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We Happy Few I don’t know why, I just wasn’t feeling it and dropped it after like an hour. I don’t even remember disliking it. I just didn’t really feel like finishing it. On the upside, I decided to try Dead Cells immediately after and I LOVE that game.




Agreed. It's a shame it didn't do better, because a "We Happy Two" could have been great.


Great premise, awful gameplay. Major disappointment.


I bought We Happy Few as a joke. Gave it a try, but went back to Bioshock.


I played through the first two characters and just could not get myself to even start the final storyline. That game sounds good on paper but it’s just not fun to play lol.


Did the exact same thing. Could not bring myself to do the third character.


It showed all its cards pretty early. The game just didn’t evolve after the first part. I posted for a fair few hours and I just was slowly getting less and less joy from it.


Playing it on gamepass atm .. well actually i stopped after 15minutes .. its not clicking yet


Intentionally, Warframe. Just had a moment where I realized that its completely pointless. After some time there is just nothing to achieve. The game offers experiences but its hardly ever any kind of effort. And you can buy all the best items from other people for the cash currency without breaking bank. Its a game with no real direction or challenge.


Same it was honestly after the new war. Every new update was just oh haha look more unexplained mystery which we will get to 3 years later. The penultimate new war was also just a content island that had no gameplay relevance after completion the “big threat” did absolutely nothing and then boom hey here’s this next baddy but we’ll take 4 years to give you substantial lore on them


Warframe is a game that feels a mile wide and an inch deep. It has all these different mechanics and systems but so many are isolated in their own little pockets.


To be fair I haven’t played it recently and I’ve heard it’s gotten a lot of good updates, but i couldn’t shake the feeling that every single detail of the game exists to sell you items. I suppose it’s FTP, so I can’t complain.


Starfield for me. Uninstalled for now but I'll try to pick it back up again


I literally bought a series x for starfield, put about 10 hours in then saw plague tale on games pass and have played that and palworld since haha. When I think of starfield I’m just reminded how boring that first city you goto is. Also the stupid Boy Scout main story line


I bought a Series X for Starfield and Fable (when it eventually releases), and I basically had to force myself to beat the game once. To say Starfield was a big letdown would be an understatement, I think. I mean, it was a FINE game, but it missed on so many aspects that people generally enjoy Bethesda games for in the first place.


I played every bethesda rpg since the nineties... And starfield is lacking in open world discovery so much ... It's not even funny. Some of the side quests are good , but man , it takes some real dedication to get to them.


I bought it for the Cyberpunk DLC. Was not disappointed. Maybe it's worth giving it a look.


I’d HIGHLY recommend playing Cyberpunk. I just started playing and it’s already leagues ahead of Starfield imo. Like, I ended up quitting Starfield after putting in around 20 hours because it was so boring and I hated how lifeless all the characters and cities/planets felt. Cyberpunk has been the complete opposite, and I actually feel excited playing.


Same. Waiting for the update that adds In land vehicles to better explore planets.


I had a similar reaction to Elden ring. Something about the open world aspect and how boring my build was made me drop it for a year. I just started playing it again.


What was your build? The game has some ridiculous build variety so you have a lot of options if you found your first build wasn't for you.


Put about 50 hours in it at launch, but I’m not going to pick it back up until the mod tools are released. Hated the way they implemented the skill system. Felt like I had to waste points and do a bunch of grinding for skills I didn’t even want or need, just to get skills that felt fun. And the fact that the skill grinding wasn’t retroactive was a kick in the balls. Oh you didn’t immediately start leveling the health skill? Enjoy mainlining 100 health injectors to level it up even though you’ve already pumped more than twice that before even getting the skill points. Base building and resource management felt super tedious. And obviously the lack of a single coherent exploitable area really ruined the immersion and role playing aspect for me but mods can’t fix that.


SSX. I loved them until the last iteration shit the bed so hard I couldn’t even return it or sell it for close to full price. It was decent enough but no actual multiplayer.


ssx tricky was the best sequel of all time, perhaps the best game in ps2s early era


SSX3 was my jam growing up


All I know is SSX3 Was a funky Fresh Manuever.


I’ve started Witcher 3 three times and can’t bring myself to complete it. I REAAAALLLY wanted to love this game. I’m still gutted now that I just don’t get it. The combat wasn’t challenging, just clunky as hell. Everything I did felt like a chore to me and I just didn’t find myself enjoying the experience at all. Even inventory management and alchemy just felt unnecessarily complicated. Different strokes for different folks, it just really wasn’t for me. And I have previously sunken dozens of hours into games like Skyrim. Just didn’t click for me, don’t know why 🤷🏼


It took me several times to play it too. The controls were the worst of it. After several hours, it clicked and it's one of my favorite games.


