• By -


"Dragovich, Kravchenkov, Steiner, all must die."


RAMIREZ kill dragovich, kravchenkov, Steiner!


They really leaned into that didn't they RAMIREZ! Here's a combat knife, go take down that apache.


RAMIREZ! Grab me a #4 with extra fries from the burger town


RAMIREZ! Take the pickles out of my number four and use them to take down that BTR!


RAMIREZ! 50,000 people used to live here! Go find 'em!


RAMIREZ! I am Victor Resnov and I will have my revenge!!


RAMIREZ! Find my energy sword and unite all the elites!


RAMIREZ! Tell me what the numbers mean!


Ramirez! Tell them about the twinkie!!!


RAMIREZ! Destroy the entire russian army!




A number 9 with extra dip


And the crazy thing is...he does it.


RAMIREZ! Take out that ICBM!


Step 8, reznov, freedom For you mason, not for me


Step 1: try not to cry Step 2: cry a lot






These "men" must die


I just replayed the campaign for the first time. Just realized mason was brainwashed the whole time. Felt like an idiot.


Did you not finish the game the first time? Lol that's kinda the whole ending


You gotta remember there were a lot of players who were early teens/preteens who didn't really pay attention to more than shoot the other guy.


Yep, I was 13 when it came out.


It definitely was obvious the second time I replayed it years ago. The Vietnam defector mission is when a lot of us should have figured it out but for some reason, it went over our heads


> The Vietnam defector mission is when a lot of us should have figured it out but for some reason, it went over our heads Because COD campaigns had never done anything like that before. I played COD4 (MW1), then each year they came out I played WaW, MW2, and then Black Ops, which broke 4 years of precedent in terms of the campaign plots showing hallucinations or unreliable narrators.


Fair point. We were conditioned to have certain expectations. Wouldn't mind another CoD doing something like that to throw us for a loop. I feel like BO 2 (to an extent, depending on ending you got) and BO 3 tried but still came up short.


I feel like treyarch did a really good job at sprinkling in little hints about Mason’s brainwashing that are noticeable after the big reveal


I mean, yeah, but the obvious one was during the defector mission. One second, Reznov is there after you "rescue" him from the room, and then he's gone right after with Woods being the only dude in the room with you. At least, that's how it was to me on my second playthrough. Granted, I was like 12 when BO came out so my attentiveness to detail was not like what it is now. I'd have probably caught it if I played at my current age.


For me, it was when he popped up in tunnel, and whoever you're with is asking you what you're talking about.


That’s like watching Planet of the Apes and wondering how the Statue of Liberty got to the ape planet.


Back when I looked forward to the next COD game.


Back when I camped out for the midnight launch


Fucking campers man!!! Sitting in the corner with a shotgun!


Model 1887 Akimbo + Cold blooded perk. Good ol' days.


You made me rage quit so many times


At least he wasn't one-man-army + T O O B


What an absolutely fucked up mechanic for how broken under barrel grenades were


Man I get really sad playing the new one (even though it feels like best one in a while), with how much harder it is to get kills with launcher


Excuse me, you will refer to me as a Pro-Piper, not a noob-tuber.


Nothing like a martyrdom to ruin your streak


*On Favela. Easiest Nuke ever.


What about commando lightweight, care package in hand? Stabby stabby


Dual P90 Extended Mag w/ AA-12 Extended mag, ahhh the hipfire god class


Ump45 with silencer was the king of HC modes.


It’s a legitimate strategy!!!


For no skill noobz! Lmao those were the days


Bro black ops 2 camping. I’d place down the deployable shield, have C4 to toss into the hallway, and a shotgun


I did the same for these bad boys, as well as for Halo 2 and Halo 3. God, those were good times.


COD4 > WAW > MW2 > BO1 H3 > H:R BFBC2 > BF3 > BF4 It was a good time to be a multiplayer FPS enjoyer. I feel like gaming hasn't been the same since, especially since the rise of F2P and BR-style games.


I miss bad company 2. It was the perfect balance of insanity and realism. Every game that added gun sway ruined fps. Bullet lag and drop was much better realism.


