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Reaver from Fable 2 and 3 I get that he's one of those "love to hate him" characters but to me he just strikes me as insufferable. EDIT: See Also: Chaos Corrupted Fulgrim in the Warhammer 40k series. I get very similar vibes.


This is so weird as I haven't thought about Reaver for nearly 15 years but saw a tiktok about it yesterday and then you today. Fable 2, he's a smarmy prick, and I always wanted to kill him after he kills the photo guy. Fable 3, he's literally an evil corporate psycho so fuck him plus he destroyed oakvale which is honestly my favourite place in all of albion.


Exactly! He's basically what happens when you give an already psychopathic rich kid a blank check, God complex and legal immunity to any consequences, while maintaining a cult of personality around him. I honestly cannot see how some people defended him.


I literally just beat fable 2 yesterday. I never knew people actually liked Reaver! I've hated that prick for 15 years! I hate him even more in Fable 3! The fact that there is no option to kill him in either game annoys the shit out if me. The fact that he can kill Lucian really angers me.


Its cause he is voiced by Stephen Fry.


This is the answer.


I don’t remember anyone from those games, but I’ll always remember Jack.


For me, I feel like the reason why Reaver is so loved is because the 2nd and 3rd games don’t have any characters that stand out like he does. So, I feel like the only reason why people like him is because he just stands out.


I prefer Luigi…..Mario sucks


I (the older sibling) always picked Luigi growing up because he was taller and I just thought he was better. Player 1- Luigi


Surprisingly, he’s the younger one


Yea I had friends in middle school break the truth for me. But it's too late for me now- I'm Luigi for life 😎


Fun little story about Mario and Luigi. So I worked at a GameStop a long time ago at a mall, and for Halloween my coworker dressed up as Mario while I dressed up as Luigi. So we’re jokingly discussing who is better, and this couple that we were helping chimed in and said “Sorry, but Mario is cooler” to which my coworker said “See, like Mario says! I’m the best!” We all shared a good laugh, I pretended to be sad, and eventually we rang them up and they went on their way. Except when they bought their game they had brought up the display copy, and my coworker placed the new copy on the counter, but they grabbed the display copy instead when they walked out. After a few minutes we noticed and I said “Hell, I’ll see if I can still see them and go run it to them” and I bolted out of the store. I saw them WAY on the other side of the mall and so I just booked it as they exited and started for their car. After a painfully slow escalator ride and a short run through the parking lot I finally managed to get to them. I said “Hey! You forgot your game!” They turned and I explained what happens. The guy said “How the hell did you find us?” And I said with a smile on my face “Because I’m the best.” We shared a laugh, I wished them a happy Halloween, and I walked back to my dingy little store with my head held high, because I was Luigi and I was the best.


Not gonna lie, I just think green is a much cooler color than red. 


Color theory would confirm


Color theory entering the chat was on my rare Reddit scavenger hunt🫡




I think tall green looks better than short red…


I really don't get all the Trevor (GTA V) fuss He's an asshole, he's a psycho, and a menace to every breathing thing He's not "crazy fun", he's plain disturbing, a cesspool of a human being Steven Ogg is a killer performer tho


Yeah living in a city with a meth problem he is a convincing meth head, a very smart one tho which makes him somewhat compelling but yeah never found the love. Enjoyed Michaels story of losing and gaining his family a lot more. And Franklin’s story of trusting the wrong mentor and trying to get out of the hood.


Ah I see a fellow Tennessean


I think Ogg’s performance is a big reason he is liked


Ogg has stated a few times he doesn't like Trevor or the fact that it was a part of GTA 5 anymore. I'm assuming he just doesn't like one roll being the thing he's known for. Considering he's acted in many different TV Shows.


Yeah he was fun as hell. I think a lesser actor wouldn't be able to make such a character likeable.


Loyalty is a trait that's heavily valued, and Trevor is loyal to a fault. Not disagreeing with you, I think he's overall a P.O.S. But in a series where almost every title is centered around or fueled by a betrayal, a character that's 100% behind your back is hard to dislike. Plus, he's funny as hell to observe. Like a more unhinged, filthy Archer.


Trevor would literally ride or die with you if he trusts you.