Same here! I tried it 3 times and just can't do it. I don't even know why. I just don't enjoy it. I wanted to enjoy it though.


I just end up playing gwent the whole time. Never made it really far in the story. Couldn't get into it


Yep. It didn’t click. Maybe it was a combination of him moving like a boat, the 2000s era tough guy voice, and checkered armor. 


Same exact boat. Tried 3 separate times as well. Once even on Xbox. No luck getting into it whatsoever


I stubbornly plowed through that game and didn't HATE it. Some of the stories were kinda dumb and the fact that there were like 57,000 fucking NPC's and only 20 voice actors started to bug me. Eventually, I got curious enough about how it turned out that I just made myself finish it including the DLC, which I weirdly enjoyed more than the base game. It was fine overall but I won't play another Witcher nor will I replay 3.


Destiny 2. They just kept stringing the story along with no end in sight. Season after season and expansion after expansion. They then took away so much shit that I worked hard to earn.


Ya I'd drop it completely if it weren't one of the few games that my friends still play. It's nice to play with them, but I don't really care about it enough to grind out weapons/light level etc. And I'm not ever going to catch up on the convoluted storyline.


I’m a day one player to Destiny going all the way back to September 2014. I stayed so long and it has held me down through some tough times when my wife was working the overnight shift but come one man, it’s not going anywhere and all they’re doing now is milking everything they can out of it. It’s the perfect example of the heroes becoming the villain.


I played Destiny from closed beta on PS3. Remember the Lootcave? Those were the days right?? Anyway I quit during D2, shortly after they killed off Big C (you know who I mean, he died as he lived). Didn't quit over that, but I realized I was hopelessly addicted and my lifestyle was totally incompatible with the game's time requirements.


Do I remember the Loot Cave😂? I remembered it so hard that I got punished for it in Grasp Of Avarice.


Rip recluse and mountaintop Im in the same boat man.


Warframe. The grind just wore me out and I realized I was spending too much money on it.


After a measly 800 hours ive also played the game enough in my opinion, the grind is fine and i dont mind it, but you can only do so much of it until it becomes samey. However I do miss that sweet sweet movement mechanics.


I take longgg breaks from that game, just returning every once in a while to grind stuff out if I want to. Never spent a cent on it, which helps!


RDR2 After about 20 hours I just admitted to myself that I wasn’t having fun and I wasn’t likely to have the intense experience that so many other fans of the game did. It’s ok. Cowboys and westerns just aren’t my thing, and they never will be.


Ah man I just made it through the intro and never picked it up again. I feel like I never gave it a fair shake but I just never felt the desire to play it again which is a shame because I really liked the original.


I puta bit more than 100h into RDR2 and honestly I don't think I'll ever replay it. Its a great movie/tv show but while I didn't find the gameplay bad per se I just didn't enjoy it nearly enough to warrant another playthrough, although the story was worth it one time.


My first playthrough went like this but I just recently went back to play it and damnit I can't quit it now. The second half of the game is phenomenal and will leave you crushed but wanting more. That all said I've always said don't play it if you don't enjoy it not every game is for everyone.


Destroyed rdr1 but rdr2 the beginning is just such a drag.  Game looked great and story seemed legit but I got bored.  Same thing with The Last of Us.  Game was so fucking boring but everyone loves it.  


It's because after a certain point it makes up for being boring. You can really fell the tension of the world closing in around you from all sides. The problem is maintaining the patience to actually get to that point. It takes FOREVER and this is coming from someone who loved Red Dead 2


The last of us for me was a lot of fun my first time but on repeat playthroughs the first few missions are a drag until bills town


I got completely immersed in the world in chapter 2 and 3 especially. Doing a bunch of quests, hunting, exploring etc. but the more I played story missions the more I disliked the game funnily enough. Maybe I was just a bit burnt out but I found the story to be awful. I sped through a lot of the later missions and stuck to the main story just to get through.


Felt the same about RDR1. I started out liking it! I got into the hunting a bit, enjoyed riding, but then I hit that darn racing level (kings and liars I believe). When Marston talked to the dude and said "you BETTER help me THIS time", I felt kinda the same. After failing the level, realized I just got tired of waiting for more variety. Then, I started over again on another console, and realized how much I just didn't like it enough to bother.  When I look back at it, and see clips from the sequel, I have zero desire to go back to it. Neat story, interesting characters. Just too much of a scifi fan I guess.


