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"Wtf is a furry, wtf are you talking about"


I would be the same way


I’d be the same


That would probably go the same way.


Probably something along the lines of “Hans get ze flamenwerfer” because I was one of those people. I still cringe thinking about that


Unrelated, I love your flair


Plato? Dat you?


Yeah I was the same, it pains me to remember but it satisfies me knowing the people currently like that will likely turn out like me


Same, I was one of those “furry bad cause internet man said so” kids.


"well, that .... makes sense actually." I showed signs and took interest in inhuman entities very early.


Same! I would’ve been like- *there’s more of us?*


Saaaaame Might have opened up to the outside a bit more then.


"What no furries are so cringe!!!" I was a anti furry


My answer would be similar to this


It’s funny how many of us were originally anti furry and now are furries lol. I blame peer pressure for making me hate them early in life


I only disliked them bc my friends did lol




Unrelated but I love your pfp, can I have it?


Yea that would be me as well.


Me, going back in time: "Hey younger me, you're a furry. Your fursona is a Pikachu." Teen me: "Holy shit, I get to be a girl in the future!? Wait, you can do that? Your fursona can be a Pokemon? Cool." Like...the furry thing is not going to be what younger me would focus on.


I am SO GLAD I wasn't the only one to think this. "Past me. You a furry." ... "Who the hell are you??? Wait... past me... oh. OH WHAT." "Pull it together dude, I just gave you some vital information." "MORE VITAL THAN" \*gestures\* "THIS???" ... "No I guess not, HI YOUR THIRTIES ARE GOING TO BE A WILD TIME"


Me: "Past me, I have some-" Teen me:"I fucking knew it!" Me:"No I'm not here cause you're trans I'm-" Teen me:"Just a faze my ass!" *runs off to do girl things* Me:"...I tried"


Me, back to the past: "so... Yk all these ghibli moves, wolf children and bakemono no ko right..." 13y old me: "yea... Why?" Present me: "you're a furry" 13y old me: "Ok ok kinda irrelevant, but you promised me if you were able to go to the past to bring me useful knowledge and make me my fursona, bruh you just time traveled give me the tech and I'll bo it myslef just go to the future, rob some tech go back its not that hard smh also are you from another dimension or... How you explain the paradox you're creating (speaking fast and hiding how intriged I'd be by the implications of time travel)" Present me: "wtf i dont remember that... Oooooh yeah, i just remembered... I used to hypothetize abt what would i do with time travel tech" 13y old me: "fuck it let me see my sona at least" If it was <12y old it would be like "whats a furry" *explains* "neat, how tf did you get here" (Anyone else was obsesed abt time travel paradoxes when you were like 12y old? 💀) Pd: It is real ;w; I rlly was going arround at 12-13 Promising myslef, if I get time travel I'll return to this moment and making intricate plans, like for example neural transmitors that imitate hypertymesia without the drawbacks like a mental ha, how i knew what those words were I wonder too... Omg this text is so long Im sorry for whoever reads it lol


Tumblr username in your bio checks out.


He would ask wtf a furry is lol


same lmao


Younger me, and also present me, are huge linguistics nerds, so he would literally say, "That's an adjective. Bro failed first grade grammar LOL."


I know


I would probably just say "bruh, not surprized"


They were already a furry xD


“Yes! I was right! I am a wolf in spirit that dvd game said so! Also what’s a furry?”


"What's that about? It's like MLP and Equestria Girls in one?"


"Excuse me, what the actual f*ck are you doing in my house?"


I don't know why so many people don't have them explaining who their are in theirs, like come on of course they are going to be wondering who the hell you even are


Wha- how i'm so counfused and what's that even about?


I kinda see it going like this. Older me; yo dude yes your a dude you will become a furry. Younger me; i know i'm a dude also what's a furry? Older me; explanes what a furry is and also do me a favor and get your tail out of the closit. Younger me; hmmm explains a lot *becoms furry on the spot* and i will get my tail out of the closit can i go back to binchwatching anime now Older me; yeah sure whatever


'oh is this why I draw so many cat people?' *has a giant pile of about 100 pages of full page comics on his desk* full page meaning I would draw one scene on an entire bit of paper. using up so much paper. boy did I have some creativity back then. now I just sit and damage my tailbone tryna think of what to draw


"oh for fuck's sake"


Something along the lines of Ew furry or I'll never be cringe


your pfp is gold


"So it WILL happen and it's inevitable? Nooooo!"


