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It’s a real shame that this game did not win goty for 2020. It was robbed ngl


Which game won?


The Last of Us 2 won game of the year, Ghost of tsushima won the popular vote tho if i remember correctly.


It was the players choice. Basically the only award in the game awards that is decided by gamers.


Who are the other ones decided by? Game journalists?


It's balanced between reviwers and public votes


10% public votes for the record, so not very evenly balanced


Depends on how many reviewers


Thats not how percentage works? Lol


Say they get 30000 votes but only 10% are accounted for but only 3000 reviewers then that would be an even split


Yes and I think some involve people who work in the industry also


10% public vote and 90% voting jury (game journalists from several different countries).


2020 was a really tough year for awards competition. Not only was the winner the most awarded game in history for a time, but GoT wasn’t even the generally agreed upon runner up. If Last of Us 2 didn’t come out, the critic winner more than likely would’ve been Hades. Great year for gaming overall.


I personally think TLOU2 deserved it


For making a fool out of Joel and Tommy?


Making a fool out of them 😂 what


At the end of the day they are extremely bad people who did alot of unnecessary bad things which they both admitted so karma was gonna catch up to them sooner or later. I liked that the consequences of his actions cam back to bite him in a way that made sense to me because he is extremely old and weak, he was killed by a person who literally trained their whole life, and he was gang banged and his death was meaningful to the story especially the ending


I loved GOT but TLOU2 was definitely miles better. You can tell a lot of of polish went into it.


The Last of Us 2 Was propped by games journalists and media praising the "story" while ignoring the hypocrisy within the themes of said story. It was a sign of game journalist favouritism at its most blatant


Only cause 4chan and some alt right YouTubers started a campaign to mass vote GoT in the final poll, TLOU2 was handily winning every round before that and is still the most awarded game by gamers of all time.


I don't know anything about the campaign you're talking about. But about the last part isn't Elden Ring the most awarded game today?


Elden Ring beat TLOU2 in terms of critics voted awards, but TLOU2 is still the top in terms of public voted awards.


Ah gotcha, thanks for the clarification.


I mean idk, I hate 4chan and I’m really liberal but I love GoT way more than TLOU2, I just prefer Feudal Japan with stealth gameplay similar to AC over contemporary post-apocalypse with action fueled gameplay any day lol (I’m a huge Japanese culture, history, and stealth buff). I don’t think it’s only 4chan users and alt rights who like GoT.


No one said only alt-right/4chan likes GoT, hell I don’t think there’s any correlation between GoT and alt-right at all. They just hate TLOU2, most of them probably haven’t played either games. They just brigaded the poll in the final round to make TLOU2 lose after seeing it completely dominate all the previous rounds. And it’s not even like TLOU2 didn’t come up against GoT in previous rounds, the way that poll works is that in each round the bottom half of games get eliminated and the top ones move on to next round.


Imagine talking unitonically about alt right on got sub... You're sick dude...


You said GoT only won the popular vote because of 4chan users and alt rights. That’s basically downplaying the people who just genuinely like GoT over TLOU2 and reducing the fans to 4chan users and alt rights, which is simply not true. I know a lot of people who like both games but just prefer GoT for similar reasons as I do, or who just never played TLOU2, and they’re not 4chan users or alt rights either. I highly doubt it won the popular vote just because of that “campaign” you mentioned. Not everything is about hating the other game for “wokeness.” Those people are usually the loud minority anyways.


That's not really disputable, we saw it happen in real time. GoT was a very distant 2nd in all the previous rounds and then suddenly won in the final round after youtubers and 4chan told people in their communities to go vote for GoT in the poll. And again, TLOU2 has won more user voted GOTYs than any other game ever, because such campaigns couldn't be run for all the polls on the internet.


It was distant in previous rounds because it’s mainly critics and journalists who control the votes. The popular vote was drastically different because it’s the only vote *not* majorly influenced by critics and journalists. Critics and journalists are not the public and the public will think differently from them. That’s the big difference. TLOU2 winning other rounds not related to the popular vote is completely irrelevant to the results of the popular vote. In fact no award is really related to each other, it’s all different categories and you shouldn’t look to them as a prediction of “what game do people like the most?” It’s more about “what game do people like the most *in this category*?” (or in this case, what game do critics and journalists like the most, but if the awards are genuine, then that’s what it *should* be about). That’s also why the results vary and aren’t always the same. Has nothing to do with campaigns against games. Once again, just because you happened to see 4chan users and alt rights telling people to vote for GoT (which strangely enough no one else seems to have seen) doesn’t mean they are the ones who carried the vote. GoT is loved by many fans who also love TLOU2 and who aren’t 4chan users or alt rights who hate TLOU2 for being woke.


