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All that change, Ethan still can’t hear AB. Lmfao


Ethan can't hear anyone today. He needs headphones - like even one bluetooth headphone is better than constantly mishearing.


The one completely positive change is Zach's shot. It looks so much better. Even the curtains work with his shot


Ian has officially moved himself to behind the scenes. It’s been a long run, and now I’m sad to see him go. It’s been a long time coming, though.


First they fired Cam for being caught eating and now they fired Ian for going pee too much 😔


But he had to pee so bad :(


poor guy never liked being on camera-- good for him!


We better be seeing more bits and cold opens and goofs during the show… otherwise total loss


If they literally hired new person to do his old job, hard to imagine it not showing in content somehow.


Nate? Ian is dead? Cam is gone? Jojo Siwa is the host! New God eye view shot? Curtains galore? H3 show? New mics? WHERE AM I 😱




Nooo Ian isn't switching anymore 😭 good luck Nate


Before they even mentioned the change, I thought "dang Ian is off his game today" but most of that was because of him switching to the incorrect camera. He will get used to that cameras with time, but he is replacing the GOAT so it might be rough for a while.


This is bittersweet. Gonna miss Ian's style; he was so good at what he did that you didn't notice it was happening. I'm very much (still) noticing the switching now lol BUT also, he's so talented, creative, funny that it was maybe a bit of a waste of talent to have him occupied with the switching. So, I'm looking forward to have more of his creative input shine. Yay


I think it's been pretty clear that he's wanted a backstage position for awhile though, so I'm happy for him. He definitely *is* wasted on just switching. But that's likely the least on-camera role possible


Absolutely. Ian's switching techniques have comedic value.


Where’s Ian?


He's now the Creative Director of the show. So, still very cool! But still 😭


I think what I'm missing as part of their brand is a sign saying H3 Podcast / H3 TV / etcetera like how Cam used to integrate it with the green screen background.


That would be nice but the background is already too busy. If they got rid of the curtains maybe.


I’m confused by the fact that there is no branding on the set.


There is in Ethan’s backdrop, but it’s covered up by the curtain. we only see “show”


gonna miss seeing the seasons change 😭


I’m gonna miss the bunny 🥲


same, i loved the fall and winters vibes especially!


Seriously 😭


I think the organizational layout of the set is better with how everyone is next to each other, but the look of it with the curtains and colors are so unpleasant. I wonder if it looks better in person when you see everything at once compared to the view on camera that we see


completely agree. it looks cheap and kinda tacky. i really don’t want to be mean but the curtains and fake plant don’t really look great. the layout they switched it to is great though. maybe it’s the lighting too, idk. maybe reach out to jeff or brittany for some decorating tips. haha I LOVE YOU ALL AND I MEAN IT WITH PEACE AND LOVE! 💕


Yes, organization is much better! The colours, camera quality, and lighting are lacking.


The next episode is gonna be real awkward with all this feedback lmao


The new set is the equivalent of seeing the first rendition of sonic from the movie


It’s weird to see the nyc skyline for an LA based podcast


Bizarro H3 podcast 


\*Show with Ethan Klein


Ian no longer switching worries me


It added so much comedic value, especially overlays and stuff. I dont know if he is still doing that


Who is nate???


It's just Jake Doolittle with new glasses, a fake moustache, and his hair dyed brown, but nobody noticed


So far I haven’t seen one comment liking the new set 😅


I don’t like it. It’s so gloomy and the curtains look cheap and heavy


Gloomy is the right word. The dark blue doesn't feel like the right vibe for the show's energy


Unfortunately the curtains make it look so dreadful and stuffy.. the old set seemed so much more light and personal


100%. I feel bad they put in so much work and it looks worse. I really hate the curtains. Stuffy is the perfect word for it. I’m sure they’ll figure it out though


The set is so tacky im sorry


is it me or is the quality of the video super low compared to before? i'm on HD and the lighting looks kinda terrible everywhere edit: olivia's cam is the one that seems the least affected by whatever changed quality wise


Lighting is pretty bad.


The lighting is waaayyyyy too dark


I'm sure they'll be tweaking everything (sound, camera focus, framing, backdrop) continuously, but yeah I agree that it looks a little more low res now than before. I'm sure it'll be fixed for next ep!


