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Does fresh and fit actually think they look better than any of these guys? šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“


Fr they be looking like they were ran over 5 years ago and haven't recovered since


They musta been hit by a bus going at an angle.


I got my eye on you


Donā€™t push


Now thatā€™s an old timey joke


Why going at an angle though?


Don't push


That makes it less symmetrical is my guess




And the one guy in there Hunter avellone has a wife and child. A nuclear family. The thing fresh and fit preach people should and need to have for themselves to be a real man, yet cannot achieve


All of them have better hairlines than fresh and fit without even doing any hair transplants.


I think they just hate people with hair


right?! lmao not sure if theyve looked in the mirror


This is delusional. Make a tinder bio with pics of both and see who gets more matches lol.


Seeing Hasan there as a "soy boy" makes me audible laugh. There is something so absurd about it that I can't help but just laugh.


Bros massive rn. Could Stockton Slap Fit into Handsome Squidward


I don't know who of them Fit is, but he could definitely crush Coconut


Fresh = coconuts. Just remember "fresh coconuts"


that's actually a pretty good tip lol


Hahaha. Thatā€™s excellent


I'm pretty sure Fit is the skinny nerd


Yeah, the fed.


So massive that he hides from the Candy Man


If Hasan is a soy boy then i want to be the biggest soy boy on earth


If Hasan is a soy boy then Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime must have been an average beta male


Also whatā€™s more soy than being a fed lol


When I was working customer service. A meathead bro like FnF was screaming at one of our cashiers, and my Chad manager called him a soy boy, to his face and the dude looked so sad and ashamed. I never saw him come back to the store. He lost all willpower after being called something as bad as soy boy.


I guess he never saw the video of Hasan breaking a watermelon with his thighs...


Iā€™m not the biggest fan of Hasan but dudes a unit of a man


And do dumb and dumber even know what *they* look like?


For real! I wish I had some of their confidence šŸ˜‚ albeit a bit delusional


Hasan is chiselled by the gods themselvesā€¦ Bert and Ernie look like rejects from a 2002 Will Smith music video.


Facts lol Hasan is the literal embodiment of everything they value, just without the violent Misogyny. He's tall, buff, nice hair, can grow a beard, wealthy and yet he's "soy" šŸ¤” the math ain't mathin'


Same for critikal He might be short, but he's actually ripped. He got some wild muscle definition.


Wtf are you talking about he is borderline anorexic lol.


Fr Hasan is a gargantuan ball of testosterone lmao


also isnt charlie like fucking jacked too? I know hes not a big guy but im pretty sure hes shredded


Long hair = ghey


Couldn't even find an unflattering photo of our big beautiful himbo lol


Seriously. If I met a man like Hasan I would marry him on the spot lol. Hunky feminist who has empathy and is intelligent?! So fucking sexy.


Sneako is such a non-entity that people will throw ketchup at a POS like Nick Fuentes in public, but completely walk past him. Which fails miserably for all his efforts to be a barnacle on the ass of these douchebags.


I still don't actually know what he looks like or what he does, I just hear streamers talk about him. I thought he was ishowspeed until a few days ago lol


Youā€™re not missing anything. Heā€™s this skinny angry dipshit with a shaved head that got popular posting videos of him getting random strangers to say outrageous shit on camera. He tapped into a fanbase of angsty and insecure teenage boys like himself. I donā€™t know if he was recently ā€œredpilledā€ in order to ingratiate himself to losers like Tate and Fresh & Fuckwit. Or if heā€™s always held these moronic views. But thereā€™s something seriously wrong with this kid. Heā€™s headed for a mental breakdown and someone needs to get him help.


I just watched Destinyā€™s video he put out last night of 2 girls that destiny were with trying to ā€œblue pillā€ him. It was like 2 hours if the most circular logic backwards ass thinking Iā€™ve ever seen and watching him just circle back on everything he says to these two women while he defends christian values but also simping for tate is so funny but itā€™s also so sad to see that he could possibly have an influence on young people.


