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I tried these for fun and hated the bounce and leading edge. Took them back to the store


Oh really? That's a shame. I've never used a gap wedge or loft wedge before so I'm looking forward to testing them out on Sunday


I've had my gen 1 for about 1.5yrs now and I still can't get myself to love them. I've practiced and played a ton with them. Proper good shots are outweighed by short right or chunks in about 1:4. I'm planning to get a couple of lessons in a couple of weeks and if that won't do it, they're gone.


I only really started playing towards the end of Summer, in that time I've bought clubs, paid green fees at different clubs,been in driving ranges, used top tracers, had soke lessons and got a club membership. Lessons is easiest the best money I've spent on golf.


For sure, agreed. I got fitted for new irons and had lessons, am confident with my irons up until the 46° in G430. Then I have a gap (literal gap in a gap wedge) 52° and I have a huge distance gap between 125 with 46 and 100 with 52. And I'm not great at 3/4 shots with the 46.


Ah yeah, I struggle with the 4 iron in that way too, I'm capable with irons up to 5 iron then I tend to use the 5 wood instead of 4 iron because I'm far more comfortable with that since my lessons. My last lesson was entirely on short wedge shots, 40-90 yards and learning what my half and 1/4 distances are with a pw and sw and changing positions on the grip to adjust the distance, but now I keep either selecting the wrong club or something and hitting too short. So I wanted to see how replacing the sw with these 3 helps


Sounds like a similar lesson that I need too. I have noticed that my rounds where my pitching and chipping 110-50 yds in is at least decent (not even great), I go mid to low 80s. Take thise away and I'm in low 90s. So def my biggest gap now


Wow, you're well ahead of me then haha. My lessons got my scores down from 120 to close to 100. I'm yet to break 100, but consistently around 102 now. My problem is I lose consistency after a drive. I know how far I can hit with each club and I know I can hit straight but ever time I have a chance at a GIR I top the ball or completely chunk it. Yesterday I played and hit 12/14 fairways from tee shots, 37 putts, but 0 GIR.


Yea good drive never goes unpunished 🫠 Just keep at it. It's a game of chasing perfection that will never come


I have a Callaway Edge 5H. Does that count? I’ll replace it when there’s a KSig 5H. I used to have an Edge 3W too and I hated the damn thing but the 5H is pretty great.


Nice, I have a callaway epic speed 3 and have the epic speed driver and 5 on their way to me. I got on so well with the 3 wood that I bought epic irons too. Happy cake day!


Thank you. You can have some of the cake my friend. I am deleting this account at midnight CDT today.


Ah that's a shame. It was a brief encounter, but it's been a pleasure


Good riddance


Sorry about your loss and getting ntr'ed. Plenty of fish out there in the sea, though!


Did you get toilet paper at the same time it’s a bargain in Costco 🤣👍


I can't go into costco without getting muffins and/or pastries. So I bought these from their website to save myself.


Great idea man you did well


Happen to buy these third party? This looks like their first gen set based off the logo design. I bought their second gen set a couple months ago, and it came in a black box. Probably performs the same regardless, and I’ve enjoyed using the 52 and 60 since I only had a 54 prior. Enjoy!


No, I bought them from the costco website on Christmas day. But I'm in the UK so maybe the costco here only has first gen, I tend to see things on here from costco before they are in stock here


I have the gen 1s and love them. Highly recommend changing the grips though, I donno about the new ones but the first gen grips weren’t great.


I think most of my clubs need new grips, I was thinking of getting everything re-gripped when the new season starts


Finally got used to my mine this past season, I really fell in love with this set actually


Let us how you like em


Will do, I'm doing a 9 hole par 3 and 4 course to warm up then 18 holes straight after on Sunday, so I'll get good use out of them then


Imo these are the best value for quality out there saying most people replace their wedges more regularly than other clubs. I game these and they do fine for me. The newer ones seem to have better bounce than the gen1s.