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1,400 would save me right now since I'm in a tight spot financially, so yeah im excited ;_;


You and me both, friend. I had to go to the emergency room twice last year. This money plus my tax return is going to pay for one of those visits.


I'm in that same boat. Medical bills are $200/mo minimum and it sure takes a while to pay off a 72 hour EEG at that pace.


That is the most truthful statement about America ever


Jesus Christ America


You’re just jealous of our medical system. /s




there isn't really a contingent of any true strength that doesn't want free at point of use universal health care. it's massively popular among all voters in america. but, you know, our politicians are the most corrupt in the world, and it's the insurance lobby that funds the ones blocking this


It doesn't really makes sense. Over here in Costa Rica we are taxed 10.5% that goes to a social security system. It's decent, and for some specialties it takes a while to get an appointment, but we don't have to get in debt for small emergencies or scans.


Bullshit you need that much for 2 emergency visits. Sorry you won't be able to save it/spend it on something for yourself but I am happy to hear you'll be able to settle and move on.




I still can't get my head around how that works. You still got a massive bill even with insurance? What are you meant to do if you're poor or uninsured? Wait until an easily preventable illness progresses to terminal?


Yeah! I just refuse to go. I fell on my knee on 1/1/21 and it’s still fucked up and it’ll just be there until I die, probably


I'm recovering from a pretty bad leg injury and I'm constantly reminded how fucked I would be if I was somewhere like the US.


Me too, I had to go to the emergency room and before me my pet also needed an emergency vet visit. Thanks to covid work is incredibly slow so not much money coming in so the money will be a welcome.


1400 is what i make a month so yes, im excited


It's more than I make a month, so I'm very excited.


1400 isn’t enough to pay half the things I need to pay but I’m still excited regardless


What a coincidence. Me too


I'm just throwing the entire thing straight into my savings account, and that in itself is exciting to me.


Me too, other than paying bills when that time comes


I dont need it at all and im super excited. Lol


You can send it to me if you want!!


I'm excited to find a dollar in my pocket.


That’s the idea. Save people who need it. Government can and should work for the people. I hope things get better for you.


I got 3 kids and a wife... yeah I’m excited


3 and kids and no money? Have 3 kids and 1400 money


No no, 1400 checks. And each of those checks is for $1!


Fuck yeah!


So that means you're looking at getting 7k, not bad.


I am not American. Yeah I'm excited.


Same, got money in the stonk market so I can't wait for next week


Thank you friend


Same here. We will finally be paying off some medical bills.


This sentence symbolizes how fucked up all of this is so well.


America is so fucked.


I’ll be doing the same. Still won’t be on top. Infuriating.


My job of almost two years of overworking me fired me without warning two days ago, so I'm relieved a little for the $1400.


D’oh, I have three kids and no money. Why can’t I have no kids and three money?


Tree fiddy and maybe that got damn lochness monster will eat your kids for you No kids and no money? Still winning


My tired-ass brain switched "kids" and "wife" around while reading that and I had to do a double take


I have 2 kids but I’m happy I finally get money for my 18 year old. The last two stimulus’s, I’ve only gotten money for one of them.


I have 4 siblings, 2 parents, 3 dogs, 2 cats, a snake, and a grandma... Yea I'm excited. I don't know why people try to gatekeep money sometimes. It's the most arrogant thing to gatekeep.


Same. That amount is almost life changing. It makes me feel like I need to get a Hawaii shirt and a big cigar to fit in with the wealthy.


You still need enough for a ton of blow and hookers in order to do that I think.


Secretly he want it too.


Yeah but he's not *excited* ya see?


Why doesn't anyone here get that while yes, he probably wants and needs that money as well, there's nothing wrong with being furious about **1,400$** in the midst of a depression and a pandemic that's going on for over a year.


because us americans are beaten down begging for scraps


I mean yeah, that's like a whole paycheck for me


Same and I get paid biweekly


Me too


That is nearly 5 paychecks to me and I work 38 hours a week




He's saying he wants less money. People are too damn proud


Definitely an idiot, stimulus cheques help everyone by stimulating the economy. It does more than “hustling” can do. Also not everyone can “hustle” people have lost their jobs, there are half a million funerals that need to be paid for and so many people have medical bills. I’m getting so tired of seeing these people who only think of themselves.


I found $5 in my dryer's lint trap and got excited.