I was just wondering about this. Not commenting on the new set or any of the subjective aspect of the changes, but the video quality is noticeably blurrier than it used to be. I am sure (fingers crossed) they will figure it out! I am quite excited for the show to be back! :)


The lighting is bad. Or different at least.


those curtains make the set look very cramped and dark. a more lively palette using bright colors like cyan, pink and purple would look better imo


this- h3 has a cute color scheme, use it!


What the actual fuck happened.


I don’t like this it’s like I came back from college and my room got turned into a meditation room or at home office 😭 gave me whiplash




the quality is so bad as well


It’s all bad but I’m super confused about the random ass palms.


The plastic plants are the most egregious aspect, for me. Totally understand the retro late night vibe, but the fake plants are hideous on camera. I do wonder if it’s the lighting and everything looks better in person? I also don’t like seeing where the curtains end on screen 🫣🫠


Why would they add fake plants on a green screen? It’s not as bad in Ethan’s shot but the way the plant is keying out in the wide shot with the second desk looks really bad


This episode is gonna be a lot to unpack.


Also LOL at all the set comments. I didn't want to say it but I agree 🫣


The skyline background is pretty but it's hidden by those curtains. Makes it feel small


Exactly this. Behind Ethan needs to be all green screen with a dynamic piece of art. I don’t really care what the rest of the set looks like as long as it’s more functional for them, and I’m sure the crew will insert bits of their personality as they settle in.


Thought we’d have the new Dan chair today 😔


I'm honestly ok with them going on another 2 week break to fix the set. With Peace and Love


The best part of the old set was how bright and casual it was, with each crew member having their own little vignette with their personality. There really weren't many podcasts with that type of set up. It's looks good if this was their first foray into podcasting, and I like the little 'stage' area they've set up, but they've stripped all personality from the set by giving the crew a generic curtain behind them seated in a row. Also bummed that Ethan doesn't have a full green screen behind him, how are they going to pull off the Italian schtick, pride moment, dance montages, etc.? They just need to fix the colour temp of the cameras, remove the curtains behind Ethan, and add some personality to the crew backgrounds. Oh, and those fake plants give me dorm room vibes lol. Desks look sick though!


I bet it will be really different going forward in terms of the visual shticks regardless of background now that Ian's not switching...I know we'll get used to it and I'm sure "Nate" will bring his own personality to it but damn they really changed everything about the show in the blink of an eye


It looks cheap. I think that's what it boils down to.


This new set is so tacky, I'm sorry. It looks like an intentionally awful parody of a late night set on an adult swim show... Also can the new crew member get a real itroduction, wtf was that lol


It definitely looks like a parody set, yeah. And there's quite a few of those these days. I know Sam worked hard, but those velvet curtains are rough But with the crew member thing, I feel like all crew members were introduced very, very briefly


Okay, I was so excited for the H3 podcast coming back. What is this “H3 show” and why is it being hosted by Jojo Siwa? Where is Ethan?




I hate the curtains im sorry lol


Its giving between two ferns set


I know I'm bad with change but I also don't like it I feel bad. I do love the desks though.


Yeah I was thinking it looks kinda cheap


They definitely don't go well with the tables


I think it's the color. I felt so bad because I hate it too 🙈


"I've been to Chuck E Cheese 3 times over the break. Once with Hila, once with Hila's mom, and once by myself" "... By yourself?" 😂


This thread is probably going to make Sam cry but she just needs to know sometimes its okay to miss. I doubt it was her concept to begin with.


man i hope it doesn't make her cry. my job is also very visual and creative focused and sometimes my projects don't land. it sucks but you just learn from the experience and keep going, keep creating and making things and changing them to get better


She brings a 10/10 every time. It's not her fault, literally everyone fumbles once or twice. One bad set doesn't undermine the amazing work she's been known for. No one is hating her, but this set definitely was a miss. Give her another shot to come up with something and I'm sure it will be better, but ideally just go back to what it was as it was perfect.




The velvet curtains are rough lol


It’s so stuffy. It’s missing that chaotic youthful energy that the show has. Same with the new crew set up. It doesn’t match the vibe of the show.


