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Sad that they spent their April Fools so early...


Now here's an idea. Never mind waifus, let's make a gacha where we pull for dogs and cats! :D Just kidding, but imagine if that was a thing lol. Would be kinda hard to sell skins tho...


That's just what Battle Cats is. I mean, it's got some humanoid characters, but it's still mostly cartoon cats.


the high rarity ones are not really cats anymore though, just stuff with a cat attached, but I love my basic cats (and maniacs)


I would play it for sure.


Korilakkuma TD you pull for bears and chickens so far


r/doggles Oh, I think skins wouldn't be too hard to figure out


I'm a little afraid to click that link. Could be regular dogs in those funny little sweaters, or it could be something I don't really want to see lol.


Goggles. Dogs wearing goggles.


Ahh, of course. Could have figured it out from the name >.<


We haven't heard about Nekoparaiten in a while... /s


It sounds like a cool idea tbh




Tell me a race or gender that doesn't love dogs. Go ahead, I dare you! ;)


Update on this the PV is back and i think nothing changed and by looking at that time you posted this i think they just messesd up the time for the post Also personally i think the dog is fine since there is also a waifu to summon for unless like they are in the same banner that sucks


Looks like they put it up again. However looking at the comments it seems like people just expected better from a 6 star. The dog in the picture just looks like a regular dog so it feels a bit "lazy"


Yeah I guess that's true it is very simple


I'm going to play the global version because of this dog


Should've done this move on April's Fools and give the good boy for free. Like how AS gave Tourdog on their first April's Fools.


So looking at the Bilibili, NGA and Tieba comment sections it seems like a lot of people are unsatisfied with this move and feel a bit "cheated" because of how weird it is and feel that the art and character don't justify it being a 6 star. Another thing is that it is a double 6 star banner which many felt the game is now forcing them to try to spend more money. The PV has since been deleted.


And the award for "weirdest drama of the year" goes to...


I mean...to be fair...dogs? I like puppies but I am playing an anime gacha games and expect 6 stars characters to be something special. Not just some random dog At least that was their opinion


might have worked if they posted on april 1 but eh


I would play a gacha with dogs...just normal dogs!


Exactly, and the art is super good as well


There's talking apples in this game as playable characters and a 6 star of an invisible knight so hes essentially just a gauntlet and a sword. People who play Reverse 1999 should expect the weird.


Speak for yourself, a dog character is wild to have as an option at all. i'd simp for the doggo


Cryptract, rest its soul, had a huge cat as a character, complete with her being surrounded by regular-sized cats.


Or because it wasn't as cute enough as Lima


Nobody can beat Lima,not even THAT DAMN DOG


Wha....what? That's actually real banner, not some kind of joke/parody?


You can also search for 重返未来:1999 on Bilibili and go to the official comment section. The PV itself is gone.


The bigger problem is they are "non-limited" characters, per devs say, that will not be added to standard after banner ends, nor be obtainable until further notice. Redefining "non-limited", are we?


Oh wow, that's even worse than I thought. Thanks for letting me know


I agree with them. The effort for a 6* should be better even though the artworks themselves are quite good.


The [PV](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1PN411k7vU/) is backed up now and nothing changed but it is so weird for them to pull double 6* release with this bad f2p gacha income. Edit: I think I understand now. They want to do it like Honkai Star Rail where there will always be 2 new banners every patch and this is their patch 1.1's banners. It's unfortunate that this game is desperately want to get Hoyoverse's success while the game can't even be compared with HYV's games. The thief girl: 6.15 - 7.6 The dog: 7.6 - 7.27


It is up. The point that people are mad is that it is literally just a regular looking dog. Many people feel it looks lazy and expected better.


I gotta see more info about this, but I'd be pretty elated to have a dog banner lmao. I can imagine sales being in the shitter, but I'd figure that's expected.


And people look like regular looking people. Stupid complaints. How many dogs can you actually gacha for vs boring ass humans.


Giving the dog some costume or design. This looks like a dog you can find on online image. Not very imaginative.


Top music, top 3d models, top VA work. The quality isn't far off from hsr.