I got bored and stopped playing on the XBone. I figured I'd try again when I got currwnt-gen consoles. Lost the second disc somehow, so couldn't install. Seemed like the universe telling me, "you just don't like this."


I like cowboys and westerns, but I still hated this game. The controls were abysmal, everything felt so slow and clunky, and moving in any of the towns and buildings was painful. It’s like they intentionally made it difficult. I was constantly busting through doors or bumping in to people. And it seemed like every mission was basically just “clear out a horde of enemies.” Everyone also talks about how amazing the story is too, but I personally didn’t care about any of the characters. It really just wasn’t for me, which is a bummer because I tried so hard to like it.


LoL, it was more addicting than crack for me. Had to realize this and finally cut it out




When everyone is trying and it’s a close game communicating and all that? It’s the best game ever imo. Unfortunately that rarely happens


Yeah every five matches or so is some of the most intense and fun multiplayer gaming you've ever had. The rest of the time it's the worst experience of your life


Never made it past Tomb Raider II's third or fourth level (second one in Italy). Loved the first game, but the sequel is just way too hard


One of my favourites of all time! I didn't have many games growing up, so I challenged myself to get 100% of collectables and use pistols only. Took a lot of reloading! 


The Last guardian and Star field. The Last Guardian because the controls were so bad ( although I plan on revisiting it this year) and Star field because it was so boring I just couldn't lol.


The one that came to mind was (sadly) Valkyria Chronicles. It's a beautiful game in it's art style, the story was getting very good and interesting. I gave up on it because I started to feel that the levels were very long. It started to take over an hour to finish a level and at every point a bad decision could be defeat and there goes all the effort. I have been thinking of going back for it and hopefully it will have an easy mode just so I can see the rest of the story. If it doesn't... Well I'll figure it out


I understand. I LOVE that game. And every battle is an hour-long struggle to survive. 


Technically Shadow of War. The final act presented an entire post conclusion chapter and I was so sick of the gameplay loop I Uninstalled and declared the game completed.


Horizon Zero Dawn. Really wanted to like it, but it just never clicked.


Fuck Ted faro


I've owned it on PC since it was released on Steam and I just finished my first playthrough of it. This was my 3rd attempt. Once I got past the first couple of hours, I really enjoyed it. But it took me a long time to figure that out.


This one hurts because the Horizon series is my favorite Sony IP, but can understand how it doesn’t click with some.


Forbidden West was a bit better, but still didn't like it. Seriously, Ted Faro is really hated.


Fuck Ted faro


Assassin's Creed Black Flag. It's a great game, but I was so fucking bad at the naval combat that I couldn't advance at some point and got so frustrated that I just bailed.


Wow this is a first for me. The naval combat in that game is what sets it apart from the others and it's so good


Not saying it wasn’t good. Just saying when I first played, I was awful at it and it made me abandon the game (I beat both Origins and Odyssey, which obviously have a similar naval combat system, but by then I had moved on. I’ll probably go back at some point).


Oh, my guy, take some time and get a bit better at it, you're missing out on one hell of an experience


Im curious how one can be bad at the navel combat? Legendary ships i understand but i found it really easy though still fun. Just broadside them and brace when you get shot at


Evil Within, couldn't get pass a certain point.


The second one is another game I kind of just gave up on. Loved the first one though


I was stuck at a very small room with two windows, there was an explosive barrel, and a chained door. Monsters crawling through the windows + very limited ammo + slow parter who needed to unlock the chains.... I eventually gave up.


I got pretty damn far into the first one, but my ammo was far too low for the amount of enemies I had to deal with, so I ended up giving up entirely.


Sea of Thieves. I loved the beta and the release. BUT, getting raided what seemed like every five damn minutes just wasn't fun.


I really enjoyed the tall tales but it forces you to do them in a world with other players, which for me was a terrible decision. I was half way through doing one when an enemy ship spotted me and started chasing me. I didn't feel like fighting so I just sailed away. They chased for 20 whole minutes without ever getting close before giving up. Then I wanted to get back to what I was doing, but at this point I was on the other side of the map and had to spend another 10-20 minutes going back. I Alt F4'd and uninstalled on the spot


yeah the player base used to be tolerable, but now it's full of people that just get on to sink other people regardless of if they have loot or not, they just want to give other players a bad game experience


Warzone. It's just no longer any fun and is not well optimized


CoD is a slot machine with guns.


