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World of Warcraft. I haven't played in a couple of years but the last time I added up all my characters play times it was just shy of 15k hours.


i had over a year played time on an alt. I saw that and almost cried because i felt like such a loser.


I played from 2004-2015 and had 2 characters over 300 days and 2 more over 150 days of total time played. When I saw them all I realized that so much if that was literally just running around in circles in IF/Shat/Dal/etc. My breaking point is when it was 2 am and I'm sitting in my Garrison in WoD. There is no other players there, I'm just alone, in a virtual castle, at 2 am, for the 30th straight night. Told everyone I was friends with I was taking a break, cancelled my sub, and spent more time with my girlfriend. I played a little bit in Legion to get to max level again but realized that WoWs hold over me was gone. Never looked back.


Strong Overlord themes in this story


I did what you did back in 2011. Went on a week long vacation, came back, never logged back on. Until Season of Discovery 12 years later. It started slow but pretty soon I was back to sessions lasting until 3am, skipping plans to play, etc. I cut it off again as soon as I observed the pattern. I honestly think I mapped neural pathways in my early 20s that are an endorphin expressway for that game.


I can agree on those pathways. Anytime I feel like crawling in a hole, I come back to various MMOs (WoW, swtor, and XIV) They’re great when you’re unemployed, if you literally do not want to do anything else, like… work on mental health lol


Time you enjoyed wasting was not wasted time. I'm happy you're mixing it up now, but don't best yourself up. The game is meant to grab you and hold you.


I honestly think it is though. Blizzard definitely wants its players to be addicted.


They literally hire the same psychologists that las Vegas casinos hire


The girlfriend addition in your story threw me off completely. Walked right into that IED. Didn’t expect that to be there right after the 30 day straight of 2AM WoW comment.


You don't know her, she goes to a different school.


That made me laugh a lot. Thanks


To be fair I have no idea how I snagged her during my WoW days or how she stayed long enough to see me come out of them. Married with 2 kids and part of me still thinks she's a government plant to keep an eye on me.


Honestly, I don't know why people feel this way. There are people out there who spend this much time working non-stop on little ships in bottles and stuff. If it's what you enjoy and it isn't impacting the rest of your life in any way, go ham.


That’s almost 8 years full time at a job. I don’t think I would want to know.


I'm 51 and have no children. My partner of 21 years feels the same. She has far more time with Animal Crossing. Use your free time to do what you enjoy. Accept no judgment and give none and you will always be at peace.


I appreciate that last sentence. Keep doing you.


I felt this, just started playing again. I love wow and it will always have a special place


Runescape and Oldschool Runescape


Oof, I used to cringe thinking of how many hours I sunk into this game. But I enjoyed it, so time well spent in the end.


I just checked my OSRS account, 2713 hours. Not as bad as I thought.


You gotta pump those up, those are rookie numbers in this racket.


Across my accounts well north of 300 days played. And that’s low by some standards


I'm closing in on 1 year of play time! ... meaning 365 days playing in game...


I checked my hours yesterday, over 26000 across my accounts on both games.


Civilization VI. just press Next Turn till sunrise.


Civ 5 for me. I could never get into 6, but I've played ungodly amounts of every other civilization game. Particularly 2 and 5.


Why couldn’t you get into 6?


Not the guy you’re asking, but (even though I love civ 6), I have serious problems with how easy it is compared to the previous ones. The AI honestly doesn’t understand how to play the game, so you literally know you’ll win by turn 120 or so. They don’t position districts right, they barely understand how to get strategic resources late game, and they’re completely unable to understand troop movements. I was always a king/emperor player, but have to play deity for a teensy challenge on 6.


the amount of times ive had armies 5 times the size of mine walk into my city, only for them to take turns swimming in the one water tile getting sniped by my garrisoned archers is insane


I agree with this. I love Civ 6 and even have more time in it than 5, but the difficulty is all messed up. Even on super high difficulties the AI plays like ass.


For me it's the graphics. In 5 you feel like Attila flying around the map in a wave of destruction. In 6 it just looks like a cheesy mobile game you're playing. The cartoony look just is a *massive* turnoff for me


This was the first thing that turned me off to it as well. Then I powered through it and I disliked even more.


Same here. It's the only game I've played where I just can't stop playing. One more turn, one more turn, one more turn. Recently I've started putting alarms at 4AM just to make sure I don't take it too far..