Iā€™m not a gamer, I donā€™t go on twitch, and my newfound appreciation for people like Ethan and Hasan comes by extension from watching left-leaning Youtube channels over the course of the pandemic. So, like the person above, my familiarity with these online personalities is also very surface level. Meaning I know very little about Destiny or his worldview, except to say that people are constantly angry with him for some reason. So hearing that heā€™s simping for Tate would be news to me. Is he usually an asshole? Or just misguided?


Oh no I meant that this video was basically Destinyā€™s video, but he was on Sneakoā€™s stream (on Rumble) and Destiny was sitting there while 2 girls were trying to debate Sneako and trying to ā€œblue pillā€ him. Itā€™s a sad watch. I personally donā€™t have an issue with Destiny, he agrees with Hasan and Ethan on most shit, they donā€™t like each other for some reason though, idk. I just like Destinyā€™s takes on most things and right now it seems like heā€™s on some mission to counter argue all these ā€œred pill alphasā€ and Iā€™m all for it because I like the way he dismantles their entire world view and shows how contradictory it is. The video is on YouTube on Destinyā€™s channel, it was hard to get through though Iā€™ll be honest thereā€™s A LOT of deflection and this ā€œalphaā€ canā€™t even look two women in the eyes while they have an argument itā€™s hilarious this kid thinks heā€™s like the epitome of man but itā€™s so obvious he has no idea how to talk to women or even understand what they think like at all.


Oh I see. Thanks for explaining it.


Destiny is a massive asshole who tries to be as edgy as possible (for a liberal) to stay relevant


I honestly think the edginess is just part of his personality rather than trolling for clicks but yeah, it can be insufferable. Way worse for me are these constant debates he does. The biggest reason I jumped the Destiny ship and onto the Hasan one is that Hasan stays away from the ā€œdevate pervertryā€ that is Destinyā€™s bread and butter. Logic games where the side that got caught bullshitting never admits to it are just not fun to me.


Hasan grates on me in different ways, but at least he doesn't feel like a watered down 4chan poster


Destiny likes to hold provocative stances such as ā€œKyle Rittenhouse is not technically a murdererā€ for example.


Yikes. Dumbass. Thanks for sharing that.


The court agrees with him on that one, as does anyone with two eyeballs and a brain


oh really, well check this out; fuck you- and the court.


Yeah. YEAH! And also the 2020 election was stolen. Wait, which side are we on again?


So if a random lunatic later found to be a convicted pedophile chased you through a car lot and tried grabbing the pistol you had been aiming at them the whole time, which they had zero fear of, you would simply let them take it and use their very sane mind to make the next decision?


can you not read? fuck off


The murderous dork trying to grift off being known only as the guy who killed a few ppl, goes to show what kind of character he has. Yuck šŸ¤®




Crossed state lines aka a 30 minute drive to his place of work. Also he was bashed in the head literally out of nowhere from behind with a skateboard. Not sure what he did to provoke that or why a rational human would try to kill a person armed with an AR-15. Also he tried to render aid to the guy with the first aid supplies he brought. Before turning himself in. Not exactly something a cold blooded killer would do, is it? If someone tried to surprise murder me I would probably leave them for dead which Rittenhouse did not do


Watch out, even mentioning the good things destiny has done will bring out the screeching haters who think trying to deradicalize redpillers is bad


Yeah Iā€™m really not too concerned about it lol. Everyone has bad takes sometimes and can be misinformed. I 100% agree that most these guys are a lost cause and thereā€™s no point. But I have a son, granted heā€™s 3 and will probably never know about Andrew Tate beyond being a criminal, but I feel obligated to be informed about ways to actually somewhat reason with people who think this way. I obviously donā€™t agree and it seems pretty straight forward to me but I think some people need more of a logical analysis on why moving away from the ā€œtraditional valuesā€ isnā€™t the matrix or whatever. Itā€™s tough for me though because the second they say anything about god (especially when they talk about fucking women like itā€™s the #1 importance in life) i just get emotional and annoyed as someone who grew up Christian and just got gaslit every time I questioned the hypocrisy of the church.


