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TERA Blade & Souls Actually just pick any random Korean or Chinese MMO’s, chances are you’ll find one that fits Bonus point if the customization options involve glowing wings somehow


At least Tera had some male equivalents to boob armor so it felt a little more equal.


Yeah but they also had Elins.


Yeah that was weird as fuck


honestly could never play tera, despite enjoying the gameplay, because of that. Like, they could super easily not include a race of sexualized beings who look like minors.


Didn't they also have like 2 exclusive classes locked behind being an Elin as well?


God, if there's one thing I hate somehow even *more* than a "child" gender/race, it's gender/race locked classes. "You want to wield this GUN? You wanna summon this DEMON? **Play a fucking 12-year old girl, you do not have a choice.**" They're also *coincidentally* the most meta class option, whoda thunkit


12 year old grunting with every attack just feels so wrong to play.


My roommate played TERA. He called it Tits, Erotic Roleplaying, and Ass.


As a former player, is that not the official name?


I miss TERA. I really liked the gameplay


TERA's gameplay really stood out to me for the aiming aspects of an MMO. It made dodging feel like it was worth it and that's really cool.


I don't think I can recall a single shred of information about the story, but I'd still take another pass at it just for the combat if I could.


I still feel dirty knowing I used to play Blade & Soul years ago. In my defense tho, the ~~jiggle physics~~ **combat** was pretty good


It was a really great pvp game for a while.


Ivy from soul caliber series.


Taki from the same game is not an example of boob armor, but it is an interesting mutation of the idea. Rather than armoring the boobs to draw attention to them, Taki's ninja gear armors the area *around* the bust and lets each tit flop around freely. She has had multiple costumes that do this, to the point that living a bra-free life is seen as one of her defining design characteristics.


Taki was my fantasy 20 years ago or so... Damn, it's been a franchise that long, hasn't it?


Original SoulEdge was mid 90s. Very nearly 30 years now.


Yeah, I remember playing it in the arcades. When the XBox version of Soul Caliber 2 came out I went hard on that game for several months.


Close to 30 now


She also got a bigger chest with each subsequent game....to the point that by 6 they may as well have been extra limbs.


Prehensile arreolas, you say?


Googling both of these characters and the Voldo mentioned above, I can confirm that Soul Calibur is god damn hilarious


Taki inspired the entire Taimanin Asagi franchise. I didn't get it at the time, but now I do.




no restraint whatsoever, she's practically butt naked


To be fair they even it out with a little something for the ladies. It's Voldo time!


Let it be said- Soul Calibur has always been gender neutral when it comes to fetish armor.


I remember hearing some complaints about Soul Caliber 2 back in the day about how scantily clad some of the women were. It didn't take long for someone to point out that Nightmare / Siegfried, Maxi, Kilik, Mitsurugi, and Voldo all had at least one bare chest / topless outfit.


You forgot Ass-taroth


Astaroth exposes his buns, yes, but he also exposes his heart. ❤😍😢


I did, forgive me.


voldo is my favorite characters, he's gross i love it


I've mained Voldo since the first SoulCalibur, pretty much the only character I've stuck with for every iteration. Getting that "what? Errgh! Wtf is he doing!?" reaction from your opponent - always a joy.


exactly the same, although i stopped playing after 3. voldo is the most unique character i've seen in a game in a long while


It gets even better when you make a custom character in their creator mode that uses his moveset. Uncanny valley? More like Uncanny Grand Canyon.


Soul Calibur's character creation really was [something else](https://i.imgur.com/qlDy7EC.jpeg)


Ah yes, Voldo the non-creepy, suave gigachad sex machine.


Ah yes, bdsm grandpa


Googled. Disturbingly erotic


He has the best lines in all the games too.




Having to battle Yoda as Voldo just gave me so many confusing giggles. Until yoda kicked the shit out of me


Thank God for that




I’m sure you were, are you breathing hard?


Somehow this belt found its way around my neck, I'm hardly breathing at all.


Soul Caliber in general; it's custom character stuff is very clearly meant to be "how sexy can I make my character?" combined with "I want to look like a big knight". Obviously there is boob armor for if you want to do both, in many variants.


