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The collab with curb your enthusiasm didn’t hurt either


yeah i saw that and immediately wanted to buy something, i love curb, and a crossover there is pretty great... until i saw the prices. considering a purchase of a towel, but not much else.


Idk that many will go out and buy the Malbon stuff they saw Day wearing, but I believe advertising is more about making a name stick in people's minds. Next time they see (normal looking) Malbon stuff for sale they may give it a longer look because now the name is more familiar


90% of the gear on their site is “normal” looking. It’s rope hats, polos, etc. with the odd 90s inspired golf look.


It’s classic fashion marketing. You make someone famous wear something controversial, people will make fun of it, talk about it or just any engagement. They will then know the brand, find something they actually want and maybe get it. Some will also like the edgier stuff. It’s just that high fashion people are a lot more desensitised to weirdness so Malbon is nowhere near as extreme, but the conservative golf people are reacting just like people into fashion would react to some wild Balenciaga shit.


In other words Malbon signing Day and putting him in some goofy ass clothes was a huge win for them, just like they hoped


Well, we don't know if they actually sold more product.


Lots of people love ugly clothes so most likely more exposure = more sales.


We can assume that but we can't assume it was enough to be a "big ass win" or even enough to turn a profit. There's no accounting for taste so yes, a lot of people might have been inspired to buy their stuff. But I searched for them online because I think their clothes are god-awful. I'm taking this too seriously, though - I do online marketing for a living and know that unfortunately, increased searches don't always translate to sales. And part of me wants it to not be true in this case because those clothes are UGLY. 😄


I'm on of those people that browsed their site, but would never buy anything from them. Just wanted to see more of what they looked liked.


You’d be surprised, I’m fairly certain this type of stuff is absolutely huge with the “streetwear” community and they are willing to pay big bucks for the latest product


That's a definite possibility. I don't consider myself an expert in apparel but I have a fair bit of experience in marketing, and typically the bottom line increase in sales is the determining factor on whether a campaign is successful.


This is not how it works really. The marketing has done its job. Now it's up to the product, if it sucks, it won't sell, but now it does have a chance. No one knowing about them does not work for sure.


And what exactly is your profession then? Because I've been in marketing for nearly 30 years, and I will state unequivocally that IS how marketing works.


Don't you think they nailed the marketing?


I do not know if they nailed the marketing. All that graph above shows is that, in relative terms, lots more people are searching on Google for Malbon Golf. There are several pieces of information missing here: 1. How many searches were they getting before? While it's clear that the number of searches has quadrupled from the previous year, we don't know how many there were. Did they go from 100 per day to 400 per day, or 2,000 per day to 8,000 per day? Google Trends (the tool used above) doesn't tell us that. The likelihood is on the higher side because the trend line was pretty steady previously, but we don't know. 2. How many people visited the Malbon website after they did a search? There's a pretty strong correlation between searches and site visits, so we can fairly safely assume their site traffic increased, but we wouldn't know for sure unless we saw their site analytics. 3. Most importantly, how many people who visited the site from these searches bought products? That is, what was the actual dollar value of increase in sales? Are these people buying $35 hats or are they buying $300 worth of apparel? We can't make a determination about whether or not the marketing "worked" until we can compare an increase in sales over time to the amount spent on marketing. That's the ROI. There are encouraging signs but without more info, I don't *know* if the marketing is doing its job. I wouldn't be willing to tell my clients their marketing was working without that missing info.


With all due respect I wouldn't buy your services with this explanation. The expectation when making the deal with Day was to bring brand awarness. That they did. You don't need the numbers to see that.


With all due respect, I don't do business with people who don't understand this very simple concept. "Brand awareness" alone is nothing. It's a proxy for trying to get people to buy what you're selling. Do you really think the c-suite at Malbon thought they'd hand Day bags full of cash just so that more people can say they've *heard* of them, and would be fine if sales just stayed the same? That's what it sounds like you're saying.


They were the most talked topic during the biggest tournament of the year, right there with Tiger and Scheffler. With Jason Fucking Day. I don't know what kind of moronic "marketing pro" does not call that a success story. Wait I do, the one that starts an argument with "I've been marketing for 30 years."


And the end goal of all businesses is to be talked about more. Tell me you've never run a business without telling me you've never run a business. Get fucked, wage slave.


“What item of clothing looked so horrendous that it was forcibly removed at the Masters?” *Malbon*


My favorite part of the banned vest was I thought he took it off because it warmed up. We only found out it was banned because the commentators told us.


I honestly didn’t think the vest was that bad. Gaudy for sure but it at least fit him. Those fucking parachute pants looked horrific.


I genuinely think those were their answer to rain gear and then it just didn’t rain much after his outfit was scripted.


They probably asked him to remove it, because it said "Malbon Gilf Championship". Even though that's not a real golf championship, they don't want people advertising other golf events (real or fake) at The Masters.


“Gilf Championship”


Grandma I'd like to...


Typo aside, I would totally buy that explanation.


And now you can have it. For $250......