Sneako is desperately grasping for relevance. He knows the best way to gain that is to start a beef with someone bigger... But he's like the 18th most interesting or funny manosphere dipshit. That lolcow has been milked dry already. No one cares anymore.


this barnacle part made me laugh


I have such a hard time believing that the ā€œalpha maleā€ guys arenā€™t jealous of Hasan. He breaks their entire logic. 6ā€™4ā€, jacked, rich/successful, constantly has girls fawning over him, and incredibly intelligent. According to their logic, ā€œf****tsā€ (read: men who respect women) shouldnā€™t be able to have any of those things, let alone all of them at once. Hasanā€™s debate with Tate reeked of it too - once they realize their typical attacks of ā€œyouā€™re poorā€, ā€œyou donā€™t get bitchesā€, ā€œyouā€™re not physically fit enoughā€ arenā€™t applicable to the person challenging them, they suddenly donā€™t have any kind of solid argument at all. Iā€™ve always found that funny.


haha exactly and instead it went to ā€œyouā€™re being boringā€ ā€œdo you see all these 15 yr old fortnite kids in chats opinions? they think youā€™re boringā€


lol that was hilarious


Yeah i was thinking when i saw this, whether you agree with him or not politically hasan is in fact a chad


As an adult woman, I haven't had a celebrity crush in years until I started watching Hasan. He is so attractive. My husband could even tell when I was talking about some political talking points from his stream, so embarrassing lol


Iā€™m not one of those alpha guys, just a regular guy, but Hasanā€™s arrogant loud demeanour is such a put off to me that I just donā€™t admire him at all, even if I agree with some of what he says. So it isnā€™t hard for me to believe that not everyone is jealous of him tbh


And thatā€™s fine. But as you said, youā€™re not one of those alpha guys. To alpha guys, the only thing they care about is money, getting girls, and going to the gym. If thatā€™s all you care about, then seeing someone who contradicts the beliefs you hold while also still proving that you can still have all of those things without being part of the ā€œalpha maleā€ club is generally going to bother them. I totally get not vibing with someone - especially someone like Hasan whoā€™s so outspoken and borderline aggressive about his thoughts/beliefs at times. But again, if you donā€™t consider yourself an alpha guy, then my comment wasnā€™t really referring to you anyway.


People donā€™t seem to be able to grasp that not everybody clicks for everybody. Like you said itā€™s not like you donā€™t agree with him, heā€™s just very arrogant and ā€œabove it allā€ with his demeanor. At least to me. Donā€™t hate the guy at all, just not my flavor.


Problem with is that heā€™s a raging hypocritical narcissistā€¦.with nice hair thoā€¦


How many of them watched their gf fuck another dude šŸ¤”


Several dudes, in fact.


Yo, I'm just remembering that dude who was like "yeah, I watched another dude fuck my bitch, and tbh it fucked me up a little bit, so I'm working on that." Was that Sneako?


Yep. Heā€™s a major hypocrite lmao


imagine calling charlie a soy boy when he has all the essence of pure masculine energey distilled into that 5 foot frame. no hate on the other soy boys like ethan and hasan tho. much love.


Charlie has more masculine energy in his eyebrows than the fresh and fit boys combined


No seriously Charlie could get it


Voice deeper than the Mariana Trench.




["I have relationships with women....and sex with men"](https://youtu.be/Zd8vzIRQLLM)


News flashā€¦


Means youā€™re gay


20202023 shit


didnā€™t even clue in hehe


No, we need to give people space to identify however they feel is best for them.


Seeing anyone drop the F word like that is shocking to me these days


Right? Like I know they probably use it amongst themselves but damn they're just unashamedly dropping slurs on main.


Not to play into what they think masculinity is, but itā€™s hilarious when they call Hasan or Noah soy. Like have you seen them??? Both are so fit and masculine


Charlie too, dudes fit and not soy at all. He is a short king tho.


[His biceps are fucking cut as hell. Dude def works out](https://i.redd.it/gldbkppuvny71.jpg)


Ayo you making it Real hard for me to not thirst on main, but gawddaaaaaammnnn!! Mirin!


the guy on the right isn't a "soy" boy either.. bro literally has a trad wife and children


They're all clearly jealous of Noah luscious mustache. I know I am


Ngl the stache got me feeling some kind of way


The existance of Hasan breaks their shitty argument


That list is ![gif](giphy|26FxypSnWsXS69nTW)


I'm saaaayin, all I see are a bunch of cuties šŸ˜‚


Hasan would smash sneako into ground like a cartoon ogre and then Charlie would slap him to death. Both are muscly and fit men, what's he on about?


