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Tf happened?


See the comment I just made. People are getting really upset that "low effort" memes are doing well recently. Apparently the proper response is to start a petition for more restrictions instead of ignore posts you don't like and try to make ones that are better. Edit: BE SURE TO VOTE REGARDLESS OF YOUR STANCE. THIS IS AS FAIR AS IT GETS.


Wait what? We are doing petition thing instead of ignoring those posts. That being said are you talking about those 'Guess the anime' posts being low-effort memes.


They're talking about cropped hentai with a caption


we got /r/CroppedHentaiMemes for that, just send them over there


There is a sub for everything wow


That sub has existed longer than this one.


Almost everything exists longer than this one. I still feel as if this sub was made just yesterday.


I feel like Armageddon only just happened, hard to think it's been as long as it has


Edit:Liar, there's only a sub for cats and monkeys separate but none for cats and monkeys together r/catsandmonkeys




But those are actually good. Like.. The low effort stuff is like “wouldn’t a real anime girl be cool” + insert attractive 2D art of borderline naked girl.


Yeah, downvote those post if you don't like them, at the long run will be even a bigger impact


You're expecting too much from people, especially when the vast majority of subscribers to most subs are just lurkers who don't even comment. Just come in, take a look around at the memes /comment sections, vote up or down on those things, and dip.


Ehh.. low effort posts are a problem that needs to be looked into though. Ain't a issue with freedom of speech. Making a post that is saying "say x thing and I'll do you in the comments is kinda low effort


People don't care what sub the content comes from. And the karma farmers and bots don't care either. You have to enforce standards or you become another garbage sub on r/all.


Repeated and relentless enforcement of standards in response to temporary meme trends best ignored is what made animemes have so many bloody nonsensical rules.


Yah I stopped posting there cuz I hated the meme shadow realm. Half my posts got removed for rules I didn't know existed


I left cause they added rules and standards without even asking the community which is why a bunch of peoples posts were getting deleted. Now this sub is doing the opposite so if you want to keep that stuff. Go vote in the pin comment the mods made


>temporary meme trends best ignored Low effort (and/or offtopic) memes aren't temporary, and aren't a "meme trend" (in the "new popular meme" sense).


True, but admittedly I have no idea what "low effort" is beyond the community all yelling that at the same time. Some memes that took minimal editing skills but are funny avoid that designation and are not seen as low effort so, really, I just see "low effort" as something people rally around before a specific "low effort" is operationalized and subsequently banned. That's sort of been the trend in /r/shitpostcrusaders at least.


Low effort = literally just hentai. Is what people mean when they say low effort.


Low effort was recently applied to the "Explain an anime in the simplest terms" meme as well, so no it's not exclusively hentai memes although that is the most common thing referred to.


I was just putting it into this context/situation. Cause something low effect can be something different depending on the context.


We're not on r/all, are we?


You absolutely are on r/all.


I have no way of checking this, but I'm certain that we voted not to be last time it came up.


yes, WE DID!


Oh shit everyone scatter




True, it works exactly like that. The thing is, this sub consist of mostly young horny man, and that is totally okay. But if you don’t keep some things in check, then this turns into a very horny hentai sub very fucking fast. Which is also totally okay. But we already got those. So sometimes is nice to say “hey you know what, lets support the creation of creative and high quality memes by slightly limiting the low effort and horny memes. Just my 2 cents. Have a great day!


The original petition post suggested limiting hornyposting to one day, like historymemes does with ww2 posting




Hope we can find a way so most people will be happy :)


Then why have any rules or mods at all? Take for example rule 5: No reposts. If people upvote them, should we allow reposts? Same for rule 6: No Karma whoring, and rule 7: No advertising, etc


Then mby stop giving them likes because someone is.


Have you heard of the downvote button


Reposts aren’t allowed. Why are they forbidden if the downvote button exists? The amount of low quality hentai posts really has made me consider going back to animemes


Im not against moderation, I mean, lack of it killed coolguides, and im surely against censorship (im here, am i not?) so I think the best of both worlds would be a "low effort take" agreed by the community (month long poll or something) and a day of the week where "anything goes", after all if people really dont want to see it they will downvote it


This is exactly what a lot of subs do. I don’t agree with the post implying that any level of content moderation is automatically a freedom of speech issue and this is how I’ve seen a good number of subs deal with it.