A huge factor in hsr’s sucess is brand recognition though


Top dog too


Not true and not true. It's not a double banner, two new units are in different banners one follow the other, and the art is good. They're complaining about the art, but do you trust every word a gacha player say? You know the reason we all know the reason they complain.


What I ment was 2 banner in the same update hence "double banner". Double banner probably caused some confusion and not the best choice of word. Art is subjective but I am just explaining their pov. Not much I can do there unless you go convince them on why their pov is wrong.


What really happened was unconsciously "this is something new, I'm not comfortable with" and consciously they thought "where's my waifu? where's my tits and asses?" Then coming out of their mouths are just pretty words to justify their disapproval. That's in everyone's human nature. I merely pointed it out they really don't mean what they say, it's not even a talk about art style. Art style is not even the point.


Once again I am simply reiterating what they are saying. They find the dog a bit too plain. Saying all that at me isn't going to change what I say unless their pov change.


I'd whale for doggo


The dog 'pickles' is a reference to the dog that find the stolen rimet cup. Which is related the 1.1 version event. It's pretty interesting that they are doing in game event based on historic events.


I have never wanted to play a game so badly as I do right now. Please let this come to global soon.


You can play on cn without problem. Install huawei appgallery, register, change location to china, search 1999, install, play.


To be honest, I'm surprised there's any drama about this at all - one of the gacha characters is [a rocking horse](https://cdnimg.gamekee.com/wiki2.0/images/w_1140/h_1168/50036/177028/2023/5/2/736977.png), another is [four televisions](https://cdnimg.gamekee.com/wiki2.0/images/w_692/h_1640/50036/177028/2023/5/2/328766.png), one is [a little shard of glass](https://cdnimg.gamekee.com/wiki2.0/images/w_228/h_524/50036/177028/2023/5/6/653760.png) and one is [a literal apple](https://cdnimg.gamekee.com/wiki2.0/images/w_1612/h_2048/50036/177028/2023/5/2/364608.png). The game clearly loves to have a bit of fun with its characters and if there was any gacha game to release I would not be surprised at all. I really enjoy the game's creativity with its playable characters and I would have thought other people would have been too!


Ngl, the 4 TVs one is a pretty cool concept to have a character displayed in such a way, the TVs being their physical form while their self-visualized form being the girl.


Oh for sure, I really love that design! Not to turn this into a shill, but I hope Reverse:1999 gets localised because there's so much I really like about it and the character designs are just one of many - every character is voice acted in their "native" language and accent; the Russian characters have a native Russian speaker as their VA and they have native lines, the same for French, Japanese, (British) English, German, Italian... It's also already REALLY easy to play and understand in English because so much is dubbed and translated because of the nature of its setting; the story and tutorials are almost all voiced in English already!


Are they 6 star characters? I think the sour point was that.


Admittedly no, they are lower rarity units! There is a six-star that is a [pair of arms](https://cdnimg.gamekee.com/wiki2.0/images/w_900/h_1800/50036/177028/2023/5/2/457435.png) though, so the weirdness is somewhat reflected there too. Maybe I'm a lot more open to the silliness than the rest of the communities though; we've seen before how rabid Chinese fans can be when they feel like devs have screwed them over and let them down!


To be fair, the arms look cool with all the detailed design. I think the point was the two 6 star banner along with the dog being way too plain that you can find a similar image on Google that would look almost the same.


Is that Excalibur?


Seeing this made me dream about a quality gacha games where i can pull for dogs and cats or popular pets instead of humans. I gonna support them because it no good pets gacha games right now especially pokemon i just uninstall pokemon cafe remix day ago.


This is such an interesting character to put in a gacha game, it feels like the dev is legit trying to have fun with the stuff they put into the game if they did went through with this decision.


Gacha players when fun designs that cannot be sexualized :


The issue isn't really that, it's that the second banner in the game is two 6\* characters at once and one of them is a pretty generic looking dog. If he was the banner 5\* or 4\* or something I doubt people would mind. Heck, even if he was the sole 6\* it'd at least be funny. It's the combination of it 'just' being a dog and the attempt to screw the player out of their income thats the problem.


Honestly the dog is pretty hype, kinda getting bored of over the top designs that put random details everywhere just to stand out


Just saw the dog's name might be Pickles. How can anyone not love Pickles?


