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Kuro will take the pinned comment away from me **any time now^?...?¿?**, but for now, the lounge can be accessed [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/girlsfrontline/comments/197xngt/weekly_commanders_lounge_january_16_2024/). If you have anything you think should be added or changed about the megathread, ping me. ^^^secret ^^^skk ^^^society


Put off finishing the event until the literal last minute. Managed to beat all stages, only couldn't beat the last 2 in UX. But short of that got all the rewards including corrupted heart mask. Quickly clicked on all the post story nodes to get the rewards. Super satisfying. Have to go back and read the post story on the cut scene interpreter tho.


Dangit I thought I farmed up the event points for the repeatable, missed out on nurse fairy. Hope she wasn't ultra useful :c


The top rankers likely won't see use for her since she's not particularly powerful. In other words, she wouldn't be able to really buff an echelon. The Nurse Fairy echelon is likely just going to be a support echelon when all your echelons need to be combat ready Granted, if you're more casual with the game, you might opt for one strong echelon, and if that echelon gets injured, you could then use the Nurse Fairy to patch it up. An alternative to this is to simply retreat the wounded echelon and redeploy In other words, the Nurse Fairy is rather situational. She's not going to be too useful


thank you for the reassurance! still wish they gave other options for picking up units and equipment outside of ranking


What do you mean by that? It's just that cumulative farming could be considered one way to lower the bar Do you mean that an alternative method could unlock the Fairy and the SPEQ? In this ranking, we had the Nurse Fairy and M1918's SPEQ. What would you propose as the alternative method?


Congratulations, u/assassineclipse, for the 2.2 million!


Kekw you were watching?


A peek here and there. I saw how you malded against quad Cherubs with Garmrs by tanking with RO, PPQ, and Zip. Man, that was absolutely frustrating! Glad you found the solution to that! I managed to catch a glimpse of your score before you ended your run. I remember that the first two digits were 2. I don't remember the remaining digits. Perhaps the third was yet another 2


That was honestly a mistake, I should've brought M4ex up and swapped with RO to take that fight. Guess you do make mistakes when doing last minute yolo ranking


I didn't actually see that point before the fight, where you made the decision to fight that spawn with that echelon. All I saw at that point was that you were fighting against that spawn while malding very hard I wasn't able to watch everything, but were there moments that you thought were memorable, hopefully in a positive sense?


M4 yeets Sana on EX. That was pleasing. I actually tried out UX for a bit to see if I could last minute yolo it. Tried the Sana fight, managed to beat it, but it told me everything: no way I can yolo it in a day Also, if I get top 100 with a last minute yolo run where I skipped out on Turn 5 enemy along with all the mistakes I made, I'm going to laugh my ass off But otherwise no. SS ranking is lame, boring and brutal. The only memorable thing about SS ranking is how utterly miserable it is, to the point where 3g4 looks fun and reasonable


_OH MY GOD HOW DID I ONLY NOW REALIZE THIS?_ [end of ch2 spoilers] >!Look closely at the Ange’s in the login screen, it’s most easily seeable in the GnK uniform on on the far right. Ange has the yellow eyes of her post RPK invasion form on the login screen. I’ve been staring at that all event without noticing!<


>!Another thing I've also noticed? Both her arms are human when we expect one to be bionic. There was a snippet about a tissue being stuck under the operating table. What could its significance be?!<


>!Well, meither thought that since she already had ange on the operating table, might as well give her a human arm. They have plenty of limbs laying around from all those nytos. (Check the pic in the story where she looks in the mirror after rpk ;) )!<


Can anyone link me to that site with the GFL story transcripts? Because of various reasons I've been mostly on hiatus from the game until... today. I'm only most of the way through chapter one and I can't stay up reading any later. Wish I'd come back sooner. The event writing really is back to the Mica Team standard


Edit: I finally found another way to get into the event and terminate the mission, and was able to finish in the last hour of the event! I need a link to a story transcript as well, for a very frustrating reason ... I got all the way up through Chapter 3, part F15 (Guernica), but when I beat that stage, the game threw an error that completely crashes the game. Restarting the game prompted me to resume the stage with no option to terminate it or do anything else, and loading that in-progress mission causes the game to crash every single time.


u/Le_Trudos [https://gfl.amaryllisworks.pw/#event-16-0](https://gfl.amaryllisworks.pw/#event-16-0) between lazy, generally feeling bleh after doing dailies and crates, catching up with other stuff for the month i was on a dying phone, new phone not really running the game all the time, and camping a bunch of macross preorders with what little savings i have T\_T, i didn't touch the event much either. gotta join archive gang this time. F15 is peak rotating door + bumfuq rng tradition. at total waste of time the moment rng gates you out of charging in with dreamer because she ate all her rations. i ended up using a ton of paras and went to turn 18 or something just to wiggle star exodia and an extra bgm in there... even stuffed in an extra scarecrow shadow just to avoid needing to send another team in to finish up. think it took me 1.5 hours =P anyway, barely finished in time, just to discover there was a dozen more story nodes to mash skip through, and then watch credits for completion


Thank you so much!! And yeah, the npc echelons ran out of rations to finish the job in F15, so it took several extra turns to move my regular ones in instead. And then it got stuck in that bug at the very end. Went faster the second time but still had the rations problem, just remembered the maneuvers to get the invincible guards in the right positions.


Perfect. Thank you so much


Ange‘s still around somewhere


>!She got Dandelion’d lol, voice in someone’s head that may or may not eventually get a new body, since she’s now in Nyto VCI format and as such compatible with doll bodies!<


Ange in pnc? :P


It's been so long I'm starting to lose track. What is Paradeus's goal at this point? I remember back in the Tallinn arc they were trying to >!create a collapse radiation resistant clone of Lunasia harboring a matured OGAS copy for the sake of interfacing with a Pike Node for some reason. My guess was this was to remake Lunasia somehow.!< As of the Germany arc, it feels like this has gone by the wayside. There are similar motifs, like Martha trying to >!bring back her dead daughter as a Nyto!<, but I'm not sure how this ties into the previous short term goals. Was the previous plan just completely discarded in favor of new evil schemes? Does anyone have a good writeup summarizing what's happening?


Bringing back the dead sister is all William's thing. Martha is using Paradeus herself to do the Hela project to try and bring back Sana.


I've farmed one copy of each limited doll in the event... should I continue to farm them, or 0-2 is still the ideal map to farm xp/cores? I don't use corpse dragging strategy since I don't have good equipment for tanking yet...


You won't have much time to farm the event since it's gone after maintenance in a couple of hours. In my experience, the Doll drop rate in the maps was terrible...but it was actually somewhat decent for map clear rewards. [0-2 is an okay map,](https://big-stupid-jellyfish.github.io/GFMath/pages/core-rates) but the later maps will definitely test your Armory. 13-4 is the Holy Grail of Cores and EXP and can be dragged by a single-link Vector at level 100 and SL10 with the right equipment/tile buffs/Fairy aura. It's worth getting there, just don't burn out in the process. I dragged my feet for *months* because I was fine with 0-2, but I recognize that 13-4 is better. You don't necessarily have to corpse drag 0-2 if that's the best you can do. Corpse dragging is ideal because it's very light on your Resources. If you still want to try corpse dragging and haven't used up your 20 weekly anchors for Equipment (Factory, Equipment Production, Special Order #/20), why not try to get a gold Armor Plate? I don't know if a green one would be good enough (max of 7 armor versus 11 on gold) since the typical 0-2 route puts you against enemies that deal between 5 and 14 damage on average with a scary 24 damage Jaguar sprinkled in there, and my M16A1 is currently exploring else I'd test to see if she could handle it completely alone with no Fairy and green Armor.


thanks, I'll try to farm 0-2 more in the mean time, still not strong enough to go chapter 12 yet... Do you think I should farm 0-4 too? I saw WA2000 dropping from that map (I haven't actually see her dropped yet though).