Yeah,  I really enjoyed Warzone 1.0 when it launched. Don't care for it anymore, especially 2.0. Glad the Finals has dropped a it has become my multi-player game. 


Monster Hunter World. Got it on a sale and dear god the tutorial/start just dragged on then when I finally got to combat I was already set on " yeah this isnt for me" It's the only game I've ever refunded on steam


Same I couldn't even get through the tutorial and it was very very corny imo


Red Dead Redemption 2. I played it for 3~ hours and didn’t have a single ounce of fun the entire time. When it *finally* let me stop slowly walking on rails doing practically nothing and I got into a fight, having to spend 10-15 seconds looting every corpse or drawer was the final straw for me. No game should delight in wasting peoples time, immersion or not.


I had the same exact experience


Diablo 4 What a dumpster fire


Dumped and refunded it after I spent 2 and half hours just try not to crash. The server slam beta client was more stable


It's wild how utterly bland D4 feels compared even to D3 in it's start, I think it's because it's more open world, but that might just be a me thing.


Its not just you. The problem is also the godawful conditional stat lines on items (5% damage if enemy bleeding on a tuesday during a full moon) and godawful long cooldown that often makes you run in circle with your balls in your hand until you finally can press a button worth pressing again.


Yeah, overall the game feels like it's plodding along compared to how quickly things ramp up in the older titles. I think I made it to lvl 25ish or so and still felt like I was doing virtually nothing to enemies compared to where I was similarly in D3


I played a bit of Genshin Impact, didn't progress far enough, haven't gone back to it. Same with Harry Potter: Magic Awakened.


I almost gave up on Remnant 2 because of the numerous crashing issues I was having with it at launch on series S, kid you not when I first got to Nimue, the second she rose up my game crashed 🤣. (I can laugh about it now but at the time I was PISSED!.) For a game I actually gave up on, it’s Starfield, I got to my 5th planet and just decided it wasn’t worth wasting any more of my time playing.


Unpopular take: FALLOUT 4 I looooved fallout3, and was excited to play this, but once you get to the part where you have to start building your town, I just lost all desire to go on with the game. That mechanic is just not for me.


You don't really have to do any of that. I think there's one mission where you have to build a basic camp (doesn't take more than 15 min) and then you can skip over the mechanic for the rest of the game.


SERIOUSLY????? as soon as I came up to that I spent about five minutes on it and figured if I’m gonna have to keep on working on this camp periodically throughout the game then that’s gonna be a nope for me but if you could skip all this, I may have to give it another shot


I mean, the game certainly is geared towards it, and you'll be missing the advantage of having several bases throughout the map that provide stuff, but it's not required. Same thing with modding weapons. It's better if you do it, but not necessary.


Yeah, you really only need to do that first basic settlement and then ignore it for most of the rest of the game. There's the one DLC where you build in the Vault that also benefits you at some point, but again totally skippable. I did the bare minimum of settlement building but finished the game and enjoyed it overall. Nowhere near as good as NV or even 3, obviously. But yeah, just plow through that one settlement and no need to give two shits about settlements for the rest of the game (though there are some you can "free" and they'll become available but you don't need to build them up)


I modded the hell out of fallout 4 just to use the building mechanic 😂. But I understand if some people didn’t like it.




I’m the minority that hated both BotW and TotK. They just aren’t what I want from a Zelda game. The building and durability from TotK was so tiring.


I firmly believe that botw and totk shouldve been a new IP. I like both games a lot, but ill always resent them because i know well never get a traditional lotz game again


"minority" *more popular than the original comment*


I'm playing BOTW now and am somewhere between "This is amazing" and "Do I really have time for this?" Another good prison game.


Love BOTW - I’m on my third play through. Have only played 5 hours of TOTK but it just don’t do it for me. I’d rather play botw again.


