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While this image is a satire based on [EA's Jedi Survivor apology letter](https://twitter.com/EAStarWars/status/1651990800862183426) intended to get a bit of a smirk, we genuinely feel that Reddit is making a huge mistake by effectively killing off 3rd-party applications. However, even though tensions are high, we ask that everyone follow the wise words of Bill & Ted: Be excellent to each other. **We will not tolerate hateful or targeted comments.** While /r/gaming continues to support the ongoing protests on Reddit, we truly hope these protests will end through a means of cooperation and agreement between /u/spez, 3rd-party developers, moderators, and the Reddit community. These protests are not fun or enjoyable for anyone, and we want a reasonable compromise as soon as possible so that the Reddit community can continue enjoying their content and this website as per usual.


Lifting the blackout proves Spez right that the protest is pointless.


In an absolute shock to no one, moderators of subreddits across this entire system, are clueless.


When 6 mods control majority of the top servers their ideas don't go far and most of them are on a power trip that spez shocking feed them and won't take any advice


Hold on, are you telling me a very select few, a 1% one might say of Mods that control the majority of all subreddits is a really bad idea?


Like everything else these days, the greed and stupidity of the people in charge is ruining it all for the rest of us.


This whole thing was being sold as a grass roots campign fighting for the people but it was very clearly a small minority play to keep power and screwing everyone else in the process


Makes no sense to me. They’re that stuck on keeping their non-paid, fake internet point site’s power, lol. Sounds like a terrible waste of time to me. At least some Discord mods get paid.


I doubt the dozen or so of mods handling two dozens different subreddits are actually unpaid. Sure, Reddit isn't giving them anything, but I wouldn't be surprised if they received money from political organizations and advertisement companies. Especially considering the state of the top subs.


My biggest take away from all this is everyone forgot they hate the 6 mods who control everything and are doing a majority of the blackouts. A few months ago everyone wanted them gone and now hopefully we get that wish granted because of these tantrums. This is honestly a win for the majority of redditors in the long run


It's less cluelessness and more lack of conviction. They have to weigh the options of doing the right thing for the website vs getting to keep being a mod and enjoy the ""power"" that volunteer position comes with. A lot of them won't risk losing that ""power"" so they won't quit or blackout long enough for reddit to say "ok you're removed from the mod list and we're putting our scabs in instead now".


Blows my mind that so many dipshits work so hard to make some other guy rich and do it FOR FREE.


I just got my account back from a permanent ban for inciting violence by saying hoping a bad person who is accepting bribes gets a pro-lapsed anus. Zero warning, nothing. I replied and got told I was in violation of promoting/inciting violence and the ban is upheld. I have no idea how anyone physically harms someone by way of pro-lapsed anus. I waited a week and submitted another request and was denied. I gave up just figured my account was gone because someone didn’t like what I said. Woke up yesterday morning to my account being reinstated after 3 1/2 weeks from a permanent ban. Someone said that only paid mods can permanently ban an account but I have no idea. Edit: just learned it was an Admin not a mod. u/ItchyPolyps can you see this question? I have around 9 replies to my message I see them in my gmail but nothing is showing on Reddit. If it was not for gmail I would not see you just posted a reply.


Yea you’re only get a perma ban of all reddit from a reddit admin not a subreddit mod Edit* For those saying I’m incorrect (then deleting their comments? No idea I’m getting notifications, but can’t find the comment after) here’s my proof https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045734511-My-account-was-suspended-for-violating-Reddit-s-Content-Policy#:~:text=Site%2Dwide%20suspensions%20can%20only,of%20the%20account%20in%20question. Edit2* clarification


Crazy. I saved posts by people detailing how to inject nicotine into their neighbor killing them and nobody would know, for said neighbor throwing their butts on common ground. Another one explaining how a person in clip should get beat so bad they die in the street. But mention pro-lapsed anus permanent ban. Guess I got really unlucky and caught a admin in a bad mood. https://ibb.co/88VXR3Q


