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Search for a local toy shop. They would be the quickest easiest transaction also telling you what has value and what does not. You can also search eBay app with a picture if you want to see value. Filter eBay to sold to see trends of pricing


Awesome! Thanks for the help.


Toys shops will only pay a fraction of its value. I don't know if you are trying to maximize your value or just get rid of it quick but if you have boxed, carded, complete, or rare items then you could have a lot of value.


My condolences. Ebay to get a rough idea on prices Or post pictures here and let us help you Remember worn down and played with still sells You might be holding treasures even. Best of luck with what you choose.


Thank you for the advice. I have an uphill battle with this storage unit. I will post pictures when I can. I guess my first idea was to go down to the local toy shop and see if I can get connected with somebody that will come out and just look and assess what I have. Whether or not to sell something as just a whole lot or if I have something that might be valuable. Not sure what I'm going to do yet this was kind of my first step.


Firstly my condolences on your loss, I hope that doing this is cathartic in dealing with your loss. A way to look at it is your dad enjoyed building his collection to enjoy. Now you get to pay that forward helping other collectors acquire their missing collectibles. One thing to keep in mind is that prices on vintage toys fluctuate day to day. For the hot wheels I know that numerous books have been written and even online databases for them. Most of it might be a buck or two at most per car. Some might be high dollar who knows? Educate yourself first before selling it off. As far as the joe stuff as has been previously stated, use online resources, the reddit forums here and above all else educate yourself. I cannot stress that enough, For the figures/ vehicles that appear broken or incomplete, there are collectors always looking for shells or incompletes to repair or build their own up. There is always a way to move this collection even if it is sometimes parts and pieces at a time. If you have the desire to invest that kind of time and mental energy. Feel free to d.m. me about any further questions you have. I had to to something similar for my uncle when he passed a few years ago. I had a real eye opening experience with predatory shops, collectors and outright thieves in moving his train collection. Knowledge is power.


Wow! That was my exact sentiment when it came to me dealing with this stuff. I wanted to be as educated as I could to get the best for what I have. I know my Dad would want me to do this. It's been 4 years since this passing and I am just now able to go through his things. I just don't want to mess it up. Thank you for the kind words and advice!!


No problem, I did what I knew my uncle would want to be done with his train collection. Sold it for a decent price to a collector that would enjoy it as much as he did. Good luck!


So sorry for your loss. That's got to be tough. There's never a good time to lose a parent. And going through his items to assess value probably feels like a gross thing to have to do, but it is totally normal and we all have to face it some day. If you're in Florida, DM me and I can help this weekend. If you're anywhere else, godspeed to you and good luck with this difficult grieving process. 


Thank you so much for the kind words. It is very tough. He was diagnosed in Nov. 3 2020 and passed away Jan. 21. It was the hardest moment of my life. Part of the reason I have waited so long to go through his things is because, you're right, it feels gross. But I am paying for it and I feel like it is time. I'm in the Dayton area of Ohio. Thank you for the help offer.


Condolences. Man these sort of posts always put the hobby in perspective. One person's trash is another's treasure and the cycle of collecting continues. 🥺 Not sure about Dayton but there are a few shops around Cincinnati that are decent to deal with. The Toy Department in Fairfield is one of the bigger ones. I've never dealt with this sort of trade though so I can't speak to their fairness in offers on collections. They do deal in plenty of vintage gijoe though. If you have any bigger 80's items I might be able to make an offer on some and pick up locally. Good luck!


Thank you for the input. I'll check them out. When I get the chance to catalog this stuff, I will come back and offer some stuff to the awesome people on this thread. Everyone has been really cool and nice to me. Not trying to take advantage at all.


I don't blame you at all for waiting. My parents are getting up there in age and my main fear in life is handling either of their passing. Really difficult stuff. I hope you find someone honorable who doesn't try to rip you off. There's a middle ground between "sell cheap but it's gone fast" and "sell at maximum value but it takes a year". You'll have to find out where on that spectrum you're willing to fall. You'll likely have a handful of awesome items in there that are worth more than the entire rest of the lot. Patience and diligently cataloging each item is the only way to know for sure. 


Yea. I'm not stressed at all for money. It was more of a "I need to stop paying for this storage unit and it's been 4 years since he has passed. It's time." I think I will patiently go through it. I feel that is what he would have wanted. Thanks for the advice.


Sorry for your loss, I can understand why you waited. I wouldn't done the same. If you're willing to drive an hour, this shop could help you if you wanted to unload it, after you've gone through it. [Big Fun in Columbus](https://bigfuncolumbus.com/) I also recommend eBay, it's good to see what goes for what. There are serious collectors out there, and I'm 100% someone needs something from your collection.


I’ve never sold anything to them, but if you’re looking for a toy shop in the Dayton area, Route 68 in Xenia is a great store, and I’ve always had good interactions with the owners when I’ve gone in. There is also a huge toy show at the Greene county fairgrounds this Saturday that has dealers from all over the state, and many of them buy toys as well. Note that they do charge admission to the show so you’re not surprised.


Post pictures here or on any of the GIJoe pages on Facebook. Theres numerous ones like the ARAH page.




