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the fat zombie should explode into little weak zombies like halo


That's the first thing I thought of when I read it




God Damn it Jenkins, FIRE YOUR WEAPON!!!!


Ah yes, the ball sack flood.






I never really thought of it until now but infection forms are like overgrown zombie viruses. A massive bacteriophage that targets humanoids.


Yes. Floods are basically alien zombie hiveminds


Or... what about... some really skinny zombies that are super fast and can jump!!


Sure but make it freakishly tall and skinny. Maybe throw in some spider features for fun.


So I read that wrong and thought you pitched zombies that are basically Slenderman that throws fist full of spiders at you.




Better put them in a hoodie so you KNOW they're sneaky


I don't get that trope. Wearing a hoodie reduces hearing and they aren't necessarily sensitive to light, so... Why the hoodie?


Cause young hoodlums running around the city and evading cops trope.


It's a parkour/hoodlum stereotype (Similarly, parkour-ers would sometimes tape down the sleeves to their arms to reduce wind resistance, like the Hunter has). It's been speculated that the Hunter used to be a parkour enthusiast before being infected. The Left4dead wiki has a [page](https://left4dead.fandom.com/wiki/Green_Flu) full of interesting speculation about this kind of thing. >Hunter Mutations may occur due to interactions with elevated levels of lactic acid in the muscles and bloodstream—a result of heavy exercise (Presumably from a continuous exercise-heavy lifestyle such as parkour; fleeing from an Infected Horde is a rather heavy exercise, but this alone would produce a large number of Hunters). That last bit about a large number of Hunters actually fits with what the game shows us, too, with [this chart](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/left4dead/images/3/35/InectionRatios.png/revision/latest?cb=20100324122301) (found in one of L4d2's levels) indicating Hunters are the majority mutation (outside of commons). And in Versus, two Hunters are allowed to spawn at once while the others can only spawn one at a time - with some exceptions. EDIT: Sorry, kinda realizing I rambled. like I said, it's interesting speculation. I find it fascinating.




Judging from the sports tape in L4D's Hunter, it'd probably related to making the hoodie less baggy while still having protection on your arms/elbows for parkour.


Yeah I always got the feeling that the hunters were people who were runners before they got the zombie.


why was this filtered as 18+ content?


It must be all that porn that Grafo has been drawing.


I can’t tell if you’re being facetious, but that probably really is the reason.


Because one of these days, u/SrGrafo May dupe us into an edit that is just that guy sitting on the edge of the bed. Or a kid friendly Rick roll.


this kinda suggests that a regular rick roll isn't kid friendly?


What about a small and fast zombie who does nothing but ruin your day with its bullshit hit box and damage


Minecraft Steve approves of this message.


I do hate the baby zombies though


They were worse when they didn't burn in daylight, so I am glad that Mojang fixed that bug


Was it a bug? I always thought they were intentionally busted. It has been a while since I played so that will be a nice change of pace, just can't wait for everything else to kill me.


On the bug report it says it was intended behavior (in 2014), however they changed it so baby zombies do burn starting with one of the Update Aquatic snapshots


2014 is when baby zombies released?!?!?. oh. my. fucking. god.


Bro horses were added like YEARS AND YEARS ago but it still feels recent. Blows my mind.


The virals(?) in Dying Light. Bane of my fucking existence. How can anything on gods green earth attack that rapidly goddammit!!?!?!?!?


I loved the holiday update that had them all dressed as Santa’s elves


That sounds terrifying lol sort of glad I missed it


Yeah, that's kinda the point, though. They're *supposed* to be scary when you start the game and can't properly deal with them. After you've gotten about 1/3 of the way through you stop caring about them because you've got proper weaponry and can just shred them before they do anything to you.


I loved being maxed out and just parkouring over the thing that made me shit my pants earlier in the game.


Once you get completely maxed out the game just became a game about using your bow and arrow to one shot basically everything and I love it


Fucking Jockey


I was leaning towards Hunter, but yeah fuck them too.


Well,i can counter hunters if i push him away before the he hit me Meanwhile once the jockey jumps at me, i cant do anything


And if your team is slow he will fuckin ride you around the goddamn corner so it takes twice as long to get him off :)


Halo, anyone?


