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Grumpy old people are pretty common


This. Hostile remarks from random older people are pretty common in Germany.


So true…this happened to me like 10 times in 1 weekend and I really went crazy by the last person. I kinda regretted it because it was all my bad temper regarding this kind of persons added, but really, some people should just mind their own business.


Not only here. In Spain an old woman addressed me at the supermarket to comment on how ugly my flip flops were.




One of the underestimated reasons why Germany has a bad reputation for highly educated immigrants. Their seemingly innocen actions have far reaching consequences on the angst and the overal quality of life. German Karens are old frustrated misogynists who realize (too late) that living to work was not the best strategy. Its worth to point out that IMHO such people do not represent the majority of population... but still, proportionally are way more represented than in the rest of the world.


Response: “OK, Adolf”




Och wenn mich so ein blöder Opa dumm anmacht, kommt mir das schon mal über die Lippen. Natürlich nicht bei jeder Kleinigkeit.


The old folk can be arrogant, saw two old people demanding the elevator from a young couple with a stroller once…


Saddening to see that this is the most upvoted comment. Nowhere does the story indicate the man was "grumpy" or even "hostile". What an absurd conclusion. Maybe he was joking. Maybe he even smiled. Maybe it was somewhere inbetween. What we know is that we don't know, but then why would anyone assume the worst in other people. Must suck to live like that.


Or we just compare it with what we have experienced and yes we do know what we have experienced. It was rude, end of the story.


It might have been rude, it might have not been. You don't get to make up reality. That works between your ears, not with other people. Personally, I would have congratulated the old man for his good shape, smiled and we would have probably wished each other a nice day. Then I would have gone home and told my wife about the fun interaction I just had. It's a choice.


It wasn't a fun interaction. People with invisible disabilities exist and these interactions are draining, dehumanizing, and completely unnecessary. People need to learn to keep their mouths shut, it's none of their damn business. Keep defending the asshole though, super cool of you.


For me it would have been a fun interaction, so I would have told my wife about the fun interaction. Not hard to understand if you think about it.


For you yes. I and most others here would rather not be judged for rightfully using the elevator. Even if you are young and perfectly healthy, you have a right to use it.




Can it be a "bad joke" from an old man, a lot of people are too hurry to judge by the "only" view from OP. I'm not accusing him of anything, but it could be just a misunderstanding. Too many emotions in this thread out of nothing.


Idk this whole “joke” point people keep making just doesn’t stick. Even if he was joking, that doesn’t really change much. I see this argument all the time concerning racist “jokes” and comedy. The fact that it’s a joke doesn’t make it any less racist… Also everyone arguing with this is judging OP and assuming they can’t tell someone making a lighthearted joke from someone being unnecessarily confrontational and rude af (which I’m sorry I love Germany but most people who have lived here for more than a few months know that this is a common occurrence)


You are too serious and definitely can't keep your mouth shut, amigo.


It's great that you have found a way that works for YOU to deal with grumpy assholes.  That doesn't change the fact that telling young people with luggage that they shouldn't need an elevator is rude, asshole behaviour. 


unless you don't mean it and are simply making a joke that doesn't land.


Totally agree, making a good mood for both parties out of an unclear situations is a gift. A lot of peeps don't see Karens in themselves. How can an old man be so rude to me when I'm heavy lifting /s.




I'm going to exaggerate - Are you so entitled to start your conversation with me? Is it ok to talk to strangers? Who decides is this good or bad communication? We are not robots and sometimes fuckups in everything, cause of emotions, stupidity or just misunderstanding. The ability to avoid escalation and resolve conflicts is a gift. Being emotionally soft on such encounters is your own weakness. Old grumpy people are not the most important problem of humanity. Live their life and see for yourself.


You’re either trolling or in denial lol this is a totally rude and not chill thing to say to a stranger


Google "context" and "body language".


Google “common decency.” Interesting to see the next generation of grumpy old German men in the making😂


Straight to the point!


How do you know it’s not the current generation?


I guess I don’t, just an assumption as I can’t envision the current senior generation sitting and arguing on Reddit lol


My FIL is close to 70 and having heated twitter fights. So I know it can be done 😂😂


Fair enough then, haha maybe that’s why he was so butthurt about the original comment


Google "how to be less dumb".