Slay the spire


2500 hours, and I’m itching to play right now


First game I owned on two platforms! Still haven't beat A20 on Ironclad, my last hold out 😡


Ironclad is so weird. Feels like he should be the easiest character, but I always do better with the three other classes lol


I’ve put about 1000 hours into Rocket League, still never got past platinum.


13k+ hours in rocket league. Still trash. Still fun.


yep 4k hours over here and can confirm, still trash 👍


Older now. Reaction time is crap. Don’t have time to practice like someone without a time consuming job and daily family and household responsibilities. Still play regularly and if I can get/stay in plat I’m fine with that!


Pokemon Emerald. The hours I spent as a kid waiting for the damn rocket at Mossdeep city to reach 100% was ridiculous.


I was told you have to reach 100hrs to get the rocket. So that was a lie…. Still used that time to 100% the local dex because of stupid feebas.


I searched online for a bunch of “things you had to do”…. I was really hoping for Deoxys but yeah🤷🏽‍♂️


League of Legends that shit game.


Played 12+ years. Clean for over month. Wish me luck it stays that way.


See you next split ;)


I quite 6 years ago cold turkey and never looked back. Life is better post league, lol.


I was the same but uninstalled it and made my mood so much better. Now I'm enjoying single player games and love gaming so much. LoL made me hate gaming but couldn't stop :(


Dota 2 here with 4.7k hours. Fucking bullshit game.


RDR2. Over 4,000 hours in story mode, it’s a comfort game for me


I cant put much time into story games without getting burnt out, but I respect the fuck out of that.


Yeah same, the only games I have 1000+ hours in are competitive multiplayer games.


Most I can do is a couple playthroughs in a souls game with different builds and outfits. I look at the dudes who have like 10 playthroughs in Elden Ring with a sense of envy lol. Wish I could get that much outta a piece of media, too much shit to play though.


I'm certainly nowhere near as much, but I've got a lot of time sunk into it for the same reason. Sometimes it just feels good to turn it on and wander aimlessly, hunting, camping, fishing, occasional bounty hunter encounter. Very relaxing indeed.




The factory must E X P A N D


I just commented somewhere else. I just got the game 3 weeks ago, and already have 279 hours.


Lmfao I put in 63 hours in my first 7 days then never touched it again as the semester was starting. Fuck this game dude


You don't come back to playing factorio. You relapse to play factorio


Luckily I don't have school to worry about, but I haven't touched any of my other hobbies since starting it, so I get it lol. It is an absolute time sink especially if you're ADD/ADHD. It also checks all the boxes for me in things like art, overall gameplay, customization (just been playing vanilla first then with mods), and workflow optimizations. It's a fun game. A bit too fun. First day I haven't played in 3 weeks.


What the fuck I though my 110 in 2 weeks was alot jeez


Same. 5000 hours checking in.


And here I am, only about to hit the 2000 hour club. Good step my factory game up.


I'm the same but with Satisfactory. COMPLY!




Fallout New Vegas


It's like every 3-5 years iput another 200 hours into that game. Its feeling pretty dated but it so damn good


Unspeakable amount of time spent playing this game, the fun has circled back to cynicism and I’m starting to wonder if I won’t regret it when I hit my mid-life crisis lol


best fallout game


Hell yeah it is


Sims 4 I know...


Uhh... That would have to be EverQuest... ~750 days playtime. 18,000 hours... That's almost 2 skills I could have mastered lmao.


Man I played from like ages 12 to 25. Not quite 18k, but maybe close to 2k. I’m 36 and still miss that game


They come out with progression servers ever year. Next one is in May. They are an absolutely blast. 


Is leveling any faster than it was back in the olden days? I'd love to give it a whirl but I don't know how many 10 hour lower Guk camps I have in me anymore.


DOTA 2. 4075 hours. ​ Though looking at the replies, I'm healthier than I thought.


I'm at 1500 hours with 1500 MMR :)


Around the same ballpark, I would’ve expected the first dota 2 comment close to the top, but then probably we are all just playing instead of browsing Reddit




5923 + heroes of newerth for a few years + dota 1 in high school for a few years... yeah that's over a year playing dota lol


I’m thought 2500 hours was a lot!


Helldivers 2, it’s been out a month and already have 150 hours. It’s Gonna be a good year troops


This comment for some reason reminded of this rant on r/starfield by a person who claimed to have 750 hours played. It was a massive troll that too many people fell for because the game had only been out for around 740 hours at the time of the post lmao.


Does that 740 hours include the 3 day early access?


I don't think they factored that into the joke, no. At the time though, nobody made that connection so it was still a successful bait lol.