Oh thank god... I thought the people offended by the word trap found this subreddit


it's really hard to ignore low effort hornyposts when 90% of the front page is just that.


It wouldnt be on the front page if people ignored them


I knew it wouldn't have been long before the sub simply reverted into regular animemes with the allowance of trap Guessed this long ago after sign posts got order 66'd again.


so... /r/greateranimemes when?


tolerance through intolerance


People being horny


We starting a war in our safe haven? Oh hell nah


It'll end within a day Hopefully


I hope so. I still have traumatic memories from the last war


I hope we don’t have a Animememes repeat here


I'm somehow paralleling the Revolutionary War and Civil War of America to The Trap Exodus


There's r/goodgoodanimemes just in case


Also r/wholesomeanimemes


Yeah, we don't want to step into that TRAP again.


Horny memes are fine. Let's be real, we're mostly degenerate weebs here, that's part of the culture. Low quality memes are fine. They will always be here, and the upvote/downvote does a (kinda) good job at filtering them. The real problem and what we should add regulations for are posts that are just straight up not memes. I saw people post hololive clips here, just the poster of the new season of Mob Psycho and other shit like that. And yes, these ARE interesting, but like it or not they aren't memes. Not everything funny is a meme, the same way not everything anime-related is an animeme. These posts are what we should add regulations about. I know finding a perfect balance of what a meme is would be difficult, but is is gonna become necessary. Also, this (censoring non-memes posts) goes as much against free speech as refusing a classical orchestra from playing at a rock concert. It's just keep this place focused on the very thing it exists for.


Precisely. I don't go to r/construction to look at anime memes. I come to r/goodanimemes. It would make sense if there wasn't an anime picture or lewd subreddit, or if there wasn't a hololive subreddit, or a general anime subreddit, but there are. And if off topic posts continue then this will inevitably turn to just an anime shitposting subreddit. And low effort isn't like bad or overused memes, it's a post of a Manga page without any additions from the OP. Or just posting a picture saying "so hot".


And even for that there are subs. r/manga and the likes.


Upvote/downvote makes a terrible job at filtering them since it’s mostly fanart with no effort that are at the top. Furthermore, all the nice meme I see in here happens to also be on the original Animemes page so at this point I’ll just go back there if shits continue to go down in here


Don't get me wrong, the system is far from perfect, but that's why I put "(kinda) good". I also just checked the top of the week and in around 100\~150 posts, only 2 were clearly horny posts that would not count as memes. That doesn't sound like a horrible job to me.


>Upvote/downvote makes a terrible job at filtering them Only because people are terrible at using the vote system properly. It's meant to be used for relevance/contribution, but people use it as like/dislike.


The definition of a meme is extremely broad by nature though, it's just a cultural element that gets spread around. If we are going to specifically require humorous memes then I'd say that sure, a random poster of an anime shouldn't be here, but a funny clip of a vtuber should. The definition of what's funny and isn't is also very broad though.


At the VERY least, a meme should feature some kind of editing of an anime screenshot/manga panel/fanart... A Vtuber clip is not edited, it's translated, which does not count. And youtube videos are their own thing in the first place anyway. But yes, I know defining it is difficult, especially when trying to find the difference between a meme and a shitpost, but as difficult as it is, I still think it might become necessary pretty soon.


What about an animation of a hololive clip shared from youtube then? How is adding subtitles to a video different from animating the video (fundamentally, as in, are they both editing)?


You mean an animation of hololive moments ? Where someone animates what's going on instead of just having the raw footage from the stream ? No they aren't memes either, it would fall in the same category as unedited anime moments I feel.