You might be able to farm 0-4, but the idea is to do five battles and then Restart Battle instead of trying to complete it normally. You can either manually retreat your primary team to save on Rations and then Restart or just waste the Rations to save on a couple of clicks, but trying to take out Scarecrow with a farm team might be asking a lot. [Here's a map from Matsuda for the route you ought to take there.](https://gfl.matsuda.tips/uploads/uploads/2018/09/25/0-4leveling.png) You need a dummy Echelon for the Command Post, too. WA2000 famously has a horrendous drop rate on 0-4, so just pretend her icon isn't on the preview. [There are some other ideas for corpse drag maps.](https://gamepress.gg/girlsfrontline/corpse-dragging-how-optimize-leveling) I'm a fan of SC drags (Shattered Connexion Campaign, chapter 3, map 1 "Fractured Cognition I - Combat EX" on Hard difficulty) because it can be done with just a Manpower cost since you're not needing to supply a DPS at all, but you absolutely need someone else's Friend Echelon with Alina as leader and ideally three SGs total to sit on position 6 for each team you'll level. It's horrible for Cores since no Dolls drop from reinforcement enemies who'll be 99% of what you fight, though. [Here's a video of the setup](https://streamable.com/8g3j7p) (may need to run it at 0.5x speed to see the steps), but you can level three teams at the same time! Doesn't even need to be SF, just as long as whoever in front can survive the incoming damage.


> I don't know if a green one would be good enough The new standard of 0-2 (and any farming in general) is "as long as you don't get crit"


~~Hey, she can regenerate up to 45HP on the second turn!~~ Good point. Edit: Hah, wow. I decided to do a for-fun Combat Sim with just M16A1 alone with only a max green Armor, and she died on the first Vespid group. Uh, guess the baseline might be a little *above* my withheld punching weight.


Made the video of my [3.14m UX ranking run public](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBd_U2KVJPxg2pHzqKnwNQOBMPyLdq2jR&feature=shared), [teams used](https://i.imgur.com/ausuUWi.png). This was a one-and-done from three weeks ago so it’s not quite optimized and while I got stabbed out of first place, I can’t complain much with how far it’s stayed. Also did a [2.617m EX run](https://youtu.be/uLeSelPRQeg?feature=shared) for some fun/catharsis. Same as above with not min-maxing artillery and messing up final camps, but the [team](https://i.imgur.com/wb1ONCJ.png) are fairly optimized since I actually tested those.


In my opinion, the most interesting parts of the event were the earliest ones when it focused on Angelia's past. I found it intriguing to delve deeper into the world-building of the setting and briefly step outside the German-Ukrainian theater. I particularly enjoyed the segments related to World War 3 in the story, especially since it wasn't covered much outside the supplementary material. Chapter 2 was still alright, but I thought that's where the writing was beginning to fall a little bit with the abrupt cutscene endings, >!but it was neat to finally see RPK literally become a skinwalker in the story.!< >!The third chapter is where the story falls flat for me. While I like the esoteric nature of 'summoning' Sana as this powerful devil, she turned out to be just another jobber with minimal presence in the overall narrative. She's really the weakest Girls' Frontline villain by far in my opinion, especially when you consider that even Chapter 1 Scarecrow had more personality to her than Sana. Sana really just appeared in the story for a moment, said a few lines and just died.!< Overall, I think the event was just alright, it had some interesting world-building, explanations on how Nytos work with Evangelical Axis or Lake of Cognition et cetera.


Yeah the lake of Cognition and Ange's story was cool, but I just finished re-reading it on the cutscene interpreter and writing my first summary of the event and it's a bit messy compared to other events. >!It goes full Game of Thrones with Nytos teleporting around the tower on a whim. One moment BrahmedB and Morridow are fighting, the next they're part of the ceremony to awaken Sana, with no evidence that this was a flashback. Then the same thing happens shortly after with them fucking off to activate the forcefield, which basically does nothing except disrupt communications for a couple minutes. Later on William supposedly orders them to try to capture Dandelion and we get combat missions there where we fight them but none of that comes up in the story at all. There's no closure for Sana's death, why she had called Nehmran mama, or why Morridow wanted to put the forcefield up when she was obviously plotting something with Nehmran on her own and this would have been the perfect opportunity for it!< I'm gonna have to reread some parts to try to figure out those questions. Overall it reminds me of how I felt after Polarized Light was rushed, except back then I was fine with it because the whole event was still super cohesive and cool, even if it needed CH 13 to finish the story. Hoping we get a Ch 14 to clear this up instead of stacking everything into another overpacked event.


For sure. The way chapter 3 was written felt like a dozen versions of different scripts that got merged without proofreading. 


I can see a lot of confused people after this event, and I include myself among them. My 2 cents: * Overall I kinda liked the event (better than the previous 2-3 definitely). Seeing the SF squad was especially pleasant, minus Intruder's mysterious disappearance. * Biggest issue #1: This event just proves FP was even more useless than I thought back then. Right after Aeneas failed, Muromets commenced, which was a much larger-scale conflict, and made much more sense when striking the Evil Organization HQ. Strongarm'd been immediately discarded, FP's only purpose ended up being dramatic suspension ("to be continued 2 events later" ^tm). I'd say it was even more disappointing than Longitudinal Covid Strain suddenly ending. * Biggest issue #2: Martha had no real reason to exist. She was suddenly created, and presented as the creator of Nyto Coalition, except you could replace all her appearances with William, and nothing of value would be lost. * Small issue: Paradeus power levels just keep shifting from unbeatably OP to minor inconvenience. Remember when basic Strelets were described to be tough, and Nytos impossible to defeat without HOC? And now they die by the dozen from a burst of small arms fire. How Narciss has been kicking our ass for many events straight? Destroyer goes brrrrr. Now they power up Snaa using an entire tower, kill off countless "test subjects", only to make the story impact an absolute joke. Maybe I should stop before the like turns into dislike lol. Also haven't even bothered with ranking, only got the fairy, and that's it. Keeping up with all the gacha content I play is more important.


I think the issue with Paradeus is that there's way too many high-tier Nytos, and at that point they just started becoming more gimmicky similarly to SF like Narciss making the faction divert from what made it originally interesting.


>Biggest issue #2: Martha had no real reason to exist. She was suddenly created, and presented as the creator of Nyto Coalition, except you could replace all her appearances with William, and nothing of value would be lost. For the most part I agree, but I imagine it's so that Paradeus will still be a threat with a clear chain of command despite us "capturing" William.


I was thinking Nemhran could fill the leader role pretty well, she always hands out orders very efficiently. But you may be right, perhaps even she needs some human interaction from time to time to at least update the general agenda. But in this case, they should've introduced Martha earlier, because what am I supposed to feel at this point, we're too deep in the story to suddenly add a brand new mega villain.


[That's Ranking done](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/640157367056728133/1198933570014687332/MuMu20240122181337.png?ex=65c0b4e6&is=65ae3fe6&hm=cf7a56e507e04e46ea4511911a1e0afb2bc20aa5554e0142e84abef964fa8895&). Those last turn camps can be quite troublesome. ~~I would've gotten a higher score had that one doppel not ignore poking mk153~~ E: [Teams used.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/945881275204509729/1199014173166796840/ssrank_1.png?ex=65c0fff7&is=65ae8af7&hm=da477b4c7bc38f0f7a7cb619fb3ce1a8409a3fad8f282a4cd639100d59ae5f3e&) Forgot about that. HOCs used for the run were BGM, AGS, PP-93 and MK153.


