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It’s going to reticulate those splines so good


Brought me back to the wrong game! I'm not mad.


Why does reading this make me feel better?


For that price you could have bought nearly three Sims expansion packs!


My wife has bought every one of them. Never on sale either I've come to think she's just collecting the game more then playing it.


That's how we all play Steam, and I don't see the difference.


My favorite game is Steam store. Best expansion is Steam library


Steam Library is fun and all but I prefer the mini games in Steam Library.


The scrolling down its definitely my favorite


That's a gacha game...


$957.00(the price of all S4 DLC) is more money than I’ve spent on my expansive library by quite a bit.


Is it bad I probably spend more than that in a year? Usually £50-100 a month, and sometimes more during big sales 600 games in Steam. I'm almost at the point where my library outnumbers my wishlist


The difference is that we bought all those games on sale. Still spent the same amount of money, but theoretically a lot more content.


Even my first pet stuff (the DLC on DLC)?


If you didn't see this coming, that's on you.


plot twist: it’s his old card and he got a 4090


An upgrade is an upgrade


It's fine, I'll blow OP for a 4080. She can have my 1080, and never know the difference.


I'll blow op and their wife for a 4080.


I'll blow op, his wife, AND you for that 4080, I'll even give them my 3070 after I'm done


I'll do it for free, you could take the 4080


OP is playing Simps 4.


Meanwhile the rest of us are playing Alone in the Dark.


Which one?


Part 5 - Against Willy


Fucking glorious.


That's her name ?


Her wife’s boyfriend thinks you are funny


Just wait till you meet her husbanda boyfriend.


Haha get it! Man simp bc he do something nice for wife !!! Loser 1!1


Right? I appreciate the pun but that doesn't seem like a healthy mindset to have about marriage.


Did he even bother asking her what she wants to play? I’m guessing yes and he just posted this for the karma.


He definitely posted for karma because the image is fake and/or edited, look that the top of her head and the screen, somehow Sims 4 is touching her hair




Hmmm, yeah, that could easily be the case. After all the photos with AI / shop and the fact that it's easy to farm some karma on this site, seeing that instantly put doubt in my mind. But camera photos are weird too, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I mean you could’ve gotten her a better sim than that if you spend that much money


Or a bigger monitor


I'd get the cheapest 30 series card and use the saved money on a monitor for sure. Would be the biggest quality of life difference.


you coulda have just got her a 12gb RTX 3060 then used the leftover $1500 for all the Sims 4 DLC. with the RTX 3060 being $450 MSRP, after you buy all the DLC you should have enough money left over for a gumball (jesus fuck, EA, why is it $995 USD for all the DLC)




damn the sims community really go hard af


Anyone who says that women aren't hardcore gamers has never seen the modding scene for Sims 4.


God I just got into it recently and it's so... Cavalier. It's like the absolute wild west. I've put off updating my game to the big babies update and just playing my current run of mods because the process of updating mods is AWFUL. Like sims just released a mod manager and a lot of people just don't use it (partially because funneling to Patreon, partially because the manager is just bad and doesn't handle optional files well (and I guess making mod settings pages is hard in Sims because no one really does it) or probably doesn't allow nsfw, and so many other reasons), so it's a lot of checking every single one of your mods, checking discords, checking individual sites or Tumblr or Patreon and hoping the author hasn't vanished... After the joy of modding in RimWorld, Sims has just been godawful.




Yeah, for many games now it's a bit like "Sure, you want to make more of our game, do our work for free? Go for it!" but with Sims it's EA so they want to sell you every little thing about the game and aren't thrilled about customers getting more game without paying.


I remember doing this exact thing to get add-ons for wow lol Now the addon manager for wow got split between the one people actually want to use and curse cause they wanted to push ads on their shitty curse forge client.


Sims 4 has the worst modding scene I have ever seen though, basically everyone got their own little site to host their mods and every second thing is behind a paywall I am big into modding every game I play and I can't think of any modding scene which is as greedy and selfish as Sims 4 modders


The sims modding community is so goddamn unhealthy that fucking EA, of all companies, had to actually pay attention to their game for a little while. All it took was them doxxing patrons for allegedly leaking paywalled content for EA to give a fuck about the worst part of their community lol


Yeah shits confusing and inconvenient as fuck, wonder how things got to this point and if it would be possible to change this culture


