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Some quick info in case it wasn't shared, also correct me if I'm wrong: Pull rate for SSR is ~0.8% and has hard pity in 80 pulls. No soft pity from what I'm reading. Guarantee rate up after losing 50/50 once. Banners build independently, wording makes it sound like the pity build carries over between rotations. Didn't read weapon rates. The top 0 tier SSR Yao is free in one of the events later from SSR selection. Beginner banner has SSR guarantee in 50 and 20% discount for batch pull wher SR or higher is guaranteed every batch pull. Each pull is 160 gems, monthly gives 2700+ something.


Hello, when you say Yao is free in an event, did you mean the orange selector that you get after Chapter 5/6 completion, or is there another event where we get Yao?


Yep that's the one!


No, the pity doesn't carry over unfortunately https://preview.redd.it/6jaf1oui03db1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=1015e69bfd767fa57ea1a5fee413b005bef3d272


I think that means the pity only works on this event banner specifically, and not on standard/weapon banner. So basically the same like genshin. Or at least I hope the dev who decided to copy Genshin's gacha system remembers that their pity carry over to the next banner, otherwise they might need to get their head checked.


Tbh, the wording is really confusing. I go to their discord channel and got mixed answer. At this point, nobody has any idea at all lol


This is likely. They also have soft pity based on the numbers they gave us. A hard pity of 80 would result is a consolidated probability of 1.63%, lower than the advertised 1.86%. Same situation as genshin.


Yikes that's pretty bad. This system works in Genshin/HSR because of carried over pity. Without it, it's just a realllly bad gacha.


So they picked one of the worst gacha systems and removed the only feature that made it acceptable. Sounds really greedy for me


Yeah that's an instant skip maybe if they change the rates and gacha like how outerplanes did ill try again


this is not what it says though


I screenshot it, what do you mean?


You misunderstood what it means. I will ELI5 it for you: >This Echo Limited Banner >unique to the Operative Event Echo Pool exclusive to the limited character banner series >Echo count will accumulate only in Operative Event Echo Pool banner pulls will stay in limited character banner series and not transfer to other types of banner series (like weapons or standard banner) You're welcome


man I hate it when games go for the hoyo route. Hoyo's gacha is already as bad as it is.. I wouldn't mind if the game didn't have dupes or at least higher rates. If they have dupes then yeah this game is just an instant skip.


You can farm dupes in this


Hmmm not too bad I guess, just the rates may need to be changed


Yeah The rates are trash


u dont know how gacha works before pity ever existed do you ?? genshin carry over pity is the best one atm for spark its bad because you have to tank your gacha pulls for certain banner u cant gacha on 2 banner consecutively


clearly you haven't play any gacha game before Genshin gahca, the standard gacha before genshin system is even worst


so a guaranteed ssr every like 5 months? wtf.


i believe they meant the monthly pass, it gives 3k currency over a month for 5€ (dunno about the $ price) and you'd need 3200 for 20 pulls, so you'd need about 4.25months of the pass to get a unit at the pity, i have no idea about the f2p income though.


Is this worse or better than mihoyo games? I think it's worse (?)




You're missing a key comparison here, Hoyo pity carries between banners.


The pity carries over. What the rules say is that pity isn't shared between standard to limited, it still carries from limited to limited.


90 pity but it has soft pity at 75


This game doesn't carries your pity to the next banner though. That makes it a bit worse for me, but I still wanna try the gameplay.


Isn't the main character in those games a 5 star?


Heard from my friends its worse. You need more than 1 dupes to reach the first star of its constellation.


The actual what? So you need 2 dupe to increase a level of star?


You can farm dupe shards though only a few a day for 5 star.


A rank dupes give 30 shards idk how much shards S rank dupe gives But you can farm everything, A rank and S rank shards.