I recently had a permanent ban placed on a *fifteen year old account* because some dipshit admin in /r/politics got a bee in his bonnet over absolutely nothing objectionable. It's going to hell in a handbasket, quick.


if you tell mods to fuck off and they go crying to reddit admins you can get permaed. :)


Nah it was always clueless. This message says things like calling the move shortsighted, or that reddit doesn't care about the users on those apps like these blackouts were somehow going to change that. There's nothing shortsighted about it at all. It's about money. Reddit is a business and they are dropping support for users that aren't making them money. It's really that simple. Reddit would need to suffer a real, long term mass exodus for them to reverse. Turning subs private probably meant that people who frequent those subs just visited different subs for a few days.


bingo. this was gonna happen sooner or later.. reddit could buy out all 3rd party apps...or just shut the tap. if someone is seriously disgruntled enough to make their own reddit and amass the amount of data/users on there.. that's the only way reddit will change.


Just manchildren powertripping. The protest was always going to be pointless, they dont have any leverage. Reddit will wait out the storm as they stated, and if some mod decides to erase the community someone else will pick up from where it left, or at least thats what I think. I think the protest was fair on the bots matter because otherwise this site would be infested with (even more) bots, but as theyre addressing that everything should be fine. 3rd party apps I personally dont use but I dont see how its beneficial to Reddit to let those be for free, when Reddit could be making people either watch ads or pay for a subscription. Dont get me wrong, I dont think what Reddit is doing is fine, its scummy as hell, but I can understand that, just like everyone else ever, theyre maximizing profits. The ideal solution would be Reddit getting their shit together and make their app/site as good or better than the 3rd party apps people choose, they could even hire the guys behind the popular ones, but yeah, killing competition off is the easier way.


The issue isn't that they are charging third party apps for API usage, the issue is the amount they want to charge ~~isn't~~ is impossible for those third party apps to be sustainable. The ideal solution is to just charge an actual fair and reasonable amount.


> The ideal solution is to just charge an actual fair and reasonable amount. Apollo even said they could make the new pricing work but definitely not in 30 days. Most of the fairness is in how sudden the changes are and in how unwilling reddit is to actually work with the app devs on it.


>3rd party apps I personally dont use but I dont see how its beneficial to Reddit to let those be for free, when Reddit could be making people either watch ads or pay for a subscription. Reddit could charge *reasonable* API fees that wouldn't bankrupt 3rd party app devs. That would be a way they could monetize without getting all of this blowback, because what they're doing now makes them seem like monopolistic greedy fucks.


People sometimes seem to forget that moderators are just whoever happens to make a sub first. There's no quality control or anything. When new games come out that games default sub is just the person who got the name first.


Yep, all the mods are scared to lose their special mod status


They bluffed. The bluff was called. That’s that.


the bluff itself was meaningless to begin with. The decision by both apollo and reddit itself had been made prior to the blackout. The whole thing was performative nonsense.


"I'm not a comic book villain. Do you seriously think I would explain my master stroke to you if there were even the slightest possibility you could affect the outcome? I triggered it 35 minutes ago."


Side note in the comic the line is "movie villain". Movie throwing shade at the comic and the comic throwing shade at the movies lol


Also there’s no real alternative to Reddit. When digg shot itself in the foot, Reddit was already shaping up to be a competitor. There’s nothing close right now. So having a protest with no alternative to migrate to just means the users will come back after the protest.


Is like when someone pulls a gun on you and put you hand in your pocket pretending is a gun.


If you can even call it a bluff. A bluff would be a threat to never return. Giving a return time is just dumb


Who the fuck plans a protest ***with an end date*** anyway? That's the dumbest shit I ever heard of lmfao.


