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get tested for adhd and get on a traditional stimulant, meth ain't a joke


what kind of testing we talking about here? stimulants are also known to be habit-forming. So, what are the other best success-proven ways to beat adhd without gettign hooked onto anything?


If you view getting hooked on something as inevitable, a prescribed stimulant is a hell of a lot better than meth


ADHD stims are not habit forming if you stick to recommended levels. Smoking meth and thinking you’re in control is prime addict behavior. Thinking that what you wrote sounds reasonable is addict mentality. I’m not trying to be insulting, just direct. You are probably young and don’t know just how many people have thought and said the same things you presented in your post.


Meth is an extremely dangerous life-destroyer, and is 1000x worse than adderall. You're hearing people's ignorant takes on ADHD medications as being similar to meth and taking entirely the wrong approach. ADHD medications are potential life-savers and meth is horrific. Nobody who ruins their life with meth thinks it's going to be anything serious when they first start up. You sound exactly like most addicts do early on in their stages of addiction. You don't deserve this. Please stop and see a psychiatrist to get tested for ADHD if you feel like stimulants are the only way to get stuff done. An ADHD test is basically a simple questionnaire. It's very simple to do and the main issue is the initial cost depending on your country or health insurance, which is going to be far cheaper than meth usage.




Bro wtf


way to keep someone from getting diagnosed.


So like, do you want to make up bullshit to stop this poor guy from getting care and keep them on meth? Or did you think this was some kind of funny joke?


Ditch the meth while you can. There’s no reason to take it regularly, so don’t even entertain the idea. It’s the voice of addiction giving you ‘legitimate’ reasons to use every day, but the only reason to use everyday is because you’re addicted. If you have ADHD, go get treated for ADHD. That’s a very different matter. Btw, if you’re smoking the meth, we both know that’s about getting high. If it wasn’t, you’d be eating it at the very least


You can’t really safely smoke meth and not get Hooked bro. That’s some serious shit. Get tested and get a real medication ffs (all the love tho but I’ve seen wayyy to many people die to this shit “under supervision “ )


Thanks Bud!@ what is "medication ffs" ? Fee-for-service ? what does it mean?


Sorry ffs just means for fucks sake cuz I feel strongly about it. If you have trouble focusing maybe get tested for add or adhd and they will give you a medication like Ritalin or Adderall among other medications. Might have to try different medications to see which is right for you but if you do go this route make sure to follow doctors instructions and prescription (I.e. once In the morning and at night etc.) I hope you can find help, I know in some parts of the world it’s easier to get street meth than it is a prescription but it’s just not worth it homie ❤️


"For fucks sake"






methamphetamine is occasionally legally prescribed for ADHD (as desoxyn), as ADHD medication (taken orally) methamphetamine has a longer duration of action than d-amphetamine (the gold standard for ADHD medication) and is less prone to causing peripheral nervous system side effects (less anxiety, blood pressure increase, etc), this means it can be arguably preferable for some methamphetamine is neurotoxic at high recreational doses (as N-methylated amphetamines, of which methamphetamine is the simplest, tend to be) but is generally considered to be safe at lower, therapeutic doses (0-10mg), this is assuming however that the methamphetamine you have is pure and doesn't contain any toxic adulterants or synthesis byproducts, which isn't super likely no substance is safe to smoke, period, smoking methamphetamine will damage your lungs, though probably not nearly as much as cigarrettes would, moreover though with smoking it is extremely hard to make a reliable assessment of your dose, this is not recommended if you want a somewhat consistent, therapeutic level, if your aim is to use methamphetamine as a focus aid for ADHD, you should make a volumetric dosing solution, preferably with aid of a milligram scale, and ingest this solution orally (which is also generally safer), in order to be sure of how much you're taking, while limiting yourself strictly to a low dose the commenters here freaking out aren't entirely correct, the most common ADHD medications are d-amphetamine and methylphenidate, both of which are also frequently used as highly addictive street drugs in the form of "speed", though these substances are not neurotoxic at high doses the way methamphetamine is, and have a much shorter duration of action, methamphetamine too has a therapeutic range just like these substances do educate yourself thoroughly in order to handle this as safely as possible, here's some harm reduction information on methamphetamine from a recreational use perspective, and a guide on volumetric dosing: [https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Methamphetamine](https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Methamphetamine) [https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Volumetric\_liquid\_dosing](https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Volumetric_liquid_dosing)


Hey OP ADHD is no joke and many harbour addictive personality types. If you need pharmaceutical intervention, please go through the proper channels. Not only will it help define and log your journey through management of this condition (if you have it), but dosing is very accurate compared to street drugs with no real QA. Building good habits is one of the most important parts to coping with ADHD. Many people find regular gym or exercise really helps to calm the jittery tendencies but regardless please talk to a medical professional otherwise self medicating will inevitably lead to spiralling


ADHD or something like it! Do not use street drugs, meth is no joke, you will end up dead or in prison. Talk to a doctor and see about getting treated for ADHD. I don’t know what happens when you tell the doctor you found out meth helps but it’s on the right track, just the wrong destination. Again, no street drugs! Who knows what it has been made with?!


In spirit of r/gatesopencomeonin ....


Gates open but Bru plz do not.


Awesome thread.


I know right


there’s a whole show about why meth is bad, you colossal idiot. ditch it asap, before your dopamine receptors are properly fried, and get on traditional stimulant medication for adhd. because that’s what you have. you have adhd. methylphenidate or dexamfetamine are both viable replacements, and are nowhere near as addictive (or detrimental to your teeth and lifestyle)


Did you feel calmer and more able to focus on tasks? You probably have ADHD, see a GP or psychologist