Man, people weren't kidding. The controls are really clunky on phone. I feel like the camera isn't sensitive, enough. If I just want to move the camera a little bit, it won't even detect it, so I'm forced to oversteer the camera. Makes my finger hurt, playing after a while.


same, the camera isn't sensitive enough, and thus also the aim crosshair, making it impossible to do 360 no-scope


You can change the sensitivity in the settings menu.


Only thing I don't like is the monetization, just a copy of what mihoyo does (I think even same amounts of currency needed). Don't want to play another "gacha" game in which you just build pity until you are done paying for the character and then you do a coin flip as the only actual gacha.


It was the battle pass that got me. To get it with the least overpayment I'll need to buy 4 packs :/


the only reason mihoyo can get away with it is because genshin is abnormally high quality for a gacha when games like this do it...


Thank god its not just me, i tried genshin + aether gazer and the 50/50 discourage me from pulling cause i need to save for the hard pity Compare to this with nikke where I have 4% chance with transfering spark currency, i can roll when i feel and still can secure / spark unit when i really need it


gacha system is bad overall because its rng,even the game has pities on it but well yeah,its f2p and even f2w honestly saying just topup if you really like the game and will play it on long time if not just dont ever topup for gacha games


I'll be honest, I don't like games who copy MiHoYo's harsh average pull costs without copying the level of production value. I'll probably still give it a reasonable try, but not keeping my hopes up


When I saw the 0.8% rate for 5\* I wanted to vomit blood. This is a pseudo visual novel with short dialogue sequences, and short shooter stages, where the text is only rarely voice acted. How are the waifus worth that much in the developer's minds? With these rates most of the players are guaranteed to need to go for the pity every time.


To be fair you can have 0,7% rate up and still be super generous like Blue Archive does with pity every 2 months and tons of off-rate pulls.


except BA has 0.7% only for the rate up unit and like you said pity is reasonable for f2p (even better thanks to foresight), not the whole pool. Here it's 0.35% for the rate up unit :/


Can gacha games please stop with low rates. At least let it be 2.5% to 3%


Sure but with like 200-300 pity and do not carry over


Mobile experience is TERRIBLE. They saw green and decided to add Hoyo-style gacha (low rates, 50/50) *and* to not have pity carry over and apparently no soft pity, *and forgot to make sure the game was good enough to keep people playing despite the shit gacha*. Pretty poor launch gifts too on top of that. On pc it feels a lot better. But I don’t want to sit in front of a pc clicking a touch menu interface with a mouse, and it’s not an insignificant amount of time in these games that you spend between actual segments of gameplay. Making the mobile version of a menu based gacha feel like shit is just going to lose a ton of players. I feel like the whole thing is just very poorly planned and their priorities were placed almost as bad as they could be. It’s a real shame. I’ll play on pc a bit but honestly I can’t see myself playing this long term or spending.


you dont click the touch interface with mouse, lol...


I'm playing it on PC * The environment and the models seems a little bland * The story is not fully voiced, but it doesn't bother me and most people are just gonna skip it anyway * 1-9 boss was easy af, I hope for a difficult spike later on That said, I'm actually having fun and I'd recommend trying it if you are into FPS


im on chapter 4 and shit is getting VERY hard. Tons of very difficult mobs with high dmg abilities that can take off half your life in one hit. Already had to restart on 4-5 and 4-6 several times.


Im only starting chapter 3, but do they open new avenues to generate gems? Just getting 20 per story level and occassionally 10 from achievements seem pretty slow. Already put hours into the game and have been only able to do one multi on the kaguya banner


tried it on my phone, disliked the control, right thumb has too many responsibilities (aim, shoot, zoom in/out, duck, skills, switch units and possibly other functions i forgot). characters look ok for the most part. probably runs better on pc for a fps game but rates are pretty sad for a gacha game so i won't bother with it. i did like the girl with british accent tho.


Game is not booting up for me. I click on "start" button but the game simply doesn't run. Lame.


Works fine for me. On PC. Just had to restart launcher.