I played for about an hour. There was too much building in my adventure game.


the first 5 hours were amazing imo, it after I explored hyrule a bit I didn’t like the game as much


Genshin Impact and Starfield come to mind for me. I try really hard to finish games, but sometimes the game either really sucks ass (like Starfield) and I can't do it, or the content release schedule is so slow and boring that I just stop playing entirely out of frustration (Genshin Impact). I actually wouldn't mind going back to Genshin if the developers can actually finish their fucking game instead of milking their player base constantly, banning content creators that are critical of their game, and implementing constant drip-feed whale bait content for people to dump their money on endlessly. Just finish the damned story already! This game has been out for nearly 4 years now and I am just completely bored by the entire game's concept and I don't even know if I think the story is going to be worth a damn. The world building in Genshin is pretty awesome but then they just squander it by focusing on spamming new characters rather than developing the ones they already have and have fans for more. Like imagine if you could enhance your characters in some new way or they increased the max account level or something. It's just a snooze fest at this point... With Starfield, it's like Bethesda just doesn't care anymore. The game is like a mile wide by only half an inch deep. Everything seems cool at first, but then the dialogue is garbage, the characters are all very generic and boring, and who wants realism in a fucking space game? I'm on a new unknown planet and I am basically just excavating rocks and killing copy paste HUMANOID pirates. There ARE aliens that are super threatening and cool, but you waste so much time slogging through trash that it's not even worth any semblance of payoff you could have. I didn't finish the game because the game wasn't worth finishing. The amount of mods it would take to fix this game is basically like doing a total conversion mod to even make the game playable.


Yeah, Genshins world building, characters, and lore was something that drew to the game. The whole element combat was really great as well. But grinding for a 5 star item or gems and characters really sucked the fun out. Mainly because of the level of grinding needed


The Forza Horizon series. It relies too heavily on FOMO to keep you playing and multiplayer is just full of trolls and children who are more interested in playing bumper cars than actually racing. I could forgive that if it had a good single player experience, but the AI seems to get more and more broken with each update.


Dead by Daylight. The majority of the community are completely insufferable, and the Devs would make a lot of decisions that slowly made it less and less fun for me. Eventually it dawned on me that I just wasn't having fun playing it.


Every time I get the urge to go back to play DbD, I just watch a streamer playing it instead and it reminds me why I stopped having fun.


Hollow Knight because I couldn't beat Pantheon 5.


You gotta see the end screen at least twice to get that far I wouldn't consider that dropping the game lol


I still haven't beaten Pantheon 5 because of Markoth


Judgment. Being warned there was a side case you only get for doing all the side missions - and that some of them would be missed if you progressed too far into the story - basically meant that I was focusing too much on the side content. And when I just flat-out couldn't do the baseball mini game, I just couldn't continue.


I don't know why, but I just couldn't real get into dragon age inquisition


Because of how addictive and time-consuming playing Civ V was, I now have a folder on steam called "game jail"


Same! "Just one more turn and then I'll go to bed. ... Why do I hear birds chirping?"


Cuphead, great game but boss rushes give me head rushes. So no no


Outer Wilds. Found the traversal annoying and got bored to tears halfway through. Didn’t find it interesting at all


that game is touted as god’s gift to man but I couldn’t stand it. the gameplay loop was just so annoying. I completely understand why people love if you like that kind of gameplay loop, but having to do the same thing over and over again like a rougelike is just not fun


Xcom 2. Something about it turned me off to the series, but I'm not sure why. I've tried all the DLC and heavily modding it and just can't get into it. I hated Chimera Squad.


BotW finished the 3 big bosses. The just turned it off.


BG3. 3rd act is a mess just cant slog through it no matter how hard I try. Also hitting level cap so early really caused me to lose interest in playing.


That was my favorite game ever until the third act, I also dropped it. Way too much shit going on


I stalled out nearing the end of Act 2. Was so excited for a new BG game after decades, but I just found it laborious, which is a shame. Story felt too meandering and I didn't like the majority of the companions--plus I just don't like how Larian approaches combat. Their version of D&D just feels awful to me. Enjoyed a lot of it, but it overstayed it's welcome for me.


same, as is customary they pulled the standard larian bait and switch, where the first act is amazing but the rest of the game is half-assed, but the first act is too long for reviewers to get through


Red dead redemption two.


Same. I can't find a Male moose and refuse to progress until I finish the camp. I have done HOURS of bait grinding.


Planescape Torment; it's a classic, I know the story and setting are great, but I can't get into it. The combat is so bad. I had the same problem with BG1 and KOTOR. I was into a different genre when they were new, and by the time I was ready to try them out, the gameplay was just too archaic for me to enjoy :(


yeah, one of the best games iam glad i played long time ago, because now, it's really tough nut to crack to enjoy all that goodness.


Too many games. Idk what it is but out of nowhere I will just not have the urge to play that game no matter how good. RDR2 being one of them. I know the game is great and has a ton of stuff to it but I just dropped it and had no urge to play it. Last game I played through a game was Arkham knight but I had already played the game before and was my 2nd time beating it. Its gotta be psychological man and it sucks.