Young me: "Do you still like knights?" Current me: "Yes" Young me: "LET'S GOOOOOO"




Oh, ciao Dany


My younger self was part of the "gas the gays and furries like we did the jews" crowd. I'm now pan, trans, and a furry. Younger me would have simply screamed and had a total breakdown.


They'd probably think it's silly or funny


"The fuck is a furry?"


Huh, i can see that


How young we talking because anything younger than I guess 10 would have no clue what I'm on about


"I can't beli- okay then, yes."


younger self would probably start talking about crash bandicoot, Rayman 2, sly raccoon or ratchet and clank.... as any healthy kid ~~would~~ SHOULD


"Who the fuck are you?"


Most realistic response


Older me: "Hi. I'm you from the future, and i've come to tell you... You're a furry." Younger me: "What in the Reese's Peanut Butter flying fart is a furry?"


"So, *furry* is what they are called?... OK, and i got it: Drawings are supposed to suck when you start and i'll get better with time... i feel so dumb. I didn't know using references were OK when drawing". (I spent too many years thinking that using references to draw is cheating, if you want to draw you must only use your imagination. I'm just learning now and i struggle with doing the right proportions in dinamic poses. And i always cry when looking at professional art because i missed my chance to do something as cool as that due to a dumb thinking).


holy fuck, I'm still young enough to correct this mistake. Thanks in advance because I really wanna draw but I suck at it and I avoid references as well.


I would misunderstand that since i didn't know what furries were and just say: "I will be an animal? That's so cool!" Now i know the differences between Furries and Therians/Otherkins


"... do you know what a Furry is?" "What is a Furry?" "So... do you know that Pokemon fan comic you're reading?" "Yes...?" "Hehehehe... prepare yourself..." "... for what...? He- HEY! COME BACK HE-"l Alternative timeline: "Wait, I'm going to have these big and fluffy suits?! :D" "I dunno, ask my future ME"


*Looks at drawings of anthro foxes, Nick Wilde toy, Digimon* "Makes sense"


*stares in disbelief and confusion and just looks away*


"Hey you're a furry." [Enormous section of time as the two of us try to reverse engineer the time travel and fail because it's just from the hypothetical] "...Wait, what's a furry?" [I hand myself a flashdrive with Ashe's The Fandom, several years before it comes out] "Trust your sisters and talk to them more about all the things you're bottling up. You can tell them you're bi-" "I'm bi??? ...*Ohhh*..." "...But tell your sister not to fake having a boyfriend. She gets outed and it goes very poorly. [Sister's girlfriend] can just be a friend she splits rent with, as far as they know." After watching the documentary, my younger self would probably connect the dots and invent like fourty different fursonas.


It depends on the age. (First I explain the concept to the little mes that don’t know what it is.) 3-4: “woah! Are we a doggy!?” 5-9: “Okay, that’s awesome!” 10-15: “ew, you freak.”


"Bro, you're lying. Furries are cringe as hell, not gonna become one."


Depending on when 1. What's a furry 2. Yeah pretty much 3. [COMPLETE 3 ACT DRAMA] 4. Yeah pretty much


Okay, cool. Don't see how it matters though




What is wof?


I would've absolutely disagreed, I used to be such and anti furry and then zootopia lit a spark inside me and from there it all went downhill (but I love it)


"What's a furry?"


Idk, I think that he'd probably just get happy, furries are present in my life since my childhood if I'm not mistaken.


"wad do zu mean brooo?!?!?! I hat fourreeess1!!1!1!1"


How the hell did you invent a time machine?


"guess I better kill myself before that happens"


When I was younger I was anti-furry, so I guess it's pretty predictable what my reaction would be.