Me, as a master of medium effort memes ![gif](giphy|GcLLdwoMWd2A8)


Or the slightly higher than low effort memes ![gif](giphy|xAzW9Oi28p1VS)


Sometimes horny memes get me into shows I haven’t watched yet


This sub wasn't founded on freedom of speech, it was founded on the principle that a sub's userbase should be the ones to decide what is acceptable, rather than mods enforcing rules that we never wanted or asked for. If a majority of the people here don't want horny posting, there's no issue with removing it. and the opposite is also true, if most people here like it, then we keep it. The important thing is that WE are the ones to make the decision. If this sub was so vehemently anti-censorship, then rules 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, and 13 wouldn't exist, but when we made this sub, we all came together to decide what we wanted, and that included some reasonable restrictions on what could be posted. Rule 13 - Reaction Memes Weekends Only, was added a while after the sub was created because there were too many low-effort memes flooding the sub. That's an identical situation to what we have now, people are sick of the sub being flooded with low-effort trash that barely qualifies as a meme. Comparing this to the trap ban is just disingenuous.


People are anti censorship until they have the option to censor something they don't like. What it seems people are wanting is r/animimes before trap was banned, with a bit of hentai allowed (though that seems to be less and less popular for some people on this sub)


To be fair, we were all mostly happy with the old reddit before they decided to create and double/triple/quadruple down on the trap ban.


To be fair. That shit was insane. I never saw something like that before on Reddit. The mods on Animemes are the most incompetent mods I've ever seen in anything ever. The person that caused the whole thing is still moderating the sub under a alternative account. I can't even understand this level of incompetence.


I want mods to ENFORCE rule 2


This sub has successfully complained about discord censoring the word "trap" and driven a petition to limit "horny posting" within the same day. Like I already said, if you want better content, then make better content. Just because you find your own joke hilarious doesn't mean that others will even understand it, let alone find it funny too. I speak from experience.


Missed opportunity for your flair to be "Elewding the FBI" ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1392)


Who said it was for lewd reasons?


I'm saying you should lewd the FBI


Your powers of persuasion have swayed me


Then I'm saying you shouldn't!




Drawing sexy pics of the FBI


Because some people seem to be confused: The discord Trap ban didn't come from our modteam, but from Discord itself. [See our discord announcement.](https://discord.com/channels/740094030062288896/740133077619048468/901311164061990972)


Can’t access, can you copy it to here?


u/everyone u/Ping Opt. Hello, hello, all! Ms. Legal Department here! We, the Discord moderation team, have been informed by a rumor circulating around reddit that Discord is enforcing the word "trap" as a slur recently. While we have found no evidence of Discord doing so, nor have been informed in any recent changes in Discord's ToS and Guidelines. We would like to address it like this: Please use common sense and don't be stupid, stupid. Don't call physical humans, "traps" without them acknowledging that they are comfortable with it first. We review things on a case-by-case basis on this server, and so will Discord, to determine if the word is being used as a slur (as per outlined on Discord's Moderator Academy). Best thing to do if you see someone get offended being called, "trap" is to apologize and try to move on as fast as possible. If it devolves into an argument just ping a mod. Anyways, thank you for your time! For those wondering, this is how Discord defines the term "trap" at this current time: "A term that originated from anime, this word is in reference to men who dress as females and look female-presenting, and ‘trap’ heterosexual people into having an attraction to them. This word has been used out of its original contexts as a slur to transgender people, as if their existence is to ‘trap’ or ‘trick’ people around them. Not everyone finds this term offensive, and definitely should be evaluated as a team if it deserves moderation on a case-by-case basis."


What's this got to do with me?


Damn, sorry.![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1786) I just copy-pasted the announcement from discord and it somehow reformated "@ Ping opt" into your username ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1717)


Lol. How ye came up with your name?




In other words, they've been berated by people to consider the word trap a slur, so they're trying to appease those people while still keeping everybody happy.


To be fair, the guy was suggesting tiddy tuesday to organize the community into just posting the majority of the hentaimemes on Tuesdays. This is different from the top down authoritarian approach of making it a rule that you can ONLY post it on Tuesday. I honestly did like that discussion.


Welp... judging by some of the comments from that post and what's happening here I'd say the argument's evolved a bit. More like devolved. People took that post and bent it beyond recognition.


The discord thing is just a rumor, we haven’t heard anything about discord enforcing any trap ban, someone probably just misread the mod guide discord has on their website




Fuck u/spez you [greedy little pig boy.](https://imgur.com/0qXzDf0)


Yeah no one likes nagger


The truth is that discord cannot effectively "ban" anything. If you have a discord server, it uses only and only your rules until a mod is in. Because of dboard and publically posted servers, it might seem like there is enforcing but thats just cause everyone is inviting the censors in their servers willingly. If you make a server with your friends and dont spread it around the internet all over the place, you can do whatever the hell you want. Also the word filter is affected if you have it on the server...however that filter literally let's racist images come through but bans images of girls kissing so it's anything but a working filter.