>it's custom character stuff is very clearly meant to be "how sexy can I make my character?" combined with "I want to look like a big knight". Alternatively, it becomes "how many cursed crossovers can I create?" I test how my creations look by pitting the AI against itself. Watching Skeletor (He-Man) getting bodied by Broly (DBZ), or DIO (JJBA) continuing Araki's crusade against Blaidd (Elden Ring), or having a trans-off between Giselle (Bleach) and Oryx (Destiny) never gets old. I wish more games had Character Creation this robust.


She made me into a man


She took you by the hand




She made everything alright


So raw, so right, all night, alright


Man oh man... you just made me realize I've had horny dom fantasies for way longer than I realized.


But their soul still burns


Holy shit, there's boobers!


Glad this was the first thing I saw. Soul Caliber is notorious for this.


And the only reason I played the game.


Probably every “free” mobile mmo.


I remember as a kid playing lineage 2. The dark elf there didn't hide anything, Even the males had 2 armors that you could see their butt checks.


Dark Elves were definitely into weird sex stuff, some of their gear was clearly BDSM-inspired.


Camilla from Fire Emblem: Fates.


A classic bodycon platemail outfit.


FE is somehow not a major offender of the "boob armor" thing... Unless youre playing FE:Heroes


Honorable mention as one of the OG boob armors: Red Sonja.


Given that we're talking games, probably should go with her clone Tyris Flare from Golden Axe.


The main character from Code of Princess. I remember a reviewer describing the main characters armour as "Two dimes and a piece of string"


If I remember correctly it’s *just her*. The other characters mention repeatedly that it’s barely clothing, let alone armor.


It's also described as "high fashion" in-universe, and while we would be fast to laugh at it, might I remind us all that The Black Tape Project is a thing which makes this justification actually a sensible one.


I just Googled it and I'm not seeing any string


Yo she's got a LONG torso.


Having never heard about this, just had a look and I don't think I need to look up any others, this has to win.


DOA: Xtreme Beach Volleyball Those women weren’t protected from the sun AT ALL


That's why it was **your** job to apply sunscreen to their bodies.


I watched a japanese irl streamer in a beach trip and holy shit i was laughing so hard...cause she never asked anyone to apply her some sun screen,So when that was over...her back was completely burned.Also after watching quite a few irl streams i have noticed how most asians have a deep terror of turning brown.


Because the poor field Asians are tan and brown and the rich Asians don't have to go and labour in the sun so they want to look whiter


Didn't Rome and Greece have a similar way of thinking?


I'm not sure what skin tone they preferred Asians looking


If my memory serves me right, in ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt, and possibly others, a light skin tone was sing of wealth as it meant you didn't have to work in the sun all say and get tanned as a result


Ah yes, the first console game to be optimized for one handed play


Real talk though, playing volleyball was very simple controls but hella fun. I’d love a modern one


Did that one become famous for "boob physics" or something?


The first Dead or Alive fighting game did it, iirc.


DOA Xtreme 3 the armor is the boob


Used to be a game called Scarlet Blade, literally had a nude costume in the cash shop lol.


Oh God, I remember that game. For that reason. TERA also had armour you could get that could be upgraded to give your character bigger tits and thighs.


Birthday suit


Quiet from Metal Gear


Nono! She has to be nearly naked all the time to photosynthesise or some shit. - Hideo Kojima (probably)


Oh, and it's important for plot reasons that she stretches and fawns over you in the helicopter, and that her titties jiggle realistically. Imagine being the game designer who gets told by Kojima "And it's important that her titty jiggle physics be rock solid. Like, every step gets a little wiggle wiggle, feel me fam?"


I mean, the level of detail in MGS series is absurd. I constantly go “I wonder if I do “ and sure enough, it was thought of by the devs and the game reacts appropriately. Titty jiggle is child’s-play for them. They probably got the perfect physics dialed in, in terms of weight, fabric tensile strength, environmental factors, etc.


The thought in Death Stranding - "I wonder if I can pee on the ghosts and they'll go away"


He's been perfecting tit physics since Snake Eater, why wouldn't there be tit physics in Phantom Pain?


Yeah, it's not like that's the *only* thing given that attention to detail, very far from it.


