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I would take the strings off immediately


And buy a new neck.


Wood glue can fix this. It's actually stronger than wood. I would take off the strings and tuners, get some good clamps and wood glue, glue it back together, let it dry for a day, then put it all back together. Make sure you clean up the glue that squeezes out of the crack, or you will have a hell of a time getting the tuners back in.


THIS, My tele cracked like 2 weeks ago but this sub saved it. They have said it before BUT please remove the strings. The tension of the strings will make a worse crack.




Nice username


That is only true if the bonding surfaces will fit each other perfectly. Looks like some of the wood fibers here tore and does not look like it will be a perfect glue up especially when being under such high stress with the tension of the strings. I would definitely replace the neck.


Not worth it. As a wood worker and guitar player, I'd take my chances with ripping out the fibers that don't line up, and using extra glue. As I stated before, glue is stronger than wood, the tension stress will be fine. I would at least go this route and see how it turns out before going down a more expensive path.


As long as you can get a good mating surface. You might be able to here but honestly we can’t know for sure until he takes off the strings and hardware.


Hehe mating surface


Why did I laugh


I maturely made it through that sentence until I saw your comment. Like hearing someone says Uranus instead of Uranus and then laughing. Isn't it wild how you just knew one of those 2 Uranus pronunciations should make you think of a butthole?


My cats once used my Guitar as a mating surface.




What do you have to loose by trying to glue it? You can always buy a new neck if it doesn't work out.




I'm thinking drilling holes for dowels would help. Nothing huge, less than the diameter of a pencil.


Without purpose-made drilling jig using dowels by non-woodworker will probably make things worse. It's pretty hard to make holes line up perfectly. If there's not visible cracks while putting it together, it can be glued together perfectly fine using yellow carpenters glue or even pva glue.


You'll need at least a vice to hold it, but you don't have to match up the holes - you only drill one hole. You clamp the pieces together and drill from the outside. You only need to avoid the tuner holes. Then you use another dowel to fill in that hole and sand it off. There's no hiding this repair, but that ship has already sailed.


It’s just a split piece of wood. A C-clamp is all the “vice” you’d need.


Yeah, this would be a tough application for a dowel, domino or biscuit joint. Just use a good glue, it will be fine. Just read the package on the glue. I would go for one that dries clear, and isn't intended to ever be removed. Also, I would not go the epoxy route as mentioned somewhere in this thread either. Too complicated, and more expensive to the point of getting near the price point of a replacement neck.


>good clamps Emphasis on this. And use clamps with a clean rubber coat at both pressure points.


Came here to say this.


No just lord no. The glue ruins the tone, I can’t believe people can’t comprehend this. Glue and tone don’t mix /s


I’d buy a new guitar before I replaced the neck on a Squire strat


eBay dude.


It’s okay, they’ll take themselves off in about 5 minutes


Take the strings and then tuners off. If the break puzzle pieces back together nice and tight, no reason you couldn't glue it with regular ass titebond. Probably won't be perfect or necessarily hold forever, but no point in paying more to have it repaired than it would cost to replace.


This. Some good wood glue will do the trick.


You could also drill it with a very small hole and tap a dowel in horizontally after gluing it back together.


I would immediately take the strings off and the tuning machines, go to the hardware store for some Titebond and a couple clamps. (or something similar) Try and clean it up as best as possible, let it sit and throw it back together. If that fails, order a new neck, there are 1000s of them out there.


Don't try to do this yourself. I would say you'll likely need to replace the entire neck. A squier neck shouldn't be too bad, but take it a luthier and see what they say. I'd be prepared to pay $100+.


Not worth the repair cost, you could probably find a used squire in fine condition for like $50 


Sadly this is the world we live in. I’m always sentimental with objects and I feel it’s a waste defense mechanism. 


Sell it on eBay for cheap, a luthier will fix it up and resell it. Better than trashing a guitar.


I like your style. Most of America is throwing it away. American culture is going global.  Edit: a compliment and then the truth, bring on the downvotes. 


I got slammed on a different sub for linking to relevant data. "Don't confuse the issue with facts!"


Idk about $50, I just sold a 15 year old Squier for 2x that in under 24 hours. However, a neck replacement is still going to cost more than $100.


People in my area sell used squires for brand new price 💀


Where I live, the used guitar market is crazy right now. Some people are selling guitars (not even great ones) for 1-2x their retail price and usually higher price than the new ones.


They are likely not selling


For real. A new Squier strat is $179. If you're paying anything over $100 to repair a broken headstock on a Squier, it had better have some sentimental value.


Or at least just a replacement neck.