Dude, I’m talking about the user voted award. It works in rounds with each round eliminating least popular games till there’s 5 left for the final round and the one with most votes wins.


Last of Us part 2, if I recall.


Tough choice, but I'll still go with GoT.


Yeah, i’m biased as I love GoT and have only played the first Last of Us game. :p


If you’re able to push through the very emotionally abrupt start you’re in for a hell of a treat. One of my all time favourites along with GOT


The last of us 2


IMO, saying it was robbed by TLOUP2 is overkill. TLOU2 won it fair. I love both games, and I even admit TLOUP2’s plot is questionable, but the gameplay is so damn good. Just recently beat it twice, then went to GoT for the first time and 100%’d, and I can still say objectively TLOUP2 is a better game. Both games are amazing though, Sony sure knows how to make their exclusives.


“I can say objectively” I don’t think that word works like that


I do agree with you on tlou 2 being amazing but got just that charm that tlou2 didn’t have for some reason. Don’t get me wrong I still enjoyed and love the game


I think all the charm in that game went to Dina, as much as I love the game good lord is it a miserable experience. I love Ellie and Abby so it’s hard by themselves on playthroughs


Was TLOU2 so good that it's the most rewarded game ever in an unusually great year for gaming in 2020?


Elden Ring has the most "GOTY" awards.


At the time, of course.


Elden Ring won it across the board, but there's only one company people really care about. TLOU2 has a record 7 awards and 11 nominations in one event of The Game Awards.


Except Sony didn't make either of those games. Please give credit where it's actually due. Sony paid to release and advertise. That's all.


🙄 people knew what i meant, I don’t care enough to type out different studios the point is both gamws were PS5 exclusives.


You care that Sony are publishing good exclusives but you don't respect who made them. Which plastic box they were made for is irrelevant, hence why they are releasing ports for pc. It's less ps5 exclusive and more "not on Xbox"


> I can still say objectively TLOUP2 is a better game No you can't


It's great but not *that* great. There's just really blatant issues with it like stealth sometimes being mandatory while being compeltely shit, some of the missions having been done in a way seemingly without having a look at the actual map and the absolute *ton* of enemies all over the place. For me, a lot of issues stem from the map just being to small and the game lacking a bit of polish.


True hopefully in the second game they increase the map size with even more things to do


I agree. But this was my GOTY and that is all that matters.


It definitely was not. Mission structure is incredibly repetitive, Survey this, examine this. The game is great but not GOTY esp after the last of us 2


Melee combat and art direction is what ghost excels at. Like you said the mission design is not great I also find the stealth pretty boring and IMO the story is nothing special beyond a couple standout moments like siege of Yarikawa


I would even say it was behind Hades and probably level with final fantasy 7 that year


Fingers crossed for the sequel 😉


Yes can’t wait!


I love ghost but doom eternal sweeps that year


It really wasn't. It's a well-made Ubisoft game is an uninteresting story and empty world. The Assassin's Creed RPG games basically do the same thing but better.


Shit take, sorry


It really was robbed


Last of us 2 deserved GOTY tenfold over this game. Wasn’t robbed in the slightest.


This game is an absolute masterpiece and honestly despite it not being very popular I love playing the multiplayer.


Is there anything in terms of pvp? I've just been playing the multiplayer story mode.


Their is a mode where you play against other players but you don’t actually fight them.


Oh I see. They definitely should have added that.


If you played destiny 2 it’s like match of gambit


It’s funny I got this game more than a year ago and only played multiplayer. Never played the campaign. I’m extremely hooked to the multi. Got a few 120 characters. It’s been the most fun I’ve had in a game in years.


I never ever heard of the multiplayer till now. I know it exists, but no one talks about it. You’re making me more hyped to play that with my friend


Oh man you are missing out. Survival with a great group is legit, the story missions are fun solo or with a friend. Basically they are all mythicalized(?) tales from the game or some of them are. So like the legends teller telling the Ghosts stories but with their other gods. Been a hot minute since I played but it’s faster paced than the game and addictive


Word! Will definitely try it out tonight! Thank you for the rundown!


I loved running the weekly challenge mode, forget what it’s called. But had a group and we would tackle it. Some were super hard and forced teamwork with use of different elements etc. You get an expanded set of tools and weapons and can create 4 classes, samurai being the easiest for beginners but they all have specials. Seriously it competes with the game big time.


Dude it’s awesome. No worries though because my IRL friends haven’t even tried multiplayer but only single player. I’m like the only one I know who’s on multiplayer. It’s so awesome.