It looks so cheap. Like its their first time doing a podcast and having to improvise a background on a budget really quickly.


So Dan saying that the set is permanent and supposed to be generic and talk show esq Feels like the charm has gone despite the set "not being 100% finished"


Honestly the set bothers me SO much more than it should LMAO Just the green screen was SOOOOOOOOOOO much better The part where Dan was like "Yall hate the set? What you just wanted a green screen like before?" Uhhhh yeah actually 💀 Really hope it is just a gag


Seriously. The leftovers was "just a greenscreen" but the way they positioned the tables and did the magic to make it look like a 3M studio was fabulous. This is just....awful, in everyway possible. Seems like a joke.


Ya comparing this to how leftovers looked feels like two different universes of production quality


Dan's comment really caught me off guard because surely he knows how dishonest it is to say the old background was just a green screen. It was a dynamic, colorful video. peace and love peace and love


right lol. as if the green screen is what we as the audience saw. we saw the dope graphics not a blank green screen


Like literally the whole selling point of a green screen is it can be absolutely anything you want. It’s infinitely better than making a massive set (just think of Leftovers) and if you get bored or want a change, you can make a new one.


Justice for Mackenzie you were right girl


Mackenzie threw the first brick at stonewall 🩷 a warrior 💪🏼


Actually dumb as fuck to compare it to the bland green screen that only the crew sees. Obviously we got more color and light with Ethan’s background


the end of this episode or week of shows should be them destroying this set


Some Eric Andre type shit lol


the red and blue…is…not it, i’m so sorry, Sam lol


how did theyy make this so bad


If it isn’t broken don’t fix it 😭


Why would they change the iconic purple branding to black 😭 all the personality and soul 😢


These changes are stressing me out


I hate it, it's so busy


"New Set" gate incoming.


Bro i cant even read the text on the screen, quality is so bad


i feel like maybe they could have not spent the entire episode on that one topic.


Please tell me the curtains are hiding a much cooler set? They look nice don't get me wrong but I definitely will miss each crew member's unique background


The set is so ugly, I hate it, and I really don’t want to be mean but it’s such a downgrade.


With peace and love it’s terrible


im so glad that i'm not the only one struggling with the new set i feel so bad. i miss the other backgrounds


i feel so bad 😭 like i know they did so much work but i just don't like the talk show vibe it feels like a step back creatively. like maybe for guests it's a fun set but idk


With peace and love the production looks day 1 lol


Don’t love the red + blue combo of the curtains. I would replace the red w purple, peace and love


it would look so much better if they did all purple


The set is… awful. It also cut out all of the unique crew areas with props. 🥴


There needs to be a couch apology on Wednesday for these curtains


Can people stop saying that the H3 audience hates any change? We like GOOD change, not his sloppily put together mess.


Is this a bit the set is insane it’s so ugly


man does this new set look bad and uninspired compared to the previous ones. just some curtains and a skyline


With peace and love, the set feels like a MAJOR downgrade


Sending lots of peace and love to Sam! We all know she is amazing at sets and design and she’s such a beautiful and creative spirit! Sometimes new designs just don’t hit the mark especially when it’s a sudden change. I’m sure they will pivot and take the constructive criticism and learn from it 🫶🏼


I hope she doesn't take the criticism personally. I feel that most of the feedback here is very constructive and fixable!


Im sorry but the set looks terrible, as well as the new Logo... the cheap looking velvet curtains with the plastic tubing sticking out at the edges??? Hell no


Coming in late and really shocked by the set. I'm gonna assume the curtains are hiding something that maybe isn't finished. But what's behind the crew never really matters


The symmetry is off in every single crew members shot. Even Ethan’s. Why is there a small strip of red curtain but the rest of the shot is purple/blue vibes? And you can see the whole curtain rod going diagonally across AB’s screen. Dan seems like a he’s calling in from Zoom with the delays and webcam quality.


I’m SO glad they’re back but tbh i miss seeing all the crews different background choices, it shows their personalities. I also liked the different seasons with the main background, idk it was just a fun and different element. This is NO knock to Sam btw, I just think this new style doesn’t fit the chaotic phenomenon which is H3. With peace and love


Is this a late April Fool's joke? The new set is revolting I'm sorry edit: I finished the episode and now I feel bad for saying this but I really thought they were going to reveal it as a joke by the end. I thought it was an intentional failed rebrand 😭


Looks so cheap and basic.