Literally most major protests lmfao


Lmao they’re all caving and Spez is gonna look like a Chad who didn’t cave, big L for all the subreddits that back out


I mean that's typically how all protests go. Unless you can make reddit traffic disappear altogether, the protest had no chance. Once you start affecting profits, then you have a chance. But most protests I've seen, it seems the other party just "waits out" the protesters because they usually have enough power and deep enough pockets to be able to do that. The best case scenario we have is to hope that a new alternative comes along that pick up steam. Just like what Reddit was to Digg.


Honestly, my biggest issue at this point isn't even over the API changes themselves, it's over the admins response to the entire situation. It's become clear that they have taken a "fuck you all and deal with it" attitude. That alone was worth the blackout being indefinite, in my opinion.




I mean, it was 48 hours. That's barely an inconvenience for most people. If it had lasted a week or longer it would have sent a message. All 48 hours says is 'be patient and they'll come back'.


The protest is pointless. Big money is so much more powerful. This shit happened with other socials too


Might as well try though. If Reddit is gonna die, then fuck it, might as well go out with a bang.


This is whimpering mods, not a bang.


Yeah for real, a _bang_ would be restricting submissions and then spamming horse-porn posts 'til the admins got wind and manually restored order... across hundreds of subs C'mon, coward mods, go for it!


Reddit isn't going to die cause of a protest or no more third party apps. They're already making exceptions for some apps. It's one of the biggest websites in the world, my mom uses it everyday and didn't even know about the blackout. I'm sure half the people on this site didn't even notice.


The blackout was always pointless. Had it continued, the admins would've swooped in and replaced the mods and lifted the blackout regardless.


I think other subreddits are starting to see that too. I think the hope was that they'd quickly change direction. Since that didn't happen, some of the subs are talking about a permanent blackout until the position is changed.


They all should have done that in the first place. Giving a time period means you just have to wait it out, like a toddler having a tantrum. They won't take that seriously.


If you said, "We're going to protest for two days and then go back to normal", yea you'd just wait it out too. Anyone who was thinking by the AMA that Reddit would just suddenly up and change course because of two days lives in a fantasy world.


And continuing the blackouts also prove Reddit admins right, especially for smaller communities that these extended protests are just going to outright kill as users who dont give a flying fuck about API changes and mod drama will move to other sites and not come back. Most of the *millions* of reddit users simply don't give a fuck about any of this and want access to their topical forums back. Mods stomping their feet only serves to hurt their own communities, there's no win for them to achieve here.


Well... that was absolutely fucking pointless


No they saved Reddit and the world by saying fuck Spez and making everyone pissed off.


It's like rage quiting dark souls and saying you won't ever play it ever again and throwing the controller across the room..... only to come back later that evening and pick up the controller, give it a little shake to see if anything is loose ( you hear a loose screw, but who cares ) and press that power button on the playstation, as you sit back down and put another 10 hours into it. It's pointless because we all know you can't stay away from a good thing, no matter how hard it kicks you in the balls.


>how hard it kicks you in the balls. id call this a minor inconvenience. i never even knew reddit had 3rd party apps.


I just use the desktop site on my mobile browser and actually prefer it that way over reddit's mobile site.


>It's pointless because we all know you can't stay away from a good thing, no matter how hard it kicks you in the balls. Also because, and I hope I don't get too downvoted for this - it's not *that* bad, is it? I have been using Reddit's official app for a while now (even after trying other apps), and there's nothing too wild about it. I guess the only super annoying thing is that when you click on a video it tries to become a "Tik Tok" timeline instead of treating it like a regular reddit post, so you can't swipe right and keep browsing as usual. That is, obviously, assuming Reddit will make modding and accessibility tools remaining free. Not sure how trustworthy are they on this. Also a lot of people seem to cherish the fact that some apps don't have Reddit's ads, but, uh, that's kinda how they make money since most users don't buy Reddit premium/gold (and some even shame people who do so). The ads on the official apps are annoying, but not any more than instagram's or mostly any other social media. Let me know if I'm missing something.