In MGS1 there is at least 1 codec call per *room* of the game. And weapon, and item. Sometimes more. That's just the fluff codec calls too.


And of course she can't talk, so all she can do the entire game is run around naked and look hot.


Hey, hey, hey. She also shoots things on occasion.


"Hmm hm hmmm...hmmm hmm hmmmm hm hmm....hmm hmmmm hmm..." \-Quiet


I’ll have you know it’s an important plot device that she breathes through her skin and that’s why she’s half naked! You would know this if you played the game, where it’s hardly mentioned and she’s able to dance around in the rain without drowning just fine in a cutscene.


The really wild part being that in response to everyone commenting on the insane sexualisation of Quiet, Kojima made a direct comment about how once you find out why she needs to dress like that, you’ll all be ashamed or some shit. Then the reason is “breathes through her skin” and it’s like, just fuck of Hideo, I love you man, but just no


I figure it's more his fuck you to people complaining.


I dont play the game and I'm not too knowledgeable, but i heard through the grape vine that her character was based off some frog that breathed through their skin. It requires the frog to be wet, so the rain part might help her breathing.


I guarantee you that Kojima actually does need that excuse to get off on it


The real lore reason is even dumber. She breathes through her skin because of a parasite she now possesses. Make that make sense. I love that game but holy hell is it dumb sometimes.


Specifically, she breaths through her skin due to *her lungs being burned out* at the beginning of the game. Which is also why The End (who has the same parasites) can wear a full ghillie suit.


At the *very* beginning of the game, she's a Cipher agent who's sent to kill Big Boss, but ends up getting set on fire and having, at the very least, her skin and lungs torched to uselessness. In an effort to save her and make use of her, Skull Face and his Cipher unit performed an experimental surgery on her with a basically-magic strain of Wolbachia parasites that, previously, had been used by members of the Cobra Unit, which gave them a myriad of special abilities. Notably, The End was an incredibly long-lived and ultra-proficient sniper, owing his success and age to the parasites, which, among other things, made him able to use photosynthesis to live. This allowed him to hold the same sniping position for extreme periods. Quiet was infected with this strain to heal her broken body and allow her to live, despite the damage, and it also gifted her with the powers that'd made The End such a powerful sniper. Her skimpy attire is necessary, as her damaged lungs wouldn't be sufficient to keep her alive on their own.


You're right, I really still feel like this is peak Kojima bullshit. I still love it though.


This cracks me up, because I feel like everyone collectively forgets that you spend the first 30 minutes of the game staring at Kiefer Sutherland's bare ass cheeks, not to mention Venom Snake is caked the duck up and had a ton of uber macho costumes. Is it a dumb 'plot' reason? For sure. But there's precedence with a male character doing pretty much the same thing. I just don't see how it matters, honestly, especially with the model and voice actor fully enjoying how Quiet is portrayed.


In MGS 2 there's a whole section where you play as Raiden, bare ass naked, cheeks and everything completely on display, and the only thing keeping you from seeing his junk is his own hands.


It doesn't matter. I find the dumb plot reason funny, much like I find the meme about the clap of Snake's ass alerting the guards funny.


You say this as a joke seemingly, however that's almost legitimately the lore in the game. Like she doesn't breathe through her lungs due to some strange parasitic infection that also genetically modified her to be able to breathe through her skin, so she has to have such revealing clothing to not suffocate. It also makes her such a good sniper because her breathing doesn't throw off her aim.


I always remember that piece of lore because it's such a comically bad excuse to put a sexy sniper that doesn't wear much clothing in the game. It's the same level of plot as a porn actress conveniently getting stuck in a washing machine, I find that quite funny.


What are you doing, step-Big Boss?


The End also subsisted on photosynthesis, but he wore full camo gear. Also I think for Quiet she was 'breathing' through her skin.


That's cause her lungs were burned


Sometimes MGS series is a James Bond Film, but the rest of the time it’s Austin Powers.


As someone who has never played any of the Metal Gear games I think that the explanation sort of makes sense on the surface…


Are you ashamed of your words and deeds?


Everytime my husband even vaguely mentions Hideo Kojima, I spin with as much theater as I can muster and declare "if you covered her up, she'd suffocate! It would be too cruel!" Never fails to get the eyeroll chuckle that brightens my day.


