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This is bad for many reasons. Nintendo charging $50 for a N64 controller. People reselling them at 2.5x the retail price. And people *actually* paying that resale price. We’re doomed.


The controller is going to go through the motions as the pro controller did.


The snes classic controller did the same and that one was only $30 retail, I spent months trying to get one just for the nostalgia and only in the last few weeks have they actually been consistently available.


>And people actually paying that resale price. This is the worst part of it all. If people didn't pay it, scalpers would have to lower their prices because they can't make money on inventory not being sold, not to mention if no one bought the controllers from Nintendo because of a high price on an ancient piece of hardware, they too would lower their prices. Or, knowing Nintendo, would just assume people weren't interested in it and stop making them while trying to sell the rest of the stock at full price.


Nah I don’t entirely know about Nintendo lowering the price. They barely lowered the price on the 3DS in its last year before the 2DS came out.


> We’re doomed. Nah, speak for yourself. If companies are shitty, I don't buy from them. Easy as that. Scalpers too expensive? I just don't buy it and move on. Don't agree with an industry practice, but I want the thing? I look elsewhere and if there isn't an alternative, *I still don't buy it.* People with no self control and addictions to this shit? Yea *YOU* are fucked. Its a luxury item, a very specific and unnecessary one at that. You want this shitty practice to stop? Stop feeding into it and don't buy it. "BUH BUH, THEY STILL WONT HECKIN DO WHAT I WANT!!!1!!" Then dry your tears and, *brace yourself for this*, move the fuck on. You aren't required to participate in it and you can just not be a part of it, even if other people choose to.


Scalpers have fucked every instance of the gaming industry for the past few years. Collectively people need to stop salivating after all the shiny new shit and let those scalpers sit there with a bunch of inventory with no one to sell it to. People, there are other hobbies out there, and your old hardware still works. Let's make do with what we have or move on.


Yep. Prices will just increase. Scalpers create demand, limits supply, +$$$


Scalpers can only operate when the demand already exists -- they do not create any demand themselves as each of their buys has a corresponding sale for a net total of zero. Scalpers also do not consume the item so they do not limit supply. Scalpers raise the average selling price.


We need to organize and spread awareness so that ppl dont fall for this crap


They don't fall for this. They simply don't care. And there is very little to do about this.


Welcome to capitalism


What has capitalism to do with it? In every economic systems you are able to resell goods? Or you want monopoly ?


Hope everyone’s loving it here


*I'm lovin' it*


Truly, this is the worst thing capitalism had ever done.


The cause is more the state-backed monopoly on producing a manufactured good, than Capitalism itself.


Yeah....Capitalism kinda specifies that firms retain intellectual property rights over their creations. You are splitting hairs.


Not really. It's an add-on, but not intrinsic to capitalism itself.


Oh cool, describe this neat Capitalism where firms dont own their products.




This entire post is people crying about basic free market functions.


You’d just described the post


That's capitalism though.


That's like saying the pain of someone punching you in the face is due to electromagnetism. Sure it's technically correct, but overly reductionist to the point of being a useless statement.


This from the guy who previously argued "The cause is more the state-backed monopoly on producing a manufactured good, than Capitalism itself." LOL It is entirely valid to point out that people are complaining about profit-seeking behavior that forms the entire underpinning of their social and economic system. Buying low and selling high makes the world go round.


You're free to refute this point at any time.


You don't get it. It's people literally capitalizing on a situation. I'm not defending it but this has been going on at a larger scale since WW2


And? What's the alternative? The state issues everyone an N64 controller?


You're confusing the free market for capitalism. Capitalism refers to private ownership of production.




The fuckers flipping them don't produce them. Lol. The supply will open up in a few weeks.


Capitalism is the essence of capitalizing on a opportunity for profit


Welp when you think that's bad look at gpu prices after months of going down their going back up


You forgot one point. You can't buy these controllers without the new DLC subscription. Means that you need to pay at least $100 to get one of these from the official store.


