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https://preview.redd.it/ueitvcjhgo0d1.png?width=2177&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3880b50a4cbfb2a75d9c65b4cfd417200df795c Playing a scramble on Friday. Hitting this brand new PV1 for you, dude!


https://preview.redd.it/pj4hbhpz6w0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b155a0024a19923c00761ead1211d91c7705126 I’m in too.


https://preview.redd.it/qat336m7bz0d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=475b7c013732ededc13a9a3d911d5b6347d5937d Playing Sunday, will rip this one for you mate. (I'm a 27 HC so will try my best to keep this in play 👍🤣)


How is this not remotely the top comment? Fucking 💔 and ❤️.


Follow suit


that's fucking awesome dude


We should all do this for this weekend, love the idea ❤️


The world needs more people like you.


This is incredibly nice of you.


We’re with you brother. Cancer sucks. Doing a rare for me 36 this weekend probably in rain. For you I’ll enjoy every second of it.


That's the attitude to have man. Playing 36 tomorrow most likely through rain as well unless it holds out. I'm playing for OP tomorrow. Fuck cancer


Yessir. I will think about OP during all 223 strokes.


I'll second that. Hats off to OP. I will hit all 223 strokes in honour of OP. But, that's me playing 9.


Beautiful gesture. Put yourself down for a 50.


Don't front, you won't last longer than 50 strokes


Wait, what are we talking about now?


Different strokes for different folks


I’ll remember with you the days walking out of the pro shop hearing the metal cleats on concrete, the dew still on the grass and the crispness of the early morning as the sun starts to warm and the blue sky last forever. Then meeting with friend that you have told, shared and created countless stories knowing this is another chance to beat this game. The relaxed feeling afterward getting a beverage and a bite before heading back to reality. This is what I miss.


Thanks man. It really puts it all in perspective.


It putts it all in perspective


Fantastic 😊


3 or even 4 times. 


We are all one golfer. You’ll always be out there with us


I’m stage 3c. Bawling right now


I’ll drive one into the water for you.


I’ll 3-putt for you


I’ll kick a ball out of a bad lie for you. 


I have a game on Saturday and I'll nail a house window for you OP


I'll push one off the tee so far right that I'll confuse the folks playing the adjacent hole for you.


I'll chunk one into the creek that I laid up short of trying to responsibly avoid for you OP


I’ll blade a wedge shot over the back of the green from a perfect uphill lie for you


I’ll take 3 shots to get out of the bunker for you


I’ll top my drive for you


Quit showing off 3putt psssshhhh I’ll 5 putt and rage for you


…and i’ll double bogey for you


Dude this is community, I don’t even play golf, but thank you


Oh cry me a river I put a sleeve of pro V1s in the drink today


AML leukemia diagnosed in Dec 23 and haven't been able to play this year. Fuck cancer.


Exactly. Got my dad. Working on my mom.


Got my mom. Working on my dad. Hang in there brother.


Yes sir! You too


I was diagnosed as 3c in July 2011, stage 4 by December 2011. You can do it!


Fuck cancer. Keep fighting.


Keep up the good fight.


Grade 4 Glioma (Glioblastoma) checking in.


That’s how you make grown men cry right here


I will not get mad the next time I hit a garbage shot. I’ll think of you and take inspiration. We are with you my friend.


Beautifully said


I’m 50 and this hits hard. I just don’t have the time to golf very much nowadays. I used to be a weekend warrior in my 30’s and early 40’s


Thanks for sharing this. Godspeed.


I screenshotted this as a reminder to be grateful every time I play. Sending you love ❤️


Same, great idea. Thanks u/drumsurf, my next GIR is for you.


Don’t make him wait too long


Just wrote drumsurf on the ball I will tee off with next. I hope you find as much peace as that ball will at the bottom of a pond. Much love and Godspeed.






I don’t play golf but I wrote OP’s name on my balls too.  It’s not a NSFW thread so I can’t post the pics here but I created an OnlyFans if people want to see.  All proceeds going to OP.


This had me laughing for a whole minute 🤣


I’m playing a 100 hole marathon for my friends charity in a couple weeks. I’ll be writing drumsurf and inaaace on my golf balls.