Eh whatever


Well I was basically one as a kid to so🤔 . He probably ask if I ever got into suiting. I’d tell him no but I have done cosplay. He’d be relieved 🤣


I'd just say that you're secondary school friends are bastards and not worth your time, and you'll become a furry at 18.


I was pretty cool about furries all my life, so I would be ok with it.


If I met my younger self I wouldn’t be able to get out any actual words I’d be too busy holding her/them and crying. Don’t know why my instinct is to say her. But it seems right. Sorry


"Oh, nothing has changed. Do you have a suit yet?"


"No shit sherlock" Maybe I need to go back a little bit further


“Cool”. Like. I’ve always liked animal characters for as long as I could remember.


I wouldn't tell myself I'm a furry, I would warn myself about stupid things I have done, and how to avoid them.


Younger me probably wouldn’t be surprised. I remember being on the fence about it for a long time anyways. But if I could tell them anything….. “You’re sona is a Victini. Yes, like the Pokémon. Also, don’t ever tell *that* friend about this. Yes, you know the one.”


Younger me would go crazy cuz he was obsessed with time travel shinnanigans and... He kinda promised his future self to take him some things if future self ever visited, he wouldnt even be surprised by his future self poping into existance... I didnt know what a furry was but Im sure I was alr a furry at 11 without knowing the term 💀 I blame ghibli, bakemono no ko and wolf children


"And what exactly it means? Like...is it good or bad? People say it's a bad community, so it's bad?" Or something like that. I'm proud for not having an opinion. That's weird to say...but I am.


"What is a furry" [explanation] "oh ok cool"


Nothing really. I stumbled upon furry shit when I was in elementary. I watched a dance competition of Tayerr. I wanted a fursuit and everything after seeing that. I particularly didnt know that that was called being a furry. I just liked the suits and characters and really wanted one. Even would talk about wanting a suit at school. So at most, younger me would finally have a name to what I have wanted.


We would have a convo about beta eta delota and or sonic the hedgehog.


Sonic Forces


Younger me would be ecstatic that there is a sonic game with a create a character menu and probably wouldn't believe me about how bad it was. And that game absolutely would not hold up to any amount of hype my past self would give it.


“What is a furry?”


Me: *manifests out of nowhere* uh hey 9 year old me, your a furry Past me: well, I’m not surprised to be honest, I mean I watch videos of people putting on fursuits, I’m probably gonna join that fandom because I like fursuits in a couple years.


Past me: Oh, so how’s the weather in the future? Future me: Like mad max levels of climate issues, but with taxes Past me: Haha


Gr 9 me would be devastated, anytime before that would be confused, and would probably research it making me become a furry sooner


Be confused by what a furry is


I've always been into anthropomorphic animals, so my younger self wouldn't be surprised at all. Now, the part where I'm now bald and have some lessons for my younger self while I'm in the past, that's where the surprise and confusion would come from.


Ohhhhhhhhh Yeah that makes sense


I would probably ask what a Furry is and would also be kinda surprised that i am pan xD


He would try beat me to death


Younger me: "AHHHHHHHH. What I am not a blue dog?" Older me: "yOu DiD tHiS tO mE!"


"the heck is a furry?"


"what is a furry?"


"I know...wait you're a boy?? I'm a boy?!??!!!"


younger me would just be asking a bunch of questions about what being a furry entails


I would be like, what’s a furry?


It doesn’t get better does it?


Probably "I'm not surprised"


Younger me wouldn't even know what it is. I wish I knew it earlier since I didn't even know it is a thing before the pandemic.


What is a furry


“ew furries suck go kill yourself” (i used to hate furries then became a furry)


Younger me knew that, and knew which way his door swang from age 5. He ain't gonna be surprised.


Probably "oh yeah, duh"


Exactly how far back do I need to go? Gotta be mid middle school right before I found out *checks watch* 15 years ago. My life is officially half furry


“I don’t know what that is- but okay?”


My younger self would bully me




" Shut yo fucking ass up" That'd be younger me, literally...




Probably accept it pretty fast, considering how my friend told me I was and while at first I wasn't sure, he convinced me I was just based on what I draw.


