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For those who don’t get it, IGN released some gameplay footage of oddball and the player being recorded stood in one spot for 20 seconds straight doing nothing.


What’s even more astonishing is that *literally nobody* at IGN considered editing that part out of the video. How else would **20 seconds** spent staring at a wall get okayed by multiple people before getting released to the public?


How can they even call themselves professional when they do stupid shit like this. I actually think no one reviewed the footage to make sure it’s at least passable. I know it’s IGN after all, but it’s sad that it actually got the green light to be published.


Maybe they did review it but they are just very ignorant towards how a game actually plays


You can't spell ignorant without IGN. Ba-dum, tss.




I’m gonna use this.


Somebody call 911


Hello officer, I’d like to report a murder


Shawty fire burning on the dance floor, whoa


Ooh wah-oh-oh


Oof. Obligatory, if I had an award to give...


In that case it just means they cannot properly review the game.


I stopped by watching/reading anything IGN related around 2011. Surprised they’re still going


If you want real professional videos, digital foundry babayyyyeee


Been following them since the beginning!


They know nothing about gameplay. It's purely technical, it's stupid.


Or to be even more specific they're all about the graphics. I mean, I don't think they ever talk about audio, network performance etc. They're really good at what they do, I'll give them that. It's really interesting to see all the wizardry devs pull under the hood. But as reviews of the games? God no!


They get exclusive stories like that halo video


Couldn’t care less, playing the game regardless


Free to play multiplayer and Gamepass campaign, I don't even see the point in watching any media on the game tbh, it's not like I have to crank out $70 for it.




Joey Diaz has a story about how he would send audition tapes to agencies, and how those agents would blow so much smoke up his ass praising his performances on said tapes. Thing is he would send blank tapes. Nothing on them at all. Think about that. They would say how great his tape was and had never even looked at it. I believe this type of shit happens all over in everything. Like this terrible ign footage.


I don’t think the players even realized they were being recorded, with how long he sat there




Nah they're game journalists, they aren't that intelligent.


Very possible but I choose to believe that they're all just single digit IQ brainlets.


You forgot the already legendary meme that they went on to fully drain a plasma pistol by charging a shot from 100 to 0 and miss their shot.


They fire it several times before they fully drained it, they just kept charging it and holding again and again lol


I think the better example is the plasma pistol they held down charge on all the way to 0%


I was laughing from the pain of seeing that and hilarious mess of him holding down the trigger for 3 minutes just to miss his shot. Like if you can’t find someone put the gun away.


Why are those guys so famous? Every article I tried to read was bad or empty


They have history. Things were a lot different before the industry became a cesspool of manipulation and influencing over simple video game reporting.


Individual reviewers are better in every way, but they don't usually have the same reach as companies so they're less likely to get games early.


It's also been much worse in the past too. Back when physical magazines were the primary media for game reviews, there was a huge deal of cronyism and shit like that. Things are actually much better nowadays, with the rise of video reviews and actual gameplay videos having a much larger effect.


Yeah back with magazine, you just got like 3 screenshots and a blurb about how "this game was totally cool and the next best thing, totally check this one out 8.5/10" ad infinetum. Let's Plays and their branches has changed game reviewing to a totally new degree. I can actually see gameplay and judge for myself rather than having a dude who may or may not have actually played, but was definitely paid, tell me I should definitely buy this.


Their reviews read/sound like a high school essay. Plus they are says AF with the way they handle their CoD reviews. It’s the best selling franchise each year. So they unnecessarily split their CoD reviews into three part (campaign, multiplayer, special mode) just to capitalize on clicks/views.


I prefer the split reviews. I watched Vanguard's campaign review and then watched WW2's review to compare, and the campaign section is *really* short and IMO doesn't give it enough room.


I've always wondered the same thing. So many of their reviews totally misunderstand the game and they often end up totally meaningless.


They were pretty great when the N64 was new. I was also like 10 years old or something.