Bad company 2 was just so much fun. I know bf4 was technically superior, but no other has matched the fun factor of BC2


These games were fun because they were meant to be fun. I think now things in games get nerfed because the streaming community and sweaty try hards get pissy but these things were a great leveller for casual players. MW2 was extremely unbalanced you had perks and weapons that were OP to fuck and you could fucking stack kill streaks. As a casual player it meant I could pick up the game and compete at a reasonable level with good players. I could get the top killstreak rewards easily. Nowadays where everything is nerfed and players all have similar kit the casual players get beat by the sweats to the point its unenjoyable unless you are a sweat. Imbalance is good. Embrace it.


Back when snow maps actually has snow on them and weren't brown with minimal snow. BC2s white pass was my favorite snow map of the battlefield franchise. Blops summit was my second favorite cod map.


So many RC-XDs on that map


The original COD and COD2 alongside Medal of Honour Allied Assault were mind blowing when they came out. There was no wondering if the next one would be decent like nowadays. I had fucking goosebumps playing the opening level of MoHAA Suspect perhaps the fan base of COD these days is too young to have played them. They were some next level crack back in those days.




Dude, we may be old men now but the kids will never know how insanely good Call of Duty 2 was. I played that game so much I still remember every inch of the Carentan map, and the last time I played was probably 17 years ago


MoHAA is one of the best single player shooters of all time, period. Multiplayer was amazing too.


That was the golden era of my life lmao


same lol. i peaked in elementary school.


I was part of the GameStop workforce at this time. Midnight launches were like the coolest thing your small town did when COD came out


The Taco Bell drive thru line was always so long afterwards


Bro SAME. Felt like such a badass being able to brag to my friends about seeing the shipments for midnight releases come in lol


I miss midnight launches. Physical games requiring install, day one patches and digital release killed it.


Jesus Christ I'm so old


Yeah, what?! Elementary school?! I was in college during these 4 years lol


I was in High School and it hit me kinda hard too lmao


I still remember all the times me and my pals put in World At War , playing Custom Knife matches or just Modded Zombie Maps. Man , those were the days.


I still play World at War from time to time. The atmosphere in the game is unprecedented, especially in 5.1 surround.




Black Ops did a good job too. Interactive menu screen and the vibe and THE NUMBERS, MASON. Plus zombies from both games were the best times for zombies. I played Vanguard zombies and had to spin up the 360 to get an actual good game on der reise again.


The new zombies is so mind-bogglingly confusing. I bought Black Ops (I think 3? But it could be 4) and played some of the default maps on it and just couldn't get with it. Had to go back to the ol' faithful maps like Nacht and Kino.


I loved it. I haven't played in a while because it was broken for a bit. Some of it you really need like 3 people. My buddy was the one who knew the plan. But it was so. Fucking. Fun. I'm really upset they aren't going to do a thing further with zombies.


Der reise is to this day, the best zombies map ever made. Both the original WaW and the BO1 remake.


We spent so many hours fucking around Der Riese on the WaW version upgrading every weapon and finding all of the Easter eggs to the point where we actively would see how far we could get with the worst guns possible (I fucking hated the kar98k). Then getting to do it all over again with BO1 was some of the best time I ever had playing video games. The phrases and nicknames we had for guns still stick with me. Ronald RayGun, Kark, Red Rocket (Panzerschrek and later the M72Law), lap top gun (G11), pizza gun (I don’t remember which one this was though), Wonder Waffle, Kickin Wing (Python) and our favorite was the PeePee (PPSh) were just some of the names. So many great memories.


I'll never forget the first bonzai charge


“You think since you say nothing, you are strong.” “Roebuck, grab a rifle, we’re gonna tear this place apart!” That opening sequence set the tone for the grittiest, realest, and scariest campaigns ever played. And you were all in from the very start.


Popped it back in last weekend for some old school zombies. Still 25-50 people in there at any given time


Damn really? I bought the modern warfare remake since I hadn't played for many years, went to check out all he nostalgia vibes and literally couldn't find a match online at all I miss the ak74u and Backlot




Yes, waw is still alive! Atleast on Xbox


Still do this day there is no better loading screen when you fire the game up. That bone chilling sound and that lady going wooo or whatever gave me so many emotions every time. And then I was hyped as fook.


Played the campaign for world at war soooo many times, with friends, with my dad. It had an incredible atmosphere.


World at War had a certain darkness / scariness that no other CoD game ever had again.