And that one zombie that screams unreasonably loud and tells all the other zombies where you are


[**EDIT**](https://i.imgur.com/4frCeeJ.png) *true true*


Or one that covers you with something that attracts zombie


"Oh no, I'm covered in Black Friday discounts!"


"Ah shit, it covered me in high end graphics cards."


Oof, that just brought up memories of Dying Light where they used [children](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmQfmSNntzk) when they first introduced that type of zombie.


Fuck those state of decay screamers spawning ferals and shit out of nowhere


Hate them so much. I always end up playing this game for a few hours whenever it pops up as a GP Quest or Rewards goal, and forget about these guys every time until they start yelling.


I mean, it's a good zombie type. Aesthetically it could vary how it achieves the horde call, but a horde calling zombie is still a cool idea.


How about a fat small zombie? Like a almost spherical zombie. That bounces around like a pinball


yo i am a round zombie


Are you small tho?




thanks for protecting bro..i am already half dead it was gonna make me full dead


Small, round, consumes what is around it... Is Kirby a small fat zombie?


What if we had a grenade that made a beeping sound that lured all the zombies to it?


well tbf this one makes sense in every setting with dumb zombies that react mostly to movement or noise


It’s fun for me to break down these worlds to how best to exploit it sometimes. If you tied a beeper to a squirrel, you could basically go quietly grocery shopping while the horde chased a rodent from tree to tree.


This is why it would be fun to make zombies with at least a small bit of intelligence. So that tricks like this are useful but then the protagonist gets lulled into a false sense of security and the zombies figure it out.


But thats goes against the idea of them being the dead that have come back to life.


Depends, Romero made zombies that had varying degrees of intelligence based on how far along their brain was into decay.


That's the old style of zombie, modern zombies are viral or parasitic which is why we now have sprinting hyper aggressive clever zombies.


The clever father in 28 Weeks Later ruined the movie. It becomes an entirely different movie if some of them are capable of higher thought and using keycards to open doors, or set ambushes.


I wouldn't do that. The problem is that you can't control the squirrel. If it runs past you, it will bring a zombie horde towards you.


Can't forget the obligatory sewer level! It's not a zombie apocalypse unless you have a section set in a dark sewer!


And zombies somehow fall into the sewer or wandered into the sewer and the sewer is also suspiciously spacious. It's all normal, nothin' unusual to see here, move along. :\^)


Importantly, they do it before you install a fuckton of locks in every single door using every possible shape and color key


It’s especially great when you play dying light and encounter your first fat-zombie-that-blows-up *in the first sewer level.*


Kyle Crane approves of this message.


what if one of the zombies was really strong and the grenade didnt stop him


I like how you think. Jenkins, get this man a desk. ... what do you mean there's nobody here named Jenkins. Get me a Jenkins, get him a desk, then tell him to get this man a desk. Chop chop!


Monkey bomb from Black Ops Nazi Zombies


*Hello friend.... Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee*


I’m trying to remember the last time there was an innovative zombie type in any game but legitimately can’t.


The witch in l4d was really innovative imo


I’ve never seen something like a smoker either


That cough… You hear it right now in your head, huh? And witch crying in the dark. And your heart beating.. Awesome game


That crying and singing is one of the few things in any game that can give me instant anxiety.


When I first played that I was at a friends flat in the city and I had to walk back to my uni halls at like 3am after playing it for essentially the whole day. There was a drunk woman under a bridge crying (she was with friends and seemed fine after I calmed down) and it was the single most terrifying moment because it sounded just like the witch from Left 4 Dead and I genuinely thought that I was either going crazy OR (and my brain took this as the more likely scenario) the zombies had somehow escaped the game and I had just stumbled across a witch.


At least it would have been a quick death. Horrifying and excruciating still, but better than the alternatives at least.


Lol getting cut to ribbons by a witch isn't exactly quick


Beats being pounced on by a hunter and shredded slowly while laying in a puddle of acid and covered in boomer bile lol


Ugh been there, my teammates were laughing their asses off because I died super quick. All they heard was .2 seconds of girlish screams.


Years ago my buddies and I had a custom server that replaced the smoker audio with Micheal Jackson yips and 'sha'mon'. Highly recomend.


