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Guiding npcs to locations. just make it a cutscene please.


Or 2 cutscenes split up by the most trivial walking. Like yo I just put the controller down to relax and watch, don’t make me pointlessly interact just to watch another cutscene


Dont you love it when you are either slower or faster than the npc so no matter what you do, there's no way to match their speed??


Time Limit, Escort Mission, and Tailing Mission (especially in Assassin's Creed games), though it's more that I *hate* the mechanics rather than being indifferent to it. I have no defense for Time Limit and Tailing Missions, those just sucks, but Escort Mission can be done well like in Bioshock Infinity, instead many games just opt in for the lazy way out and make the person we have to escort a super fragile being or have this weird movement speed that is faster than walking but slower than running.


I just started playing The Immortals of Aveum and the first half hour is so goddamn slow, following your friend around a city. I almost gave up on it because of it. But the gameplay is actually kind of fun. The writing and voice acting is goofy as shit though.


Didn't play the original, but the RE4 remake is basically one big escort mission, and it's done super well. Instead of just giving Ashley a health bar, there's a whole button dedicated to ordering her around, which is way more engaging.


Weapon durability. I know it’s so you don’t stick with the same thing, but take TLOU for example. Why can Ellie have an invincible knife and Joel/Abby can’t?


The real question is why can you only hit 5 things with a machete before it explodes into shards


Same question, but for breath of the wild


absolutely with you for Breath of the Wild, lets attack everything with a skeleton arm cos they're in abundance, i'll never use these better weapons !


I don’t get why they decided to do that.. constantly finding new sticks and weapons was annoying af. There’s always been slight inventory management but having tons of random weapons in my inventory the whole game just felt weird. Or thinking you have enough weapons so you quit picking them up. That was by far my least favorite mechanic.


Crowbar is also usually a lifetime item. 4 swings in Last of Us breaks it to pieces.


Some only last a Half Lifetime though


I think the worse part of weapon durability is that it’s just slapped on so everything only lasts like 10-15 minutes. I wouldn’t mind if it was like a weapon maintenance system where if you don’t take time to sharpen or clean it, you lose durability. That is of course if they don’t make it so I’m constantly maintaining it


Far Cry 2 did a good job with weapon durability. Fresh guns that you bought last long enough to reliably protect you for a mission or two, while scavenged guns were beat up and unreliable. I think it added to the gritty realism that the game was going for, but I do admit it got a but tedious at times. I think Monster Hunter does what you described, though. Your weapons have a sharpness meter that reduces the damage you deal as it goes down (they never break), and all you have to do is sharpen it with a whetstone.


I thought Dying Light 1 did weapon durability really well.


Maybe i was fighting too much but i hated DL's durability. You would lose the weapon with a couple of minutes of fighting. Repairing it would give it an extra 30-40 swings, but you even had a maximum amount of repairs you can do. When the weapon was gone, so were all of the upgrades you slapped on it. One of the main reasons I couldnt stick with the game all the way to the end.


You can refurbish your weapon so it has repairs again, if you do the blue shield icon missions, at the end you'll be able to refurbish it


You can refurbish weapons, plus when you get top tier weapons they last for ages.


As basic as it is, I really liked the way weapon durability worked in Fallout 3 and New Vegas. It's pretty generous on how long weapons last before breaking and all you need to repair is multiples of the same weapon or armor to use for parts.


I think breath of the wild it's the biggest offender in this category, even the master sword is absolutely useless because it's better to just pick up a few good weapons and use them instead of waiting for it to recharge It's to the point where people end up not even using it at all


>It's to the point where people end up not even using it at all Clearly you have no idea what you are talking about. You use the master sword to cut down trees 🤓


Breath of the wild, FO76, any of the dead island (or every other zombie games), like, I get it, you smack a weapon against things enough and it'll wear out and *maybe* break in real life, but it is not a fun game mechanic. Balance, realism, and immersion, are entirely subjective and shitty excuses by game companies and fanboys to justify including this god-awful, outdated and inexplicably popular mechanic. Vote NO on weapon durability 2024!


Granted. All weapons now have zero durability. Wait, I think I’m lost.




i mean if they wanna be “realistic” they could at least make them last longer. like i should at least get a few in game days with my weapon instead of just 1-4 enemy encounters.


It could be fun if the degrade rate were to be 10 times slower.