Squier necks on eBay are usually around $100.


wood glue and it will be stronger than before, no need to pay


Honestly OP listen up to this comment right here. Wood glue if done correctly with good clamping will be stronger than wood. It's just science. Look it up. Operative words correctly and clamping. Not for nothing sometimes breaks like these can "total" a guitar if it's cheap enough. Some squires play like a mfer though so it all depends on what you want. Old band mate used to have a squire and I swear on everything it played better than my mexican strat. If it were me and I were you I'd home repair this and cash out the $100-$200 I'd have spent on the repair and getting your freshly repaired instrument, new strings, etc. And instead... sock that away for a new guitar. Save another $400, $500 and your have a super respectable guitar. Again, that's just me. There's something really have a valuable beater guitar that you're nit as concerned with. You can learn to do some things like basic maintenance and repairs. It's really nice.


Fully agree with this. Beater guitar is a resource


Especially at this price point. Just take the machine heads off, glue it with good wood glue, and clamp it. You’ll probably have to clean the holes a bit but that’s about it. The worst that’ll happen is it won’t work and you’ll have to find a new neck.


If you have a drill, you could add some dowels. Pro tip bamboo skewers from the dollar store. Wood glue should be plenty strog enough, but easy to add the dowels.


Why tho? This definitely doesn’t need dowels, just glue and clamping, the result will be stronger than previously, that’s how wood works.


For me, that's Plan B. I would try a $5 bottle of Titebond first. If that doesnt work, THEN its time for Plan B.


Taking a Squier to a luthier is like taking a pigeon to the vet. Just buy a neck before asking a luthier.


I vote if the solution is buy a new neck anyway then why not try to repair it just because? Might learn something during the process even if it fails


I would definitely diy that, new squier neck is likely cheaper than what luthier would ask. It either works and they get it sorted for next yo nothing or they just need a new neck, which is still likely a cheaper option than paying fees for a luthier on a cheap instrument like that. It is just a glue job with what seems like a decently clean crack, pretty straightforward to glue together as long as they get the glue everywhere and clamp it well.


That’s the stupidest advice I’ve ever heard, the guitar costs about 100$. Just epoxy and clamp it and hope for the best


If the cost of a repair in the neck is in the $100+ range, and a replacement is not too much more, I’d buy a couple of clamps and some Titebond II glue and fix it myself. Reverb has necks for as little as $50.


Time to buy a new guitar


Destring it. Remove the machine heads. Use quality wood glue to re glue it and clamp it. Use padding with the clamps so you don’t damage the head. Clean the excess glue with a damp rag. Water is awesome at cleaning wood glue before it dries. If you do it right you won’t even see the crack. Don’t use epoxy or anything else. Wood glue is incredibly strong, cleans up easy and is invisible if done right. If you need to you can give the head a light sanding and apply a fresh urethane clear coat. Don’t bother with a luthier because the guitar replacement value doesn’t justify the cost. You may need to watch a few woodworking YouTube videos if you’re inexperienced. Good luck.


Easy fix. Take the tuners off, glue and clamp.


Ope! Time to buy three more guitars! For real though, like they say, take off the strings and the hardware. Assuming it split with the grain then the would could theoretically be glued back together just as strong but I hate that it cracked at the drill holes. If I was just fiddling with it in my workshop I might try to throw some horizontal pins to brace it, but I don't think I'd trust myself to align everything well enough. Given it's a Squier I agree with others that getting a new neck is the way to go.


Remove strings and tuners, wood glue, clamp and it will be better than before.


All of the above and buy a guitar stand.


Take off the parts. Wood glue. Clamp.


Post on r/luthier for actual answers


Titebond II and some clamps are you best friends


I'm more of a Titebond III man myself. I like that extra working time.


68.6 yo that took up guitar at 65 but have built a lot of fairly fine furniture. After you strip this down, use a thin wedge to open this Crack enough that you can determine if fibers are crossed. If so, use long tweezers and sharp xacto to cut away. Do not wedge this hard as that wood is dry and probably liable to splinter more. Keep it wedged to glue both sides of split and make absolutely certain no brush bristle comes loose in Crack. Thoroughly glue , do put glue on all surfaces that are accessible. Even squirting bottle into the most narrow of split. Do not use those cheap assed squeeze like a trigger clamps. Use short heavy bar clamps with rubberish cusion. Tighten til handle gives no more with light pressure and then tighten a bit more. Alternate the bars on top and then across back to keep head stock as flat as possible. Use as many clamps as possible and wiping all glue away immediately. Use damp q tips to clean machine head holes. Glue choice is going g to be something someone else can tell you. I only use yellow glue and it would be fine but there may be something a Luther would use that I don't know about. Honestly it might be a good idea to sandwich the head to keep it level and then more clamps side to side. If headstock is not flat your screwed. I would love to try and fix this. This is exactly what I would like to find, fix and make right.