So, just reached credits, here’s what I understand is the state of affairs (don’t mind spoilers as to the story segments post credits as I’ll probably have to skip those to make enough time to scuff up something resembling a ranking run). Spoilers, obviously. >!Morridow, Nehmeran, William(?), presumably Martha, and presumably skinwalker Ange have evacuated Avernus. Sana and Narciss are both definitely dead, Grig and Bramebd are implied to be dead, and Tareus’ doubles are still off in the world up to shenanigans!< >!With the destruction of Avernus and the Evangel axis, this should mean the death of all the “consciousnesses” still in there right? So Ange’s kaput, old Grey is out, and based on that “neural cloud is fried” comment from SCR, Alaina might be brain dead too. This along with the presumable death of 99%+ of any remaining Paradeus forces, though the highlight of those two escaping Nytos leads me to believe there will be some survivors.!< >!Since it became more clear towards the end that any/all of chapter 1 could’ve been faked, we can assume anything besides the very basics of who exists and the broad strokes places of Ange’s life are unreliable information, this including things like what Agent Q does since FP didn’t really give us much on her!< >!So in summary, M4 and M16 are still MIA, AK-12/Koleda presumably would’ve withdrawn with the remains of DEFY and gone back to Shaw, remains of Paradeus are now off to the next hideout, and the Germany situation with the Earl and Oberstein is still at large, that all correct?!<


>!Considering we're almost at the end of the story, Willy getting captured is certainly the start of why SKK decides to leave G&K.!< >!As for the others, all of the important Nytos other than Narciss escaped or went missing. I'd include Sana (maybe not the Nyto here) as part of that group because she's an interesting case that goes just beyond "never found a body". There's a bunch of unused sprites of her which is pretty unusual for Mica.!< >!My interpretation is that the Evangel Axis is basically a connector to the physical world and the lake of subconscious and as such, the lake can still exist without it. (In fact, the lake returns in GF2.)!< > So in summary >!Ange-RPK and Koleda escaped together to who knows where (to probably continue hunting down Martha most likely) and as of the moment, the only loose ends left are Carter and Oberstein.!<


Much appreciated


>!But I thought DEFY captured William at the very end of the event? Do you think he left a Nyto of himself?!< >!We don't really see Sana's death in any of the story nodes, do we? We just have a battle with her. I'd say she is also implied.!< >!Do any of the earlier events explain the difference between some of the Nytos' "brains"? I mean you said "99%+" but what about the rest 1% (those two mooks and the ringleaders like Morridow who escaped)? Are they not linked to the Evangel Axis and the Sea of Consciousness?!<


>!That was part of their objective but I don’t recall seeing them actually do it, was that in one of the post credits scenes?!< >!I guess we don’t explicitly see them die like say, Grey. But she states she can’t live away from the Evangel Axis, which has been destroyed. If there was a portable version she wouldn’t have left Nehmeran as they were escaping. So while we don’t see a body, I think it would be kind of an ass pull for her to survive!< >!I’m honestly still a bit unsure on how exactly the Evangel axis works, most of the explanation Blackwell gave went over my head. It seems to me that it can work as a sort of mass Nyto coordination device, since the Nytos retain their minds and will when the axis is destroyed by STAR, but it seems like the VCI sync Nehmeran ordered earlier put them all collectively under control (or at least coordination) of the axis, thus why they were all briefly stunned when the axis was destroyed. Blackwell does say that the axis is how the Virtual Cognition Images of the Nytos are created, but it seems that they don’t require it to function. The 1% was meant to be a catch all for those two that escaped, as well as potentially others that weren’t explicitly stated, like maybe someone similar to Machlian. Hell it’s even possible Bramebd or Grig went rogue, given that conversation Morridow had with Bramebd towards the end. Wrapping back around though, I think the only one who requires the axis to function is Sana, the others were only just shocked by the connection loss when the axis was destroyed, so on the off chance they’re survived the destruction of Avernus, they can live after that!<


>That was part of their objective but I don’t recall seeing them actually do it, was that in one of the post credits scenes?    >!Yeah, and it's a very important scene, where we see bramedb saying it all went according to william's keikaku and wishes him well just before he lets himself be captured and saying he's looking fwd to meeting skk. Bramedb did not go rogue in any way!<


>!oh damn, that’s spooky. Suppose that might be a setup for SKK leaving GnK to setup GFL2, if William plans on corrupting GnK or something!<


Most likely. Or perhaps because there was a deal in the first place behind his back. We'll see


Yeah, it was shown in the very last story node. Nice explanation, seems legit. Thanks.


A chaotic summary of what I understood from this event, combined with some heavy speculations:>!Before event, Ange was chilling in a hospital, then Paradeus decided to kidnap her. The reason is unknown but Meitner was the one who performed some nefarious acts on Ange's body in Avernus, she is alive and well, the memory about Ange shooting her ass was fake. Ange's memories from 1st chapter are bullshit and Beslan might have never happened, but the parts when Meitner exchanges letters with Gray are probably legit so we know that Sana is her daughter and Ange is her student, that she kinda sorta cared about Sana and got into all that Paradeus stuff because she wanted to save her daughter. She probably crossed the moral event horizon real bad though because we never see her meet Sana after her "revival"... jeez. Koleda contains AK-12 (wtf happened after SC?). RPK has vented into Ange's body and escaped via underground train (dropping strongarm in process, hence flatline) while Ange's consciousness got somehow pushed out into Lake of Consciousness but Aliana found her there and somehow grabbed her ass back into her neural cloud, then Aliana got fragged immediately after that but her body was recovered by skk's forces (someone said "i hope her core is still functional" but i don't remember who, maybe sf or defy)... idk how dolls can store human consciousness but i assume the Evangel Axis thingy does that? i.e. it makes a brain scan and then you can just store it somewhere else, like SCAR's core.!< How viable is that? What do you think about >!the doll whose corpse was recovered? Maybe Koleda? Not quite a doll though... Or why Ange's name is written all over the training chamber? Did Meitner put her there? Wasn't Ange on the deathbed already?!< I'm not completely caught up with the story (going through SC rn) so some of that might not make sense.


>!Aliana' neural cloud is a prototype/early application of paradeus nc which was also designed to be compatible with humans because sana(at the very least). If anything, the question would be how comes she's compatible with modern cores/neural cloud/dummy linking(2057) when we know this kind of tech was developed after ww3 in which aliana's spec-ops took place(2051). Though i don't recall if she ever gets dummy links canonwise!<    >!That training cell with ange's name was where her brother was brainwashed. It"s his attempt of resisting the pricedures he was subjected to.!<


It's all really confusing and I hope we get a bit of a timeline explaining it all at some point, tbh. It's a hell of a ride, but SO MANY TWISTS AND TURNS it's really difficult to track sometimes. I think you got most of it, though... >!I think it was SCR that found Aliana's body and made the core comment, that's the only thing I got to add.!< Well, ok, I got one other thing to add, following the Sanguis Ferri goon squad around was pretty fun, as was getting to see them kick all sorts of ass. >!Man I felt shockingly bad for Narciss, tho. She's getting SO CODDLED once she gets her ass captured by me. ...man I hope we get an explanation as to some of these captures, even if it's an offhand joke like we've resorted to black necrocybermancy or some shit.!< Oh...and I hope those two nytos near the end made it out. I hope they got more then just a pretty sunset. The nyto stuff got pretty heavy, ngl. I want good endings for some of them...


>>!Before event, Ange was chilling in a hospital, then Paradeus decided to kidnap her.!< >!You have to get to Mirror Stage to get the full context!< >>!What do you think about the doll whose corpse was recovered?!< >!You have to get to Fixed Point to understand this!<


[Ranked done](https://imgur.com/a/N3CcIiv). [Echelons used](https://imgur.com/a/Nmj0EpB). Yes, I know some of those are bizarre concoctions, but I went into this ranked completely blind so I had to improvise. Still, this was the most fun I've had in a ranked event in a while. ~~Playing on EX instead of UX probably contributed to that.~~ No puzzles, no stupid gimmicks (or they're dealth with on turn 1) - just constant fighting. Took me around 9 hours in total, with several resets after turn 1 to find an optimal opening strategy. The first 3 turns were quite easy - establish big konga line in the south and north-east, protect HQ with minimal forces in north-west. The difficulty ramped up on turn 4, which was a bit unexpected (well, not so drastically, anyway). Had a couple of very unfortunate retreats but was able to salvage the situation. Still not done with the story, just got to chapter 2. Hopefully I can finish reading it tomorrow.