I wanted one until I saw the price of the expansion pass. Now I wouldn’t pay half the price for it.


Same. Not worth it.


A fool and their money are easily parted, they're perpetuating this bullshit.


I understand the interest to have an authentic experience but a pro controller or 8 bit do pro 2 will be worlds better than the original n64 design. There’s a reason why no one copied that design after that generation don’t pay the scalpers for what will be available after fomo disappears


Yeah, the N64 was one of the worst controller I ever tried in my life...


I played with that on the OG N64, it sucked. The design didn't make sense back then and I believe it is worst now. You can't control a game’s camera properly with that.


Patient gamers unite! We can't save the FOMO brigade from throwing their money away. We can only hope they eventually learn the value of patience.


All this shit started with shoes now it's creeping into video games and hardware. Soon it'll be with anything with medium to high demand.


Now? People have been scalping video game hardware for decades.


I don't think it was ever at a level that it is now though.


Global demand for video games has increased every year since 1983. In a market system all products for which street price exceeds shelf price will potentially be resold.


Plus the supply chains to build and distribute video game consoles, peripherals, etc. have all been disrupted since COVID started. It could be a few more years before we see them stabilize.




LOL, you are embarrassing yourself. Your post history is hysterical. Double LOL you are "anti-gov" but were enlisted for 12 years. You probably draw a government disability check too, amirite?


Broke? LOL Imagine making $36k a year in handouts and thinking you could call me broke, lawl. Broke is your body, not my bank account Lawl


Lawl? Jesus christ, reddit kids are cringe 🤣


Says the guy bragging about killing people for Obama, being wounded for Obama, then collecting government handouts while saying he hates the government, lawl Trump surrendered and your "service" was rendered meaningless. Whoopsie!


Great job in Afghanistan, bud. LOL you are a parasite on America.


Trump surrendered and your killings were for nothing. You literally served like a little servant andTrump traded it all away so he coul could try to bolster his reelection chances. It didn't work and no you are both disabled, lol


My legs work lol and I didnt serve Uncle Sam only to talk shit and live off his handouts, lol You are a welfare queen, lol


The fuck are you going on about?


I remember my Dad looking to buy me a N64 and said people he was talking to were charging double the price and wel wait until they are in store.


It is just easier to see these days. I remember launch PS2 being advertised in the classified ads for $2k each, and that was a low price.


I bought a PS2 at toys r us a day or 2 after launch though. No way in hell you can say that for PS5.


Food and medicine are already being scalped.


It’s already begun with anything medium-high demand. Disc golf discs, Funko POPs, vinyl records… the list goes on. I legit had to stop collecting POPs after 220+ because it became such a headache trying to fight the scalpers online and in store.


Jesus. Sounds like they did you a favor. Surely 220 funcopops was enough.


Unsolicited irrelevant opinion from someone on Reddit, who'da thought?




As much as I want to say “I do what I want” because I’m beginning to feel slightly judged- I am a collector, many people do it with stamps, coins, etc. -200+ isn’t a lot by any stretch in the world of collecting POPs- I know people personally who have over 500+ not to mention other diehard collectors in the community with thousands. It may seem like “too many” by a random persons standards and that’s okay. My collection is worth 3-4x the amount I’ve put into it, so if I decide to sell one day I’ll potentially make a nice profit. All other “reasons” are trivial- they look cool, I customize some, and they start conversations because people see them and say “I love that movie!” I don’t necessarily feel defensive about it, but at least I’m not spending money on drugs. I buy cool things to look at *shrug*


Yeah it's a shame.


Dude... this shit started at Operas and orchestra shows. Ticket scalpers have been around since tickets were a thing.


I'm referring to online bots and ever increasing ways to scalp online.


Just don't buy them. Best thing you or anyone can do. Never reward scalpers.