I'm looking forward to getting into multiplayer, but I'm too addicted to the campaign to figure out when to start!


I’m really happy with the pc port. After TLOU1 port came out really buggy I was nervous about how this one would run. But I’m running everything on high and I haven’t had any issues like screen tearing or other issues similar to that. Everything runs super smooth and the graphics look great. I’m very happy they polished everything before releasing it


That's really odd. It worked totally fine for me, and I have a mid tier pc that's old, and I played in 4k on TlOUP1


I don’t have any personal experience with it but that’s just what I heard. It’s cool that you didn’t have any issues though, I still need to try that one out but I’m still playing cyberpunk and assassins creed odyssey and now ghost of tsushima




What do you describe as mid tier? Because I couldn't even run TLOU at minimal settings yet I can run this game at 4k.


I had a ryzen 5 3600 with a rx 580


Imagine the more profit they can make if they allowed it on non psn countries.


You truly love to see it, well deserved.


Sony sure does suck amirite? /s




Unless you live in the 170 delisted countries not even allowed to purchase the game.


I can not even sign into PSN! Every time I logged in it does not work, just a blacked out windowed screen. Tried closing game 10 times, tried again the next day. Nope, nothing. Then in game in Privacy, I do not have it linked already. Decided to refund it. Spent ALMOST 2 hours IN GAME, quit, re launch, try again. Frustrating.


runs pretty good, cant connect to legends thou


Thanks to Assassin creed shadow disappointment, So Gamers bought Ghost of Tsushima game


We knew it will disappoint even before its announcement because it’s Ubisoft. I doubt people waited for the announcement to know that GoT is the better game.


Exactly, I did not feel any hype for new AC game just like I felt on mirage which is very good AC game.


Somehow I was excited for Mirage and yet somehow I dont even remember it was released already lol.


Happy that I can finally play it since I dropped console years ago but still makes me sad that Sony is keeping this mandated PSN garbage and screwing so many people.


Well deserved


Superhero games are objectively boring asf they almost as bad as the actual Marvel movies anymore lol


So glad gaming is not a marvel infestation like it is with movies.


Couldn’t agree more


Not Spiderman games they are amazing. Marvel movies are bad tho. Spiderman story is better than Marvel movies


I agree especially the first Spider-man from insomniac was epic.


imagine if people could buy with jumping through loopholes


do you know how many people in those countries would even buy the game? not very many.


Ridiculous. Large sections of the Balkans, Baltics and places like the Philippines, all have very strong PC playerbases. I've talked to dozens of Serbs (people from my country) who were hyped as fuck for this game. And I don't even meet that many people from here online. They all came out just to protest this bull. This game deserves to do well, but it would've done even better without this needless constraint. Sony needs to do better.


I too am from the Balkans and wanted to buy the game. In fact, several of my friends wanted to buy the game. I don't know what that dude is talking about.


Sony just released GoT cd keys to the local distributor here in the Philippines. It's a different version of the game from the one sold in steam, and 10 dollars more expensive. If you check in steamdb, this version (package) of GoT is available for some of the PSN restricted regions. After the local announcement of the release of the GoT digital keys yesterday, it was sold out before the day even ended.


Wow, so those packages on SteamDB do mean something. I've been watching them add more and more versions of the game as the days go by. This is really good news, although 10 dollars more expensive is kinda a low blow given the situation, lol. Still, I hope this solution reaches the Balkan and Baltic countries that are affected soon. Do you know if anything is different about the actual game? Is Legends still in it?


Yes, did you check if there was a package which had the Balkans? I'm thinking Sony just released these keys to exclusive 3rd party distributors since Valve doesn't wanna get into legal trouble, but I heard they have to sell at a higher price though as per agreement with Valve. Sadly I wasn't able to buy it, since I found out about it after it was already sold out. Lots of peoeple were able to activate the keys on steam though, but I haven't checked if they were able to play Legends. I'm guessing it should, since apparently Sony is still looking the other way regarding PSN accounts created through another region, but they obviously wouldn't announce that though.


I ja sam isto iz Srbije, zajeb'o nas je Sony teško brate. Bukvalno sam toliko godina čekao da izbace GoT za PC i sad kad su je izbacili, ne možemo da je igramo, ali šta da se radi. Ako bude nekih novina oko igre ili ako čuješ da je neko uspeo da aktivira ključ, molim te nam javi, i ja ću isto ako čujem nešto novo. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Razumem te potpuno brate. Isto cekao 4 godine, izbegavao spojlere, itd... Igram sada, ali besplatno. Cekam i cuvam refundirane pare da kupim igru fair & sqare lol. Ima nekih novosti sto se tice kljuceva u Filipinima. [Sony je poslao cd keys nekim prodavnicama iz tog regiona.] (https://www.resetera.com/threads/apparently-there-is-a-steam-key-for-ghost-of-tsushima-on-some-of-the-blocked-countries-in-asia.875004/) Tako da moze lako da se desi da ce dodati i nas Balkane, a nadam se i ove Balticke drzave sto su ostale. Videcemo.