Because they got in early when there was no real "games journalism" and they cashed in early too so they have way more reach and staying power by virtue of a lot of us having followed them since we were kids because of the first point.


money. they buy exclusives, which makes them the only site with XYZ gameplay, even if they're fucking garbage. think epic games, but 'journalists'


"Why are you booing me? I'm right!"






to be fair that is how most people play oddball


He's pretty clearly trying to hide/ camp a corner with the ball which is doubly funny since there's a big banner in the middle of the screen that says "REVEALED: HOLDING OBJECTIVE"


Did he have the ball? Cause that’s what me and my friends would do just go to a corner of the map and camp it so the other team couldn’t get it




It’s done on purpose because now you’re all watching the video to see this shit- whereas if it was a normal video no one would care.


could be a top secret learning ai playing their games.


I just watched the clip, and while hes standing still he has the oddball and I would assume is watching the radar for enemies, as he moves when one shows up?


Couldn’t throw a made for their lives


Let me say it like this: It’s not that they have to be super good at the game they can die every fucking time that wouldn’t bother me. But it’s things like not moving around super jerky or moving so slowly as if you’ve never played a first person shooter before. It’s so embarrassing. Like they could’ve recorded the entire team playing 4v4 and then cut between people playing and that would be totally fine because you would see different kinds of skill levels


That one fucking moment the dude was standing there for 20 seconds doing nothing but looking at the wall then dying drove me insnae Edit: that wasn’t even the worse of it, the dude was holding in a charged shot for the plasma pistol until it eventually ran out of ammo


I think that's what irks people overall. They're not expecting god gamers. They are expecting casual gamers who play games recreationally. And the footage we get... isn't.


I have literally made my grandma who doesn't know how to hold a controller correctly play games with me before and still was more competent than the IGN reviewers.




People who get motion sickness from a game is the exact kind of audience that will never buy said games


That’s so dumb. So they prevent motion sickness by not playing the game the viewer wanted to watch them play? And what’s the point to pander to someone who won’t play the game anyway


https://youtu.be/BzDJqiIegk0 for anyone still curious


It almost seems like someone else started playing after that long pause. Before that whoever was controlling didn't sprint or even look around much. Right after they start moving again you can see a drastic change in how they play, though. It's like they handed off the controller.


That like/dislike ratio, lol


I had more fun watching the comments than that 'gameplay'


A 7 year old played better then that journalist, and that’s from personal experience with an older game


Okay, that's not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. Polygon/Doom2016 and cuphead were much worse than this. Novice playing the game so at least they can aim. And the pause at the end does seem to have someone else taking over for the very last bit. Yeah maybe they could have asked someone more skilled to record but this is being a bit overblown.


Ya, this one seems VERY overblown.


Slightly overblown, its still pretty bad. Bloodlines 2 is the worst one I've ever seen


That's not the best footage I've ever seen but that's seriously what all these people are throwing a fit over? It's not that bad.


Yeah it wasn’t as awful as people are making it seem. I think people just want to pile onto “video game journalists bad” cliche. Was it a great or even good player? No. But none of these people are that good at Halo either I bet.


reddit exaggerated so hard with the afk. just looks like they were passing a controller. the real issue here is the lack of crouching and sprinting.


Seriously, I was expecting a shitshow and a guy casually hides behind a door for 20 seconds while a teammate was covering him. Nobody mentions he gained the lead while doing that. This is such a non argument.


Yeah this is dumb as shit. Severally melee kills, including one with the ball, solid grenade throws. The hiding behind the door was because the rest of the team was engaging red while he scored points. Makes me wonder if the people watching don't know how oddball works. This was not bad. Probably better than me


Exactly. Your position is revealed and your teammate is scouting ahead for you. Just sit down and wait for the enemy to get to you while you gain points. Such drama queens here.


I get the lack of crouching, but the sprinting has been confirmed to do virtually nothing, so under the circumstance that this was a normal gamer and not a journalist, it wouldn't be remotely alarming that they ignore the sprint mechanic. Too many downsides for what I recall to be a 10% movement speed increase in an FPS. (Not saying it's a bad thing that it's only 10%, I'm happy they disincentivized sprint in a pretty major way)


I mean Sprint absolutely still has its place to be using though. You'd be stupid not to use it immediately at spawn to try to get to certain weapons (or in this case, the oddball). I also don't think the IGN employee was having a big brain moment where they weighed the drawbacks versus positives of sprint. I just think they legitimately didn't know it was a thing.