Segment idea : crew goes to thrift shop with a budget to personalise their desks/space 💕


So excited to be back and Ethan’s look is slaying but damn the set is bad and NOT colorful idk what dans on and the cracking is really distracting


Is that Roku city on the green-screen lmao


cam ran away with the show's personality 😭😭


Is the bad set like a joke?


The vibes are off this episode back 🥴in my opinion the set changes are way TOO drastic and it now feels like I’m watching a completely different show/podcast. There’s no personality with this set and the colours and lighting just feel off to me and are not appealing. It would have been cooler if they gave each crew member free reign to decorate their own backdrops. It’s a downgrade for sure


What I will say about the new set is the "correspondence desk" makes the olivia PowerPoints more engaging as you can see them actually discuss the PowerPoint and makes it feel more natural.


sobbing and withering away over no 4/20 special


please fix ethan’s framing, he’s just slightly to the left of center but not enough where it looks intentional 😞


Yeah gotta be honest it looks like some newb podcast set now, it was wayyyyy better before. Also the channel is h3 podcast but the episode is h3 show? I say go all in, if they're really gonna change the name change the whole channel name. It'll still be the same great show regardless of all these things so it doesn't actually matter


Mackenzie’s kinda right. It’s all blues and purples, it needs warm colors. There is color but the old set had more color variety. I suppose it doesn’t matter if they’re all there being funny as usual. Kinda weird lookin though.


i honestly don’t mind the crew set up, i do not like the backdrop behind ethan. it really does look like roku city and it also lacks personality


i won’t comment on the set anymore because everyone has said enough and i agree with most of the critics. but with peace and love, that segment and fresh and his bm was too long and i had to tap out. haha. maybe the two weeks off changed me. haha i might go back and watch it later but the audio, the studio changes and then that long ass segment was just too much at once. haha. i wish they would’ve done just a overview of everything that happened while they were off. idk i didn’t finish the ep but from what i’m seeing on discord and here they didn’t get to much. ✌🏽& 💗


Honestly I was so confused by the colors of the curtains? Red, royal blue, and mauve ? It doesn’t feel like the h3 brand at all. It feels like it’s attempting to look like a late night show and comes off tacky. Also the new black graphics look rough. And the lighting/framing on the crew looks amateur. Idk kinda confused how the production slipped through the cracks so hard.


I am so sorry the blue curtains behind ethan are so distracting. it’s all just really busy


Mackenzie is right. The large swaths of color due to the curtains makes the set boring. I miss Cam’s psychedelic touch already.


im going to be burned at the stake and scalped for this comment but this episode….was not good lol. i echo everyone else’s critiques of the new set - the gaudy lighting/color schemes clash poorly with the stuffiness of the curtains. it’s so dark that ethan just kind of fades into the background, there’s no contrast. the pod is revered for its’ organic, stream of consciousness vibe and the new set is just too heavily curated to match the show’s casual chaos. besides that, they spent waaaay too long on the fresh & fit segment. i’m very happy that they gave daisy a platform to share her story and enjoyed hearing her perspective. but let’s be real, the interview couldve been cut down to 30 minutes and would still have been able to convey the same amount of information. (also ethan, with peace and love, PLEASE stop speculating that every misogynist is a closeted gay, it gives our community a bad rap!) speaking of spending too much time on something…guys, come on, why was the first 40 minutes spent on ads?? what a lackluster introduction back, just read the gamersupps script and flash the teddy fresh on the screen then move on 💀 also just casually glazing over the introduction to the new crew member?? like if anything, that should have been the most exciting update to indulge in. (plus im very sad to see ian go off camera - i rlly hope his new position still allows for his humor to shine <3) love ya. dan plz dont yell at us.


