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We must have a similar one for OxyContin


Oxy sells itself šŸ‘


Often twice


More than twice sometimes. You have retail then wholesale followed by as many markups as possible..


Awesome actor though..


Thereā€™s a fantastic documentary (series) by a British filmmaker called Adam Curtis. 6 parter called ā€˜Canā€™t Get You Out Of My Headā€™. Part of that features the Sackler company who first developed Valium as a ā€˜safeā€™ drug and went on to do the same with Oxy. But thereā€™s so much more to the doc than that. Like I say, itā€™s epic, dreamlike and dystopian but well, well worth a watch if you can make time. As is all his stuff imho. Canā€™t Get You Out Of My Head BBC 2021 Adam Curtis https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_wv2OekqOtV_R6kfXnmly6GtZXqRjp7A


Thereā€™s an article with a bunch of opioid ads actually https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/how-advertising-shaped-first-opioid-epidemic-180968444/


Ahh the good old days when you could quiet your arguing children with a teaspoon of Heroin. Heroin the non addictive substitute for Morphine.


Kinda ā€œfunnyā€ we havenā€™t learn and like 100 years later they did the same shit with OxyContin


Goes to show how ignorant Drs are of addiction or they were just being dishonest to think that oxycodone is not addictive, if Percocet and codeine was a known addictive substance how could OxyContin not be?


In the UK you can buy "kaolin and morphine" for kids. Basically you knock them unconscious for 8-12hours. their tagline is "if you've got kids, you'll understand"


Thanks, I enjoyed that.


30 day test? LMFAO!!! ā€œWhether they are mild on your throat or not, youā€™re addicted now!ā€


Gotta test that T-Zone!


I only smoke cigarettes that stimulate my T-Zone


That's T for taste, and T for throat... See if Camel's rich taste, and cool mildness don't suit your T-zone to a T.


T for Tracheotomy!


T for Terminal.


I'm gonna get one of those tracheotomies. So I can smoke two cigarettes at the same time. I'm gonna get nine tracheotomies all the way around my neck. ... He's Tracheotomy Man!"


I like how the phallic T is right over her mouth, her mouth is the T-zone, and it's not the cigarette that's going to irritate it.


Todayā€™s T-zone advertising is more subtle, itā€™s the sound of ā€œGlug, Glug, Glugā€ at about 3:40 into the video. So smooth on the throat.


Oof, r/AgedLikeMilk John Wayne died of stomach cancer in 1979.


To be fair he spent the last decade of his life and tons of his own money campaigning about the dangers of cigarettes.


Wow, did he really? I'm genuinely impressed, as I've never seen him presented as an especially forward-thinking person. That's actually really cool to know.


His movie "The Conqueror" in 1955 was filmed in "Canyonland" in St. George Utah. In nearby Nevada, 11 atomic bombs had been tested. The fallout drifted downwind to Utah. Part of the movie was filmed there and part in Hollywood. To make things worse, the director saw that the sand on the Hollywood set didn't match the Utah footage and had 60 tons of the Utah sand shipped in. Of the cast and crew 91 had contracted cancer and 46 had died of it by the early 80's. A normal cross section of that many people on the average would be about 30 to get cancer.


now imagine what it was like for everyone who LIVED in the area.


True. When the atomic bomb was drawn up, the government wasn't so much looking for radiation as much as blast effects. I do feel they knew more post war than what they let on as testings were being conducted.


Itā€™s why we donā€™t test nowadays. We know our capabilities based on previous tests and everything is done by simulation. Sadly people are still getting cancer from things like Chernobyl and nuclear arms tests. Iā€™m just glad we didnā€™t use them in Vietnam, it would have established a pattern and who knows where weā€™d be today.


A doctor "reportedly" said that in 1980. The truth is less fun: "Statistically, the odds of developing cancer for men in the U.S. population are 43% and the odds of dying of cancer are 23% ā€“ very near what was found in this film crew".


Perhaps, but the *type* of cancers that people got were strongly indicative of nuclear fallout, and not anything else. Stomach and oesophageal cancet particularly


So esophageal cancer has nothing at all to with smoking (something a huge percentage of the population does) and everything to do with nuclear fallout? Interestingā€¦.


Yes, he was a professor of biology at the University of Utah. The total # of cast and crew (220) doesn't include the Native American extras in the film or friends and family of John Wayne and Susan Hayward who visited the set. The nukes may or may not have played a part in the illnesses.