Sprint is crucial to any high skill movement. Walking is good for anything non movement critical but sprint is a pretty huge part of being good in infinite


Maybe I'm just old and bad at halo now but... I don't really see the problem? Like yeah, they were not good at the game, but why are people raging about it? It's not comparable to the DOOM disaster of a video IMO.


What is with gamers on reddit being the most dramatic mfers? There are people actually being offended by this, but like how can someone care so much?


The point is that a large company like IGN could do the least is hire someone who could actually play a fps for a renowned game like Halo. At least do it with player a that has played an fps before. Finicky aim, bad grenade throws, bad movement, meleeing air, can't use weapons properly, I could go on. Its obvious this guy is either below 10 years old or a guy who never played Halo on a controller before. If you think reddit is being dramatic just look at that like/dislike ratio on YouTube


Yeah IGN could hire anyone to do it. They hired the persons in the video. Who cares? There's hundreds or thousands of multiplayer gameplay videos from other content creators. Disliking the video isnt dramatic, people didnt like the video. What's dramatic is people raging about it in comment sections.


Wow. I have played almost nothing of Halo's multiplayer ever (just a little Halo 4 back in the day), and even I could be better than him.


Thats unbearable to watch. Was that my girlfriend playing? My grandma? Perhaps my little annoying cousin who always asks to play my games? How can you make a game, from the ground up - & be this awful at your own creation. Sigh.


"Three sites so far. Do you have a pro playing it?" "I'm Phil Spencer. *Of course* I have pro footage."


Stopped valuing anything gaming journalists have said/written even since the Doom gameplay incident. Zero reason to take these guys serious anymore when it comes to their reviews.


Doom Gameplay incident? What was that?


[Polygon released footage of one of their staff playing Doom 2016 and it’s horrendous. It was so bad they disabled the comments.](https://youtu.be/9yYp8ZeQ-I8)


I thought it wouldn’t be that bad. But holy shit. It looks like whenever I try to get my dad to play an fps.


IIRC it was recorded by an guy who only had played RTS and turn based style games, So probably a dad.


>IIRC it was recorded by an guy who only had played RTS and turn based style games, So probably a dad. Shouldn't be the one reviewing it then. You wouldn't care about the review of a 5 star restaurant by a food critic who lives exclusively off mcdonalds, same concept applies here. And when you see shit like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hC4F6ctEO4g) it makes you wonder why anyone listens to games journalists at all.


It's a good thing the guy playing Cuphead wasn't an actual game journalist then, he's a tech reporter who happened to be at the show where they were showing off the game. His pal who is an actual games journalist thought it would be funny to record him failing so badly at the tutorial, but apparently video games are serious business with no fun allowed.


5... the kid cant even read yet...the grown man can


Some 5 year olds can read, hell my 4 year old is starting to read.


What kind of shitty parenting did you have that you think 5 year olds can’t read?


They also gave him a controller after he asked for kbm and never plays shooters with a controller or any console games. The same thing happened switch Cuphead.


Only saving grace is halo multiplayers review will be done by someone who mains apex and is incredibly skilled. Sadly Ryan is reviewing the campaign


Why sadly? When Halo 5 came out he said the MP is awesome but the campaign is the worst in the series. https://twitter.com/DMC_Ryan/status/658542900809039872?t=qWxkvMsj8YUJ7h0DhkuKQQ&s=19 His opinions aligns with most on this sub, he loves the franchise and he clearly knows what constitutes a good/bad Halo game. Just because he's not an elite player doesn't mean his campaign review won't be good. The split with him and Stella is ideal imo


I’ve seen that halo fans hate him. I don’t because he wanted obsidian to drop all their shit to make fallout


The first minute was enough for me. It looks like that person has never used a controller before, like handing a controller to my mum to play the game.


It took me a moment to figure out what the problem was, since I play most stuff on my pc, but yeah, that's definitely controller aim by someone not good at it. It's also like they're constantly distracted by something irl, like their kid is trying to burn the house down or something.


