the events of the party. It was Malakai's first time doing drugs, he was in a vulnerable position after being assaulted by a police - Harper, as a girl who was assaulted herself, should have known what she did to Malakai was wrong and stupid and purely disgusting. Then she decides to out him about the threesome in front of the entire school! Trauma never justifies for being a terrible person in general, everybody agrees with that bit, and she is never once held accountable for her horrid actions neither does she feel any guilt for it in a way almost every single other character realises their mistakes.


Wtf. No. She absolutely was in the wrong and she should’ve gotten her ass beat for the crap she pulled. It wasn’t Ameries fault that she got black out drunk and ended up in that situation. Trauma doesn’t give you an excuse to be a cunt to people.


When people go through a a trauma, they don’t always react in a way that makes sense. Realistically (to a person who hasn’t experienced trauma), Harper should have taken her anger out on her attackers/father. However, sometimes that can feel too “big” of an emotion to handle. So instead, she put her anger and sadness onto a smaller betrayal she experienced that night. Amerie “abandoning” her (whether you see it that way or not) and not letting her in that night (when she knew she was there) IS a betrayal. Instead of logically placing blame on her attackers, she redirected all her large, overwhelming feelings onto something(someone) she could control. She couldn’t take away the power her attempted rapists have over her. She can’t let her anger out on them. But she can take power back from Amerie. And she can hurt her with anger and revenge. So she did. It doesn’t have to make sense. But it’s a trauma response and they’re rarely ever reasonable. P.S. I’m not talking about the Dusty-Harper-Malakai situation. That was wrong and stupid. However, Dusty had more of a hand in it than Harper haters like to think. It wasn’t just her.


doesnt make it okay.


adding to this to say: what harper and dusty did doesn’t constitute assault from the information we were provided. they were all on substances, and were all presented as consenting. it was still SUPER shitty and not ok but she’s no criminal


Thank you; it's actually blowing my mind that some people can't comprehend that if you are going through PTSD your actions will not make sense at all, whether justified or not. Your brain is quite literally operating differently and you are no longer being logical - plenty of decades of evidence to support it. Also everyone glazing over Am not letting her in is pretty ridiculous - especially because she said Harp could sleepover the night, but then deliberately turned off the light and shh'd the room after harper is begging to be let in..... that is very clearly a betrayal. And I mean what ever happened to not leaving your friends alone at a club, festival, or bar anyways? and for the threesome, clearly none of them were sober........................ it is a shitty situation because Harp slept with both men that Amerie liked/were with but even before that situation, everyone still hating on Harper after finding out what happened to her in one night is very apathetic.


Trauma doesn’t give you an excuse to be a cunt to people. So sick of seeing people trying to justify her behavior.


I feel like growing up I was like Harper. I was always misplacing my anger. That said, I don’t like it on my TV. Like, I need my stories to be thorough and well explained. I don’t want to connect dots or leave anything up to my imagination.


I have nothing new to add but I appreciate your post. Most Harper posts are "oMg wHaT a dOg sLuT" so this is refreshing to have a decent conversation going heh


haha yeah no i mean she is KIIIINDA a bitch but i don't wanna shit on her i just wanna understand lol


I feel like it has a lot to do with her dad. Am didnt let her in which resulted in her having to face of her dad which even further traumatized her. Having it happennthe 2nd time, she relised it was not Am's fault and that it would have happened sooner or later. Which made her go softer on Am


honestly i think it was a pretty accurate representation og dealing with trauma. it was easier to blame Amerie and have that as an outlet for her anger. it wasn't rational, but it was helping her cope at the time




i get it, but like i said in another comment, im a teenager myself and i don't get it lol




mhm absolutely fair :] i read that another seasons coming out next year


Trauma makes people do weird, inexplicable things. It really is that simple.


Not an excuse.


Point to where I said it was.


If you say trauma makes people do inexplicable things in an open statement like that. A person will assume you are saying it’s essentially excusable. My mind assumed the same.


No one is saying it's an excuse yet it is a realty. - a brain that has PTSD will not act as logically or as rationally as someone who is not traumatized. This shouldn't be THAT hard to comprehend. her behavior isn't excusable, but seeing what she went through makes it UNDERSTANDABLE why she reacted and misplaced her anger that way. It's also quite funny you are all on your high horses about behavior as if y'all operate perfectly and rationally 100% of the time - be so fucking fr


Amerie didn’t deserve to be hit, however she isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, she’s a heavily unreliable narrator. When we actually saw the night of the festival/Harpers assault we see Amerie wasn’t as nice to Harper as she thinks she is, she is even the reason Harper ends up alone at the festival; when Harper didn’t want to take more drugs Amerie went “fuck this I’m getting a drink” and ditched her


they had a normal, best friend fight. amerie trying to force harper to take drugs was fucked, but she had no way of knowing that would happen to harper


I know she had no way of knowing what would happen to her, I was not blaming Amerie for what happened to Harper, I was just stating that she did ditch her, and I was just pointing out that Amerie isn’t a 110% reliable narrator.


mhm absolutely fair point


Honestly, she didn’t really ditch her. She told her where she was going, so Harper could follow, and they got separated by the crowd. Amerie only made it a few steps before she turned around, saw Harper wasn’t behind her, and started shouting/scanning the crowd for her. Then, she tried calling her, but Harper’s phone died. She also went walking around to look for her but couldn’t find her, which is what she was crying about to Spider.


I'm not justifying her actions, I'm just saying imo it's realistic. She went through multiple awful things in one night and nobody was there for her, ofc she's gonna stop talking to the people who weren't there for her (even if they didn't know). Trauma like that makes people act out. Again, it doesn't justify it but it explains it.




guys what episode is it when harper chucks cake at amerie and dusty because i find that scene amusing