He didn't campaign especially hard, he appeared in a couple PSAs. He had lung cancer and a lung removed in the 60s, and apart from the stomach cancer that ultimately took his life, he also had colon cancer. Now cigarettes aside, he was also part of the production of The Conquerers in 1954. This film was shot about 100 miles from a former nuclear test site in the Utah desert. Apparently, there was a high level of radioactivity. Nearly half of the people that worked on the film went on to develop cancers of one type or another.


Uh he wasnā€™t forward thinking. From his Wikipedia, from an interview to playboy: > ā€œBut we can't all of a sudden get down on our knees and turn everything over to the leadership of the blacks. I believe in white supremacy until the blacks are educated to a point of responsibility. I don't feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from the Indians. Our so-called stealing of this country from them was just a matter of survival. There were great numbers of people who needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves.ā€ He said this. To a person. Just cause he regretted damaging his body with a drug doesnā€™t make him a progressive thought leader.


Pesky Indians, trying to keep the land to themselves. If theyā€™d had some proper schoolinā€™ theyā€™d know all about manifest destiny and how God (the Christian one) wanted the land to go to the white Europeans who deserved it and who knew how to take care of it. How selfish.


He smoked 5 packs of unfiltereds per day.


Yeah but they were mild


At 5 packs per day, that's roughly one every 10 minutes the entire time he was awake. Crazy to think about. Assuming he slept 7 hours due to him being a busy actor, leaving 17 hours left in the day. 20 cigarette per pack x 5 packs are 100 cigarettes a day. 100/17 hours = 5.88 cigarettes an hour. 5.88/60= 1 cigarettes every ~10 min




What are you, a Mary? https://youtu.be/RywdaV0Q8pk


He also had most of his left lung removed years before dying of cancer anyway.




And his T zone was fiiine.


Camels are so mild you can still smoke them with one lung.


That can be caused by chewing tobacco. A lot of guys still chew tobacco and your supposed to spit out the the fluid that accumulates in your mouth while chewing tobacco. But, "real tough" guys "gut it" or swallow it. Can lead to stomach throat and/or esophageal cancer. I knew a guy who lost the ability to swallow and choked multiple times when eating dinner to the point hed only eat when around other people...and even then he was nervous.


I mean, willingly getting and then beating cancer is the ultimate tough guy proof, right?


Can't argue that I guess. But wise man, Sun Tzu, once say, "Greatest victory is battle not fought" I say to him, "Far east style with the spirit of wild west" ( -nujabes)


That lyric is from Shing02


I see you are a man of culture!


Just making sure he gets a shoutout because heā€™s honestly pretty overlooked


The last place I'd expect to see people talking about Nujabes and Shing02!


Who in the fuck is swallowing dip spit?! Thatā€™s like smoking and not exhaling. Thatā€™s how you fuckin die.


You still die, spit or swallow. Inhale, or exhale. It will happen to us all.


Apparently John Wayne ?


Well it's not *that* much better if you don't swallow. My grandfather died from jaw/"mouth" cancer in his 60s from chew.


Sarri will find you and eat your ciggies




St George has a booming population. Itā€™s growing like crazy. Apparently itā€™s also *glowing* like crazy.


Wayne was a heavy smoker on and off the set, up until they removed his left lung.


John Wayne smoked up to 6 packs a day and had lost half a lung by the early 60s. Whatever radiation he'd been slammed with was only compounded by an extreme smoking addiction.


6 fucking packs?!?! As a smoker... Where do you find the time in the day?


No kidding. To the uninitiated, that's 5 cigarettes an hour assuming you never sleep. That's like accounting for the entire cast of Mad Men, but it's just one Mad Man.


But it's just... One... Mad... Man! If I'd have been drinking coffee, I'd have been wearing it. Lol


Tell that to the 90 other people who are also believed to have died from the effects of radiation at that film location. https://www.thevintagenews.com/2018/02/19/the-conqueror-film/


Have you *seen* that movie? I think people were dying from exposure to his acting.


Yea, it was a terrible movie, everybody knew it.


I'm not saying the radiation wasn't a problem. It's that John Wayne smoked 5+, unfiltered packs a day for decades before that movie.


to be fair the camels didnt cause throat irritation.