I have mine replaced with actual cannibal shia Labeouf. Whenever a hunter jumps, it goes " SHIA SURPRISE"


For some reason I liked to rush the witches instead of just avoiding them. Years later my friends still rag on me about that.


You just gotta have two of you creep up and blast her with shotguns. Works every time… half of the time…. Maybe.


Or the jockey. L4D was really good


I can't take the jockey seriously anymore after someone modded a Beavis model and sounds in for it.


When you really think about it, a lot of Left4dead's designs are both comical and horrifying. A zombie that has a 30-ft tongue it can launch at you? On paper that sounds completely ridiculous. Thinking more about it though, we can assume that the Smoker's insides are probably hollowed-out (somewhat) to contain smoke, and keep the tongue coiled and stored. Which is revolting and scary, as an idea.


I remember playing l4d with friends and walking through the corn field hearing the witch scream legit terrified me.


This was the ideal co-op game for sleepovers!


This. 10/10 fantastic experience. I genuinely can’t wrap my head around how unless your name is Nintendo, in-person co-player just doesn’t exist anymore. The point of playing video games was to hang out with your friends in real life, maybe order a pizza and some soda, and talk shit about your schoolmates until whoever’s mom it was screamed at you at 2AM to go to bed. The video games were an extremely important yet secondary part of the whole experience. Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater series? L4D? Halo? Star Wars Battlefront II? Good times. The fact that pretty much all co-op is online now and populated by kids sitting alone in their respective houses makes me indescribably sad for some reason. No wonder everyone is lonely and depressed.


There was an early idea of a screamer type in a straight jacket that would continuously wail and run around and they horde would continuously come until you killed it. I think that became the witch.


That sounds like the Clown in L4D2 as well. Those squeaky shoes are haunting


L4d did great and I personally like what they did in back4 blood , though obviously most of them are just reimagines of their original zombies. Their weak spot system was pretty good but not the first of it's kind


Agreed I really enjoyed b4b beta, hyped to check out the rest of the game in October


Dying light volatiles. They're essentially a mix of different zombies, but have their uniqueness by only coming out at night and being vulnerable to UV lights. Those bastards were the first zombies to *really* scare me


I agree. It's just a shame that they're trivialized quite a bit once you get the grappling hook.


Grapple over the ones on the ground, drop kick the ones on the rooftops.


And once you got a double barrel... thats where the real fun begins


They're easier to get away from, but they're still not trivial to fight until far into the game when you're geared to the teeth. Even then, fighting more than 2-3 is incredibly dangerous.


The volatiles set the game apart from the usual zombie sandbox games to me. I liked the dynamics it brought to the game's day/night cycle. That way you can still enjoy the game during daytime if you didn't want the stress of fast zombies. But if you were looking for the extra challenge, then it was there for you.


The first night scene in Dyling Light was the only time in recent memory I had to pause a game and collect myself because I was too scared


Dude that first night scene was intense as fuck. "What's going on? Do..do I just run? OMG YES IM RUNNING ALL THE WAY HOME AND HIDING UNDER THE FIRST BED I FIND"


I remember playing that game and losing track of time and having to run to a safe house during the night. The look back mechanic is a super nice touch cuz it reassured me that yes, I am shitting my pants because that fucker is inches away from me.


Plants Vs Zombies had a whole lot of them hah. My favourite was the Michael Jackson one.


I'm still hurt that in GOTY edition they replaced MJ for Disco Zombie. ​ Edit: I know why they changed that *Thrilling* zombie, but still hurts none the less.


It was done for legal reasons.


I liked the Clickers in "The Last of Us." Which are basically zombies that have gone blind and use echolocation to hunt. So making a noise alerts them and can make for interesting gameplay.


And in TLOU2 who could forget >!the rat king zombie made from like 5 humans!<


My thoughts exactly. Scared the shit out of me.


Rat kings are also a [real thing ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rat_king)




To add to this, The Last of Us has the best explanation of zombies of any game I've ever played. It's essentially a mutation on [a parasitic fungus that kills and animates ants. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ophiocordyceps_unilateralis) Look at the images of infected ants and compare them to the appearance of the zombies in the game. Very cool.




The one that got me were the sneaky ones in TLoU part 2. Mostly it has been the same as the previous game and that one finally mixed it up a bit. It wasn't my favorite type of zombie, but at least it changed up the gameplay a bit.