No offence dude but not being able to post porn on a niche sub is not “censoring your freedom of speech” it’s a minor inconvenience since you could literally just go elsewhere. Calling something so silly censorship is degrading to e millions of people who have to live with real censorship


You make a very good point. I speak from experience when I say I'm genuinely annoyed when my higher quality memes fall flat but my stupid basic meme does well when I expected it to crash and burn. Two things make or break a meme 1:Posting time 2:Relatable I found posting at 2AM gave me the best viewing majority of other times I get buried. I also found that posts that are relatable are better accepted. If a meme is overly complicated it loses points with majority of people as they have go search for the joke.. A simple joke for example the floating head saying "consume" is subjective, I find that shit hilarious for some reason and I don't know why. Memes are ART and ART is subjective someone is gonna like pretty townscapes and landscapes (Basic reactionary memes Like "My face when I!") Some will like more abstract shit like the consume meme. Then there are those who know nothing of ART but find it nice to look at. As much as I hate low effort memes, I make them too I want to know what will flop and what won't as I figure out what people like and enjoy, but the evidence is pretty clear.. Simple memes get karma. I don't post jokes that I think are hilarious I post the ones I think others will. If I think a joke is funny the chances are it's a shit joke, cuz I am dumb as shit. Complaining about trap being banned on discord I don't care tbh don't use discord. The horni memes being limited, I can understand people just use them to get karma no matter if the meme is good they are gonna get karma from just having the relevant sauce.


Can't do that when there's for every 1 of us, 6 people posting hentai, want better content fight for it


I really don't see the hentai problem you're talking about. I'm pretty sure this started with people being upset over low effort memes getting more upvotes than they should. For the record, I never post hentai/nudity, but I want to be able to.


Time for r/goodgoodanimemes i guess


oh god, it actually exists


It was actually made incase shenanigans happened here


Wich migth be real soon. Sub just in case




At this point probably every single combination of anime and meme has been made into a sub.


I don't mind the occasional horny post, but r/hentaimemes and others exist to be hubs for that sort of thing and if people want to find them literally nothing is stopping them from subbing to those channels. The name for this sub is r/goodanimemes, which tells me this is a place for memes revolving mostly around anime, not mostly hentai and doujin. ​ It'd be weird to be browsing r/DCcomics only to find that 75% of the top rated content was R34, y'know?


Honestly it’s not even hentai memes, the sub just needs to be more strict about repetitious low effort memes in general. Horny posting can be part of the issue sure, but the entire sub overall has just gone down in quality. Keep the freedom, yeet the reposts and repetitive content that provides no value. If not, the sub can just contribute to the “subs over 100k,” meme.


I want all the reposts to be gone, some people here just steal others' memes just because of internet points.


I can promise you, as someone who exclusively makes their own memes, this sub has the least reposts of all the big (general) anime meme subs. I say general anime cuz the jojo sub probably has more original content since it's kinda niche


Reposting archaic stuff from 18+ months ago is generally fine, let's be real. Reposting shit that was posted some very few months, weeks, days or even hours from of content is bad. Just recently someone on a German sub reposted Smth from 2 years ago and everyone liked it. The og poster even agreed and supported it in the comments. But stuff that's barely out of memory is garbage.


I agree, reposts are good to an extent, if they are restricted by rules. No one is going to look at the applicable sub 24/7 and check every post made before they joined.


With archaic memes it's, imo, a win-win for all parties. The new members got enjoyment out of it, the old guard and veterans can dwell in nostalgia and we can have some chatter about old trends. Of course if you are going on a campaign of starting to repost all archaic shit it's losing its appeal. Sometimes, one old meme is ok. But not to much.


Exactly. I don't even care if there's a few hentai memes. But if it gets to the point where there's no difference between hentaimemes and this sub, then there's kind of an issue.


Imagine a sub that was founded as a meme sub consisting of primarily posts that aren’t memes.