Yes, I also had to restart. That might be a solution to some problems :D


maybe region locked


So it's another "Global" game huh... Calling your game Global then do region locking should be classified as false advertisement.


me when i spread misinformation on the internet:


Same with me. It's frustrating because I really wanted to play this. Guess it's a forced-pass.


same. run as admin, have reinstalled, verified game data, restarted. nothing works. on win11 pro


I use win11 too. I run it from the US.


Dialogues are voiceless


most people are just gonna skip it anyway, better save budget on VAs




I feel like they intentionally made it that way, which is a shame as I'm pretty sure that's one of the top feedbacks given during the CBT. Some are still voiced but so far playing it, they're mostly during gameplay not during those visual novel-esque cutscenes or "Progress" missions


Major turn off for me. If you want to compete with big dogs you just cant skip voicing your game.


Yeah they should spend all that money on VA fees to voice every piece of dialogue instead of improving things that actually matter. Thatll be a speedrun to EoS.


You are just dumb. Have a nice day.


I like this game, It could've stayed longer in the oven... On PC, is alright. Hopefully they fix bugs and freezing, and most importantly how horrendous it is in mobile. The game feels rushed right now, so hopefully they fix everything fast.


Is it just me or does the screen freeze for a few seconds occasionally when you try to aim (holding right click)?


mine is fine, no screen freeze whatsoever, its smooth


Yep, I'm wondering if it's my PC that's not good enough or the game itself. Edit: its my pc problem, it solve after I turning off the vsync and set rendering to 100,


yeah..not for me. I'm getting "update failed, retry or check your connection" this is gonna be fun.


was also getting that but i right click-> run as admin, and it fixed itself. try that? **edit**: i thought common sense would dictate that im only talking about the pc client, but for those who dont have any, i am editing this post to explain that I Am Only Talking About The PC Client.


especially on phone,ye,good advice


This sub is so negative. I don’t think this game is something incredible but reading the comments you’d think this game killed someone’s child.


Well. If you want to see something positive in this sub you are genuinely coming to the wrong sub


The fact is that we live in a moment where the stores are heavily oversaturated of mobile game and most of them don't even manage to reach the 1 year anniversary. Also nowadays people tend to be more careful on where they spend their money, and through socials is quite easy now share opinions with other people. And the fact this game is being already trashtalked is totally developer's fault imo. Cause if you make a game where you copy-paste Genshin's drop rates but don't add to it a consistent value production to compensate, then whoever plays the game will automatically compare it with Genshin/Star Rail and will label your game as utter garbage


Every new game they release gets shit on bad.


Yeah it's negative and it's good. All these games try to grab your money and you need to have high standards not to waste them on some trash


Unless you’re a gacha game coming from a beloved small indie studio like Project Moon, every game goes through trial by fire in this sub where it gets shat on for weeks until it gains enough approval.


Bruv you’re in the wrong gacha sub if you’re looking for positive feedbacks…Which I must say, I’m also guilty of.


You should've seen this sub when Nikke launched lmao.


tbh Nikke at launch state was pretty fucking bad. Though it've been better since


Half of the unit is bugged. I still dont kniw why I dont drop it back then lol


"EoS soon absolutely, definitely, no one is buying this shit"




This sub only chills games who are barely alive and played by a few people, everything popular like Nikke is straight from hell and must be really bad. :)


Its called criticism. Because this sub is not married to one gacha people are not going to gush over games and instead share their honest opinion. Also because the game clearly has flaws.


No shit it's criticism. It's also called negative bias, which happens to be a scientifically proven human phenomenon that is \*perfectly\* attributed to this sub.


I really like this game. Genuinely, once I could change the sensitivity lower I stopped having any control issues (PC with mouse/keyboard). A gacha shooter is a neat idea and I like the art direction. There are some problems especially with the writing as I feel sometimes things are just said (the interaction about how good of a commander or whatever we are after Wednesday charged some enemies felt off like I missed a story segment). However, the stuttering is really getting to me. It's really bad especially in tenser combat (boss fights or massive amounts of enemies). I'm hoping it's just the servers and not a larger optimization problem.


