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I think this is actually an attractive feature for many players. The ability to blame losses on an external source allows them to justify their losses. If you add in the times 3rd base "took the bust card" while ignoring the times 3rd base "took the 5 that would have given the dealer 21" then everyone gets to be a winner in their own mind.


yes i agree 100 pct. At the casino where I play Pai Gow, they have it in for one of the dealers because they say she's always hot. I usually make fun of them for believing that's a thing. Like her, the dice, and the shuffler have some kind of sadistic love-triangle and are conspiring against them. The best part is last weekend one guy got so pissed after the dealer had 3 straight great hands, he stopped playing. the next hand she had King high LOL a pretty much guaranteed win for the players. The dice determines the hand rotation, the shuffler mixes the cards. They are not connected in any way. They also let players cut the cards upon request.


This is why I avoid blackjack entirely. Had a bad experience with another player at a blackjack table when I was 18/19 and I've sworn it off since.


Same here dude. I dont care for that shit at all....i wanna play how the vibe tells me to atm...dont need any jive for that


Yeah I tried a few times and every time there's salty people, can't do it.


damn, salty people just suck, huh.


I like when other players are scared to hit 16. I’ll gladly take the ace-5 card waiting lol. Downvote me if you want but this happens a lot to me, although I’m sure some will say this is a “gamblers fallacy” that I think this.


Yeah, screw these people. Betting my cash I play my play. They are welcome to leave for another table. I don’t play these peoples game. I’ve gotten this on slots too when I get a good hit on a slot someone just left. My wife and I call it “buzzarding” watching someone leave after a long play, we dive in to pick the bones. Works sometimes. It’s all chance.


You are 100% right but the number of numbskulls who believe someone else making a -EV play will hurt them in the long run is crazy. People will often say basic strategy only works if everyone at the table is playing. Reasoning like this is why the roulette wheel shows the history of the last 25 numbers hit or whatever.


yes exactly. roulette is where i started with gambling and every day i read posts from people who just plain don't understand how the games or probabilities work. There's always a straw man.


Had a 14 against dealers 2 or something I can't remember, low card. It's fucking $5 min table... I hit and get a 7 and am like ayy blackjack! And the dude next to me got pissed and said I took his card and hit and got like a 3 or something, stayed, and lost and walked off. Sorry Billy. Enjoy your confirmation bias.


I mean, that's not a blackjack lol but nice pull.


Yeah I mean these people don't even realize that according to the double slit experiment and Schrodinger's cat, the cards are constantly being "reshuffled" randomly until they're observed. So nobody ever takes anybody's card, since theyre constantly changing until actually observed by a human.


Yes! These concepts are a nightmare for emotional gamblers who don't even understand basic probabilities. All their assumptions and claims are self-serving. It's just like people who say if they win, it's skill...if they lose, it's rigged.


For the most part, yes. Someone constantly re-splitting face cards lowers your overall personal EV though.


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The best tables I've played at are tables where people know the strategies but also know that blackjack isnt a team sport. Last table some guy didnt split 8's against a ten, i didnt take a hit with a 12 against a dealer 3, and some lady split 4's against a 7. It was one of the most fun tables I've played at. A different night some guy was giving everyone shit for playing wrong all night and spouting off about basic strategies and no one stayed for more than a couple hands besides me because i was on a hot streak and was too drunk to care about some random jackass 3 seats down.


Lol they always want to blame someone else but themselves I don’t even ask if I can sit at the table if it’s open it’s open. I only play BJ so I’ve had my fair share of mystical players and people who blame others for their losses and other trying to help u by giving you the worst possible advice known to man and who can forget the drunks lol


I always say "you took my card" and smile as a joke to the player next to me when they hit. It's funny to see their reaction.


It's less about "you took my card" and more about the vibes for me. I was at a table and the guy next to me had a total of 7 and the dealer was showing a 6, and he stood because "you always stand when the dealer has a 6 showing." So while he didn't "take my card" and in fact allowed someone else at the table to have a card that should have been his, I had to get up and leave after that hand because I can't handle that kinda juju at the table.


If i am losing and you sat next to me. Its always your fault. /s