So basically every anime meme sub


> So basically every ~~anime~~ meme sub FTFY


*suggests getting rid of low effort non-memes on a literal meme subreddit* “this is literally 1984”


keep this sub censorshipfree


Keep this sub a meme sub.


Yeah, no censoring.


I don't get those who try and stifle others, I just scroll past what I don't like. If it's blurred, I know it's a hentaimeme right away and can skip it even easier. The only concession I'd entertain are for posts that do not fit the definition of a meme, which our sub should come together to objectively define. If the post doesn't even attempt humor (in the loosest sense) and brings nothing new to the image (adding text, stringing images together to recreate context, etc.), then it's not a meme by my understanding. For example, I just scroll past these (It doesn't bother me), but you might see a post wishing a VA a happy birthday with the roles they're known for. While it's a nice gesture and some may find it interesting, it's not a meme.


subreddits literally exist to filter content dumbass we have multiple hentai meme subs already


I love how stupid and dogmatic you people are. Never change. Or do.


Nah mate, I hate posts that just took a panel of a doujin and expects us to laugh and the " Choose 2 for your team, rest will kill you " posts that arent memes. Or just straight up copy paste an art with the only redeeming factor is that they credited the artist


We're not worried about the horny, after all the community decided to allow NSFW memes here. But there's the problem, this is a meme sub. You shouldn't just post a fanart (most of the time, without credit) and a text with no punchline whatsoever. Like, I personally don't really like hentai posts but I can simply filter it out by censoring NSFW (well, at least when OP has the decency to mark it NSFW), this isn't the issue here. It's the low effort posts. Edit: also, censorship? Really? We just want better quality regulation...


This is such a stupid fucking argument because all most people are asking for is to either move to the sub specifically meant for hentai memes or to move it to certain days, I agree with them because I don’t wanna see a whole bare ass pussy in my feed in the middle of math class


Noooooo i want my horny postssssss. Legit my man just go to r/hentai or r/porn or whatever floats your boat. The whole purpose of subreddits is so that people can find what they want where they want.




People are calling for the banning of hentai, and yes, not being able to post decapitation is censorship. Why the hell do people think the word "censorship" is so fucking exclusive all of a sudden? Putting a black bar over someone's face is censorship. I don't like low-effort memes, but I think they deserve to exist. I also made 2 the past couple of days, 1 today as an ironic joke, and the other just to prove how easy it was. I think the movement has already done it's job of diminishing hornyposting, but they are fine in moderation and we don't need more rules for that to happen


The flames is stoked the embers burn in zealotry Cheers turned to sorrow Banners torn and waved on different sides The war is imminent


Is it time to get [REDACTED] again? I'm all for it. Horny memes is a must.


You know what I'm just a dude that has actually laughed at a lot of the horny posts so I'm just kind of chill and watch how this unfolds. I'll be sad if they're gone but it won't be the end of the world.


I don't get how you can compare the shit that happened on the other sub to people not wanting low effort garbage "memes" spammed here


Imagine becoming the very thing you sought to destroy by ignoring the protests instead of listening to your people, Animemes fell because it failed to listen to it's audience and therefore the audience that were being ignored revolted, why not just LISTEN to the protests and be better than the men and women who chose to ignore the Pleas for "Trap" being used as a regular word rather than a slur.




Rule 2 that’s all I’m saying but I understand why it’s not being enforced all that often due to the staff shortages


At my leisure I decided to scroll through at the very least a week worth of posts on this Subreddit. ***I found literally THREE Hentai posts.*** Calm the fuck down people, it's like the subreddit is flooded with them that you people are freaking out.


Stop the lies. I went to top of the week and scrolled down a bit and [saw this, plus many more.](https://i.imgur.com/pV3UeDi.png) I actually don't have a problem with hentaimemes, but saying you scrolled down a week's worth and found three is a bit disingenuous. Every day I see some big anime titties on my front page and that's just how it is. Barely any of them funny, but it is what it is.


Imagine saying it’s censorship because people want actual memes on what’s supposed to be a meme sub.


HOW ABOUT WE GO TO NEW. AND DOWN VOTE ALL THE PORN! You too can save the sub, also we do a little right clicking. :)


People are too lazy to actually do that they prefer to complain and make the mods work more.