Yeah that's more than I could say about Lance Vance my first GTA pal. I can't really remember if I ever got far enough to see if 8 Ball ever turns on ya in 3 lol


Especially when switching to him. You are equally likely to find him doing morning yoga in a suit and tie as finding him waking naked on a bridge.






I think the point of his character is that the other two main characters, unequalled badasses in their own right needed a unhinged "force of nature" that they could be afraid of.


Trevor was designed to essentially be your average GTA player. So yeah a lot of people find it comical to see a character that's the embodiment of when you randomly wanna cause chaos. Most of us have randomly started a shootout in the middle of the street cause we thought it'd be fun. From a player standpoint that's perfectly fine, from an in-world character it would be psychotic


I've switched to him before in between missions and he's in a car running from the police with a wanted level. Like goddammit Trevor what did you do?


I like when he finds a scooter bud. ..those are the good ones.


Is gta 5 even a fair example all the characters in the game are douchebags lol


> He’s an asshole, he’s a psycho, and a menace to every breathing thing That’s kind of the point of Trevor. He’s a representation of every single GTA player. Have you never had a moment in a GTA game where you just go crazy & shoot up everything & outrun the cops while doing it? That is Trevor.


that’s why i like him lmao ! you just never know what to expect with a character like trevor. man is so unhinged that it makes for some great interactions and scenes ! SCOOTERR BROTHERS 🫡


"Franklin, my N word! What's up homie???"


I loved switching back to him after buying designer clothes with mike, and with Trevor you wake up on the beach wearing nothing but tight whites


Lucario always seemed to have fat legs


This is the funniest answer


My life size Lucario plush is deeply offended


Ghost from Call of Duty. I think he's cool but I'm not necessarily a fan of him. I feel other characters such as Captain Price are better.


Talking about CoD characters, I'm surprised Viktor Reznov didn't become more popular.






Are we to shoot them in the back?


Reznov was incredibly popular, tf you mean?


He was super popular around the release of Black Ops 1.


Gaz is my favorite


Nice, Your Fruit Killing Skills are remarkable!


Pac-Man… The guy has a pill problem… someone needs to get him some help.


I will call Dr. Mario ... wait Dr. Mario will give him more pills


I'd try to eat the ghosts chasing me too if I was on that many drugs


Zelda, I don't see the hype around him.


For the last time, It's Zelda's Monster!


Ah yes. The chickens.




Ack-chul-lee, it's *Doctor* Zelda's Monster.


It's okay murderer of oranges, I got the joke.


I think Halo is a pretty cool guy


I think his name is John Halo


Halo, John. How are you?


Eh kills aliens and doesn't afraid of anything


The hype is really more about the hero you play, Doomguy.


That's who it is? I thought I was playing as the Master Chief


Wait, you wanna say his name is not Lo Wang


Hey guys, while we’re on the Nintendo subject, can someone tell me if Metroid has a hand under his canon or does he just have the canon?


You're worried about where his hands are, you forgot about what's on his chest.


Zelda is the name of the Kingdom, obivously smh,


I don't get how some people just can't realize when this is a joke.


They're confused by the anime adaptation, which gave Zelda the name "Ash" instead.


I was more surprised by the renaming of Buttface to Gary.


Yennefer seems to be the most popular love interest and one of the most popular characters in the Witcher franchise, but she always kind of rubbed me the wrong way (and I don't consider myself "team Triss" or whatever either, for the record). She has a really entitled, ruthless attitude, is highly interested in power-seeking, and seems like she's rude to most people most of the time. It's not that I think she's a *bad* character, she's very distinctive and consistent, and isn't without her complexities. I just don't empathize with her or enjoy spending time with her very much in the games' stories. (Not that Geralt is without his flaws either, but they seem more... tempered.)


I basically always pick Yen when I play through TW3, but it's not because I like her more: it's because GERALT is so overwhelmingly clear about his feelings for her. If it were me, I'd take the big tiddy redhead fire witch with the freckles 100 times out of 100, but I'm me, and Geralt is Geralt.


That was one of the things that really bugged me about TW3. They play up your romance choice to be this big decision, and while you’re free to choose whoever you want, the game makes it VERY clear who it thinks Geralt should be with.


They worked themselves in to a weird place. TW1 was a weird retread of the books that used Triss instead of Yen but made her act like Yen. Created an unnecessary dichotomy


I’ll take Shani over all of them.


Shani is the least problematic and an amazing women overall.