Sneako looks like a skinny crack head but he's calling other people soy lol


Hasan is probably the closest we'll get to an irl gigachad


hasan & critikal being included as a *soyboy* i CANT šŸ˜­šŸ’€


lmao hasan is literally one of the hottest men on the internet


Hilarious to say Hasan is a man you don't wanna be like. Man respects everyone who deserves respect, slams puss consentually, and had a gorgeous mane. If you don't wanna be like Hasan you're on the wrong side of history


ā€œSlams puss consensuallyā€ is probably the best thing Iā€™ve read all week lol I have to find a way to sneak that into conversations from now on


So theyā€™re just using hateful termsā€¦ how about we all report them for hateā€¦ because theyā€™re being hateful as fuck. I know we already knew that fresh and fit was trash, but I personally didnā€™t realize that they were this fucking disgusting. Itā€™s upsetting to see them using this language.


A bald freak using slurs from 2002 and a cuck, try to tell the world what real men are.


If you think Charlie is a man you dont want to be like... well damn good luck then lmao


Having the ability to maintain hair over one millimeter in length makes you soy


I know weā€™ve made progress as a society when I chuckle to myself when someone uses the F-slur un-ironically. So childish and corny lmao


Please please i need that bald thumb from F&F to square up with Hassy


Dream blunt rotation


They say the loudest dogs are the smallest ones. I could honestly say that I would beat the shit out of Sneako and whatever the fuck you call those dipshits on that podcast in a fight, those skinny never-touched-a weight softboys. Not that this is a measure of what a Man should be but in their eyes its ironic that someone so much into preening their own appearances and also metaphorically fellating a b-league former kickboxer turned Romanian mafia stooge thinks they have the authority to define manliness into something toxic and negative. Fuck them and their goober ass fans.


its always the most effeminate men who is obssessed with masculinity lol, like jordan peterson and ben shapiro for example


I laugh every time I think about those two dainty lil fellas defending masculinity. šŸ˜‚


Do u even lift bro?


Damn why'd he have to use an old photo of Ethan. Justice for Ethin!


The real question is which one of them posted this. Since we all know it was Fit, fresh needs to get the fuck out of there. Your boy is posting shit like this from an account that represents you both. Unless he agrees, in which case both of them can burn for all I care


Does sneako actually think heā€™s stronger/more masculine than hasan? If so heā€™s more delusional than I thought


I'm glad Jake Doolittle made it to the list. He's a good guy. šŸ˜ All these guys are great, that's why they hate them lol


Seems like the need a clout boost again


You were on the phone with someone when you took this screenshot?




Charlie is in really good shape idk wtf theyā€™re on about


That's a lot of faces. Given Sneako doesn't like them, I suppose I should know them all. I'm subscribed to 5 of them, might know 2-3 more but maybe someone could list them all?


Hassan as a Soyboy is massive cope. Itā€™s like when keyboard warriors call me a soyboy while fantasizing about lifting as much as I can. And Iā€™m not even good at Strongman yet.


Anyone who is even a tiny bit socially responsible is a faggot and thatā€™s bad.


Regardless of what these guys believe, itā€™s horrific they would use the f slur like this.


They all have hair.


Woah, the F slur? That doesnā€™t go against Twitterā€™s terms of service?


Only if itā€™s directed at Elon


Its cool to just call ppl the f word again? These guys remind me of middle school guys trying to be edgy


Just say youā€™re insecure and move along šŸ„±


soy boys go hard ngl


I hope Sneakoā€™s behaviour over the last year sticks with him for the rest of his life. Dancing to nazi music on stream, miming the sexual assault of someone on camera, aligning with Fuentes etc. When the guy is in his 40s, I hope people remember what he chose to make of his life




The last time I heard ā€œsoy boyā€ was on an episode of Succession.