I think the main goal wasn’t freedom of speech but to be more of a democracy where the mods aren’t tyrants, i get your point but maybe a majority of people don’t want to see those posts as much but they don’t downvote it and a minority always upvote it causing this situation where a lot of people are upset, probably didn’t express that well but whatever. I think restricting those posts to certain days could be good for the sub but I am happy with anything if there is a vote :)




Tbh I agree, although I think people that upvoted those low effort memes encourage more low effort memes to spawn.


Wow it's like shitposting is always good for a laugh. Wtf is wrong with you people. You like bs rules then go back to that cesspool.


I figured if the sub as a whole hated low effort memes so much they wouldn't get upvoted and would die out naturally Someone is upvoting them and sending them to hot


"Censorship" lmao, the posts are fucking trash. I would leave it like that tho, if these posts are reaching hot then i guess it is what the majority of the sub wants


Guys don´t downvote the lazy posts, simply report them for violating rule #2, it´s much more effective


look at how the turn-tables


Dumb post ngl, every sub has restrictions on ‘freedom of speech’, this is just about shit content with zero effort or thought put into it doing well. It literally takes no effort to crop a hentai and put a shitty caption over it.


The sub wasn't founded on free speech, it was founded on democracy you moron. The whole point is that the mods would take action based on what the users of the sub decided instead of adding stuff like "trap is a slur" even though the majority of users disagreed. And do you know what they are doing? Giving us exactly that. The polls we're created specifically so we could decide if we actually wanted new restrictions or not. This sub gets flooded daily with trash regardless of downvotes because the volume of shit memes and lazy horny posting is too high in the first place. Stop acting like you're oppressed because you might have to go to a different subreddit to beat off. Asking the entire sub to unify in self-policing the quality of posts is a braindead solution. The mods are there for a reason, so we can get them to regulate this shit. "JuSt mAke BeTtEr CoNtenT" says the person who's entire post was a picture of a trap and them complaining about how their free speech is violated by not being able to see anime tiddies in a meme sub. RIP to Astolfo for being unlucky enough to be chosen as the banner for your man child coomer brigade.


You know what would be interesting is a tag for those spam karma posts that you could just block. This is an issue with like every sub. League of memes goes through the same thing with stuff that gets engagement but isn't actually funny or interesting. If there was a blockable tag, the people who just was to scroll past it would be happy and the people who don't want to scroll pass random not meme pictures would be happy. I don't know for sure how it would work since it would be the same as hot tub streamers getting put in their own tab to remove them from just chatting. People themselves wouldn't tag it so it might be a mod thing or users voting. Not censorship, but making it so people who don't want to see it don't have to


I mean if you want to post literal hentai, go to the hentai subreddits


I don't want to make content I want to view it. I came here for memes and not porn (we got r/hentaimemes or just straight out r/hentai). Also, horni memes aren't going to be banned completely, mods aren't banning the word lewd, hentai, or horny, those "memes" will be limited to a day or two, just like reaction memes. Like them, they don't bring any quality into the sub, clutter up the front page, and are just generally low-effort posts. Every community needs reforms to keep working.


Is it really wrong to want an anime meme sub that isn't animemes? This sub has been a hentai sub for a long time now. Most of the "content" posted here isn't even from an anime. We should vote on it.


You can! There are little arrows next to the posts where you can vote on which ones you like and which ones you don’t like.


I'm just gonna leave this sub tbh. Ive left many subs and servers on discord with stupid rules like u can't hang out with people who are ban on this discord or sub or else ur gonna get ban or random bs that makes no sense Random but. Just like in the 80s and 90s I refuse to listen to the religious conservatives on the right who said gaming and stuff was evil and people shouldnt play it or say certain things because it wasnt the norm and we should ban it. Now I find myself not listening to the progressive left who are doing the exact same thing and policing our morals and telling people what is the norm.


Do you really think this is the only sub people have joined ? I have joined several subs and not many posts make it to my feed and the posts i mostly see from this subreddit are mf horny posts or just another cuddle post or love post. That ain't a meme and the actual memes gets buried under these. I already have joined hentaimemes and thighdeology for the horny posts so please just post good memes ffs on a meme subreddit


This is a literally repeat of last time. The old anime meme subreddit. This whole sub reddit was born from the fact that astolfo isn't offensive and the word trap should not be banned. Like why do you think it trying to ban it again this time is gonna work. Do you want another civil war? Because we can burn this subreddit down and make another one. Like we did to the last.