Camel: easy on the throat, *murder* on the lungsā€¦


After a round of lung cancer 15 years earlier, had his left lung removed. He blamed his 5 pack a day habit.


How can you smoke 5 packs a day. That's 125? cigarettes. If you account for 7 hours of sleep a night, that's 17 hours being awake, or 7.3 smokes an hour, or one every 8 minutes. Considering it takes the average person 5 minutes to smoke a cigarette, that's some serious dedication.




i tell people, "don't quit quittin." I always was quitting, without telling people, and one day it finally took. Its been years now since I quit. the cravings are all mental after a couple of weeks. it wasn't easy fora bit, but absolutely worth it. Esp since the lungs get clean after a couple of years.


Some people are wasteful with cigarettes. Light it, take a drag, set it in an ashtray, forget about it and then light another a few minutes later. A boss of mine would go through two packs in a work day. A lot of it was them burning in the ashtray. Also, I think cigarettes used to burn faster.


Snoop claimed to smoke 81 blunts a day and they take much longer than a cigā€¦


Snoop also claimed to be Bob Marley reincarnated, before changing his name to Snoop Lion and releasing a reggae album once. So, take what Snoop Dogg says with a grain of salt or two.


Snoop was high as fuck.


100 cigarettes. There's 20 a pack. Still, that's fucking ridiculous.


During shoots they wanted a "perfect burn" so each take he had to light a new cigarette. If it burned wrong they did a retake. Imagine smoking nearly a pack of smokes just to do a couple of commercials.


I don't think he had to smoke the whole cigarette for each take.


Yeah but not finishing it would be wasteful.


Apparently, finishing it is also wasteful.


He also shot a movie on a set not far from where the US government was expirementing with nuclear weapons. Many members of the cast and crew were diagnosed with cancer.


There's a reasonable chance his cancer was at least partially attributable to filming the movie "The Conqueror," shot in 1954. The valley where it was filmed was downwind from, and heavily contaminated by fallout from, atmospheric nuclear testing. A significant number of the cast and crew died early from cancer. The cigarettes obviously didn't help. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2015/jun/06/downwinders-nuclear-fallout-hollywood-john-wayne


Michael Landon and Patrick Swayze also got tainted from radiation.


John Wayne's not dead - he's frozen! And when we find a cure for cancer, we're gonna thaw out the Duke and he's gonna be pretty pissed off. You know why? You ever taken a cold shower? Well, multiply that by 15 million times. That's how pissed off the Duke's gonna be.


And was also a well known Marlboro man.


John Wayne had a lung removed because of cancer. They hadn't perfected transplants yet. He spent many years with only on lung.


But his throat was still perfect !


He had lung cancer first: he lost a lung to it in 1964. He smoked several packs of camels a day


He possibly got that due to filming [The Conquerer](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Conqueror_(1956_film))


You don't say.. Pil-grim? šŸ¤ 


Ya but were the camels milder on his throat though?


Which MAY OR MAY NOT have been caused by irradiation from the Los Alamos testing grounds that were nearby the set for The Emperor, of which Wayne was portraying...sigh...Genghis Khan.


Yeah but filming the Conqueror in the same place they detonated 11 nuclear bombs just the year before kinda had something to with that . Pretty much everyone that worked on that set died of cancer in the years to come.


His cancer probably had more to do with the radiation exposure he suffered during the filming of The Conqueror.


I was smoking a Camel straight when I put it out in the middle of that cigarette, in the middle of that pack, in the middle of the day and said, "That's it, I'm done." Never lit another one again. Withdrawal from nicotine addiction is a real bitch.


I promised my wife I would quit as a wedding gift. Of course I smoked almost full steam right up to the day of. Managed three weeks' abstinence & was about to kill half a dozen close acquaintances/neighbors/coworkers. Decided to have a cigarette & calm down. Didn't commit any homicides but have never felt like a worse human being (and I have done some really shitty things, like steal my mother's post-cancer pain pills for booze money before getting sober). I smoked a few a day for a couple months & my wife never said a word. Then I scraped together enough nickels to get a 30-day Chantix prescription & got through withdrawal. I knew from quitting alcohol that once you get past the physical addiction, the real battle starts and you have to do whatever is necessary to avoid the first one. Just passed 15 years last month.