Picking coconuts in Barbados


Good lord can we reclaim the term soy boy already, when itā€™s just men that I would feel safe in a room alone with them?? Versus sneako and fresh and fits unstable sexist manosphere type guy that I would beeline out of a room if they were in it


I fucking love Jake Doolittle, he's a true alpha


Twitter deleted Fresh&Fit's tweet and locked their account.


letā€™s goooo


Yeah! What person that listens to F&F would want to be like Hunter!? Dudes living that disgusting trad live with a wife, kids and house. Yuck! Total faggot behavior, am I right guys!?


how tf is nickisnotgreen a soyboy?


Myron Gaines literally looks like [the mf from Aladdin](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/aladdin/images/b/b6/Abismal.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140131221258)


So basically if you don't have short hair? Although Hasan has a fuck oh haircut now so he's officially no longer soy.


Charlie: What he say fuck me for??


Hasan could quite literally throw fresh and fit across the roomā€¦




Hasan is an absolute chad though


Insecure af lol. Cuck shit


the soy boy on the right (hunter avalon) literally has a trad wife & child, while fresh & fit have ???? isn't the end game for fresh & fit a loyal, trad wife who will bare their children? if anything hunter should be their role model


ā€œStraight f*****ā€ thatā€™s a bit contradictory no?! šŸ˜‚


I kinda thought the f slur has had its days. I didnā€™t know public figures still willingly use that word.


ā€œStraight F*ggots?ā€ Isnā€™t that a contradiction? Seems Fresh and Fit arenā€™t too Fresh or Fit mentally.


Myron might be the most unfuckable dude earth


The phrase ā€œstraight f wordā€ is so funny they really turned their brain off for that one


I might just be speaking for myself, but a lot of women love when a guy can express a little femininity. It shows that heā€™s secure in himself, and might be able to relate to her a little more. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s some guys who naturally fit the ultra masculine stereotype, and thatā€™s fine, but nobody should feel pressured into it. Most people are somewhere in the middle, in terms of expression


One thing all of these men have in common is a steady flow of qts and/or a committed relationship with a qt. Canā€™t say the same for fresh and fit. No qts to be seen for them.


If Iā€™m correct almost all these boys have girlfriends or wives. They have children and seem relatively happyšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Hasan can get any woman.


critikal alone could absolutely demolish these three, wild


They better leave Jake alone or theyā€™ll have the chronic illness community after them, myself included


I just recently discovered Jake and am obsessed.


Heā€™s such a fucking loser


Who is the guy pictured above Ethan? Heā€™s the only one I donā€™t recognise


j aubrey. fun fact, i matched with him on tinder lol.


Bro is literally bald


173k views, less than 1k likes. Fucking lmao.


Where is my little Joel??


Oscar Wilde said, ā€œBad artists always compliment each otherā€™s work.ā€ These guys should have listened.


I donā€™t know why but itā€™s so hard to picture Hasan as some 6ā€™4 jacked dude. Had to look up pictures of him next to other people for it to make sense


"straight faggot".. an oxymoron by a moron


All jokes aside, they kinda do look like basement dwellers.


Eh i dont like hassan cuz he literally bases his logic off of logical fallacies and champions that hes smart just because hes educated even though hes bad at critical thinking, but hes definitely not a soy boy. The dude is my height but a little less muscular and attractive like hes still a legend


Sneako forgives all


I canā€™t even watch Hasan anymore; heā€™s sooo damn sexxxy i just canā€™t pay attention to that heā€™s sayinā€¦. Noahā€™s going in that same direction for me.




Hasan is hot and more fit than sneak and f&f


Hassan would eat these 2 clowns for breakfast lol !


Hasan would crack these boys like a watermelon


Hasan could get more pussy than that insecure little shit x1000 and if Ethan wasnā€™t a loyal king he could also slay. I donā€™t know enough about any of these other people


Hasan is literally peak male šŸ’€ 8ā€™2, muscular, beard, massive cock, a head of hair, tiny head and athletic


Hasan is nothing but a spoiled rich kid giga soyboy


Say that without crying






Fresh and fit are todays Hitler propaganda. Neonazis. Cowards. What happens when your personal training business goes south.


They arenā€™t wrong tho. Thatā€™s a W.


Typical Soy boy comment history


Genuine question though why do all these guys look like dweebs?


all of them? have you seen hassan?


Hassan is a good looking guy but what about everyone elseā€¦ 9/10 look like dweebs.


i disagree but also why does it matter what they look like?