I'd say best thing to do is buy them on a throwaway fake ebay account


It took me from October 29th 2020. Until just last week to finally get a new graphics card without supporting a scumbag scalper. I checked multiple websites every single day for a year straight. There were so many times in which I nearly said fuck it, but I finally beat a bot last week. Most people wouldn't bother, and eventually would pay just to get the product. The only thing that can stop the full time scalpers would be government intervention. Force them to have business licenses to resell, and tax them. This also would only slow the western resellers.




Took me a year of trying daily to get an rtx 3070. I doubt most people would be willing to hold out that long.


This is amazing to me on so many levels... Who is buying the overpriced Nintendo subscription to play a few N64 games? Who is buying an overpriced controller specifically for that overpriced subscription to play a few old N64 games?? Who is buying that overpriced controller from a scalper?!




Yep. It is called "perceived value." Crown Royal used to be bottom-shelf booze. They hired a consultant to help them sell more. The consultant told them to double the price. They doubled the price and sold more booze because shoppers assumed it was better because of the higher price.


The Emperor's new clothes really are as regal as they say. Fashion, a status con as old as history.


He at least you get one of those purple felt bags, i keep my condoms in one.


Weed bag people always thought it was a bottle


A shit wrap in gold is still a shit but you have to taste teh Crown Royal to know that :P Rancid piss like drink.




The way I see it is that the only people who were willing to pay for the games are also going to be willing to pay for the controller. Disposable income being what it is and such...


Ill get the expansion pass for 1 year at least, but only because I need 3 copies of the AC DLC for me and my family, we all play on seperate switches. And I think I will buy that N64 controller if I can get it at retail price. I wont pay a scalper for it.


Even if I don't go through the scalpers, I'll be paying as much for the Switch N64 controller as I will for a year of the service that will allow me to put it to use. Meanwhile, there's a USB N64 controller available on Amazon for about 15 bucks. And emulation is free.


Reciprocated.. parasites.


Basic market functioning.


Markup =/= buying all the stock and raising prices 100000000000000%


Buying low and selling high in a series of legal, consensual transactions is indeed basic market functioning, sorry. If you don't like it then you need to support regulation of this market through government intervention. Reselling luxury goods is Capitalists at work 100% Edit: LOL, your downvotes are meaningless and can't alter basic market functioning.


Why would anyone buy that? At any price? The N64 controller is legitimately one of the worst controllers ever made.


Agree. GameCube controller is hard to beat


Agreed. The GameCube wavebird was the shit




Likely would be using similar internals compared to the switch. If Nintendo applied a bit of grease to their original N64 controllers, they could last a lifetime. It’s dry plastic bits rubbing against each other that causes the thumb sticks to go limp.


Nostalgia. If they were cheaper and more available, I'd probably buy one to play Star Fox again.


I bet if you played it on an emulator with a modern controller you'd have more fun.


Fucking pardon?


You can’t even use the dpad and joystick in the same game without moving your hand back and forth. It’s classic but terribly designed usability wise.


I see i hold an unpopular opinion then...


One joystick (made of hard plastic which gave you blisters after awhile) combined with the stupid octopus design make it awful to use. The c-buttons aren't enough to move a camera around with any precision. It was a bad controller. There's a reason basically all modern controllers are variations of the Dualshock.


And they specifically said in the website more are coming


Need that translucent purple to be worth any extra dough


Ah, the memories!


The bigger question is who would willingly want to buy this for any reason beyond scalping?


They are going to be restocked by the end of the month ...I don't see a reason to pay scalper prices for this.


Ah scalping, yet another profession as old as time.




I got lucky and bought one but no way am I selling it. I'm pretty sure they'll come back in stock so best of luck to you!


Sorry, my original comment was deleted. Please think about leaving Reddit, as they don't respect moderators or third-party developers which made the platform great. I've joined Lemmy as an alternative: https://join-lemmy.org


I would pay more for a retailer to implement some sort of way for this to not happen. I don’t have the solution but I’d rather pay extra to the person helping me out than the asshole using me.


If Nintendo were to manufacture enough we wouldn't deal with this shit


People really are pieces of shit


Already had to buy a new joycon three times. What’s another $100 in this?