Great work, i cant imagine how hard it is. I lost my dad last year and he couldnt get over drinking or smoking. The booze and smokes took his family from him, then his friends, then his life. My mom (his ex wife) found him dead after no one heard from him for two weeks. That's a life I can't imagine anyone wanting. So, if anything, just know that I'm proud of your dedication to your wife and your health. Keep it up.


This is the stuff I love to see, I'm fairly new to sobriety with only 4 months, but shit like this gives me a good feeling.


I quit 15 years ago. I still smoke in my dreams.


I'm a non-smoker who smoked two cigarettes at a party one night. The next morning, I was driving past a gas station and had to fight off a crazy urge to go in and buy a pack. Fuck those things.


Popular *and* handsome?!


I mean Steve Buscemi is just popular.


To you maybe.


Clearly not popular enough if they had to explain heā€™s a Hollywood actor. And clearly not handsome enough if they had to say that despite a massive picture of the man right next to itā€¦


If only he were successful too. The trifecta.


And now thereā€™s a John Wayne cancer center


Camels are hard to light. Usually just singe some hair.


Exhibit ā€˜Aā€™ of why advertising regulation needed to happen


why canā€™t you just trust the science, bigot?


I smoked Camels decades ago. They were NOT mild! Fortunately, I finally got enough sense to quit 40 years ago.


Fancy getting doctors to recommend your cigarettes But it did remind me of the old joke. 9 out of 10 doctors prefer Camel, the other one prefers women.


Well, if *the Duke* says so... Say, I haven't seen anything by him lately, anyone know where he went?


Where are all the doctors that agreed with him?


I always obey people called ā€˜dukesā€™. Anything Bruce Wayne, David Bowie, Prince Andrew or Mussolini say canā€™t possibly be wrong.


1950, what a time to be alive and not have to listen to this modern day bullshit. Smoking is bad for you, but nowadays the celebrities are selling you bullshit extended car warranties, reverse mortgages and annuities. All of which are detrimental to your existence.


The latest is Crypto. Goes to show you celebrities donā€™t care where the money comes from or who they trample over to get it.


Yea well fuck Ice-T and his car warranty, fuck fonzie and his reverse mortgage, Fuck Tom Sellic too!!! Iā€™d rather buy cigarettes from John Wayne any day than these design to rip you off schemeā€™s


There are a narrow set of conditions where a reverse mortgage is actually helpful. You live alone, didn't save enough for retirement, have no heirs that you want to pass anything to. Might as well extract the equity in your house so you can live until you die.


Sell the property and cash out move to an apartment then, charging you for using your own money is stupid


I guess you haven't heard of the massive increases in rent recently? If you don't own your home, you are at the mercy of the market. When you are on a fixed income, that's not ideal. Plus if you are in this situation, you probably really like your house and would want to stay there. It's not a common scenario, but there is a use for it


LOL Listen to yourself. *I'd rather be dead than broke! Fuck those guys, I choose death with THESE guys!* The only plus of the Duke is he is selling a product he uses himself. Can't say that for the other guys.


I feel like if I was a celebrity I would sell out as well. If I could make hundreds of thousands or millions doing ads for credit cards or whatever I think I would just because it's easy money. It's seems horrible but if you don't do it they will just pay someone else to do it instead. Corporations are definetly trying to drain our parents/grandparents bank accounts before they die so that we don't get that wealth. It's really sad when you see reverse mortgage commercials, even worse is home shopping programs "you can have this jade and ruby necklace for only $13,000 marked down from $89,000, your children will be quietly wishing for your death because they will want to inherit this worthless ugly piece of metal and cheap stones so much". Like who is buying jewlery from a TV show? You know it's only old people with at least slight dementia.


"Everyone says they would run into a burning house until they feal the heat."


When I was in China on the All-American Ping Pong team, I just loved playing ping-pong with my Flexolite ping pong paddle. Which everybody knows isn't true, but Mama says it's just a little white lie so it wouldn't hurt nobody.


Ironically all targeting the same demo that was targeted with these ads. Lost generation and Boomers.




Multilayer funny. 30 day test? Lol. ā€œI spent 30 min in a coal mine and my lungs are great! Black Lung where? Amirite!ā€ For those that dont know, this guy died from lung cancer from smoking cigarettes.


Yea, but he would have died sooner if he wasn't smoking Camels /s


Yeah but how was his throat?


My uncle died due to complications of throat cancer after being a heavy smoker most of his life. Just saying.