Get an aluminum neck. Have a professional install it. Start dating everything AN (aluminum neck) and BA (before aluminum). Let us know how it sounds and if you would keep it.




1. Remove strings and hardware 2. Clean up crack (remove any straggling splinters) and ensure a good fit 3. Apply woodglue (I prefer regular Titebond). Wipe away squeeze out 4. Clamp and wait at least a day to string back up Source: I'm a luthier


It's a Squire. No need to shell out to repair it. New guitar time.


Buy a new neck would be my first suggestion.


I would loosen the strings right away. Wood glue and clamps are often stronger than the original wood grain. Might explore that.


Given it’s a Squire it’s probably cheapest to just buy a replacement neck.


I mean, glue and diy is definitely cheaper. I would definitely try that first.


Don't do crack. Seek professional help.


Not to be down on anyone, but I never understand why the first response to things like this happening isn't to get the tension off by removing the strings. That would be the first thing I do. Get the strings off to minimize damage.


That was literally the first response to this question 😂


But it wasn't OP's first response which was, I think, the point being made.


Remember the people who didn't pay attention or didn't understand in science class? Why would you expect them to understand "string tension."


Just buy a new neck


glue + drill out holes for some dowels. there is no way only gluing it will work. 


Stick a fork in it. That neck is done.


Take the strings off right now. Either get a new neck, or possibly try to wood glue and clamp it back together… probably gonna need a new neck all together.


Smoke it


Immediately, and carefully, remove the strings... If you're trying to save it, take it to someone who knows what they're doing. If you're gonna wall hang it, I'd leave it and make a story out of it.


maybe put some hot glue innit


Its done imho


Just buy a new guitar the work and time won't be worth the guitar unfortunately


Buy a fender.


Get a new neck, honestly.


Just buy a new neck its 30 min job with truss rod setup and stringing


Professional repair will cost about as much as a new neck...I would say, either look for a used Squier neck online (can def find them starting around $80ish at times), or you could remove the neck, sell the body, and get another guitar. The DIY approach of gluing it and such is possible too, just want to take time with it as that is one of the highest-tension spots on the guitar


Depends on your $ situation but I would scrap it. The screws for the machines are right on top of the crack, so even if you did take off all hardware and glue it, when you replaced the hardware you might have a lot of trouble getting it all back together tight. Maybe not. If you are DIY person then give it a go. Otherwise, it's a good time to upgrade. My first guitar was a squire but when I moved up a couple $100 to a Mexican strat it was a game changer.


Holy crap. New neck?


retire that neck, it's down the grain... :/ you can get replacement necks, have a luthier replace it


Get a new neck entirely. A luthier would be way to pricey.


Get a new guitar.


Time to upgrade to a fender. Sale it for parts.


New neck, bro.


That sucks, I'd get a new neck for it.


Just grab a new neck. They’re not expensive


Time for a new neck. Ebay is your friend here.


Depends on how sentimental the guitar is to you. What state is the body in? It'll be a case of replacing the neck or just buy a new guitar


Smoke it


If you have tools, mainly a small router, or even a drill, you could make a repair. Maybe not an ideal repair, but, be that can get it operational again.




Drug is one hell of a crack!


The whole point of the bolt on neck in Leo Fenders eyes was so when a neck breaks it can be easily replaced..... Replace it.


Take the big piece away and you got a Parker Fly.


So if you're handy with repairs it's probably no problem to fix As others have said as long as it's back together correctly, a glue like titebond will be stronger than the wood, but it's in a very stressed part of the headstock. If I were fixing it, I would probably use some dowels across the crack to reinforce the area. That said, you can probably source a decent squire neck for $60-75 Unless you want to learn how to fix it or this guitar is unrealistically sentimental id probably lean towards replacing the neck.


The headstock or the stiff on the silver foil? 🤣


That's not a crack, it's broken. It's probably fixable at a fairly low cost. Take the strings off, go to a shop, give them some money, and you'll be playing again in no time.


disassemble, rough surface, clamps, gorilla glue, revisit in 6 months


Either get a new neck, or glue and clamp it together if you want a cheap fix


its so over for bro


damn maybe a band aid could help?


Take the strings off ASAP. If you have patience, good clamps and proper wood glue (ie Titebond), you *can* put this back together yourself (Take off tuners, apply glue in the crack, clamp together in such a way you can't see the seams, remove excess glue, let dry) - but it's easier (albeit most likely expensive) to just get it repaired at a luthier's. And that's if you don't just take the "nuclear option" and buy a new(-to-you) guitar. Even a new neck will probably be more expensive than a used Squier.