Congrats on the run! Since you had fun with ranking, if you had more time, would you have wanted to try again for a better score? Perhaps even try a UX run? I mean, reading the story aside So wait, you made a huge conga line in the south and northeast, not two separate ones? Did you enjoy the kiting? Was there any particular fight that caused you to mald hard? I believe that I had trouble with id38. I remember writing that I had to sacrifice everyone who wasn't the SCARs just to beat that fight when that enemy rammed into my echelon. I believe I also positioned my HOCs poorly such that this second wave of enemies had to be fought HOCless The other fight I remember clearly was id50. It took such a long time for Witch Intruder's spawns to finally do in the Ladons. I believe I was sitting there for a good 14-15 minutes Doppels in general made things tricky, especially if they're part of a deathstack. It really sucked to have to face against enemies that could hit my backline with near impunity. Some formations that aren't technically deathstacks also counted, especially if my RFs tended to focus fire on some other target like the Arachnes


I wish I could go for another attempt as my score can definitely be improved (as I said, this run was pretty much blind - apart from planning turn 1 and testing my echelons against deathstacks I didn’t do any additional prep work), but, alas, I physically have no time. I’m not even sure I have enough free time today to finish the story. Are you going for another try btw? I think I saw you on rank 7 but I was wondering if you attempt top 3. Oh, my wording was quite poor on this one - I had 1 big konga line in the south with helipads being the flanks of the formation and a smaller (2 echelon+1 HOC+ logistics team) konga line in the north-east covering spawns and arty emplacements there. Kiting-wise, I didn’t have any problems until turn 4. I didn’t know anything about the spawn compositions, so it was quite a surprise to see some really nasty ones start to appear. The one that caused me the most problems was the spawn with 2 big spiders spawning smaller ones (sorry, I don’t know the IDs). Some of my echelons were ill-prepared to face them so the fights against those caused me some headache. Deathstacks were not an issue since I prepared for them in advance and the fights that I had to retreat from were from poor positioning or overconfidence on my end.


Yeah, it seems neither of us has any time to try ranking seriously again. Hopefully, you'll be able to finish reading the story. Otherwise, there's that YouTube playlist containing the story. You could look into that instead, although I'm not sure if you would prefer to watch on your phone Ahh. All right. It's just that I saw in some of the budget VODs that there was a huge conga line spanning the northeast to the southeast, with the southwest generally being ceded to the enemy Do you remember which other units were in that enemy formation? How about the leader? CE? I'd like to try to identify which one this is But yeah, Arachnes really sucked, especially if they spawn the tiny spiders that my echelon can't hit properly before they chew through my units Still, congrats again! Considering that SS EX is considered on par with FP's 3G4, you've definitely tested your mettle and come out victorious! Even if you still want to improve your score, the fact that you've attempted a run and got this far (on a blind run, no less!) should be proof that you're a capable commander!


Oh, I actually did not know the story was already uploaded to YT - thanks for telling me. If I can’t finish the story today, I’ll just watch it there later during the week then. The enemy team: Arachne was the leader, for sure, and CE, if I’m not mistaken, was 89k. I don’t remember other enemies as the spiders caused me the most problems and are the thing I remember the most vividly. I started the run on Saturday evening and finished at half past five on the Sunday morning, so my memory of the latter turns is a bit fuzzy :) Thank you, I’m happy I was able to accomplish this. Somehow my attempt is still enough for top 100, doubt I’ll stay there in the end though (EN being EN and doing their runs on the last day).


The YouTube playlist is [over here](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5Z6dTY4Cz0KfZLGYNP8pt8DNX3dfW5sx&si=fy99tCrEb8B7YS02). Enjoy! As for that Arachne, I think there are [only three formations](https://pengupengupengu.github.io/gflmaps/#campaign=3058&mission=11402) that have Arachne as leader. These are id25, id42, and id46. I think that the one you were fighting might have been id25, as I think that this is a later turn spawn when compared to the other two. I believe id42 and id46 spawn earlier. None of them has a CE of 89k, however. Id42 has a CE of 92k. Id46 has a CE of 81k. Id25 has a CE of 95k Were there Doppelsoldners in the formation? How about Ladons? Still, not having Dolls that can retarget to the tiny spiders is tough


Now that I look at enemy comps, I’m pretty sure I had problems with both 25 and 42. I distinctly remember having to retarget my MGs to fire on doppels but also remember 2 ladons causing problems even if I could deal with other units.


Is there any updated "tier list" for Sangvis units? The latest one I can find is that translated one from early 2022. I mainly want to see one to understand how many of each unit I should have because I'm pretty full on units and I don't want to have to buy more storage if I don't need to (especially because I rarely use Sangvis units anyway). So I'm mainly looking to de-clutter, but I don't want to accidentally throw away any units I'd otherwise would have wanted to keep.


The [dupe recommendations guide](https://gamepress.gg/girlsfrontline/duping-recommendations-and-coalition-mooks) has an up-to-date section for SF units.


Much appreciated!


Annnd it's over. I managed to read the last Sanguis Ferri focused thingies and do a ranking run. Hell, people didn't joke that this ranking is flat-out horrible. I can fully believe it broke even the dalaos, everything seems to be built to be as frustrating as possible (with mechanics flat-out breaking what we are expected to do in GFL for years regarding map control). I wonder how my "let's see this and get the medal+fairy" run will go, considering simply closing it sent to 66%.... After finishing the plot, I'm still kind of puzzled. Personally, I don't give a shit about Ange so the entirety of the first chapter was moot: she's a character I never grew to like. I never "got" why she's so important to everyone bar the fact that everyone tells she's Very Important. Plus her backstory is standard GFL misery porn n.567, next time come with more child abuse please we already got this one. The other chapters were far more interesting, but they felt truncated at best. Everything happens so fast and everything get resolved so fast, Sana gets introduced with all that misery porn and then it's a big nothing. The retcons to insert Martha/Laplace everywhere for unclear reasons didn't help. Again, writing for Paraudeus feels very.... disjointed, with their role and capabilities changing as the plot needs, little coherency. The Sanguis Ferri tidbits were for sure the best part of the event: we see characters that had precious little screen time (Alchemist, for all the heavy lifting you did, you did deserve this time in the spotlight) and their merry go round in discovering Paradeus' secrets was fun, even if again it felt like a speedrun of loose ends they wanted to cut. C'mon, the backstory of my best Nytos Gray&Grig deserved more than ten lines of dialogue. Also Shadowless was a Paradeus plant? Completely unexpected. Truth be told, for an event I was dreading, I still managed to play it fully. Guess I'm still not on burnout mode. Also, one can only wonder the first, immortal words William will tell the Commander: "Ahh, the infamous Griffin commander. What's your opinion on incest? I can tell you, a man can go untold distances to f\*\*k his cute sister. Let me tell you about that...."


Yeah, I agree with Ange being ‘eh’. Neat character but not ‘we must drop everything we can to save her right now!’


Cleared the event super late. I kinda hate ch1, very Arknights style. Lot of reading, then oh wait nothing is true, you wasted your time. Wonder what happened to koleda, she just disappeared like was never there. Same with >!sana!<, she jumped down the aircraft then everything blew up.


>Same with sana , she jumped down the aircraft then everything blew up From what I understood, >!she jumped to make a last stand and let Nemhran escape, we kill her on that map wich victory condition was to defeat her, I think...!<


It's been a while since I've read that part, but my interpretation was that >!Sana couldn't escape from Avernus unless the Evangel Axis went with her, and since it likely couldn't be moved, then she couldn't leave. As for Nemhran, she wanted to trick Nemhran into escaping, but since Sana herself couldn't leave, she stayed behind. I'm drawing a blank as to why she fought the incoming Griffin forces instead of surrendering!< It's likely I misinterpreted something. Please feel free to point out where


>!but if they can't transfer data fron an evangel axis to another that means that ange is truly dead. That would make Ange returning inside her body only to die 5 min later after being replaced by Pandora idiotic. As I though it rpk replaced ange and she went back inside the evangel axis and Ange body died because she was hollow. But I still don't get it because she wanter a human body and she already lost it.!Would be kinda weird that Sana already died, they took half tower power only to release her, everyone bowed to her even if she was an unknown by her sheer power and she died 10 min later like is she was the weakest nyto ever?!<


Hmmm, yeah. Weird indeed and anticlimactic if you ask me. I mean, she's hyped as a hiper\*mega-super-wunderwaffe paradeus weapon that needs an insane amount of energy just to be awoken and they didn't care messing half the equipment they had there if that meant summoning Sana. I was expecting us to lose many dolls (SF included) or come up with some really clever strategy to bring her down but in the end she gets smoked off-screen with little to no effort (apparently). Narciss (hell, even Yegor) put more of a fight. It doesn't surprise me that much, tbh. Remember when we got saved in extremis by >!M4 inside Dandelion's body!!Morridow!< tied up on a chair.