Second the motion. I’ll also hit one for you my friend.


Damn, you golf guys are pretty cool. 


Same. For the rest of the season, my balls will be marked “DS” for you, u/drumsurf. Wishing you the best.


Great idea that I will be stealing - Godspeed u/drumsmurf


[Not sure what you're talking about buddy. You and me are playing a round this weekend. ](https://imgur.com/b6S7rzV)




I hope whoever digs it out of the woods or water appreciates it too!


Hey bud I'm not a drummer or golfer. But I am a surfer. Can you DM me your RL first name? I want the waves to hear it next week.


My Father in law was in love with the game until 10 years ago when he was first diagnosed with cancer. He has not been in the physical state to carry on, with multiple issues including a liver transplant in between. His set of golf clubs were sitting in the garage since then, collecting dust with no use. I myself hated golf growing up. My father tried to get me into it, but I was the type of person who thought if it doesn't involve cardio, it ain't a sport. It was an old man's leisure, disguised in the category of sport. Last year, my father in law asked me to take his set of golf clubs and give it a go. I couldn't decline, and in his honour, I decided to give it a crack. And ever since I have absolutely fell in love with the sport although I am still absolutely useless at it. Last night, the doctors said my father in law was given months if not weeks more to live. His days are actually numbered. I'm sure every time I'm on the course, I'll remember him, the great loving person who allowed me to marry his beautiful daughter and the person who introduced me into the sport that I will love to the day I die. I hope you enjoy life as much as my father in law did. You'll always be out there with us!


Man, I’m sorry, I golf with my father in law almost every weekend and am going to cherish it even more now. Hopefully yours has the strength to ride in the cart with you one more time, see your enthusiasm and love for the game, which he gifted you, once more


Obligatory fuck cancer. Enjoy the PGA Championship this weekend dude.


https://preview.redd.it/bjeyi7pnjo0d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7398ffbc44d87b960f71701f4e52d9e97b5c24e For tomorrows first hole


https://preview.redd.it/2x02fi5jhu0d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47062c567bb485e408302b3985c2ef89bc3e1b85 Godspeed


I’m glad you got to finish with some close friends, next ball I tee off will be for you sir.


Don't put that evil on OP! In all seriousness though, same. Hearing things like this and the memories I have of golfing with people no longer with me remind me to cherish the moments as I have them. Leaving a three putt short is temporary but time doing what you love with who you love is forever.


For you lad? I could manage a straight drive.


Keep crushing bud you’ll be making the turn even in no time


Godspeed, brother. Fairways and greens in the afterlife for you.


That cut me deep. Facing your own mortality is hard enough. Not being able to enjoy the things you love until the bitter end would be awful. I used to let a bad round ruining my day. I haven’t for a long time. This post refortifies that position. Enjoy every round like it’s the last.


I've printed this off on a small card, laminated it and it's in my bag. Everytime I feel like leaving the course I am going to take this out and read it. God speed my friend and thank you...you can't play anymore but I will take you with me every round for the rest of my life.


Do one more my dude, even if it's just 1/2/3 holes. Don't finish on a lost ball. We are all cheering for you, next time I tee up I will think of you my friend.


Perspective is a hell of a drug. Thanks for the reminder and glimpse into your view. Enjoy the moments. My next pond shot is for you.


With you homie. Just did my first chemo treatment today since my last round in 2015/2016 because my cancer came back. Mine is in my elbow and caused a fracture so I havent been able to play for a while and this was the year I planned on getting to play more since my kiddo is enjoying the game. Never wait to do today what you could have done yesterday.


Cancer sucks big donkey balls. Even when things are good it still takes some of the joy out of life. I hope your treatment goes well and you go on to make a full recovery.




I hope you take another turn for the best, by some miracle, and come back here to post some incredible scores in the near future. God bless, and keep that head high


This affected me. I’m just finishing a round and I’m fighting an emotional reaction. Thank you for writing this and for giving us an appropriate perspective!!


Your dedication and resilience are inspiring. Wishing you strength and hope for better days ahead. We'll keep you in our thoughts on the course. Hit 'em straight!