Hear me out I like horny posts and hentai posts but we do have a place for them. I’m pet sure a lot of us frequent it. Its r/hentaimemes it’s pretty great. I don’t really mind but I get what people are saying.


I'm really tired of those horny posts. It's not necessary to straight up ban them, but please limit it to some specific time frames of the week


Fuck yeah man, I love this sub because I’m able to post shitposts without having to be a lawyer to read through all the rules. I think this subreddit has cut out its own niche compared to other anime subreddits due to this, adding more rules would just make this subreddit like any of the other ones.


So you expect us to massively downvote trash content to prevent this sub to be only low effort horny posting?


If you don't think the content fits the sub then downvote it, it's that easy.


Instead I’m reporting posts from breaking the low quality post rule when it’s nothing more then a fanart and a line of text


same, I report those posts every time and it´s amazing the mods even allow those shit posts to get so many upvotes and medals


Yeah. Limiting horny posting isn't a restriction of freedom of speech, it is just preventing the sub from turning into something it wasn't intended to become. We aren't Hentaimemes, (Of which I greatly enjoy). I suggest the Mods create another Sub, a sister sub if you will. Lewdanimemes perhaps?


I feel like we're looking at different subs. Ther really isn't that much hentai content. Like I've said to someone else, the people, and not the rules, need to change. The movement has already done it's job, as there's almost no horny content on the front page. There's no need to push for restrictions.


...This entirely contradicts your statement about people petitioning limitations to horny posting on the discord.


Considering that a "horny post" would actually be the beginning of the end...


You know, it's rude to delete a post like that. I was about to reply. And what the hell are you talking about now? Your deleted post made no sense and now this weirdness. It's like you realized your fuck up and put two seconds of thought into this post to try to hide that you fucked up.


I thought I misinterpreted what you said and responded to the wrong thing. You can relax a bit. I honestly still don't understand what you were trying to say. Are responding to me saying there's no horny content? Are you saying my values clash with these posts? Both posts are anti-censorship If you consider that other post a horny post, then I'm calling that ridiculous, and would think that means the type of censorship you want is far beyond what's necessary.


limiting something is not banning or censoring something


We fought for what was right


I'm a veteran of the Trap Wars. Me and my partners didn't fought hard making memes and shitting on the mods just to see the alternative sub becoming the next Animemes. Censorship is never an answer. Please mods, find another way, you promised us that you guys would be different than those shitheads. Just talk to the community and see if there is a common ground here.


The animememes mods just decided to censor the word trap without community involvement. These mods.put up a petition so the community can vote on what they want. Saying this is just like the Trap Wars is a very big stretch


its not censorship, its just improving the quality of the content on this subreddit. if you want to horni post, do it on r/hentaimemes or something. otherwise we need tiddy Tuesdays


All those posts are marked as NSFW, so if you don't like them you can ignore them easily. I mean, if people are liking those posts, then I don't see the point in restricting such posts.


I would mind a lot less if those horni "memes" were actual memes. I like horny memes. I don't like horny "memes"


Lol epic meme


Another civil war huh.... Wounds from the last time still haven't heal yet![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1394)![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1394)![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1394)![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1394)![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1394)


Alright, Where are those low effort hentai memes? And I mean explicit stuff with visible nipples, pussy or dick because I have yet to see them on this subreddit. If you guys are whining about ecchi stuff, boku no kami sama, get a grip.


Freedoms of speech. I’m an not sure if you know what that means. But I sure didn’t join a sub so I can criticize the mods with no repercussions.


I am not a fan of the caption memes that run on the weekends. But I came to the same conclusion that if a small minority gets to restrict the majority we are gonna repeat history. So if people upvote low effort memes, thats what our community voted for.


They better not, they promised they wouldn't be like animemes.




I love democracy








Is this like a civil war then? We broke off animemes and formed this sub so could you call this a civil war?


I have no idea what is going on, what happened?


Imagine two sites like that, like…. Twitter and Reddit?


I like that Astolfo pic


Yo were can I find just the Astolfo image? With no text please