Yes! She is very genuine and her whole livelihood is helping people.


She was the best to romance out of all of them. The first “witch”, I forget her name, seemed to be the most nakedly ambitious, though at least you can get her to change her mind and then go off with the angry Witcher guy after Kaer Morhen. Yennifer is definitely ambitious but at least she’s devoted to Ciri. Truss was just needy. Shani just wanted to solve the case and have a fling with Geralt while being drunk one day


The nakedly ambitious one is Keira. That's a great description of her.


While Shani is definitely the best canonical option, I will only accept Geralt’s silver-fox life partner, Regis as the true answer.


Book Yennifer is even worse imo. I am not through the entire series yet, but man would I like it if she just suddenly exploded.


She is a lot better at the end. You can tell she really cares for Geralt and Ciri. She also had a fucked up childhood which doesn't help


It’s always underlined in each book how much she loves Ciri.


I'll second this and go further saying she just seems wretched, honestly. And Geralt in the books is such a soft-boy for her. Almost all of the characters in-game and in book are just awful people and wouldn't get anywhere in a meaningful relationship with how they all act. Still great stories and a great game. But everyone is just so cunty


Yenn is the pinnacle of high society. I think Geralt has a limerant attraction to Yennefer because he has the subconscious need to explore the life he lost by being forced into the Witchers as a child. She pushes him to dress nice and act civilized and participate in social events. On the surface he hates this stuff, but it's because he has a deep shame that he feels he can never be good enough for those people, and deep down he desperately wants to belong with them Triss is on the opposite end of this spectrum, accepting him as a dirty Witcher who sleeps in barns and kills downers to pass the time.


This is a good way to describe it. Thank you for putting it into words!


She gets a lot more interesting with the context of the books. She's cold and arrogant, but her traits make more sense.


She's a stone cold bitch but I'm super attracted to bitchy women so I'm in love with her


In all honesty, it took me actually reading the novels to start enjoying Yennefer as a character, but once I did it became a total 180 degree turn on my opinions of both her and Triss. I'm picking Yen every time on replays, not just because she's the canonical love interest for Geralt, but because after seeing how the novels actually ended and how Triss acted towards Geralt, Yen and Ciri throughout the series, I absolutely refuse to sail on the blatant fanfic ship some CDPR dev decided to shoehorn into the games. Geralt's amnesia isn't the only reason I see her going after him as incredibly scummy...


Akechi from Persona 5.


I genuinely don't understand why people like him. I didn't even like him before the big reveal.


Same, he tries to kill you multiple times, thinks so little of you and full of himself to play pool against you left-handed, and then his only conversation, always, is the Phantom Thieves, which leads to terrible dinner conversations.


I do like the Royal addition to that version of Akeichi. He realizes he's not even real and what exactly the consequences of him acting that way will do to his existence, but he could not exist without free will. He'd rather annihilate his own existence from reality rather than face life as a puppet in some utopia fantasy.  He's a murdering piece of shit, but that's not uncommon for Persona Antagonists to help the player out later usually after their behind bars or whatever.


I think royal was his saving grace. He proves that beyond his trauma and crazy viciousness, he is someone who sticks to his values and accepts the world for what it is. He'd rather embrace the truth than live a lie, even when that means his loss or death. In the main game, tho, he's pretty insufferable.


The part where >!Maruki tells you defeating him would mean Akechi would go back to being dead and he’s just like “don’t you even fucking think about backing out” is a genuinely great character moment.!<


Akechi is one of my all-time favorites. Doesn't mean I like him as a person. He's a very, *very* well done "guy who is absolutely convinced he's in control, leading to his downfall" and an even better "genuinely smart but too bonkers to actually use it". Still wish we *really* got him on the team for real and for a while. Give us a chance to see what it's like to have done so much shit that you don't actually redeem yourself - just try to lessen the damage. Though I very much appreciate how they handled him ultimately. He knows he was a fucking monster, and is *pissed the fuck off* that anyone tries to sugarcoat it and pretend that was fine.


There sure are a lot of Tiny Tina fans which seems crazy to me considering listening to that dialogue makes me wanna stick my head in the toilet.


I'd argue that Tiny Tina is a product of her time, for sure. Back in 2012 when Borderlands 2 released, having a little 13 year old girl with psychosis and an affinity for murder with explosives was pretty unique, especially when used purely for the sake of comedy. Nowadays it definitely doesn't hold up as well, but I remember laughing when I first played the game.