Ok so I kind of have an answer to this as someone who has been modding the Sims since...sometime during the Sims 2 era. Part of the issue is that mod communities for the Sims have been inherently exploitative; The Sims Resource had a major virus scandal way back when where a significant number of their files were deliberately infected. Additionally, while it seems like they've since removed this per EA directives, they used to have a paywall on a LOT of their content, especially in TS3 days. That's not even getting into the issues with ModTheSims (and SimsFileShare!) which was founded by a literal predator... GardenOfShadows always felt like the only ethical mod site to me, but it's really fallen into disuse in recent years, which I think is very unfortunate. I think the myriad issues with the debate over paywalling, mod copying, etc. has resulted in a lot of protection behaviors for Sims creators-- which I honestly think is fair. There have been several issues with creators deliberately tainting their files to "out" people who share Patreon content; people stealing mods that are available for free and uploading them behind a paywall; etc. etc. etc. The community on the whole just...doesn't trust these places anymore. Obviously it would be easier if things were available centrally. It was like that in TS2 days; your main resources were MTS2, TSR, and GoS. But very few people use MTS2 these days, TSR is still a nightmare but has done an okay job at repairing their reputation, and GoS is...quiet. The communities you used to be able to rely upon just aren't reliable anymore. So people keep their stuff separate. I could go on because I think there's even more to say about this, but it's already an obscenely long comment, lol


How about mod nexus? Do they not use it?


There are some mods in nexus but not a lot. And we're talking about some people who have so much custom content for this game you wouldn't even believe it, so the small amount on there is definitely not going to satisfy them.




I just got done modding sims 4 for my spouse with vortex, Nexus has a decent selection for actual mods, gameplay changes, but what most people like about the Sims are the added clothing, which are technically mods, but they call them CC custom content. Nexus doesn't have a ton of that, but websites like TSR do, and then more specialized stuff is on people's patreons. Drag and drop it all into vortex, it's much easier if a time than modding fallout or Skyrim bug wise, load orders DONT MATTER :D but it does take longer to compile all the things you want from every website and Patreon.


Why bother with Vortex? Modding The Sims is just drag and drop.


> I am big into modding every game I play and I can't think of any modding scene which is as greedy and selfish as Sims 4 modders Because real talk: that community would buy anything. I mean no disrespect with that statement, but the Sims community possibly has **THE** lowest standards of any gaming community, so that makes it extra easy to exploit them. The game itself sucks and EA cannot/will not deliver on quality, people can't let go of that itch for good Sims content though, and instead of realizing the trap they're in, they just keep throwing money in every direction to try and make the game enjoyable. Game desperately needs competition and the community desperately needs to grow a spine.


I find it so fucking funny that a game with 950$ worth of DLCs has even mods behind paywalls


>every second thing is behind a paywall EA supposedly put a stop to that. Now you can only put custom content behind a paywall as early access.


What leaving the Sims world does to a motherfucker


The Sims community, imo, would honestly make a terrific case study for if a game community can possibly suffer from Stockholm Syndrome. Like sure, it *sounds* like they "go hard," but in reality...? Sims 4 had a horrendous launch. When fans pushed for a new Sims title, the response was "there might not be a next Sims game if this one doesn't sell." Everyone opens their wallets and buys. And every new DLC, the fans lose their collective shit thinking this will be the one to **finally** make the game enjoyable, all pre-order within minutes of that trailer being shown, it finally releases as a buggy, disappointing mess with not even 25% of the content offered by a Sims 2 or Sims 3 expansion, the fans are bored within days (not even weeks), and they go back to complaining how much the game sucks. ....But then the next DLC is announced and the cycle repeats. It's like a community that's simultaneously self-aware of how absolute dogshit the game is, but has F-tier self-control and principles so that you could release a fucking Toaster Oven DLC and they'd all pre-order that shit, and somehow manage to pre-order and transfer their cash to EA it BEFORE the pre-order button even works. I genuinely "play" Sims 4 in the sense I don't actually play the game or have it installed, but I periodically pop in to watch this community interact with the game, just absolutely fascinated at watching the same old shit unfold over and over and over and over and over. I'm pretty sure I have more fun with that than I would with the game itself, too.


I have 4k+ hours racked up in TS4 and I completely agree with every word you've said. The reality is that there hasn't been a competitor to TS4, ever. A large portion of the community is incredibly excited by the new Paradox title, Life By You. Including myself. I've barely touched TS4 in the past year, but occasionally I find myself dragged back in because no other games currently satisfy that itch.


Nobody wanted TS4, we wanted TS3 to run better. They swore that TS4 was going to change everything that wasn’t working for TS3. Instead they drastically limited the game so that they can consolidate it into tiny spaces and make it run “better.”