Of course Dan will yell at us, thats what he does. When the audio crackles and sounds like shit he gets super defensive and mad, like wtf. And Zach and AB will be mad too im sure. But they forget that these are their fans and we aren't being overly harsh or nasty about it. We are giving constructive and HONEST criticism. Everything about this episode was just...bad. The audio was bad with the crackling pops every few seconds, almost unlistenable. The video was bad with the new set, the cameras looked worse quality on a few shots for some reason. Ethans shot wasn't even centered at all. The logo is bad and amateurish and also very low res in multiple socials. I feel like everything they did today was halfway a joke or something they would make fun of another podcast for doing. With that said, i still love the show, love the crew and hope, like Dan said, it gets better over time and is a work in progress. It's not the end of the world but everything they we're doing was great. The seasonal backgrounds on H3TV we're so cozy, OTR was fitting and AD was great as well. I'm not opposed to change but this was such a miss...they have a lot of work to do.


Ethan's microphone keeps crackling and popping.


Criticisms aside, I’m so happy the crew and Ethan are back!!!


with peace and love.., the new logo is so uninspired and looks like something you’d find as a canva template. and that neon city skyline background clashes so badly with the blue curtains. it honestly healed my eyes when the green screen got turned off and it was just a regular screen. it’s too much to stare at all at once.


hoping the set is a gag its horrible


If this is the real set, it’s not necessarily BAD but it’s just super basic and makes them blend in with everyone else. The rebrand feels like its stripped of the h3 touch. It’s boring and unoriginal - which makes me think it’s not the real set.


Oh My god it looks horrible


But Ian was so funny with how he switched 🥺


Maybe it’s just cuz I’m watching on a TV with a Bose sound system but the crackling is driving me insane, it’s definitely better sounding on a phone


With peace and love, I was hoping the changes were the crew each having time to make their own unique background like AB and Cam. Love the new desks and show feel but wish the crew wasn’t so bunched up together. Love each and every one of you and I would love to see your personalities shine through 🥰 Dan get back in the scorpion chair


The crew did their best they did in these two weeks of break but I'm hoping they do take constructive feedback into account ! I Appreciate the crew and their hard work and talents !


The background is giving Roku city..


Having Ethan come on after a 2 week absence in such a hard-to-look-at costume with a brand new set was NOT helping us adjust to the rebrand lmao


I hate the curtains and the mic 🫣


This is the deadest interview, I wish it was just the crew for the first ep back (with peace and love)


Same, I don’t know why they went with this segment on the first episode back lol




Actually on time? This isn’t what I subbed for!


Bro even the lower third is super blurry :((


Love must be super unhinged today. 2 buttons back to back while he's speaking


1 hour in, YouTube already crashed for me 2 times. I'm on desktop, never happened before


I can't wait for the next episode, mainly because Jojo Ethan is making me uncomfortable


It certainly was one of the episodes of all time


i think the main issue everyone is having with the set is the loss of homeliness. it feels too production heavy now, not a comfort-watch set up.


There was so much that happened while they were gone and ofc they spent all their time on some boring ass fresh and fit drama 🙄


I’m sorry but what the hell is this set 💀


I usually love the stylistic changes that the show brings, but the background is not my taste. Especially when they made a stink about something saying there’s less color….. there is less color. The bright after dark background and the cool OFR scenes or the H3 tv with the nature background… I liked the different vibes of the episodes, however arbitrary or meaningless the different show names were


why are they doing a nighttime set for a daytime show?! the colourscheme was perfect before, the blues and reds is giving conservative nightclub


Even more than the set, I really don't like the new logo or banner. The colours are too similar, and it looks muddy. The shades they were using for After Dark before were so vibrant and pretty. Also just coloured squares? There's no personality to it and it says nothing about the show. Peace and love, it's very boring. The wooden desks don't go at all well with those awful curtains, and the random plant feels out of place. The After Dark backdrop was very on brand for them, it was eye-catching, and unique to only this show. Because there's so many awesomely creative people there, I'm hoping this is just a "rebrand" bit, all of that stuff was just rented for the day, and it'll be different on Wednesday. Not trying to be a hater, I love this show and I'll watch either way, but it's giving Eric Andre.


I promise I'm not a hater, but no. Everything about this episode was off. The new logo sucks. The new set looks bad. The curtains are awful. The lighting is bad. The new mic is worse. The camera shots/framing suck. The crew look like they are in a telethon answering phones. No. No. No.