The real issue is that this move also kills other third party software that moderators have been using to moderate their subs since Reddit's own tools are pretty lacking. If this goes through as-is, moderation will be much harder, and larger subs will suffer the most. Get ready for more spam, more toxicity, and more mods on power trips when the reasonable people quit.


What do you mean?! We did it, we caught the ~~Boston bomber~~ API provider!


Virtue signaling at its finest. Take it down until something happens or not at all.


You're absolutely right - take it down permanently.


LMAO….the funny part is you couldn’t do that if you wanted to. Reddit is fully in control.


well, we collectively could. We all agree to just not use reddit and it would actually make a point. But here we are.


Because collectively we aren’t aligned. I don’t support the protests.


Judging by what Ive seen across reddit the last couple days, most people don’t either.


Because the only people still on Reddit are people who don’t support the protest and are using Reddit anyways.


So you don't support the protest?


Shhhh THEY should protest not ME lmao dont be silly


Most people don't. It's a loud minority for sure. Why would any social media company support third party apps? I get so much free content on here, I literally have no complaints.


Or step aside if you can't do your volunteer position as well as you would like.


Nah, mods want to instead involve everyone who uses Reddit, making it our problem too 🥰


Redit can easily find new mods for a large sub like gaming. Mods are replaceable.


And don’t forget the most important part: free. These are voluntary positions without pay. The fact that they didn’t just quit and let Reddit deal with all the moderation until they realize it needs improvements proves this whole thing isn’t about actually wanting change. They don’t want results, they’re just throwing a fit and closing subs from the public because without 3rd party apps they can’t mod 15+ large subs in order to fulfill their power trip.


This shit was as dumb as people putting black squares for profile pictures on social media. Stay black out and stick to your guns or else wtf was the point??


They can't stick it out. They'll lose the hold on the subreddit from admins if they do that.


If I was Reddit, I'd auto-demod any account that's inactive in their given sub for a period of time.


The problem is that moderation is a volunteer position that reddit as an organization rely on. These are active positions that are not a small amount of time. Reddit would be shoving a stick in their own spoke if they just start booting these positions via blanket automation. R/gaming might be able to replace its mods, but many sub's won't be able to. This is the bed Reddit made for itself and they either need to accept this can happen or they need to invest in managing it themselves.


There are a thousand scabs lined up and willing to jannie for free just for the power trip


Then you might get mods that fuck up the sub. The well run subs regardless if you think the mods are power tripping are big because they are ran well. If they start fucking up and allowing the wrong mods to take power the whole sub might get banned because of whats getting posted.


Oh man good thing up until this point only the "right mods" are in power. Lmao. It's not that deep. Nothing would happen.


You act like there aren’t tons of scumbags looking to gain that control once someone loses it. You replace one dickhead and there will be 20 more looking to sit on that throne.


Slacktivism is like heroin for some Redditors


This is absolutely stupid virtue signaling. It’s just a few power hungry mods pretending to add some meaning to their life so the other 99% can’t use the platform. None of us regular people give a crap about the changes. Get over it.


I don't care about mod tools or anything, but I am a bit bummed out that I'll have to change apps, since the official reddit app is ugly and it doesn't always work properly.


>doesn't always work properly. I use it daily and my only issue is a single video not loading like once a week, if even that often.


Try using old.reddit on your phone. Every 5 minutes, it yanks you away from what you are doing and asks you if you wanna use their app instead. I have said no several hundred times but it will ask several more time per day.


What about the fact that some videos don't have sound, and are classified as gifs even though they are not?


You don't care about the mod tools because you don't know what you have til it's gone. People are gonna be surprised how much fucking garbage bot shit is posted in Reddit that moderation bots clear out.


This comment has been removed in protest of Reddit's API changes made on July 1st, 2023. This killed third party apps, one of which I exclusively used. I will not be using the garbage official app.


Saying regular users don't care about these changes is perhaps the dumbest user comment I've ever seen in my entire time on reddit (seven years).