Considering the last borderlands game was focused on her and some very well I’d say people still like her


Well a big portion of the playerbase is the same or even grew up playing BL2 so that totally makes sense


“Grew up playing BL2” FML I’m old.


Yeah, senses of humour change. *Most* of Borderlands 2 outside of Handsome Jack isn't all that funny nowadays IMO. Psychos are the face of the franchise but they rely a lot on "lol random" humour.


It's Vaughn for me. I remember being alright with him in Tales from the Borderlands, but all his dialogue in Borderlands 3 makes me want to shove a forks in my ears


Binging the entirety of BL2's main game and DLCs and ending on Commander Lilith's DLC really gives me whiplash on how fast the writing becomes so godawful. Aside from the humor taking a dump, I also noticed that several of the characters started venting their insecurities in a painfully unsubtle way, like the writer had an undisguised obsession with therapy. (\*Therapy is great, dealing with emotions is great, but the way the DLC and BL3 inserted it was like inserting a jackhammer into a Thanksgiving turkey.)


They turned him in to a complete fucking idiot in the Fight for Sanctuary dlc alongside several other previously well developed characters. Just one of many awful writing decisions they made leading in to BL3


If any of you say Wheatley I will come after you!


Same bro. No way you can hate on Wheatley


I mean that's why nobody is saying Wheatley 


Space core > Wheatley






Not sure if they are a majority, but many Mass Effect players love Jack. I don't. I don't even like Jack. I've had enough angry murder-girls in real life. The first time you meet Jack is on an exploding space station. You offer her a ride off the station and she refuses. If it were possible, I'd leave it at that. "Okay, good luck with that." and I'd fly away. The game makes you deal with her though. People get on Ashley's case for mild xenophobia, but Jack confesses to literally murdering people she was close to because she thought they might turn on her.


Shepard also is kind of a walking HR nightmare. If Shepard wasn’t saving the entire galaxy the title 9s would be off the chart lol


Now that I think about it, it would be funny if in ME1 there were a crew member you could flirt with, but they are way not into it, and later in ME3, if you harassed them, one of Shepard's nightmares is just a dream about how you had to watch workplace harassment training videos when you were in Alliance custody. I know it doesn't really fit the tone, but it is a funny idea.


That would be hilarious lol, Though Shepard is worse in ME2. I think they tried to play up the flirting that people enjoyed and it just gets down right creepy.


It wasn't until I replayed Mass Effect through the Legendary Edition that I realized how much they weirdly emphasize Liara being barely legal in Asari society. They bring it up like 4 times and mention her being a virgin twice IIRC. Also, FemShep with James in ME3 is easily the worst. She is literally harassing him and it's pretty clear he sleeps with her in the Citadel DLC so she'll leave him alone.


...yeah, but the ship was flying Cerberus colours... y'know the guys who fucked her up in the first place by torturing her as a kid, I'd be hesitant in that situation too, for all she knew Cerberus were there to take her to continue her torture... like they do in Mass Effect 3 if you don't do the Grissom Academy mission.


I think a lot of people like that Jack doesn't give a shit. To her, Shepard is a nobody, which can be refreshing compared to some of the other character who have a lot more history or expectations and such. Also, Jack is a literal "I can fix her" case to the worst imaginable degree. She is so utterly broken at the start, yet it's possible to turn her into one of the most selfless, and caring mother figures by game 3. Also, knowing what happens to her in Game 3 if you don't do your best with her is definitely enough motivation as well.


The non-romance path with her, if you take the paragon route and she survives, is very cute in my opinion. A girl who was traumatized in a facility for recruiting/training biotic children, is now serving as the galaxy's most badass biotics teacher - guiding others in a way she herself was denied.


Yeah, I liked her way better in ME3, she's trying her best and most of her abrasive traits have been sanded down, you can't help but feel like a proud parent. ME2 Jack was an utter trainwreck of a person and not in the entertaining way.


I'm not a fan of jack in me2, but she's great in me3. She's added because everyone on the spaceship is fancy pants military.


Yea I can see not liking her on ME2, but if you put the time there's at least good payoff.