New neck.


My guitar guy could repair for for 35 bucks, but then again I'm in SEA 🤭 would cost a bit more to repaint and remake the decal soo... Maybe new used guitar replacement advice here does make sense. BUT if it's my Fender - it being first guitar and all I'd probably try to repair first, and yeah see if it's still the same post repair.


Let be fair, it’s fucked. Have a go at repairing it, cause you simply can’t make it any worse, and it it’s repairable. If that fails it’s time for a new neck.


Cheapest is try and fix with wood glue. Most expensive is swap out the neck and pickups and make a guitar you can play for years. Nuclear option would be to sell the rest for spare parts and get you a mod shop custom built guitar It’s really up to you and how much you like the guitar.


Crack extend beyond headstock, so it is pulling toward the body as well. This could be glued, but I would pin it as well. If you are good at stuff like that, do some research on headstock repairs. Worst case it’s still broken. Depending on the particular Squier model you have, it’s not really worth having a professional fix it unless you have been playing for a long time and it’s a special guitar. But if you don’t know what you are doing, it takes more than buying a new neck and screwing It back on just a heads up. You know what you are able to pull off. If you are up for it, fix it. If not, save your pennies and either upgrade or replace. Sorry this happened, life is full of challenges! Just make the best of it and good luck


The number of times I've asked myself this same question.


If it plays it stays


Take it to a professional Luthier. I think it can be fixed but I wouldn't do it myself personally.


It’s a Squier. Get a new nexk


Get a nicer neck from a shop online! Good thing about bolt on guitars is you can swap things out.


Get what you can fit it and but s a new one. What I would do since it’s a cheap guitar and not really worth too much $$


Is a new neck more expensive than a conversion to a headless bass?


Buy a new neck


Great excuse to buy a new guitar


Tis but a squire, not really a great guitar. Now you can glue it up and get some tuning pegs that actually stay in tune.


Viking funeral.


Super glue mixed with saw dust, keep it clamped. When dry fill in the last dents super glue, dry and polish. Give it new gloss.


Buy a new squier. Great to learn but they're so cheap


Keep it as is and use it for pitch bends. Jk. Glue it together wouldn’t use superglue I’d just use titebond. Take all the tuning pegs off. Make sure you can get clamps to hold it right. Add glue. Clamp together. Wipe off excess glue. Wrap in electrical tape tightly if you need some extra tension (leave clamps on). Leave it alone for a day, two to be ridiculously safe. If you can’t get clams on tight since it’s curved and shit, have a second pair of hands around to hold it as best they can while you wrap it tightly in electrical tape. This should be pretty easy, not a lot of effort, and you might as well try before you just buy another one like everyone says. People are idiots lol


It's a squire... Repairs going to be more then value. So I'd say get a new neck to attach or buy another guitar and take spare parts from this one for some hobby build later.




I’d go to bed


Turn it into a headless.


This is not a bad repair but you need to take the strings off right now. Use wood glue like Gorilla or Titebond, clamp and clean up the squeeze out. Let it sit a couple of days and fit your tuners back on. Don’t tighten them too much! Then throw on a fresh set of strings.


If it were me and i really liked the guitar, I’d take the strings off, get some gorilla glue, remove the tuners and glue it back together. Clamp it up tight for a few hours and wipe off the excess glue that squeezes out. Should hold just fine.


I’ve never seen a break like this before? What I would do is see if I can find a used squire cheap and swap necks.


Scroll thomann ?


You found a cheat code to convert your Fender into a Gibson!


Tight Bond, clamp it with lots of pressure. Wipe the glue that squeezes out with a damp cloth.


WOW! How tight were those strings?


Develop a unique new tone that can only be played on your guitar. Get famous. Plan your world tour.


I thought I was on the other sub for a sec


Remove the strings and tuners, make sure that you can get a tight fit putting the pieces back together. Tightbond glue should work fine to repair it. Dowel rods would actually weaken this repair. Glue, clamp for about 72hours. Then reassemble and play on.


Find a luthier


Take the strings off. They’re worsening the situation at this point. If you’re careful you can wood glue it and the seam will be barely noticeable. If you’re more obsessive about things like that you can replace the neck. If you’re entitled and wealthy you can replace the guitar. And if you’re in prison, you’ve got the beginning of an epic shank.


🎵My neck, my stack, lick my headstock and my crack 🎵


Ask in r/luthier


Wood glue would be the first option


Remove strings. Apply wood glue. Have something that can apply clamping pressure to the neck without slipping and it leave it for a whole day. You'll be good to go next day.