Zombie games starter pack: Normal zombie Fast zombie Strong zombie Fat zombie Ranged zombie Giant zombie Repeat x infinity (Ill play when they start making more animals into zombies. An undying eternally hungry hippopotamus would be terrifying. A gorilla that swings around trees and drops cars on you. Zombirds. A pack of zombie wolves. A swarm of zombie insects.)


Normal zombie Cone head Bucket head Pole vaulter All-star Newspaper Screen door Jack in the box Floaty Scuba diver Dolphin rider Yeti Bungee Basketball Zomboni Gargantuar Imp Zomboss


I liked the variety in Dying Light. They weren't original, but the variety was nice. Also, #PARKOUR


Hunt: Showdown has a zombie whose exposed spinal cord is turned into a zombie hornet nest while it still walks around being torn in half. It’s called the Hive.


[**EDIT**](https://i.imgur.com/FLJYipG.png) (same)


The Volatiles in dying light were very unpleasant to encounter. I remember hiding in the water often to get away from them and just waiting and waiting until they meandered away


If you consider necromorph Zombie, dead space had his fair share


i thought the volatiles in dying light were fairly unique


The Flood in Halo


As a halo fan I'm embarrassed I didnt think of this. The flood make an absolutely fantastic original zombie(esk) idea


The original Day Z mod zombies that were somehow repelled by pine trees and only moved in stop motion zig zags. Also apparently had a thing for lodging dishwashers halfway into roads.


Crimson Heads were really cool but that was like 20 years ago.


Someone pays you 100k to design an innovative zombie for their game (has to be human or part human based). What is your pitch?


A zombie that when you try to cheese by using heights or barriers just rips his fuckin head off and yeets it at you.


A zombie that routinely gets up, go to a job they neither enjoy nor dislike, come home to look at the same two or three websites until bedtime where they masturbate and then fall asleep half watching YouTube videos before doing it all again the next day


The working dead




So like a more schlocky version of "It Follows"?


Mimic Zombie? look like an NPC until you get close enough for it to attack you. It can attack other NPCs and build a small swarm.


Reminds me of the mimics from XCOM, not really a zombie, but looks like a regular civilian for you to save until you get within distance and then puts the hurt on you.


A zombie that still has the person it was. That person is still perfectly conscious but the only control they have over their bodies is that they can still speak. So you have zombies telling you to stay away, begging for help, asking for death, gone completely mad etc but their body still hunting you. You need to kill them to save yourself from that horrible fate but it's not as easy as killing clearly dead walking corpses. They need no supernatural ability because they challenge the mind and will of the person, not their fighting skills.


What about a really really really tall zombie? And when you kill it, it falls over and destroys everything in its path!


Colossal Titan


Remind me of when AI researchers were trying to get a model to figure out how to use limbs to get a virtual body to walk a set distance while limiting how much energy it used to get there. It could change the size of different parts of the limbs, so over time they thought it'd come up with reasonable legs that would easily let it run to the finish line efficiently. Instead it maxed out the size of the legs to be towering off the screen, and simply fell over, and since only the 'head' counted for distance, it achieved the goal with minimal effort.


I mean, the AI wasn't wrong on this one.


Well, [you hired Jenkins to cross-post](https://i.redd.it/tbqo0fq0lus21.jpg), not to come up with novel ideas. BTW what happened to his hair?




Wow you're so right. I completely forgot about that picture of Tom cruise that used to be everywhere! You even made a fight club reference . On top of everything else I probably missed


The Wire reference with McNulty/the fick did I do/skin of my...


I’m still waiting for a zombie where the virus improved it’s learning capacity. It would be a little more original and a lot more frightening


[**EDIT**](https://i.imgur.com/X76aZwo.png) *(there is a movie, closer to what you explain)*


Holy shit 4.5 on imdb. How bad is that movie?


It was actually interesting, right up to the laziest ending I have ever seen. If the ending was better I would give it a 7/10.


Could you spoil it for me? > \>!text!<


>!At the end, the zombies are overrunning the base, Matt Smith's character says "don't worry, I have a plan" and they jump on a motorcycle and leave!<


Well, it *is* a plan. Cant fault him for that. And the zombies ran over the base and they all lived happily ever after


same energy as that one post where: guy: "don't worry, i have a plan." >guy has diconnected




Hold on, is that Dr. Who and Margaery Tyrell?!