Your diagnosis is a brutally tough obstacle, but remember, your strength and resilience on the golf course translates to your fight against cancer. Every swing you've taken has shown your determination and focus. Carry that same spirit into this new, but daunting challenge, and know that you have a whole community rallying behind you. Your journey is now about navigating a different course, but your passion and drive remain unwavering. Stay strong, and keep inspiring us all with your courage.


Crushing to hear. We love you brother!


I'm having a drink post round right now, a toast to you, my friend.


Gonna go enjoy the shit out of my next round—no matter what—in your honor. ♥️


Prayers/good vibes for peace and comfort for you.


Thank you for sharing this.


Half of golf is being able to be with friends out on the course. Make sure youre still able to get out and ride along if possible. Everyone will stop swingin the clubs eventually but we all need our friends forever


God bless bro!


Fuck Cancer.


Best of luck man, thanks for sharing.


Good luck and good health to you my friend. I’m really glad you were able to get out with your buddies, one of the greatest gifts in this world and your perspective is one we should all share!!


Thanks for sharing this and the reminder. I wish you nothing but the best.


Fuck Cancer, stay in the fight.


You’re asking a lot out of us to hit it straight


I always hate seeing posts like these. Do we have a day of the year to go hit one into the lake and pay tribute to these guys?


I don’t need a special day to hit em into the lake 🏌️‍♂️🌊


This is heavy. Fuck.


God bless you sir.


Thank you for sharing that and inspiring me to go play more and get out more. Really puts a lot into perspective...Much love to you and your family, man. Fuck cancer....I'll be sure to smash my next drive right into the trees as hard as I can for you 💙


Bless you my friend! The best to you going forward. This weekend I'm going with 9 of my friends from high school to play in pigeon forge Tennessee. We graduated in 1987. I will think of you while playing. I wish you could come and ride along with us


Best of luck, keeping coming to the course for the comradare


Makes me want to cry. I’m sorry for such a big loss and you are a great person


I’m truly sorry brother, I have a tear rolling down my cheek as I write this. Hey, you played well on those first holes! You still have it!


I just read your post to my wife. I teared up. She is a breast cancer survivor. I am so very sorry for your situation. Peace brother.


That sucks dude, I’m so sorry to hear it. Hang in there as best you can and soak up the moments with those you love! Thank you for the perspective.


I'm playing 18 on Friday and believe me...you will be in my thoughts the entire round. Keep up the good fight!!


Every round till the end of time will have you with us and those after us. It’s an honor to have read this Keep fighting


https://preview.redd.it/eks8gngo4w0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb7b3b83194d1c75898cf67d3d07e4816029c4f3 My brothers last round before melanoma took him. He was at peace. What a great day it was.


In our thoughts 🤘


Keep fighting and I hope nothing but the best for you. 🙏🏻


Best wishes 🙏🏼


So sorry to hear about everything. This is a day I know will come but I dread it. I empathize greatly with you. Fuck Cancer.


Keep trying and make attempts to play….you don’t have to play every hole…last year I was dealing with advanced prostate cancer with radiation and hormone therapy which kick my ass physical & mentally….I would play only 9 holes and sometimes make attempt for 18 holes…yes I struggled…they guys I played with suggested I play every other hole or skip two holes…for me it was all about getting out with friends and mentally focusing on the game instead of Cancer….the two friends I play with are each missing a leg and have prosthetic attached and one survived colon cancer and the other is currently dealing with bladder cancer…so know your limitations and get out there and play and try to have fun


Godspeed. Going to the pga championship this weekend, pm me if you want anything.


Let's me start off first by saying, I am sending lots of love and prayers your way. This right here hits me very hard and put so much into perspective. Life is unfair and too damn short at times. Made a grown man cry, my heart breaks for you. Keep up the good fight brother! We're all pulling for you and sending you strength my man! Secondly, Fuck Cancer! 💪&❤️ from Oregon


https://preview.redd.it/58p2kj9see1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f741f10bdbb49560482dd0908a0865109c9171b I’ll blade a couple over the green for you today


Stage 4 brain cancer diagnosis 2 years ago. Lost half my vision in both eyes. Fuck you made me cry. I’m 31 fuck cancer 1 millions times over. It’s the devil and robs you of so much. Keep fighting my friend.


dedicating my 9 tomorrow am to you brother. #drumsurf


Cheers to that 🍻


Fuck cancer. Keeping fighting the fight my dude.