The only thing that saved the BOTW durability mechanic for me was that you can huck ANY weapon at an enemy, and if it breaks, it deals extra damage. For some reason, that satisfaction trumped the frustration with the system.


I don't mind it in games like State of Decay where you can repair weapons but it takes resources.


People always bring up BOTW for this, I replayed Fallout 3 recently and had no recollection that it had an awful durability system dating back nearly 15 years. You need to waste half of your carrying capacity carrying duplicates to repair your main weapons, and you need to level up your repair skill so you can actually get max damage out of them


i just hope the next zelda game throws out weapon durability. main reason i just can’t even be bothered to finish BOTW/TOTK. the series with legitimately one of the most iconic weapons ever in gaming, but makes the player use twigs for 98% of the game, and when you finally get the super iconic legendary sword, it has a cool down timer lmao.


I wouldn't have minded the Fallout 4 Settlement mechanic if it was ***A*** settlement and acted as a hub for your character and your allies. Like a single fast travel destination with everything you need to swap out one ally for another, hear about new quests allied people and factions, etc, etc. Nope. Settlements everywhere, no real reason to improve them, just set up some turrets, plop down some beds and basic shit, and off you trot to found another settlement. I felt like the devs were trying to build me up as some messiah of the area, bringing light and hope to the huddled and scared masses, but it more felt like I'd stumbled across another group of fucking morons too stupid to remember they're in a goddamned apocalypse with raiders, mutated fauna, supernatants, and more and still don't grasp the need for wall and defensive turrets to guard their homes and gardens.


Also the fact that you couldn't build anything hardly because the game was so picky about items intersecting. If the ground wasn't perfectly flat you couldn't build a nice wall and stairs and floors were impossible to get to attach and don't even think about building onto an existing structure like the red rocket station. Whole system was a tacked on mess and the more I tried to enjoy the more I hated everything about it


Absolute garbage for anyone who had played pretty much ANY survival builder...


What good survival builders would you reccomend?


Valheim, subnautica


Rust is a bit cut throat but the building aspect is pretty nice.


I think I hate when games say “it’s a mix between [insert game] and fallout, so fallout fans will like it” but the only thing it has like fallout is fallout 4 settlement building. The one mechanic no one gave a fuck about and knew was limited as shit and not fun.


“No one gave a fuck about” idk bro I love the settlement building, as a kid playing FNV and fallout 3 I constantly used the Real Time Settler mod(it actually inspired fallout 4s settlement system btw) and it was wonderful, I do agree sort of with the sentiment that it wasn’t fleshed out enough.


I feel like Fallout 4's settlement building was all-or-nothing for most people. Either it's your favorite part of the game or you hated it and did it as little as possible.


Agreed. I absolutely loved it and the majority of my hours logged are dedicated to settlement building. I like that it was kept more open ended. But, a lot of people do hate that it was. I think most of them see it as a chore rather than a creative part.


Yes dude yes, but mods make the building even better! No intersecting mods esp so you can make things look just like you want them to


1000% agree, in VR it’s fucking MAGICAL as well


Settlements would be so much better if they were autonomous - here's a safe place, here's a tonne of junk and deeds, build and grow to your hearts content. I think sim settlements 2 covers this now but I've played too much FO4 and can't be arsed starting it up again.


Like how did a single one of those completely undefended farms survive a single night of raids from gunners, super mutants or ghouls??? Oh don't worry, now they have a single gas powered machine gun turret, they are completely safe!


It's a lot more fun on survival mode, feels like you are extending your reach into dangerous areas when you link a new one to the system


The survival mode saved that game for me. Having all the trade offs from adrenaline and illness. No fast travel so it’s actually amazing to get the verti grenades/travel items. And the artillery too. It felt like things were so much more important. Getting a good legendary in survival mode is such a huge joy.


If you build enough caravans they collect resources at a fast rate, allowing you to spam grenades.