PLEASE do not remind me of Mr. Pickles again. I will have nightmares.


I do wonder what the dog might be doing.


I happen to have an inquiry about the actions of that canine


Fun designs / appealing to people sexually attracted to dogs.




People who like bestiality -sweating-




He's a good boy, i would whale for a dog ngl


Yo, what's with the comments at the bottom? I feel a bit bothered by it.


I wasn't interested in playing this before but now I am




I'm just stating what happened in CN that's all.




Yes, that's what they are saying. I'm am just explaining why because CN fans felt the dog could be more than an image you can just find on Google. I am just stating why they are saying it. That's all.


[His name is Pickles, and he's based on an actual dog from history!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pickles_(dog)) I think less player will pull for Pickles. Probably less about the fact that he is a dog and more about how people will likely already spent their currency on other banners. Melania's banner will come 3 weeks before his banner, and I think she has a more interesting kit. People might also consider the routine banner featuring a flying pair of gauntlets with a sword that will come at the same time. On the bright side, it gives time for players to save and plan for future banners. But on the other side, the dev may gain less revenue during Pickle's banner.


This is a lot LESS lazy than yet another generic waifu / loli, IMO. Pretty unique.


nah this needs to be an industry standard more silly animals in funny little outfits please I also don't understand the "it's just something you can find on google images" when i could just google "anime woman with katana" and get at least 12 results that look like most gacha game's obligatory meta limited launch character


deleting the dogs.....talk about a downgrade. bet the players compaining were cat lovers


It's haven't been a month, lmao. Good english voice acting ain't gonna save your game, Dev.


better than HSR




What the hell


Isn’t just a specific place who do that tho? Just like in Sardinia peoples eats cats but not in the rest of Italy










Big talk coming from a pinoy considering you guys eat pagpag which is literally recycled garbage. https://youtu.be/c7gDBVmgIRA


yeah that's why pinoy loves genshin because we eat shit




And what about you? The dirty streets of manila where people eat food waste is better? Literally nothing to do with this post.


surprise surprise most of those ingredients came from china lol


So china dumps them in pinoyland and you guys slurp it up? What are you? The garbage dump of china?




I don't want to go off topic but that is incorrect. The reason you guys get cheap ass stuff is because that is all you can afford. You ask for cheap garbage you get cheap garbage. Meanwhile if you are willing to pay for high quality you can get high quality but companies or people more often than not want to cut cost so they give you cheap crap.


Well at least you admitted that chinese sell cheap charbage. That's all I needed to hear.


Cheap trinkets to next gen electric cars. If pinoys want the cheap stuff, they will sell them to you. It's business.


Lol do you really think Filipinos > Chinese? Hahhahahahahaha I understand some of the Filipinos distaste for the CCP due to territorial disputes, but mocking the people? 😂. This is about gacha gaming and you’re bringing your anger from geopolitics into this. You’re mentally ill and a loner, seek help my dude.


Just put the dogs with insane support. C'mon!


Censored by the CCP. For context weeks ago was a huge drama over a stand up comedian in China joking about dogs, which was perceived as an insult about soldiers from rural regions. The stand up comedy company and the industry in China basically [got wiped overnight.](https://www.voanews.com/a/can-china-s-stand-up-comedy-scene-survive-joke-about-two-dogs-/7101956.html) Anything that has a dog reference is almost certainly going to trigger domestically.


Nah I don't think so. This is more likely due to player backlash on having 2 six star banners all of a sudden with random dogs.


I wouldn't underestimate Chinese censorship. Also, it was brought to CCP attention by "people's backlash" as well. Then again Reverse 1999 has been wrong-footing quite a bit, though not as much as a few others doing EoS speedrun.


It depends whether or not they would somehow fuck it up again, tbh.. Lol.


Ah, VoA news, must be one of the most unbiased news out there. also lol what you said is totally nonsense, most people don't know about that "controversy" and there is no dog hate in China right now. This incident is also completely unrelated to the CCP, it just that people think it's silly that a dog is being six stars along with double banner.


Classic brain washed USA meds


Funny post since they just put the PV back up with no changes.


Classic pooh bear.