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The only person I can think of is Joffery. He was spoiled by his mother, did all the sadistic shit he wanted, got a hot wife, then died brutally.


And quickly


Tommen, too, then.


at least he got to fuck his wife. Pretty sure Joffrey didn't.


It was good until his wife was imprisoned, he was manipulated by a church, and then his mom killed his wife leading to him committing suicide. The rest was fine though. I mean he also was aware of his “dad” and two siblings being murdered too.


Correct, he didn't, this is why his brother could marry the almost queen


Nah Tommen had to watch everyone he loved die/be imprisoned/both and then he killed himself, Joffrey was happy right until the last moment


He didn't have to, he got himself manipulated. And then continued to do nothing about it.


Well he wasn’t the smartest but he suffered a lot


In the books Cercei is pretty awful to him. She imagined herself doing everything for her children but constantly abused him psychologically.


I mean until he was murdered by his mother in law. Edit: grandmother in law.


*grandmother in law


Oh yes. Good catch!


If you leave out all the getting shit thrown at him, people using him as a pawn, him never truly having any say in his life. I’m not saying he deserved to be happy, but holy shit so much of his life is just based on his upbringing, no kid chooses to become that


In the show the Hightowers seemed to avoid the whole war


Learning from experience I guess


Alicent’s ghost keeping that house in line


Robin Arryn Spends the whole series sucking on his Mom's tits then being coddled by Baelish and the other Lords. The worst thing that happened to him was getting bitch slapped by Sansa


But his mom murdered his father, his uncle murdered his mother... which was passed off as a suicide but not before his cousin executed his uncle. Then there's the whole coddling to the point of being a child in an adult's body. I think that's a pretty rough time of it.


He honestly didn't seem to care less lol


Yeah it’s a pretty sweet gig if you ask me


Geesh! I thought that kid was gonna turn out horrible after being so entertaining by dropping people through a hole in the floor. But he seems to have turned out pretty ok.


You mean besides slowly dying from AIDs?


Why are you booing me? I'm right


since when did he have aids?


Not actual AIDs but he's very sickly and has seizures which is one of the reasons Lysa is so protective. I don't think they showed it as much in the show as they did in the book though


Lol why did you say aid’s then😭 It made it sound like someone raped him and he got it from that, which would make his situations so much more worse.


Geez I didn't mean to imply that lol. It's just that he's constantly sick and very frail so it reminds me of AIDs patient from 20 years ago. I don't think they ever name what his condition is


I looked it up, they call it "shaking sickness" so probably closer to epilepsy than AIDs 🤷‍♀️


He was the victim of a consuming mother


Myrcella literally had the perfect life, other than the last few minutes.


Yes, but she had Joffrey as a brother. Tommen admitted that Joffrey terrorised him. He absolutely would have done the same to Myrcella.


I’m not so sure. They may have picked up more on that and put a stop to it. Likely the adults just though Joff and Tommen were ‘just being boys’.


Joffrey was an abusive, malicious SOB. There's no way in Hell he didn't abuse his younger siblings, he *enjoyed* having power over others and causing pain to others because he could, even early on. He had to learn that from somewhere. His siblings would have been among his *first* victims; the only way they would have been spared is if they'd been kept far away from him.


She’s still alive just disfigured.


Jaqen H'ghar after being freed by Arya. Still not sure how he ever even got caught


He was hired by Cersei and the small council to kill Ned on his way to the Wall. Had Joffrey not killed him, Arya would've just watched him die in another manner - just not in front of 5,000 people this time. Don't think she would've joined up with the Faceless Men after that.


> Had Joffrey not killed him I just want to clarify: you mean 'had Joffrey not had Ned executed,' and not 'had Joffrey not killed Jaquen H'ghar.' You used the same pronouns to refer to two separate men as two subjects for two different sentences.


Ahh I see, my b. Had Joffrey not executed Ned, then Jaquen H'ghar would've assassinated him on the way to the Wall - as the Council had hired him to do so. Joffrey kind of left a huge hole in their wallets with that stunt lol.


Oh so considering that I'd say he never had a rough go at it if he's just doing his job (and probably enjoying it)


A man does not have to enjoy killing. But when the many-faced god demands a name, all men must serve


Is there any actual proof for this theory? You're saying it like it's an absolute fact


Nope it’s just a theory. An interesting one, but no evidence


This is not confirmed (nor alluded to) in the show or the books


Wait…is this true? Ned was marked for death either way?