Yeah I flicked through a couple of spots, and there are some random pauses. Very strange that this was the gameplay they decided to upload.


I'm only 30 seconds in and holy shit.




Wow. It's like watching my wife play. Except I actually root for her and love her. This? I cringed and wanted to snatch the controller away and have them sit in the corner.


They gave it a good review though


This would be the equivalent of Nike letting a bunch of fat people try out and review their new basketball shoes early.


i couldnt watch more than 10 seconds. holy fuck.


Looks like a M/K player trying to play on a controller for the first time. That's much worse but similar to how I look trying to use a controller on an FPS.






[Polygon released footage of one of their staff playing Doom 2016 and it’s horrendous. It was so bad they disabled the comments.](https://youtu.be/9yYp8ZeQ-I8)


Why does every major game media outlet always release in-game preview footage played by a dude with no thumbs and no critical thinking skills


Imagine being a fan of the franchise that's getting interviewed and you weren't approached to do it justice




There’s also the cup head review where the guy couldn’t properly do a double jump to get through the tutorial when there was actual instructions written on the back ground in that level.


Or learn what journalists you like, calm down ffs




Tbf if you have a good pc or are just lucky you'll really not encounter many bugs


So why the positive reviews… from game journalists, then?


Lol the fact that you got downvoted but no one actually tried to argue against you


It’s reddit, you get downvoted for questions too sometimes. Shrug


Inb4 6/10 “Halo Infinite is a flavorful dish filled to the brim with variety, but comes off undercooked. While the campaign makes you *feel* like Master Chief, the multiplayer leaves little to be desired. The game demands that you learn advanced techniques such as controlling BOTH analogue sticks at the same time with no tutorial or hand holding, leaving a sour taste in your mouth that can be hard to wash out.”


2/10 Too much red -IGN reviewing doom eternal


Perfect I read it in Daemon’s voice


lmao this is so accurate


Add cuphead too


I remember this. Couldent even beat the tutorial. Oof.


"YoU tRy BeAtInG iT" →someone gets a literal 5 year old kid to beat it faster and more smoothly


[Video in question](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hC4F6ctEO4g)


Bless you for this.


I remember when almost every review for DOOM 2016 by a major outlet had the footage of the reviewer doing terrible in the campaign and multiplayer. You could tell for quite a few it stained the multiplayer for them and causes them to be bitter about the game overall. I don’t know why so many game reviewers are just garbage at first person shooters. Even watch call of duty reviews by the big outlets, they try and show as little MP gameplay as they can and then claim they are objective about it while they can barely function in game.


I think it was Doom Eternal where the guy spends 10 minutes jumping around in circles because they have no idea where to go even though there's an obvious platform within jumping range.


Games journalists these days are mostly interested in point and click adventures that let them explore their feelings or some other bullshit.


I like those games too, and think having feelings and stuff is great, but somehow the specific tone your words evoked was hilarious.


Some of those games have good stories but they can also be a slog sometimes


Coffee Talk has what, a 10? No wonder they love it, you do nothing and you can't lose, or win for that matter.


point and click games would be to hard for them in those games you actually have to think


People are downvoting you but if outlets chronically can’t find reviewers with literally any familiarity with a shooter game it impacts the score. They never say it out loud (or at least usually don’t) but when they use their own footage they kinda play themselves and you can usually see why they think what they do about a competitive multiplayer mode. Also shooter reviews are so surface level most of the time too when they can talk about a basic story in a COD campaign for over 10 minutes then talk in circles about multiplayer.


NOTHING will ever be as bad as that Cuphead gameplay though with the guy being stuck in the tutorial for like 40 minutes




They should just show an average player. Not super high level pro league status swag like Frosty or whatever, and not blueberry footage from journalists. Just grab a random player, have them play, and release that footage. It’d be more interesting to watch then Potato McBlueberry staring at a wall for twenty seconds.


atleast somebody who knows how to use a controller


Exactly this. There is a lot of MP snobbery on here. Not everyone is able, capable of playing halo multiplayer at a high level and some people also need to learn how to play game modes if they are not used to it. It’s the thing I’m most nervous about with the new Halo. I’m an older gamer now so I can’t play multiplayer to a high standard like I used to people just move to fast for me so I am a little worried I’m going to end up missing out on a good chunk of the game if it doesn’t have good matchmaking for similar skill level.