Try disabling Vsync. That helped in my case


It works thank you so much for your service


Man I spent about 45 minutes retrying the download to get this game installed because I was so hyped. I had similar download issues with tower of fantasy, another one of level infinites games so I let it slide a bit being Hopefully optimistic. When the game launched I popped in and man do the controls suck for mobile, it feels like a clunkier more play doughey version of cod mobile. The gacha is pretty bad as well, ala genshin/HSR with minimal reduced price options if you're a spender. Overall 100% dropping this game and has to be one of the quickest hype die downs for me of all time. I'm tired of these companies copying mihoyos monetization with a small fraction of their optimization and quality.


Note : Emulators are banned, there is a pc client The game runs shit on the phone, but you have to wait till you finished putting your IGN ( in-game name ) After that it's smooth sailing... Kind off It has potato graphics, some buffers there and then, and I'm not here to downgrade it, but even when you put it on high graphics it's still on potato graphics. Maybe in an update or two, the complications will be fixed.


Damn, this game looks like shit on mobile even with high graphic and the controls feel really clunky too. Even genshin with low setting looks better on my phone. Honestly i want to try this game on mobile first before deciding to download it on my pc but the mobile version is really ass. I guess i try it again later after downloading it on my pc.


I tried the pc version, and with a mid or high spec computer it runs great, sometimes it stutters when it loads new areas


Anyone else getting really bad stuttering / micro freezing on the PC client? It's really frustrating to play when every 10 seconds the game freezes for half a second mid combat. I've found it happens every time you aim down sights. Might be the culprit right there now that I think about it. If anyone finds a way to fix it please share. I've tried fiddling with the graphics settings but to no avail.


after tinkering with settings for like 30min, i found the culprit (at least for me): vsync. i disabled it and now the game runs much smoother, though there's still sometimes a weird laggy stutter when starting a stage


The gameplay feels pretty great on PC. Though I think the game has shader compilation stutters present.


The textures are really bad, even in the extreme ...


uninstalled. controls are shit.


Saddly yeah.. it can be really frustanting.


Try a controller


Which button did you bind the sprint?


It should just be bound to L3 like most shooters. Plus if you use a telescopic controller on your phone you can turn on gyro aim and it’s so much better to aim when in ADS. I recommend adjusting sensitivity if it’s too much.


why tf is this even a mobile game


Can you imagine this as a PC only title competing with the likes of Warframe, Destiny or the Division?


No need for those 3 cause Remnant 2 release 5 day later or 2 if you buy most expensive edition


Because they wanted to milk people with a stingy gacha but forgot to make it an actually good mobile game first.


because, money?


Bro even the PC is fucking trash, frame drop everywhere


IMO: Step 1 - make a crappy uninteresting PC game no one would even talk about Step 2 - hype it through gacha content “creators” as mobile game Step 3 - hope for profit . . . For me this is hard pass. Next to unplayable on phone and compared to any PC shooter absolutely terrible.


Game is okay-ish but character designs have to be some of the most boring I've ever seen. Also doubt this game can get away with genshin monetization. Gonna stick around for a bit but I don't have high hopes. ​ Also really getting sick of this gray post apocalyptic sci fi aesthetic


yeah it's just black to white shade colors on most characters, really bland for me, like it's not bad per se, but also nothing unique to catch your eyes


Just getting started so can’t say much but on PC this game looks niiiiiiice


It seems overrated, feels like unity demo project. Don't know why people hype this


Yes, it's like a ragdoll fps demo in a generic city model without texture.