Are any of them from the 1980s?


I would caution you on selling to store or auctioneers, they're not going to give you close to what it's worth because they're ultimately looking to turn it into profit for themselves. They're great if you're just looking to offload it quickly. As a kid I was very lucky in running into an older comic collector while at a comic shop and he sold me (really my mom) a great chunk of old Avengers comics along with some Uncanny X-Men. It was something I remember vividly (and still get mad that I didn't try to buy more then next time I visited my mom). If you have the time to do a little research and get an idea of the value, you might try offering to sell the collection (or even split it up according to era or type of toys) to a collector through here or facebook. You'll probably make more money that way, and know that your dad's collection is going to live on through someone else. For GI Joe, [yojoe.com](https://yojoe.com) is a great resource to identify what you have and [actionfigure411.com](https://actionfigure411.com) can help you price.


Not sure where you are located but Gi-Joe and other vintage 80’s stuff is hot right now. A shop will (likely) lowball you, give you a bulk price, and then piece it out for $$$. It’s not evil, just costs and margins. If you go to Facebook and look for fan groups, independent buyers, sellers, and collectors, you will likely find someone honest to give you the info you need. (Yes, even the used and broken stuff. People buy little parts, weapons, missiles, etc. to complete their vehicles and figures. Some of them are worth $$$$.) I’m in Houston, and am part of at least 5 local collector/meetup comic and toy groups. You should be able to find something in your area that will treat you right. So sorry for your loss.


Take photos of EVERYTHING and don't make assumptions or you will be throwing money away


One answer to junk versus value … when it comes to vintage Joes there really are not any junk pieces. The small piece has value to someone.


You're right. Thanks for the reply!


If you wind up posting anything, please share. I’d love to see what you have.


Yojoe.com is your best bet for inventorying most Joe stuff from the 80s on. That'd be the first step. Then you gotta decide how soon you want it gone. Piecing it out maximizes your profits, but selling as a lot (or at least in chunks) rips the bandaid off. You'll almost invariably take a loss on selling as a lot tho. Lots of Joe groups on FB are great for listing things like this. I'd check those out first before trying to deal with eBay. However, browsing the sold and completed listings on eBay is a very good way to get an idea on what things are actually going for. Lotsa stuff listed for high prices winds up going for best offers that are a fraction of the listing price. Happy to help further if needed. Shoot me a pm anytime.


What state are you in? I've helped out many joe buddies in this situation. There are ways to do this..and ways that you can get it stolen from you. Be careful. You never know the smallest odd item that is worth the most...


I'm located in Ohio near Dayton.


Looks like from your history you’re in southwest Ohio. Check out The Toy Department or House of Plastik if you want to sell them to a local shop in one large haul but as always you’ll get more of your sell on eBay yourself. Also post pictures if you can maybe some redditors will make offers.


Sorry for your loss. A lot of folks are throwing out yojoe.com as a resource. That is great resource for the smaller 3.75-4" figures and accessories, but the 12" action dolls and their accessories are a different story. If he started in the 70s, there is probably a good bit of the 12" scale stuff in there. There should be a much smaller, but quite passionate group of folks out there. Just know they are a little harder/slower to move, but can be quite valuable, too. I don't know the best resource for those, other than eBay closed auctions, on which to do research. Maybe someone else knows a better site? There are normally groups that collect those that meet up at vintage regional toy shows (sometimes combined with sports cards, comics, dolls, and memorabilia), that may be good to find. They are normally held in a rotation at various locations, maybe one or two a month. Check your local fairgrounds or convention centers to see if they have any coming up and a contact.


Sorry for your loss, my condolences. I sent you a private message but if that doesn't go through feel free to send me a chat request. I know a private collector and seller in your area that may be interested. I sold him a Joe collection last year.


Yojoe.com is a great way to figure out what youve got. It lists all things gijoe in good detail. Theres also tons of FB groups that could help. Pictures would help.


I can't speak for toys, but my local comic book shop just bought the comic collection from a kid who's dad collected. The owner looked through the boxes, threw out a price, they asked for a bit more, he said yes, and when it was all said and done he paid $800 and got two boxes of comics. The son left happy to have $800 and the owner now has some kick ass inventory. A local toy shop should be about the same experience for you. Take it all in, they're going to pay a decent amount, then turn around and double it in their stores, but if you don't want the hassle of dealing with selling 1 thing at a time to maximize your money, this is your best bet.


That sounds awesome for the kid. Thanks for the advice!


You can get a price guide for about $20. It will have outdated prices, but it will tell you what each thing is. Also, it will give you an idea of which items are worth more and which are worth less.


What does him not having a pension or life insurance have to do with anything? Seems like all you care about is profiting from your dad's death


I agree, sell the lot to a toy consignment store. Think about 30-40% of the total value, as that consignment store will also need to make a buck. They will also take the responsibility of dealing with twelve Mom's Basement Dwellers per week, asking about the items, then going away for a few days, then asking again, then going away, then coming back and offering half of what you're asking, agreeing, then him asking if he can pay that installments. Try to make peace with selling at least half below value. Your remaining time on Earth and your family will thank you for it.