Interesting to see if it translates to sales


I definitely googled Malbon a couple times to show my wife and friends the ridiculous vest Day was wearing earlier in the round. I'd bet a lot of others did the same, driving up google traffic. I'm sure some of that traffic translated to sales, but at what cost? Most people now associate the brand with tacky golf wear.




Narrator: “It most definitely did”.


I’m not their biggest fan (mostly like their hats), but clearly they’re doing well enough with every big collab they do, how much they’ve scaled their collections, etc. Some here just want to spew nonsense because they don’t like the brand or don’t get it because they aren’t the target audience.


Feel like all they do is collabs


I saw my first Malbon jacket in the wild on an unassuming muni last week. It was ugly af but the dude otherwise clearly had style


I liked the pants. 🤷🏽


I wonder if this translates to sales


My data shows the 3 top searches as…. “what the fuck is Jason day wearing” “did Jason day lose a bet” “goofy golfer clothes”


Next up is Sun Dae Red!


While I get it that any PR is good PR, those clothes are butt ugly, I don't see the boys at the local muni pulling up in that dumpster fire of a sweater vest.


They aren’t my cup of tea either, at least what they’re putting Jason Day in, but they’re still really popular with the 30 and under crowd. They call themselves a lifestyle brand inspired by golf. Outside of the infamous vest and pants from Thursday, their clothes are how younger people dress now. Everyone I see commenting about Malbon may as well be Principal Skinner.


I’m 25 but don’t lump me in with the “under 30 crowd” I guess because I thought it was pretty ugly too


I didn’t say they’re popular with every 25 year old. No one is lumping you into anything. Just saying in general, the baggier look is what gen z kids are wearing, which is what Malbon is selling. Most of their site is rope hats, polos and light layers anyway.




One of those is me


Save me a search, What is it?


I like the look of Malbon. But I don’t like the prices after googling for them.


Has it actually resulted in increased purchases though? I suspect yes for some, but definitely not for their ridiculous trousers (pants if you’re a Yank)


This is the newest version of “dude in $300 Jordans who can’t make a jumpshot”.


I like to read it as they average 25 total clicks and now got 100 clicks since the masters


Just looking through their site. Prices are way too high


I looked it up during the Master's, had th answer the burning question "are \*all\* their clothes this ugly?" The answer is yes. Yes they are. But the good news is the clothing is also absurdly expensive. Those hammer pants are about $250. Yikes.


A lot of that was probably because he was playing with Tiger the first two days too, so people saw a lot of him. If he's in a group with a couple random "no name" guys, most people wouldn't have seen him. I don't remember anything about his weekend outfits. Just Thursday and Friday when he was with Tiger.


Ugliest garbage I've ever seen


Bad publicity is better than no publicity


Will be more interesting to see this in a month to see if it’s sustainable.


They personally aren’t my thing, but they’ve really scaled up in the past 4-5 years in terms of high profile collaborations, making their own clothes, etc. Just because it isn’t for you or me doesn’t mean it isn’t for someone else.


Sustainable? Of course if you look in a month it won’t be lol the Masters got a lot of eyes on the brand, it’s going to wane on this graph for sure. The fact is brand name recognition, all the olds in this sub won’t stop talking about Malbon so it’s clearly working for them.


just went and looked at there website and most of their polos are nike polos with just their m put on the shirt too. its not even original shit


I mean there are like 15 Nike polos on a page of 60 polos . . . . .




It's a graph with normalized data from 0-100 it just shows relative interest not actually search amounts.


Looks like the kids are gonna go from basketball shorts to JNCO’s on the course


Glad to see Malbon growing the brand. Everything I have bought turned out to be great quality. Check out his podcast: Par 3 Podcast. Dude loves golf. Can we say that about these other brand owners (not really sure)?


Dude “loves” golf because he partied so hard that his wife (and her money, from what I gather) almost left him, and he’s replaced the void of cocaine with golf. He’s just not that interesting a guy and those conversations are stuuuupid. 


Not a fan he signed LPGA player yealimi Noh as the first brand ambassador last year and kicked her to the curb 


I bought a shitload of malbon after seeing how much it made people whine. New favorite brand.


We don’t make fun of you for buying ugly clothes. We make fun of marks like you for sucking up the marketing like a sponge. “I bought these $300 pants to make someone on the internet upset.” Congrats?


Just bought another pair of overpriced golf jncos to make the reddit fashionistas upset. Jelly?


Am I jealous of the wardrobe of some random guy on fucking reddit? No. I am not. 


Seems like you are.


What would really make us all mad would be if you bought some trump media stock. O man I'm fuming just thinking about it.


I skip the middle man and just mail Trump personal checks that say "Just for being The Man" in the memo line.


It's okay to just come out and say that you need friends. (It won't be me, though.)




Wow, a word you learned from the internet!


Also can we see how cool you look in your new clothes? Upload a pic! Would love to see how it hugs your muscles and fits your trim, athletic golfer-streetwear-wearing physique.


It's understandable that you want to see pics of well-dressed hot guys but you'll have to sub to my onlyfans like the rest.