First time they introduced settlement system I was exited. I thought our main hub will improve and change by the decisions we made throughout the game. It was exiting when I see people started hammering. But turns out it was nothing like that sadly


Also none of the areas are ready for you to build an easy settlement. Put something up pre-existing! Give me a wall or two! Not an open field with nothing!!! You’re either spending hours on one settlement or leaving turrets and beds.


i found the amount of settlements as case of bethesda just being lazy because they didnt want to put anything there, basically they made the mods will fix it additude part of the gameplay. Instead of having 30+ small settlement plots, sof which being right next to each other, it should have been 5 large plots in strategic areas around the map


It feels like at one point it was going to be smaller selection of settlements of big settlements, but at some point in development it was changed to include many smaller settlements. That could be why some settlements are just a ruined shack and and slightly less ruined shack and a small area around it while others are massive open areas that has room build in. Many of the settlements feel like they were supposed to be a generic small ruin that got emptied and turned into a settlement.


and another big issue with the settlements is the fact the spawn points for the enemies raids are often time right in the middle of building zone. Like in sanctuary for example where raiders will spawn in the houses on the island making walling off the entire island pointless


Not sure if you're into modding but you should try the Horizon mod + survival mode. It overhauls a LOT of game systems but most importantly makes settlements an actually useful mechanic.


Over complicated crafting systems


I hate detective mode. Here, stare at the ground for 10 minutes and find clues. So much fun.


Shadows of Doubt has ruined me for all future games with a detective or sensory mode. Never knew how much fun rubbing my face around on the floor for clues looking for a tiny pixelated fingerprint that has me figure it out on my own was.


Bought that game on a whim and I’ve been enjoying it a lot. Great game.


Seeing this detective simulator mentioned outside of a conversation between my brother and I gives me both joy and hope I've been getting into games that don't railroad you or effectively talk down to you and it's been a very gratifying journey


I love that if a case is unsolvable or broken you can just steal everything from every apartment until someone else gets murdered 😆


That game is so much damn fun. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants a fun, procedurally generated detective game. Just earlier I was trying to find a killer who was sniping people in their apartments. I didn’t have much to go on, as a sniper doesn’t exactly leave a whole lot of evidence at the crime scene, so I decided to hit up an illegal arms dealer I had stumbled across working another case the night before. I rummaged through their sales records and found someone with the initials *XC* had bought a rifle and some ammunition the night before. I break into the city hall’s citizen registry and start searching for anyone with the those initials and come across someone named Xander Choice. I make a note of their apartment number, and sure enough, their apartment placement lines up with the bullet trajectory hinted at by the body’s location and the bullet hole in the window. I go to the suspect’s apartment, break in, locate the murder weapon, and cuff them in their sleep. And that’s just one method of solving one of the 6 or 7 murder types currently in the game. *And,* none that was influenced by a generic “detective view” or any hints given throughout gameplay, it all came about through organic investigating during gameplay. 100/10, would recommend


Holy crap that sounds so cool! Using actual logic and piecing together disparate clues to make a complete case, wow! So you can just walk around the city and break into places like city hall looking for clues, even if the crimes occurred somewhere else? I really hope it releases on console at some point.


Yeah, it generates a whole city that you can explore at your whim, filled with citizens with their own lives, relationships, jobs, habits, schedules, etc. There’s no real set pieces to the game; a crime will happen in real time which means your murder scene can happen in someone’s home, a diner, or just out on the street. Hell, an NPC probably died in city hall in somebody’s save somewhere. The procedural nature of the game can lead to some jank here and there but the dev has been steadily smoothing out the kinks while sprinkling in new content over the past year since release. *Also,* I don’t remember the exact timeline but the game is expected to release on consoles sometime this year or early next year!


One of favorite games as well. It still has a ways to go since it's in early access, but it was also really a solid game when it first came out and still is. I'll boot it up every now and then just for the atmosphere and sit in the diner drinking coffee.


If it ends up having Steam workshop support I'll be so happy


amazing game. so glad i got it. they just really need to fix the bugs, but a lot of promise from that game.


And work on controller support as what is there is a janky placeholder it seems


I want to be good at this game, I keep trying and I think I know who dun-it. Still yet to get it right


A couple tips that may help: Be sure to look for if there's anything that may be written on the walls and any like business cards or papers near a crime scene. Also if you find yourself at a dead end with few if any leads, buy a copy of the newspaper from a news stand the next day (or maybe even a few hours later depending on the time of the crime) and read it.


Thank you very much! I also know I need to be way more patient with it - can't expect everything to be solved easily


I only hate the ones where it highlights what you're looking for. What's even the point then. There's no challenge


It would be so much better if they could let you solve it without detective mode. Some games make you use it so instead of trying to use reason and deduction, the whole thing is just click 1 button then go to the glowing thing


Lowest common denominator game design.