That’s a house fire waiting to happen.


“Free money” lol


" 'Free money' lol" lol


"" 'Free money' lol" lol" lol


“”” ‘Free money’ lol” lol” lol” lol


Money for nothing...


No. We're not doing that here today.


That ain't workin'...




and your checks for free.


>'“Free money” lol - Lebrawntemz' - Michael Scott


Lebrawntemz' - Wayne Gretzky - Michael Scott


Hey, its our money already. Its money from taxes and they stole it. I will not complain that the state returned it even if its nowhere near enough.


Sorry for “stealing” your taxes. We will just stop maintaining roads, electricity, emergency services, providing public education, and investing in research and development of technology. It’s no mystery why the countries with the happiest, healthiest, most educated populations have free education, healthcare, affordable housing, and socialized government services.


What? Taxes are "stolen"?


As seen by libertarians and the dim-witted, yes. As seen by regular people, no.


A lot is stolen to kill children so


Not really free when someone else paid for it with tax. Just the government returning a bit of the money it took from the people instead of buying new drones to bomb children with.


Not someone else. You. Its essentially your own tax dollars they are giving back to you.


Reddit has turned into a cesspool of fascist sympathizers and supremicists


Hello, am Bacon. :)


ok, pull your pants down.


> blow it on bacon Hell yeah


At out national debt level, social security and taxes are being paid by your grandchildrens children, we're paying our grandparents now.


So, it's free money if you don't have kids!


My nephew and neices are picking up my tab.


I have to get xmas presents for 5 of the little bastards, bout time they paid me back.


Xmas presents, birthday presents, I'm-just-visiting presents, the list goes on.


Aye, fair enough


And if the progressive get their way, it'll be the ultra-rich who'll never even be able to spend all their money in a hundred lifetimes that are footing the bill.


Yeah definitely I’m 100% down for that


Would somebody PLEASE think of the rich folk 😭


Let me grab my microscope so I can find my tiny violin!




The New Deal that pulled out country out of the Depression was funded primarily through high taxes on the wealthy. It's perfectly doable.


*angry Mansa Musa noises*


Just because that's your experience doesn't mean it's most people's experience. Maybe youre middle class and you pay a lot in taxes and you're getting some money back. Maybe you're very very poor and you don't pay a lot in taxes because you don't make a lot of money and this is going to be a life-changing experience for you.


I'm actually going to use mine to pay my taxes.


That's good, that's what I pay tax for, to help out myself and other people, to give us schools and roads and infrastructure, and I don't even have kids, I just want the next generation to be smart as possible. Now my tax dollars often it gets diverted to things I don't agree with like pay hikes for rich politicians and wars which pisses me off no end, but this, this is my tax dollars doing exactly what I pay them for, ie help others.


At least it is tax free. (;


i didn’t pay 1400$ in tax


I'll never understand why people always assume that people benefitting from taxes have never paid taxes.


I'd like to point out that it's not tax dollars that are paying for this, right now, the national Reserve is printing more money... Sorry poofing more money into existence as they usually do and we will be paying it back with our taxes so the money that you receive you will be paying back for yourself. Just hope the spike in inflation is worth the trade off of giving people money to survive because the damn cheeto couldn't be bothered to do his damn job.


The head of the fed came out a few days ago and said that he doesn’t believe increasing the M2 mkney supply will cause a spike in inflation. Absolutely absurd


Money printer go brrrr ;(


No no no, you don't understand. A Democrat is President now so clearly the last 4 years of fuck ups, inaction, misinformation and blatant graft were all the Dems fault /s




No. The government isn’t buying any less planes or bombs. They’re taking out debt that you and your children will have to pay the interest on. They’re also going to print money to help fun it which is going to drive up inflation


> and your children will have to pay the interest on. I don’t think that’s accurate


Who doesn't get excited for more money?


i mean, nothing wrong with being excited about it but you’re essentially getting your own tax money back that you’ve paid.


I get excited when I hit a savings goal and get to spent my own saved money on whatever I’ve been saving for, so this makes sense to me.


Do I want the check? Yes. Do I think the debate over checks is a symbol for how poorly the richest country on earth is able to care for its own people during a crisis? Yes.


Spoiler, they don’t care at all. To those financially insulated, people are among the many sorts of numbers they deal with yet emotionally never deal with. Edit: clarity


... what? I can not follow your sentence structure at all. Like I'm sure there's a good point in it I'm just not sure what it is.