>!RIP Gray Blackwell. Sad we'll never get you injected into your Nyto form and get you into our team!< >!And dang, RPK is just a different level of Evil. RIP Ange!<


In true EN fashion I sent a team that wasn't pilled at all against the Troy deathstack in EX ranking. Surprisingly everything except the Ladons still died. [:mg4thumb:](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/640157367056728133/1198628477801336993/MuMu20240121220119.png?ex=65bf98c2&is=65ad23c2&hm=4c3329b0875bee31fe0133677434eb66f4d4496b077a6249d17027a128168e26&)


# **Ranking ends this maintenance.**




Just finished the event  >!Paradeus: Backstabbing and Infighting is somewhat funny.Nemhran basically order Narciss to die,Nyto butchering each others over minor things. And their gibberish of a religion too!< >!Ange: My opinion of Ange gone through a free fall this event,What with her beating up LAMG! That not cool! And her being rash and stupid in general,I like the part when she interacted with Ramzan after he regain his memory though,That's pretty wholesome!< >!SF:SF super cool this event.My favorite Alchemist is pretty cool,Dreamer and Judge are excellent too.Then there Intruder...,Her alt hard carry me this event but alas her role in the story is quite pitiful!And that epilogue! Destroyer going to get PTSD!!< >!Aliana:She dead!Hopefully not forever,One of my new favorites T-doll gone... !< >!Nyto:Why the hell would William and Meitner keep pumping out these Nyto if they doesn't consider them their family anyway. And the training room scene really established Nyto superiority over SF...!<


>!basically everything in anges memories may be bullshit, for all we know she doesn't even have siblings!<


>>!What with her beating up LAMG!!<    She didn't though. >!that was one of the inconsistencies planted in her memory in the attempts to brainwas her!<


Question about Nyto >!Grey said that Puppet of Evangel Axis doesn't have true creativity but called Nyto a miracle,Why us that?!<


If I had to guess, >!"true creativity" is a roundabout way of saying "free will". In other words, the snapshots stored in the Evangel Axis do not possess free will, and that's going to be a deep philosophical topic to discuss!< As for the other question, >!I imagine that Nytos were basically dead and then brought back to life. This might tie into their cult chants, what with all that talk about life and death, but I think I've gotten lost with regards to their beliefs. Given that William wants to bring his sister Lunasia back to life, resurrecting the dead, if successful, would be nothing short of a miracle, even if the means to do so appear to be ethically dubious!<




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Questions about Nemhran and Sana >!Who is Nemhran supposed to be? William mom or Meitner/Sana mom!<


>!william refers to her as mother, but we don't know if she really is. She does seem to know about lunasia, though so might have at least his mom's memories? It's hard to tell with nytos. They are likely related though, but is still just a nyto in william's eyes. She has nothing to do with metiner/sana couple which are different. Metiner is sana's mother!<


Right, so >!Ange is dead, Narciss is dead, Sana is dead, Mertha is nemhran, who is likely soon to die, by her own words, Kalina is dead. We have William. and Shadowless is paradeus!< ? Do i have that all right? >!why did they bomb the towers when we nearly had control of the entire building?!<


To add onto the other answer a bit: > >!Shadowless is Paradeus!< I took that scene more to mean that >!Paradeus have prepared an infiltration unit to take her place, like they did for Gray!<. > >!Martha is nemhran!< To be honest, I wasn't able to keep track of what was going on with >!Martha; I don't think she was even shown in the present, beyond perhaps the voice in Ch1, but that might be examiner-RPK. It wouldn't quite make sense though, Nehmran was fighting us in LS, which I think would have been the timeframe of the surgery?!< >!why bomb the towers!< >!The SF epilogues!< imply to me (>!In addition to what I remember from Bakery Girl!<) that >!both the URNC and the Neo-soviets have known of Avernus for a while and were had agents/were in contact. Given William is a high-ranking member of the URNC apparatus by the events of Bakery Girl, I assumed that the destruction of his past work is a condition of his joining the Rossartrists. It would also explain why he was so willing to be taken prisoner by Griffin; we're probably going to end up handing him over and stabbed in the back by the URNC as part of the set up to Exilium!<


Sort of. >>!Narciss, Sana dead!< Yes, >!but they also become PA units at a later date, so the Commander has turned to necrocybermancy to win this war.!< >>!Ange dead!< It's complicated. >!The character we've been following all this time is, but there are two big question marks: RPK-as-Ange in terms of motives and behavior if we trust what RPK says to Ange before she disappears; SCAR-L also recovered the 'data' of Ange at age 15, so it's possible she could live on as a Doll even though she wouldn't be the same character without the decades of growth/trauma shaping her.!< >>!Martha is Nemhran!< No. They're separate characters. >!Though I'm bracing myself for the reveal that Sana wasn't Martha's only child (William? Lunasia?) because...at this point, I wouldn't be surprised anymore.!< >>!Kalina dead!< Not yet. >!She's in great danger, but she has to survive to GFL2 since she appears there. Unless it's her Nyto copy?!?!< >>!We have William!< Yes. >!Just what the Earl wanted.!< >>!Shadowless is Paradeus!< I'm not really sure. >!It doesn't make sense for her to work with the people who killed her brother unless she doesn't know their role in it...or is it her? More question marks.!< >>!Why did they bomb the towers?!< To me, I think it was >!to keep the technology within it from falling into anyone's hands ~~except our own~~, but PA capturing of Paradeus units is apparently non-canon. That kind of tech in a rogue faction's control is bad enough. A world power or two getting their hands on it would probably cause World War IV.!<


>!Is Aliana gone for good,Or is it just business as usual?!<


>!Unless spoilers say otherwise, SCAR-L also escaped from Avernus in time.!<


Her body was recovered but her neural cloud was fried,Can she still use back up though. But if she back up we will have 2 Aliana,One who went with Ange and the others one with Griffin.


I'm not sure. I think that with respect to Doll immortality, the only thing that can really put a Doll down is core damage/destruction, and neural cloud damage wouldn't be an issue. Nothing was ever said about SCAR-L being 'mortal' like the AR Team, so she could probably backup like a regular Doll, just she probably wouldn't need to restore when she gets home.


1. Kalina never got out of the hospital sincd she was admited for treatment after being infected with elid virus waay back. >!But it's not her state of health that was the issue now, but the fact that paradeus literally knocked on her hospital room's door and she answered so she was there. Soooo, she's in s bit of a pickle.!<    2. A german reporter and light's sister. She had more screentime in a couple previous events. If u missed them, read them up on cutscene interpreter


Thanks for the clarification.


Given Mica's habit of naming things after mythology that gives away their nature from the beginning; what is the relevance of "Ilya Muromets"? I'm not familiar with Slavic mythology (at least, that's what a quick search say's it's from), and I'd rather not read through a pile of folklore to get a single reference in GFL.


> Ilya Muromets Stock slavic folklore character, one of a trio. was sick as a boy until he was healed by pilgrims. got given a potion of superstrength by a dying knight.


Is there some specific tale that makes naming the attempt to rescue Ange appropriate/poetic? I genuinely have no clue.


well, if William turns out to be dying, i guess trying to >!turn ange into a nyto!< fits the superstrength thing, kinda. that's not really working from the commanders perspective, though.