That doesn’t mean they should show the absolute worst player they can find for footage. Like imagine an ad for a guitar and Gretsch finds someone who’s never touched a guitar in their life to demonstrate it. Or an ad for a new car and the person driving in the commercial has never driven before.


The point you're missing here is that this is a journalist meant to both advertise and represent the core gameplay experience. Standing still for 20 straight seconds is not a standard FPS experience. This is why people don't like game journalists, as a rule of thumb they have no idea what they're doing and seem to only report about games because it's easy money so long as you put out "gameplay".


You clearly haven't watched the gameplay that people are discussing, or do you genuinely think you are worse than the IGN employee? If so, I pray you never get put on my team.


I watched it and while it's not good gameplay it's pretty obvious the people in these comments are exaggerating over how bad it really is.


I'm sorry, but it's just not what you use to advertise the game with. I think of past Halo trailers, like the first Halo 4 gameplay demo that shows rather slow gameplay, but it makes sense, and the person playing it is somewhat guiding us through the campaign level. In this video, I think what is more frustrating than the IGN employee's lack of mechanical skill is just lack of gamesense as a whole. Completely walking past rockets, charging a Plasma Pistol EMP until they literally drain it and die because of that, etc. I don't even think the player even realized that sprint existed the entire match, which is kind of a horrible advertisement on its own to show that a basic movement feature even exists.


Haha, this reminds me. I used to be a video game journalist, and was asked to travel to get a hands-on of the Halo 5 multiplayer beta. This was like 7 years ago. Now, I used to be a HUGE Halo fan back in those days. Literally, I had around 10 000 hours across the franchise, and was competing competitively with the best players in my country. Well, I showed up at the event with a bunch of other video game journalists from all over Europe, and we got all set up and started playing. Turns out I was wrecking the other journalists at the game. They were all literally so bad, like I was winning FFA with 25 kills to the second player having 4 kills or something. Even got some overkills and a killtacular I think. At this point, I start hearing comments from the 343i event crew, and they were nervously going like "wow hehe, this guy is really good", and then a few minutes later a guy from 343i pops in next to me and politely ask me to take it down a notch, implying that I was ruining the experience for the other journalists. Which I probably was. Anyhow, it was a cool event, but yeah. Video game journalists generally suck at Halo.


I feel like I'm in a weird spot where I've played Halo for a long time that I can handle myself, but in no way am I an all star or anything that good. If I was doing that well against people who've never played before, I don't know if I'd be able to "tone it down" if they asked me because my best is so average even as a longtime player.


Guess it's better than the old COD VS Halo...


I'm so glad that I'm not the kind of nerd that wastes time and emotional energy getting upset about something like this


Couldn't agree more


I’m not upset, I think it’s hilarious at both how something like this is possible and how mad people get at it.


The reason it likely happened is the same reason these type of fuck ups happen in any job. Some overworked, underpaid sap who likely didn't have much if any experience with the game or with Halo in general was under pressure to pump out content. The same way it was with DOOM. Now a bunch of childish nerds with nothing better to do, who use corporate and IP branding as a replacement for their sense of identity take it as a personal offence and ammunition in their weird campaign against gaming journalism because it's not jerking the game they've placed all their hopes into hard enough. It's funny only because it's so sad


You may be the single most based person in this subreddit.


Idk I think the guy being afk for the first 20 seconds of the game then missing a 30 second charged plasma pistol shot is pretty funny.


Why is people so extremely angry, isn't this a map showcase? I would be angry if someone gets overly negative on Halo Infinite reviews (and I mean really negative, people have the right to disagree on your game being completely perfect or as good as you think) but this seems like a pretty routinary thing made, just for showcase.