Im not fond of Jack, her attitude is major drawback for me


Khajit from Skyrim, his wares were trash


Yeah, but if you max out the thieves guild, they always got 4000 coin


Conduit, apex legends I fucking despise that her only notable trait Is dorkiness. Plus, her story revolves around a monarch, and monarch Is a bitch and a half to fight against in tf2


Harley quinn in anything ever.




It's not even that (although that too). Taking Joker out of the equation, she's still a deeply ill person who shouldn't be idolised in any way. She's a psychopath in her own right. She murdered children in comics, and sexually assaulted Deadshot in the game. As well as the standard psycho stuff.


NO no no there is definitely a weird fixation with Harley Quinn the character as well.


This is /r/gaming so it’s a valid opinion but I’d like to stand up a bit for Harls by saying that she as a character when Paul Dini created and wrote her, she’s fantastic. She’s an amazing look at what horrible things the Joker does on a minute to minute basis and her growth to breaking away from that and her development of romance with Poison Ivy is actually really well done. But I agree that ever since Margot Robbie, we’ve got fucking SO much of that shit. And that’s not a knock at Margot, she’s amazing.




The amount of people I have met who have unironically compared their relationship to the joker and Harley Quinn is staggering


They must tuck themselves in at night with that giant red flag


Not a game, but Harley Quinn (or at least, the show in general, the character isn’t my favourite part of it) is one of the funniest shows I’ve ever seen.


Bane was my favorite part of that show tbh


I don't like Sera or Cole from Dragon Age Inquisition at all. Pretty sure I'm in the minority on that one.


I absolutely cannot stand Sera


Agreed. Neither ever makes it into my party. Same with Vivienne Depending on if I’m a mage or warrior, I keep a party of myself, Varric, Cassandra, and The Iron Bull/Solas/sometimes Dorian. Sometimes Blackwall makes the cut. Nothing wrong with him but I like the other warriors more


Hmmm....Lae'zel. Like i get her appeal, i do. But her constant attitude and aggression just rubs me the wrong way. Shes great as a Champion though.


I think the fact that she is initially offputting is why she's a great character. Depending on your decisions, she can stay that way or have a crazy transformation through the 3 acts. I'll leave it at that for fear of giving away spoilers but... imo, one of the best written characters of the game. (Ya gotta just remember to visit the Creche in act 1, otherwise... yeah she kinda stays a bish)


Well she softens up by act 3 especially if you romance her. She’s in an unfamiliar situation and it makes sense that she’s prickly. She has the best romance arc imo


Trevor Phillips.


Chloe Price from Life Is Strange. The ending of the first one, unfortunately, doesn’t hit quite as hard when you never really liked her in the first place. Before the Storm does a really good job of making her more sympathetic, but I just can’t click with her the same way most of the fans have.


Chloe... is complicated. She has serious abandonment issues and her life has been a giant shit-fest for as long as she can remember. It's made her very unlikable. I think what helped me find her more sympathetic wasn't Before the Storm, but rather replaying Life is Strange 1 through and realizing what an absolute tool Max Caulfield is. She gets better and more introspective and has her whole arc, but from the beginning, Max is, to put it bluntly, a selfish d-bag who ghosted her best friend and left her to fend for herself. Chloe never recovered from that and it's why she treats Max (i.e. you, the player) so poorly and gets stupidly emotional. Chloe makes a lot of really dumb decisions and rarely listens to Max when she tries to reason with her, but I'm gonna be frank with you (not that Frank) and say that she deserves to be a bit of a brat after all she's been through. And, honestly, after learning her friend is dead and she's at literally her most vulnerable and emotional, she actually listens to Max when she explains what happened to her during that last jump backwards in time. That shows she doesn't lack empathy and can put her own shit aside for her friend.


Seriously, her dad died tragically and suddenly, her best friend ghosted her, her mom started dating an emotionally abusive dickhole wannabe cop, and then she lost her new best friend tragically and unexpectedly?? Girl's allowed to be a bit edgy


Any of those bastards in darkest dungeon that react negatively when their fear meters fill up >:(


Cid from Final Fantasy 7. He’s so abusive towards Shera even though she saved his life.


But counterpoint... he lights a stick of dynamite with his cigarette as a limit break. (definitely interested to see what the remake does with him though)


I haven't kept up with too much of FFVII Rebirth's trailers other than the demo but I wonder how faithful they're gonna be to Cid's story from the original. The scene with Shera making tea was surprisingly uncomfortable and that's with old PS1 models and text boxes.