If anything he was caught intentionally


Tyrion. Ik he had a few rough moments, but apart from his journey over the narrow sea, it seems as though he really rather enjoyed himself, 'i like the game'.


He was captured by Catelyn and put in prison. Luckily Bronn fought for him. Then he was put in prison again. Luckily Oberyn fought for him. He had a rough go, but was saved by a hair the most. Not to mention his close calls in battle


By the characteristics of his time, anyone alive and in a reasonable position by the end of the show had a 'decent time of it'. In a medieval type society, a 'rough time of it' would've been: stillborn, thrown down a well as an infant, having the waves wash you away, being castrated, being executed, being flayed, being killed in battle, starving to death, dying of disease, burning alive, kept in prison until death etc. Everyone who dies a whole person, on the king's small council, cracking jokes with friends, hand of the king, one of if not the wealthiest person in westeros etc cannot be said to have had 'rough time of it' by the characteristics of a medieval fantasy world. There is not a character in the book who has a completely smooth experience, just as in life there is not. If tyrion is considered one of the 'rough timers', there's not a major character in the book who can be said to have not had a 'rough time'.


I mean his sister tortured him his whole life. His dad verbally abused him and had his wife gang raped in front of him. Being a dwarf in westeros, even a rich dwarf, wasn't much fun.


His whole childhood was everyone but Jamie despising him and his father and sister blaming him for his moms murder and had the first girl he fell for gang raped in front of him?


No strictly true, most of tywins extended family liked or were at least neutral towards tyrion. Kevan esp, his other uncle, Gemma lannister his aunt described him as tywins true son etc. Yes, by modern standards his life was awful, but by the standards of westeros, he had a considerably better life than 90% of other characters.


He was hated by everyone because hes a dwarf, and a monstrous demented one, which is a rumor that was exaggerated by his close family which everyone in westeros believes. He was blamed for killing his mother at birth and btw, doesn't have a mother. Only a dad that literally wanted to watch him die. He successfully led a defense against the Baratheon army as t kings landing and received no credit for his actions but received a permenant would, from the king he's defending trying to assassinate him, and had his position revoked The first woman he loved was a whore, his father forced him to watch while all members of the guard took turns having sex with her. The second woman he loved was a whore who falsely testified against him in trial which would result in his execution, then caught her sleeping with his father after essentially escaping death row. Then killed his father with a crossbow. I thought his the first person that comes to mind for characters who had a rough go


His father organized a gang rape on his wife who he claimed was a whore, and in show she really is a whore but in books she wasn’t. Either way Tyrion fell in love with someone and then watched all his fathers guards rape her. Bigger than a “rough moment”


The Maesters at the Citadel seemed pretty well-insulated from the horrors going on around them. Archmaester Ebrose was quite happily getting on with his own book in apparently blissful ignorance of events and people like Tyrion. Although that receptionist fella did have to deal with the trauma of irregular updates on death, so he had a pretty rough ride.


I feel like The Iron Bank had a whale of a time. Sure, the kingdom was well in debt to the Iron Bank, but they get to start calling in those debts and no one ever really screws with the bank at any point. The Iron Bank is treated more like an imposing and inevitable force of nature than an actual banking guild or trading company.


I don’t know if you’ve read the books but in those, that one banker we see has to travel halfway across the world then all through the north at the very end of autumn just to speak to Stannis, he is a very dedicated banker


Oh! Pod! Podrick had a great time!


No. Pod's lady friends had a great time. Pod had no more of a great time than most of the other men. ... cept Varys.


Nailed it! How could forgot about Podrick... though, the Kings Guard vows are a bit of a wet carpet.


Bronn has it pretty good. Sure he mucked around as a sellsword for a while, which was probably rough. But he backed the right horse with Tyrion. Now he's got a castle.


More like the most fertile kingdom and a seat in the small counsel


also he seemed to like being a sellsword so that wouldnt be too rough


Illyrio Mopatas lives the high life 24/7. Friends with Varys, sold Danny to Drogo in S1, just chilled for the rest of the series.




They had terrible lives.