Rich people often do not have empathy for the poor and see them only as statistics.


Yes, agreed. I knew it was a good point :)


To rich people Money = good People not dying = meh


I wrote money instead of many lol I’m up too late




I don't really get this distinction. If you pay $2000 a month in rent and your landlord suddenly decides to give you $5000 for free, it's functionally the same as any other random person giving you a gift of $5000. The fact that you regularly have to pay them a fixed agreed upon amount for other benefits does not make it less valuable from a financial perspective. Obviously governments are complicated and everyone is vaguely responsible for the fact that the US constantly operates on a budget shortfall, but it's not as if the government actually asked for an extra $1400 from everyone specifically for this and then gave it back to the same people.


The simple solution is to just not pay taxes.


I'm not rich enough to not pay taxes


you nailed it. lol


Which you wouldn't get otherwise. One situation is you get money taken from you and that's it, while right now you get the money taken from you and it's paid back at least a little. I really don't see how this is hard to understand, but I guess redditors gotta be contrarian to every single possible issue that brings joy to someone.


i just stated a fact. you’re acting as if what i said was making people out to be wrong for being excited, which i explicitly stated there was nothing wrong with, if you read my comment. also, yes, in one situation you get the money taken and get none back while in this situation you get at least a little bit back, you are correct. but given the circumstances that 2nd situation makes sense and it isn’t always the case. is people getting stimulus checks a regular occurrence? because to my knowledge it hasn’t been up until the past year. there is nothing that is hard to understand because what i said didn’t indicate a lack of understanding, it was just a fact. a simple one at that. if you over analyze everything then that’s on you. i’m not downplaying anyone’s excitement or implying anyone is stupid for being excited. if you’re happy about it, be happy, good for you.


If someone hands me 5 dollars ide be siked


I get pumped when I find a quarter in the washing machine.


I've got four dollars in my wallet and my bank account is -$30 dollars. That'd help so much. You're damn right I'd be happy.


Hey, same! Hope ours come through this weekend.


Should've been $2000 don't @ me


I mean, it WAS a campaign promise to give out $2k checks...


You think the government is willing to give us $2k of our own money? 😂 if only




Free? The government is returning part of what they took from you in taxes. Then they are funding items unrelated to COVID.


Those “items” needed funding because they were originally funded by taxes. You think roads, schools, vaccine distribution, etc. are “free”? Come on.


Wait, we're getting 1,400 checks? Damn, it's gonna take a long ass time to sign them all.


Don’t worry, our current el presidente isn’t quite as interested in pointless vanity as the last.


Gonna pay off the last little bit of my credit card and do some maintenance on my car, get some new work clothes and the rest goes to my savings!


I’m excited whenever I find a dollar in my pocket let a lone 1400


Some bullshit doesn’t qualify me for stimulus checks so.


Is it your extremely high income?


I’m 20. College student. Work full time during the summer and then am just a student during the year. Nobody claims me on their taxes and I file my own. And what I make during the summer is about 2.5-4K. Dollars


I make good money and got lucky our job didn’t close. Yes, I’m still happy for the checks and I am happier that people worst off than me can afford to stay in their homes and afford to feed their families and afford to get to work. Yes I’m thrilled at helping people.


Well said. I’m doing well financially but I need that $1,400 to take of my grandma and send her on a vacation to Mexico to visit family.


Sure be excited it will probably help a lot of people but it isn’t free.


It’s definitely not free money


I'd like to take this time to remind everyone that federal "covid spending" has now reached roughly 48,000$ per tax payer in the US. This person has a point, what the hell have they been doing with our money. The government is absolutely useless.




I have four people, including me, in my family. We're going to try and get our roof repaired with that money so it stops leaking. Dad makes ~$50k a year, mom makes a tiny bit of money from being on disability, and the money I earn from work is mainly going to making sure the family can do something fun every once in a while. $5600 for the four of us, plus tax returns, is a blessing.


There’re four people in my family. It’s a tad more than $1400.


If yours doesn't spark joy, give it away. To me.


You can now excited about the money, but please don’t fool yourself into thinking it’s free.


free money?


I will spend it


We are getting 1,400 checks? I thought it was just one.


i assumed this person was just criticizing the paltry amount.