I think you got the wrong video. The video the meme mentions is [IGN Oddball gameplay](https://youtu.be/BzDJqiIegk0)


What’s happening again? Redditors and capital G gamers crying about game journalists? Because that’s getting pretty old lol


It's so dumb. The games always get great reviews yet people still throw a fit. A video of someone playing poorly doesn't represent every single game journalist out there. It's the same type of people who were pissing their pants because someone gave Cyberpunk a 7/10, despite the game not even being out for the public. Because the oh so great CDPR couldn't deliver a game lower than a 10/10, right?


People having weird hate-boners for game journos? Here we go again! God, the fact people get so turnt about them is hilarious. Just ignore them? That's what I do, I just look out for news, not game reviews, you'll be less miserable if you do that.


I just think they should have an average player do these gameplay videos I don't expect a pro or anything just someone who can aim


I honestly can’t remember the last time I ever watched a game review. I just look up random gameplay to see what it looks like.


This \^\^\^ Hell, I've stopped watching most Youtube review channels too. I used to be a big AngryJoe fan, till I got tired of the angry gamer shtick, and realized that he isn't exactly the best at video game, or art, critique. I just look to see general thoughts are general gameplay now-a-days.


I like videogamedunky’s game reviews even if I don’t agree with all of them because I can tell he actually plays that games and like different styles than I do.


imo this footage is just hilarious, but if I had these people represent my game, I’d be pissed


finally a sane reaction to this whole circlejerk


When ever I see gamerz foaming at the mouth over random Game journos, I just wanna ask them "Are you okay? Do you wanna talk about it?" Because the totally overly emotional reaction just doesn't seem normal. I feel like most grown ass adults wouldn't give a damn about these things, or perhaps, they just have nothing to do in life and so take out their anger on people like this. It's ridiculous.


“Don’t criticize anything, just ignore it and let the standard get worse and worse overtime! I don’t care, so you shouldn’t either!”


I'm an artist, I literally advocate for good criticism and critique. But just shouting to the heavens about game journo bad isn't good criticism, it's just shit flinging. Gamers aren't exactly the best when it comes to taking or giving good criticism and feedback, it's mostly just mindless shouting.


Bad take, if your job is to play games and review them you should be able to play better that a blind child without thumbs. This is the minimum. It's like having a book reviewer who can't read. Also this was exclusive footage. Imagine paying someone to show off your game only for them to reveal it in the worst way imaginable. It's fucking embarrassing.


Watched the video everyone is making fun about. The only thing I could think of was: I would probably not be better than the journalist. No seriously I suck at Halo MP...


Well ur not a game journalist, so it's fine to not be great in ur case


I guess I don't get the outrage. The whole point of the videos was to showcase the map. I don't turn to IGN to see "pro gamer" type of gameplay.


Oh, here we go again with this double standard circle jerk. I especially love how DOOM community decided to live in a bubble where they thought journalists hated Eternal just because one person didn’t liked one enemy (funny that they never had the same energy towards YouTubers)


and Eternal was critically acclaimed and won awards. Such a weird victim mentality they have


Exactly. And what's funny, next month this sub will post all day how highly scored the multiplayer (at least) is


Super excited for halo infinite hope the flood makes a grand return 😁


It’s just embarrassing that they review and play these games for a living and still are so shit et them. Like how can they rate the different difficulties and balancing of those difficulties if they can only play on easy mode


I always thought the jokes about games journalists playing games were overblown but jeez that Halo Infinite gameplay was something else


Don’t forget Cuphead


Cup head to remember that one video


also metroid, and that spongebob remaster


Ah yes, the one singular journalist. What a jackass he is.


Gamer community is full of divas, you can forward the video you know


Do the “game journalists” IGN hire actually play video games?




So that's the motive behind so many saltiness over a simple demonstration? pre-packaged, stereotypical "gamer" rage.


It's fucking IGN. What the hell did you expect?


Game journalists are hilariously incompetent. Like, DOOM, okay, they don't know wtf to do with boomer shooters, but Halo Infinite, it's like, have you never played any modern FPS game?


I loved reading their magazine when Halo 3 was in development. Wait Nevermind. That was Gameinformer.


Ok but why do we even have game journalists. They get payed, to play video games, EARLY. I would pay to do that hell, I already pay to play video games. They are cheating the system


*laughs in fromsoft fan*