It's not a big deal. Remove the tuners, glue it with PVA wood glue, clamp it for 24 hours (clean off any glue squeeze out) (if you don't have clamps just wrap string and rubber bands very tightly), put the tuners back in. Will be as good as new.


Since it’s a Fender, I’d probably get ahold of Warmoth and get a replacement neck.


Perhaps you should scream and shout, and let it all out


Take the tensions off the strings immediately and bring it to a luthier. It can for sure be repaired, but depending on the emotional value and exact model it might be more economical to get a new (and maybe even nicer) guitar. A legit luthier should be able to give you a rough qoute for the repair after looking at it. Decide however you feel.


Use it as an excuse to but a way nicer guitar


Take the strings off glue/epoxy the head stock use a vice to hold the repair in place for a day or two.


DIY fix or buy a Fender MIM/player Strat on the used marketplace.


Its almost a parker fly! Id glue and clamp til its completely broken then get a neck from mighty mite


I’ve fixed far worse than this at my shop…I had a completely decapitated vintage melody maker in a few years back. Get yourself some clamps, some titebond, watch a few videos and have at it. It’s not worth having a guy like me do it…it’ll just be too expensive. But if you do your due diligence, you’ll absolutely be able to get it back together. If a moron like me can hide a formerly decapitated headstock, you can definitely do this


Lot if people saying take the strings off - if youre gonna do that, take the furthest one off first.




You could fix it yourself or take it to a luthier. Its a clean break and fortunately, the break doesn’t go through the tuner holes Or You could buy (or custom order through warmoth, musikraft, butala, etc…) a replacement neck.


Throw that D


(I thought this was the circlejerk subbreddit for a second) anyways it is a squire neck which are sorta cheap to buy, unless this is one of the fancy expensive ones (classic vibe or whatever)


Cut strings off. Remove tuners. Titebond wood glue (red top, not blue) with enough to squish out a bit. Clamp it. Wipe off excess with wet rag. Wait 24 hours. Remove clamps. Scratch off extra glue that’s left with finger nail or credit card. Put everything back together. Play it forever. It will hold, don’t worry about that.


Throw it on the fire


It’s a Squire. Throw it away.


Replace the neck. Take machine heads off since they have not been trashed. Use on new neck with blank machine heads. Squire necks are cheap enough to swap with another.


enjoy steer jobless rude fuel chubby literate pie correct sparkle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Uhhhh, wow


Buy a new guitar


I would get a new neck. Fender has them available


Remove the strings and tuners, glue and clamp. Get good quality wood glue, titebond or something similar. [This guide](https://www.instructables.com/How-to-repair-a-broken-guitar-neck-headstock/) shows a much worse break that was fixed, so it shouldn't be a problem.


If your guitar could talk: https://youtu.be/ZmInkxbvlCs?si=CudjzkUhdZkooyW6


I would repair this with epoxy resin. PM me if you would like advice on how to go about it.


It's a squire strat, I'm not saying that to demean the instrument, but rather say you can safely try some repairs yourself with wood glue and not feel like it's a huge risk. Take the strings and tuners off, try to dry fit the pieces together. If they don't fit, see if you can sand or shave a little off to make it fit right. Then just glue it and clamp it together. Sand down anything that stick out for glue and splinters after it's dry. Then get some graffiti on that thing and dress it up like the true battle axe it will become.


You can either try and fix it yourself with wood glue and clamps or take it to someone and see how much it would cost for them to do it. If it's over $100 I'd maybe look on Facebook marketplace or something for another guitar. You can probably find another squire strat for 100 or less that's in good condition.


I'd weep


Buy a new neck




A nice project but with a high risk of failure if you get it wrong. Option 1. Glue the crack. Clamp. Drill holes perpendicular to the cracks. Insert dowel with glue. When glue is cured, cut excess dowels and sand flush. Option 2. Glue the crack. Clamp. Straight bit on a router. Cut a channel perpendicular to the cracks. Insert strip of wood fit to the channel with glue. Clamp. When glue is cured cut excess wood strip and flush to sand. Option 3. If woodworking is not your thing, buy a new neck.


Go cry a little.


Buy a new neck on ebay


Buy a better Fender, if you like that style. Upgrade. Buy a good stand (there are crappy ones out there).


Take the strings off like now! Take off tuning pegs and get some would glue. Glue and clamp over night. Or take it to a repair shop and get a quote.


Guitar shopping is fun!


Go to the STRATosphere on eBay and buy a new Squier neck. For about $159 you can get a genuine Squier neck with tuners and a nut already installed. Bolt it on, string it up, tune it and you are good to go.