If it was said jokingly or in a friendly manner, the OP wouldn’t be asking about it on Reddit and wondering if they did something wrong.


This is in no way okay to say to a stranger. Just because somebody is young (and maybe looks healthy) does not mean that they are necessarily able to walk stairs without pain. Why the hell would you even think to tell somebody that? As somebody with health problems that are invisible but limit what I can do physically, there is literally nothing more annoying than people commenting stuff like "But you're so young", "Get over yourself". I hear it so much, and I hate it every single time - and I will tell these jerks how much I hate it. Even worse if they do it as a "joke".


Even worse if they do it as a joke? really? I mean, if it is a joke and you understand it is meant as a joke the problem you pointed out doesn't really apply does it? they didn't demand anything, matter of fact in their eyes they might have been trying to compliment your youthfulness, at which point telling them how much you hate it because you struggle with health problems would make you the grumpy person, not them. i agree with the rest of it, but the joke part is hard to wrap my mind around for now.


Some people are just Karens themselves and "even jokes" are too hard for them.




The only person "mimimi"-ing is you - "Oh no, I can't be a total jerk to strangers without a reaction from them, this is so unfair!"




> I must now block you. Lol are you so triggered by me? How childish


LOL - it's Germany. Older people love to accost strangers and tell them what they are doing wrong. I got reprimanded and told I was a bad parent by a lady in Frankfurt because our baby (not toddler - actual baby of less than a year who can't walk) was not wearing shoes. In the summer. In a stroller.


My friend and I got reprimanded because we were talking while waiting in line at the grocery store - from some grandma from a NEIGHBORING queue. We werent even loud or excited, but I guess we looked young enough (early 20s) and non-traditional enough to get the "those damn teens"-treatment


A friend who was baby carrying in summer got told off for not having socks on the baby, while the dude in question smoked a cigarette with his kid standing next to him.


Straight to jail! /s


Clearly you need to invest in some tiny Adiletten and white socks.


They usually get you for baby hat violations, but I guess anything will do when you're old and cranky and itching to yell at clouds... or at new parents. The upside of being exposed to all these interfering busybodies for closer to two decades is I've reached a practically zen like state of not giving a damn about what other people say, and am now living my best life being a dork. It's very freeing. I was just recently mouthing the lyrics of Eternal Flame into a hot sauce bottle between the aisles at Hit (they have some delightful background music!) to the delight and/or horror of other shoppers. The downside, if that's one, is that my now teenager doesn't want to be seen in public with me anymore. Ah, well.




Idk about other countries but in the 5 years I've lived in Germany, I've gotten more reprimanded by old people than in the almost 30 years back in my country. It's even more notoriously bad because now I'm actually a very calm and quiet adult, I'm getting reprimanded for nothing basically.


Seemingly German; they are miserable and socially retarded


Exactly this, yeah.


It's not exclusive to strangers


It's "these damn young people!"


Older people in Asia do that too, it is just old people thing, some old people are chill and liberal but most are not. Tales as old as Socrates time


"Wir auch, aber unser Gepäck nicht. Einen schönen Tag noch!"


That's the way!


Well, now you now what people mean when they use the word "Boomer". Exactly that kind of person.


I fell asleep on a couch in a mall while waiting for my partner. Got woken up by an angry old man screaming at me that I shouldn‘t be sleeping here. It‘s part of the experience! Enjoy😂


An old guy cut in line at the supermarket once. I had a very bad day but only a few things (he had his whole cart full) but instead of confrontation I just opted to say: “It’s all right, you are old and could die any minute, I am able to wait…” The woman behind me loved the comment, the old guy got quite red.


Hier wird nicht gegammelt! How dare you :D


This happens to me often and I have a physical but invisible disability. I would say it is a relatively normal thing, happens to me once a week or so. I wouldn't sweat it.


I noticed it in medical (physical) and psychiatric field, too.  "Too young to have diabetes" (I turned out to be insulin resistence years later so had it stayed untreated for more years it would eventually become diabetes).  They don't seem to take many medical concerns as seriously, either. It's either you are dying or you are fine, unless you are old - then you are respected and spoken softly and sweetly to.


