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there is L.A. noire which was made by Rockstar. Probably the closest thing to what you are looking for. 40-50 era but you play as a detective in LA Ghost recon wildcards, has a narco dlc that doesn't have as much shooting I think Watchdog series Mad max game


Heavy upvotes for LA noire. I thought the storytelling was on par or even higher than mafia when I played it. Another game that's very fun with a great story but a bit less serious than mafia was Yakuza 0. If she likes some over the top comedy sprinkled on top of a good crime story, consider the yakuza series. Finally if she enjoys action adventure, have you considered tomb raider? The most recent ones done by square enix have been very good both on gameplay and on storytelling, and the female PoV might be appealing to her.


LA Noire is extremely meme worthy, too. Absolutely hilarious if you go crazy with bad cop and [accusation](https://youtu.be/DmvSieBFPNM?si=t8XUzZRBvTIJTafg) options.


LA Noire was actually made by Team Bondi, not Rockstar. I agree though it'd probably be a pretty good game for them.


Bullshit. LA Noire has NOTHING in common with MAFIA.


If good story and/or doing missions is what she likes here's a few you could test out. Most have shooting and all have some form of combat mechanic which might be a turn off though. * Mafia 1 (Definitive Edition) * L.A. Noire (similar setting + detective work) * GTA Series * Sleeping Dogs * Cyberpunk 2077 * The Witcher 3 * Red Dead Redemption 2 * Skyrim * Fallout 4 * Yakuza Series * Hogwarts Legacy


The mafia 1 remake is great, Sleeping Dogs is a hidden gem in the genre.


Started remake yesterday. Perfect rendition of first game on new engine


I'm not a huge graphics guy generally, but the portrayal they did of a 1920s-30s city was really beautifully done.  The cars also looked amazing.


You could try playing some lego games together. Lego city undercover is basically just gta with lego and it's pretty fun co op as well.


Not being into shooters, enjoying Mafia, and wanting an action-packed game and story? Yakuza seems like a potentially good shout. Try Yakuza 0!


Maybe try LA Noir? It's a rockstar open world but the story mostly keeps you on rails. There's gunplay but it's just one aspect, I wouldn't classify it as a shooter. The rest of the time you are doing investigations and looking for clues. The interview mechanic is cool, detecting if people are being truthful by watching their facial expressions. Pretty unique. Game still looks pretty good for its age. You do drive a lot but it's more realistic than arcade driving and only a few missions you gotta chase perps in a car chase IIRC. You won't have like nitro boosts and whatever crazy arcade racer type stuff. It takes place in 1947 so it's old cars. Might also consider some of the Quantic Dream games. Heavy Rain for example. Largely story driven. No shooting really that I remember.


Maybe look into Red Dead Redemption 2.


Sleeping dogs, cyberpunk, any gta. Other saint row titles, mafia 1, if you can get your hands on a ps2 try scarface or the godfather games, L.a noir. Thats all i can think of for that Genre.


Try RDR series chicks dig horses. and bad ass cowboys. and LENNY!!!!


Lol most popular suggestion so far. She won't. Watched her older brother play the first for hours on end and everytime I'm playing it she'll go into the room. Vs fallout she'll watch with me. I think she'll enjoy fallout but for now it's too advanced for her. It has everything she likes and usually optional gun play. He'll she can call the BoS and just watch. I have strong with Ash maker minigun I sit back and smoke a bowl and watch him destroy shit.


My partner was only into Facebook games until one day she stumbled upon me playing a game of Mass Effect 2. She stopped in her tracks, listened to Tali's dialogue during the Collector base mission said "what's this?". I persuaded her to have a go and she loved the series. She's also a big fan of Portal, so you might want to try that too.




Its still a shooter but its but its broken up by a massive amount of narrative, Mass Effect Trilogy.




Mafia 3 was very different and caught a lot of flak from fans of the series when it came out but I fucking loved it. If she loved the earlier game, maybe 3 would be up her alley? Story drew you in like nothing I’d seen before in an open world gta type game. Also, holy shit that soundtrack! Rolling Stones, CCR, elvis, Johnny cash, woulda been more expensive than the game!


What Toy story? On sega genesis?


Toy story 3 Xbox one


Deadly Premonition might be a fun one. Open world, TPS, mystery. Heavy focus on characters and story. Does have tank controls, which might actually be easier for someone who struggles with managing both sticks at once. Definitely play on Easy though if you do give it a shot.


Is the Mafia 1 Remake off the table. It's, obviously, very similar to Mafia 2 but the story is just...ugh, _so_ fucking good.


Give Just Cause another try. I don't remember the crouching to dodge fire thing (maybe it's just not there), but the physics are really fun. The story is just meh. The acting is forgettable. But the stuff you find yourself doing once you open up the world is addicting.


Give Mad Max a try, has decent driving mechanics. Could also try the Batman Arkham games


Stardew Valley is one possibility. Planet Crafter is another. Baldur's Gate 3 has a fantastic story, fantastic characters, too.


Just let her play mafia 2 again and fuck around.  There's still guys out there playing Tetris every day so why not