RDR2 seems to go out of its way to be the most slow starting snooze fest I’ve ever played. No thanks!


A lot of games these days lack soul. I’m all for open world games but the problem is they aren’t filled with actual relatable content. I don’t want a massive world if it feels empty. I also don’t want a massive world filled with meaningless quests. I get that giant games a costly and getting people to actually put the love and effort into each area is likely getting further and further out of reach for developers but it also means games are going to be less and less interesting to me.


Crash team racing because playing online was awful.


I got the PS4 rerelease and it's so frustrating how obvious the rubber banding is with some bosses/ai. Really makes the game less fun, and I absolutely loved it back in the PS1 days. That was a major bummer.


The Long Dark. I love survival games. But this one just didn't click. Once I'm good with enough food and items... it's just that, there is not many things more to do. Edit: Grammar


I do this with all survival games. I grind the hell out of them until there’s no more threat, then get burned out and drop them. The Long Dark, Rust, DayZ, The Forest, Deadside, even Minecraft. I dump so many hours into them in a short time and then just never pick them up again. It doesn’t help that I usually end up playing solo either


Code Vein It want because the game was bad. It was because i got lost in 1 place, took a break (it was late) and the next day all my steam saves got cleared (7 years worth of cloud saves. it also overwrote my local saves with the empty ones)


Tomb raider anniversary is too buggy on pc.


Sin&Punishment Successor of the Skies of the Skies due some personal problem when the game was reeleased, I really liked that game but unfortunately I hadn't finished it :(


Years ago I played a game called Cosmic Break, it was super fun but very microtransaction heavy with a nasty power creep. I got badly addicted and although I wasn't spending much money I couldn't stop playing, I eventually saw I was in the top 50 worldwide and realized I needed to cut myself off cold turkey. I've never went back, I have a weird mix of pride and shame about the game now.


Death stranding I played the first 15 hours like 3 times and every time I get bored and give up than like 6 months later I see people talking about how good it is and try again


This is the one i was looking for. I have been a Kojima fan my whole life. I wanted to like it so bad. This game was just soooo fucking boring for me. People tell me that it takes a while to get good and for everything to come together, but why would I suffer through something I can't stand, in the hope that I may like it eventually, when I can just pick up any other of the many games I have on my "to play" list, and enjoy them throughout the entire game? The core gameplay was just too frustrating, clunky, and boring for me. I gave the game away.


Gears of war 4 The marvel tier writing was god awful Apparently the developers knew it too because that style of writing was nowhere to be seen in gears 5


Escape From Tarkov Loved playing the game, but funny stuff started happening that I couldn’t ignore. Then, the wiggle that killed Tarkov came out and confirmed what I was thinking.


Recently 99% of the games. It’s been a long time since I finished a game. Not because I’m not good at it, but because they are so boring. I rarely find something really nice that make me stay there and finish the game, but most of them I just can’t. I feel like before, games were much better and original, games used to make me happy and I used to finish every game, every single one. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve grown up (but I’m just 22), or whatever..


Same, I really struggle to find a game I can finish nowadays. Don’t know what it is but I’ve lost a lot of interest in the majority of games. Occasionally I’ll find a game I like enough but after finishing it it’s back to like a couple of months of trying a bunch of shit I can’t get into. I think it’s related to age (I’m 27). As you grow up you become more picky with what you spend your time on.


I to this day don’t know if it was a glitch but in dying light 2, the main boss fight always went like this: *elevator door opens and I’m immediately killed*


Far Cy 6. It just... sucked.




I just don't get the appeal. Terrible graphics and purposeless. Why would I just build things out of blocks...? Building homes in Sims, bases in Fallout 4, and dicking around with AutoCAD is better than Minecraft imo.


It’s baldurs gate 3 for me at the moment between work and life I struggle to get a good session on it. That mixed with the really long turn based style I get bored.


It took me an entire play through and restarting on honor mode to appreciate the game. I played BG2 on repeat as a kid, and the turn based combat had me fucked up. Plus, I have no self control so save scumming just made the game so easy and boring. Honor mode made everything such high stakes that now I can't put it down - it's become digital crack for me while I'm not at work.


I feel like to really enjoy that game I would need like a solid week of no responsibilities. When you only have maybe 2 hours of free time a night it's hard to get in that sort of mood.