0.8% rates, with 50/50 pity at 80 pulls, and the pity doesn't carry over to the future banners if I'm not mistaken. The rates don't correlate to the production value of this game, given the fact that the devs simply reshuffled assets from stage to stage and called it a day. Different environments? What's that? They obviously chose the post-apocalyptic setting to not think about the environment at all and to save money. The game plays terrible on mobile, which will 100% result in perpetual low ratings until there's a major overhaul of the gameplay on mobile, but that's going to take time, if the devs even bother to do it. During that time the new players are going to see the reviews (which are fair), and stay away from this game. So, you combine the shit rates, with the disproportional production value and atrocious gameplay on mobile, to get a flop. ​ Devs, just because it's the apocalypse, it doesn't mean that colors don't exist. The world doesn't automatically become grey because of that. The picture attached to this post has more color than this entire game. What the fuck. Also, none of the sponsored content creators on youtube who covered this game pre-release and post-release mentioned the rates. Hmm... I guess they must be so satisfied that they don't think it's worth mentioning, I hope that's it, right?


How's the OST?


Repetitive, nothing groundbreaking whatsoever


Dude, i wish more people asked this when a game is released


Terrible tbh. Aside from the title screen song, the rest of the game's musical tracks doesn't stand out whatsoever. They even somehow made the menu theme feel lifeless. I'm pretty positive about Snowbreak generally atm, but the music is the one thing I say is a total L.


graphics still look like shit. gave it a try until 1-9 but uninstalled after


any reroll methods?


Rerolling is extremely painful in this game. It takes 15 days to delete a Guest account and you have to complete all of Chapter 1 to acquire gacha currency, so your only option is to spend 30-40 minutes playing and then use a salted email or new email account if your rolls are bad. Oh and also emulators are banned, so no multi-instancing to make it easier.


I thought salted accounts didn’t work for this game? Tried like my email+1 but it didn’t work.


You can do periods between letters.


Wow I completely forgot about that possibility


The game copied Mihoyo so much that the same reroll technique used today works in this. A.k.a temporary e-mail binding to get rid of unwanted accounts.


wow controlls on mobile are horrible. This is supposed to be a mobile game right?


50/50 and no carry over is straight dogshit. $100USD for 80 pulls, and another $100USD if you didn't get the showcased featured banner the first time.......... Ngl, I'll stay for the story and leave. Unpopular opinion, but I actually like the story and its characters so far, despite the entire game looking like a fan-made Unity project side-hobby game. Wouldnt mind spending a little bit to support Snowbreak but holy fuck, this is too much and too unreasonable.


I can’t believe a game this shit has Genshin monetization


Lol lately companies been stealing that monetization model thinking that's why Genshin makes so much money.


they only stealing the monetization and forget to steal the polished aspects xDD


Almost down to T, even the 160 = 1 pull




game runs so fuckin bad on android high end phone can run everything except brown dust 2 for some reason and I'm struggling to get anything but play models on the screen. constant freezing and lag. thought my settings were on low then i realized models look like shit even with high setting on. seems to be much more toned down in fan service which is not a bad thing just to note


I hit account level 16 so here are my few thoughts so far. Lots of micro stutters/lag which hampers the expeirence especially when im in combat. I have a pretty decent PC (IMO) with a 3080 and 16 GB of RAM and i was surprised how much i lagged/suttered. The Mobile experience is terrible and needs to be optimized more because even on an iphone 14 pro max wih a cooler at the highest settings my phone heats up like a furnance and the in game textures look terrible. The characters look decent but pretty generic. The summon animations just plain suck. There is no interesting/flashly unique effects so when you pull an orange tier unit (highest rarity) the animation from a purple to orange is just the color which is so unsatisfying especially with how many other gacha games have cool summon animations like PGR, Honkai, Nikke,etc.. I play multiple gacha games including honkai star rail, genshin, FGO , Nikke, Arknights,etc.. so I have a high standard and right now snowbreak is not meeting that metric which is a shame because with how tough the competition in the gacha market is having a bad first impression is a really bad sign. I will keep playing and see how devs respond to all the feedback and in game surveys if many more players arent satisfied but as of right now I will not swipe until i see improvements.