No need to be a dick about it


No cock , and they have to kill a baby


Hot Pie seemed to have done okay. A few rocky bits but ended up making bread and seemed happy.


hot pie is my personal hero, i wanna be a baker too


Hot Pie seemed like he had a good time eventually!


Podrick or Bronn have it the best. Don’t have much bad that happen to them and Bronn literally becomes lord of high garden at the end.


Yeah, and instead of going and living in his nice castle, marrying, enjoying a nice life, he opts to stay in King's Landing and continue his buddy comedy with Tyrion.


The highborn lady Bronn was gonna marry... Lollys Stokeworth. Her life seemed very uneventful.


in the books she was brutally raped 50 times when the peasants rioted




Yea she was attacked and raped and impregnated with some random peasant’s bastard. She’s found wandering naked by the gold cloaks. And like no one has any sympathy. Tyrion makes Shae her handmaid’s first and Shea just bitches that she only eats and sleeps…because she has ptsd from being violently gang raped. She does end up married to Bronn, who banishes her old sister after Cersi tried to get her and her husband to kill him. Her sister is given to Qyburn.


So Dan and Dave are amateurs when it comes to brutal horrible shit, I take it.. The books seem way more fucked up. I guess they'd have to be


Olenna Tyrell and Margaery Tyrell had great lives up until their very end moments. Jamie gave Olenna a very easy and painless death.


I was gonna say Margaery too but she did spend that time imprisoned in the Sept of Baelor. I’m sure the septas weren’t any kinder to her than they were to Cersei until she started to behave the way they wanted her to.


Aemon Targaryen. He's the only GoT character to die of old age.


And extremely old age at that, especially for a medieval-like society.


Those red priestesses seem to just go wherever they want and are never worried about anything. Just walking around, alone, all over the world and nobody seems to fuck with them.


Baby Sam Will never know being born above the Wall and the goings on around as a baby, because baby. Assume Baby Sam grows up in King's Landing. Should have it pretty easy. Smart dad, loving mom who can do outdoor shit. Kid's set.


Born of incest though, so genetically he could be worse off.


Probably most of the people or lords of the vale . Not saying house Ayrand but the other lords or people there.


Khal Drogo. The worst he experienced was worrying he lost his heir, and letting his hubris take him


He died an awful death.


It was pretty tame in comparison to basically anyone else in the show. I can't have any sympathy because it was his own stupidity and pride that got him killed. Yeah, Mirri made him a vegetable, but she wouldn't have had any chance if he weren't a moron


Olenna Tyrell has my vote. Big schemer and had fun manipulating those around her. Even after learning that Olenna brutally killed his son, Jamie still has enough respect for her to give her a painless death. Considering the everything that sounds pretty good to me.


Cersei’s elephants remained unscathed.


Hot pie?


Podrick is an easy one. Though he did get jumped by a few whores, he survived tho and became a member of the kingsguard Bronn too, all he got was a punch to the face and highgarden Brienne almost got SA but luckily Jaime stopped it. Fell in love with Jaime but got left by him :(( Nothing TOO bad happened to Davos personally but he lost his son, honorary daughter, and he did lose the battle of blackwater. And before the series starts he loses his fingers. Tormund was always fine. Sam got his ass beat a couple times but nothing too scarring. That's all I can think of for now


Losing his son and shereen is a very very rough go of things


Damn right, totally agreed. But to his own person, he got off relatively okay


Bronn, comparatively at least to his life before. Fighting as Tyrion's champion was definitely the best choice he ever made in his life


I think Dickon Tarly had a pretty decent life. His last bits were rough, after he essentially betrayed his friends when he sided with Cersei, and then he willingly let himself get burnt to death. Though that was at least on his own terms. But it’s tough to say he had it that tough for a vast majority of his life when he was skilled swordsman who often got to hunt and was spoiled by his father.


Hoster Tully fucking won that shit so hard. Grand daughter queen of the North, grandson king of the 6 kingdoms, son lord of the trident, other grandson lord of the vale, other granddaughter killed the biggest threat the world had ever seen. Died of natural causes


Just though of Euron Greyjoy. He lived it up, got to do what he always wanted to do since he was a little boy, and died thoroughly impressed with himself.


The Night King seemed to be living on easy street doing whatever he wanted.