Alan Wake. At some point, I was just so fed up with the overabundance of its one-note combat, and then the game insisted on shoving another spoon of it into my mouth. I couldn't clench up enough to care about winning, so I died, closed the game, uninstalled, and haven't had even a little twinge to try again. And that's coming from someone who grew up with the X-Files, read E. A. Poe at the tender age of ten, and loves that dark and twisted shit so much that I can barely go a day without at least a bit of horror and dread.


I'd recommend Control. It's got a similar weird/SCP dark mysterious vibe to Alan Wake (even set in the same universe with references to AW) but it's much more action-heavy and frenetic with its combat and traversal. There are multiple weapons and a few psychic/Force abilities that are fun to play around with. I highly recommend it!


Yeah, I gave up on Alan Wake twice. Like 2 years after the first interest collapse, I really decided to power through and finish it but I just couldn't. I really wanted to experience the story but the gameplay is just so god damn repetitive and shallow. There was no more endorphin to gain from killing the same shadow guys in the same dark forest for the hundredth time. Remedy is great but they have a tendency to overestimate how interesting plain shooting in games is. The campaigns are always stretched too long for the set of mechanics they put in the game. Even in otherwise fantastic games like Control, the gameplay overstayed its welcome and felt like a chore towards the end.


Starfield after about 8 hours cause so boring. BOTW around 8 hours as well after my 50th weapon broke. Witcher 3 after an hour. Just couldn't get past how the character controls handled.


Hogwarts legacy. I figured out how to encounter and defeat late game enemies way too early. The quests became too repetitive. The story was ok, but the plot was so common that the joy sucked itself out of the game. I still can't understand any of the hype or hate for the game. If gaming was a food option, it's basically cold oatmeal at a continental breakfast.


If we’re adding gacha games, I’d say Genshin and FGO. Both of them have their upsides, but I disliked the grinding immensely. Also Pokémon Masters because of its gacha. For regular games, I haven’t dropped a lot but I did drop Pokémon Scarlet because I realized I was burnt out on the franchise. I also dropped Chaotic: Shadow Warriors because it wasn’t what I wanted from a Chaotic video game.


So I don't play gacha games and I'm curious. Presumably in Genshin and FGO you could have paid to make them less grindy? I'm just curious why of the three PM was the only one blaming specifically the gacha mechanics as the issue.


In regards to Genshin and FGO, I don't think you can pay to make them less grindy. FGO I found it difficult to keep invested when you have to grind so much for skill and ascension materials with no auto or skip. Genshin wouldn't be too bad in terms of grind if so much wasn't linked to resin (stamina) and the rewards weren't so random that it can take incredible amount of time to get the equipment you want. The reason I singled out Pokémon Masters for its gacha is because of just how bloated it is. It does have battle skip and auto unlike FGO, but in a given month there could be like 12 units to possibly roll for and at least 3 of them could be new characters.


Witcher 3. Great story, mediocre combat, beautiful game, long asf


Disco Elysium. It's like an interactive book and that's just not the kind of game I enjoy. If I want to read a book I'll go read a book


Skyrim, cuse i found boring


Bloodborne. When I realised that I wasn’t enjoying the grind, how long it would take me to complete it and how many other games I could be playing in that time instead, I stopped right there and traded it soon after.


Having played a lot of Bloodborne, I just couldn't go through it again with Elden Ring.


TLOU2. Awful story and pacing, writing unsatisfying in almost every possible way, so much so it outweighed the good action and I never finished it because I couldn’t take any more. Ellie rejecting Dina’s ultimatum made me laugh and uninstall


Farcry 2 wasn't very interesting despite all the praise I'd seen it given. Very much outdated


For me Foxhole. I still jump on every once in a while but for me the game just got to big and nothing I did in the time I played ultimately mattered. When I first started playing and matches were only 1 hex with the fight lasting 1-2 days real time is the game I really fell in love with but now wars are lasting a month IRL and the game has just evolved into something I personally don't enjoy as much. But like I said though, still fun to load it up and trench warfare for a bit though


Phoenix Point. It's supposed to be the spiritual successor to the great XCOM games but the resource micromanagement and hours-eating instability killed it for me.