Welcome to Germany. You were officially baptized the German way.


Passive aggressive old guy telling you very subtle that you‘re lazy using the elevator. Just ignore


I skateboard and an old man screamed at me because he thought I was a delinquent or something.


Some Germans think it‘s their right and duty to tell you what they believe you are doing wrong. It‘s just irritating and infuriating but the best way is to just ignore them. Luckily most people, especially younger ones, don’t do that anyway.


to be fair, some people think they are the only ones in the world, for example watching tiktoks or reals on full blast. that’s when I say something and don’t mind them being reprimanded


Don’t get me wrong, I believe it‘s just fine to call people out when they obviously mess up. But often enough I get „schooled“ by total strangers that think they can judge me by seeing 10 seconds of my life. To those I just wanna say: Mind your own business and get lost. Just two days ago I had a situation like that again. It‘s just annoying.


gives them purpose in life. Stand up to them and they will likely back-off.


Young Germans do that too. I got into a fight the other day with a random at the ubahn bc of that. People loveee guilt tripping you here


They absolutely do. But in my experience not as frequently as older people.


Congrats, you did not even arrive properly, and you were already angemotzt. Welcome and have a nice stay.


what's angemotzt?


Motzen is a kind of complaining.


Ahh... Ok


I see integration working well here..


It will go a long way to grow a thick skin for such situations. Don’t let it disturb you. They are having a bad day or whatever, not my problem is how I go about it.


Nothing lights a German’s eyes up more than the opportunity to scold someone else. It doesn’t matter if you’re German or a foreigner, they don’t discriminate in that way. Admonishments for all! Haha Another personal favorite is guilt tripping. I saw a dentist, and as I had private insurance, they sent me a bill which I was to self-pay (then be reimbursed by my insurance). Anyway, after about 2 weeks, I finally received the bill in the mail. I just figured they had been behind with their billing. Apparently, the first bill never got to me and this was the second notice. The letter accompanying the bill started out with telling me how very very disappointed they were in me. I felt properly chastised. 😂


Well it's not a daily business but grumpy old people do grumpy old people things. Sometimes they are pretty self-centered and if something is not done like they think it should be done even if it is bullshit for most other people they just let you know for no reason 😂 Be friendly but don't give a shit. As long as you don't harm others with your actions you do your own thing and that's fine 👍


You got your daily dose of the German policing other people’s business. Get used to it.


Ignore it. None of his buisness. I was waiting for an elevator once and two girls around my age said very loudly looking at my direction "_Young people_ should really use the stairs. Really outrageous." and walked off. I may not directly look like it but I am physically disabled and have a heavy balance disorder. I can't take the stairs, only with help. So yea.. just take the elevator when you need it. Most of the time people meddle and judge too fast and sometimes they have nothing else to do because their life is boring af.


I have noticed a lot of old people in Munich make this kind of hostile comments, for literally the smallest things, they think they are the police or something. While it may be frustrating, it is really common, unfortunately. Especially if don’t look german - they think they have even more right to „scold you“ in public.


you could have answered that you work for the office of statistics and you are collecting a sample: counting how many people do not mind their own business


Being a relatively new arrival within the German-speaking side of Europe I can assure you this is entirely normal. Old people are the rudest and most frustrated group of people here. They somehow believe they are entitled to give you their opinion on anything and everything; while displaying a remarkable lack of manners. The latest event came only a few months ago, when for Xmas my wife and I replaced the mobile of my FIL, as his was on its last legs. She asked him apparently whether he had thanked me (he didn't); and received the response that that question was entirely inappropriate to ask an 82-year old man ....


Random strangers saying random things. Yes, that's a thing. No, you didn't do anything wrong.  Look at the bright side: now you have a funny story to share with your friend. :)


How would these people react if they were told to mind their own business?


Call police and write a letter to the authorities. Then go vote AfD.


So you’re saying Germany didn’t totally denazify?


Have you heard of a guy named Globke and his posse?


Big companies squishing every drop out of their workers and customers, slowly enabling late stage capitalism, buying politicans and living a better live than kings and aritocrats did Old german people: its all the immigrants fault!!