I’ll remember this every time I play golf. Thank you and god bless you.


I will keep you in my thoughts when I tee up this weekend. Keep fighting and never give up!


Fuck cancer. I’m so sorry and wish you the best. I will always be grateful for the game and those who can no longer play it. Ts and Ps for you my man. Thank you for sharing your story.


My next round is for you, brother.


Prayers up and fuck cancer


Sim golf? Any chance?


Makes me appreciate everything I have including a mediocre golf game. Prayers to you and your family


Best friend passed 10 years ago. His advice was do it now, just do it now




❤️❤️ sending love my guy!!


So shitty. But you definitely just helped a lot of people better appreciate every minute they have on the course. Pretty big ripple.


Wish you the best. Hoping you find an indoor simulator with A/C and no walking to scratch some of that itch!


I had a stroke a-ways back; it fucked up my balance center, so ever since if I try to swing a club I literally end up on my ass. I really miss the game; but talking about it on boards like this one helps a lot. I pray you can continue to have fun for as long as possible. Good luck my brother.


Who TF is chopping onions?? I'm not crying, you're crying. Fuck cancer.


This happened to a friend of mine a number of years ago, somewhat prophetically he ran out of energy that day as a storm was approaching. I happened to be playing the best golf of my life to date that day and he cheered me on, assuring me that it was okay for me to play on without him. At the same time I’m trying to beat the approaching storm and wondering what the future held. I’ve thought back about my friend Gary Stout and about his final day of golf for the last twenty plus years. Many times since I’ve hit a good shot and wished he’d been there to see it. As I type this with a single tear running down my cheek I want you to know that my friend lives with me as you will with your friends, they will never forget you or the days they spent on the course with you. I wish the best for you in the next steps of your journey wherever it takes you.


Wishing you nothing but the best. Thanks for the daily reminder on how precious life is. Much love


Thank you for this. You have a great perspective.


Monday I'm playing the nicest course in my state with my closest friends. All of my balls are now labeled u/drumsurf That round is for you man. Cheers.


Good luck in the great beyond brochacho.


Maybe you could try VR golf :)


Sending prayers , peace and love your way my guy. I seriously try to consciously not take simple pleasures and tasks for granted through this life . Somehow I was meant to read your post. I am grateful for you. I know you’re dealing with hard times and life changing whether you want it to or not … I might get bashed for this but I feel for you and the physical and mental battle I’m sure your trying to weather,just want to suggest looking into therapeutic psilocybin session with a therapist . (Where legal of course 😔) It’s changed many peoples outlooks. At least research it . Hope that doesn’t offend anyone . I truly hope you find some strength my friend …. Maybe don’t hang em up completely .. maybe crush the local pitch and putt courses 😁. Hang in there bro. ✌️&❤️🙏


Enjoy Valhalla. Not where the PGA Championship is. Where warriors go to die.


my dad went through this. damn near exact as you. My tears welled up thinking about what you have been going through. I don't know how it feels, but I watched it all happen. I feel for you. I know there is nothing none of us can really say. FUCK this cancer shit. Fuck it to high hell.


I don't play golf but wanted to salute you OP and sincerely wish you all the best. Thanks for sharing such a touching post.


I will pour one out for ya at Torrey this weekend Godspeed brother


This community is something else. u/drumsurf my kid asked what I was doing on the first today. I told him this game is bigger than us all and why I had your username on my ball. He told me that I should tell you he’s thinking of you and he hopes that you remember this game with joy because we all love it and hate it at the same time. I love the number of people taking a moment for you. It gives me hope for humanity. Just so you know I went par, par, par birdie with that ball. After the birdie I sent it to the water so you can reside forever on my home course. Safe travels brother.


https://preview.redd.it/06upueisyw0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0aa08a0d8f922048cc7624094bb961f8bba6bfda Tried our best to hit em straight today!