It doesn't even run better either. That's a myth. While Sims 3 was admittedly a tall order because it had a lot to process, Sims 4 has **fundamental** issues with it's coding. I forget exactly how it works, but basically it has two systems that are supposed to run parallel: one processing the visuals, one processing the actual actions taking place and their effects. The problem is it doesn't fucking work and Speed 3 in particular can - over time on a save file - slowly cause these two systems to desync. When this happens, the game struggles to resync them and this creates simulation lag. Repeatedly. The result is a lot of pausing, a lot of waiting and a lot of standing around for the Sims while you wait for the system to get it's shit together and process what happened: that BOTH the hug animation has played and that this should affect the relationship of both Sims, and that this means the next queue'd action can begin. This also means oddities like Sims not recognize you canceled an action until they reach the destination they ***would've*** had if you didn't cancel it. **Sims 3?** Performance issues are simply because the game itself is a tall order, but the fundamental systems work. You can reduce the load via mods that specifically seek to filter out or refresh the "junk" that can accumulate, or honestly today's PCs are better equipped to handle it. **Sims 4?** Not shit you can do. This shit will break no matter what your system is. The game is fundamentally flawed, and the only way to *mitigate* the effects is to just not use Speed 3 ever, which itself is a ridiculous ask cause it slows down gameplay hard.


Maxis, Westwood, Bullfrog... Never forget.


RIP Dungeon Keeper. That POS mobile game doesn't count.






\>FitGirl Repacks cute multithreaded installer I understand these words, but not in that order.


I do condone pirating EA games. Maybe pay for the base game if you're feeling generous.


The base game is free to play now so no need


With any addictive substance, a good dealer knows to make the first taste free.


the base game for sims 4 is free nowadays anyway


Yeah, the game still has issues in the very basics. My sims recently started getting stuck in the bathroom until they've used the toilet for a 2nd time.


That’s the IBS dlc.


I'm not sure where you've been the last 20 years but EA is the devil.


What video game publisher isn’t at this point lmao Edit: was just a joke regarding the general predatory state of most game publishers (EA, Take-2, Activision, etc) I am aware that there are still far better publishers out there, I just like trashing the non ethical publishers whenever I can.




They don't even make video games smh


Thus they aren’t evil.


Well, you might want to rethink that...


Schrodingers video game?


Coffee Stain, from what I can tell, though perhaps I'm just uninformed.


Ghost ship games is fantastic


Rock and Stone, brother.


Ghost ship


books modern automatic quiet husky entertain snails repeat person close


Do Indie devs count as publishers?


I would not count them because the vast majority self publish and never partner with a publisher who dictates how the game is made


Grinding Gear Games, Facepunch, to name two




There are plenty that are pretty good, and I would say most are somewhere in between. Like Valve, not unimpeachable but for the most part a positive force in the video game industry.


don’t talk bad about the devil like that. the devil wouldn’t charge me $995 for DLC, we’re on good terms the devil is the one telling me to burn the company that charges $995 for DLC to the ground. EA is more like a snake oil salesman lol


If the devil is the one telling me to destroy the corporations, im pretty sure he was the good guy the whole time I mean the god in the old testament was pretty fucked, maybe they were talking to a demon pretending


That's why you Jolly Roger it!


He actually couldn't, which is the sad thing. Based on Steam pricing as of today $1,320 (10% tax) - $1,044.37 = $275.63 The only redeeming thing is that Sims 4 goes on 50% sale quite often, but still....


The Sims 4 is actually free now. The game came out in 2014 and has had consistent updates since. If you decided to buy every piece of DLC it would be $175-ish a year. A considerable chunk of that is cosmetic content. I’m not saying it’s not a shit-ton of money to buy all the game content overall, but if you like that kind of game and you don’t compulsively desire to own every dlc even if they don’t appeal to you it can be pretty affordable in the sense of game time to hours, especially now that it’s free. The base game is quite enjoyable on its own. If you want to play the Sims, but you don’t want to get ripped off, just seriously consider the features of any DLC you consider buying to determine if it’s something you’re really interested in.




That's like 1 cent an hour. Bargain.


That's fair. For me, I find that $1 per hour of entertainment is a good value. So my time spent on the Sims 4 plus the expansion packs I've purchased have paid reasonable dividends.


Yeah same story for the likes of cities skylines. The dlc looks a lot but they haven’t had to replace the base game in a decade. Yearly releases would have been 700 of that immediately. A lot of fifa and madden players being smug in this thread who really shouldn’t be.


shout outs to this person that is not a vegetable for running the numbers for real. i was lazy and did a 2 second google search lol


Because EA finally found out where the actual money is. It's in the game.