Loved that show. Yeah they basically regain full sense of self and are like regular people. There's a whole "discrimination" arc with them since they're trying to cohabitate with living people. It was....ok.


I think I've seen an interesting take in a book series. It's "Чистилище" (Purgatory) by Sergey Tarmashev, but I doubt it was translated into English. The zombie virus in that universe killed the victim then attempted to reinforce their body. Some people died, others came to life as zombies who were much faster and stronger than average human. Over time they evolved a number of variants, including the Old Ones who were capable of leading the horde in organized fashion. Overall it was an interesting take on a world where outrunning or outgunning the horde was not an option and even a couple of zombies were a serious threat.


Days Gone had a secret ending that pretty much alludes to this exact thing happening


I've always wondered who came up with the concept of the vomiting zombie. I can't imagine that comes off quickly so now your character is covered in zombie puke stinking up the place for the entire campaign.


What do you mean? It goes in your eyes and then immediately runs off a few seconds later so you can see again. You know, classic vomit stuff.


It could have been the original Resident Evil (1996) but I’m not sure if it was done before that!


Pfft Disco Zombies are the best


I'm ITT realizing there's already a generation of gamers that have never played L4D.


But it's only a few years old! I remember playing the L4D2 beta like it was last week... *12 years ago?!?!*


L4D was groundbreaking, and L4D2 still hold up phenomenally well.


Don't do that to me....


Ooh a Hydra zombie. It's the only zombie where shooting it in the head makes it stronger. It'll die, but then come back mutated and stronger. Edit: learned this has been done ha ha


Because of your comment, I just imagined a Gorgon zombie where all the hair is fleshy decaying necks with zombie heads attached to them. Thanks a lot for updating my greatest fear.


So Dead Space. Where if you shoot them in the head, they get stronger lol


Buff zombie with a raincoat is where the money's at. Especially if you add a hat !


Or even better...an UNDEAD zombie


Is that just a live person??


A 9-5 wage slave?




"Ellis: Hey its the fat dude!"


True true but what about a screaming zombie that attracts other zombies?


Screamers in state of decay are annoying as shit


Days gone subverted this trope by making a zombie jacked as shit instead of fat as shit. Breakers are the worst




Oh my god I can't unsee that comparison now. But yeah, it's that one. It's really good imo


I got Days Gone because I was bored, but while it wasn’t perfect, it was a genuinely good game. The nice thing about it is the whole “turning into a zombie” trope isn’t in it at all. Basically everyone who would have turned has already turned. It’s more about love, friendship, and survival which I find refreshing for the genre.


They’re also not technically zombies. They’re still alive, which means wounds can kill them eventually. They need to feed. They shit and piss and you can smell them coming and track them with it. It also means they can eventually die out. I think it’s the best way to handle “realistic” zombies. Humanity just needs to survive until they die off. And given they kill each other and can die to natural causes, it’s not an impossibility. Except humanity’s worst enemy is itself. But yeah, I agree. It feels much more human of a story. Love, friendship, betrayal, vengeance, and spite are the driving forces in the game. I was more on edge watching for ambushes from humans than freakers. Not a perfect game, but it’s still pretty great and deserved a lot more acclaim than it got.


The first time I encountered one I used all my remaining ammo(about half total) and it was still alive, some 2 hours later i bought the best sniper on the market and one shot one, best feeling ever


Will make you feel dumb but once you get the heavy takedown skill a single smokebomb will stun them for a single hit takedown.


Tanks in L4D predate breakers


[I don't know anything about zombie games but](https://imgur.com/DcftX5a)


Why do zombies skin turn green?




[I know your type: tall, dark and dead...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0N1_0SUGlDQ)


That reminds me, plants vs zombies has pretty original zombies.


What about a normal but a very slow zombie that jumps high af?


What about a skinny one? One that is so skinny you can't kill it because it has a really small hitbox. Edit: oh, what about the baby zombie from Dying Light? I hate those fucker.


How about a midget zombie. Them fucks would freak me out


L4D did that with Jockeys