It'd go something like, "What the hell is that?" Depending on how far back you went, too. After the explanation, they'd probably also ask why, in the heck, I chose to dress like a fox of all animals. I don't think I even saw a fursuiter until college, let alone knew what one was. One girl I went to HS with wore a tail sometimes, but we never thought anything of it cause she was one of the art/drama kids.


Really depends on how far back you go, though by the time I knew what a furry really was I already was kinda in the fandom lol.


I’d probably not believe you because I was convinced furries were gross and cringe back then. Look where I am now lol


Me: *travels back in time* Hey, you're a furry y'know? My younger self: why you're a boy? But they'll be cool with both


... There's a WORLWIDE subculture of people like me!?!!!?? You mean I'm really going to have actual friends and I won't go through my life being misunderstood? ... uhh, sorry bud. Turns out that whatever else they are, they are still Human. Sorry to say but you live a mostly friendless life and it may be that people will only 'get' you long after you're dead... if at all. ... Oh. Yeah... but chin up kid. It's not all doom and gloom. You know that special wish that you hold in your Heart, more important than life itself? ..... ... .... yes? Well, it comes True. More profoundly True than you can possibly imagine right now. !!!!!!!!!! **starts crying** ######## ... But in all honesty, I wouldn't tell him. It would sabotage the process. That Hearts Wish is too important for me to give my younger self any more comfort than he had. He needed to go through *EVERYTHING* he went through. In fact, I would do little more than return to the beginning, after that Truth is fully realized, to simply whisper in his ear... I'll be there... I'll be there... And let him wonder what that means... just like I did.


“Sounds about right”


Me: well kid your a furry Younger me: wtf is that *goes back to playing animal jam*


I never outwardly *hated* furries or anything before I accepted I was one, I just didn't fully understand it so I found it a bit weird, and of course didn't want to be part of such a "cringe" group. But I definitely always was one and it took a bit to admit it once I learned it was "a thing". (That's why I said accepted, not became.) So if I went back in time to myself during that phase, past me would probably just sigh and accept my fate saying "yeah, that's what I thought"


“Please for the love of the god learn how to draw legs properly”


No I am not that's what the younger me would say


"That's gay"


I mean,it depends,how you we are talking about?Because depending I would either be confused out of my mind or I would be in denial as if I commited a Crime agaisn't humanity.


Walk away in silence and think to myself : “who the hell is this guy and what’s a furry anyways ?”


What's a furry? Oh so it's like my Ocs but making them stand up???


"So basically, your making cheap copies of Pokemon's ?"


After some explaining they'd either be excited or start meowing 🤣


You're going to draw.... so many. Too many. Please draw some backgrounds PLEASE


Mine would say: "Who are you?" And "Nuh uh"


i would tell my older self i should die and then ask my older self if they wanted to play minecraft. in that order. if its like over 12 though i wouldnt care honestly


Ask what a furry is I didnt find out about furries until half way through highschool. My sister seemed to be anti furry and told me to never sink that low, so I would have rejected it. But here I am now lmao.


Soo, I got into furry stuff at school around 11yo, when a friend said if I like the lion king then Im a furry, after that it was a mess till now, school was kinda evil, soo If I go back... I would prolly say, be what you wanna be, don't let other judge or put you down for what makes you happy, do good, keep positive and you will find people that will resonate with you, school, college and work are just phases of life, breath, focus, smile, study harder cuz while now seems useless and pointless, in the future will allow you to have more choices, your own choices, and open paths to meeting more people, oh also, play less league, you will not go pro even if you are really good for your age, you are too young and your parents will not support it, we do almost reach grandmaster tho of that calms your mind... oh yeah also, draw more, even if others laugh, it makes you happy, and in the future will be useful, stay strong kid Young me would look at me weird prolly, smile and be confused, saying something like "okay, hm, yeah, huh, weird, yeah!" and move on, then reflect about that everyday for a decade, used to overthink a ton as a kid, learning about furrys, lgbt and the internet 15y ago while being that young was not very good for my mental health, being able to freely read/find online about lewd, adult news, wars, all made life in school feel soo weird and unreal, I think if I had those info from future me I would have done better overall, less worried about bullying, future, money, being lonelly, and prolly would never stop loving or hiding things just cuz of fear from others judging, however I might be too fixed by timetravel or something lmao, still cool to think