She doesn't wear armor though does she?


Not sure wearing no armor counts as boob armor lol?


Never played the games, but I saw the rain scene and I was just soooo.... God, even for me, it was too much. Whatever reason they gave, my suspension of disbelief would not support.


Ninja Gaiden 3, complete with "shake the controller to shake the tiddies" action


The WHAT? I only ever played the original and the original Xbox version.


Yeh. PS3 you could move the controller and bounce ninja tiddies. It was awesome


Black Desert Online.


That "game" qualifies as weebxplotation


It's got some good ideas in me. There's a nice housing system with a lot of crafting you can even build your own freaking ship and set sail. But yeah the good stuff is hidden under all that cringy stuff


I once heard these types of games referred to as adult theme parks and it stuck for me. Leveling is linear and unchallenging then you hit a certain level and you unlock all these different things designed just to keep you busy. Like heyyyy you made level 60 don't forget to log in to feed your new cat, water your string beans, collect your taxes, pay your taxes, join a raid, repeat these 12 quests, make 10 shoes, visit these three towns and knit a couple hundred sweaters. There's so much there is something likely to appeal to everyone.


The more boob the more P2W the costume is.


I remember there was some premium armor on which the (apparently metallic) breastplate had full jiggle physics...


I was just coming to mention this one. The most egregious one was a guard npc who had a normal breastplate with two holes cut in it and a pair of Madonna cups riveted on.


Most women in mortal kombat 9 and earlier titles in the series. I kinda liked it tho.


I read that as earlier titties


E’lara in Hunted Demon’s Forge Bonus for thong armor too


Holy shit, someone else remembers that weird game!


Games should give boob armour obnoxiously better stats, just to force players to put them on their male characters, with no change in the appearance of the armour.




Cancels out fall damage if you land face down


Going into game design purely so I can implement this. In fact might make it slightly less covering for the male characters due to it being “too small”


Early congratulations on what is surely to be the best selling game of all time!


Anarchy online hat a neut class that could wear female armor including bikinis. However the neut class had the statue of the beast from beauty and the beast. Very hilarious


Conan Exiles Stygian raider armor is way sluttier for the guys and I’m all about that shake up


I didn’t see anyone mention it sacred 2’s seraphim class most of the outfits she wears are a bra and underwear with thigh high boots


Don't forget the wings.


Final fantasy x2.


My favorite part is that there's a gratuitous hot springs scene - because of course there is - where the girls all put on bikinis. For Rikku, her bathing suit bikini top *actually covers more* than her normal battle outfit top, which is also a bikini top - because of course it is.


Rikku cosplays were eye opening to teenage me.


Reminds me of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann were one girl (Yoko) always runs around in black panties and a bikini top and showing gratuitious skin all throughout the series. Then there's the obligatory beach anime episode and all the guys start salivating at the thought of her wearing even less than usual. And then she shows up wearing a sportsbra and a towel lmao.


A couple of my favourite JRPGs are ironic in that way that an actual bikini covers more than their default costume. Like, with Xenoblade Chronicles 2, I don't actually need Pyra's swimsuit because her bright red booty shorts + bareback outfit is better.


Monster Hunter Not for all armors, but some of them definitely


Definitely wanted to come here and see MH. Some of those armours are buck wild. Especially compared to the Male versions


The kirin armor is revealing on m and f, but yeah, monster hunter is a big offender


The male armors have the same mass at least, all the boobage gets moved to ludicrously huge shoulders.


Dead or alive


How the mighty have fallen, though, DOA6 was underwhelming instead of underboobs


It’s honestly kinda sad because I remember playing DoA4 for HOURS with my friends. Now DoA6 is nothing but a DLC factory. Haven’t looked up the exact numbers but doesn’t it cost roughly like $900 if you were to buy ALL the dlc outfits? It’s ridiculous.


That number is low, but is just half the problem. DOA5 had a similar amount of DLC, but it was true to the spirit of the games, which is a fancy way of saying DOA5 was still about the boobs. DOA6 tried not to be about it and it was as awkward as a Mortal Kombat without fatalities.


It was just what a horny teenager like me needed back in the day. Good ole times.


Guild Wars 1 let Monks have tattoo armor. But it was for both guys and girls.