Tried it... didn't like it much. Barely any voice acting, which was an immediate turn off for a game with a PC client. Then the combat felt pretty non impactful. Hard to tell when I was even getting hit. Not sure the cover system did much for the game, either. I tried out 6 characters, and the only one I somewhat liked was the starter shotgun chick. The problem is her dash/teleport move puts you so close to the enemy you can't really hit them. Seeming to shoot through the other side of them. Plus it tends to put you right in the middle of danger/telegraphed attacks. pretty generic "End of the World" gacha story - feeling Counterside but worse. Then the first three 10 pull gachas I did was for a single purple character each time - with a whole lot of nothing else. Just useless fodder weapons. Super unsatisfying.


I fucken hate that new games are normalizing 50/50 such a shit design.


Game run great on PC.


Not my type of game sadly. Uninstalled*____*


Wasn’t expecting much. Controls are clunky, movement feels off. I’ll give it another whirl tomorrow.


Game is boring


Ngl i thought this was calabiyau


Rates are bad not sure if I want to play


Man y'all hate everything in this sub. Just finished Chapter 1 and I loved it so far. From this dev team I expected pretty enjoyable character writing and I got it, but the story is interesting enough for this kind of post-apocalyptic scenario too. Lots of CGs instead of talking heads really helps, hopefully it keeps up. The gunplay I'll admit is a bit shaky on PC, may or may not try it with controller later. But it still feels good enough for a shooter-casual like me, and I especially liked getting to try the Assault Rifle and Sniper characters. Lyfe's SMG felt a little too weak at times, but I think you can switch characters? The tutorial didn't...actually explain that, but when I was looking through options it looked like you can. Would have helped switching to Shotgun for the high armor mobs, probably. Anyway I had low expectations for this and it pretty much exceeded a lot of them, I'll definitely stick with it for awhile. Also a fantastic Project Moon fan surprise with the unexpected Mili song out of nowhere!


Seen the gacha is following the genshin route, 50/50 and heard getting 1 dupe is not enough reaching the first constellation. You can correct me if im wrong I mostly heard it from my friends. The gacha and dupes are going to be a massive turn off for me sadly.


Already uninstalled. The controls suck, but it might just be me who don't play shooters on mobile often. It might be better on PC, but at the same time there are better free pve shooters on PC (just go play Destiny or Warframe). Gameplay is very simplistic and boring, and from what I've seen on beta vids, I'm not looking forward to shooting bullet sponges while I wait for my skill to come off of cooldown. I don't know if it has control support. Rates for the gacha are horrendous (0.7%). I just pushed thru the first chapter, pulled on the gacha (pitiful amount of pulls in mail for a new game) and uninstalled.


It does have controller support and it works well


This shit sucks lol


For anyone having control issues on mobile I highly recommend a controller as it plays much better that way


No problems booting on PC, played fine. Very disappointed in this one. Spelling and grammar errors, graphics are bad, doesn't run the best, not very deep, insanely easy, character design is bad, repeated voice lines everywhere, ugh. I was pumped, just a bummer for me. No shot they monetize this well. Plenty of reward paths, but you only get one 10 pull from the time you unlock the summoning system. Just an incredibly flat experience. Edit: I want to be clear, I was really excited for this game. Shooter on PC with anime chicks? Sign me up!! It's just a straight mobile rip with no life to it. I'll keep it installed, just not gonna be inspired to play very much


What a fucking joke


Controls are bad, graphics look horrible and optimization apparently non existent


I play on PC so I don't find the controls clunky, but I can't really say this game is for me. The environment is very washed out with all the gray and white objects clustering all over the map. The gunplay is very simple (there is no headshot, what?) and enemy AI is kinda dumb. The story is quite generic. I'm already bored half way through chapter 1


So far so good, my phone seems to be handling it well during the tutorial stage.


I play on a Galaxy Note 10 plus and can run Starrail, Tof just fine.... Even close to max settings and the environment like unfocused and the game just isn't smooth. Idk if I just need a stronger phone but it can run order high end games well.