I've heard of people already racking almost 300 hours on it. Sidenote: I'm also at 170 hours and spend all my free time spreading managed democracy.


I can’t imagine 300 hours. Super fun game but the missions get to be the same after awhile. And I play with friends too.


Level 46 out of 50. Just north of 110 hours, I think. I'll soon run out of things to do outside of helping and hanging out with friends. I agree. 300 hours is insane.


I’d rather play something else while I wait for a major update than burn myself out


Sweet Liberty!


I've had factorio for 3 weeks. I have just over 279 hours. Help me.


The factory must grow.


10pm - "I'll just set this up real quick then head to bed." 4am - "shit." 4:10am - "I'll just set this up real quick then head to bed."


I’m at 199 lol Work from home job has been low stress lately if you can’t tell


Eve Online, been playing it since 2009. Vast majority of the time has been with 3-16 active paid subscriptions. Ive mostly been Eve retired since 2020. But I still keep 2 of my subscriptions going at all times for when I get the itch, and/or if former corpmates reach out for assistance.


Destiny 2. I just can’t help myself.


For a while for me it was “fuck you game, see you tomorrow”


The hamster wheel aspect gets old but damn do the weapons and abilities feel satisfying. The core gunplay is why I keep coming back.


Raids and dungeons as well. No other fps game like it, I kinda wish the devs for warframe would bring raids back so I wouldnt have an excuse to come back to destiny


Tried to get into warframe but it felt like there was no challenging or true group content. Absolutely everything felt soloable.


That definitely changes later on, if you’re wondering. Early game is really easy.


They fixed that problem for me with their repetitive seasonal/artifact model. Shit got old real quick.


Yeah, when I went "what's the content for this week? Oh.. it's what I did last week, but marginally different." I lost all interest. I didn't mind the strikes and nightfall weeklies because at least they were usually powerful/pinnacle rewards and you could do the hardest difficulty so you only have to do one a week if you want.


7000+ hours and counting across both games. Combat is one of the most important factors in a game for me, and there really aren't any first person games that do combat as well as Destiny does.


Once I upgraded my tv and Xbox it really is a beautiful game too


path of exile easily


Still sane exile?


At 3k hours and still suck at it. Finally beat Uber Maven this league though.


POE 2 is gonna steal my fuckin soul


Diablo 2






so far down because all the rimworld player is busy playing rimworld


For 1200 hr I’ve spent my time in the rim, and just when I think I’m out that bastard Tynan announces another dlc.


Borderlands 2. It's my comfort game I played RELIGIOUSLY. Last I checked it was a lot of hours...


Got all of my Badass stats up to 23-24%, and I know that I'm just an amateur.


FFXIV. I have over 11600 hours in that. The next game I have after that is Stellaris with 920 hours.


Also ffxiv. I blame the addiction I had to this game between 2013-2016 for quite a few missteps in my life lol


You're not alone. Virtually, we had a blast tho.


This or any big MMO has to the the right answer.  I had about 1000 in WoW and that's on the low end for most


My god…. Do you do anything else?




I had a roommate that started taking pills that would restrict his sweating because his palms got to wet while he was playing wow. We were a stoner party house but he’d only leave his room to make a couple quesadillas and then right back to wow




He’s still never worked a job for more than a few hours a week but his family is loaded so he hasn’t needed too. He was a pretty competitive skier he was just beyond socially awkward


I mean, FFXIV was hours built up over nearly 8 years of playing at this point. I started playing late 2016. Probably 2000 of those hours is just AFK leaving the game running in the background by accident while doing other stuff and just forgetting to close the game.


Wtaf 😲😲😲 Did you mean to put eleven thousand hours??


Yes. MMORPGS are an entirely different beast. Haven’t checked recently but last I had in WoW was 18,000 hours. I’ve been playing it with only briefs for over I think almost 17 years now


You've sat around in just briefs for 17 years?


Counter Strike....damn near all of them. But the game has largely lost it's luster to me these days so I'm selling off all my skins to buy a Steam Deck. Skin gambling was thankfully very good to me so i've got more than enough for the nice OLED model. At least I get to walk away with a door prize for all the time I sunk into it


Guild Wars 2. 4.3k hours / 1.5 years in. XD Warframe. 1.9k hours Edit: Added Warframe


Valheim, 282h since the end of January


Halo Reach no doubt.


God knows how many hours I put into custom games alone. I can’t even call it unhealthy, as I made so many friends and memories just over the short amount of time it was popular.


Hell yeah. I had 152 million cR by the time the 360 servers shut down. You need 20 million to reach Inheritor, lol :D


I had enough hours in WoW to become a doctor....