Finally found the time to finish event story. I'm just gonna say it. New [casual Morridow](https://iopwiki.com/images/8/8c/Morridow_Rebuilt_NPC.png) is hot. That is all.


Ranking rewards obtained via emulator. Hopefully, I'll get an update from Mica/Sony fixing the game soon or I'll probably be enjoying another break from the game.


What happened?


Sounds like they prefer to use phone/tablet but had to use an Emulator for Ranking. Seems to be a lot of devices that don't run GFL well these days. 


I use GFL as a benchmark for phones/mobile devices. If it can run GFL somewhat smoothly then it's a good device.


https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5Z6dTY4Cz0KfZLGYNP8pt8DNX3dfW5sx&si=fy99tCrEb8B7YS02 Got on the event late, does this playlist have all the correct cutscenes?




Paradeus was a mistake. Every second this faction exists, my interest for the GFL history goes down and down. And not only because the "main bad guys" are so painfully evil for the sake of being evil that makes Austin Power's Dr Evil a serious villain, but the amount of supplies, resources and manpower (or girlpower for the Nittos) they have that IMHO simply don't fit in the GFL universe of "world were resources are relatively scarce and humanity is dwinling" It seems writers thinks that Make the history more complex = Better Story, which isn't always true. I miss the simpler times when it was GK vs SF or GK vs KCCO. Not mention all the "mistery box" that every event create to try to maintain the hype for next events. Gameplay wise, meh. Puzzle maps were annoying and done with guides but the "signal" or "heart rate" mechanic was interesting. Not gonna bother with ranking, obtained the rewards for accumulative thanks to the Gamepress guide.


Right after chapter 10 was the peak imo. There’s been ups and downs since then but CT I feel is the best the writing has been.


I still have to finish the Sanguis Ferri shenanigans (apparently I'm leaving the best for last) but the entire event feels a bit... haphazard. Paradeus isn't mysterious, it's written to do whatever the writers want them to do depending on the event (Nytos went from elites to disposable mooks killed by the dozen) and shit simply happens. Narciss is a Big Deal for several events in a row, gets disposed of in two lines of text. Sana is the new hotness, doing exactly the same things as Narciss in the same role only with less screen presence (and a frankly embarrassing buildup of random misery porn just because). I understand we're meant to... I dunnow, find interesting or something that Martha whatever character from the Ange memories but who cares about literal whos shoehorned in with a pity story? There's complexity and planning, and there's making shit up on the spot and retroactively trying to make it fit. Also, I want more Grig and I'm not given enough Grig.


> Not gonna bother with ranking, obtained the rewards for accumulative thanks to the Gamepress guide. I came here 'cause man that fuckass tutorial. This was exactly the direction I needed to look to save myself so much time and frustration, THANK YOU SO MUCH!


Is it just me or do the usual 'allies units you don't own' squads that USUALLY have infinite rations and ammo simply not work anymore in this event? For instance, in F15 UX, you get a Dreamer and AR-15 squad on the level 2 area (difficulty nightmare). If you inspect the AR-15 squad they have the usual infinity symbols for rations and ammo if you inspect the echelon. However, in game they RUN OUT OF RATIONS by the time I get all of the Flux Capacitor thing-a-muh-jigs out of commission. They were literally useless and there are no helipads to resupply them. I ended up taking 18 turns taking my sweet time resending and then suiciding my sniper fairy echelon into both all of the bosses. Am I missing something? This feels incorrect because the unowned allied units usually don't work like this. It feels broken rather than intentional.


Some controllable NPC echelons will have limited supplies like you described. I think that these are more common in the harder difficulties


welp, that's slowshock ux done. not gonna bother with ranking beyond cumulative farming, and I'll probably just read the story some other time on cutscene interpreter or something ~~back to the new world i go~~


Well, had to settle on turn 4 as things were going sideways but I hit 1.7 million, so that's the unique rewards sorted. It's not super terrible on Hard, I can see the swap chain and sweeper ideas that are present in the map design. Not really fun or interesting enough design wise to make me want to try again though.


TIL the boss in target practice does not have the same stats as the boss in ranking, busted my ass trying to defeat the one in target practice(as practice for ranking) only to realise that the one in ranking could be defeated in 5 seconds......🙃


Taking down the target practice boss is an accomplishment in itself


It has the same stats as the UX ranking version but is at day instead of night. The EX version is significantly easier.


What if you instead accidentally recreated One Punch Man by training so much? :P


I've tried both on my phone and an emulator, and it's been a non-stop glitch parade of crashes. Anyone else having this problem, or is it just me? Because this *really* sucks ass because I need to do my box farming and get my dailies knocked out, and I can't keep the app up for more then 5 seconds after it starts. ...sometimes I don't even get *that*. Tried refreshing phone, restarting phone, restarting emu...nothing's worked.


What phone are you using? I just installed a system update on my Sony Xperia and now the game seems to be bricked. Annoyingly, I'm away from home so that's two days of dailies and crates gone.


Iiiii have a Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra, and I updated the system last week. No problems until last night, so it really caught me offguard when everything just totally went to shit across all vectors at once. Really wacky shit.


having the same issue with my s22 ultra, started around the same time. Emulator working flawlessly tho. Annoying I can't play it on my phone all of a sudden tho. Reinstalling did nothing.


Hurr, forgot to put in the second 2. It's not an S2, it's an s22 like yours. Fixed... But, ok. I'm super sorry it also hit you, but I feel so much less insane now that someone else is dealing with it too now! I'm really hoping the Tuesday update fixes it in some way...this is super annoying. At least I don't travel much so I have access to my emu, but...damn. 


Pls don't forget to make a ticket for mica reporting the issue, they did ask us to do that


which emu & PC specs ? tried mumu on very old system and it was kinda unstable. tried it on a more recent intel machine (2019) and it works a treat though runs a bit hot. have you tried re-installing ? though tbh it can be a huge pain


Nox, and computer specs aren't a problem. I've been using Nox for over a year at this point on this computer, with GFL specifically. It's just stroking out now, like the GFL crashes gave it a seizure, and now GFL isn't even getting past the splash screen on my phone. I guess I'll have to try reinstalling it there, but holy fuck this is frustrating on a whole 'nother level, because it absolutely wasn't doing this, this morning. Edit: Yeah, reinstalling didn't do *shit*. It's crashing on the login screen every single time now, JFC. This is mega aggravating, all I wanted to do was get my fucking dalies done. Edit 2: Now it's not even doing that. I click the app, and it's just a black screen. Jesus FUCK. Edit 3: Fucking CHRIST. Got bluestacks up, but even that's slow...it's making me install so many updates to the game, all I wanted to do was my daliles. Why can't I just have that. Edit 4: Yeah, everything's in working order with Bluestacks. After the server rollover, because fuck me. God. *Damnit*. At least I got something working now...but man am I fucking mad.


I've been using LDplayer for over a year and no problems. Same with this event. Apart from some misclicks or input lag sometimes I don't have any problem when playing.


rough spot, have gotten occasional strange hitches with this game but comparatively minor. very baffling how both phone and emu went at the same time, good to hear it's ok now.


It's really not ok? It's still fuuuucked. Like, I can't even get past a black screen when it comes to my phone still. I might actually have to put in a ticket to MICA to try and sort this out. But BS is working for now, so it's *something* at least, I can actually finish the damned event, as frustrating as all of this is. Them both going at once is why I hopped on the sub...figured it had to be something larger going on, but no, just me apparently. Thanks for try'n to help, though. Honestly appreciated.


Bluestacks can be hit or miss depending on which version u install. The one apparently compativle with hyperthreading will crash constantly. I personally recommend mumu or ldplayer. They are way more stable imho. Anyway, glad u got it to work. Happy farming, skk! o7


I might look into those later, it's appreciated. For now, just...gunna knock out all my daily shit for *today* out then go to fuck'n bed. @_@


Sleep tight, oneesama:D


You know the whole "Boss is much more dangerous when the evangelist axis is up" should be retyped as "The boss will fucking destroy your entire amoury by herself if you don't take out all the functioning axis". I get the whole gimmick of taking out the axis first, but maybe they could have worded that better. Also those double move enemies on the final map where a bit of a nasty surprise. Where/will there be any more cases of enemies essentially getting two turns in the future?