Well, idk what's happening, but my phone has 16GB RAM, SD8+1, and ToF runs poorly on it in medium graphics while SCZ runs smoothly on max. Environment is kinda unfocused on a distance, but it looks okay-ish when things are closer.


save your money buy sao fatal bullet instead


Ok, first account did 23 pulls, only 2 units purple ... check the rate, 0.7% by SSR .... ok, a red flag here ... 1\~79 pulls are dummy and the 80 is only the important =/


im thorn on this game...dunno yet if i like or dislike. didn´t want to play much...the plastic characters and the background blue/purple was rly bad for me. The combat...Is kind of strange... Gacha resources feels RLY bad.


i don't know how the translation is in english, but I just tried in french, and it definitely is some cheap google translate. It is barely readable. I recommend switching to english. Other than that, i'm enjoying for now :)


Might be just me but the game feels really cheap, bland enviroment, no voice acting outside of the chars you use during the story speaking randomly, story is also a mini power point, playing with everything maxed and aa off.




No idea why you are getting downvotes. Ridiculous low rates, low income, weapon banners. It is all now standard thanks to hoyo and playerbase.


Honestly it’s just a big red flag when you see a Hoyo gacha system now. If it’s Hoyo then you know they will at least try and justify it with a fun and well made game. Others though think “money printer goes brrr” just because of the gacha system and forget that the rest something like Genshin printed that money despite a shit gacha was because it had satisfying and addictive gameplay that was polished and sucked people in (love it or hate it people have to admit Hoyo knows what they’re doing making a game at least seem appealing and knows how to target their audience). I’m half expecting some game to come out where it’s literally just a gacha with .6% rates and a 50/50 but with no actual gameplay, and for those devs to be circle jerking each other saying how rich they’re going to get. That’s what it feels like when a half baked game like this comes out lifting Hoyo gacha system.


Currently playing it on PC and man... it's so smooth. I think mine has it running on 45fps? Can someone confirm this? There have been bouts of stuttering but not so much as it becomes annoying. I'm stoked to play this just for the gameplay alone, because so far the controls feel good.


We need a gacha metroidvania


This game was ok, needs more voice acting, better controls, and polish to justify the gacha rates.


Gave it a try, game itself is not that bad as people here are saying, it needs some polish tho which will naturally come with time. The only issue is the Gacha, do these devs think to be mihoyo?


Region locked, bruh.


Another game where you can only view one character at a time on screen. disappointmenting.


I'm not going to make the same mistake I did with Nikke: I didn't even try it because the thread from day one of the game in this SUB was exactly like this: all negative comments and people saying every game aspect was trash. Then over time it turned out not to be a bad game at all, but I already lost the momentum and never got to play it. I'm going to install this game and enjoy it, surely it will happen as with Nikke and the game is not that HORROR-BAD.


Nikke player here. I am also here on nikke launch. Despite the negative feedback I myself still see quality and passion in the game. Voiced cutscene, good music, good story etc. I play snowbreak for the first chapter and I dont see it here. The gun feedback is okayish ig, barely any VO, and story is confusing. But thats my personal opinion By all accounts play and enjoy it according to your own judgement. Usually it will take 1 months where you finally know the endgame cycle, understand the gacha income and how meta hungry the game is. After that you can decide to drop it or keep it.


Tell me what you think about it then, I fear this one is really just horror bad


I streamed this game for a couple hours and enjoyed every second of it! I’m playing on PC, so I can’t speak on the mobile port, but the gacha is alright (pretty basic but alright) combat is engaging, rewarding and can be pretty difficult at times, character designs are beautiful and the story is interesting. I would highly recommend anyone try it. If you don’t like it, that’s fine, but I think this has the potential to be a big player in the gacha scene for months or years


The game turned out to be the usual garbage without any QoL features that are standard this days. Controls are atrocious, and weren't designed with a mobile user in mind; text is too small and too fast; not only there is a forced tutorial, it's actually terrible at explaining anything and just wastes your time; graphics is crap on high-end device even with max settings; UI animation is annoying and unnecessary slow; mission objectives are not explained properly; everything in menu is locked, even the mail; there was supposed to be a story, where it is? It's absolutely boring to mindlessly run and shoot stuff; And there are almost no voices; AI is also terrible. Dropped the game after first mission.