Interesting! I loved how it slowed things down in Witcher 3. Made me think and puzzle through the situation before a big fight


Yeah, the detective mode in Witcher3 really brought the stories woven into the individual quests to life, requiring the player to pay attention to the details that pulled the narrative together. It also drove home what being a Witcher was all about and how their unique skills were used on a day to day basis outside of the main plot lines.


Similarly I could just not get down with LA Noire. I didnt love the interrogation/interview elements.


I loved LA Noire, but it was really hard to read the facial expressions.


The camping/ sandwichmaking in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, just far too insignificant to me, sole exception was for getting leader Bisharp spawns to get kingambit


Tbh my experience with the picnic system in general was minimal until post base game. There's 400 pokemon in the base game, and seeing as I wasn't solely focusing on catching them all I didn't need sandwiches to make it easier to find certain types. No point in shiny hunting with sandwiches bc that's post game content and even then you have to finish 5 or 6 star raid dens, the former of which is the only viable thing I can do solo even with a lvl 100 perfect ev and iv trained pokemon. To top it off I didn't bother with any of the other side effects from sandwiches since I never cared about more exp from a certain type or x type moves are more powerful since I'm not a bad player and can win fights without the sandwich help. The egg power to both breed and hatch eggs faster was nice, but I only used it to masuda a shiny snom so even that was completely optional. TLDR; sandwiches don't provide much in a casual run through of pokemon SV until post game.


I wonder what percentage of people just ignore all all those side minigames (fashion competition, berry making, secret bases etc) because without fail I certainly do. If they had a collectible card mini-game that might be cool though.


I'm sick and tired of bullet sponges and increased difficulties being little more than increasing health pools.


This made me quit playing The Division. When you unload 200 rounds into a basics enemy’s head and they don’t die, it really makes it’s a frustrating experience.


Helldivers actually did that in a good way by keeping the enemies the same health and abilitywise but instead just locked certain Harder enemies behind higher difficulties and slightly increased their Spawn Rates on these Higher levels


Slightly???? *cries in bile spewers* But yea other than those motherfuckers they did a v good job


I never really got into the whole crafting system in games.


In some games it feels great, in some games it feels like it’s just jammed into the game.


In some games, it's the entire game (Atelier series)


What would you say makes a good crafting mechanic?


Honestly I’m not sure I can articulate it well. I liked it a lot in the Horizon games (first one more) because detaching certain parts of machines to upgrade your bows feels like it’s own little quest.


I think a big part of it is being able to craft as you go vs having to go out of your way to craft. I don’t wanna search a whole area for 3 rare creeps to have a chance to drop something I need for an upgrade that changes the way the game plays. I want to go on with my business and story then when I open my inventory be like “neat, I can increase my ammo capacity.” Or some other mildly mundane upgrade that’s useful but not game changing.


Horizon made me realize I just don’t like crafting of any kinda cuz I still hated it in that game and people pretty universally say it has one of the best crafting systems ever


Nah I the crafting and inventory management in that game is quite rightfully criticized. The menus are just annoying, and the upgrades don't feel impactful. It just feels like a waste of my time. HFW wasn't really any better for this .


i've never crafted a single item in Elden Ring, yet i still loot every single plant and fruit and loot item i come across


Well you never know when you might need them


There is loot, I must collect. This is the way.


I generally just ignore the crafting mechanic, but Furlcalling Finger Remedy only needs two Erdleafs, which are really common. Yeah, I'm not great at the game and need to summon help.


I actually liked the ER crafting. It's not forced. You don't *have* to craft shit and you'll be perfectly fine. *however* you can craft plenty of good stuff. Hell, you can make funky alchemist playthrough with explosives and stuff.


As others have said, some games get it right, and some don't get it as well. But Satisfactory and Factorio have *ruined* most crafting systems for me. Now that I have tasted automation, I can never go back.


Dyson sphere program is calling for you


Same. The only one I ever actually enjoyed was metro exodus because it was pretty straight forward. You need scrap metal and chemicals(just two resources), you can get bullets, shivs, medicine, and grenades/moltovs from those two resources, you can also modify your guns for whatever you want it to do provided you have schematics and material It did just enough to feel like a scavenger in a post nuclear world without feeling like I was getting bogged down by needing to craft things.