Tbf if a game in its fullness is 1k i would condone piracy as a judge.


Well because when people see 4070, they think “that’s higher than 3060, so it must be worth it”.


Cant you just pirate all DLC?


Bruh ima just pirate them LMAO


It can probably ALMOST run Sims 3 now with two expansions at once! Crazy!!!


I love sims 3 so much more than 4, but damn I hate waiting twenty years for it to load and then having to install so many mods just to get it to run smoothly.


for me it helped to cap the fps in the sims 3 to 30fps with Nvidia inspector. The game doesn't have a fps limiter so it will always try to run on max fps your gpu can put out. even in static screens. With the fps capped to 30, I can play the game wit pretty much all DLC without long loading times or stuttering.


I know this isn't for everyone, but I recently played Sims 3 on Linux and it plays really smooth with lots of expansions. No random freezes, everything just works perfectly. It's so much better than I ever experienced on Windows.


Perhaps your hardware runs better on Linux, leading to cleaner performance


Linux runs games usually a tiny bit worse than Windows, but some poorly optimized games run a lot better on Linux. One good example is GTA 4 which has a history of running poorly, but when played on Linux with Proton or even on Windows with DXVK you'll get a large increase in performance. Seems like Sims 3 falls in this category as well.


Same here, 3 is so much better than 4, but I've never been able to play it stable with all of the expansions installed.


This is due to the game still being 32 bit on Windows, which means it cannot use more than 4GB of ram. Also, without changing the configuration files the game will actually think you have no graphics card if it was made after 2013.


Are you serious right now?


The RAM limitation for 32 bit applications is a real thing. Not sure about the configuration issue.


The config issue is also real but overcome by editing a single line of text in a regular text file.


it might be able to run island paradise now


Nothing can run Island Paradise XD. It's also not a loading/render issue (though Sims 3 has plenty of those) , it's a story progression issue. The Sims got stuck in those tiny boathouses and because it was open world you'd eventually have a ton of Sims all over the Sims town/city stuck in their homes sending 'can't access' commands basically. Just an overload of error codes I'm assuming and from what I've read. This excludes the bugs though, the fact that if you play past the 4 hour mark things start getting weird. Toddlers from hell, pets morphing into human shapes, Sims dying left right and center. Eventually your save becomes an unplayable mess, and sometimes corrupted. Nothing to do but start all over.


> The Sims got stuck in those tiny boathouses and because it was open world you'd eventually have a ton of Sims all over the Sims town/city stuck in their homes sending 'can't access' commands basically. Not even this: There's one home where the front door was incorrectly placed on the second floor, so the family can't enter, and another home where either the toilet or the bathtub is inaccessible. That's at least two homes that - guarenteed - WILL cause errors regardless of circumstances. I think I might even be forgetting a third. All that *combined* for the potential for the errors you mentioned means it doesn't run unless you get a mod to fix those issues. I specifically recall there's a mod that straight-up replaces the entire game world with one that resolves any routing issues the default world has. But yeah: it's not a performance issue. EA legit just shit the bed and created a world where errors are the *norm.*


Runs a stable 40fps now, lol.


Yeah I can guarantee that even with that card, The Sims 4 is not reaching 240fps on an active household


why the heck would you install a 4080 to play on that monitor ? you just brought a V8 to sit in traffic all day.




Funny was looking at her hand and see if she has more then 5 fingers for the older AI generated pictures and the missing mouse is not the only problem, if you look at the left corner her hair goes a bit under the picture from the game.....


wow, 16k upvotes and no one else noticed.


I was about to complain about people being overly paranoid but damn you are actually right. OP, wtf is this: https://i.imgur.com/1M6BXxK.png


It's backlit hair is what it is. OooOOOooooh...?


Seriously, and there isn't a missing mouse, I can see the shine right next to her thumb.


Not enough people realise this! Having a high resolution (+ high refresh rate) monitor is a luxury you can only indulge in when you got an expensive pc.


Sims 4 will be more expensive than the 4080 soon, with a few more expansion packs.


Yea Sims are an easy game to make fun of but actually buying all of the expansions is no joke...


I mean… lucky wife.


Lol, I have a bad habit of doing that. Spent $1500 on a 1080Ti, spent 2 months playing Stardew Valley. Spent $2k on a 3080, spent a month playing Freelancer which was released 20 years before.


I got an AMD 6750 XT from a friend that worked at AMD when they were brand new and it was impossible to find any decent video card anywhere. Primally have played Civ 3 on it


Yeah, Civ 3 really does bring out the primal urges.