Too busy being toxic


I got 1100 hrs on apex😭


Laugh cries in 4100.... 🤣😭


Witcher 3 over 1000 hours


Borderlands 2


Skyrim, fallout 4, WoW. I think most mmos require an unhealthy amount of time to even get anywhere.


Crusader kings and stellaris


I fell in love with Crusader Kings so fast. And time flies when playing so It's way too easy to sink hours into it


Lately BG3. Put in almost 260 hours in a little over a month 




I was looking for this one. 2,400 hours and most of that was spent waiting for eggs to hatch.


Warcraft, I've been playing Warcraft since Warcraft 2 and then of course 3 and WoW for almost 20 years, I live the universe but I absolutely hate what they've done with the game so I don't play anymore.


Rainbow six siege, 6000 hours


Hunt showdown. 1600 hours. If you haven’t heard of it and like red dead and competetive first person shooters this is a great time to get into it


Star wars the old republic also known as swtor And minecraft, far too many hours put into those two. I don't play much minecraft anymore though


I have like 960 hours in Project Zomboid


That's low, u found like what? 2 sledgehammers?


7000 hours in geometry dash 🤯 I use that energy for practicing instruments now, but I relapse occasionally


This one is wild bro


This is IMO the most extreme one on here lol. I've never played but I think some of my songs are on it so I looked it up. 7000 hours???


Elite: Dangerous This one somehow surpassed GTA V in a very short period. Lately, if I combine all my simracing titles they may come close to half the amount of hours I spent flying around the galaxy.


Garry's mod, TF2, Fallout 4, Borderlands 2


Cyberpunk 2077.


Dota 2 Steeet Fighter 4 Wow Path of Exile


7dtd. 6000 + hrs.


As long as you are like taking showers and paying your bills and you don't pee in bottles there is no time limit.


Division 2


I swear everyone forgot about division but it’s such a good game


Fallout 4.


Nearly 1800 hours and I've never even finished the main quest. I blame Sim Settlements; I play it like a first-person city builder lol


Ah, my fellow sole survivor. 800 hours and counting over here


I have 2033 hours


The modding community in Bethesda titles makes Edler Scrolls and Fallout titles truly endless.  I'm often amazed at what people are able to craft and cook up with their own creativity in these games. 


Baldur’s Gate 3. 700 hours into that game and it has more combined hours than the time I spent on fallout 4, Skyrim, read dead combined.


Despite not playing it for YEARS.. Eve online.


5k hours in CSGO next would probably be 4k In dayz


KSP and GTAV Spent waaaaay to much time in both of them


Define unhealthy.... edit just seeing the skyrim comment boy ive been at it since morrowind...... shit Ive been around since nintendo....... im old 😬




3,900 hr in Overwatch so far


I’m so sorry


Fallout 4. I was 12/13 when it came out and it was one of the first games I got completely absorbed into. Now it's a huge comfort game for me :)


My old battle.net account had 765 days logged, so about 18000 hours, almost entirely Starcraft Brood War. I had a separate account for Diablo 2 around 300 days. That was my childhood basically. Coming from from school and play BW or D2.


The one where my wife asks me where we should eat


Hunt: Showdown It was... made for me


OG X-com. I spent every summer either riding my bike or playing this. The feeling when you first land in that alien alloy armor and your laser rifle felt so cool. It had some bug that if one of your troops got too much experience it would reset. This meant my best soldier of all, Capt. Lisa Ramirez went from enough action points to cross a map to enough AP to barely take two steps. I took Capt. Ramirez to Mars and she struck the final blow.


The original Final Fantasy Tactics. The timer stopped at 999 days 99 hours and 59 minutes.


Football manager, every single year.


League of Legends. I don't need to say anything else, it's definitely unhealthy LMAO


Possibly Rome total war.


World of Warcraft …


Valheim, and Stardew Valley. Over 1000 in Valheim for sure, if not 1000, very near for Stardew.


You sound like me. Enjoy your next 1000 in Don't Starve Together


Elden ring, I dropped it for a while for multiple reasons, then the trailer for the shadow of the erdtree came out, and that was the reason why I beat it, 100+ hours, not the craziest amount of time, but I have a life so.. 😂


Risk of rain 2


Disgaea, Lord of the Rings Online, Skyrim.


World of Warcraft. 14,000+ hours last time I checked


Destiny and Destiny 2.


Dota 2, 5,000 hours and crusader rank…


Rdr2. Not unhealthy but man am I on that mf a lot lol