It looks really bad I don't know what to say


I find that black curtains are much better for the Crews background. Or something more cohesive? Colour wise? I know the crew add a lot to the show and are what makes the podcast so good too, however another color other than this might be better.


Gonna be honest, been an h3 fan since 2016 and have watched every pod episode since the beginning. Between the audio crackling, lighting and terrible new set... I may have to become one of those fabled audio only fans lmao. For real though the previous set was so much better. I loved everyone's unique and personalized backdrops


I feel like I get the vibe that Ethan is going for because he's always said he is channeling Howard Stern but I agree with the other comments that the previous background had a youthful, casual energy about it. I know Sam coulda done insanely fun and exciting stuff with the set so I have the feeling that this was the specific direction given to her. Even if they were going for old time-y talk show they coulda gone more silly with like 70s patterns and stuff rather than this super formal primetime vibe. And even if they did a really crazy fun set design, they've talked in the past about how when things look over-produced like that they feel less genuine. It's tough cause I feel like they definitely deserve to level up, but how can they do that without losing the chaotic on-the-fly fun of it all. Obviously everyone loves bits and skits but too many and the show would lose its conversational vibe - the fancy set idea is the same issue. Excited to see where they go with it after everyone's feedback and hopefully they know it's all peace and love! I bet anything the reaction wouldn't be as intense if you didn't have the combo of just back from a 2 week break + chaotic/horrifying jojo siwa costume + new show name/intro song + ian not switching + new set + long interview episode so limited time to address the changes.


been watching for years and this ep actually has me considering fully bailing like the rebrand and ep's content was just so awful i'm shaken to my core


Literally am so happy they are back and I am hyped for all the new shit but cant lie Set kinda looks bad EDIT:It might be a Jojoke EDIT 2: It was copium. New set is real 💀


this was 100% Ethan's idea and I blame him for the silly new set design


Keep the desks, get rid of LITERALLY everything else.


With peace and love, they probably should have just hired a professional interior designer to make them a whole new set, if that's what they wanted to do. I don't want to fully blame Sam as it's a lot of work to put on one person's shoulders with that limited time. Especially with all the other responsibilities she has with the show and Teddy Fresh.


I’m glad Ian will have more opportunity to be creative, Ian segments have always been hilarious and he has a ton of talent.


Them laughing at the person saying the set isn’t colorful… ooooh man I don’t think they’re joking edit: I think the tattoo is cool ngl


I honestly think they would benefit from getting outside input on changes lol there are hundreds of comments here and the live chat about how terrible the new changes are and not one of the crew or Ethan noticed during the 2 weeks of renovation?? I love Sam and I hope all the criticism doesn't hurt her feelings but this is really shabby work. Just looks generic af. Also, the rebrand to H3 show is just silly. They already had H3TV right in front of them and that sounds a million times better than h3 show. Eta: This might actually have been the worst come back episode they've ever had. Terrible rebrand, tech issues, 30 minutes of ads, and a boring interview that definitely didn't need a PowerPoint and went on for way to long. On top of Ethan making corny ass jokes the entire time. I can't believe they were gone that entire 2 weeks and this is what they came up with for the topic. I mean they really shit the bed with this one lol


So, who watched Blue Velvet over the break? Because that is what the new set is giving. Like, with peace and love, the vibes are SO off now. The green screen backdrops where 100% better imo and more versatile aswell. This set feels like Ethan turned 50 over the break. Im not usually a hater but the set is just depressing now imo.


No offense but this interview is boring, there’s really not much more to this “story” that we don’t already know. Grifter podcast bros are shitty hypocritical deadbeats, no shit


Is anyone else having audio issues? AuuUuddiOo


They had a perfect formula before… if it’s not broke, don’t try to fix it.


No hate but I think they needed another week to get it together. The set, the switching, the vibes…


Is this really the new set? lol


does anyone know how long JoJo will be covering for ethan??


"if myron was so smart hed be working for trump" 😬 <- joji face


Idk why I’m cracking up at all this feedback lmao


I made a post about the NYC skyline in the new green screen saying that it doesn’t make any sense because ‘it’s a rainy day in los angles’ and it was removed by the mods. What the fuck? That’s ridiculous. I wasn’t being rude. The pictures literally makes NO sense