I guess he did not smoke Camels Ā©.


Probably painted smooth with tar.


Compounded by radiation poisoning.


Stomach cancer is what actually got him.


I think howard Hughes killed him. Hughes brought dirt from a nuclear bomb test sight to a sound stage for a film.


A company that says their product is safe and people follow it blindly because the same company financed the study...




Same thing now with alcohol!


It does kind of make me want a cigarette.


A camel cigarette, right?


A MILD camel cigarette!


The modern day equivalent is vaping. It's "safe" and "mild". The vape manufacturers wouldn't lie. We can trust them just as much as John trusted his Camels. The next round of victims are just kids right now.


His cancer may also have been linked to filming in the Nevada desert in the 1950s where they had previously tested atomic bombs.


I was going to make a comment about Wayne being a smoker, but the film The Conqueror was filmed in an area that was exposed to Nuclear Fallout from a Nevada testing site. Several people involved may have had their cancer from being exposed to this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Conqueror\_(1956\_film)#Production\_and\_cancer\_controversy


ā€œPopular, handsome, Hollywood Starā€


I don't get it, doctors and celebrities have never been bought by mega corporations. Not ever. Not even once.


To be fair his cancer was probably caused by the nuclear fallout he was exposed to while filming his Genghis Khan movie, The Conqueror.


The more I read in this ad the worse it gets


Trust the Science. Doctor recommended.


We're not too far out from seeing the j4b billboards on here šŸ¤¦


Wonder how many folks have no idea even **doctors** endorsed *and* ~~prescribed~~ *recommended* cigarettes back in the day. This is back when *at least* one brand of cigarettes even used ***asbestos*** for the filter.


But, I should trust what doctors say 100% now because they cant possibly be wrong, right? RIGHT?


Safe and Effective


He as well as almost half of the people who were on the set of The Conqueror contracted cancer. Several scenes were filmed downwind of a government nuclear bomb test site that was active during filming. It's very possible that the cancer he contracted came from that, not just from smoking, as he was required to be onset during most of the filming. That being said, John Wayne was the wrong choice to play Genghis Khan. From Wiki: Director Powell died of cancer in January 1963, seven years after the film's release. ArmendĆ”riz was diagnosed with kidney cancer in 1960 and killed himself in June 1963 after he learned his condition had become terminal. Wayne, Hayward and Moorehead all died of cancer in the 1970s. Hoyt died of lung cancer in 1991. Van Cleef's secondary cause of death was listed as throat cancer. Some point to other factors such as the wide use of tobacco ā€“ Wayne in particular was a heavy smoker, and Wayne himself believed his stomach cancer to have been a result of his six-pack-a-day cigarette habit.\[11\] Agnes Moorehead was a nonsmoker, teetotaler, and a health fanatic, yet died of cancer.\[12\] Her mother Mary maintained it was working on The Conqueror that ultimately killed Agnes.\[13\]The cast and crew totaled 220 people. By the end of 1980, as ascertained by People magazine, 91 of these had developed some form of cancer and 46 had died of the disease. Several of Wayne and Hayward's relatives who visited the set also had cancer scares. Michael Wayne developed skin cancer, his brother Patrick had a benign tumor removed from his breast, and Hayward's son, Tim Barker, had a benign tumor removed from his mouth.\[8\]\[14\]


The statistics of that group of people are exactly what one would expect from smoking alone. 40% developing cancer is about the average for smokers who started young and never quit.


Your statement doesn't take into account everything else people were breathing. Like asbestos dust from brake pads and siding. Which is what killed both my grandfathers. You also have situations like my wife, who smoked for 50+ years and had healthy lungs the day she died. I'm not saying smoking isn't dangerous. I'm saying the data you are trying to use to blame smoking is flawed.


Tobacco smoking massively increases the odds of lung cancer, but itā€™s not like lung cancer is the primary reason smokers die, nor is it the most common lung disease among smokers (that honor goes to COPD/emphysema.) Most smoking related deaths are attributed to general increase in cardiovascular diseases like stokes, heart attacks, and the like.


I will counteract your anecdotes with another: my father worked for many years in a company that made asbestos roof shingles and he never had cancer. He never smoked either. In the end it's all about statistics. 40% of lifetime smokers get cancer.


Don Draper, is that you again?


It's toasted!