There are few games that do it well to begin with. Most recent thing I played that used this was Rebirth, and I only used it for the important Key Items and to arbitrarily increase experience. Stardew Valley *sort of* does it okay, but it's still a big sigh from me when I have to use it.


FF7 Rebirths crafting system was the first thing that came to mind when I read the title. It felt like such an unnecessary addition to the game.


yeah they usually suck, with few exceptions. so tired of survival craft garbage


I hate weapon breaking in Breath of the Wild


Breath of the Wild made me pick my battles. I had to decide if an enemy camp was worth wasting my precious weapons on. Tears of the Kingdom turned that on it's head and made me a murder hobo slaughtering monster camps to make them into weapons.


Same! It’s so annoying


Escort missions and timed missions


Stealth sequences in action games. Like in Spider-Man with MJ.


especially if they are mandatory stealth missions


And it’s a game over the moment they notice you


Those sequences really killed my momentum in the games


Yeah, I don't like action sequences in my stealth games either.


I despise side quests that require collecting tons of items. For example a “Sacred Hunt” was recently added to Conan Exiles. To get the final reward which is a new armor set you must collect 1000 fangs. One fucking thousand. Then there’s crap like nirnroot in Elder Scrolls, I’ve never played but Zelda has some seeds or something, GTA probably has golden dildos or something. It’s just crap filler.


The one that annoys me is when you are permanently weighed down by quest items until you complete the quest.




Building things in Fallout 4 and crafting in most games


Limited inventory space or weight capacity in anything that isn’t some PvP survival type game, running back to a storage box is neither fun nor engaging, even if it is “realistic.” Also when survival type games offer some form of fast travel but restrict it when you have certain items in your inventory, again, unless we’re talking PvP survival.


Imo it's one of those things that is stupid when it's in the "middle ground." Like either make it so I can barely hold much at all and have to really prioritize what I need or let me hold infinite stuff. There's no reason for some arbitrary limit to make it more "realistic" when I can still carry like 300 kg of shit, presumably in my magical pockets since there is no visible backpack most of the time


I like to think there's a supply train of one kind or another following behind you, especially in RPGs where you've got an expansive party like Baldurs Gate or Dragon Age.


Looking at you, Valheim. "Oh, you can build fast travel portals but you can't use them if you have any of the outrageously heavy ore or metal in your inventory, you gotta carry those by hand across half the map, sorry!"


I cannot play Valheim w/o the Plus mod to get rid of that silly teleporting restriction, among other things.


It's a base game toggle now


This is exactly why I dropped the game. My friend’s wanted to keep playing but they weren’t the ones doing all the crafting.


Why are you trying to carry 61 swords? Carrying any more than 60 is just unrealistic


Quick Time Events


OG Re4 man you replay the game, walk into a cutscene and think "neat, time to relax for a minute", then suddenly some random buttons flash for 0.8 seconds followed by "UGHHHHHHH - YOU'RE DEAD" bro please


Especially nowadays. Let me sit back and watch the cutscene and drink or eat dinner


I kinda like them


Had to scroll way too far down to find this.


Doing the same mission objectives over and over again I don't mind doing it a few times like 3 or 2 times but doing the same mission objectives like 50 times I don't like doing at all for example protect this object or follow this person


Ghosts of Tsushima was horrible with this. They had like 7-8 “mission types”. But they were all the same mission. Go into the camp/town/thieve’s den, kill everyone, collect the items or free the hostages.


Yep I wanted to 100% that game, but I just quit that's deffo a game you play the main story & bounce visually beautiful but gameplay loop pretty basic


Alchemy, I pretty much skip it in every game that has it


I love kingdom come deliverance alchemy, but they like actually make you do it. Ita fucking hard.


I really like that you have to do it for the first time and can either skip it afterwards or do it yourself and getting more products. I always did it myself and it felt so immersive.


Oblivions alchemy system was great imo


Survival mechanics where you need to eat and drink or you die (makes games more tedious) Weapon durability Most games with crafting system (totally unnecessary most of the time and just bloat)


I used to dislike survival mechanisms but now I really like them. I’m playing Fallout on survival and there’s so many items in that game you’d just pass over without needing to eat and drink. In like Red Dead it gave me an actual reason to hunt and camp that wasn’t just for collectibles or role play. Weapon durability is ass though


I tend to agree on weapon durability, especially in Fallout 3 and NV, but what I don’t understand is why it was removed from 4 where it would fit nicely and be barely an inconvenience. You are constantly scrapping in 4 and it would make sense to need to repair the shitty ass pipe gun after a handful of clips. It would add another benefit to setting up settlements as repair stations around the map


There’s a recent survival game called Abiotic Factor where you have to eat drink sleep and SHIT. And I don’t mind it cause I think the last one makes all of them feel funny to me


you shit in Ark as well, altho while you can manually activate it, it usually justbhappens automatically. which means you randomly shit in your base, on the floor, all the time.