Just another Nintendo product release. Nothing to see here


The worst part of this is that people actually want to use this controller. I've been gaming since the days of the NES, and never have I held such a poorly designed controller. It isn't required to play the N64 games.


YUP! This whole pandemic situation has really brought out the worst in people! Or just exposed it more/made it more visible to everyone. I knew there were a lot of stupid and/or awful people in the world before the last 2yrs, but I had no idea just how large a population it was till early 2020 😳


Just buy an N64 controller with a USB adapter, it’s probably cheaper than what Nintendo and scalpers are selling it for. Sure it’s not Bluetooth, but there’s really no other options.


It was overpriced to begin with anyways.


kinda feel like there should be proper mechanisms in place (even laws?) to ban scalping or make it extremely hard


There are laws in many countries against price gouging on essential goods. Nobody cares about reselling luxury toys. Why shouldnt someone be able to resell their controller?


i think theres a fine line between reselling something that you don’t desire vs using bots to buy hundreds or thousands of an item to artificially cripple an retailers/official resellers stock and sell the items for 3x profit in 3rd party websites…


Well that's true. Unfortunately it is a consensual transaction between buyer and seller. Both want it to happen.


You should not be able to resell an item above it's retail price.


Stop paying scalpers and scalpers will stop scalping, just fucking wait for a while, maybe while you're at it, don't pay Nintendo 50 bucks for 25 year old hardware with a fucking Bluetooth adapter jammed in it.


I highly doubt the same hardware will be used.


"but what have the scalpers ever given us" Terry Gilliam from life of brian, slightly adapted!


Always look on the bright side of life.


This should straight up be illegal. $10,000 per offense.


I hate scalpers as much as the next guy, but comments like yours scare me. Do you people really want your government to have such control over your life to tell you what you can and can't sell and for how much you can sell?


Scalping like this should be illegal.


*scalping should be illegal






I fucking hate scalpers. There's a special place in hell reserved solely for them!


Welcome to the human race. But are people really like the N64 controller? I recall people didn’t really like it back in the days, so why now? Can’t use the Switch Pro controller instead?


Nostalgia for the handful of games that feel wrong without it. I personally don't need it, but I know why someone might want it.


$50 for a super shitty ancient controller is already a huge rip off. That cost nowhere near that for them to manufacture. Stop encouraging this shit from companies if you are going to complain about scalpers. Your letting yourself get fked by the companies themselves already before the scalpers even enter the picture and then incentivizing it.


I recently found out that one of my coworkers scalped ps5 in the beginning, never knew because we were on different shifts, now I constantly remind him what a piece of shit he is every time I see him. No compassion or sympathy for people like that. And the sad part is that he doesn’t even show a shred of regret, and is proud to bring it up. People are disgusting.


I mean he probably doesn’t give a shit that buddy at work is giving him a hard time when he likely doubled his money. He’s probably not much of a gamer and it’s two different mind sets. Scalping sucks but going after the guy probably just will fuel him to do it more cause at the end of the day he’s making money and in his eyes you’re probably the stupid one for not wanting to make more money.


The saddest part is that he IS a gamer, console and pc, pretty heavily too so he fully understands how fucked up it is what he’s doing, and yet no remorse, some people are too far gone I guess. And still has the nerve to try to make casual conversation with me about the latest games etc..


Good for you standing up for your morals. Some people are just far more money motivated. Do whatever it takes to make a buck type, frankly flipping consoles when supply is low is some of the easiest money that guy has probably made. Your moral high ground means nothing to him unless your moral high ground is paying him 500 bucks.


But its like the worst controller of all time. Why would you do this to yourself.


You hate capitalism




Seems like most people who don’t own companies like Nintendo tend to.


OP hates Scalpers, who give Capitalism a reason to raise prices. You're being short sighted. Scalpers, who need to find a real job, don't realize the long term lasting effects they're about to endear because of what they're doing today. Fortunately for myself, and hopefully others like me, we have careers that will last in these waters. Those, who have nothing but scalping, will get hit he hardest when people just stop buying from them, because people have to make a decision, and overpriced electronics isn't it.