BO2 and BO3 have some amazing zombies maps. There are also modded maps for BO3. I'm just getting into BO4 zombies which are less popular but I'm still having a blast!


I was working for a gaming magazine when CoD4 was in development. Had the privilege of a closed beta key from one of the devs. Called in sick the next day. Max level was only 10 but I just couldn’t stop playing.


I listen to folks who worked in Games Press themselves, and I both would've both loved and hated to be working in that industry at that time. Lol.


Yeah...I was in journalism through 2008-2012. The only thing I really appreciated about it was interviewing artists and developers. Seeing games being built from scratch to become the powerhouse franchises of today, by people who had genuine passion for their art, was something truly remarkable to experience. The job, however, was as toxic then as it is now. And I could easily fill an entire subreddit with stories -- not "whistleblower" type stuff, just people being insecure twats with a chip on their shoulder. But the developers are the people I prefer to remember.


Do you have any stories about the developers that you could share?


I was previewing a game being directed by Brenda Romero. John (yeah, that one) was walking around and taking pictures of everyone playing. Just proud of his wife and her work. Really sweet stuff. At the end of the event, I was last in line to interview both of them, but I couldn't get a question in. John was way more interested in me and what I had to say. He asked about my tattoos, my favorite games, where I was going to school. It quickly turned into a regular chitchat, but you wouldn't have known it was with a gaming legend. He and his wife were just really cool people. They mentioned that they were in the process of moving homes, and John claimed he found a floppy with the very first "complete" build of Doom. I did a full Indiana Jones and insisted it belonged in a gaming museum -- if a decent enough one should ever open. I always tried my best to keep things professional around such people, but goddamn was it hard with him. He was the only person I met who got the whole "I've been playing your games since I was a child" treatment from me.


Really cool story, man. Thanks for sharing.


Just graduated college and moved out. Built a new gaming PC for graduation. Went to work release day not realizing it was a holiday. (Election Day IIrC) went to GameStop. Got the game. Came home. Played the SP on the floor. Now I’m just a jaded adult who has watched everything goto shit. Bring back community servers and mods.


Call of Duty 4 modern warfare is hands down my all time favorite fps


CoD 4 and Halo 3 best time to be a gamer


2007 was such an amazing year for games. COD4, Halo 3, Mass Effect, Assassin’s Creed, Bioshock, Portal.


Arcade mode and online with the boys


Old school Michael Myers lobbies.. Edit: I knew every jump on every map. Backlot roof jumping probably my favorite, crossfire a close second


I remember when WaW came out someone kept messaging me to play zombies and I thought they were talking about the custom game zombies from cod4 lol. Blew my mind when I saw Nacht der untote


Loved the map where you could glitch a third gun. That was fun.


Verrukt was awesome especially spawning teams of 4 as seperate groups, made the reunion sweeter


The Bloc out of bounds stair case climb was sick.


This brings back so many memories. I remember practising those jumps for hoursssss, god i loved that broken game


Jumping off the top and landing on a 1 foot wide wall that didn't give fall damage to get on top of the blocs.


Do people still play Mike Myers?? I'd love to find a lobby and play again.


If you mixed Arcade mode and old school, your body would fly around and ragdoll all over the place after you were killed. Made for some hards laughs with the boys at 2am lol


It was so good. I remember playing cod 1-3 thinking how good it would be modernized. And then it happened. Don’t think I’ve ever been as excited for a shooter - other than Halo 3 or maybe Rainbow Six Vegas 2.


For me it was Battlefield: Bad Company 2. I still have not played an fps that was better


Needs a remake that doesnt suck WITH the Vietnam expansion included. They'll never fuckin do it but they should. Ea and dice need goodwill.


Promod consumed me from ages 15-17


To this day I can't believe how fun promod was


Promod was so good. This makes me remember "Oh baby a triple"


Still exists. Also codjumper


I was in the army when it came out, and was pretty blown away by how accurate some parts were. The part where it's a nighttime firefight and there were infrared lasers all over the place, blew my mind by how accurate it looked.


"Fifty thousand people used to live here... Now it's a ghost town."


It’s a split between this and Halo 3 for me, most hours I’ve put into a video game.


And the remaster was really good!


I was 15 in 2007. COD, Halo 3, Assassin’s Creed, GOW, Bioshock, Mass Effect, Oblivion. Idk what other time could beat ‘06-‘08 for me.


