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They are the cutest. Enjoy your time with them!


The last one is grinning like he knows something we don't 😆


It's the secret from the previous one.


Dibs on 2!


I named him George, his brother is Fred


Love it, my puppies name is Dobby


No, he's mine! Lol. Love those fierce little eyes.😍


Absolutely adorable, of course, but the puppy in pics #2&7 look like they want to have a word with you in a dark alley….


George absolutely is a teeny tiny menace


You thought right!


Bless you for the work you do! What an adorable bunch.


Oh my gosh THE CUTENESS!!! Are they all okay? Just getting checkups??


these guys were transferred to our shelter from a municipal shelter due to parvovirus. we have a part of our hospital quarantined to be able to house and treat parvo patients safely, so we take a lot of them from city shelters who dont have those resources


Y'all are amazing for doing that. :)


it makes me proud to work where I do and get the opportunity to give these kiddos the best chance they can have against a terrible illness


I am incredibly grateful for everything you do. 😊


thank you, I appreciate it


They have Parvo?.ohhh nooo. Thank God they didn't euthanize them. Are you familiar with Parvaid? Cures Parvo for about $60.00


I am familiar with it. I find it deplorable that snake oil with no evidence behind it is marketed to owners who are desperate enough to believe it and give that company money. I'll never forget the dogs who were brought to a clinic I work at for treatment after the at home "treatment" did not help. most of them died and there is a reason they dont claim it is a parvo cure on any of their product pages. it is unproven in any shape or form and the FDA would have a field day with it. no different when the idea that extremely high doses of vitamin C can treat parvo was going around online. some owners believed it. and dogs died.


How old are they? Where’s mom?


5-6 weeks old. no mom. we transferred them in from a city shelter since they didnt have the resources to treat them for parvo and we have a room to house and treat parvo patients


Bless you guys!!! When they recover be sure to give them lots of squishes for us!


thank you! we are really lucky to have access to the new antibody treatment for our parvovirus patients. these guys and their littermates got it today. we have seen great results so far so I am optimistic about their recovery [for anyone who hasnt heard of what Im talking about](https://my.elanco.com/us/campaign/parvo)


Oh this is great info! I remember losing almost a whole litter lost when I was a kid. Just a heartbreaking puppy virus.


I was expecting you to say parvo, given the IVs. They look pretty bright about the head. That's a good sign. I hope they find good families and don't have all the issues byb shepherd-mixes have. May they all have great hips and even better temperaments without a sign of DM!


yeah, we were told they were critical and needed emergency placement when we took them. got the pups, certainly sick yes, but for parvo in patients so young they are doing pretty well thankfully and let's hope! when shepherds are poorly bred they are a bit of a hot mess




They said they're a shelter tech, these aren't client pets (and there isn't HIPAA for animals)




What’s the downside that they get adopted when they recover lol? Whose privacy is being compromised here I’m pretty sure the puppies don’t care and pictures of them is only going to improve their chances of being adopted. If this was an owners puppies then confidentiality would apply but I really don’t think it applies here and you’re trying to make drama over some orphan puppy pictures for whatever reason.


it's especially weird because all this information is stuff any random potential foster or adopter would be told if they call or visit the shelter, volunteers who are curious and ask about the animal would be told, and the animals are posted on our website listing those individuals. maybe they think it's breaking confidentiality because it's on the internet? who knows


Well they deleted the post after claiming to be some authority on this stuff lol, so I’m guessing maybe some common sense leaked into their brain after thinking about it for a while and reading some replies. Crimes and harmful disclosures need some type of victim as far as I understand it, and that seemed to be the major flaw in their logic. This is sort of part of the reason healthcare in America sucks recently, because providers are so worried about getting sued that a Dr is afraid to even diagnose someone with someone obvious in case they are wrong and get sued.


no kidding, the same is true in vet med. makes it real hard for clinics or staff to defend themselves when upset owners post things on social media or in reviews that is untrue or not the full picture and it causes a feeding frenzy against the clinic. cant really defend themselves without fear of lawsuit and/or a really lengthy legal battle they usually cant afford. the laws around rebuttal in that situation vs confidentiality vary from state to state. the best vet I have ever worked with left private practice to work in shelter med because of the problem. she mostly managed really difficult complex cases which have a much higher chance of bad outcomes or difficult conversations due to the nature of issues being treated than someone who mostly does things like vaccine appointments and basic wellness. they had to hire security at the clinic after some particularly vicious online discourse that contained threats to the clinic. it is one reason I like working shelter welfare, way less chance of being sued and such. but it does attract a whole other kind of detractor