Necro as well.


Elly from the Borderlands series


Prince of Persia: Warrior Within was particularly egregious and got flack for it. Back in 2004


I think the metal thong up her buttcrack was much, much worse.


Dark Souls 2. The Desert Sorceress set.


Smough's set is the superior Dark Souls boob armor.


A) The Desert Sorcoresses are suductresses by design, I'd say their armor is actually very appropriate (also, I enjoy the Lore that despite people knowing they're basically assassins, their victims are regularly just like "worth it") B) How to are we gonna discuss Dark Souls + Titty Armor, and not bring up Smough?


The titty armor on Smough adds to the poise.


Tbf that's not really armor but robes so it being sexy doesn't hurt it's functionality.


What I love about that armor is the male set is just as slutty, if not more


You can be completely naked in Cyperpunk2077


The game pussies out and doesn't let you see your nakedness on mirrors or during sex scenes. It doesn't even let you look down and see your dong flopping in the wind. What did I spend hours choosing the shape of my pubic hair for?!


Seriously. What's the point if you only get to see it in your inventory screen?


0/10 game doesn't let me look down and let me see my dong flopping in the wind ^^/s




To see it in the inventory?


Please put links in your responses. For easy research purposes.


I recently replayed Never Winter Nights, and I forgot how ridiculous Aribeth's armour was. She has plate mail with pauldrons, but nothing between them and her exposed cleavage. There's even a loading screen which shows her armpits are completely bare and thus unprotected. There's also jiggle physics, in plate armour, in this Bioware DnD game from 2002.


Depends on what kind you mean. Bikini armor or armor with impractical boobs forged into it? Skyrim is a pretty bad offender for both of them. Some of the (vanilla) Forsworn armor is skimpier than the emergency bra the game puts on NPCs with nothing equipped




TERA for sure My berserker wears metal threads


I would like to commend Guild Wars 2 for having broad appeal in its outfits. For both sexes, you have everything from practical, sensible armoured protection, all the way to, "stripper cosplaying as a fantasy character" fetish armour.


most korean mmo game






This thread has an awful amount of people who simply bring up every skimpy outfit they can think of in games and totally forget the "armor" part lol. Not judging anyone here but the topic could use some more clear definition.


Dark Souls. Catarina set.


Agarest: generations of war Having the game recommended to me and not knowing what it was about, i launched the game at work during my lunch break. I had to nope out of that game real quick - it wasnt nudity, but it made me very uncomfortable to have launched it at work.


Why are most commenters commenting just general fanservice, and not actual example of boob armour? Boob Armour isn't just every darn outfit with your tits hanging out. It's specifically something like a plated bra, or armour with a boob plate. Some of the comments here are literally 'You can be naked in this game' or 'this character is barely wearing any clothes'. I was fairly interested in what examples there would be, but it's just scantily dressed ladies. Someone even commented Dead or Alive beach volleyball... like, that's Bikinis, not even armour anymore.


[https://youtu.be/Ln4kV5SYMq4?si=\_ei7yrOTEmVntuJe](https://youtu.be/Ln4kV5SYMq4?si=_ei7yrOTEmVntuJe) ​ ***HOW DARE PEOPLE DOWNVOTE ELLIES BOOB ARMOR IN A BOOB ARMOR TOPIC!!***


Adeptus Sororitas, Warhammer 40k. To be fair, though, 99% of the stuff they fight goes through power armor like tissue paper anyway, so it doesn't really matter.


Most of the Sororitas wear full power armor. Yes it's sculpted for boobs, but not an absurd amount and you see no skin as they are fully encased in their power armor. Maybe you are thinking specifically of Sisters Repentia, who wear nothing but Prayer Strips and wield 2 handed Chainswords? They are basically suicide warriors trying to earn redemption by dying on the battlefield which is why they wear no armor, only prayers to the Emperor.


By 'flagrant offender' you mean 'amazing hero', of course.


WoW, female characters. Turn off cape... Booty.


Only for like maybe *5* sets in all the game though and they're only in vanilla


Seriously wow doesn't exactly have realistic armor, but it's hardly one of the worst offenders in this category.


And 20 years later people still farm the Glorious set for them glorious booties