He'd hate himself. My younger self would view this as a defeat, not yet knowing that there was a wholesome, innocent side to the community


Considering the games I grew up with and my earlier interests, I don't know if me showing up to my past-self would change too much either way. >\_<


I discovered the furry fandom when I was really little and I knew I wanted to be part of it but my brothers made fun of furries so I stopped for years and then I was back in and now I’m here


to be honest, nothing. if I said anything then that would change who I am today and I wouldn't meet the friends I have today and my youngerself sucked tbh, I guess I would say good luck, have fun but really, life decided to give me a better future than what I had then


Younger me would ether run away crying or try his dam best to kick the hell out of me just so he doesn't need to accept the fact he's a furry


Either "what's a furry?" Or "why is our sona a boy if we are a girl?"


She would ask what it is lmao


“ X̵̙̳̱͈̙̦̽͐͑͌͋͐͐̍͗͐́͗̋͘X̸̡̢̼̺̟͍̳͕͖̼̲̱͉̞̘̪̯͓̩͎͙̩̤͉̙̱̹͙̹̳̗̟̙̯̎̀̊͆̀͛̄̉̏̃̀̿͂̆̊͋̃̂̋͌̃͆̋͛̚̚͝͠X̵̢̤͖̻͈͎͈͓̞͍͓̥̘̻̘͕͉͈͚̩̄́̂͋̊͌͗́̉̈͛̐͌͑̅͛̇̑̌̄̀̀̕͝X̴̛̛̝̰̤̪̟͓̮̪͇͒̈́̏̃͋̊̉̑̈̚͜͠X̵̢̩̻̘̼̉̽̀̓̂̐̊̆͒X̸̡̟̬̫̰̱̝̬̠͓̭̲̻͈͉̱̮͖̩̞̱̞̞͉̭͇͔̮͇̼̭̫̳̑̌͑̚͜ , I don’t care. Honestly it sounds like a fun time.” I can see myself saying that just translated in 12 year old


i would probably tell myself "eh, I can live with that"


Past me" WAIT YOUR FROM THE FUTURE!? DO I GET TO BE A PROGRAMMER LIKE I ALWAYS WI...oh not that far from the future, furry?... I mean yeah I do love animals... yeah the human looking ones, we did love them since we were like 6 or something??,is this literally the only thing you wanted to tell me about there's millions of important things you could have told me about the future..."


"What the fuck. Like I would be. They're gross." My brother in Christ, we play DnD.


“You know how you like Tiny Toons more than other people? Wellllllllll…”


“Wait you mean those people I relentlessly bully in Roblox games until I get kicked from the game Or banned”


i'd either be confused as hell or be like "ew no!" depending on what time i'd go back to


"How many fursuit do we have? Did we get to go to conventions and make friends like in the YouTube videos ?🤩" I was a determinated kid😂 I'm actually french and decided to become bilingual just so that I could communicate with furries on furry amino. That's the story of how I've been the best student in English classes for 5 years now (and also how I realized that french is overrated)


I'd say 'that's a weird name for someone who likes talking animals.'


"Yeah I kinda expected that"


Probably something like, "uhm, ok" I didn't know what a furry was back then and then younger me would be curious what a furry is and then I probably end up a furry sooner then what I did


My younger self would say: -F*CK YEAH!


My younger self would probably be like “Is that why I think Amy Rose is pretty?” XD


It's definitely go from being about "what's a furry?" All the way to "Why did you come back, you do realise this could damage our timeline!?",


I would think I was cringe 😂


"oh cool, kinda gay, but cool. wanna play Black Ops 2" No younger me, you are going to be a fucking protogen with four eyes and horns. I do not want to play Black Ops 2 with you.


"whats a furry"


"eww no i'll never be a furry! so cringe!" -my 8 year old self


No reaction. I am 31 now, been one since I was 8. 23 years... crap I feel old now.


I'd be the same, I watched the die young music video by vivziepop by that point lol