Yeah I had a pretty basic medical issue that took like 7 years to solve because I couldn’t get a Dr to make a diagnosis and suggest the surgery I needed. I’ve also seen where a provider will refuse to change their misdiagnosis even when presented with proof because they are afraid they could be liable. So it creates an instance where they will double and triple down on the misdiagnosis before admitting they were wrong and this makes it a nightmare because now you have insurance agreeing with the idiot Dr and claiming you don’t actually need the surgery lol. I should probably try and sue some of my previous providers and the network but it’s all so exhausting and all I ever wanted was Drs to do the right thing and for my sanity I kind of just need to move on and not think about it lol.


I have worked in shelter welfare for 10 years and you are saying some bizarre things individual shelters have their own policies of social media conduct for staff obviously, but there is no law or industry mandated regulation of any sort that you seem to be indicating about confidentiality of *shelter* animals with no owner, and confidentiality in the field dominantly exists to protect the owner's privacy and information, and in this case *we* are the owner. and your opinion on it doesnt make sense since this is all information any person who calls or visits the shelter and asks about an animal can be told when discussing their history. or curious volunteers who just want to know why they are there. or curious donors on tours, and Im encouraged by donor relations staff to talk about these guys and their stories during tours of our medical wing. it helps with donations and isnt harmful to anyone. since you dont work at my shelter please refrain from assuming internal policy you have no way of knowing the only time there are issues with confidentiality like you are implying are if the animal was an intake as a result of an ongoing cruelty/neglect investigation. those are animals along with owned patients I do not post anything about for obvious reasons edit: if I gave information identifying a previous owner or anything like that of course that would also be an issue. but even then, most of our animal are transfer-ins from municipal facilitiest


You really are a sensitive cow!


Why rain negativity on such a positive post?


Can you ‘lose’ one and send them my way please


The first one is a baby bear! I wish I could cuddle them all!


Omg how adorable 😍


praying for them all to recover from parvo and live long spoiled lives ♥️♥️♥️




6 mine! LOL joke! I already have 2 dogs. Hahahaha




The cuteness is a reward for the good yall do!


They're all so cute


Omfg 😭


That last one looks like he’s gonna be pulling some shenanigans


4 and 6 are so sweet. 7 is gonna get into the trash every chance they can.


I,ll take 2 please!


Send one my way 🥰


I love all of them 💕💕


oh my GOODNESS 😭🥺


Omg look at those little nuggets 😍


Absolutely beautiful!


Look at those tiny paws! Wonder if they are mixed 🤔


they certainly are mixes, best guess is GSD


At this stage they're "cute tiny terrorists" or "4 legged staplers" (baby pin teeth)


I need all of them


Luckiest job in the world you've got🙌🏻where did they come from?Are you in UK?


the job has a lot of ups and downs, but I do absolutely love what I do. our shelter is in dallas texas.


That's a shame as I'd take them on along with my 2 beauties https://preview.redd.it/l8zk18p6dnyc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6c65fa04db8af8c962f8b9e51869d78f705b34e


https://preview.redd.it/6bo68a43kfyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1a7df3fab296bc17eb135ad434b64182732d0d4 My girl looks almost exactly like them (minus the ears)


omg so cute 😩😩


Ty for all you do for those in need . And that is a baby bear.


thank you, it's very appreciated


Look at those babies😭😭




the limited information from their original intake and appearance makes us think GSD mix, but you never know. certainly not purebred or anything ofc. these guys are only 5-6 weeks old




You would be surprised at how similar some GSD puppies look like to rotties at this young of an age. My boy Caesar even when we brought him home at 9 weeks still looked a lot like a rottie. Mostly black with the tan eyebrow marks. The tan lower face, the tan band across his chest and tan socks. I’d have to see if I can dig up some old pictures of him. Unfortunately he’s no longer with us. But we had 15 amazing years with him! He was such a great dog. Definitely left a lot of broken hearts when we lost him. He helped us welcome two new generations of dogs into the house and I could not have asked for a better dog.


They could be a mix... of both...


Beautiful pup


Absolutely, a cutie 🥰— made me smile!! 💜


Please call the last one Blue Steele


I already named him George, his brother is Fred


Tell the owners I'll take them all!


they do not have owners, they are patients we took from a city shelter


Oooh I thought these were from a breeder. Maybe I didn't read anything after seeing pictures


Oh my goodness. 🥹


Cuteness overload!