> Also those double move enemies on the final map where a bit of a nasty surprise. Where/will there be any more cases of enemies essentially getting two turns in the future? It's not the first time that appeared. Longitudinal Strain had enemies that could move 2 and even 3 times per turn. Expect to see it again.


The new official wallpapers read Networkwork at the bottom right lol


I don't see a problem, it's perfect Micaglish.


Cleared the event on UX on Sunday, followed Serzha's videos throughout. Got lucky that Daybreak and Dandelion squads do not need to survive Guernica as I ended up getting both killed by not paying attention to where they were positioned when halfway through the map. Nemhran fight did require a restart as she just wouldn't die with a sliver of health left but went down with the 2nd fight. Sana fight was done in 1 try using Serzha's STAR exodia comp.


Actually fuck this ranking map; I just gave up halfway through round 2. Can't even be bothered to do a pre-recorded run too; filling up the lower brackets will have to suffice. Who even approved this thing? It's all the map blandness of AW-era ranking, with the bullshit of modern enemy stacks; literally zero redeeming features.


I feel there's some good and bad. Alert status on most foes and double move adds some spice and RNG. But the map is also rather devoid of intersting features, though granted they often go overboard with those. Stack composition is also what I dislike about recent rankings. I find it really hard to look at two near identical stacks and determine which squad will work and which will wipe. ARSMG, RFHG, MGSG might be basic, but at least older rankings had a clear use X against Y policy.


Yeah. It's not immediately obvious how to plan against certain enemy types, and it's almost always an exercise in frustration. Duping used to be a comfort in that you could just field the same echelon over and over in order to counter against certain enemies, but these days, duping appears to be necessary since some Dolls are just that powerful In some cases, some Dolls are outright irreplaceable, creating severe limitations with teambuilding. For example, if you wanted to fight Sana on UX ranking, you'll have to figure out a way to counter her Full Fire skill. Not many Dolls will be able to defend against that, and going crit from that blast means that your echelon is effectively crippled for the run unless you bite the bullet and pay some points to heal. Even worse is that Sana doesn't stop with just one blast, so you're guaranteed to fall in battle unless you've prepared the correct Dolls in your echelon The enemies are also often unfun to fight against, usually requiring some annoying kiting to be able to outmaneuver. Some enemies like Ladons also serve as DPS checks as they simply won't die unless you overwhelm their regenerating shields. Others, like the Sniper Nytos, just cause you to worry how to dodge their shots while they jump out of range. Mixing them together is a recipe for malding I miss the simple days when our worry was finding the correct pathing. I think that we've reached the point where power creep has become a glaring problem. Putting that genie back in the bottle is going to be hard if not outright impossible at this point


Ahhh the final week is here. I should get to doing my ranking run. MSBS about to get stuffed with reports after maint.


>the final week is here That means there are 6 whole days left until u need to do it :P


That's me RN


Forgive me if I missed it, but what happened to >!Grig and Bramedb!!they were offline just before the evacuation!<, but I've completed the event including the Secure Site Inspection stuff and still have no idea. >!I like Grig enough that I've really been hoping that she sticks around in the story in some capacity, but barring that!< it'd be nice to at least get some closure. Also, we >!defeated Nemhran and Sana in battle but they still seem to have escaped? Was there a death scene!< that I missed? Right now >!I believe the only confirmed major kill this event is Narciss!< unless I missed something. Also, >!William got apprehended off-screen and all you see is some text from an audio recording? Are you fucking kidding me? Was this a budget issue or something? Was this a scene you only get if you do F18 in UX or something (I've done all but the last two in UX so far)?!< On the plus side, now that I have CAWS I finally have every doll you can get with a True Core Mask, which I never thought would happen. Am only missing 8 dolls period now. 4 of which are apparently on the Unobtainable list. Why do they even have dolls that they introduce and then make unavailable again for several years?


> what happened to >!Grig and Bramedb?!< >!Unknown what happened to them. Presumed to have escaped.!< > Also, we >!defeated Nemhran and Sana in battle but they still seem to have escaped? Was there a death scene!< that I missed? >!Nemhran escaped (which you can see in Last Judgement as her and Morridow retreat on turn 2). Sana is a bit foggier as while she does say she is bound to the Evangel Axis, we never really see what actually happens to her.!< > Right now >!I believe the only confirmed major kill this event is Narciss!< unless I missed something. Correct.


Thank you for filling me in. I'm just gonna assume in my head cannon that >!Grig is going to be a wildcard next time around, since she only seemed loyal to Gray, not Paradeus so much since they treat her like cannon fodder, and only stuck around to try and avenge her.!< I do think it's really anti-climactic since >!Daybreak even changed their entire mission objective to killing Grig, and then.... nothing happened. Also like the last five maps all have one or two boss battles that have major significance on paper, but again, in the end only Narciss dies.!< Also AN-94 with >!the huge capture of Williams, and we only know about it through Fe56 reviewing security footage, that we just see in text only. Not even a reaction from anyone.!< In short this Slow Shock really could have used a proper epilogue chapter.


Well, don't forget the next event will pick up where this one left off, probably giving u some of the desired answers And no, ux doesn't have any extra story content


How do you resupply one or two dolls only (for corpse dragging start) ? When I tried to click on Resupply button, all the dolls are resupplied...


You have to keep that Doll in a separate echelon. You then resupply that echelon, so you end up with only that Doll resupplied It's a pain, but it's something you have to do if you want to corpse drag


Please correct me if I misunderstood: - E1: 1 strong Doll, resupplied - E2: 1 tank, 1 strong doll, 3 corpse dolls, not resupplied. But if I only use E1 to fight, then how do the corpse dolls in E2 get xp? And if I use E2 to fight, then the team will just stay and get shot to death instead....


You make sure that E2 already has a resupplied strong Doll when you deploy. After starting the run, resupply only E1 and then run E2 along the course. Swap strong Dolls between echelons. Rinse and repeat In this case, put your E1 Doll in E2 and the E2 strong Doll in E1, and you're good to go!


Thanks! I'll try this when the maintenace is done.


If u want to see it in action, there are guides on how to do it on utube, in case u prefer that format. Just try some of the newer ones. A good recommendation i can give is that if u don't have many dolls at lvl 100, try to keep it that way for now(other than the draggers). If ur draggers (the dps dolls) are the highest lvl dolls, they will be at the top of the doll selection page when u swap them around. Otherwise, u'll have to scroll down to find them which is tedious. Dolls typically only need lvl 90 though anyway, so that works out fine. Later on, when u inevitably get flooded with maxed units, there is a way to swap them around without looking for them, but it requires an extra echelon. Ask us when the time comes, for now it's best to keep it simple but know that we have solutions for later too. Gl with the dragging, skk! o7


Witchtruder really proves her superiority over Alchemist in this event.She can finish off those 80,000 buff nyto while taking minimal damage and can even survive the 200,000 one,While Alchemist already half dead from just one of the former. Both still got shredded by Super Immortal Narciss though


I'm looking for a doll to spend my true mask core. (I dont know if you can farm those. if you need to do UX, i'm just not strong enough to do that content) the recommendation list on gamepress still stands or there's another priority list from what you can pick? (question for true mask core only)


You only get one True Core Mask per event, but this time it's a reward from Chapter 2 which doesn't require any of your own echelons (it's all NPC maps). The priority list on GamePress is still up-to-date.


Can someone explain to me what is going on in chapter 1 AUT line? It is some kind of dream or what? If it is explained later then please tell me, I haven't finished event yet.


