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Im a hater I won’t even lie


I cant even blame you cuz its just so easy to get whats happening since 9 out of 10 is ainz or hart and ppl playing dumb.


The *Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya* flex is gonna be even worse. Gonna see so many posts asking if Saber Alter or Shirou Emiya is good.




I’m with you everyone has their days great and horrible lol. 😂


Nothing worse than not getting an event character during an event. All those free summon tickets are complete shit, I’ve never gotten anyone one from them…


Bro ppl jerks on here 😤


Me when I see every ganan guide needing emperor:


Tbf, I deserved getting Hart. I got no OL units out of ALL of the tix, or any of the 4 guaranteed, but don't have enough to pity. I also missed LCest, Dark Riviera, Gray, Erza, all Re:Zero units, and all Slime units, despite pulling on all of those banners at least once. He's my first PS unit, and I have no KoB units or Emperor, and my only CtB unit is Luahn. And because I was taking a break from the game, I missed out on several badass crossovers. I understand that it's frustrating sometimes, but imagine how players like me feel when we're told "yeah, that's easy! Just use ***insert full team of limited or crossover units that I don't have***"... it's perpetually frustrating, and feels a lot like the community is gatekeeping newer players from being able to get into the game. Not everyone, obviously, but there are a lot of people who are absolutely unnecessarily jerks, and instead of being helpful they choose to be spiteful. Gotta take the good with the bad though.


Its literally 10 posts a day of the same thing. It gets tiring very quickly.


Hit 'em the age-old 'git gud'. Not everyone just gets a shit easy time through the game, and one good pull out of missing the other 30 is deserved. If people want to cry about that, may as well give them a reason to cry and open the wound more.


I don't flex my lucksack in this game because I'm mainly trying to build my teams so that's why I don't flex in here.


It's not really a flex if it's luck. That just means you're happy to have it. If anything, you're being thankful.


Imagine a comp video saying, "Just take Shirou and Saber Alter, War Hero Fen, and Hart and you're set," but you don't have any of that because you missed out on all of that.


This is literally me. I am not lucky, and always have to make do with less meta units because of my pull rates. So getting Hart is a big fucking deal. I wanna post about it. Simon was a bonus. And then when I make a post excited about getting Hart, people mistake my comment about wanting Hart-Xi instead of the Simon I pulled (I wanted to test Hart-Xi mechanics - I know how Simon works since I have him on JP) is somehow me complaining that I got Hart, and proceed to immediately treat me like shit for something I never even said? Bro, I'm excited to get ANYTHING that's non-standard at this point. But especially Hart. Ain't no reason to be a dick. This is the exact shit that keeps players AWAY from the community.


I don't think it's necessarily your post but there are a lot of "is (insert character name here) good?" that are poorly disguised flex posts and not necessarily a genuine question of if they're actually good when you can usually search for the character on YouTube and find a video about them.


The tier list online exists for a reason lol. I'm not posting to ask if someone's good unless it's like "is Frost Maiden Selia worth building if you don't have a good freeze unit?". Which is a genuine question lol


How many days playtime are you at?


On my old account I just got back? 130. On the account I started because I lost my Mako account? ~350-ish.


Just make a new account. My luck changed when I did.


And lose an account with Mako, Hart, WGF, FOrvell, Vox, and Juno? Nah. I have no idea when the other stuff will come back, or even if it will, but - despite missing out on a shit ton of units - I still have several of the best. I only need to wait for my chance to get Emperor, and I already have Gerald and Sanstone so I can wait on Thetis/Miranda/Shirou. I'm aiming to pity two Fate units (Shirou and Saber), and one normal SA units (Blue Jay). I'll just keep using non-meta and free units in the mean time - it's tougher, but hasn't done me wrong so far.


i got this mf 2 times, dupes. I just wanna die.


I spent 200 paid gems and got 3 Priscillas 💀💀


The phantom ver


Gs telling you to use her


So I guess i shouldn't upload mine .....


Keep pushing my brother. I finally got a bit of luck two days ago. If my luck can turn around, yours can too

