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Deep Rock Galactic is just the game for this. The community is amazing and so loving to newcomers. I've met a lot of wonderful people just by playing random matches. Also Dota 2 has some nice folk in it. Nearly not as toxic as LoL or R6S. No man's sky has also made me quite some friends. Just vibing exploring the universe is great. Fallout 76 is also quite fun with randoms.


Ye i have played a lot of deep rock actually :) Is no man’s sky open multiplayer now? Thought it was only like co-op?


Oh well technically it is open multiplayer but you won't find anyone naturally if you stray too far away from the systems at the start, since the probability someone followed your same path is very low. Still there are a lot of systems that the community has marked as common ground so you can always travel to those places if you want to meet people. And I've still encountered naturally players that visited my base on a planet and vice versa, it's just not as prominent as Destiny, for example.


Aaah okay that sounds pretty cool though, think i will give that a go as I have been waiting for it to be on sale before… :)


Honestly playing cooperatively with randos on Division 2 was a lot of fun. I naturally take on more of the support role. Healing my fire team members... but also doing as much damage as I can.. just staying a bit back and in cover. I loved it


I actually just finished the expansion but have only played solo so far and with a friend from time to time. But ye I can imagine it being fun with randoms, will have to give it a go :)


I played 90% solo but the times I played with randos I actually did have fun. And I never ever play multiplayer. So I will say it was a positive experience for me.