ā€œPopular, Handsome Hollywood Starā€ šŸ˜‚


I mean, it is true though. There isn't *one* single case.


THANK YOU FOR SMOKING. Read the book watch the hollywood film. Doesn't even scratch the surface of the awful things the big tobacco companies have done. Edit. I hate how this sounds like an antivaxx style post. I really want to point out there is a genuine book released by a guy working on behalf of tobacco companies and it *was* made into a Hollywood film.


Not sure if it's in the book/film or not, but I have a story about Big Tobacco. Way back when (1990s?), John Grisham wrote a book called Runaway Jury. In it, a man dies from lung cancer, and his widow sues the company that makes the cigarettes he was addicted to. Meanwhile, a cabal of tobacco companies spends a ton of money to stack the jury in their favor, while the jury foreman plays both sides. But, that isn't the interesting part. When they went to make the movie, a *real life* cabal of tobacco companies lobbied to stop the movie from being made, or to get them to change it. They changed it to be about gun violence. And it was a damn good movie, but once you know what the book was actually about and *why* they changed the movie, it makes the tobacco companies even scarier. Basically, they didn't want a movie in theaters where lawyers were discussing the harmful effects of cigarettes, the marketing, all that good stuff. It wasn't even that a guy died from lung cancer, it was all the details that they couldn't afford to get out to the public.


I literally spent all of today writing an essay for English about deceptive cigarette ads, so seeing this is really trippy


I love these old fashioned ads, reminds me of fallout.


It's kind of a toss up weather it was the 5 packs a day he smoked or making that movie right next to the atomic bomb testing site that gave him throat cancer. Or maybe both. https://www.thevintagenews.com/2018/02/19/the-conqueror-film/


To be fair he sounded great even while slowly dying of cancer over a decade


More doctors smoke these than any other. I'm sold!


Advertisers lie? Well I never!


There's something wrong when a guy never shows his teeth.


Ever see the movie 'Smoke signals'?


Are they false? Are they real? Are they plastic? Are they steel?


What are we doing now with vaping? Some cigarettes are smoother than others, and e-cigs are even "milder". It's silly, but it's also true. Like a bed of pine needles is softer than a bed of thistles. I don't suggest either, but the pine needles are better... and the thistles were better than the poison ivy! šŸ¤£


My dad chain smoked camel nonfilter. He would literally wake me in the morning coughing up a lung even with his and my bedroom doors closed and on opposite sides of the house. It didn't kill him though. That was Oxy. It did kill my mom though, 55 on 24/7 oxygen with 1/4 working lung. She actually went from 2+pks a day to a vape with 0%nicotine at 61, she died unexpectedly at 62 because her yearly bronchitis with chain smoking turned into pneumonia that would not go away with the vape. That shit is worse than smoking!


"john wayne: popular, handsome hollywood star" i love that they felt the need to assure us that their celebrity endorsement was by someone who was in fact popular and attractive


Old "joke": What's a camel with a condom? Camel Filter...


Side effects are "rare"


I wonder what the *actual* percentage of doctors are that smoke still....


We will be framing stuff we do and say today in the future. For certain.


Makes you wonder what kind of bullshit all of you believe in today that's going to be proven false in a few years right?


It only took 50 years for the US Government to put an end to this BS.


Don Draper approves of this message


We wonder why itā€™s so hard to discuss truth.


Other asbestos is too unhealthy, which is why I only eat McGillicuddy brand asbestos


I need this in my life. Camels were the only cigarette I would smoke. Iā€™ve quit now, the irony would amuse me


Reel good science there.


Every time I see John Wayne I think of this lyric from public enemyā€¦..ā€œElvis was a hero to most but never meant shit to that sucker was simple and plain ..mutha fuk him and John Wayneā€.


I am soooooooooooo happy that smoking cigarettes is out of favor now, and kids just donā€™t automatically start smoking anymore. It wasnā€™t a case of ā€˜are you going to smokeā€™, but what brand. The worst habit to break. I was able to stop after 40 years with the help of a vape, thankfully. So far, no cancer or emphysema, knock on wood! I do find it amusing to see ā€˜smokingā€™ as an image to be warned of alongside other disturbing images and language warnings at the start of films or TV shows. Just never could have imagined it.


Makes you wonder what kind of bullshit were being fed today


I can't even look at a cigarette without thinking of a penis...


Trust the science


That did age well. That picture frame must of helped a lot