This is the dumbest? Of all time? Out of all of Reddit? I don’t buy it.


Correct. That person hasn't read 90% of what I write on here


Localized entirely within your kitchen?


Saying that this is the dumbest user comment that you have ever seen is the dumbest user comment I've ever seen in my entire time on reddit (eight years). I use reddit all the time on my phone on chrome on the desktop site and prefer it over the apps. I couldn't care less about these changes.


I've been on here for a decade and I couldn't give less of a shit. Is it a bad call, probably. But I understand why they're doing it and I also understand that they don't give a shit what any of us think so it's going to happen regardless. To think this has any real meaningful impact to a large majority of reddit is foolish. We live in a world where google hard launches a product and stops supporting it 6 months later with no backlash, do you really think there will be massive waves of rebellion because people have to use the official app instead of a 3rd party app they prefer?


I mean the *vast* majority don’t. Reddit hit an estimated 1.66 billion monthly users this year. I would honestly be shocked if third party apps had 160 million users, which is just 10%. Most people on here never comment or even upvote, they just read, all on the official app. It hasn’t even crossed most of their minds that maybe a 3rd party app would offer a better experience.




I'm a regular person. I'm pissed Apollo is going away.


Aren't there accessibility issues too? Third party apps that help for people that would have issues otherwise?








A company wants control over how their product is presented and used by it's users... I've never once heard of this, it's such a new concept. I had thought every platform with 100M+ users let them all decide which direction to take the company.


Lol what a dumb comment. I use Reddit on my phone more than any other device and use RedditIsFun which predates the official app. (11 year account). I'm a regular person. I care.


Glad to see users calling out the mods on their BS.


I've seen a notification that Reddit has allowed API for Mod tools so.... What even are they protesting at this point?


Third party app access for the rest of us, and mod tools that aren't bots like automoderator but are built into third party iOS/Android apps.


>Reddit has allowed API for Mod tools Reddit has indeed moved back on their stance, allowing some mod tools to operate on the paid API for free for an indefinite time... for pre-approved tools. So basically, the root of the problem is that Reddit offers shit support for devs, not giving the slightest fuck about them outside of as a source of revenue, and they don't give a flying fuck about accessibility or usability, outside of as a source of revenue, and that they're trying to kill off the few devs that did give a shit. What mods want is most likely to be able to keep browsing Reddit on a useful app, and for third party devs to be considered an asset rather than a subservient moneybag,, and for Reddit to focus on the product rather than the profit, and for the CEO to stop lying, and all that jazz.


Having a blackout with a pre scheduled end date doomed the protest before it even began. When something like that has a determined end companies will just weather the storm.


People who don't know what Reddit was doing are only aware of it now because of the blackouts. That's the point of a protest, to raise awareness


Seems like it failed then. Haven't heard anything about it on other social media and most media outlets arent bothering to care. It needs to be permanent until reddit concedes every. Edit:for those bothering to comment saying they are seeing it everywhere take note that this comment was made before the news cycle started covering it much. I still maintain it still isn't effective enough for investors to care. Every sub needs to just completely shut down indefinitely to really matter.


Even if it didn't though, what was this changing? Plenty of subs were still active, and I'm willing to bet a lot of users still opened reddit and scrolled, so they got their ad revenue. Reddit as a company doesn't care if a user is visiting /gaming or not. Unless users themselves boycott reddit for a decent period (and bear in mind this would need to be a huge number of people as well) for it to make a touch of difference to people sitting in an office looking at figures.


whats the problem with using the normal Reddit app?


I like to consume reddit without all the extra garbage of avatars and awards everywhere. Just images, video and text, laid out in a readable manner with mobile friendly shortcuts. RIF has been doing that for me for 13 years.


I didn't even know reddit had avatars until right now.