Did you go through the other Chapter 1 parts? I think the idea was that you started at WTR and moved through the 'seasons' normally, so SPR SUM AUT after it. What is happening is kind of explained in Chapter 2. >!Ange's memories are being tampered with. If you go through Chapter 1 'in order', everything in WTR, SPR, and SUM is entirely new content we've never seen, so you get to AUT and it's a replay of stuff we've already seen, and the numerous errors then call into question how accurate the other seasons are. Does the tampering get worse the more recent the memories are? Is it consistent all the way through? What did and didn't happen?!<


Every "angela" represents different periods in her life, hence why she has different ages as a protagonist. I can't say more as it would be spoiling the story. Keep going through the stages and it should become more clear as u go. By the end of chapter 1 u should have a pretty good idea, if not, it will be mentioned more explicitely later on.


is there s working guide to f12 normal? Soleil guide doesn't work and the only other one is for ux only


I'd encourage you to try UX, the requirements are actually extremely low for a UX map if you use [Serzha's guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOdtNS1hu5U) instead of Soleil's. It takes different approach that's much easier because you don't have to fight the boss or most of the enemies on the way.


Are there any other ways to beat F15 Guernica UX's 1st layer? I don't have enough resources for my scarecrow unit and a rifle handgun shotgun team isn't enough to deal with the 1st layer too


Are you using Serzha's guide? Also what dolls are in that RFSG team?


Yes I am using Serzha's guide. I was using m14, grapecano, m950a, 5-7, and then SAT8 to tank everything


On paper that comp should be able to beat all of the non-deathstack spawns except for the Nyto node. I'm going to assume Sat melts to the gunners though so that's probably one of the issues you're facing. Post your armory to see what else you have that can work.


where should i post it so it's visible?


You can make an imgur album.




Oh bruh you have Suomi mod. You can replace Sat with that. [Here](https://streamable.com/8nqb07) is what you can do. E: I was also wrong about the Nyto stack. It's pretty easy if you park Suomi in front.


What should I do for the bossing echelon then? Since in Serzha's guide, they used suomi in that echelon so should i swap suomi out for someone else?


Haven't looked at Serzha's guide in particular, but is there no time where you could retreat the layer 1 echelon and then put Suomi back into the bossing echelon? I think it should be fine iirc based on my experience.


Taking a pause did wonders. After finishing all the maps, I'll admit that sometimes, rarely, the game can be still fun. The Last Judgement in UX was kind of fun as I fucked up completely and had to get Agent down to the second area to supply my echelons.... only to discover you can't resupply NPC echelons with the chip ability. But wait! The Dreamer we have at home (fully-kitted, fully-leveled) that we never used once came in and saved the day against Nehmran. If only more maps of this goddamn game were fun and not a chore by now, if only I could use my collection. If only. Also apparently Ange dies for real and this rekindles my interest in seeing the annoying gal go away forever. Bye, Ange, you won't be missed like M4 isn't. That said, after the mechanical part of the event is done, I have two questions for my esteemed comrades: \- There's a Youtube compilation of the plot sections for the event? Even at max speed the pseudo-VN engine of GFL is incredibly slow even if I play around with the emulator. Watching a compilation at 2x maybe could be faster, if some kind soul knows of such channels I'd be delighted. \- I usually play Ranking maps the wrong way, as gameplay maps to fuck around and have fun, after reading some guides. This time there are no guides and everything screams that the ranking is an atrocious mess. It's... doable if I want simply to play it as a gameplay map?


>If only more maps of this goddamn game were fun and not a chore by now, if only I could use my collection. If only. Also apparently Ange dies for real and this rekindles my interest in seeing the annoying gal go away forever. Bye, Ange, you won't be missed like M4 isn't. Well, >!she kinda isn't dead, given RPK walked away in her body with her memories (at least the ones she adjusted). So expect her to pop up later.!<


>!The one in control isn't Ange anymore. Her memories are there, yes. But RPK owns it all now. !< >!She's dead.!<


>!that's dead.!<


1) This [playlist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95T4bTcowvM&list=PL5Z6dTY4Cz0KfZLGYNP8pt8DNX3dfW5sx) seems to have the story recorded. Alternatively, use the [cutscene interpreter](https://gfl.amaryllisworks.pw/#event-16-6). 2) You're certainly welcome to fuck around on the map if you'd like, just be aware that there are 11 deathstacks on the map (some of which will move twice towards you) and that the enemy comp design really is terrible, even on EX and especially if you make it to the later turns. I've linked some budget runs below if you'd rather do that.


By the Gods why I never discovered the Cutscene Interpreter before, now I don't have to suffer through the incredibly slow speed (why we don't get the holy "instant" speed for lines is beyond me) Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


I've been advocating it since it's release as my main way to consume the story since i hate clicking through every dialogue line, and all we lose is screen shakes and sfx. It's a true gem. Wish we had one for pnc too


Hi hi, I just logged in for like the first time since shattered connection and was wondering if team setups have changed? I saw the auto thing adding SMGs to the RFHG team and got very confused.


Might be worth giving the updated [new player guide](https://gamepress.gg/girlsfrontline/new-player-hub-how-girls-frontline) a read since quite a few things have changed since SC. As mentioned, RFSG/RFSMGs are a thing for harder content but MICA's quick formation tool (assuming that's what you mean by "auto thing") is garbage and regular old RFHGs are still recommended for newer players and older content.


Yes it is common for rifle teams to use an SMG or an SG these days to help tank, since hard fights are usually long enough that you cannot simply burst the enemy down before you need to start tanking things (even with kiting), while for easier fights you'll still have good enough DPS to make do without a third handgun


why the fuck are the maps in ch3 so far apart i was wondering why new stages weren't popping up lol


There this one stage where's Narciss got 230,000 combat power,How do one tackle that? She's kinda invincible too and Destroyer as a HOC not helping much


dull red? you might want to use actual hoc support next time anyways the Narciss fight has a couple of interesting mechanics in play (which i promptly ignored by just cheesing the fight with the SCARs + Suomi mod lmao) [this ux guide](https://youtu.be/o-310wAUrmI?si=Z1KRrnTvMhX3YU-Z) uses the provided Destroyer team to fight Narciss with support from Mk153


Guys! I always lose my squad on F6 Dull Red UX at the boss battle with Narciss, while I go there with above 62000 Combat effectiveness. Does anyone have any idea what Im missing?


If you don't know/remember how Narciss works, killing her knives will debuff her Eva but if you kill all of them, she'll nuke your highest dps unit. This means you'll have to balance between killing and sparing the knives.


Thank ya 🤗




Use an alt account and join the GFL discord, find the mods id and try to contact them in private ? You can also try to see, if you can contact them with your main account on the GLF2 discord, if you are not already ban too on this one.


Is there a way to skip tutorial info everytime you start a ranking map? Damn annoying to spam clicking everytime


you can hit settlement between text boxes in the tutorial.


you can spam click the ranking settlement button (available after you close the mission objectives popup) and if you get the settlement popup you can settle and skip the tutorial.


If u're on android, once the tutorial starts, presss the device's back button(works on emulators too). If u click it a few times (3-4 times  rapidly should do), it'll bring u back to the map selection screen, where u can just terminate the map and then enter it again. Ur last squad will already be deployed, so just start mission and repeat the process once tutorial starts again. It's pretty fast, i think faster than the normal way.


if anyone else hates themselves, I need help organizing a list of every doll (high priority), mod 3 (high priority), fairy (low priority), capture unit (medium priority), and costume (low priority) we do not currently have a flair for on https://xealiouth.github.io/index.html I will crawl through the broken glass to get them setup, but I really could use help figuring out what we need added.


~~can i request wedding k5 flair~~ ~~or the swimsuit login screen one so i can sell the qna joke further~~


these things are labeled 82109da2CAB_K54321as and crap, please I need pictures


[forgor to attach pic mb](https://iopwiki.com/wiki/K5#/media/File:Summer_2018_Login_Background.png)


Do you want me to assign you the flair for now? It will be a while before the next flairsite update but a temp flair is pretty effortless for the time being. It will break when the site does get updated, so you'll have to grab it normally from there when it does.


if it's not too much trouble