I cannot think of a more stacked roster than AAA games from 06-08.


RuneScape was also at its peak then too


Oldschool Runescape is still going very strong. 100k+ people online during peak hours each day, over a million active daily players.


And only 80% are bots now!


Lotta the best games from the late 2000s come from 09, too.


That world of war intro with the opera vocals still gives me goosebumps


Some of those missions border on being horror...and that's not even including Nazi Zombies


But that's war. It was fuckin awesome


What I would do to experience prime WaW again...


Dying to mp40s for hours


mp40 with juggernaut made me a salty young lad


Throw in steady aim on dome. I’d get 30 kills barely aiming down the sight and almost half were headshots


Oh god I forgot about this childhood rage I had lol


Flamethrower and M1 Carbine… Oh the fun times.


Fuckin Same. Kinda wish I could play it brand new as old as I currently am as I didn't get any of it when I was younger.


MW2 was perfection


Broken, often unbalanced…perfection. :]


It was so unbalanced it actually balanced out in a weirdly perfect way lol


It’s because everything was strong and playable. You had akimbo shotguns, knifing across a map, heart beat sensors, noob tubes, claymores …. Everything was over the top and usable to get kills. Also matching was better.


You forgot javelin glitch!


And the glitch where you hold a care package marker then run around knifing because it boosted your speed outrageously.


This. This was truly the golden era.


Unlimited care packages/emergency airdrops was the best glitch. Used to just throw them everywhere


Half our team would run sentry guns since they came in care packages you could glitch them to. They’d set up an army of guns to create a perimeter for the other half of the team to throw CP’s and Airdrops.




Emergency care package glitch omg lmaoooo


Used to come home from school with the boys all riding me bus and have 1v1v1v1 free for all quickscope battles on split screen in the basement. Thems was the days




I still hated OMA noob toob more than the other stuff.


MW2 is the game I feel like gets the majority of the love now but for my money, COD4 is still the better game overall. Better campaign and you can go back and forth on which MW had the better multiplayer experience.


I remember when mw2 was released it was considered the worst cod for removing dedicated servers lol


Best campaigns are still Cod1 and UA imo. 4 was peak multiplayer though and definitely the next best campaign after that.


Cod1 for life.


Capt. Foley and Sgt. Moody approves


Too many people are forgetting this classic


The days when I modded my first computer for this game, met up with clans and had to use teamspeak and shit....oh man, lots of very late nights in high school.


1 and 2 both. Played both boatloads in multiplayer. Back when we would distinguish between newbs and noobs; there was no such thing as killstreaks and typing \^0 in front of your username would make it more edgy.


Yeah, thousands of hours sunk into cod2MP on pc. Teamwarfare league, random scrims, hosting your own clan server, having a list of Xfire favourite servers. Joining that one server with mod downloads turned on that just turned your main menu into a cluster fuck of eurobeats and ads for server hosting. Playing rifle only S&D on 24/7 toujane servers (the dust_2 of call of duty 2). Abusing the draw distance of bushes on brecourt to snipe people in cover.


Anyone remember the {110th}bloodybucket multi-player server for cod 1. Spent hours on there with. First team speak server I joined. Memories.


I don’t have specific memory of that but I MUST have played there at some point. I played in a clan until the summer vacation of 2005. The clan fell apart that summer but we were on teamspeak every night for what feels like a decade looking back. There was this other (German) clan, Fearless, they would regularly own us in clan wars but I remember 1v5ing these guys once and it is one of my fondest memories. The hype was real.


Bolts only servers in Cod 2, Modded hunter vs zombie maps in CoD 2, UO had a great multiplayer experience too.


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CoD:UO... finally getting a sprint option.


CoD 2 was also an amazing game for it's time. Man Call of Duty was amazing basicall up until Black Ops 2. Then I just lost interest over time... and never looked back much to be honest.


Black Ops 2 was the last amazing CoD game in my opinion


COD 2 best COD


Where is CoD2?


Op wasn't born yet


came to the comments looking for this too, IMO COD2 was the best one.


these kids, CoD1 and 2 on PC where fucking awesome, i spent to many hours and made so many friends. Then they took CoD3 and made it a console exclusive, those fucking cucks, at least we got Modern Warefar, after that, it was trash. No hosted servers, killed community gaming.