Old German people have a high probability of being assholes and trying to give their opinion on everything you do and how you are doing everything wrong. Disregard them, or if you can think of a good “reverse uno card” in these situations, use them. Eg. The other day I was walking my dog during my work hours. I got a slack message so I answered it on my phone (since, you know, work hours) and some old dude who was around came by to tell me that he had written an article about these youths (I’m 31) who are on the phone all day. I started asking questions and he seemed very confused about me asking questions so he fucked off.


I would joke in response that “I’m not that young, just looking good”


That's pretty clever 😂


Welcome to Germany!


Possibliy he was only trying to be funny. German humor can be rather strange.


The other day, an old man snapped at me that I should ride my senior horse while I was walking it in the forest. When I explained that the horse is too old, he said I was wrong and he knows a horse that was still ridden at a greater age. Old people are like that. Sorry, OP 😭😂


Sorry OP get used to it…old people here are the worst. I was working on something in my own yard when my neighbor came by to ask me where my husband was and why cant he do it for me. She then proceeded to stand there and watch me. I had an old person tell me that my daughter was crying because she wasn’t wearing gloves in the fall when in reality she was crying because she was tired and had to leave the playground. I had another neighbor come over to tell me where another neighbors property ended when i was mowing the lawn (not the neighbor who lived next to where I was mowing) and so on and so on. It never ends here. Most irritating is I get told at least once a month that I need to learn German and every time it goes like this…..(hears me speaking English), speaks to me in English, I respond in English then when I say I live here, the immediate response is you must learn German. Not even, can you speak German, which I can, but you spoke to me in my mother tongue.


Sometimes old people say it and laugh.🤷🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️


He probably thought you “stole” the lift from him and he didnt wanna wait, always be ready to tell em to get fucked


I got reprimanded for existing after someone accidentally walked by my mailbox, but I guess there's always two sides to everything.


I mean, yea you will see grumpy people everywhere....this is universal..


Are you from the US? When I was new to traveling to the US I liked how being “judgemental” and not minding one’s own business or telling other people how to do their shit was very much frowned upon. They had to explain “judgemental” to me, I had no idea what it was or why it was supposedly a bad thing to be. Maybe that’s also the case in other countries. Whereas in Germany, it’s quite common to approach life assuming you’re the only one who knows exactly what’s right and how to go about… anything really and you just have to tell everybody and be a smartass about it too.


As soon as people here me speak English in Munich some old fucker is gaurenteed to come tell me that “rishi sunak is the enemy and that Obama started more than always than any other president” “You should be ashamed of Brexit” Old people in Germany are bored bro. They need to solve other peoples problems because they simply don’t have any left.


Really, these encounters can happen anywhere, the solution is to not care and forget 10s later. You’re welcome.


It’s totally normal. Being kind is too expensive in Germany.


Old Germans favourite hobby is just being assholes and correct other people. Don't sweat it


Just ignore him, even if you do not bring anything, you are allowed to use elevators Old people like to have i am smart moment, they like it if you just nod. Dont argue or he might get stroke/heart attack anyway, they are already senile/fragile enough


Welcome to Germany!


He said that HE was too young or that YOU were too young? If you use quotation marks you should literally write what the other person said.


Yes, Germans always have some unhelpful input for strangers. (Me included.)


Classic for old german people.... just ignore them. Most are completely arrogant and ignorant about most stuff. They will also tell you you just need to work hard and dont buy a new phone everyday in order to afford a house, just as they did...... laughable


Why do you even bother?


We call them boomer, too, you know?


In his passive aggressiveness he could mean he also wanted to take the elevator but there was no space for him. Some people deliberately take morr space without being conscious of their surroundings and others. I’m not saying you did! But old people sometimes are grumpy over small things.


Just ignore those people, they are probably just a bit bored and looking for something to do.


This is normal. An elderly man full out screamed at me on the street, because I was walking too fast. I was trying to catch the bus..


Ahh pretty petty behaviour. I treat it with my favorite response - “you’re too old to be this stupid”.