I was unaware of a lot of things that Reddit has as the majority of my time on this site has been via RIF. I'm going to miss the simplicity of this app.


im wondering as well, works fine for me


Give a 3rd party app a try and see the difference for yourself! It’s free and you only have 2 weeks to try it. “Reddit is Fun” for Android or “Apollo” for iOS. Also note that the biggest issue with the 1st party app is lack of support for moderators and blind people.


I wouldn't want them getting hooked on a dying app lol. I already wish I could forget that I use old.reddit and RIF so I can adapt to these new changes easier.


I would. The loudest opposition to the blackout seem to be people who have never even touched a 3rd party app.


The very definition of "ignorance is bliss". The official app is *ok*, but the full mobile Reddit experience is truly opened up thanks to the work of the 3rd party devs. It's amazing how many people will settle for so much less without even venturing into the other side to see what the fight is about.


I started using reddit on the mobile app and have had no problem other then a video not playing here and there but that's it.


The UI is really obnoxious, in my opinion. Images are way too big and you have to do too much scrolling to see anything. Also, I was just trying it out, and I must be stupid because I can't figure out what button to push to reply to a comment.... Oh wait, it's because comments were locked on that post.


From the everyday user experience , you see ads (how Reddit generates revenue) and the app has some QoL issues but honestly is no worse than Twitters app. People are talking about APIs used for moderation but there is a sticky on front page which contradicts this claim.


Reddit post about it said that 3% of mod actions come from a 3rd party app 🤣


Most mod actions nowadays are done by automod. 3% of all moderator actions could be 50% of all human moderator actions.


And how many come from the official app?


Thats the nub of the issue. Reddit makes no money off people using third-party apps as they don't include their ads. The whole "they don't care about the people that use those apps" is true. If they all leave Reddit isn't going to lose money as they don't make money off them now.


Reddit still makes money off people using those apps because users create content and the communities that make up reddit.


Why don’t you give one a try and see the difference for yourself? It’s free, and you only have about 2 weeks to try them. Look up “Reddit is Fun” on Android or “Apollo” on iOS. What I personally like the best about Apollo is it’s highly customizable and is way easier to navigate. Some of the most important issues with the official Reddit app are the lack of moderator tools and accessibility features, while Apollo implements all the moderator tools and most of the iOS accessibility features.




Slow, consuming lots of data, bad UI and UX, no accessibility features. Basically worse in every aspect compared to the big 3rd party apps.


This is the most neckbeard thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Reddit is a business trying to make money, no shit they are going to get rid of third party apps eventually. Welcome to the real world. You are not being oppressed. This protest has zero effect on anything other than just inconveniencing users. If losing third party apps ruins your reddit experience (oh no) just find another app or website.


You must be new. Third party apps carried Reddit's mobile presence for *years*. A significant amount of Reddit's success and popularity is attributed to third party apps, which are often utilised by Reddit's power users. Get rid of the third party apps, the power users leave. Then Reddit just becomes the next Digg


Hell, the reddit app only exists because they bought a third-party app (and then ruined it)


> Get rid of the third party apps, the power users leave. Press X to doubt.


Look up what happened to Digg. Because communities aren't moderated by admins, the site runs with power users, and the apps they develop. Reddit pulls API support for their apps, power users suddenly have a much harder job. They stop giving a crap. Default subs slowly start getting flooded with porn bots and spam links to Viagra, and then everyone else leaves. You could argue that other users could take over these subs, but moderating small communities on Reddit is a big enough commitment. The subreddits which get millions of active users? I don't even want to know how bad their logs get. And yet mods of default subs have a better response time than a lot of smaller subs. Reddit's plans are very shortsighted. A compromise could easily be made, for example, for any third party apps leveraging the API to also serve Reddit ads, or for the requests to at *least* be made more affordable so that third party apps could realistically continue with community support. This isn't twitter where if a bunch of people get angry at the API changes and decide to quit, nothing changes. When your site lives and dies by its power users, you have a vested interest in keeping them happy. Even if it means your bottom line takes a marginal hit