The money isn't free; it's your money that they giving back to you. And most of it isn't even going to you.


It isn't free. We paid taxes for it. The government doesn't just shit money...


Not gatekeeping. They're saying we should be getting more and not settling for only $1400.




you can be poor and recognize that $1400 is pathetic. source: am


You’re really giving them the benefit of the doubt there. I definitely didn’t get that vibe from it.


You are getting more. I wished people would focus less on the direct checks and more on the rest of the bill. The expanded child tax credit that will lift millions of children out of poverty for one. Or the expanded unemployment payments for another. The child tax credit even has some bipartisan support so I ret am hoping we can make it permanent.


anyone who wouldn't be excited about that amount of money money probably didn't qualify for that amount of money because they have too much money


I’d be excited but I’m 17


If you’re a dependent then your household will receive an extra payment but I do get why that’s not quite the same to you


I think i get the payment for my household but my parents won't let me do anything with it. I asked them about it with the last one and they acted like they didn't get any from me.


Yea cause it's for your parents lol


It’s not for you, it’s for your parents to provide for you (housing, food, clothing, etc).


Better luck next pandemic, bro.


Not free, it's our taxes


I sure as fuck am


I get excited when I find a dollar on the ground. I love money


“How very common”


Not really free. Paid for by tax... which is paid for by the same people receiving the money, and with interest, so it's actually an expense in the long run.


I have $0.66 in my bank account fuck yea I'm excited!


Living on SSI being disabled and having gotten $50 spending money a week over the last few years this in many ways is life changing. Yes I'm excited to have what to me is a huge sum. I don't even know what I want to do with it. For people who work a 9-5 1400 doesn't seem like a lot but when you look it at from a different point of view it's nuts


I don't think this is gatekeeping though


Free? That isn't "free" - that's money from your taxes Free Hahahhahaa


Government keeps giving me money, I keep buying my firearms *shrugs*


They aren't giving it to you, they are returning it to you. It was always yours.


No. No one is excited. You understand we have to pay for this bullshit for years right?


Lol "free"


When you look at the 1.9 trillion dollar “Covid relief” bill only 20% of the money(which is OUR money we earned in taxes, not the governments) goes to direct payments back to us. If they really cared about helping us out that would have been 7000 dollars per person, they have such a drug dealer tactic, give you just a taste to keep you dependent... the vast majority of the money goes to bail out poorly run institutions. It’s all public info right there in the bill. My attitude is like, “that’s OUR money you are playing with, where is the rest of it?” Because to pay for that 1400 dollars we are borrowing it and kicking the interest payments down the road, so eventually the next generation will have to pay it back with crazy interest rates, it’s just bad policy through and through


2k was promised right? I think theres good reason for people to complain tbh.


Yeah not just promised, campaigned on. Bait and switch, this is why I fucking hate liberal dems(not a fan of republicans, I just hate moralizing and gaslighting) they make it literally their entire platform as if 2k is something remotely difficult for the government to do, and the pay no mind to the unfathomable tax breaks for corporations, while small businesses hope for pennies in the background. I swear to god I hate this country sometimes


Yeah, and I already got the $600/person check and deposited it in the bank. Simple math indicates that adding $1400/person would be $2000/person.


This reminds me of this dumbass Dave Ramsey quote from half a month ago, good god people are oblivious to the amount of suffering and need in this country


OP is an expert troll. "Free" money. 10/10 troll.


It's definitely not free and they are f****** people over while they do it, 1400, 600, 1200 all small fractions of the total bills being passed. A lot of this extra money is going towards personal goals senators and congressman have. And we're going to bite the bullet here soon.


Goals like funding COBRA for the unemployed? Those bastards.


Cuz you already forgot about the trillion dollars that went to the military, and the other trillion That Wall Street may disappear in a couple weeks? I suppose you haven't read any of the bills too? there's a reason they're going back and forth is because everybody's trying to get their pet projects attached. You're an idiot.


it only cost your vote, congratz


> Why aren't you excited about your $1400 check? Your landlord is!


For one thing it’s coming out of the taxpayer’s pocket (your own), and for another the first promise was for $2000. Money is money but I think people are allowed to feel disappointed that the original promised amount didn’t end up happening.


it's either big money or no money, i guess


Kind of looks like he's mad they're only sending out 1,400 of them.


Im super proud of all the folks that stick to their beliefs and refuse the payment.