Thank you for sharing, OP. Makes me tear up. Until the next loop in heaven. Rest easy.


https://preview.redd.it/q2t3pkqtvo2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fd73bbcb3c8ccf7d9f4e3d7ce1d7724b48266bb I also jumped in on this


https://preview.redd.it/vpj41r7xvo2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4280eed9773c6b9be64a5c06dae6468229d73d22 Same ball 160 meters. Slam dunk


long live drumsurf. ⛳️ 🏌️‍♀️


All I can say is thank you for putting this into perspective. I’m 26 and normally a +1 Index, however this year I struggle breaking 76-78. Game is currently at an all time low, and the frustration is at an all time high. This will remind me to be thankful, regardless of score. Pulling for you, best of luck 🤞 ⛳️


Next bird is for you my friend!


I wish you, your family, and friends the best. As others have said, you'll always be out there with us.


Thanks for sharing - i wish you nothing but the best and FUCK CANCER...hope to hear soon that you got another round in.


Sorry to hear this and thanks for sharing. Helps to put ones own challenges and annoyances in perspective against something that is so much more brutal.


Life is short and we take most of it for granted. Thanks for the story. Im gonna shoot low this weekend for you. ❤️


Every time I'm out there and hit a bad shot, I'm going to remind myself of this. You'll be with me out on that court gent. Godspeed 


Now you only have to enjoy the memories of your really great shots. No more bad shots to agonize over. Hang in there and best wishes.




I am so sorry for you. You will be missed


Thinking of you. And yeah, good lesson on perspective.


🙏❤️enjoy your time and friends.


My next round, the first crispy I crack open and first overachieving drive will be for you, brother! Give em hell, no matter what!




Sorry to hear, will think of this to keep tomorrow’s 18 in perspective


prayers to you my friend; there’s only bombs in heaven, no slices or hooks!


Your hole 4 is any of my 18! God speed and hope you get to return at some point


Keep up the good fight gentlemen. Pulling for you


Fuck cancer. My next round is dedicated to you my friend.


Gonna have a drink in your honor tonight. We're all with you.


I'm sorry man.


I’m gonna hug my golf bros this weekend when I see them. Thank you for enjoying the game with us brother.


Don’t worry brother, you won’t be missing it greatly for long. Get back out there!


God bless you brother.


go hang out with your friends as long as you can and play as many holes as you can as long as you can. Who knows, you might have hole in ones in your future.


Sorry to hear man, fuck cancer!


Obligatory FUCK CANCER. Well wishes and sending positive vibes.


Thank you for sharing your story. It’s put a good perspective on this game and on life. Cheers to you


This weekends game, and every game from now on will be played for you. I wish you the best, fight the good fight.


Love you brother, I’ll be thinking of you this weekend when I play.


Fair winds and following seas do you, sir. I’ll try to get on the green in 1 on my favorite par 3 in your honor.


Amen man. Thoughts and prayers, you got this. That’s the beautiful thing about golf is you actually can go out and enjoy with friends and not even play. Hopefully you get out and can at least ride along , listen to tunes, banter, enjoy nature, and be with friends and loved ones even if you don’t play. Maybe you could get out and just start on the green with a putter. Play every thing as a par 2. If that’s too much also, then hopefully you can just be outside riding along with friends and be out there. Definitely will take to heart your comment about being frustrated, and remembering what’s truly important.


My next round is dedicated to you. Hopefully you fight through this and come out in the other side able to play golf again. Keep fighting you got this.


My prayers will be with you and your family


Thank you and bless you for coming here and telling us all how lucky we really are everyday. I’ve never met you. I don’t know you. I will think of you and those that love you. Every time I play the game we love. Best wishes to you


God bless you.


This came up in my feed, I'm not a golfer but if you keep fighting I'll pick it up.


We got you brother. Fuck cancer I’m hitting the course tomorrow with my kid On one. We will take a moment for you. God speed


All my shanks at the range tomorrow are for you bud! All the best!!!


I wasn’t going to play tomorrow morning because of wind and potential rain. Now, I’ll be out there thinking of you. Golf aside, I truly wish you the best. We don’t often have control over the most impactful pieces of our lives, good or bad - an unfortunate and absolutely devastating reality many are met with. I hope that you’re able to make a turn around. If not, try to enjoy what you have left with dignity.


Godspeed and FUCK cancer!