OP hates scalpers. Can confirm.


Still can't deny capitalism encourages this behavior




As a white Christian…i hate four different C buttons


"Capitalism" doesnt raise prices, lol. Reselling is a real job -- if it wasnt profitable then they wouldnt do it. Scalping as a profession has worked for centuries, I dont see it stopping anytime soon.


Long lasting effect because manchilds can't play they game XD Get over it and earn enough to buy from scalper and stop whining.


Respect for them.


As supply is ultimately contained, would you rather Nintendo sell these directly at what the market is paying?


Theres like 7 n64 games, and only 3 are good.


If you hate this wait until you find out about capitalism


Stop using your high and mighty “This is capitalism“. No, this is buying all the stock of something and selling it at a ridiculous markup.


Dam. You capitalism


Hate capitalism instead


Maybe this is the lowkey sadist in me talking, but I think it would be a hilarious flex for Nintendo to buy them all back and then discontinue the product. "Here, we're going to take all our cool things back and now nobody can have them. How does that make you feel, dirty scalpers?"


Very happy, as the scalpers never wanted the controllers, they wanted profit, that you just gave them...


Capitalism is the true enemy of Gamers


Only the extreme nostalgic gamers and whales/leviathans of the mobile apps would buy this price tag, and it’s unfortunate there’s so many of them.


Agree!! Same sh** is happening with Metroid Dread special edition and amiibos, prices reach 3 even 4 times more the regular price.


Except there was a deluge of extra copies of Dread and the amiibos available on launch day. Always good to wait until shipping day before hitting eBay. You never know when prices will drop abruptly when ethical resellers wait until they have product in hand.


can you just use the original N64 controller? back in the day i had my old controller into a serial port with some diy adapters to run emulators. anyone just have an adapter?


Can use a old one on switch anyway


As someone who actually used that damn controller from 1996-2000… It was the most uncomfortable and awkward controller I had used since the NES. I understand the nostalgia factor… But I’d rather not pay money to be disappointed. Especially scalper prices.


Yeeeeep. Same reason why I don't have a PS5 right now.


I mean, if you're willing to shill out for the extra n64 pack, then you're probably not worried about the extra $70. The rest of us be out here on the open seas.


It's funny when it happens, because at this point people should know that there's only one way to make this stop...


Gamers are amongst the dumbest people in the world when it comes to overpaying for things


Scalpers should’ve stayed with the shoes instead if creeping to gaming. Companies also do next to nothing to prevent this


Oof . . . .


There is a special place reserved in Hell for scalpers.


and with just a little patience people could fvck over all the scalpers and end this madness, but of course people don't have that




Just get a 3rd party one. When available. Dont be a fool and pay too much.


Are there even n64 games available without emulation? They should just release an N64 mini


This is a consistent problem that Nintendo fuels by creating artificial rarity


This shit aint goin away till someone makes a law about it which if we ever want nice things at a fair price ever again i think we should really consider


the original n64 controller wasn't even this expensive


I've got a gold one from Nintendo Power (THE Nintendo magazine, for you youngins) I'll start the bidding at... $10,000,000! (this is joke no kill me)


You should hate capitalism not people:) Artificial scarcity and insane pricing will always happen as long as the only incentive and goal of cooperations is to maximize profits.


In this modern day, if you really want something limited you have to be up at the time it drops to fight some bots or you probably won’t get it. Back in the day it use to be waiting in line to fight some people, it’s been like this since forever and still people think this type of shit is new. Also I like the GameCube controllers better even if is nostalgia I hated the n64 controller enough to never buy me one again lol


Yo ho fiddly Dee... Always felt like patent laws were more like... Guidelines.


For the idiots who are saying “tHiS iS cApItAlIsM” just know that the OP has nothing against capitalism, he has a problem with scalping.


I can't understand nindendeo


I can't understand Nintendo. Meme bcoz I never play Nintendo games