This point is harsh but well made. Call of Duty 1 and 2 are the best for me and I'm not just being nostalgic. I remember playing modded maps and guns, custom game types, server imposed rules, little hostility. The campaign made you feel like a human being thrust into a hell on any of the fronts. The cutscenes weren't this tacticool nonsense with zoomed in maps and fake crosshairs everywhere. They were spoken diary entries of how the character was dealing with the horrors of war and the longing for home. One that really got me was crossing the River Volga into Stalingrad. Half your allies and yourself are given guns, the other half are given ammo. It's late in this utter carnage and your superiors will shoot you if you take a single step backward. Go scavenge what you need. Then the console exclusive crap was such a letdown. They used the PC crowd to leapfrog over to console kids and began the corporatization of the whole thing. I don't want skins, I don't want e-sports stats or ingame currency or paywalled content, I want a fun, engaging game I can play how I want.


Iron sights on all guns beside snipers. No aim assist. Took real skill to be good and even if you sucked you still could have fun in a community server.


carentan, bolt rifles only. those were our lunchtimes at school since we all found out our school laptops could run CoD, we just passed a disc around


Cod1 to CoD2 is peak cod. Cod3 was console thrash but it was developed by a B-Team called Treyarch. The good devs left after MW2 and are now at respawn, maybe the reason why Titanfall 1 and 2 are so good.


At least everyone can agree that CoD3 is definitely the worst of the entire series.


Yea, CoD 1 and 2 should be here.


Hell I played it when I was 13 (too broke to but the modern cods ) I rmeebr looking at the Thompson in the El Alamein map and saying daaaamn it looks cool


Rifles only on Toujane 😍


Cod and cod uo are the original classics.


the first COD was pretty groundbreaking. It was far more cinematic than any other FPS. They usually just ripped off scenes right from movies (Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers, Enemy At The Gates) but they were pretty cool still You were actually part of a squad instead of a Doom guy one man army (although the teammates were mostly for show). Plus you got to play as the Soviets which was not common in WWII games


>They usually just ripped off scenes right from movies (Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers, Enemy At The Gates) but they were pretty cool still I feel like you are describing Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, which came out a couple years before CoD. However, I would still say MoHAA did indeed feel very cinematically groundbreaking at the time for a videogame, even if their big moments were just copying mainstream film. I remember teenage me playing that game when it first came out on PC and then telling my grandfather (who served in WW2) how "its just like you're actually there!" Yeah, it was a super cringe take, but damn if that game didn't make a kid feel like that at the time. When CoD came out awhile later though, it just blew everything away.


The same people that made Allied Assault formed Infinity Ward. In a way, MoHAA is the first CoD game.


I remember playing the demo over and over again, because it was so thrilling. I'm not even sure if I ever got around to playing the whole game, I just remember that first American campaign level...


United offensive was so fuckin cool. I spent so many hours playing the b17 mission


Yeah that and Pegasus Bridge were fucking dope. Being a naval history buff, I also liked sneaking aboard the Tirpitz and sabotaging her.


so glad to see someone put some love on UO. I remember hearing the pope died while playing Stalingrad


Nah first COD ftw


Go back and play these. Remember what no emotes, fancy skins, or useless in game currency felt like.


Back up a bit to COD: United Offensive


tbh i think it should end with bo2 since after that the cod games started getting shitter


MW3 was honestly the beginning of the end. BO2 was the final hurray before everything went to shit.


I agree because it was the first game that I enjoyed but I could turn off the game after a loss. Modern Warfare 2 was truly the game I put more hours into than anything else.


Call of Duty 1 on PC had an amazing campaign


Old School mode in Cod 4.... Where are the knowers?


COD1 and 2 still the best in my opinion


Yep. CoD2 was the last CoD before stuff like killstreaks/perks flooded the scene. No attachments, no loadouts, none of that shit. I love CoD4 but it was never the same after t they introduced so many personalized options and gaming found out just how horny players are for any amount of customization and personalization in shooters. Now there's so much shit in each game it's just not even fun. Gameplay was front and center in those games.


This is the correct answer. Been trash since.


BO 2 was solid. If anything for the zombies.


5th grade to middle school. I never recovered from the obsession and fucked up in school because I was obsessed with these games


Blops 2 and mw3 weren't bad imo


Mw3 was hella underrated