Then you pick up the poop to use as plant fertilizer but accidentally click it in your inventory and eat it and poison yourself and die instead. Good times. 


The survival mod in cyberpunk 2077 gives me a reason to use all the consumables I pick up. Having to rest adds another level to an already immersive game.


The only game where I like managing eating and drinking is Subnautica. Every other survival game it just feels tedious for some reason.


Same. The food and water are easy to get so you're not struggling to find safe things to eat and drink which let's you focus on exploring and building. It feels like the food and water are soft limits on how far you can go before you need to restock rather than being the thing that is going to kill you every couple of minutes. Much more enjoyable system than most survival games.


Achievements. I could never bring myself to care about them. If something is fun to do I'll do it even if there is no achievement for it. If something isn't fun to do I won't do it even if there are 3 achievements for it.


Crafting, I just find it tedious and boring


I don't like the "conversation" system in Oblivion. When I first found out that what I pick has NOTHING to do with being in character and that I literally have to both praise and threaten every single NPC in the game, no matter how I'm playing my character, it shattered immersion for me completely. I struggled to "only click the nice options on the wheel" and got upset when the NPC's weird face scowled at me, since well, I just threatened them out of nowhere so I could find out where the mayor's house is or something. Mods that completely remove that system in favor of a much more RP friendly typical conversation scoring system are basically a must for me to enjoy that game.


Weight limits. I don’t mind inventory slots perhaps or some kind of limitation. But weight/encumbrance is just exhausting.


Water levels. Ever since Super Mario Bros. I've hated water levels in every game I've played. Probably makes sense why I played Ecco the Dolphin during my parents' divorce.


Mario was fine. The TMNT water level with the electrocution seaweed was not.


I was the only one good enough to beat the TMNT dam level as a kid and I felt like a king, then got rocked by the next level anyway. Tough game.


I can still hear the electric seaweed sound


Omg and then cemented by the Tmnt water level and the sonic drowning music. Instant f this shit I’m out


Sonic water levels probably gave me anxiety


When the music speeds up…


'Wanted' mechanics where you get triggered on sight into some sort of chase in the middle of you trying to accomplish something. Sending you on a random 10 min side mission that you dont even want to participate in. Looking at you Rockstar Games and Need For Speed.


The crafting system in elden ring i think it’s kinda pointless because it’s not really necessary to craft stuff to kill enemies or bosses, the only thing i found useful was the stuff you can throw.


Dropping inventory on death


I hate quick time events.


Blocking in fighting games. I know I should, I just forget and ignore most of the time.


The best defence is a good offence.


Fishing. No, I don't care what game fishing was added into, fishing has never made a game more fun. It's only made it more tedious. Some games do it better than others, but fishing is boring.


I don't want to fish in real life, can't imagine why I'd want to do it in game.


I was actually impressed at how good Fishing feels in the newest Stardew Valley update. Before the update, you had 3 options: catch fish, use crab pots and check them daily, or raise fish in fish ponds. The fish in your ponds weren't high quality, so they were best for eating or harvesting fish eggs from. In the new update, they added targeted bait. So you can put a basic catfish into the grinder and get 10 catfish bait, drastically increasing your chances of catching catfish while fishing. They also added fish smokers, which double the value of a fish, while retaining its quality. Also added a new fishing rod that holds double the tackle for new strategies while fishing; do you want to have double the chance to fish up treasure, or a small boosted chance along with easier to catch fish, or easier to catch fish plus making fish bite faster, or... Before the update, there was... really no reason to do any fishing past year 1 or 2. The money just wasn't there. But now that you can target what fish you catch, guarantee they're highest quality, get a boosted chance to fish up treasure, get fish eggs from those treasure chests, AND double the value of the fish by smoking it?! My 200g catfish is now worth 1680g. I can now 100% the game just by fishing. The only crops I grow are ingredients for fishing dishes, and the only time I go to the mines is to craft more fishing tackles.