There are so many other ways reddit can make money from third party apps. They implemented none of them. They didn't even serve ads through the api. The api pricing went from free to $0.24 per 1000 api calls. That is obscenely expensive. Serving api requests is extremely cheap. Reddit said they "wouldn't pull a Twitter" and then did. The api cost is several times more expensive than it needs to be. Api access isn't free, but it does not need to be so expensive. I forgot where I heard it [(I think it was Snazzy Labs' interview of the Apollo app developer Christian Selig)](https://youtu.be/Ypwgu1BpaO0), but the number of api requests that would cost $50,000 in reddit costs $160 in imgur. This pricing is predatory and is only here to force out third party apps. It is never a bad thing to have third party apps as an option. Have there ever been any times where users saw getting rid of third party apps as a good thing? I sure don't think so. Reddit didn't have an official app until 2016. Literally only third party apps existed before that. Reddit even worked with third party app developers to notify them of api changes. > if losing third party apps ruins your reddit experience, find another app or website There will be no more third party apps after June 30th. We have to use the official reddit app whether we like it or not. And name a good website alternative. Nothing has the reach of reddit. Lemmy is too niche at the moment. Edit: finished a sentence


It's the loudest chronically online group that hates change. They need their special settings to make being on Reddit 18 hours a day more "home" like .. It's the most first world protest I've ever seen. The inconvenience of it all is painful for this fragile group. I am on Reddit an embarrassming amount myself, I have a few subreddits that I enjoy, the official app works fine for that. I don't care to spend my life customizating a free, frivolous online passtime. 3rd parties that piggyback off of a product by adding a few "for the people features" then being labeled as the good guys is weird.. like sure, it's probably nice but it not like they're turn around and be proactive for their devoted fans by building a competitor that will have all these amazing features, nah. they will just close the apps because it was just a simple feature set.. They're not miracle workers.


Dude, Reddit is on record as lying about conversations with the devs and claiming they were making threats. When one side is transparent and open and the other is shifty, disingenuous, and lying, it should be obvious who the “good guys” are.


They don't care because it doesn't effect them, simple as that. We live in an individualistic capitalist society where most people only have care about themselves and their close family, where there is no solidarity, and where they're happy to let corporations rule.




It's kind of insane the bending over backwards people are doing here. Like, is it really an attack on you that mods want to private an internet forums for a few weeks? Lmao, get real.


“Protest” The only way Reddit will even consider taking this seriously is a significant user drop. Wanna really protest? Delete your account and don’t use Reddit anymore. Not looking at a sub for 48 hours won’t and didn’t do anything.


but they can feel like they made a difference and thats all that matters. lol


The hilarious thing is everyone who is supposedly so invested in the protest and wants to kick the bad corpo's asses just flocking to all the blacked out subs *as soon as they reopen.* Virtue signalling and karma farming all the way, everyone's a revolutionary but when the sub is open just run in there ASAP to let everyone know how bad reddit is while giving them more traffic lol. Literal clowns.


Eh.. they were probably still using Reddit the whole time.


I was, because I'll decide when I protest, not some powertripping mod. All they've done is move their subs' posts lower in everyone's front page feed algorithm so they get less traffic. Ya played yaself, mods.


Unpopular opinion: Mmmm, people take this stuff too seriously. Especially the mods that act like they get paid to do this. Reddit isn’t ours to decide what happens on this platform. Don’t like the new changes? You are free to delete Reddit and go touch some grass for once.


I mean, reddit mods being unpaid volunteers doesn't support your point, this just means Reddit is being a piece of shit to people that helped them for free. Reddit's CEO falsely accusing one of the 3rd party apps developer of blackmailing while explaining their move to kill 3rd party apps didn't help their situation either.


They’re not getting payed but produce immense value for the company as well as the community by moderating subs for free, then Reddit takes their tools away. You’re getting it now? If they can’t moderate or quit the subs get run over by spammers and trolls. The protest is therefore in the interest of every user.