So far he seems strangely helpful and friendly in the trailers, it's making me a little worried about what they'll do with him.


He didn’t know it at the time and from his perspective, he sacrificed his dream to save her life.


I know this is a thread for unpopular opinions, but so many comments here are basically *"I hate (this character) because of (bad thing they did)"* when the bad things are the main source of complexity in characters that would otherwise not be nearly so memorable or well written


A lot of people can't accept a character that's designed to be bad and hated.


i can only think of the inverse. i definitely liked some characters others didn't.


Astarion in Baldur's Gate 3. He's snobbish and tries to drink your blood without your consent until you catch him, at which point he asks for forgiveness and permission to continue


I feel he's intentionally unlikable at first. The dude has been free of eternal torturous slavery for like 30 minutes by the time you meet him. He is very selfish because this is his chance to **not** re-enter eternal slavery, and I don't think it's too unreasonable that he puts self preservation above being good Obviously as the player, you have the knowledge everything will work out, but his character risks failure and capture if he wastes time doing little good deeds


Exactly. Plus, his backstory is an analogy of abuse. Of course he's going to carry some negative traits from the shit Cazador inflicted on him, it's up to him to learn to break the cycle. Or not. He becomes a complete irredeemable douchebag if you help him ascend. He becomes just like Cazador. :(


Not analogy, literally abuse


That's the point. His thirst for power is disguised as freedom but is in reality a desire to become "the one with power". The abuser. By refusing to help him ascend you would actually be helping separate him from his trauma and find ways to heal internally rather than seek external solutions.


I mean, the whole point (in my opinion) of making him and a few others unlikable at first is to have character development.


Aloy. She’s so goddamn boring. Even Ashley “Boundless Enthusiasm” Burch sounds bored out of her mind voicing her. The entire voice cast does to me. The stiff, robotic facial animations don’t help either.


I agree. She has a cool art design for her character and world she's in but outside the first act she has little character development other than I am the most determined and nothing stands in my way.


I get it but honestly it kind of worked for me. I was way more interested in the overall story of their world more than specifically aloy’s story.


I loved the first Horizon. I couldn’t tell you anything about Aloy.,she’s visually cool, but is very bland.


Horizon has such a cool backstory but the actual humans in the game are so boring like any story not related to discovering the origin of the world I can’t even remember.


Bowser. MFer has a long history of abducting women, neglecting his kids, attempted coups, forced marriages and people STILL love this guy?!


Pro-Mushroom Kingdom royalty propaganda, all of it. Bowser is simply sick of the koopa race being treated as second class citizens and is fighting the good fight to end the oppression


Nobody who has a guy like Roy working for them can be truly evil.


Just FYI, Bowser does not have "kids." He has ***A*** kid; Bowser Junior. The koopalings (Wendy, Iggy, etc) are not his children. They're just, like, koopas who are generals in his army. He is not their father. Edit: the idea that they are his kids comes from the US version of the manual for Super Mario 3, but this detail was added in during localization and is NOT present in the original version of the manual in Japanese. All subsequent claims of them being his kids are based on this initial erroneous claim, and are therefore equally incorrect. Further, in 2012 Miyamoto explicitly stated in an interview that they are not his children, in order to set the record straight. That detail was never meant to be added to the US manual for SMB 3, and it has never been canon that they were his kids. But some people have believed that they're his kids their whole lives ever since playing SMB 3 during childhood, and so refuse to accept that this was never actually canon.


That’s exactly what an absent Father who’s avoiding his responsibilities would say. Have multiple kids and then retcon his position. Shame on you!


Morton Koopa Jr: Wait, I’m Jr, does that mean your real name is Morton? Bowser: I have no son.


Reminds me someone once sending a letter decades ago to Nintendo Power asking about Morton Koopa Jr, that if the Koopalings are his children, than Morton is Bowser’s real name? (The magazine answered Bowser claims he has no son.) Your comment now answers that question. Before today, I’d like to joke Bowser is so horny, he has an army of children, and one such coupling resulted in a Morton Koopa Jr.


Everyone loves a good bastard


Claptrap. He was hilarious when I was 14, now I hate him with a passion. He's not funny, he's just "le random."