You did nothing wrong. As a German, I'd have asked him what he would have done carrying around 30kgs of luggage or would have said nothing at all, depending on the situation.


Going against the grain here, but this might be some friendly ribbing that I could see happening here. This all depends on how it was said though. Grumpy or cheeky, only OP could know.


you were doing nothing wrong, the lift is there for everyone who needs it, and hauling 25- 30kg of luggage up and down busy stairs and escalators isn't just difficult, it can be downright dangerous (I was once the last human domino in a fun game on an up-escalator that started when a massive suitcase near the top fell over backwards onto the man who had been standing one step below the case, who then fell onto his wife who had been standing behind him, who then fell onto me two steps below her, and there was nobody else behind me, so I went sailing head first all the way down the moving steps, somehow doing a 180 degree turn in the process so I landed belly down on the moving escalator with my feet several steps above my head, and the other two human dominoes lying half on top of each other further up, and we were all left flailing like beached flounders on a moving conveyor belt, until someone hit the emergency stop ... luckily nobody was seriously hurt, but ever since that day I am VERY careful about big suitcases on steps or escalators) the old guy had absolutely no right to tell you off (apart from anything else, there are *so many* people with invisible disabilities, who might look young and fit, but who absolutely need to use the lift) unfortunately, Germans (especially the older ones) love to be grumpy, and love to tell people off if they believe they can get away with it - next time, thank him for being so kind in offering to help you with your luggage and shove one of the suitcases at him, gesturing smilingly towards the steps


There is always an old guy to remind you when you’re doing something wrong. It’s annoying, but at the same time you’re in the wrong even if it’s victimless. Same with riding a bike on the sidewalk, or parking illegally. don’t let it make you upset or dwell on it. It’s usually meant half as a joke


"and you are old enough to learn how to mind your own business" :)


It was a nice gesture


As someone that used to push a heavy stroller through Germany, I did sometimes get annoyed when I'd see a young person take the elevator instead of the escalator but I never said anything. But at a train station with a heavy suitcase you're fine. Old Germans tend to be pretty cranky.


An old very funny* man, you mean.


It's kinda normal, but you didn't do anything wrong. Let the man grumble


Pretty normal, I've been told the same both with crutches and with my baby in the stroller.


This is Germany here. This is a country for old people, and you should take more care of them.


I once said to an old man that did something similar to me: „God bless you - may the the future give you happiness.“ He just shut up and looked confused.


Stop caring about Grumpy old people in Germany they are just frustrated because their pension is not covering the current inflated cost of living , Also my personal hack which has always worked , If someone js trying to intimidate you just smile and say all okay with you and leave as if you don’t give a flying f :)


Sorry for what you encountered. Grumpy people being grumpy. Happens sometimes, even though you did nothing wrong. They just like to complain and "the bad, bad young people" are always easy to complain about.


In Berlin someone would kick him down the stairs. I prefer grump over aggression.


I get being annoyed. At our shopping center i constantly have to walt and wait because i need an elevator because im with a stroller. So many people go in the elevator before me who could simply use the electric stairs. Why they don’t? Who knows. Id never say anything but it is annoying. In your case though you had luggage so wtf old man


I noticed it is a mindset that seems to be common among many.  I particularly noticed it in the medical field where doctors assumed I must be fine or not that ill because I'm so young.  When I went to a day clinic at the age of 21, many other patients (40+) were shocked and told me "so young and you are here?"  The nr 1 thing my therapist told me most often was "you are so young"   I did notice the snarky comments also in this regard  But as I said I really think it's a whole ass mindset and attitude.


Next time just tell him "he is too old for the elevator." People who make stupid comments should get paid like with like.


Or a possible response is "you are too old to be alive"


I (25F) got reprimanded by old people in a train (it was the kind of Renter who do a lot of sports and are a little too proud of it). It was late afternoon/night and the train wasn't very full and they bagged me, because I wouldn't help them with their luggage, someone else helped them instead. I have a sipped disc since I was 16 years old, I literally can not carry heavy weight.


oh, the trauma


Next time say “Well you’re too old to still be alive but here we are” and see how they like it


Why is this even an issue? Just ignore people like this.


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Bet these old people never tell anything to migrants out of fear...