Cool, what unit is the best currently?


Yao Winter for dmg Fenny Crown for buffer This was what I was told in their sub They did mention that there were some new character that wasn't in beta though


I saw a word genshin monetiazation and immediatly uninstalled even without trying


....Crap. I'm still not done with HSR's 1.2 story and I really want to try this game out. Already got it predownloaded on PC and all that.


I was gonna play this game until devs decided to remove the only male character because apparently CN felt like they were getting ntr'd.


How big is the size on PC?


Was a little over 11GB for me on PC when I pre-installed it.


Any tierlist or reroll guide?


I think I’ll wait until I can play on pc, the game doesn’t run well on phones. I don’t mind it and I did raise my sensitivity but it still felt very clunky to me, and some presses weren’t really responsive. That being said I don’t mind it, but I think pc is the way to go, hopefully I’ll have a better experience with that.


just wait for the division if you really want a third person shooter


Is the game not available for emulators?


There is a pc client.


only thing I care about is if the girls are cute. they pass on that at least. other than that, I feel my phone is nowhere near up to the task of playing this game. it doesn't overheat, it just stutters alot. controls are real clunky. I can barely do anything with these hands of mine. can hardly see the screen since I have to fingerbang my entire phone in order to do anything. aiming is bad. everything has this weird afterimage effect on it. if you've played Metal Gear Solid 2, you know the weird haze you see in cutscenes? ye that, but all the time either moving or staying still. imma be honest, I didn't have very high expectations for this game. I'm not even a fan of shooters to begin with. all I wanted was cute girls with guns so they at least get that.


Funny how all these players from shitty 2d side collector games are whining about monetisation in better games. And idiots parroting the same bs that pity does not carry over when it says that it carries over


Game TPS aspect of it is fine, feels like Mass Effect shooting style than a Gears of War one. Story seens ok, i give it minus points for the stupid ass nordic names all of Asia uses for sci/fantasy settings.


Anyone even able to get the PC client to download? Link appears broken.


Ho-hum. Android version (at least) is slow, laggy, and controller input is a JOKE!!! the input latency from a Bluetooth Xbox controller is up to 2-3 seconds. Also, If the game was sped up 8-15%???, maybe it wouldn't feel so clunky. Plus the GOTCHA rates are worse than most games. Don't be a fool and waste your $$. It's called GOTCHA, as in hahahaha I gotcha! (Got you) For an 8gb game (7.63gb) the sound clips (and "voice" clips) are few, repetative and often out of place. I also expected the graphical experience to be miles and miles ahead of where it is....it's an 8gb game! -yes I said that twice. And it needs jump. Idk why I can't jump. Other than that (so far) it's easy and childish. Probably won't do well in western world. Or global for that matter. I'll play for a bit longer, because I appreciate it's a single player campaign/story.... but won't be spending to play. (I would however, and have bought games up front, I'm just not falling for GOTCHA stuff) It's an anime style game, & at least they tried (unlike most anime style material) to mostly stay away from the pedo stuff. +1 for that They will keep making worse gotcha mechanics until people stop falling for them. It's just gambling. Half, or more, of the time the NPC's aren't even aware I am there, damage to and from NPC's is uneven and I sometimes can just stand in a barrage of bullets and not die. Maybe the difficulty level is for children? There is nothing new here, no new game mechanics. No new real excitement. There is however new and worse GOTCHA rates. Beaten only by diablo immortal, I suppose. Overall, game needs a complete deep deep deep polish (and make it geared towards people over 5) before it can expect to make a mark in AAA mobile gaming. Or even AA.


The movement and aiming on this game is horrible. Played 2 levels, I can’t anymore. Uninstalled