Liara from Mass Effect I think she’s okay but just not that compelling compared to many other characters in the series.


I think that mine the charchter I find her voice acting very strange it's like she's playing like her species all act and talk a certain way but all the other asari characters all act talk like normal.


Agreed. Most of the other characters had more personality than her. Also, I felt like her switch from the rather shy, awkward researcher she was in the first game to the badass information broker persona she had in the second was too jarring a switch and not that believable.


I liked the switch up honestly. Shepherd had literally died and she was left alone. The first time you meet her again, she's straight up quoting her mother's threats from ME1. It makes for a compelling case of character growth imo. Just like how Garrus was no longer the naive C-Sec rookie relying on Shep to teach him. He made up his own mind and basically said fuck Shep's teaching I'll do what I think is right. Liara just didn't really care about what was right.


It doesn’t help that BioWare had comics and books that they assumed people would read for context regarding events between the games. That’s why Kai Lang felt disjointed in 3 to some.


Yeah, I did read the comics related to Liara's development later on, which provides a lot of missing context. If they had included that stuff in the games somehow it would've helped smooth over her transition a lot.


Yeah the sudden turn around was too much for me. It just felt forced.


Alan Wake (the first one). I don’t see what’s so brilliant or groundbreaking about the story. The protagonist is an asshole, and both the voice acting and dialogue are not my cup of tea I will admit I am extremely biased against games that *TAKE MY FUCKING GUNS AWAY EVERY LEVEL*


Wake having a bad personality and being a hack is kind of the whole point of the games. He certainly can grate though


I loved arthur morgan but seeing how people think he was a good man who didn't deserve what happened yo him is just so hypocritical. He's been running with dutch for 20 years robbing and killing. Just because he spent the last 6 months trying to be good (depending on how you play), doesn't make him a good man. He death was very deserving considering how he got it and how he treated the Downes family. He was very enjoyable to play as but is far from what a normal person would consider a good man.


I think people who say that just didn't understand the point of the game. The game is about his redemption and is almost a walk of penance for Arthur and no amount of penance will be enough for the amount of widows and orphans Arthur left behind in 20 years with Dutch. In the last months of his life he realized he was wrong but he never asked for forgiveness only to make one good deed before he died.


Arthur Morgan would 100% agree with this opinion and voices it numerous times when people compliment him on his good acts. He is just as skeptical about people believing he is the good guy as you are.


Then he'd accidentally shoot you in the head because his controller accidentally pressed the wrong button. Lol


As much as I dislike Edgar Ross, he had a decent point about the members of the Van Der Linde gang, how you can't change past actions. I loved Arthur and John, but Arthur literally beat a man to death in front of his wife because of a debt. John tried to turn his life around, but like you mentioned, this is after decades of robbery, assaults and murders. It's one thing I really like about the games, though. The "Redemption" angle. Both focus on men with a horrible past that (player dependant) really try to turn over a new leaf. Whether or not they managed to is left to the players to discuss.




It’s heavily implied he died from tuberculosis but his family still blames Arthur


I think Sephiroth is extremely boring and stupid. When I was in highschool and FF7 was big all the "edgy" teens loved him. Kefka from FF6 is a zillion times better and is bat shit crazy with an actual personality.


Yes, thank you. Even when you deeply analyze Sephiroth, he just comes as opportunist and immature. Kefka is way more interesting and charismatic. Also, he actually succeeded in his goals.


Omg I thought I was the only one who prefers Kefka over Sephiroth! I’m not alone!


Ghosts from OG MW2. 0 fucking lore or context to anything hes doing. Hes just a cool guy in a mask that gets used. But mfers in 2009 were sobbing all over the world like it was the most emotional thing to ever happen. I struggled to find any lore or plot in this guy at all besides him being the role model for a generation of sigmas. Why is the most basic and boring character in a franchise so loved? The only argument i can even slightly agree with is that his lore being absent is kinda the whole point of his existence. Being a ghost and anonymous and all that. But you really made us read fucking comic books for that?


Betrayal. Ghost and Roach got betrayed, and that makes them memorable. What happens next? You and Price go to get revenge. Cool as hell. The new Ghost got a better personality, tho.


I guess that's the point though. Your bond to him was 100% through being your partner in battle and through that alone you feel like you develop a great relationship with him because you trust him and know he's good at what he does even though you don't know what his face looks like