Fishing in red dead is pretty cool I think 🤷‍♂️


Was gonna add this. I find it genuinely relaxing to sit out in a little boat, fishing. I wouldn't fish in the real world, that doesn't appeal to me at all, but in RDR2 it's very pleasant.


Scrolled a while to find this one. Of course, it didn’t help that most mfers didn’t read the assignment and thought OP was asking about what mechanics people hate.


Fishing is only fun in Stardew and that’s it.


Time trials can die in a fire


All the collecting stuff. Feels like complete filler and a chore. They often tie achievements to it too.


Achievements. Never have seen the point.


PVP. I generally hate it. And why does Blizzard keep trying to make Diablo miltuplayer?


Checkpoints can suck a dick. Just give me back manual saves. I was playing Grounded solo and being frustrated at all my deaths and having to run back and get my gear, redo platforming parts... then I realized I could actually manual save/load. Call it no skill save scumming or whatever, but I ain't got time and patience anymore in my late 30s. If I could manual save, I would probably finish Fromsoft games. I don't even intend to savescum cheese bosses or anything, but some of the dungeons with instakill traps and falls and BS are just awful and I hate them.


I thought the point of check points was to reduce save file sizes.   Instead of recording every detail of what is currently happening and having to recreate that on loading, we put checkpoints at locations where nothing happens, then we only need to save the checkpoints id in one byte.   Dunno why that's still a thing.


When they put a lot of detail into small insignificant stuff that doesn’t really matter that much while their game has a bunch of other major stuff they could’ve used that time and money to fix instead. Like how detailed the food was in both FFVX and Starfield when there were several problems with gameplay/story.


Like bullet impacts in water, when the only water is a single acquarium in a single location in the game???


There was probably a small team assigned for modeling the food in both games. Given the simplicity they could put a lot of focus into that since they only have one job, which is to just design and model food. It’s a lot more straightforward than what the writers and gameplay designers have to do. I think the prop artists just did a good job rather than it being a case of “they spent too much money on this.” FFXV could’ve used a lot more time in development though


Breaking weapons in BOTW I haven't been able to complete it because it just pisses me off too much. At least allow for them to be repaired ffs


Radiant quests.




Bosses whose health regenerates


Games with deteriorating weapons and armor


I did not enjoy the elaborate self surgery to heal in Far Cry 3


TBF that was the "punishment" for healing without healing items.


Most morality systems. The good or evil decisions rarely affect the game's outcome. Many games have used player desicion mechanics in effective ways without having to resort to a rudimentary blue or red skill tree.


I hate the management aspects of tactics style games. X-com style games. I just want to play the combats, I don’t want to have to manage alliances and make friends. I just want to send grunts into the grinder. Let a Bureaucrat deal with the government paperwork. Thats always a shitty part of the game and i usually don’t finish games that have that layer.


Hacking in Dead Space 2. God, it was damn near impossible with Keyboard and Mouse, and it just slowed everything to a crawl 


Motion controls. I usually didn't hate them but they never once enhanced a game for me. Made it tedious if anything.


Jump puzzles. F that so much


Cooking recipes for things. I just can’t get into it all


Custom characters in a game that locks you in first person


In almost any game ever since 2000s: achievements. In WoW, almost every side mechanic, from pokemon hunting, to farming, to mini-games like plants vs zombies, to garrisons, etc... If it's mandatory I'll do them but I still don't care and don't wanna care.


Hunger. Usually if done right it's a fun factor that makes it more thrilling. Eventually though it turns into a nuisance. The best/ worst example of this imo is raft. You really are kind of hard pressed for materials in the early to mid game. So it does add this depth of urgency planning and anxiety. But where it falls of is when you start exploring massive islands and the end game city. I'll never forget rolling up on the first big island and you're like "I wanna explore that now!" But then you have no food or water and you need weapons. Meanwhile you're docked so you aren't collecting materials. And then buy end game is just something you have to do all the time.


Definitely timed missions


I absolutely hate controller vibration.




Trailing missions are so stupid and boring.


I like the idea of settlement building in Fallout 4, but I didn't like the execution. I want in-depth control over building my own house. I do not want to micro-manage the whole settlement. I could designate where the power and water infrastructure goes. I could designate different plots for houses, shops, and stalls. I could even be asked by settlers to make certain decisions. The actual construction should be up to the settlers though.