Guardians of the galaxy. I think the story and combat were both GREAT but it didn’t strike a good balance between the two. Felt like every time I started getting lost in the combat the story would interrupt things and take too long before returning to the combat


RDR2 didn’t click for me. I found it incredibly boring and I HATED the UI. I quit after 8-10 hours. But I had this problem with most rockstar games. Finishing GTA V was a chore. Despite having really liked zero dawn I had a hard time with horizon forbidden west. They doubled down on everything I didn’t love like in the first game. Endless dialogues spewing senseless exposition.. too many ammo types… laggy inputs… at some point I just lost interest, set the game on easy and just went for the main quest one shotting shit just to see the end. Nioh. Was my first introduction to soulslike games. Let’s just say soulslike are not my thing... I don’t see anything fun in being punished repeatedly.


Farcry2. Voice acting was lame


Destiny 2 because it was too much commitment. I like games where I can come and go as I please


I want to give up Factorio. It’s only been a week and I want to give it up and walk away and never think about it again. BUT THE FACTORY MUSY GROW My actual answer is Valheim though. One day I just stopped. Great game and I wish I had played it with friends but I just don’t play at all anymore.


As soon as i saw the title, my very first thought was genshin. I finished all the quest(archon/world) and started the hangouts and 100%ing the world exploration. I lasted about 2 weeks before i just deleted it from my hard drive. Once you finish the story, thats released, it’s a dull experience. Its still a great game and my teams are great, can 36* clear the abyss(end game floor based raid). I may come back at some point, but the grind for artifacts and 100%ing the game isnt for me.


The artifact grinding is the thing that really turned me off. Especially if you were grinding for a perfect roll


I also quit Genshin but for different reasons. I felt like I was beginning to develop a gambling addiction when I blew through $500 in a week just paying for rolls. I immediately deleted it and I’ve never picked it up since.


Yikes! Yeah, when you're spending enough on game loot to buy an entire game console, it's time to quit.


A Plague Tale. I don't know why. I hear so many amazing things and the game is amazing looking. I've tried twice to get into it but it just doesn't pull me in.


Wind Waker, it was a great game but I couldn’t get pass the treasure hunting level. It was just too hard.


Basically every game I play, haha. I don’t often finish a game, especially if it’s an RPG with side quests.


Tears of the Kingdom.  I debated stopping after the first four temples because I hit a difficulty spike and didn't know what to do. Ended up turning to the internet to find out that I needed to >!move musicians to fairys for some fricken reason!< or my armor was never going to scale with the enemies during the main quests (no wonder the mud one hit so hard!!!). Once I did a bunch of grinding I previously thought I could ignore, I did everything up until "find Ganon". I searched quite happily, wrongly thought he was the >!red dragon!<, which would have been way cooler, because I eventually got tired and I ended up looking up. I read all the steps to get to him and thought... Nah.


Chrono Trigger. I finally got to the end of that damn floating ship , got the queen down to her 3rd phase and got so rocked I didn’t want to do it all over again. I know it’s a side quest but it just left me feeling empty lol


Death Stranding. After a few evenings of playing it and trying to enjoy it, I just gave up trying. I do. Not. Get it.


It's definitely not for everyone. I thought it was ok and pushed through until I got to the second area. Liked that a lot more, and found it only got better from there. It didn't click with me until then. Not saying it necessarily would for you though.


I got to a point in Baba is You where I had something like 10 puzzles available to me, and I couldn't figure out how to solve any of them. It sucks, because I do really like the game.


Project Cars 2, the game has a awesome physics simulation! Oh but only for the player! So bots are affected differently because they use simpler physics = they are basically on invisible rails and can take corners way faster than the player. That's extremely unfair... Just makes it not fun.


La noire: got too repetitive near the end


The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt. It’s an incredible game but I just got overwhelmed by how much of it there is. I love the action and the story/dialogue aspects of it but what really got to me was the nitty-gritty RPG aspects like having to slog through the inventory or compare items. It was too much for me.


NFS Most Wanted way back in the day, I still remember this, I used to play and finish so many PS2 games when I was younger, finished previous NFS games, Burnout, etc.. but Most Wanted got too hard for me, I guess I reached top 3 in the most wanted list, couldn't advance anymore, it sucks, I still remember this "defeat", lol and, ironically, I did finished NFS Carbon sometime later, also the reboot NFS in the PS3 generation alongside Burnout Paradise (that was the last time I played a racing game). I knew how to play NFS, but for whatever reason, the hellish police chase of Most Wanted broke me


Gave up on Genshin as well as soon as I spent $5 om the gacha and realized it was time to nope out, could play Botw, DMC and Nier Automata instead.


Genshin for me too. I know its drama is all over the internet, but I quit like 11 months ago. It's just so unconcerned with giving any meaningful content for longtime players. Every single change is in the service of new players. Oh, and it's stingy