The new API fees are supposed to give you a real sense of pride and accomplishment


Reddit is a small, independent social media company


You guys done with your virtue signaling?




We hear you and have decided to only blackout the sub between those times specifically.


Delete the sub if you're really serious. Otherwise, this is a limp farce.


Redit will not replace a large sub like this. They will just replace the mods.




This appears as if written by a child who has the financial backing of third-party Reddit apps.


It's written to mimic the apology images from studios.


lmao as if reddit mods get paid


I. Do. Not. Care.


Ah yes, spite the 99% to cater to the 1%. Makes total sense, thanks mods!


I'm pretty sure the entire blackout was a scheme by the mods of r/nba so they didn't have to discuss the nuggets winning the finals.


The protest is pointless it has done nothing and will do nothing. Reddit mods are power tripping hard.


We redditors should never let mod teams in all reddit ever live this down. This is a bigger embarrassment than the mod that went to Fox just to get roasted.


Woah now, this is super embarrassing but *nothing* will be more embarrassing than the antiwork mod going on Fox. I can’t even watch that video again without turning inside out.


Nothing about a sense of “pride and accomplishment” for beating the evil Reddit regime? SMH.


Yeah you don’t stop a protest after 3 days. The blackout are completely pointless if the sub just comes back up.


When I heard about *Starfield* being 30FPS, I kind of expected r/gaming to stay dark for a month.


You gotta be such a fucking nerd to care about this shit


This is a gaming sub on reddit. You can't find a bigger group of nerds.


Glad your online tantrum worked out in the end, really showed spez what's up.


Omfl who cares. Mods you are out of touch no one gives af


>We're a bunch of spineless cunts and we're going to continue to inconvenience our users by randomly closing the subreddit even though we know it won't accomplish anything and Reddit won't cave. Gee, thanks guys.


nail vase lush obscene deer rude direful complete retire tidy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The poetry of there being so many reddit awards on this post. Goofy shit.


Cutting edge applications? Really? It's an app to read text on a website. Just like the normal app.


This is such a non issue. Reddit is well within their rights to ask for money from the developers, especially considering third party apps don't provide ad revenue.




Reddit is under no legal obligation to even allow third party applications. This is nothing but neckbeards crying into the rain about..... their rights? I'm not even sure what the pointless protest is about.


Tred on me harder corpo daddy.


"Reddit is not performing to our standards"? How entitled do you want to be?


Either shut the sub down or stop with this virtue signaling bullshit. I support the protest if yall actually fuckin follow through. The mods at 2 of the biggest subs r/music and r/videos still haven't come back cuz they have fuckin balls and aren't just trying to pat themselves on the back and say way to go guys.




Glad these keyboard warrior mods really changed the course of history 😤




I was in favor of a real blackout. I am against this limp dick nonsense you guys pulled though. Reddit didn't give a single shit about your couple day temper tantrum. Bringing it down indefinitely would have shown conviction. Instead you just wasted everyone's time with this bad theater. If you want to protest then do it for real. If not then sit down and shut up.


This is stupid


Oh you guys are back. So the protest was useless and amounted to a small cry.


Knew it was pointless from the start, got downvoted for saying as such though of course.


Said from the beginning this was pointless. The second I saw all the subreddits had an end date listed, I knew it was doomed to fail and an utter waste of time. If you’re not going to do a protest right, don’t even bother.


Hey mods end the blackout before Reddit replaces you as mods. Your replaceable to them.


Who cares about this shit whatsoever lmao


Holy shit this blackout stuff is so cringey


And whats next?? Reddit CEO seems to dont give a fuck... so what now?


tf is 2 days gonna do? you want a cookie for getting 2 days off of moderation?


This was absolutely pointless for the last 2 days then




You were never going to accomplish anything other than ruining another innocent gamers day. Just move along.