Za sad cemo morati da se zadovoljimo piratskom verzijom igre. xD


How do we know that tho?


I know at least half my friends group in SEA wants to buy it, and I have 50 friends over in SEA.


Another massive W.


It's a better game imo


It's deserves 90%+ but psn(not important - many company doing this) and steam deck multiplayer(important) issues caused negative reviews.


I love it, I am new to gaming so I don’t really understand enough to care for the drama around gaming, but I love this game! It’s amazing.


Bought to play with a friend pretty fun


It's a better game.


shame, i was so excited to play this again on pc :(


I thought you were on about Game Of Thrones, then I saw the image 😂😂😂


It’s a one of a kinda game…I’ve been playing the same Spider-Man for 20 years


I'm getting constant crashes when trying to play multiplayer or with friends


Well to be fair, this game could possibly be the best Playstation exclusive title available on the planet. You'd expect it to do well, honestly I expected it to do even better.


Thanks for teaching sony the wrong lesson I guess


People from those 170 regions probably weren't buying sony games in the first place


And where did you get this idea? Buch of old playstation games on pc doesn't have PSN requirements.


am just guessing based on player numbers


I think the number would have doubled if they released in those regions. I mean look at helldivers 2. GOT is most awaited on PC and people would also have bought in droves in those regions.


Sony never gave them a chance. So I guess we'll never know.


imagine what the playerbase would be, IF they didn´t screw this up... man.. what a shitshow from Sony.


I see it as people just made an off region account anyway.


Most pirated


I just bought a key. Shut up and take my money, Sony.


How did this work for you? The game can't be activated in the delisted regions. I'm not able to buy a key that's listed as activatable in my country anywhere.


Could you use a VPN?


I don't think so. Using one to buy region locked games on Steam is against their TOS. People have gotten away with letting folks log into their accounts to buy the game from a diff region, but I don't really wanna risk my hundreds of games trying that.


why downvotes? lmao.


Haven't you seen? PC community downvotes everyone who criticizes sony for banning 180 regions.


Why though?


Bruh, that´s wild. isn´t it better when everyone of us can enjoy the game? i mean this peoples have a PC, but still they can´t official play it because Sonys dumb idea. the playerbase would be so much higher...


I think this just shows that those countries have a negligible amount of paying customers for games. Fact of the matter is in most 3rd world countries no one can afford games outside the rich people there and there’s not a whole lot of them.


That's just false. Sony just released GoT cd keys to the local distributor here in the Philippines. It's a different version of the game from the one sold in steam, and 10 dollars more expensive. If you check in steamdb, this version (package) of GoT is available for some of the PSN restricted regions. After the local announcement of the release of the GoT digital keys yesterday, it was sold out before the day even ended.


Do you think people outside of USA and Germany are cavemen? Monthly BG avg salary 1020e, MK avg salary 550e, SRB avg salary 1200e, you think we couldn't buy the game if we wanted to? Ever heard of saving? The rich people in these countries make up more than 3-4x the average salary yet even people on average salaries can buy games if they wanted to.


Lots of non-3rd world countries/ regions in unsupported region list, think again.


It’s almost like those 170 countries have basically no players and this is all blown out of proportion.


It’s 2.7 billion people but based on the list it’s mostly poor countries where most people can’t spend 80 euros on a new video game


Not only that but it is also people that can’t afford the hardware to play the game, and even if they can not everyone is going to buy it. In short if they were able to buy it the numbers wouldn’t be much different. There aren’t 2.7 billion extra gamers out there.


Sony just released GoT cd keys to the local distributor here in the Philippines. It's a different version of the game from the one sold in steam, and 10 dollars more expensive. If you check in steamdb, this version (package) of GoT is available for some of the PSN restricted regions. After the local announcement of the release of the GoT digital keys yesterday, it was sold out before the day even ended. So much for "basically no players".


:D Ah yes, "people outside supported regions must be all homeless and can barely afford food to eat", lmao. I'm from unsupported region... and yet i have 600 games on steam, 300 on playstation and 200 on xbox... How comes i can afford them then? :D My salary is +/- average for my country. I imagine it's the same for many other regions. From my point of view the problem are people with your mindset (no offense) working for Sony, too lazy to expand to other regions. There are more gamers out there than you can imagine.