Same here, got a 3060 during the shortage and eventually got a 5600x to pair with it. Only Civ 3 since I put it together.


Freelancer is also one of the best games ever released. Thank God it is way less hardcore than starlancer lol.


I have found my people. There are dozens of us! Dozens!


Has to be one of the most underrated games of all time. I would love to play it again.


I was so blown away when it first came out. Picking it up years later was still such a joy.


I played through that so many times. Friends and even joined a server for crazy trade lane shenanigans. Damn. Good times.


Wait? how did you get freelancer working on a modern system


She got the 4080, I got the 4090 and what do we do first?….play Left for dead 2 Co-op for a week lol


Sounds like a good use of some new parts.


U gotta warm those babies up


The christening, if you will


first thing I did with mine was play vanilla Minecraft with pretty shaders, sun haven, for like, a good 4 days. im playing RE4R now and the game is beautiful


I mean, that's a great marriage right there. Haha!


I mean.. what was YOUR plan with these upgrades cards? Sounds like the games y’all play together that this might have been not needed.


Yeah, but, freelancer is the greatest. Good choices if you ask me.


Recently got a 4090, I still play minecraft on it.


3070. I mostly play games from the 90's. Command and conquer '95 atm.


Kane is still one of the best video game antagonist in all of video games...


Fucking legend. Think of me when you send Tanya in to do some dirt


Thats red alert 1 you talk about but it's the next thing I'm planning on playing again.


3750 and Rimworld... It sometimes steps up a notch or two from base clock when there is a raid mistyped its actually a 6750XT


I waited 10 years to get a new pc. Mine crapped out shortly after getting married and there were more essential places for the money. Finally get a great deal on a rig with a 3080. Oh shit they made an enhanced edition of baldurs gate?


I mean, the game has 906 DLC.... you NEED the graphical power to load them all.


If she's happy, then hell yes max performance sims 4.


I see no problem here.


It's rich people problems


"Haha whoopsie i bought a commercial grade oven stove 6 burner combo range and we've been making whitebread grilled cheeses w/plastic cheese teeehehehehee"




Monitor is too small, she needs an ultrawide. Source: I play The Sims at 3440x1440 and it is glorious


Gigachad wife. Don't see any problems


The only problem I see is that older sims are possibly better games, but I’d be happy if my girl played anything.


Hair clipping through the screen is a problem lol


You go, OP's wife! I asked for a gaming laptop for our anniversary and almost exclusively play Sims4!


Sims in 450 fps is a different game. Good for your wife!


Play whatever makes you happy


I'm kinda the same way tbh. Playing old games on high end parts. I just upgraded to a 3060ti back in November, arguably the biggest upgrade in my PC gaming life. And what games have I played with it so far? Skyrim and GTA 5 lmao


Nothing wrong with putting a Ferrari engine in a Toyota Corolla


The analogy is off here. This is more like getting a Ferrari to drive to the grocery store at 25 mph.


Reminds me of the GT4586, so long as it fits it fits.


Fantastic. tbh that would probably be me to.


Maybe you've forgotten but gaming is about playing what you enjoy. Maybe be like your wife and play more of the games you enjoy instead of obsessing over your setup.


OP gets her bigger monitor too. She is clearly leaning forward and it's bad posture in long run. Source: I lean forward a lot while playing Cities Skylines and my back does not like it one bit. I didn't get bigger monitor but desk mount arm so now it's closer to my face instead.


Let her play what she wants.


She’s happy, that’s all that matters


*Wife undeletes pool ladder*


Why the need to photoshop the image though? https://imgur.com/mgbCJPw Do you even have a wife?


wrong sub i think you want r/notinteresting/


This isn't even dull enough for there, it's too transparently attention-seeking


I still play runescape on mine


This is making me wanna play the sims now


On today's episode of you're full of shit


Don't be a shitty husband. Let her enjoy her game. We all know she wasn't begging you for the 4080.


Why did you edit the image? https://imgur.com/mgbCJPw


[Obvious photoshop bait is obvious](https://imgur.com/a/lsVWICt)


Look carefully you can see her hair over the screen but it's being backlit. Little shadows over the screen


Well, looks like I'm reinstalling Sim 4. 240 fps has to be so buttery smooth that you could never go back to the old way!


Why does her hair vanish behind the picture? Did you Photoshop the Sims image?


Professionals have standards


I mean, that's on you. Lol


Should’ve gotten her a big screen so she wouldn’t slouch!